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3rd Draft

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To research the effectiveness of reading strategies used by language teachers, consider a mixed-
methods design. Start with a quantitative survey to collect data on the types of strategies employed and
their perceived effectiveness. Follow this with qualitative interviews or focus groups to delve into
teacher perceptions. This combination will provide a comprehensive view of both the strategies used
and their impact in the classroom.

The benefits of reading strategies in language teaching include improved comprehension, enhanced
vocabulary acquisition, and increased engagement with texts. These strategies foster critical thinking,
encourage independent learning, and ultimately build confidence in reading skills. They also help
students connect with diverse perspectives and deepen their understanding of language and culture.

Theoretical framework

Blooms Taxonomy designed a set of guidelines to help students think critically about a text. It enable
teachers to present a reading comprehension lesson in a way that enabled students to understanding a
meaning behind a text by promoting students with questions or think points. Teachers ask students to
read a specific text, and from that they must derive the main facts and ideas by organizing, comparing,
translating, interpreting, giving discriptions and stating the main ideas that they see (University, 2009)

Piaget's theory suggests that children begin the process of reading and language acquisition by first
gathering sensory and motor information. He describe children's mental structure or schemas as they
developed from infants to adults. (May 21, 2023)

Clays complex theory posits that many parts of the brain work together to utilize information of many
kinds: phological, syntactic, visual, perceptual and etc. (Nov 3, 2023)

Piaget's (1936, 1950) theory of cognitive development explains how a child constructs a mental model of
the world. He disagreed with the idea that intelligence was a fixed trait, and regarded cognitive
development as a process that occurs due to biological maturation and interaction with the
environment. (August ,5 2024)

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study is focus on the Reading Strategies used by the languages teachers in As-salihien
Integrated School Foundation; its effect to students reading comprehension.

Related Literature

" The study is grounded in the constructionist framework of text comprehension, which
posits that readers actively construct meaning from texts through their congintive
processess and interaction with the text. The study operates on the premise that
questions aimed at eliciting causal explanations from readers are not only important but
essential components of effective and strategic reading comprehension. These questions
are believed to facilitate a deeper understanding of the text by promoting readers to
consider the cause-and-effect relationships within the material, there y enhancing their
comprehension and ability to construct meaning. For example the questions that require
readers to explain the reason for an unexpected event in a text or a characters motives
help to model the meaning-making process and aid the construction of a coherent
representation of the text's meaning. Thus according to the constructionist view, the use
of interrogative questions asked by the teachers during reading comprehension
instruction can foster deeper understanding."

Recent research highlights the importance of using proven reading strategies to boost comprehension.
For example, "The Balanced Literacy Framework" popular sinced 2015, advocates for a well-rounded
approach to reading instruction. This method combines phonics (the relationship between letters and
sounds), fluency (smooth reading), and comprehensions strategies to create a comprehensive literacy
program (Fountas & pinnell, 2017). It reflects to a broad understanding of what makes reading
instruction effective.

Another effective approach is the "Gradual Release of Responsibility" model. This strategy starts with
the teacher guiding the students and gradually shifts responsibility to the students themselves. This
progression helps students become more engaged and better at applying reading strategies own their
own (Fisher & Frey, 2018). Research show that this model enhances students ability to use reading
strategies independently and improves comprehension (Fisher & Frey, 2018).

Metacognitive strategies are also crucial for reading comprehension. These strategies teach students to
be aware of their own thinking while reading, such as checking their understanding and adjusting their
approach as nedeed. Studies have shown that these techniques significantly improve reading
comprehension by encouraging self-regulation and critical thinking (Duke & Pearson, 2016; Zimmerman,
Active Engagement with in the constructionist framework, the study views students as active
participants in the reading comprehension process. They actively engaged with the text, and the
questions posed to them are seen as tools to stimulate their active involvement in constructing meaning
from the text.

Prior knowledge the study recognizes that students bringing their prior knowledge and experiences to
the reading comprehension process. When students responda to questions their prior knowledge
influences the construction of meaning and the linguistic complexity of their responses.

Mental representation in line with the constructionist framework, the study acknowledges that students
contract mental representations or mental models of the text as they read. The type of questions they
encounter may shape the nature and complexity of these mental representation.

Respondents and Sampling procedure

The respondents were the teacher's and Asaatid's members of As-salihien Integrated School Foundation.
The respondents were given the questionnaire to fill out after the permission of the principals in the

We choose them because we want to know what strategies they used on teaching Reading and it's
effect to the students. Because as I heard sometimes most of the students that having a struggle to read
or have a slow reading comprehension is because of the strategies that teachers used.

Research Design

Language teachers employ various reading strategies to enhance comprehension and engagement.
Techniques include predicting content, skimming for main ideas, scanning for details, summarizing
passages, and questioning texts to stimulate critical thinking. Additionally, guided reading sessions help
students delve deeper into complex texts, while collaborative group discussions encourage diverse
perspectives and ultimate understanding. These strategies aim to improve fluency and foster a love for

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