Impact Players Framework
Impact Players Framework
Impact Players Framework
The following chart summarizes the key differences in the behavior and beliefs characteristic of
the Impact Player Mindset compared with the Contributor or Under-Contributor Mindsets. While
the Impact Players book focuses almost exclusively on the difference between the Impact Player
compared with the Contributor, our research also showed distinct patterns of assumptions and
behaviors among smart, talented people playing below their capability level. These patterns are
included in the charts below.
2. Unclear Roles: Lack of clarity on Stewardship: I don’t Step Up, then Step Back
who is in charge. need formal authority
to take charge.
2. Unclear Roles: Lack of clarity on Victim: Others are in Resist Peer Leadership
who is in charge. charge.
4. Moving Targets: Changing needs Defense: I have certain Insist They Know Best
or circumstances that render current capabilities that don’t
practices ineffective or inadequate. change so I must cling to
1. Do the Job Call to Working with a sense of pride and diligence, but
That’s Needed Duty assuming your position is the source of your value.
4. Ask and Adjust Stick to Playing to your strengths, but limiting your ability
Strengths to adapt and grow.
5. Make Work Face Striving to build relationships by spending a lot of time with
Light Time your manager or key stakeholder but misusing their time.