Prof. Ed. 101 SG1
Prof. Ed. 101 SG1
Prof. Ed. 101 SG1
101 - The Teaching Profession Module 1: Unit 1 -Nature of Teaching and Teacher Roles
Module No.1
A. What is teaching?
CONCEPT OF TEACHING. A concept is a general term. When a
teacher accepts a concept, he/she learns a rule of behavior. It is essential to
his/her performance as a teacher. It determines the appropriateness of the
teaching activities planned and implemented.
across generations.
C. Challenges in Teaching
7. Children with Special Needs- teachers need to reach out and respond to
the needs of learners with special education needs. They must recognize that
every learner has the right to have access to quality education.
before they can satisfactorily perform the multiple roles and manifold
responsibilities it entails. At all times, the practice of teaching calls for a
facilitator of learning and a nurturer of the learners. At other times a leader,
administrator and manager. The teachers, to be able to enjoy their tasks with
associates automatically feel as a friend, an enthusiastic colleague and a
caring partner. A more serious role, teaching necessarily makes them
decision-makers, instructional materials developers and instant researchers.
Add to these the task they assume to establish a smooth relationship with
parents and other members of the community.
A more important role that teaching evokes is the unwavering
commitment and loyalty to the profession. Their adherence to the ethical and
moral standards are elicited through a code. Ultimately, an impeccable
integrity, honesty and sincerity it brings forth makes them worthy of
emulation by the students, co-workers and other professionals. Lastly, a
few challenges faced by teachers in the 21st century are as follow:
● Personalization. The age old “one size fits all” teaching method has long
outgrown, with the focus moving on to different styles of learners.
● Classroom Management
● Curriculum.
● Global Awareness
Review Exercises
Review Exercises
Activity 1.2 Critical Questions: Reflect and write your answer to the
following questions
Review Exercises
Name: _________________________________ Date: _________
Year & Section__________________________ Score: __________