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Prakriti means individual human constitution. Prakriti is decided in the womb of a mother; sperm and ovum carry with them, the constituents of both the parents. So constitution is primarily genetic in origin, ie there should be a peculiar combination of three doshas. Each dosha is having a specific effect on mental, anatomical and physiological activities of an individual. In ayurveda, the term prakriti is used often to denote dehaprakriti of the patient. Samaprakriti is ideal and ekadoshaja prakriti is nindya. Sama prakriti is of anatura and others are called sadatura.

(C.S.SOO 7)


mi-m+-MiU im (EmSl MUh)

Its literal meaning in feminine gender is prakarothi i.e

mMwh MUi

Ci mi l
1) 2) 3)

mi Ci xupuq CS Vi 8 / 98 Chakrapani
Natural condition or state of anything; Temper

mi Ci zUU mq AH Su 1/10 Arunadatta

Constitution; Make; Figure

mi elq mpi: u uiS CS Su

17/62 Chakrapani The bodily constitution is nothing but a specific dosha congenitally aggravated

4) milq elq qUh AliUs pul apuli Ms xuMUhM eli luMUMUh xji: R Vai Su
At the time of conception, the enhanced doshas, present in sukra and arthava, which is responsible for the production of garbha, continues to remain throughout life from birth to death without causing any disease.

2 5)

z zhi xra r pui Sw EiMO: mieri Su Sa 4/63

Prakriti of a person is determined by the praadhanyatha of dosha, which is present at the time of union of ovum and semen.

According to Ashtanga Hridayam soothrasthana first chapter Prakriti is caused by the doshas inherent in the sukra and arthava, immediately before the conception, analogy to the production of visha in vishakrimi. The prakriti caused by vayu, pitta and kapha are inferior, medium and superior respectively. Prakriti caused by the equilibrium of all the three dosha is best among all and that caused by any of the two dosha is nindya.

According to Susrutha samhitha sareerasthana, 4/61

Whichever dosha predominates at the time of union of sukra and sonitha, the doshika constitution is determined accordingly. According to Susrutha samhitha sareerasthana, 4 According to Athreya, the insect produced inside a poisonous substance does not die by the effect of the poison. Similarily prakriti- which is manifested at the time of conception- are incapable of afflicting the individual. According to Chakradatta, The sukra and sonitha along with kaala, desa etc factors make the constitution.

MsSrxi z zhiqu Muli: m i elM puli Ci A AukUhrq

Factors influencing the formation of prakriti

The various constituents and qualities of body and mind are derived from 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pitrujam Matrujam Athmajam Satvajam Rasajam (Food/ Nutritional) Sathmyajam (Getting habituated or adopted to the environmental factors)

(C.S.Sa 4/4) According to Charaka samhitha vimanasthana 8/15 (Rogabhishakjiteeyam) Prakriti of foetus is determined by following factors. 1. 2. 3. 4. Sperms and ovum Season and condition of uterus Food and regimens of mother Nature of mahabhootha comprising the foetus

Doshas play a significant role in deciding the prakriti of an individual. The nature of any individual may also be moulded or nurtured by the following factors.(C.S.Vi 1/5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Jatiprasaktha Kulaprasaktha Desa anupatheeni (Locality) Kala anupatheeni (Time or planetary position at the time of conception) Vayo anupatheeni ( Age of parents) Prathyaatma niyatha (Individual characteristic features)


4 1. Ch. Soo 5- Vatadi doshanam rasadi dhathoonam cha samyaavastha

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Ch.Soo 9- Dhathu saathmyam Ch. Sa 1- Saamkhya tatva, Avyaktha Ch.Sa 3- Atma, Swabhava Ch. Sa 4- Prakritha sthithi Ch.Vi 6- Arogyam Ch. Vi 8- Swabhavam Su. Sa 1- Avyaktham A.S.Ni 4(Indu)- Swaroopam

Prakriti bhedam 1. Broadly prakriti can be classified into Prakriti

Sareera prakriti 8 bheda according to Sara (Dhathu prakriti) 7 bheda according to dosha (Doshaja prakriti) 5 bhedam according to mahabhootha (Panchabouthika prakriti) I. Shareera prakriti

Satva prakriti Saatvika- 7 Raajasika- 6 Taamasika- 3

A. Sara are explained in Charaka Samhitha Vimanasthana 8 and Susrutha Samhitha Soothrasthana 35 B. Dosha prakriti

Prakriti in ayurveda implies doshaja prakriti ie deha prakriti. All acharyas explained doshaja prakriti in detail. BhedamSeven type 1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Kapha 4. Vatapitta 5. Vatakapha 6. Pittakapha 7. Samaprakriti Same opinion, ie seven bheda by all acharyas except Kasyapa. According to Kasyapa, there are only three prakritis.
1. Vata

2. Pitta

3. Kapha

According to Charaka, ekadoshaja prakriti is sadatura and samaprakriti is anatura. 1. Vata prakriti

C.S Vi 8/98 i) ii) Aharam Laghu, Chapala Viharam

According to Charaka Nidra Jaagarooka Gati Laghu, Chapala Bahupralapa Seeghra samarambham- Kshobha Seeghra vikaraha Seeghra thrasa, Seeghra raaga viraaga Srutha grahi Alpa smrithi Seetha asahishnutha Alpa dhanam Alpa saadhanam Alpa apathy

According to Susrutha Sthena (Thief) Matsaryam Dantakhaadi Drutagathi Anaarya Kraathi (Irritable) Gandharva chittha (Loves music) Adruda souhridam Kruthaghnan Atanasheelam Anavasthitha atma Adhruti (Impatient) Viyathi cha gachati sambhramena suptha (Wanders in sky in hisdreams)

Res Resembles aja, gomayu (Jackal), shasha, aakhu(Mouse), Ushtra, Sunaka, Gridhra (Vulture), Kaaka, Khara


Sareeram According to Charaka

According to Susrutha

Rooksha,Apachitha (Slim) Alpasareera Swaram- Kshama, Rooksha, Jarjara, Sanna( Low) Anavasthitha (Improper)- SandhiAkshi- Bhroo- Hanu- OshtamJihwa- Shira- Skandha-PaaniPaada Seetha deha- Sthambha Parusha kesa- Shmashru- RomaNakha- DashanaVadana- Paani Paada Sphutitha anga avayava- Sandhi sabda on gamana Alpa balam, alpa ayu Bahu kandaraa- Siraa pradhaana

Durbhaga (Ugly) Dantakhadi (Bites teeth)

1. Pitta prakriti

C S Vi 8/97


Aharam Prabhootha ashana paanam


Viharam According to Charaka Ushna asaham Ati parakrama Theekshna agni Klesa asahishnutha Alpa vyavayam- apathyam Madya balam- madya aayu- madya jnana vijnana -Vittopakarana vantam According to Susrutha Anateshu amridu (Enemity towards unliked ones) Pranateshu saantvanavanta (Helping to liked ones) Kshipra kopam Kshipra prasada Vigrihya vaktha (Penetrating or sharp words) Thejaswi Samitishu durnivaarya veeryam (Cannot be defeated in assemblies) Kanaka Palasa- Karnikara Hutaasha Vidyu are seen in dreams Bhujanga _ Ulooka Gandharva Yaksha Maarjara- Vaanara Vyaakhra _ Riksha(Bear) - Nakula like character


Sareera According to Charaka Sukumara avadaata gathram

According to Susrutha Peetha sareeram

Ushna mukham Prabhootha pipasa- Kshuth Prabhootha vyanga- Pidaka- Tilakalaka Kshipra vali- Palitha- Khalithya Mridu- Alpa- Kapila Roma- Kesa Shmashru-

Taamra nakha- Nayana- Talu- Jihwa Oshta- Paani- Paada tala Medhaavi Nipuna Sada vyadhita asya(Mukharoga) Durbhaga

Sidhila- Mridu- Sandhi and Mamsa Prabhootha- Srishta sweda- MoothraPureesha Prabhootha Poothi kaksha asya shiraSareera gandham

Alpa sukram

1. Kapha prakriti

CS Vi 8/96 i. Aharam


According to Charaka Manda ahara (Consumption) Alpa kshuth Alpa thrishna

According to Susrutha Madhura priya


Viharam According to Charaka Prabhoota vyavayata Prabhoota apatya Manda cheshta Aseeghra aramba Akshoubha vikaram (mild emotional upset) Anavasthita gati (Slow movement) Adhistita gati (Steady movement) Vidyavantam Ojaswi Shanta Ayushmanta

According to Susrutha Kritagna Sahishnu Alolupa Drudha vyra (Concealed enemity) Lakshmeevan Satva gunopapanna Drudha shaastramati (Intense faith in religious books) Sthiramithram Pariganya chirat pradadati (Does a lot of charity after thinking well) Gurumaanakara (Respect to elders) Kamala-Hamsa-Chakravaakajalaashaya are seen in dreams Brahma-Rudra-Indra-Varuna-SimhaAshwa-Gaja-Govrisha (Bullock)Hamsa like character




According to Charaka Snigdhanga

According to Susrutha Durva-Indeevara-Nistrimsha (Sword)Aardra arishtaka-shara kaanda Varna to body Subhaga Priyadarshana Dhritivan Chiragrahi Balavaan Shukla aksham Raktaanta netram (Reddish margin) Sthira-Kutila-Anila kesham Jalada (Clouds)- Mridamga-Simha khosha

Acha-Slakshna Drishti Sukha sukumara avadaata gaatra Prabhoota sukra Saara-samhata-sthira sareera Paripoorna sarvanga Alpa santaapa Alpa sweda Suslashta sara-sandhi bandhana Prasanna darshana Prasanna aanana Prasanna snigdha varna Prasanna snigdha swara

4,5,6. Dwandwa prakriti

AS Su 1 If the characteristics of any two prakriti are predominant in an individual, it is known as dwandwa prakriti and is nindya. 1. Sama prakriti

ll Swe

xqki xqxix
AS Su 1

A. Constitutions according to pancha mahabhootas Susrutha had referred prakriti according to pancha mahabhoota. There are three constitutions according to vayu, agni and jala which has been already described as vatika, paittika and slaishmika.


Other two prakriti are parthiva, in which man is strong with large body and is forgiving. Naabhasa prakriti- Man is pure, long lived and possesses large openings.

SU Sh 4/80 I. Maanasika prakriti Mind is the connecting link between soul and physical body. Mind also transmigrates when the soul transmigrates. According to Charaka samhitha sareerasthana 8/16, the following factors determine the state of the mental faculty of the child.

1. The mental faculty of parents 2. The sounds (Music etc) heard repeatedly by the pregnant woman 3. Actions performed by the embryo in his previous life 4. And frequent desires for a particular type of mental faculty by the progeny in his previous life

Different levels of mind constitute the disposition of the individual. These levels are tempered by three attributes of the mind- Satva, Rajas and Tamas. Saatvika quality of mind is superior to the other two types. It is auspicious, pure and pious. Raajasika type symbolizes royal dignity and is dynamic in nature, active. Taamasika type suffers from ignorance Prakriti is divided into sixteen types, according to these three mahaagunas and this system is given importance in the context of treatment of mental disorders. According to Chandogya Upanishad-


Diet is a source of supply of satva, rajas and tamas. Example : Milk, fruit, ghee, butter etc are abundant in saatvika guna. Pungent, sour and hot food items are rich in rajas particles. Putrified foods are rich in tamas particles.

According to Kasyapa samhitha Lakshana adhyaya Dhatri should be with samaana satva to baala. That kind of dhatri can only give pushti-Ayu-bala-sukha to the child. If it is not so, she may induce udvega and vitraasa; the child will not live for long or lives with certain malformation. So dhatri of opposite satva should be avoided.

Ka Su 28 Maanasika prakriti bheda :

CS Sa 4

Ka Su 28 Manasika prakriti is of three bheda 1. Suddha (Saatvika) 2. Raajasa 3. Taamasa Saatvika prakriti bheda (Charaka and Susrutha - Seven)


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Brahma Aarsha Aindra Yaamya Varuna Koubera Gandharva According to Kasyapa Eight bheda

Above seven + Prajapati satva

Raajasa prakriti bheda (Charaka and Susrutha - Six)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Aasura Raakshasa Paisaacha Sarpa Preta Saakuna i.e, Above six + Yaksha satva

According to Kasyapa Seven Bheda Asura satva is renamed as Aarsha satva Taamasa satva bheda According to all acharyas Three bheda 1. Pashu 2. Matsya 3. Vaanaspatya A. Saatvika prakriti

Compassion, tendency to proper destruction (of food etc), forgiveness, truthfulness, righteousness, faith, knowledge, intellect, retentive faculty of mind, restrained and nonattachment These are saatvika qualities. CS Vi Suddha satva is sreshta due to kalyanamsha.

15 i.

Brahma Satva lakshanam

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha They are Pure According to Charaka Love for truth xirpxlk

Aesthetic Learns veda Worships elders Is a good host Performs Yajnas

Self controlled () Power of discrimination () With jnana-vijnana-vachanaprativachana-smrithi Without kaama-krodha-lobha-maanamoha-irshya-amarsha Favourable disposition equally for all creatures ( )

NB # Praajaapatya satva-

Ka Su 28

After Brahma satva, Praajaapatya satva is told by Kasyapa. Having good number of children, engaged in work, religious minded, universally loved, without envy and without deceit (Froud, Cheat) and clean is said to be of Praajaapatya satva.



Aindra satva

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Man has greatness Chivelries (Honourable) Commanding habits Behaves according to religious teachings Looks after his servants well According to Charaka Aiswarya vantam (Lordship) Authoritative speech ( ) Do religious rituals () Strength ()
Splendor ()

Free from mean acts ( ) Farsightedness () Devotion to virtuous acts, earning of wealth and proper satisfaction of desires ()


Varuna satva

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Man has liking for cold things Has grey eyes Tolerance Bravery () Patience () Purity and dislike for impurity ( ) According to Charaka


Brown hairs Sweet voice

Observing religious rituals () Free from mean acts ( ) Anger and pleasure in proper place( )


Koubera satva

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Impartial According to Charaka Possession of station, honour, luxuries and attendant ( ) Constant liking of dharma, artha and kama () Purity () Liking for pleasures of recreation () Strong anger and pleasures ( )

Tolerant Earns wealth and collects wealth Highly fertile

Gandharva satva

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Liking towards perfumes and garlands According to Charaka Expertness in poetry,stories,historical narrations and epics ( ) Constant fondness in association with

Passion for dancing and music


women,and passion ( ) Always roams about Without envy. ()


Yaamya satva

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Fearless,has good memory,clean. Free from attachments-infatuationvanity and jealousy. Perfoms right things with indefetable energy. vii. Rishi satva According to Charaka Non-violability. () Lordship. () Observance of the propriety of actions. ()

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Perfoms japa-havana and fasting Practice celibacy

According to Charaka-(aarsha satva)

Hospitable disposition ( ) Free from pride-ego-attachmenthatred-ignorance-greed and anger (Free from ------) Intellectual excellence ( )

Is devoted to studies


And possesses knowledge (of self and other things)

Power to understand and retention ( )

NB# suddha satva saamanya lakshana.(told by kasyapa samhita sootrastaana28) Just after explaining all eight saatvika types,kasyapa explains,

Ka su 24 Freedom from disease, peacefulness, beauty, knowledge, critical understanding, respectability, prolonged life and attainment of happiness are the general features of pure satva (or saatvika type).

A. Raajasa prakriti

C.S Sa 4 Due to roshamsa, raajasa satvas are with dosha.

: : :
Unhappiness, roaming about, impatience, ego, falsehood, cruelty, fraudulence, laughtiness, exhileration, lust and anger are the characteristic features of Raajasa purusha. i. Aasura satva


Su Sh 4

According to Susrutha Wealthy, fierce looking, brave Full of anger Calumnious Eats everything without giving to others, Greedy of foods ii. Sarpa satva

According to Charaka Movement in disguise () Ruthlessness () Indulgence in self praise ()

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Man is sharp, laborious, cowardly Full of anger, shrewd According to Charaka Bravery in aggressive condition ( ) Cowardice when not in aggressive disposition () Walking, taking food and restoring to other regimens with a fearful disposition (- )

Quick in action and behaviour


Shaakuna satva

Su Sh 4


According to Susrutha Over sexy Eats incessantly Intolerant Unsteady mind iv. Raakshasa satva

According to Charaka Unacquisitiveness ()

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Prefers loneliness Terrifying, intolerant of others progress Irreligious Absolutely ignorant According to Charaka Intolerance () Constant anger ( ) Violence at weak points () Cruel, gluttonous habit (- ) Meat lover ( ) Excessive sleep and indolence ( )


Preta satva

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha According to Charaka

Does not like to give his things to others Excessive desire for food ( )


Lazy, unhappy, jealous and greedy

Excessively painful disposition in character and past times ( : in ) Inaction () Actions without discrimination ()

Does not offer money etc.. to charity


Paishacha satva

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Eats food left by others Has anger, liking for adventure Fondness for woman Shameless According to Charaka Excessive eating () Coward () Feminine ()

Terrifying disposition ()

NB-# Kasyapa has told another satva to Raajasa kaya called Yaksha satva.

Ka Su 28 Always indulged in charity, sleeping, excess adornment, drinking, eating and sexual acts, happy and gluttonous.


A. Taamasa satva CS Vi Taamasa satva too is with dosha as it is from moha or ajnana.

Sadness, nihilistic attitude, tendency to unrighteousness, blocking of intellect, ignorance, wickedness, inactivity and sleepiness. i. Pashava satva

Su Sh 4 According to Susrutha Dull grasping power Unintelligent Dreams of intercourse daily Indecisive According to Charaka Excessive sexual indulgence () Excessive sleep () Hateful conduct and food habit ()


Matsya satva

Su Sh 4

According to Susrutha Fickle (Not stable) Foolish

According to Charaka Lack of intelligence () Greediness for food ()


Cowardly Has affinity for water Tendency to fight with people of similar type

Constant passionate and wrathful disposition ()


Vaanaspatya satva

su Sh 4

According to Susrutha Loves to be static Devoted to eating and drinking No taste for saatvika deeds-religionpassion and wealth

According to Charaka Lazy () Indulgence in food only () Deficiency of all the intellectual faculties ( )

Significance of prakriti in treatment

Su Sh 4/98 The physician should first know the constitution of the patient and then treat accordingly.

To identify gatayusha or arishta

Su Sh 4/78


Aggravation, change or diminution of a particular constitution does not happen naturally. However, if it so happens, the person should be understand to be nearing the end of his life. To identify gatayusha according to Agnivesha.

Aixu Ai u u: miu umrr: mhlqrw h iu csi rq

When the span of life, is coming to an end, there will be less manifestation of excessive manifestation or irregular manifestation of prakriti and the shree of the person will disappear.

To identify saatmya or asaatmya.

Su Sh 4/79 As an insect born in poisonous surrounding does not suffer from that poison, similarly the constitution formed at the time of birth doesnt naturally harm the person.

Madhava nidana (Madhukosha) also explains similarly

mi Uarr uzw: - m iUmjrmxur lirli oki (M.N.Madhukosa/ Panchanidana)

To understand saadhya asaadhyata


Ah Su 1 The sloka implies that, although prakriti is not afflicting like visha to vishakrimi in a person; the rogas originating in same doshic constitution will definitely harm the patient or is difficult to cure Eg: A vata disease, arising at varsha ritu, in a person of vata prakriti and in jangala desha all being of same nature is difficult to cure or incurable. For diagnosing of disease, treatment and fixing dose of medicine

Ah Su 12/66-67

In dashavidha pareeksha according to Ashtanga Hridaya, Prakriti is told as one, among ten points studied in a patient.

Ah Su 12/65 Upakrama should be done considering vikara prakriti (ie. Nature of disease, its relation with body); adhishtana (Site of lesion) and hetu visesha (Specific hetu). For doing swaasthya rakshana A person should induge in food items, which should have opposite in guna with his prakriti

CS Su 7/41 In sama dosha prakriti, sama sarva rasa aahara is beneficial.


According to dashavidha pareekshyam told by Charaka samhita vimanasthana 8/85 The bhishak which is the kaarana should examine the prakriti of the patient ie. Prakritijnata is one of his qualities

Charakaacharya has mentioned in dashavidha pareeksha, Patient should be examined with reference to his prakriti (Physical constitution), vikriti (morbidity), sara (Excellence of dhatus), samhanana (compactness of organs), pramana (measurement of the organs of the body), saatmya (Homologation), satva (psychic conditions), aahaara sakthi (power of intake and digestion of food), vyaayaama sakthi (power of performing exercise) and vayas (age); in order to ascertain his strength and the intensity of the illness. Knowledge about assessment of prakriti thorough knowledge is the foremost skill a physician should achieve for success. Thorough knowledge about the prakriti is highly essential for the examination of the patient. By knowing the prakriti, physician should confirm the disease very easily and to give proper treatment. Physicians primary duty then, is to rearrange the dosha in the body to keep them in his praakrita avastha. Subtler variations of individual prakriti of each is the core cause for diversity of drug selection and procedures. Because prakriti sthapana (Charaka samhitha chikitsasthana 1/1/3-4) is the synonym of bheshaja; and the word prakriti implies normal condition.

Personality Personality is the total quality of the individuals behavior; as it is shown in his habits of thinking, in his attitude, interests, his manner of acting and his personal philosophy of life. It is expressed through his behavior. (But character reflects the part of the personality related to ones value system. Character means a judgement of individual based upon certain qualities; character is of good and bad. And temparement is the hereditary emotional aspect of personality like irritable and fuzzy, moody or sensitive). Factors affecting the development of personality 1. Genetic factors- Along with family and cultural environment 2. Early life experiences- At home, poverty, school, at adolescence etc


3. The psychological factors including the physique of the individual- his size, strength, look, constitution etc This can be compared to the six factors like jaati prasakta etc told in Charaka samhita vimanasthana 1/5. Structure of personality Sigmund freud developed the best known theory called psycho analytical theory for explaining the structure of personality. According to this personality is based upon a structure of three parts 1. The id (Pleasure principle) 2. The Ego (Reality principle) and 3. The Super ego (Morality principle) And also, these three are in constant conflict with one another. The part which wins mostly will show its nature through the persons deed. The id is composed of biological instincts including the drives of sex and aggression. It is self centered, impulsive and unconscious. All the drives of a person towards pleasure and self satisfaction are coming from the id. An infant is all id, as it demands immediate satisfaction of its basic needs like hunger, thirst, relief from discomfort etc without concern for, how it will be done immediately. All the three taamasa prakriti can be compared to id, due to mohamsha. The ego called self, gets energy from the id, but serves as a control for the id. Many demands of id are not realistic and hence, will be controlled by the ego. Rajo niyaamakam vidhi from the above explanation, we can safely compare ego with raajasika satvaas. The super ego is developed through the cultural environment and learning, from social contacts such as parents, family members and authority figures. Super ego is made of conscience and ego ideal. It judges the thoughts and actions of ego. Super ego is thus with Saatvika kaaya like characters. Theories of personality 1. 2. 3. 4. Developmental approach Type approach Trait approach Type cum trait approach


Psycho sexual stages All humans pass through a series of five psychosexual stages. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The oral stage- usually from birth to one year The anal stage- usually at second year The phallic stage- usually from three to six years A latency period- usually from six to twelve years Genital period- adolescence 1. The oral stage Pleasure is obtained through stimulation of the mouth, as in nursing or thumb sucking 2. The anal stage At second year, gratification is obtained through holding or expelling faeces. Toilet training is attained at this stage. 3. The phallic stage Pleasure is obtained by fondling the genitals 4. A latency period Sexual interests repressed and lie dormant till puberty. It is the period of gang formation and fierce gang loyalties. 5. Genital period Begin experiencing romantic infactuation and emotional unheavals. Problems encountered at any one stage, either of deprivation or over indulgence may produce fixation at that stage. Eg. i) A person fixed at the oral stage- As an adult be excessively dependent to others and overly fond of such oral pleasures as eating, drinking etc Persons with aasura satva, saakuna satva, raakshasa satva, pretha satva, paishacha satva and vaanaspatya satva can be of this; stucked in oral phase. ii) A person fixed at anal stage may be abnormally concerned with cleanliness and orderliness as in the case of paisacha satva. Type approach Human personalities can be classified into a few clearly defined types and each person can be put in one or the other type, depending upon his behavioural characteristics, somatic


structure, blood types, fluids in the body or personality traits. This may be the base of ayurveda, which had classified all the human beings into three types. 1. Vata 2. Pitta 3. Kapha Hippocrates in 400 B.C, classified people into four groups taking the base of the classification from the east (ie..Ayurveda). They are

TYPE Sanguine Phlegmatic Choleric Melancholic

PREDOMINANT OF Blood Phlegm Yellow bile Black bile

NATURE Cheerful Calm Irritable Depressed

1 2 3 4

Classification by psychological types On the basis of sociability, Dr.Karl.G.Jung, classified people into two groups. 1. Extroverts 2. Introverts 1. Extroverts They are people who take more interest in others, and like to move with people. Friendly, sociable and not easily upset by difficulties. They are realistic and face the problems of life objectively. 2. Introverts Interested in themselves, their own feelings, emotions and reactions. Busy in their own thought and self centered. Reserved and like to work alone. They are very sensitive and are unable to adjust easily to social situations. There are very few people who are pure extroverts or introverts. Majority are ambiverts (Combined); having the qualities of extroverts and introverts in different proportions. In my opinion, satvaas told in our classics are also of ambivert in nature, mostly; but on a wide aspect saatvika satvaas are of extrovert and raajasika and taamasika are somewhat introvert in nature. Raajasika as ambivert and taamasikas as introvert in their full extent.


William Sheldons classification SL NO. 1 TYPE Endomorphic PHYSIC Highly developed viscera with weak somatic structure, soft, fat, round Balanced development of viscera with somatic structure, heavy, muscular Weak and undeveloped, tall, thin, flat chested PSYCHE Easy going, sociable and affectionate Craving for muscular activity, loves risk and adventure, noisy and self assertive Pessimistic, unsociable, and reserved, self conscious COMPARED TO Kapha prakriti


Pitta prakriti


Vata prakriti

Kretschmers classification SL NO. 1 2 3 TYPE Pyknic Athletic Leptosomatic PHYSIC Fat body Balanced body Lean and thin body PERSONALITY CHARACTER Sociable, jolly, easy going, good natured Energetic, optimistic, adjustable COMPARED TO Kapha prakriti Pitta prakriti

Unsociable, reserved, Vata prakriti shy, sensitive, pessimistic

Trait approach Here, personality is viewed in terms of traits. In our day to day conversation, we label our friends and near ones with traits such as being honest, shy, aggressive, lazy, dull, dependent etc Therefore qualities present in a person are termed as personality traits. A group of such personality traits is known as personality factors or dimensions of personality.


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