Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore: Scheme For B.E. All Semester Examination Effective From July 2006
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore: Scheme For B.E. All Semester Examination Effective From July 2006
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore: Scheme For B.E. All Semester Examination Effective From July 2006
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
SCHEMES OF EXAMINATION FOR BE I YEAR SEMESTER A/B1 Sr No Sub-Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 1AM001 1AC052 1ME053 1ET054 1SS055 1ME056 Subject Applied Mathematics-I 2 Chemistry & Environment Science Elements of Mechanical Engg Basic Electronics Technical English Workshop Practice Total L 4 4 4 4 4 T P 2 2 2 4 Th CW Pr SW
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min 100 100 100 100 100 --500 35 35 35 35 35 --50 50 50 50 50 --250 25 25 25 25 25 ----50 50 50 --75 225 --25 25 25 --38 --50 50 50 --75 225 --25 25 25 --38 150 250 250 250 150 150 1200
Semester B/A1
Sr No Sub-Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 1AM051 1AP002 1ME003 1EI004 1CO005 1SS006 Subject Applied Mathematics-II 3 Applied Physics Engineering Drawing Electrical Engineering Computer Programming Humanities Total L 4 4 2 4 4 2 T P 2 4 2 2 Th CW Pr SW
Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min 100 100 100 100 100 --500 35 35 35 35 35 --50 50 50 50 50 50 300 25 25 25 25 25 25 --50 50 50 50 --200 --25 25 25 25 ----50 50 50 50 --200 --25 25 25 25 ---
(Semester A + Semester B)
1 2
Grand Total:
Semester A for three sections and Semester B for other three sections for the teaching load balancing. Applied Mathematics-I shall be taught in Semester A to all six sections. 3 Applied Mathematics-II shall be taught in Semester B to all six sections.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1AM001 Applied Mathematics-I 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW PR Total 150 60
Course Objectives: To introduce the mathematical concepts of calculus for solving engineering problems that shall be used in various branches of engineering. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Differential Calculus: Expansion of functions by Taylors and Maclaurins Theorem; Indeterminate forms; Tangents and Normals. Application: Curvature in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates; Asymptotes; Envelopes; Evolutes and Involutes. Unit-II Integral Calculus: Integration of Irrational and Transcendental Functions; Reduction Formulae; Integral as the limit of a Sum; Definite Integral and Properties. Application: Area; Length of Curve; Volume; Surface of Revolution; Theorem of Pappus and Guldin. Unit-III Advanced Differential Calculus: Function of Several Variables; Partial Differentiation; Jacobians; Taylors Series of Two Variables. Application: Maxima and Minima of Function of Two and More Variables; Lagranges Method of Undetermined Multipliers. Unit-IV Advanced Integral Calculus: Multiple integrals: Double and Triple Integration; Change of Order of Integration. Application: Area; Volume; Centre of Gravity; Moment of Inertia. Unit-V Vector Calculus-I: Differentiation of a Vector; Gradient; Divergence and Curl. Vector Calculus-II: Integration of a Vector Function; Gausss, Greens and Stokes Theorems. BOOKS RECOMMENDED [1] E Mendelson, G J Hademenos, F Ayres, Schaum's Easy Outline: Calculus, McGraw-Hill, 2000. [2] R C Wrede, M Spiegel, Schaum's Outline of Advanced Calculus, 2/e, McGraw-Hill, 2002. [3] B.S.Grewal, Engineering Mathematics, 39/e, Khanna Publishers, 2006. [4] S S Sastry, Engineering Mathematics, Vol I & II, 3/e, Prentice Hall, 2004.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1AP002 Applied Physics 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Course Objectives: To introduce the fundamental concepts of physics that are useful in solving problems of engineering especially for semiconductors, optics, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Optics-I: Interference of Light Waves: Methods-Division of Wave front and Division of Amplitude, Youngs double slit experiment, Thin film, Newtons Ring experiment; Diffraction of Light Waves: Fresnels & Fraunhoffer diffraction, Zone plate, Single slit experiment, Diffraction at Circular aperture, Plane transmission Grating. Unit-II Optics-II: Polarization of Light Waves, Double refraction, Nicol Prism, Half Wave & Quarter Wave plates, Circularly & elliptically polarized light, Polarimeter; LASER: Stimulated & spontaneous emission, Population Inversion, Optical Resonator, Einsteins coefficients, He-Ne Laser, Ruby Laser, Semiconductor Laser; Optical Fiber: types of Fibers, Acceptance angle, Numerical aperture, V-Number, Propagation of Light through Fibers, Applications. Unit-III Crystal Structure and Semiconductors: Seven crystal systems, Bravais Lattice, Symmetry & properties of Simple crystal structure, Millers Indices; Semiconductors: Band theory of Semiconductors, Intrinsic & extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi level , pn junction diode, LED, Zener diode, npn & pnp Transistors . Unit-IV Electromagnetism: Continuity equation for Charge & Current, Inconsistency of Amperes law for time varying field, Concept of Displacement current, Maxwells equations; Wave equations for E & H, Propagation of one dimensional electromagnetic waves in dielectric medium, Energy density in electromagnetic field, Poynting Vector. Unit-V Quantum Physics: Planks law, Comptons effect, Concept of Matter Waves, Devison & Germers experiment, Phase velocity & Group velocity, Heisenbergs Uncertainty Principle; Schrodingers Wave Equation, Interpretation of Wave function , Time dependent & Time Independent equations, Schrodingers Wave equation for a free particle in a box. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] R Feyaman, Feyaman Lectures on Physics, 2/e, Narosa Publication, 1998 [2] D Halliday and R Resnick, Physics Vol-II, Wiley Eastern, 1993 [3] H White, Modern Physics: Van Nostrand; 15/ e [4] D P Khandelwal, Optics and Atomic Physics. [5] R K Gaur & S L Gupta, Engineering Physics, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 2006 [6] A S Vasudev, Modern Engineering Physics, 4/e, S.Chand & Co, 2007
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1ME003 Engineering Drawing 2 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Course Objectives: To understand the concepts of imagining, envisioning and visualizing the objects & machine parts and drawing them with the instruments & tools. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Basics: Introduction; Need of Engineering Drawing for Engineers, Introduction & Classification of Engineering Drawings, Drawing Instruments and their uses, Indian Standards for Drawing; Geometrical Construction: Basic Geometrical Constructions, Terms used in Geometrical Constructions; Conventions: Lines, Materials, Common Features, Various Machine Parts; Technical Lettering: Drawing Sheet Layout, Dimensioning. Engineering Scales: Introduction Engineering Scales, Graphical scale, Representative Fraction, Types of scales Plain, Diagonal, Comparative, Vernier and Scale of Chords. Engineering Curves: Loci of Points Locus as circle, Straight lines, and Perpendicular bisector; Conic Section: Ellipse, Parabola, Hyperbola; Cycloid Curves: Cycloid, Epi-cycloids, Hypo-cycloid; Involutes Curves: Involutes of Circle and Polygons; Spirals Curves Archimedeans, Logarithmic or Equiangular: Normal and Tangent to above curves. Unit -II Planes: Projection of Points & Straight Lines. Projection of Planes. Unit-III Projections: Orthographic Projections: First & Third Angle Projections, Conventions used Orthographic Projection of Simple Solids, Conversion of 3-D View to Orthographic Views; Isometric Projection Simple Solids, Isometric view, Conversion of Orthographic to Isometric View; Introduction to Oblique Projection and Perspective Projections. Practice of Computer Aided Drawings using AutoCAD. Unit-IV Solids: Projection of Solids. Section of Solids & Development of Surfaces. Unit-V Machine parts: Interpenetration of Solids. Cone, Cylinder, Prism & Pyramids; Freehand Sketching of Machine Parts Simple Nuts and Bolts, Keys, Cotters, Pins, Screw Threads, Riveted joints, Welded joints, Assembly of Simple Machine Parts. NOTE: Drawing Sheets (10 Approximately) as above, Sketch Book & AutoCAD Drawings containing problems based on above shall be maintained and submitted at the time of practical examination. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] P S Gill, Engineering Drawing, 12/e, S. K. Kataria & Sons, Reprint-2007. [2] N D Bhatt, Engineering Drawing, 47/e, Charoter Publishing House, Reprint-2007. [3] P S Gill, Machine Drawing, 17/e, S. K. Kataria & Sons, Reprint-2007. [4] N D Bhatt, Machine Drawing, 24/e, Charoter Publishing House, Reprint-2007.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1EI004 Electrical Engineering 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Course Objectives: To understand the concepts and practical ideas of AC/DC circuits, Electromagnetic Circuits, Transformers and Electric Machines those are basic to all the engineering streams. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I AC circuits: Generation of EMF, Phasor Quantities, RMS, Average, Form Factor, Peak Factor Etc, Phasor Diagrams; Single Phase AC Circuits: R, L, C And Combinations, Resonance, Q-Factor, Bandwidth; Three Phase AC Circuits: Generation, EMF, Phase Sequence, Analysis of Star and Delta Connections, and Power Measurement In Single Phase& Three Phase Circuit. Unit-II Circuit analysis tools: Kirchoffs laws, Analysis of DC and AC circuits, Thevenins theorem, Nortons theorem, Max power transfer theorem, Superposition theorem, and Source transformation . Unit-III Magnetic Circuits: Electromagnetism, Magnetic flux, Magnetic flux density, Intensity of magnetization, B-H curves, hysteresis and eddy current losses, Magnetic circuit calculations, laws of Electro-magnetic induction, Magnetic induction, Lifting power of an electromagnet. Unit-IV Transformer: Construction, principle, ideal transformer, EMF equations, Analysis of transformer on no load and load conditions, Equivalent resistance and reactance, voltage regulations, transformer losses Transformer testing, transformer efficiency, Types of transformer, Cooling methods, Auto transformer. Unit-V Rotating electric Machines: Construction, working principles, EMF equations, Characteristics, Torque equations of DC machines (generators & motors), 3-phase synchronous and induction motor, single phase induction motor. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] V Del Toro, Electrical Engineering Fundamentals, 2/e, PHI, 2000. [2] D P Kothari, I J Nagrath, Basic Electrical Engineering, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2002 (Fifth Reprint 2003). [3] A Sudhakar, Network Theory, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004 [4] P S Bimbhara, Electrical Machinery, 7/e, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1CO005 Computer Programming 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Course Objectives: To understand the concepts of problem solving on computers and to learn the programming concepts & practices that are useful in engineering domain. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Introduction: Block Diagram of Computer; Problem-Solving Basics; Algorithms; Flowcharts; Classification of Programming Languages. Unit-II C++ Programming: Data Representation- Fundamental Types, Variables & Constants; Expressions- Numeric, Assignments; Input/Output; Control Structures- Repetition Statements, Selective Statements; Programming with Libraries. Unit-III Arrays Functions And Pointers: Single and Multidimensional Array- Declaration and Usage, FunctionDeclaration & Usage; Parameter Passing and Scope Rules; Pointer Declaration and Usage; File Handling in C++. Unit-IV Classes And Objects: Declaration, Constructor and Destructor; Access Functions; Structures,; Pointers to Objects; String Handling using Classes. Unit-V Advance C++ Features: Operator Overloading; Inheritance; Polymorphism. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] H Schildt, The Complete Reference, 4/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006. [2] BJarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language, 3/e Addision Wesely, 2000. [3] Ravichandran, Programming with C++, 2/e, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007 [4] G Droomey G, How to Solve it by Computer, 1/e, Prentice Halll, 2001. [5] D Gries, Programming Methodology, Springer Verlog, 1978.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1SS006 Humanities 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
Course Objectives: To learn the human values and ethical values that are essential for an engineer to practise in the day to day life during the field work while working with the society. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Role of Humanities in Engineering: Engineering Ethics: Basics of Ethics; Professional Engineer; Professional Engineering Bodies; Code of Ethics. Unit-II Engineers and Society: Society and Its Features; Social Institutions; Social Stratification and Change; Crosscultural Issues; Unit-III Engineering & Environment: Environment Basics; Natural Resources; Ecology and Horticulture. Unit-IV Government & Engineers: Political parties; Types & Forms of Government; Government Artifacts; NGOs. Unit-V e-Society & Knowledge Society; Digital Government (e-Governance); Digital Divide. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] D J Kemper, Introduction to Engineering Profession, 2/e, Suanders Publication, 1998. [2] A S Chauhan , A Text Book of Social Science Jain Brothers 9/e,2008 [3] R C Agrawal, Principle of Political Science,
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1AM051 Applied Mathematics-II 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW PR Total 150 60
Course Objectives: To introduce the mathematical concepts of Matrix Algebra, Probability, and Differential Equation for solving engineering problems that shall be used in various branches of engineering. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Matrix Algebra: Review of Matrices; Elementary Operations on Rows and Columns; Matrix Inversion by Partitioning and Crouts Method; Normal Form; Linear Dependence. Applications: Rank; Application of Rank Theory in Solving System of Linear Equations; Linear Transformation; Orthogonal, Unitary and Hermitian Matrices; Characteristic Equation; Eigen- Values and Eigen-Vectors; Caley-Hamilton Theorem; Quadratic and Linear forms. Unit-II Probability: Review of Probability; Additive and Multiplicative Laws; Conditional Probability, Bayes Theorem. Statistics: Binomial, Poisson and Normal Probability Distributions, Method of Least Squares and Curve Fitting. Unit-III First Order Ordinary Differential Equation: Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree; Exact Differential Equation; Equations Solvable for X and Y; Clairauts Form. Higher Order Ordinary Differential Equation: Linear Differential Equations with Constant & Variable Coefficients; Simultaneous Differential Equations; Application to Simple Problems. Unit-IV First Order Partial Differential Equations: Formation of Partial Differential Equations; Partial Differential Equations of First Order and First Degree i.e. Pp +Qq=R. Higher Order Partial Differential Equations: Linear Homogenous Partial Differential Equations of nth Order with Constant Coefficients; Method of Separation of Variables & Their Simple Applications. Unit-V Fourier series: Periodic functions, Dirichlet conditions, Expansion of function in Fourier series. Half Range Fourier series: Half range sine and cosine series, Change of interval. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] G Paria, Matrix and Tensors, 2/e, Scholar Publication, 2004. [2] Matrix Operations, Schaums Outlines [3] Probability & Statistics, 2/e, Schaums Outlines, 2004 [4] Differential Equations, Schaums Outlines, 2/e, TMH, 2005. [5] Partial Differential Equations, Schaums Outlines [6] Fourier Analyssi, Schaums outlines, 1/e, TMH, 2005 [7] G Paria, Ordinary Differential Equations with Laplace Transform, 3/e, Scholar Publications, 1998 [8] G Paria, Partial Differential Equations and Complex Variable, 2/e, Scholar Publications, 1998
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1AC052 Chemistry & Environmental Science Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours 4 2
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Course Objectives: To understand and learn the concepts of engineering chemistry along with the need and requirements of environment and to become aware of the changing environment. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Water: Sources; Impurities; Hardness- Its Expression & Determination; Boiler Troubles & Their Causes; Industrial Water Requirement; Treatment of Water for Industrial Purpose; De-Ionization of Water; Alkalinity in Water; Numerical Problems on Water Analysis & Water Softening Processes. Unit-II Engineering Materials: Introduction, Classification & Requirement of Engineering Materials. Polymers: Chemistry of Polymer Materials & Their Diversification; Types of Polymerization & their Brief Account; Examples of Polymers; Cement, Glass And Refractory: Different Types; Composition; Properties & Uses. Unit-III Lubricants: Introduction; Types of Lubricants & Principle of Lubrication, Properties & Tests of Lubricants; Greases; Graphite; Cooling Liquids & Cutting Fluid. Unit-IV Instrumental Techniques In Chemical Analysis: Introduction; Infrared; Ultraviolet; Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectro-photometry; Calorimetry; Lamberts & Beers Law, Chromatography. Unit-V Environmental Science: Components of Environment & Their Interactions; Natural Resources; Ecosystem; Impacts of Development of Environment; Environment Protection Act; Concept of ISO 14000; Pollution & Its Types; Description of Air, Water; Land & Noise Pollution; Chemical Toxicology & Its Effects; Control Measures; Global Warming; Depletion of Ozone Layer; Acid Rains, Eutrophication; Pollution Case Studies. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] P C Jain & Monica Jain, Engineering Chemistry, 16/e, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 2007. [2] J C Kuriacose & J Rajaram, Engineering Chemistry, Tata McGraw-HillCo, New Delhi, 2004. [3] B Joseph, Environmental Studies: Core Engineering Series, Tata McGraw Hill, [4] A K De, Environmental Chemistry, 2/e, New Age International, 2005.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name 1ME053 Elements of Mechanical Engineering Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Course Objectives: To understand and learn the basic aspects of mechanical engineering in terms of thermal engineering (steam and hot air) and production engineering (metal casting, welding and machine elements) that are essentials in all engineering streams. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Fundamentals of Thermodynamics: Properties and processes, Heat and work, Zeroth law of thermodynamics; Enthalpy and internal energy of gases, First law applied to flow processes, Simple analysis of first law applied to a closed and open systems. Unit-II Properties of Steam: Properties, Wet, Dry and Super heated steam; Enthalpy and Internal energy of steam, Critical point and Triple point, Property table, Measurement of Dryness fraction of steam. Unit-III Gas Power Cycle: Air standard cycles: Otto cycle, Diesel cycle and Dual cycle; Calculation of efficiency and state points for the cycles; Deviation from theoretical cycles; Effects of variable specific heat and dissociation. Unit-IV Metal Casting: Introduction, Advantages, Limitation and applications of metal casting, Pattern making, moulding materials and moulding processes, Cores, Elements of gating, Systems, Melting and pouring of metals, Solidification and cooling of castings; casting processes-: Sand casting, Expandable mould casting and Permanent mould casting, Casting cleaning and finishing, Casting defects. Unit-V Welding and Machining: Fundamentals of welding weld ability, Types of welded joints, Classification and overview of welding process, Arc welding processes, Oxy Acetylene gas welding processes, Resistance and solid state welding processes, Weld quality and safety, Barging & soldering; Fundamental of metal machining, introduction of turning and related operations, Drilling and hole machining, Milling and shaping, Construction features of lathe, Radial drilling machine & shaper , Cutting tools type and materials. BOOKS REOMMENDED: [1] P K Nag, Engineering Thermodynamics, 3/e, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2005. [2] R K Rajput, Thermal Engineering,, 2/e, S.K.Kataria & Sons, 2006. [3] Hajra & Chaudhary, Work Shop Technology, Vol. 1 & 2, 13/e, Media Promoters & Pub, 2004. [4] P N Rao, Manufacturing Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1ET054 Basic Electronics 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Course Objectives: To introduce the basic concepts of electronics along with the understanding of working fundamental circuit devises such as diode, transistors and logic gates. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Structure & properties of conductors, semiconductors & insulators. Transport phenomenon in semiconductors, Mechanism of current flow in semiconductors, Hall Effect, Mobility, Conductivity equation, Junction- Diode Characteristics, Current Components V-I Characteristics, load line Concept, piecewise linear diode model Unit-II Characteristics, applications like Clippers, Clampers, Comparators, Voltage Doublers, Samplers, Rectifiers, Peak Detectors, Various types of diodes, their application & V-I Characteristics:- Zener, Avalanche, Photodiode, Tunnel, LED, PIN, Schottky, Seven Segment display, Varacter diode. Unit-III The Junction transistors, BJT current Components, Transistor as an amplifier Transistor Construction, Potential Profile in NPN & PNP Structures, Ebers Moll Model, CB,CE & CC Configuration, Static & Dynamic Characteristics, Transistor ratings, Photo transistor, Transistor Biasing & thermal Stabilization, Transistor as a Switch. Unit-IV Introduction to JFET, JFET operation and volt-ampere characteristics, transfer characteristics, introduction to MOSFET (depletion type and enhancement type), operation and characteristics of MOSFETS, FET biasing, FET small signal model, JFET CD and CG configuration Unit-V Binary number, Digital systems, Boolean algebra, logic gates, logic functions, realization of logic gates by electronic devices, Positive and negative logic, representation of binary numbers, half adder, full adder, flipflop synchronous and asynchronous circuit, counters registers, memories. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Milliman & Halkies,, Integrated Electronics, TMH, 2007. [2] R Boylested, Electronics Devices & Circuits, 9/e, Prentice Hall, 2006. [3] A Motorshed, Electronics Devices & Circuit, Prentice Hall, 2006 [4] Malvino, Electronics Principles, , 7/e, TMH, 2007. [5] P Malvino, Digital Electronics, TMH pub.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1SS055 Technical English 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW PR Total 150 60
Course Objectives: To develop the English communication skills in terms of reading, writing and understanding of engineering terms with the improved technical English and to be able to express the technical ideas. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-I Basic of Technical Communication: Concept and Process of Communication; Forms of Communication: Verbal and Non-Verbal; Technology-Enabled Communication; Barriers to Communication; Essentials of Effective Communication; Nature and Dimensions of Technical Communication; Identifying & Defining Audiences for Technical Communication; Types of Communication ranked by importance to Engineering Practice; Language tasks performed by Technical Professionals. Unit-II Professional Correspondence: Qualities of Professionals Correspondence: Goodwill Techniques; Types of Correspondence: Letters, Memos, Transmittal Correspondence, E-Mail. Letters: Elements of a Letter: Essential and Optional; Basic Letter Formats; Planning, Organizing, and Writing Business Letters; Types of Business Letters: Positive Letters/Good-News and Goodwill Messages, Negative Letters/Bad-News Messages, Direct Requests, Letters of Inquiry, Sales Letters, Complaint Letters, Letters of Transmittal. Memos: Components of a Memo; Organization, Development, Language and Tone of a Memo; Memo Formats; Types of Memos: Status Memos, Negative Memos, Personal Memos, Memos of Transmittal. Employment Communication: Writing Job Application Letters; Designing Resumes; Organization Approaches to Letters of Application and Resumes; Follow-Up Correspondence. Unit-III Technical Writing: Purpose and Characteristics of Technical Writing; Technical Writing Process; Technical Writing Style; Formatting Technical Documents for Function and Effectiveness; Some Forms of Technical Writing: Technical Descriptions, Summaries, Instructions, Technical Proposals, User Manuals. Communicating Through Reports: Essentials of Good Report Writing; Classification of Reports; Planning, Organizing, and Writing the Report: Report Formats: Formal and Informal (Short and Long); Structure and Formatting of Short Informal Reports and Memo Reports. Technical Reports: Structures of a Technical Report; Techniques that help the Process of Writing Technical Reports; Editing and Revising Technical Reports for Style and Usage, for Grammar and Punctuation; Some Common Informal Technical Reports: Progress Reports, Lab Reports, Feasibility Reports, Incident Reports, Problem-Solving Reports, Reports Identifying Cause-and-Effect Relationship. Unit-IV Reading Comprehension: Reading Styles for Technical Professionals; Skimming a Passage to abstract relevant ideas and information; Skimming Memos. Letters and Reports, Rewriting a Receptive Passage as a Skim Passage; Scanning a Passage for specific information; INFERENTIAL COMPREHENSION: Understanding Logical Relationships (Cause-Effect, Rule-Illustration, Data-Conclusion.); Inferring meanings of words, Phrases; and sentences in context; Judging the Tone of the Passage and Identifying the Attitude of the Writer; Prcis Writing/Reformulating/Summarizing: Restating in a shortened form the main ideas of a given Passage; Summarizing a Passage for various purposes and for particulars audiences; Reducing or Selectively Rewriting a Passage for a specific purpose.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Unit-V English for Technical Communication: Vocabulary Extension: Word Usage; Related Forms; Foreign Roots, Prefixes and Suffixes that form Technical Words; Conversational Expressions, Formal And Informal Expressions for Scientific and Technical Communication; Antonyms and Synonyms; Frequently Confused, Misused and Misspelled Words; Transitional Words and Phrases; Choosing Appropriate Words that Communicate. The Most Commonly Used Grammatical Items in Technical: Major Tense Distinctions; Articles; Modal Verbs: Connectives; Relative Clauses; Noun/Nominal Compounds. Mechanics and Punctuation: Abbreviations; Capitalisation; Number Usage; Sentence Punctuation; Word and Phrase Punctuation. Common Grammatical and Stylistic Errors In Professional Communication: Structural Ambiguity: Agreement between Subject and Verb: Agreement between Pronoun and Antecedent; Faulty or Vague Pronoun Reference: Sentence Fragments; Fused Sentences and Comma Splices; Misplaced/Dangling Modifiers; Parallelism; Embedding sentences within sentences; Wordiness; Inappropriate Jargon. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] T N Huckin & L A Olsen, Technical Writing and Professional Communication, McGraw-Hill, Inc. [2] S J Gerson & S M Gerson, Technical Writing, 3/e, Pearson Education Asia, 2002. [3] A Esenberg, A Begineers Guide to Technical Communication, McGraw-Hill, [4] S E Pauley and D G Riordan, Technical Report Writing Today, Houghton Miffin Company [5] A J Rutherford, Basic Communication Skills for Technology, Pearson Education Asia [6] R V Lesikar, J D Perrit, Jr., & ME Flately, Lesikars Basic Business Communication [7] C L Bovee, J V Thill & B Schatzman, Business Communication Today, 7/e, Pearson Education, 2002 [8] S Ober, Contemporary Business Communication, Houghton Mifflin Company, 5/e, Wiley-Dreamtech, 2005. [9] R C Sharma and K Mohan, Business Correspondence and Report Writing, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2002 [10] G Leech & J Svartvik, A Communicative Grammar of English, Longman Group UK Ltd, Pearson Education 2002
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 1ME056 Workshop Practice 4 Duration of Theory Paper: Only practical examination.
BE I Year (Common to all branches) Semester Marks TH Max Min CW SW 75 38 PR 75 38 Total 150 76
Course Objectives: To develop the basic working skills with engineering tools & machines along with the practical understanding of engineering materials, processes and manufacturing. Prerequisite(s): nil COURSE OF CONTENTS Introduction of and practice work on the following trade shops, processes, tools, material and their application in manufacturing: 1. Smithy 2. Fitting 3. Carpentry 4. Welding 5. Foundry 6. Machine shop 7. Plumbing Shop BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] W A J Chapman, Workshop Technology, Vol-I/II, Elsevier Butterworth Heinenman, 5/e, [2] S.K.Hajra Choudhury, Elements of Workshop Technology, Media Promoters of Publishers
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Semester III S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sub Code 2AM101 2ME102 2ME103 2ME104 2ME105 2SS106 TOTAL Subject Applied Mathematics-III Strength of Materials Material Science Manufacturing Processes Applied Thermodynamics Effective Communication Skills Maximum Marks L P Th 4 100 4 2 100 4 2 100 4 2 100 4 2 100 2 22 8 500 CW 50 50 50 50 50 50 300 SW 50 50 50 50 200 Pr 50 50 50 50 200 TOTAL 150 250 250 250 250 50 1200
Semester IV S. No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sub Code 2ME151 2ME152 2ME153 2ME154 2ME155 2SS156 TOTAL Subject Industrial Engineering and Management Theory of Machines Machine Design and Drawing Mechatronics Fluid Mechanics Engineering Economics L 4 4 4 4 4 2 22 P 2 4 2 2 10 Th 100 100 100 100 100 500 CW 50 50 50 50 50 250 SW 50 50 50 50 50 250 Pr 50 50 50 50 200 TOTAL 150 250 250 250 250 50 1200
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2AM101 APPLIED 4 0 0 MATHEMATICS-III Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
Total 150 60
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME102 STRENGTH OF 4 0 2 MATERIALS Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
BOOKS RECOMMENDED [1] Warnock Ramamurtham, Strength of Materials,Dhanpat Rai Publications,1998 [2] Bansal R K, Strength of Materials,4/e,Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd,2007 [3] Popov Mechanics of Solids,2/e, Pearson Education (India), [4] Timoshenko, Elements of Strength of Materials, 5/e,Wadsworth Publishing;1968
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Performance of Tensile test to obtained Tensile properties of the material Performance of Tensile test to obtained Stress-Strain curve Performance of Compressive test to obtained Compressive properties of the material. Performance of Shear test to obtained Shear properties of the material Performance of Bending test to obtained Bending properties of the material. Performance of Brinell Hardness Test. Performance of Vickers Hardness Test. Performance of Torsion test to obtained torsional properties of the material. Performance of Torsion test to obtained T- Curve Performance of Impact test to obtained Impact Strength of the materials.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME103 MATERIAL SCIENCE 4 0 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
BOOKS RECOMMENDED [1] Khanna, O.,P., Material Science and Metallurgy, Dhanpat Rai Publications,2005 [2] Nayak, S.,P., Engineering Metallurgy & Material Science, Charotara Publications,2000 [3]Narang., Material Science, Khanna Publisher-2000 [4] Singh,I. P., Material Science and Engineering , Jain Brothers-2003
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Performance of hardness test of ferrous materials using Rock Well hardness testing machine Performance of magnetic particle crack detection to detect the cracks Performance of impact test on a plastic test sample to detect impact strength of materials. Study of construction and function of metallurgical microscope Study of steps involved in sample preparation for observing the microstructure under metallurgical microscope Study of microstructures of ferrous metal alloys Study of iron carbon diagram Study the working of ultrasonic crack detector Study of T.T.T. diagram and various heat treatment process
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME104 Manufacturing Processes 4 0 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 1. Study of geometry of single point cutting tools. 2. Study of geometry of milling cutters. 3. Study of geometry of double fluted twist drill. 4. Study of geometry of Taps and Reamer. 5. Study of constructional features of the Lathe and to machine a job as per given dimensions on it. 6. Study of constructional features of the Shaper and to machine a job as per given dimensions on it. 7. Study of constructional features of the Milling m/c and to machine a job as per given dimensions on it. 8. Study of constructional features of the CNC lathe. 9. Study of comparators. 10. Measurement and inspection of screw threads and cutting tools using a Tool Makers Microscope and Profile Projector.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME105 APPLIED 4 0 2 THERMODYNAMICS Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Finding out the Coefficient of Performance of a refrigerator. Finding out Energy Performance Ratio of a refrigerating plant used as a heat pump. Establishing the relation between EPR and COP. Carrying out the Exergy analysis of any component of thermal power plant. Verifying the entropy principles in generalized fluid flow. Finding out the Isothermal, Volumetric Efficiency of the Reciprocating Air Compressor. Finding out the effectiveness of the intercooler in two stage compressor.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2SS007 EFFECTIVE 2 0 0 COMMUNICATION SKILLS Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
Objective of the subject: To develop effective communication skills in engineers for expressing the technical ideas and for discussing the technical issues with confidence. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Fundamentals of Communication: The importance of communication; the basic forms of communication; the process of communication; why communication is necessary? ; art of communication. UNIT-2 Inter Personal Skills: Building positive relationships; giving praise; dealing with criticism; managing conflicts; telephone speaking skills and cross cultural communication skills. UNIT-3 Listening: The importance of listening; barriers to effective listening; approaches to listening; how to be better listener; what speakers can do to ensure better listening. UNIT-4 Interviews: Points to be remembered as an interviewer or an interviewee; commonly asked questions; types of interview; dos and donts. UNIT-5 Making Presentations: Speech purpose general and specific; methods of speaking; analyzing the audience; non-verbal dimension of presentation, group discussion; importance; process; points to be kept in mind while participating; dos and donts.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED [1] P D Chaturvedi, P.D. & M Chaturvedi, Business Communication: Concepts, Cases and Applications, Pearson Education, Singapore Pvt. Ltd, 2004. [2] ICMR, Business Communication, Feb 2001. [3] J Davies, Communication Skills: A Guide for Engineering and Applied Science Students, 2/e Pearson Education. [4] Lecture material given by the course teacher.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME151 INDUSTRIAL ENGG & 4 0 2 MANAGEMENT Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR -
Total 150 60
UNIT-5 Quality Control: Quality planning and quality control Programme. Economics of Quality control. and control chart for variables and attributes. Introduction to TQM.
REOMMENDED BOOKS: 1. I.L.O., Work study. 2. Monks, J.E. Operations Management, Mc. Graw Hills 3. Hira and Gupta, Operation Research, S. Chand and Co, New Delhi 4. Mahajan, Statical Quality Control, Dhanpat Rai, New Delhi
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME152 THEORY OF MACHINES 4 0 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 1. Study of cam and follower and finding velocity and acceleration of follower 2. Study of slider crank mechanism 3. Study of diffrent kinematic pairs 4. Generation of involute teeth profile for diffrent gears 5. Performance of interference and undercutting of tooth (by ploting) 6. Study of gyroscopic effect using gyroscope 7. Reducing and enlarging drawings using pantograph 8. Study of Double Hooks joint 9. Study of Oldhams coupling 10. Verification of Grashofs law 11. Study of automobile steering gears
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME153 MACHINE DESIGN & DRAWING 4 0 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
COURSE OF CONTENTS UNIT-1 1. Engineering Materials: General selection of materials. 2. Manufacturing Considerations in Design: Tolerances, Fits and Surface Roughness. 3. Design and Drawing of Machine parts subjected to Tensile, Compressive and Shear Stresses such as Levers, Pins, Keys and Cotters. UNIT-2 1. Riveted Joints: Design and Drawing of Boilers, Structures and Eccentrically Loaded joints. 2. Welded Joints: Design and Drawings, Strength calculation for direct and eccentric loading. UNIT-3 1. Screwed Fastenings: Design of bolts, Eccentric loading and Turnbuckle. 2. Power Transmission Elements: Design of shafts and Couplings. UNIT-4 Machine Parts Drawings: Free Hand Sketches and fully dimensioned drawings of IC Engine Pats-Piston, Piston Rod, Connecting Rod, Crank Shaft and Flywheel using conventions and standard practices. UNIT-5 Boiler Mountings: Free Hand Sketches and fully dimensioned drawings of Stop Valve, Feed Check Valve, Safety Valve and Blow off Cock using conventions and standard practices. REOMMENDED BOOKS: [1]. Abdulla Sharif, Design of Machine Elements, Dhanpat Rai Publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 1995 [2]. P. C. Sharma, D. K. Agrawal, Machine Design, S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi, 2007 [3]. K. Mahadevan, K. Balaveera Reddy, Design Data Hand Book, CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2007 [4]. P. S. Gill, Machine Drawing, S. K. Kataria & Sons, New Delhi 2007
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. Application Program for Selection of Materials, Tolerances, Fits, and Surface Roughness using Computer Programming Languages such as C++ etc 2. Manual Design and Design Program for Keys, Pins and Cotters using Computer Programming Languages such as C++ etc 3. Manual Design and Design Program for Riveted Joints using Computer Programming Languages such as C++ etc 4. Manual Design and Design Program for Welded Joints using Computer Programming Languages such as C++ etc 5. Manual Design and Design Program for Bolts using Computer Programming Languages such as C++ etc 6. Manual Design and Design Program for Shaft and Couplings using Computer Programming Languages such as C++ etc 7. Manual Drawing of Piston and Piston Rod on Drawing Sheet 8. Manual Drawing of Connecting Rod on Drawing Sheet 9. Manual Drawing of Crank Shaft and Flywheel on Drawing Sheet 10. Manual Drawing of Stop Valve on Drawing Sheet. 11. Manual Drawing of Feed Check Valve on Drawing Sheet. 12. Manual Drawing of Safety Valves on Drawing Sheet. 13. Manual Drawing of Blow of Cock on Drawing Sheet. 14. Computer Aided Drawing of Any one of the Machine Parts using CAD Packages such as AutoCAD Inventor and IDEAS. 15. Computer Aided Drawing of Any one of the Boiler Mountings using CAD Packages such as AutoCAD Inventor and IDEAS.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME154 MECHATRONICS 4 0 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 1. Study of electrical resistance strain gauges. 2. Study of linear variable differential transformer(LVDT). 3. Study of capacitive transducer. 4. Study of piezoelectric transducer. 5. A mechatronic approach to the study of the following: Printers, Photocopier machine, Ignition system in automobiles, TV remote control, Washing Machine etc. 6. Calibration of pressure gauge using dead weight pressure gauge tester. 7. Calibration of orifice plate using anemometer. 8. Study and Calibration of Thermocouple. 9. Study on Hydraulic system power pack. 10. Study on Pneumatic system power pack.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2ME155 FLUID MECHANICS 4 0 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. To verify Bernoullis Theorem Calibration of Venturi-meter and Orifice-meter. To find the Friction Coefficient of different pipes. To Determine Coefficient of impact for the vanes. Determination of different coefficients of the orifice Calibration of external cylindrical mouth pieces of different diameters/ Different L/D ratios Calibration of internal cylindrical or Bordas mouth piece. To Visualize the Forced/ Free Vortex Phenomenon. To determine loss of head in the fittings at various water flow rates.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 2SS057 Engineering Economics 2 Duration of Theory Paper: Only Internal Tests 0 0
TH Max Min -
PR -
Total 50 25
Objective of the subject: To make fundamentally strong base for decision making skills by applying the
concepts of economics and accounting to cope up with the current dynamic business environment COURSE OF CONTENTS Unit-1 Engineering Economics Economic Decision: Role of Engineering in Business; Concept, Nature and Scope of Economics & Business Economics; Types of Business Organizations. Cost, Revenue and Profit Analysis: Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost Behavior; Concept of Profit, Gross Profit and Net Profit; Break Even Point (BEP). Unit-2 National Income Meaning and Concept of National Income: GNP/GNI, NNP/NNI, Personal Income and Disposable Income; Methods of Computing National Income -Production Method, Income Method, Expenditure Method. Unit-3 Consumer Demand Consumer Demand Analysis: Meaning, Features and Determinants of demand; Law of Demand and its Exceptions; Reasons for Law of Demand; Importance of Law of Demand; Elasticity of Demand. Unit-4 Production Supply Production Supply Analysis: Meaning, Supply Function, Law of Supply, Determinants of Supply, Fluctuation of supply; Elasticity of supply and its measurement. Unit-5 Liberalization Liberalization, Globalization & Privatization: Concept & Characteristics; Evaluation of New Liberal Economic, Policy of India; Economy through Globalization. BOOKS RECOMMENDED [1]C S Park, Contemporary Engineering Economics, Pearson Education, 2002 [2]J S Chandan, Statistics for Business and Economics, [3]C Dislis, JH Dick, I D Dear & AP Ambler, Test Economics and Design for Testability, [4]S Damodaran, Managerial Economics,
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Semester V SNo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sub Code Subject 3ME101 Dynamics of Machine 3ME102 Machine Design I 3ME103 Production Engineering-I I C Engines and Gas 3ME104 Turbines 3ME105 Heat and Mass Transfer Principles of 3SS106 Management TOTAL L 4 4 4 4 4 2 22 P 2 4 2 2 10 Maximum Marks Th CW SW 100 50 50 100 50 50 100 50 100 100 500 50 50 50 300 50 50 200 Pr 50 50 50 50 200 TOTAL 250 250 150 250 250 50 1200
Semester VI Maximum Marks SNo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sub Code 3ME151 3ME152 3ME153 3ME154 3ME155 3SS156 TOTAL Subject Project - I Machine Design II Production Engineering II Fluid Machines Energy Conversion Systems Entrepreneurship Development & IPR L 4 4 4 4 2 18 P 2 4 2 2 2 12 TH 100 100 100 100 500 CW 50 50 50 50 50 300 SW 100 50 50 50 50 200 PR 50 50 50 50 50 200 TOTAL 150 250 250 250 250 50 1200
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME101 DYNAMICS OF MACHINE 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Objectives & Pre requisites: To Develop the Understanding of Dynamic Behavior Machine components. Pre requisites are Theory of Machine. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Friction & Power Transmission Devices: Introduction, classification and types of friction, laws of frictions and screw frictions, journal Bearings, thrust bearings, pivot and collar bearings, ball and roller bearings, single & multi-plate clutch, cone clutch, centrifugal clutch, belt, rope and chain drives. UNIT-2 Brakes & Dynamometer: Introduction, classification and types of brakes, shoe/block brake, band brake, band and block brake, internal expanding shoe brake, disc brake. Introduction, classification and types of dynamometers, propulsion and breaking of vehicles. UNIT-3 Analysis of Dynamic Forces: Inertia force and inertia torque, D.Alemberts principle, gas forces, equivalent masses, piston efforts, crank shaft torque, turning moment diagrams, fly wheels, fluctuation of energy and speed. UNIT-4 Governors: Introduction, types and classifications, centrifugal governors, gravity controlled and spring controlled governors, inertia governors, governor characteristics and effect of friction. UNIT-5 Balancing: Balancing of Rotating Masses: Static and dynamic balancing, balancing a single cylinder engine, balancing multi-cylinder engines Balancing of Reciprocating Masses: Primary and secondary balancing, locomotive balancing, hammer blow, pitching and swaying couples, conditions of balance in V-engine, radial engine and multi-cylinder in line engines.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED [1]. Rattan S.S., Theory of Machines, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, Second Reprint 2005. [2].Shigley J.E. and Uicker J.J., Theory of Machines and Mechanisms, McGraw Hill, Inc., 1995. [3].Thomas Bevan, Theory of Machines, CBS Publishers and Distributors, 1984. [4].Ghosh A. and Mallick A.K., Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt.Ltd., New Delhi, 1988. [5]. Rao J.S. and Dukkipati R.V., Mechanism and Machine Theory, Wiley-Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1992. [6]. John Hannah and Stephens R.C., Mechanics of Machines, Viva low-Priced Student Edition, 1999.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. To determine the coefficient of friction between the surfaces of different materials by inclined plane method. 2. To determine coefficient of friction between leather belt and CI pulley by differential band brake method. 3. To determination the coefficient of friction between leather belt and wooden pulley by belt and pulley apparatus. 4. To Study different types of bearings. 5. To Determine the pressure distribution in the oil film of the journal bearing for various speeds and a) Plot the Cartesian and polar pressure curves for various speeds. b) Determine the constants n and K in the summer field pressure function from the Cartesian pressure curves. c) Plot the summer field pressure curve for each speed. d) Compare the mean load, due to the mean upward pressure on the projected and developed areas of the bearing with the total applied load. e) With the aid of the values of n and K determined as above for each speed, determine the total load on the journal and compare with total load on the bearing. d) Determination of tract ional torque. 6. To study different types of clutches. 7. To study different types of brakes. 8. To study absorption types of dynamometer. 9. To study transmission types of dynamometers. 10. To determine the torque in shaft by epicyclical gear train and holding torque apparatus 11. To determine the moment of inertia of objects using trifler suspension method. 12. To determine the moment of inertia of connecting rod by compound pendulum method. 13. To determine characteristic curves of (i) sleeve position against controlling force and speed and (ii) radius of rotation for Watt, Porter, Proell and Hartnell type governors. 14. To perform static balancing of given weights by balancing apparatus. 15. To perform dynamic balancing of given weights by balancing apparatus.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME102 MACHINE DESIGN I 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 4 Hours 4
PR 50 25
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject to introduce the students about the design of mechanical components like spring, rotating elements, theory of failures etc. Advance methods of stress analysis will also be covered in the subject. Pre requisites is Dynamics of Machine.
COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Theory of Failures & Applications: Theories of failure, their applications to the design problems. Design of parts subjected to torsional and/ or bending such as spiral, helical and leaf springs. UNIT-2 Pressure Vessels and Cover Plates: Analysis of thick cylindrical and spherical shells, compound cylinders, joint for steam and hydraulic pipes, parts of press fit and shrink fit, design consideration of pressure vessels and cover plates. UNIT-3 Rotating Rings and Disks: Disk of uniform thickness and disk of uniform strength. Effect of drilled hole and extra mass, design of flywheel and pulleys. UNIT-4 Design Analysis of Curved Machine Members: Crane Hook, Chain link, open and closed links, M/c. Frames, Wall brackets, design and selection of hooks and wire ropes. UNIT-5 Experimental Methods in Design: Brief idea about experimental stress analysis techniques and their applications and limitation. Only Mechanical Engineers Handbook, Data-books and Certified notes are allowed in the examination hall.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Shingley J.E., Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill 2003. [2]. Spotts M.F.,Shoup T.E., Hrnberger L.E., Design of Machine Elements, Pearson Education ,8e, 2006 [3]. Sharma P.C. & Aggarwal D.K., Machine Design,S.K.Kataria & Sons,11e, 2006 [4]. Shariff A.,Design of Machine Elements,Dhanpat Rai Publications(P) Ltd.,3e, 1995
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. Problem based on theory of failure. 2. Problem on Design for Helical Spring. 3. Problem on Design for Leaf Spring. 4. Problem on Design for Pressure Vessels 5. Problem on Design for Pipe Joints. 6. Problem on Design for Rotating Disc 7. Problem on Design for Flywheel. 8. Problem on Design for Pulleys. 9. Problem on Design for Crane Hook. 10. Problem on Design for Chain Drive.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India BE III Year (Mechanical Engg.) Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week Marks L T P TH CW SW PR Total 3ME103 PRODUCTION 4 0 0 Max 100 50 150 ENGINEERING-I Duration of Theory Paper: Min 35 25 60 3Hours Objectives & Pre requisites: The course contents are aimed to systematically link the processes to the production equipment and to present the main aspects of production engineering in a logical manner. Prerequisites: Basic course in Manufacturing Processes. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Fundamentals of Machine Tools Introduction, characteristics of machine tools, elements of machine tool structure: beds, column and frame, slides and sideways, spindles and spindle bearings, machine tool drives, machine tool testing, maintenance and safety. UNIT-2 Tooling for Machine Tools General tooling for machine tools(including for turrets, automats and CNC machines), Jigs-Fixtures: locating and clamping, principles of jigs and fixture design, design of drilling jigs, drill jig bushes and type of jigs ; milling fixtures, lathe fixtures, grinding fixtures, broaching fixtures, assembly fixtures, automated jigs and fixtures, materials for jigs and fixtures and jigs & fixture economics. UNIT-3 Press Working, Press Tool & Forging Die Design Introduction, press operations, press working equipment & press selection, components of a die assembly, types of dies, cutting action in a die, die and punch clearances, cutting forces and power requirements, center of pressure, blanking die design, piercing die design, pilots, drawing dies, bending dies, design procedure for progressive dies, materials & manufacture of sheet metal working dies. Forging Die Design: Introduction, forging operations and forging equipments, selection of forging equipment, die design for drop forging and press forging, die, die design for upset and machine forging, materials & manufacture of forging dies. UNIT-4 Design for Manufacture & Assembly Introduction, product design considerations for machining, casting, forging, welding, plastic and composite parts. DFMA approach and methodologies, design evaluation: minimum part assessment, robustness assessment, failure mode-effect analysis, value analysis, development of modular design, minimizing part variations, design of parts to be multifunctional multiuse and ease of fabrication. UNIT-5 Automation of Manufacturing Systems Automation in production systems, automation principles and strategies, basic elements of an automated system, levels of automation, industrial robotics, automated production or transfer lines, automated material handling, storage and retrieval systems, flexible manufacturing systems: components &applications, fundamentals of automated assembly systems &automated inspection.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Sharma P. C., Production Technology, Production Engineering, S.Chand and Co, New Delhi, 1996. [2]. Pandey & Singh Production engineering and science Standard, Pub. & Distribution [3]. HMT Production Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, New Delhi, 1993. [4]. Chapman W.A.J., WorkshopTechnology Part1, 2 and, 3, 4e, Viva Books Private Ltd. [5]. Mikell P Groover Automation, Production systems & computer integrated manufacturing, PHI, 1995
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME104 IC ENGINES AND GAS 4 0 2 TURBINES Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Objectives & Pre requisites: To develop the understanding of principal of working of Engines and Turbines. Pre-requisites are Applied Thermodynamics & Elements of Mechanical Engineering. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Introduction to I.C. Engine & Fuels Engine classification, air standard cycles, Otto, diesel , stirling, ericsson cycles, actual cycle analysis, two and four stroke engines, SI and CI engines, valve timing diagram, rotary engines, stratified charge engine. Fuels: Fuels for SI and CI engine, important qualities of SI engine fuels, important qualities of CI engine fuels , dopes, additives, gaseous fuels , LPG, CNG, biogas , product gas , alternative fuels for IC engines. UNIT-2 SI Engine Carburetion, mixture requirements, carburetor types, theory of carburetor, MPFI. Combustion in SI engine, flame speed, ignition delay, abnormal combustion and its control, combustion chamber design for SI engines. Ignition system requirements magneto and battery ignition systems, ignition timing and spark plug, electronic ignition. . UNIT-3 CI Engine Fuel injection in CI engines, requirements, types of injection systems, fuel pumps, fuel injectors, injection timings. Combustion in CI engines, ignition delay, knock and its control, combustion chamber design of CI engines. Scavenging in 2 stroke engines, pollution and its control. UNIT-4 Engine Cooling, Lubrication, Supercharging & Testing Engine Cooling: Different cooling systems, radiators and cooling fans Lubrication: Engine friction, lubrication principle, type of lubrication, lubrication oils, crankcase ventilation. Supercharging: Effect of altitude on power output, Types of supercharging. Testing and Performance: Performance parameters, basic measurement, testing of SI and CI engines. UNIT-5 Compressors, Gas Turbine & Jet Propulsion Compressors: Classification, reciprocating compressors, single and multi stage, intercooling, volumetric efficiencies. Rotary compressors, classification, centrifugal compressor , elementary theory, vector diagram efficiencies , elementary analysis of axial compressors , surging and stalling , roots blower, waned compressor , performance analysis. Gas Turbines: Introduction, Classification, Application, Gas turbine and its components, Gas turbine power plants, Optimum pressure ratio for maximum specific and thermal efficiency in actual gas turbine cycle, Effect of operating variables on thermal efficiency, Air rate and work ratio. Jet Propulsion- Turbo jet, Turbo Prop, Ram jet, Rocket engines thrust power, Propulsive efficiency and thermal efficiency, Jet propulsion performance, Specifying thrust and specific fuel consumption in each case for turbo jet and turbo propulsion units.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Mathur & Sharma, A Course in I.C. Engines, Dhanpat Rai Publications, 1996. [2]. Ganeshan, Internal Combustion Engines, Tata Mc Graw Hill Publication, 1992. [3]. Heywood J. B, Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, Mc Graw Hill, 1988. [4]. Sarvanamatto, Gas Turbines, H.I.H 1996. [5]. Sarvanamatto, Cohen H, Rogers, Gas Turbine Theory, Longmans Green, 1996 [6]. Yahya S. M., Turbines, Compressors and Fans, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi. 1996 [7]. Yadav R., Steam and Gas Turbines,
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. Study of Fuel Injection Pump. 2. Study of Carburettor. 3. Study & performance of Four Stroke Four Cylinder S. I. Engine. 4. Study & performance of Four Stroke Four Cylinder C. I. Engine. 5. Study of Swinging Field Electrical Dynamometer with twin cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine. 6. Study of Water Brake Dynamometer with Four Stroke Four Cylinder S. I. Engine. 7. Study of Engine Cooling Systems. 8. Study of Engine Lubrication Systems.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME105 HEAT TRANSFER 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Objective & Pre-requisites: Basic understanding to know mode of Heat Transfer systems. Pre-requisites are Applied, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics & Calculus. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Conduction General heat conduction equation in Cartesian coordinate, one dimensional steady state, conduction through plane wall, cylinder and spheres. Composite walls cylinders and spheres. Critical thickness of insulation. Effects of variable thermal conductivity on temperature distribution and heat flux. UNIT-2 Fins and Unsteady State Heat Conduction General heat flow equation through fins. Heat transfer from fins of uniform cross section for different boundary condition. Fins effectiveness and fins efficiency. Transient and periodic heat flow in lumped heat capacity systems. UNIT-3 Forced Convection Mechanism of convection, forced and Free Convection Boundary Layer: Fundamentals Equations of energy in the boundary layer. Thermal boundary layer. The Nusselt number. Dimension-less number used in convections. Empirical relations for convective heat transfer through tubes and flat plate, Heat transfer in turbulent flow. Reynolds analogy. UNIT-4 Heat Exchangers, Boiling & Condensation Basic types of heat exchangers. The overall heat exchangers. The overall heat transfer coefficient and fouling factor. Log-Mean temperature difference. Effectiveness-NTU approach. Heat Transfer with Change of Phase: Fundamentals of boiling heat transfer. Boiling curve and various boiling regions. Condensation heat transfer phenomena. UNIT-5 Radiation Thermal Radiation. Monochromatic and total emissive power, absorbtivity, reflectivity and transitivity, Kirchoffs Black and Gray bodies, Planks distribution law, Stefan Boltzmans law, Heat transfer by radiation between Black surfaces, Electrical Analog for solving Radiation problems .
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Holman J.P., Heat Transfer, Mc Graw Hill, 9e 2002. [2]. Eckert & Drake, Heat & Mass Transfer, Mc Graw Hill, 1972. [3]. Ozisic, Basic Heat Transfer, Mc Graw Hill, 1994. [4]. Patel R.C., Heat Transfer
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Measurement of Thermal conductivity of insulating materials by guarded hot plate method. Electrical Analogy and Heat Transfer through composite wall structure. Free and forced convection over a flat plate and array of cylinders. Demonstration of heat transfer in drop-wise and film-wise condensation. Heat pipe demonstration. Heat Transfer through fins. Measurement of Emissive of surface. Determination of convective heat transfer coefficient in the cooling of lumped capacity systems.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3SS106 PRINCIPLES OF 2 MANAGEMENT Duration of Theory Paper: Only Internal Test
B.E. III Year (Common to all the branches) Marks TH CW SW PR Total Max Min 50 25 50 25
Objectives: To impart the basics of Management Concepts, Evolution of management as discipline and to deal with different Principles & Functions of Management. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT 1 The Nature of Management Definition and role of management; the function of a manager, Scientific management. Various schools of management thought. The Functions & Principles of management. UNIT 2 Planning Nature and purpose of planning, Components of planning objective of business. UNIT 3 Organization Nature and purpose of organizing Structure, Centralization, Decentralization, Span of control, Delegation of authority relationship. Formal and informal organization. UNIT 4 Directions & Staffing Direction process, Theories of motivation and leadership, Need analysis, Communication. UNIT 5 Control Meaning and process of control, techniques of control evaluation, developing and compensating the employees, Merit rating. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Koontz and ODonnel, Essentials of Management, Jan.1986 [2]. R.D Agrawal, Organization & Management. 1997 [3]. PeterDrucker, Practice of Management ,1992 [4]. Mc Farland, Management, Principal and Practice. [5]. L.M Prasad, Principal and Practice & Mgt. [6]. T.N Chhabra, Principal and Practice & Mgt. [7]. G.R Terry, Principal of Managements.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME151 SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT 4 0 0 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR -
Total 150 60
Objectives & Pre requisites: To develop an understanding of the Supply Chain, its importance and interrelationships with other functions of company such as procurement, manufacturing and distribution. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Introduction Introduction to supply chain management, need, importance, specific components, traditional material flow system, Supply chain, its context, components and structure recent trends supply chains, strategic fit & metrics. UNIT-2 Strategies: Supply chain planning, orientation, supply chain strategies , supplier selection, global suppliers, Keritsu network , management of inventory and information managing supply chain options, uncertainties, Supply chain modeling. UNIT-3 Inventory Management Introduction, aggregate inventory management, Inventory and flow of materials, ABC and VED systems of inventory management, overview of associated costs, ware house management, importance, JIT, Vendor Management Inventory (VMI). UNIT-4 Physical Distribution Introduction, Physical distribution system, interfaces, transportation, significance of transportation in inventory management, transportation issues strategic operational and tactical, transportation planning. UNIT-5 Information Management and Performance Role of information for competitive advantage, strategic directions, information distortion BULL WHIP effect., customer service, integration , procurement and tracking systems, Introduction to performance managements- financial and non financial measures.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED [1] Chopra Sunil and Meindl Peter, Supply Chain Management: Strategy, Planning, and Operation, Prentice Hall of India. 2002 [2] Simchi-Levi David, Kaminsky Philip, and Simchi-Levi Edith. , Designing and Managing the Supply Chain: Concepts, Strategies, and Case Studies. Irwin Mc-Graw Hill. 2000 [3] Bowersox D J and Closs D J, Logistical Management, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, New Delhi 2001. [4] Mohanty R P and Deshmukh S G, , Supply Chain Management: Theories and Practices, Bizztantra , New Delhi 2005.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME152 MACHINE DESIGN II 4 0 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 4 Hours
PR 50 25
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject to introduce the students about the design of power transmission elements, parts subjected to dynamic loading (Fatigue Loading), Deign of Internal Combustion Engine parts, seals and gasket. Pre requisites are Dynamics of Machine and Machine Design I. COURSE CONTENTS
UNIT-1 Design of Power Transmission Elements Design for single plate clutch, cone clutch, centrifugal clutch, flat belt, V belt, power screw, spur gear, helical gear and Bevel gear. UNIT-2 Design for Dynamic Loading Stress concentration factor, design of parts subjected to Fatigue loading. UNIT-3 Design for Brakes Design of shoe brakes, band brakes, block brakes, internal expanding brakes and disc brakes. UNIT-4 Design for Internal Combustion Engine Parts Design for engine cylinder, piston, connecting rod, crank shaft, valves and valve gear mechanism. UNIT-5 Seals and Gaskets Brief Introduction about seals and gasket, selection of seals and gasket. Note:Only Mechanical Engineers Handbook, Data-books and certified notes are allowed in the examination hall.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Shingley J.E., Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill 2003. [2]. Spotts M.F.,Shoup T.E., Hrnberger L.E., Design of Machine Elements, Pearson Education ,8e,2006 [3]. Sharma P.C. & Aggarwal D.K., Machine Design,S.K.Kataria & Sons,11e,2006 [4]. Shariff A.,Design of Machine Elements,Dhanpat Rai Publications(P) Ltd.,3e,1995 [5]. Maleev V.L., I.C.Engine Design, , Mc.Graw Hill ,1945 [6]. Black and Adams, Machine Design, Mc.Graw Hill,1968
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
1. Problem on Design of Single Plate Clutch/Cone Clutch.. 2. Problem on Design of Centrifugal Clutch. 3. Problem on Design of Flat/V Belt. 4. Problem on Design of Screw Jack. 5. Problem on Design of Spur/Helical/Bevel Gears. 6. Problem on Design of parts subjected to Fatigue Loading. 7. Problem on Design of Shoe/Band/Block/Internal Expanding Brake. 8. Problem on Design of Engine Cylinder/Piston/Connecting rod. 9. Problem on Design of Crank Shaft. 10. Problem on Design of Valve and Valve gear mechanism.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME153 PRODUCTION 4 0 2 ENGINEERING-II Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Objective and Pre requisites: The course contents are aimed to provide an understanding of the fundamental aspects of the various material processing technologies. Pre requisites are Material Science and Manufacturing Processes. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Theory of Metal Cutting: Introduction, mechanics of metal cutting, oblique and orthogonal cutting, shear angle, rake angle and strain relationships, force and power relationships, heat generation and temperature rise in metal cutting, Machinability: criteria for evaluating machinability, factors affecting machinability, tool life and tool wear, variables influencing tool life, economics of metal cutting. UNIT-2 Theory of Metal Forming: Introduction, plastic deformation and yield criteria, temperature and friction in metal forming, overview of metal forming, processes mechanics of forming processes, rolling, forging, drawing, deep drawing, bending, extrusion, punching-blanking, defects in metal forming, advantages & limitations of hot & cold forming. UNIT-3 Unconventional Machining Processes: Introduction, electric discharge machining (EDM), electrochemical machining (ECM), ultrasonic machining (USM), abrasive jet machining (AJM), laser beam machining (LBM), electron beam machining (EBM), plasma arc machining (PAM) UNIT-4 Surface Finish Measurement and Surface Treatment: Introduction, elements of surface roughness, evaluation and representation of surface roughness, effect of surface finish on functional properties, measurement of surface roughness, surface clearing surface treatment, diffusion and ion implantation, surface coating and deposition processes: surface plating ,conversion coating, physical vapour deposition, chemical vapour deposition, organic coating, porcelain enameling and other ceramic coatings. UNIT-5 Processing of Particulate Metals, Ceramics-Composites and other Special Processing Technologies: Introduction, Basic processes, powder manufacture testing and blending, compacting, sintering, hot pressing, other techniques to produce high-density powder metallurgy products, properties of P/M products, advantages and limitation of powder metallurgy; processing of traditional ceramics, processing of new ceramics and cermets. Shaping processes for Plastics and polymer matrix composites; processing of integrated circuits and micro fabrication technologies. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Sharma P. C., Production Technology, Production Engineering, S.Chand and Co, New Delhi, 1996. [2]. Pandey & Singh Production engineering and science Standard, Publ. & Distribution [3]. HMT Production Technology, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd, 1993. [4]. Amitabh Ghosh & Ashok Mullick Manufacturing sciences East west Pvt. Limited, New Delhi [5]. Mikell P Groover Fundamentals of modern manufacturing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2000
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 1. Measurement of various features of tool geometry of a given single point tool using tool makers microscope. 2. Measurement of various features of tool geometry of a drill bit and an end mill cutter using tool makers microscope. 3. Measurement of a component features using a profile projector. 4. Study of constructional features of the Lathe and to machine a job as per given dimensions on it. 6. Study of EDM machine. 7. Machining of a work part as per given drawing on EDM machine. 8. Machining of a work part as per given drawing on CNC lathe machine.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME154 FLUID MACHINES 4 0 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Objective & Pre-requisites: Basic understanding of Fluid Power systems like turbine & pump. Pre-requisites are Mechanics & Theory of Machines. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Dimensional Analysis and Similititude: Dimensional homogeneity, Buckingham modeling criteria and distorted models.
UNIT-2 Hydro Turbines: General classification (Turbine and pumps), velocity triangle, Euler's equation of work done, efficiencies Pelton, Francis, Kaplan, Propeller and Bulb turbine, their constructional details and characteristics, unit quantities, specific speed and governing. UNIT-3 Hydraulic Pumps: Classification of pumps, centrifugal pumps, constructional details, characteristics and efficiencies, NPSH, specific speed, multistage and specific purpose pump. reciprocating pumps, indicator diagram, acceleration head, friction head, double acting pumps. UNIT-4 Cavitations: Definitions, types of cavitations, effect of cavitations, Thoma-cavitation factor. Apparatus for cavitations, factor apparatus for cavitations test, study of cavitations effects in pumps and turbines, prevention. UNIT-5 Water Hammer and Surge Tanks: Physical phenomenon of water hammer, fundamental equation, arithmetic integration, types of surge tanks. BOOKS REOMMENDED: [1]. Rao N.S.Govind, Fluid Flow Machines Tata Mc Graw Hill. [2]. Nagratham, Fluid Machines and Systems [3]. Kumar D.S, Fluid mechanics and Machines S.k Kataria & Sons 1997. [4]. Purohit R., Hydraulic Machines
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Study & performance of Pelton wheel using Pelton Wheet test rig Study & performance of Kaplan Turbine using Kaplan Turbine test rig Study & performance of Centrifugal Pump using Centrifugal Pump test rig Study & performance of Reciprocating Pump using Reciprocating Pump test rig. Study of manual centrifugal pump.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3ME155 ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS 4 0 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Objective Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Thermal Power systems & Non- Conventional Energy Systems. Prerequisites are Thermodynamics, Thermal Engineering. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Fundamentals of Non- Conventional Energy Systems Principles of working and fields of applications of unconventional power sources like Wind-Energy, tidal Energy, geo-thermal Energy, solar energy. Sources of energy, magneto hydrodynamic (MHD) system, photovoltaic cells and fuel cells. UNIT-2 Steam Generators High-pressure steam boilers, Draught chimney calculations equivalent evaporation, heat balance sheet, Carnot and Rankine cycles, reheat and regenerative cycles binary vapour cycles. UNIT-3 Nozzles Introduction, general flow analysis, Nozzle equation, design parameters, types and construction of nozzles, theory of steam injectors, effect of friction on performance. UNIT-4 Steam Turbines Introduction, advantages of steam turbine, general analysis, degree of reaction, thermodynamic analysis, losses in steam turbines, classification and comparison between impulse and reaction turbines. UNIT-5 Power Station Economics Elements of fixed and operating costs, power and various tarrifs, definitions and applications of load curves, load-factor, capacity factor, plant-utilization factor, diversity factor and demand factor. Energy audit.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Chang SSL, Energy Conversion, Prentice Hall, 1963 [2]. Skrotzki & Vopat, Power Station Engg. & Economy, Mc Graw & Kagakush ,1960 [3]. Soo, Direct Energy Conversion, Prentice Hall, 1968 [4]. Angrist, Direct Energy Conversion, S.W Publication, 4e 1982. [5]. Yahya, Turbine, Compression & Fans. [6] Arora S.C. & Domkundwar S. Power Plant Engineering Dhanpat Rai Sons, 3e, 1993
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. To find boiler efficiency using Orsats Apparatus. Energy audit of a Thermal power system. Industrial Visit of any thermal power plant and carrying out energy audit. Study of Steam Turbine in the thermal power plant To find the efficiency of a solar cooker.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 3SS156 ENTREPRENEURSHIP 2 DEVELOPMENT & IPR Duration of Theory Paper: Only Internal Test
Th Max Min -
Pr -
Total 50 25
Objectives: To impart the basics of Entrepreneurship development Concepts. To develop the skills of entrepreneurship & to encourage the students to become an entrepreneur. To impart the basics of Intellectual property Rights. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT-1 Introduction Definition of Entrepreneurship and role of an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurial characteristics, values and attitudes. Entrepreneurship development programmes. UNIT-2 Modes & Methodology of setting up a Small Scale Industry Project Identification, Market Survey, Location & Building, Technical Know - How, Raw material & other Utilities, Professional & Skilled Manpower, Project Report, Finance, Whom to Approach. UNIT-3 Institutional Support to Entrepreneurs Need for Institutional support different Government & Non Government institutions to support Entrepreneurs like, NSIC, SIDO, SSIB, SSIDC, SISIs , DTICs, industrial Estates, Specialized Institutions. Registration of a small scale Industry. UNIT-4 Intellectual Property Rights Introduction of IPR, various perspective of IPR like Innovation & Creation, Innovators & Creators, Sharing of Knowledge, Trade Marks etc. General Provisions & Basic principles of IPR. UNIT-5 Patents Definitions, Need for a patents, what can be patented, Patent laws, Rights of Patent Holders, Filing of a Patent, Industrial Scenario. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1]. Colombo plan staff college for Technician Education, Manila , Entrepreneurship Development, Tata McGrawHill 1998 [2].N.K. Acharya, Text book on intellectual Property Rights, Asha Law House New Delhi, New Edition ,2001.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Semester-VII SNo 1. 2. 3. 4 5. Sub Code 4ME101 4ME102 4ME103 4ME104 Subject Project- II Machine Design III Refrigeration & Air Conditioning SQC & TQM Elective I L 4 4 4 4 16 P 2 4 2 2 10 Maximum Marks TH CW SW PR 100 50 100 50 50 50 100 100 100 400 50 50 50 200 50 50 250 50 50 200 TOTAL 150 250 250 250 150 1050
Semester-VIII Snob. Sub Code 1. 4ME151 2. 3. 4. 5. 4ME152 4ME153 4ME154 Subject Materials Management Production & Operation Management CAD / CAM Vibration & Noise Control Elective-II L 4 4 4 4 4 20 P 2 2 2 06 Maximum Marks TH CW SW PR 100 50 100 100 100 100 500 50 50 50 200 50 50 50 150 50 50 50 50 200 TOTAL 150 150 250 250 250 1050
SNo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
SNo 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME102 MACHINE DESIGN III 4 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 4 Hours
PR 50 25
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject to introduce the students about the new and advanced methods of design like optimization in design, reliability based design, high temperature resistance design etc. Pre requisites are Machine Design I & Machine Design II. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Design for Bearings Introduction about different types of bearings, Design for Journal bearing: Specifying bearing modulus, minimum oil film thickness, flow of oil, bearing heat balancing. Elementary treatment of contact stress, Selection of antifriction bearings. UNIT-2 Reliability and Optimum based Design Introduction to optimum design, analysis of simple machine members based on optimum design. Fundamentals of reliability ,System concepts in Reliability engineering. Failure distributions, Statistical analysis of failure data, Weibull analysis, dimensioning. UNIT-3 Design for Tool Drive Design of machine tool drives such as lathe, drilling and milling machine, speed diagram, ray diagram, preferred number. UNIT-4 Design for Creep Introduction to Design for creep. Combined creep and fatigue failure prevention. Design for low temperature (Brittle failure). Design for corrosion, wear, hydrogen embrittlement, fretting fatigue and other combined modes of mechanical failure. UNIT-5 Design for Un-symmetrical Bending Design of parts of unsymmetrical sections, shear center, parts subjected to unsymmetrical bending. Note: Only Mechanical Engineers Handbook, Data-books and certified notes are allowed in the examination hall. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Shingley J.E., Mechanical Engineering Design, McGraw-Hill ,4e,2003. [2] Spotts M.F.,Shoup T.E., Hrnberger L.E., Design of Machine Elements, Pearson Education ,8e,2006 [3] Sharma P.C. and Aggarwal D.K., Machine Design,S.K.Kataria & Sons,11e,2006 [4] Shariff A.,Design of Machine Elements,Dhanpat Rai Publications(P) Ltd.,3e,1995 [5] Maleev V.L., I.C.Engine Design, , Mc.Graw Hill ,1e,1945 [6] Black and Adams, Machine Design, Mc.Graw Hill, 2e, 1968 [7] Mubeen A., Machine Design, Khanna Publishers, 4e, 2005
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. Problem on Design of Journal Bearing 2. Problem on selection of Antifriction Bearing. 3. Problem on Reliability based design. 4. Problem on Dimensioning of parts. 5. Problem on Optimum based design. 6. Problem on Design for Tool Drive. 7. Problem on Design for creep. 8. Problem on Design for Un-symmetrical Bending.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME103, REFRIGERATION AND 4 2 AIR-CONDITIONING Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Objective and Pre requisites The basic objective of the subject is to introduce the processes involved in the refrigeration and airconditioning to the students and the various systems used for the purpose. The Pre requisites are Thermodynamics, Heat transfer and Fluid mechanics COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Introduction and Air Refrigeration Systems Introduction: Review of reversed Carnot Cycle, Coefficient of Performance, Types of Refrigeration Systems, Bell-Coleman cycle, Air-Refrigeration Cycles, systems for aircraft, Boot-strap type and simple evaporative systems, Applications of refrigeration systems. UNIT-2 Vapour Compression Refrigeration (VCR) Systems Thermodynamic Cycle, T-s and P-h diagrams, Analysis, effect of under-cooling and suction superheat, Limitations of VCR systems; Refrigerants: Classification, Properties and nomenclature, primary and secondary refrigerants, eco-friendly Refrigerants. UNIT-3 Unconventional Refrigeration Systems and Future Trends Vapor Absorption Systems: absorption cycle, Lithium-bromide system, heat-exchangers, analyzer and diffusers; The Electrolux system; Steam-Jet Refrigeration, Thermo-Electric Refrigeration. Low-temperature refrigeration: Cascade systems, Joule-Thompson effect, liquefaction of gases, application areas UNIT-4 Psycromerty and Load Estimation Psychrometry: Psychrometric Chart, Psychrometric properties and Processes; Psychrometers. Air-conditioning Load Estimation: Heat Transfer fundamentals; Cooling and heating load estimation, Heat transfer across the building envelope, thermal insulation, metabolism and heat exchange by the human body, thermal comfort, comfort charts; Solar Heat Gain, ventilation and infiltration. Sensible heat factors. UNIT-5 Air Conditioning System Air conditioning Systems: Types and selection, Air Systems, Water Systems, Room Air Conditioners Window Type, Package Type, Split Type, Central Units. Air Supply Systems: Fans and Blowers, performance characteristics, heating and cooling coils, By-pass factors, Flow through Ducts, Losses, Duct Design Methods. Air Distribution and control Devices. Note : Refrigerant tables, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Data Book and certified data tables are allowed in the examination hall.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Stoeker and Jones, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, McGraw-Hill Co, 2008 [2] Arora C.P., Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, TataMcGraw Hill, 2008. [3] Prasad M, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning. New Age Publishers, 9e, 2008 [4] Ballaney P.L, Refrigeration and Air-conditioning, Khanna Publishers, 2008. [5] Ameen Ahmadul, Refrigeration and AirConditioning, Prentice-Hall of India, 2006
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. To find the coefficient of performance of Vapour compression Refrigeration (VCR) system To find the Refrigeration effect of Vapour compression Refrigeration (VCR) system To find coefficient of performance of Air-conditioner Trainer system To find Refrigeration effect of Air-conditioner Trainer system To find various psychrometric properties of Air Evaluate the variour performance parameters of A Cooling Tower Evaluate the variour performance parameters of Evaporative cooler To prove the relation between the coefficient of performance of a Heat Pump and a Refrigerator.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Instruction Hours per Subject Code & Name Week L T P 4ME104, STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL & 4 2 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE IV Year (Mechanical Engineering) Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject to introduce concepts of quality & quality control. To impart the knowledge of Total Quality Management philosophy this is widely adopted by the business organizations now a day. This course will enable the students to apply the concepts of Quality in the industries & get benefited. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT- 1 Basic Concepts of Quality Meaning of Quality, Quality of Design, Quality of Conformance, quality of performance, Quality characteristic, Quality functions, Costs of Quality, Value of Quality, Quality control, Quality Control and inspection, Quality Policy, Objectives and organization, Quality Assurance. Statistical concept, Frequency distributions. UNIT- 2 Statistical Quality Control Concepts of Variations Process capability, variables and attributes, Theory of Control chart, Control chart for variable-x bar & R chart, Application of control chart for variables. Patterns of control charts. Control Chart for Attributes: P, np. C and demerit control charts & their application. UNIT- 3 Acceptance Sampling Fundamental concepts, OC Curve-construction of OC curve, Evaluation of parameters affecting OC curve, sampling plans: Single, Double, Multiple & Sequential sampling plans. Selection of sampling plan. UNIT- 4 Total Quality Management Introduction to TQM :- Feature of TQM System, Application & Benefits of TQM. Objective of TQM, Scope & Approach of TQM, Key Activity Areas of TQM, Principles of TQM, Total Quality management philosophy of Deming, Juran & Philip Crossby. TQM Models Models for TQM Implementations, Strategic tools & techniques of TQM.
UNIT- 5 Reliability & Iso 9000 Basic Concept of reliability, Reliability and Quality, failures and failures modes, Causes of failure and unreliability, Maintainability and availability. System reliability models- System with components in series. Systems with parallel components. Need for Quality system, History of ISO: 9000 series of standards, features of ISO: 9000 series of standards.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Kapur K.C. & Lamberson, Reliability in Engg. Design, Wiley Eastern. [2] Grant E.L. & Leave Worth, Statistical Quality Control, Tata Macgrawhill. [3] Juran and Gryan, Quality Planning Analysis, Tata Macgrawhill. [4] Mahajan M.,Statistical Quality Control, Dhanpat Rai & Sons(P)Ltd, 3e, 2003. [5] Sharma D. D., Toatal Quality Management, Sultan Chand & Sons, 2e,2004. [6] Besterfield, Toatal Quality Management, Pearson Education, 3e,2005.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Study and Analysis of set parameters relating to different mathematical distributions(Variable). Study and Analysis of set parameters relating to different mathematical distributions (Discrete). Construction & analysis of various process control charts. Performance of Acceptance Sampling for a given set of lots. Analysis of tools of related to total Quality Management like QFD, Fish bone diagram etc. Case studies related to Quality Problems. Case studies related to Quality Control. Case studies related to Quality Management.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering and Technology Instruction Hours Per Week Subject Code and Name L T P 4ME105 OPERATIONS 4 RESEARCH Duration of Theory Paper 3 Hour
B.E. IV Year ( Mechanical Engineering) Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW PR Total 150 60
Objectives and Pre requisites: To develop the skills of decision making in dynamic business situations through quantitative analysis using different mathematical models like linear programming, Transportation, Assignment, Queuing etc. and Strategies formulation with the help of game theory and simulation etc. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Introduction History and development of Operations Research, Scientific Methods, Characteristics, Scope, Models in Operations Research. Linear Programming: Formulation, graphical methods, simplex method, Big- M- method UNIT-2 Linear programming models Assignment Models: Definition, Mathematical Representation, Formulation and Solution, Alternate optimal solution Transportation Model: Definition, Formulation and solution, Alternate optimal solution, Stepping stone method, Modified distribution (MODI) or u-v method Sequencing Models: Processing n jobs through two machines, m machines, and processing two jobs through m machines, Traveling salesman problem, and minimal path problem. UNIT-3 Waiting Line and Dynamic programming Model Models: Introduction, classification, state in queue, probability distribution of arrival and service times. Single server model (M/M/I). Multiple server model (MMS), Birth and death process. Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Distribution characteristic, Dynamic programming approach, Optimal subdivision problem. UNIT-4 Game Theory and Simulation Theory of Game, Competitive game, Two persons, zero sum games, maximin and minimax Principles. Saddle point. Method of Dominance, graphical and algebraic method of solution by transforming into linear programming problem. Bidding problem. Building a simulation model, Monte-Carlo simulation and application. UNIT-5 Network Analysis Network diagram, Time estimation, Basic steps in PERT and CPM, PERT computation, CPM computation, critical path, Float, Cost analysis, Crashing the network.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Taha, Operations Research, Tata Mc.Graw Hill.2002 [2] Wagner, Operations Research, PHI. New Delhi, 2003 [3] Ravindram & Philips, Operations Research, Tata Mc.Graw Hill.2005 [4] Gupta & Hira, Operations Research, S. Chand. 1e, 2008 [5] Vohra N.D, Kataria S.K, Quantitative Techniques for Management. Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 2004.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME106, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject is to introduce the students about the problems and techniques of AI. The course content provides the theoretical aspects of AI and explore the ways that the current AI techniques can be used. The Pre requisites are knowledge of computer programming, data structures, familiarity with mathematical topics like probability, logic and decision procedures. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction and history of AI, Human intelligence versus artificial intelligence, Task domains of AI, Representations in AI, Introduction to AI techniques, Limitations of AI. Defining the AI problem as state space search, Problem characteristics and search techniques: Heuristic search techniques. Problem reduction and constraint satisfaction. UNIT-2 Knowledge Representation Introduction and need for a good representation, Ways of representing knowledge, Syntactic and semantic systems, Predicate logic, Production rules, Nonmonotonic systems , Statistical reasoning systems, Semantic nets, Frames , Conceptual dependency and Scripts. Problem solving: Inference and Resolution. UNIT-3 Expert Systems and Machine Learning Introduction, Rule based expert systems, Kowledge acquisition and Knowledge bases, Architecture of an expert system, Introduction to CLIPS(C Language Integrated Production System),Introduction to techniques for machine learning, Version spaces and Nearest Neighbour Algorithm, Introduction to machine vision. UNIT-4 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic Systems Introduction, Supervised learning and Unsupervised learning, Neurons, Perceptrons, Multilayer neural networks, Recurrent networks , Unsupervised learning networks, Learning in Neural Networks and applications of neural networks. Introduction to fuzzy logic systems, Crisp sets and fuzzy sets, fuzzy logic control, Neuro fuzzy systems. UNIT-5 Planning and Language Processing Overview of planning and components of planning systems, Planning methods, Introduction to Natural language processing : Syntactic processing and Semantic analysis, Ambiguity and pragmatic analysis, Overview of programming languages of AI like LISP/PROLOG. Implementations of AI based applications in LISP/PROLOG.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Rich Elaine, Knight Kevin, Nair Shivashankar B., Artificial Intelligence, McGraw-Hill ,3e,2009. [2] Coppin Ben, Artificial Intelligence Illuminated, Narosa Publishing House ,2005 [3] Charniak Eugene, McDermott Drew, Introduction to Artificial Intelligence, Pearson Education,2e,2007 [4] Russell Stuart, Norvig Peter, Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, Pearson Education,2e,2007 [5] Winston Patric Henry, Artificial Intelligence , Pearson Education Asia, 3e, 2000.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME107 ROBOTICS 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject to introduce the students about the new and advanced methods to implement on design of Industrial robot and its impact on Automation. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Introduction Automation and Robotics, CAD/CAM and Robotics, An over view and future applications, Classification by coordinate system and control system.
UNIT-2 Components of the Industrial Robotics Function line diagram representation of robot arms, common types of arms. Components, Architecture, number of degrees of freedom, Requirements and challenges of end effectors, determination of the end effectors, comparison of Electric, Hydraulic and Pneumatic types of locomotion devices. UNIT-3 Robot Arm Kinematics Direct and inverse kinematics, Rotation matrices, Composite rotation matrices, Euler angle representation , Homogenous transformation, Denavit Hattenberg representation and various arm configuration. UNIT-4 Robot Arm Dynamics Lagrange Euler formulation, joint velocities, Kinetic energy, Potential energy and motion equations, Generalised DAlembert equations of motion. UNIT-5 Application of Robotics Robot Application in Manufacturing: Material Transfer, Material handling, loading and unloadingProcessing, Spot and continuous arc welding & spray painting, Assembly and Inspection.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Fu K. S., Robotics (Control, Sensing, Vision and Intelligence), McGraw-Hill, 4e, 2003. [2] Schilling R.J., Fundamental of Robotics, Prentice Hall, 1990. [3] Wesley, Sryda E., Industrial Robots: Computer interfacing and Control, Prentice Hall, 1985. [4] Groover M.P., Industrial Robotics Technology Programming and Applications, McGraw-Hill, 1986. [5] Asada and Slotine, Robot Analysis and Control, John Wiley and Sons, 1986.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instructions Hours per Week L T P 4ME108 TRIBOLOGY 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours COURSE CONTENTS
PR -
Total 150 75
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Moore F Desmond ,Principals and application of Tribology, ,Pergamon press,1975 [2] Sahoo Prashant Engineering Tribology, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005 [3] Lansdown A R ,Lubrication, A practical Guide to Lubricant selection, Pergamon Press1982 [4]Majumdar BC, Introduction to Tribology of Bearings, Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi,1999
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME109 COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject to introduce the students about the new and advanced methods in fluid dynamics using computer systems. Pre requisites are Engineering Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics & Thermodynamics. COURSE CONTENT UNIT 1 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics Review of conservation equations, Continuum concept, control volume equations, Ideal fluid flow and hydraulic singularities, Navier-stokes equations, and their use. Concept of compressible flow, one dimensional isentropic flow, normal shock, flow with-friction, heat transfer, boundary-Layer theory and applications UNIT 2 Boundary Layer Theory Basic concepts, Boundary Layer Parameters, Boundary Layer on flat plate, Hiemenz flow, flow near rotating disc. Von-Karman Momentum Equation. General Properties of Boundary Layer equations, Theory of stability. Theory of similarity in heat transfer and exact solutions. Turbulence, correlation coefficient. UNIT 3 Numerical Methods Fluid Dynamics Equations in Eulerian systems, the characteristic method, finite element methods and application in fluid dynamics, solution of physical flow problems. Scaling and nondimensionalisation Order of Magnitude method. UNIT 4 Computational Methods Algebraic equations, ordinary differential equations, Numerical solutions of non-linear equation. Problems leading to system of linear equations. Techniques for solving system of linear equations (direct and iterative). Linear and non linear regression techniques to correlate experimental data. Numerical Integration, application to flow processes. Solution to partial differential equations, Difference forms, implicit and explicit methods for steady state and transient problems. UNIT 5 Optimisation Methods Classical optimization methods, unconstrained minimization. Univariate, conjugate direction, gradient and variable metric methods, constrained minimization, feasible direction and projections. Integer and Geometric programming, genetic algorithms. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Douglas, J. F., Fluid Mechanics, Pearson Education, 2005. [2] Streeter, V. L and Wylie, E. B., Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill Co, 2003. [3] Streeter, V. L and Wylie, E. B., Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Co, 2003. [4] White F., Fundamentals of Fluid mechanics, McGraw-Hill Co, 2003. [5] Wirz H.J. and Smolderen J.J., Numerical Methods in Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill, 1978.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering and Technology Instructions Hours Per Week Subject Code and Name L T P 4ME151 MATERIALS 4 MANAGEMENT Duration of Theory Paper 3 Hour
B.E. IV Year (Mechanical Engineering) Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW PR Total 150 60
Objective and Pre requisites: To inbuilt the concepts of Materials Supply chain Management.. To impart the basics of purchase procedure of an organization inventory models and stores management within an organization. To concrete the concepts of inventory management for effective decision making related to material and inventory. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Introduction Objective of materials management, field and scope of material management, general analysis material quality, material planning programming. Integrated approach to Materials Management, Standardization, simplification, codification. UNIT-2 Purchase Management Scientific purchasing; objectives, organization of purchasing functions, Purchase cycle, Method of Buying; buying under certainty, buying under uncertainty, Purchasing under different circumstances , inspection and testing , purchasing for mass production , purchase contract , make or buy decision , material import , DGS & D rate contract. UNIT-3 Stores Management Stores organization, functions of scientific stores management, types of stores, store layout, store security, stores receipts, methods of storing, record keeping & checking, issue methods, stores layout. UNIT-4 Inventory Management Selective control of inventory, various inventory models, quantity discounts, shortages, instantaneous production with back orders, fixed time mode, single period model of profit maximization with time independent costs, lead time , re-order point , buffer stock, models with price breaks, , POQ system. UNIT-5 Supply chain Management Understanding the Supply chain, Process view of the supply chain, Supply chain performance: achieving Strategic Fit, Supply chain Drivers and Obstacles BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Lee & Dobler, Material management. Tata Mc.Graw Hill, 1990 [2] Arnold J.R Tony , Stephen N. Chapman and Ramakrishnan, Introduction to Material management. Pearson Education, 2008 [3] Gopal Krishnan, Material Management.Prentice Hall of India, 2000 [4] L.C.Jhamb, Materials and Logistics Managemnt, Everest Publishing House, 2004 [5] Sunil Chopara and Peter Meindl, Supply chain Management, Strategic Planning and Operations, Prentice Hall of India, 2003
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name 4ME152, PRODUCTION & OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Duration of Theory Paper 3 Hours Instruction Hours Per Week L T P 4 -
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject is to provide students with an understanding of the theory underlying operations management & enable them to contribute to improved operating decisions. This course has gradually incorporated an increasing amount of quantitative methodology because quantitative techniques improved decision making. COURSE CONTENTS UNIT- 1 Production Management Definition: Production Management operation function in organizations, Systems view of operations, defining, managing the operations subsystems. Framework for managing operations. Forecasting in operations. Methods of Forecasting, selection of the Forecasting models. Need for facility location planning, factors affecting plant location decisions. UNIT- 2 Operations Capacity and Layout Decisions Capacity planning and environment. Strategies to modify the capacity in the short run & long run. Decision tree analysis, Layout concepts, developing the process layout models & behavior, developing the product layout models (Assembly line models & behavior), manufacturing cellular layouts. UNIT- 3 Scheduling Systems and Aggregate Planning Operations planning and scheduling systems, aggregate planning process, strategies for developing aggregate planning, master production schedule. Loading: various approaches of loading, Sequencing: priorities sequencing rules, detailed scheduling, Expediting. UNIT- 4 MRP& Inventory Control Types of inventory, various models of Inventory control for EOQ, EPQ, A B C & VED analysis. MRP: Objectives, advantages, limitations, preparation of material requirement plan, closed loop MRP, MRP- II, introduction to ERP & SCM. UNIT- 5 Material, Maintenance & Econmic Ananlysis Introduction purchasing: Objectives, policies, procedure Maintenance: objectives, Importance and types of Maintenance systems Preventive and breakdown maintenance. Economic Analysis: Time Value of Money concept, Capital investment evaluation techniques- Pay back, NPV, IRR etc. BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Monks Joseph, Operation management, McGraw Hill international, 3e, 1987. [2] Everett E. Adam, et al, Production & Operations Management, Prentice Hall of India, 5e, 2004. [3] Chase Richard B., et al, Operations Management, Tata MacGraw Hill, 11e, 2006 [4] Agrawal R.D., Organization & Management, Tata MacGraw Hill. [5] Buffa E., Production and Operation Management, McGraw Hill,T/e [6] Martand Telsung, Industrial Engineering & Production Management, S.Chand & Co. Ltd, 2004.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME153,CAD/CAM 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours 0 2
BE IV Year (Mechanical Engineering) Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Objective and Pre requisites: The course contents are aimed at providing the fundamental concepts of CAD/CAM and its tools to the undergraduate students of mechanical engineering. Prerequisites to this course are Engineering Drawing, Manufacturing Processes, Machine Design and Drawing and Production Engineering-I. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Fundamentals of CAD/CAM Introduction to CAD/CAM, CAE, CIM, Concurrent Engineering and Reverse Engineering. Computer Graphics: 2D and 3D Transformation, Concatenation. CAD/CAM Hardware: CAD/CAM workstations, Peripheral devices including input-output and storage devices. CAD/CAM Softwares. UNIT-2 Computer Aided Design Introduction to design process, Typical product life cycle, Areas of applications and benefits of CAD. Geometric Modeling: Wireframe and surface modeling, Parametric representation of analytical and synthetic curves and surfaces, Solid Modeling: Boundary representation, Constructive solid geometry, Parametric and variational modeling, CAD/CAM data exchange, Introduction to finite element analysis. UNIT-3 Computer Aided Manufacturing Introduction to CAM, Fundamentals of numerical control and computer numerical control systems, Coordinate systems, Motion and position control, Part Programming: Manual part programming, NC Codes and standards, Computer assisted part programming using APT language, Simulation of machining of 3D models using CAD/CAM software, Pocket machining and surface machining methods. UNIT-4 Rapid Prototyping Technologies and Robotics Introduction of basic RP techniques: StereoLithography, Selective Photo Curing, Selective Layer Sintering, Fused Deposition Modeling, Laminated Object Manufacturing,3D Printing, Applications of RP techniques. Robotics: Robot configurations, Motion and position control of robot arm, Robot applications. UNIT-5 Group Technology and FMS Introduction to the concept of group technology, Part classification and coding systems, Machine cell formation, Introduction to Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Types of FMS and components of FMS. Automated storage and retrieval Systems AS/RS, Automated guided vehicles (AGV), CAPP, Computer aided inspection and quality control (CAIQC).
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Groover and Zimmers, CAD/CAM:Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, PHI Private Limited. [2] Groover Mikell P, Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing,2e, PHI Private Limited. [3] Zeid Ibrahim, Mastering CAD/CAM Tata McGraw-Hill Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. [4] Rao P.N.,CAD/CAM Principles and Applications,2e,Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited. [5] Zeid Ibrahim, R. Sivasubramanian, CAD/CAM Theory and Practice, Revised First Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. Development of 3D CAD model of a part as per given drawing using a CAD software. 2. Creating Assembly of given parts using a CAD software. 3. Development of the Drawing Views of a given part using a CAD software. 4. Study of the constructional features of the CNC Trainer Lathe. 5. Part Programming for the CNC machining of a workpart as per given drawing. 6. Simulation of the CNC machining operations using a CAM software. 7. Machining of a given workpiece as per drawing on CNC lathe. 8. Study of the CAD/CAM hardware and software.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME154,VIBRATION & NOISE CONTROL 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
PR 50 25
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. To find the natural frequency of a simple pendulum. 2. To determine the radius of gyration of a compound pendulum using vibration phenomenon. 3. To determine the radius of gyration of a body using bifilar suspension method.. 4. To determine the radius of gyration of a body using trifilar suspension method. 5. To determine the natural frequency of a spring mass pulley system. 6. To determine natural frequency of a spring mass system. 7. To determine the natural frequency of an undamped forced vibration system. . 8. To determine the natural frequency of a two degree of freedom system. 9. Performance analysis of damped forced vibration system. 10. Performance analysis of undamped dynamic vibration absorber. 11. Study of Vibration measuring instruments. 12. To find out critical speed of shaft using whirling of shaft apparatus. 13. Study of sound level meter.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Instruction Hours Per Subject Code & Name Week 4ME155, AUTOMOBILE L T P ENGINEERING 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper 3 Hours
B.E. IV year (Mechanical Engineering ) Marks TH Max. Min. 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Objectives & Pre requisites: To understand the principles and working of different systems of automobiles. Engineering Mechanics, Theory of Machines. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Chassis and Body Engineering Chassis classification, Types of frames, Vehicle body types & construction, Body materials, Drivers visibility and methods for improvement, Safety aspects of vehicles, Location of engine, Front wheel and rear wheel drive, Performance of Vehicle. UNIT-2 Steering System Front axle beam, Stub axle, Front wheel assembly, Principles of types of wheel alignment, Front wheel geometry viz. camber, Kingpin inclination, Castor, Toe-in and Toe-out, Condition for true rolling motion, Centre point steering, Directional stability of vehicles, Steering Gears , Power steering, Slip angle, Cornering power, Over steer & Under Steer. Wheels and tyres , Specifications, Types, Construction and tread pattern. UNIT-3 Suspension System Vehicle Dynamics and requirement of suspension , Suspension types & construction, Shock absorber, Types of leaf springs coil spring, Air spring, Torsion bar, Location of shackles, Brakes-classification & construction, Mechanical, Hydraulic & Pneumatic power brake systems, Air-bleeding of Hydraulic brakes, ABS, Performance- Braking efforts, Efficiency, Stopping Distance& time, tendency of over turning. UNIT-4 Transmission System Clutches-requirement, Types and construction, Gear boxes-purpose, Types and construction, Synchronizer, Gear shifter mechanism, Determination of gear ratio for vehicles, Gear box performance at different vehicle speed, Automatic transmission, Torque converters, Fluid coupling, Propeller shaft, Universal joints, CV joints, Differential gear box, Rear axle types & construction. UNIT-V Electrical and Control Systems Types of storage battery, Construction and operation of lead acid battery, Testing of battery, Principle & operation of starting mechanism, Different Bendix drive systems, Starter relay switch, Electric fuel gauge, Fuel pump, Horn, Wiper, Lighting system, Head light dazzling, Signaling devices and circuit, Battery operated vehicles. Microprocessor based control system for automobiles. Intelligent automobiles control systems. General: Car air conditioning systems and components, Indian standards for automotive vehicles exhaust emission-Bharat and Euro norms, Indian Motor vehicle act- preliminary information
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Singh Kirpal, Automobile Engineering, Vol.1, Standard Pub, 9e [2] Giri N.K., Automotive Technology, Khanna Pub, 4e 2009 [3] Newton & Steeds, Automobile Engineering, Butterworth Int. [4] Heitner Joseph, Automotive Mechanics, Principles and Practices, East-West Pub. [5] Crouse W.H., Automotive series Part-I to VI, Tata McGrawhill, 9e [6] Crouse W.H., Automotive Emission, Tata McGrawhill [7] BIS and Euro I and Euro-II, Emission standards.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS 1. Study of chassis frame and body. 2. Study of steering linkage mechanism and Steering Boxes. 3. Study of Front and Rear suspension systems. 4. Study of hydraulic brake system. 5. Study of single plate clutch. 6. Study of sliding mesh, constant mesh, synchromesh gearboxes. 7. Study of transmission system-Propeller shaft, Differential, Rear axles. 8. Study of electrical circuit and, battery.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name 4ME156 PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT Duration of Theory Paper 3 Hours Instruction Hours Per Week L T P 4 0 2
BE IV Year (Mechanical Engineering) Marks TH Max. Min. 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Objective and Pre requisites: This course provides hands-on and real world experience in the development of innovative and realistic customer-driven engineered products. Design concepts and techniques are introduced, and the student's design ability is developed in a design project or feasibility study chosen to emphasize ingenuity and provide wide coverage of engineering and business topics.
COURSE CONTENTS UNIT- 1 Introduction Definitions, market needs, product cycle, design methodologies, product specification, conceptual and development phases. Product planning and design decision making. Marketing, forecasting & market research for a new product. Purchasing and sales procedure. Demand analysis for new product. UNIT- 2 Product Design Introduction to PD, Applications, Relevance, Product Definition, Scope, Terminology. Design definitions, the role and nature of design, old and new design methods, Design by evolution. Need based development, technology based developments. Physical reliability & Economic feasibility of design concepts. UNIT- 3 Development of Prototype Product Divergent, transformation and convergent phases of product design. Identification of need, Analysis of need. Design for what? Design criteria, functional aspects. Aesthetics, ergonomics, form (structure). Shape, size, color. Mental blocks, Removal of blocks, Ideation Techniques, Creativity. UNIT- 4 Transformations Brainstorming & Synectics . Morphological techniques. Utility concept, Utility value, Utility index . Decision making under multiple criteria. Economic aspects of design. Fixed and variable costs. BreakEven Analysis. UNIT- 5 Product Appraisal Information and literature search, patents, standards and codes. Environment and safety considerations. Existing techniques such as work-study, SQC etc. which could be used to improve method & quality of product. Innovation versus Invention. Technological Forecasting.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Chitale A.K. & Gupta R.C., Product Design & Manufacturing, PHI (EEE),1e, 2007. [2] Crewford R.P., The Technology of Creation Thinking, Prentice Hall, 2e,2004. [3] Walls Grohem, The Art of Thought, Bruce & Co., New York. [4] Starr M.K., Product Design & Decision Theory, Prentice Hall,2e, 2006. [5] Cain C .D., Engineering Product Design , Bussiness Books. [6] Ulrich, K.T. and Eppinger, S.D., Product Design and Development, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 4th ed, 2007 (ISBN 978-0073101422).
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Study and Analysis of product cycle of different product. Study and Analysis of forecasting & market research methods for a new product. Case studies related to Product Design applications. Case studies related to Prototype Development methods for new product. Analysis of methods related to transformation of Product idea into product concept & Prototype development. (6) Case studies related to standards and codes for product development. (7) Case studies related to Environment and safety considerations for product development (8) Case studies related to Technological Forecasting for product development.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME157 RELIABILITY ENGINEERING 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE IV Year (Mechanical Engineering) Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject to introduce the students about the new and advanced methods of problem solving skill by Reliability Engineering. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1 Introduction Definition of reliability, types of failures, definition and factors influencing system effectiveness, various parameters of system effectiveness. UNIT-2 Theory of Reliability Types of system- series, parallel, series parallel, stand by and complex; development of logic diagram, methods of reliability evaluation; cut set and tie set methods, matrix methods event trees and fault trees methods, reliability evaluation using probability distributions, Markov method, frequency and duration method. UNIT-3 Reliability Mathematics Definition of probability, laws of probability, conditional probability, Bays theorem; various distributions; data collection, recovery of data, data analysis Procedures, empirical reliability calculations. UNIT-4 Optimum based Design Introduction to optimum design, analysis of simple machine members based on optimum design. System concepts in Reliability engineering. Failure distributions, Statistical analysis of failure data, Weibull analysis, dimensioning. UNIT-5 Reliability Improvements & Testing Methods of reliability improvement, component redundancy, system redundancy, types of redundancies-series, parallel, series parallel, stand by and hybrid, effect of maintenance. Note: Only Data-books, Reliability Tables and certified notes are allowed in the examination hall.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Billintan R.& Allan R.N.., Reliability Evaluation of Engineering and Systems, Plenum Press,2003. [2] Kapoor. K.C., Reliability in Engineering and Design, John Wiely and Sons, 2001. [3] Sinha S.K., Life Testing and Reliability Estimation, Wiely Eastern Ltd, 2003. [4]Shooman M.L., Probabilistic Reliability, An Engineering Approach, McGraw Hill, 1998. [5] Sandler G.H.., System Reliability Engineering, Prentice Hall, 2001.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
LABORATORY EXPERIMENTS: 1. Design Analysis of Relaibility of M/c component. 2. Problem based on Markov method of Reliability. 3. Optimum Design of M/c omponent. 4. Problem based on Weibull analysis of Reliability. 5. Problem based on Statistical analysis.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME158 POWER PLANT ENGINEERING 4 2 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours
BE IV Year (Mechanical Engineering) Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject is to acquaint the students about the new and advanced technologies of power generation and energy scenario. Pre requisites are steam engineering and thermodynamic power cycles. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1
Introduction Review of world and Indian energy situation in respect of demand, supply and resources in the historic context. Primary and secondary energy sources, their interconvertibility Merits and Demerits and Criterion for selection of power plants.
Steam Power Plant Basic principles of sitting and station design, Effect of climatic factors on station and equipment design, Choice of steam cycle and main equipment, Recent trends in turbine and boiler sizes and steam conditions, plant design and layout, Outdoor and indoor plant, System components, Fuel handling, Burning systems, Element of feed water treatment plant, Condensing plant and circulating water systems, Cooling towers, Turbine room and auxiliary plant equipment., Instrumentation, Testing and plant heat balance.
Nuclear Power Plant Importance of nuclear power development in the world and indian context, Review of atomic structure and radio activity, Binding energy concept, Fission and fusion reaction, Fissionable and fertile materials, Thermal neutron fission, Important nuclear fuels, Moderators and coolants, their relative merits, Thermal and fast breeder reactors, Principles of reactor control, Safety and reliability features.
Hydro-Power Plant: Elements of Hydrological computations, Rainfall run off, Flow and power duration curves, Mass curves, Storage capacity, Salient features of various types of hydro stations, Component such as dams, Spillways, Intake systems, Head works, Pressure tunnels, Penstocks, Reservoir, Balancing reservoirs, Selection of hydraulic turbines for power stations, Selection of site.
Diesel Engine and gas turbine power plants : Applications of diesel engines in power field, Types of diesel plants, Layout of a diesel engine power plant, Components of gas turbine plant, Gas turbine fuels, Gas turbine materials, Performance of gas turbine power plants.
[1] Nag, P.K., Power Plant Engineering, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 2008 [2] Arora and Domkundwar, A course in power Plant Engineering, Dhanpat Rai and CO, 2005 [3] EMI Wakil, Power Plant Technology, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 2005 [4] Sharma PC, Power plant Engineering, Kataria and sons, Delhi
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Study of Steam Power Plant. Study of Nuclear Power Plant. Study of Hydro-Power Plant. Study of Gas Turbine Power Plants. Study of Diesel Engine Power Plant.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
Devi Ahilya University, Indore, India Institute of Engineering & Technology Subject Code & Name Instruction Hours per Week L T P 4ME159 GAS DYNAMICS 4 Duration of Theory Paper: 3 Hours -
BE IV Year (Mechanical Engineering) Marks TH Max Min 100 35 CW 50 25 SW 50 25 PR 50 25 Total 250 110
Objective and Pre requisites: The objective of the subject is to acquaint the students about the fundamental principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics , compressibility, different types of flows and compressible flow analysis and utilization in engineering applications. Prerequisites are fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, Heat transfer. COURSE CONTENT UNIT-1
Introduction Compressible flow, energy equation, rate equations for control volume, speed of sound in ideal and perfect gases, in real gases, in almost compressible liquid, in solids, in two phase medium.
Isentropic Flow with variable area Comparison of isentropic and adiabatic processes, Mech number variation, stagnation and critical states, Area ratio as function of Mech number, impulse function, Mass flow rate, flow through nozzles, flow through diffusers.
Flow with Normal Shock Waves Wave Motion- Wave propagation in an elastic solid medium, sound waves, pressure waves, expansion waves. Development of shock waves, rarefaction waves, governing equations, prandtlMayer relation Mach no. downstream of normal shock wave, static pressure ratio across the shock, temperature ratio across the shock, density ratio across the shock, stagnation pressure ratio across the shock, change in entropy across the shock, impossibility of shock in subsonic flow, strength of a shock wave Moving normal shock waves.
Flow with oblique shock wave Nature of flow, fundamental relations, prandtl equation, Rankine-Hugoniot equation, Oblique shock relations, Mach Waves.
Flow in constant area ducts with friction Fanno curves, flow equations, solution of fanno flow equations, variation of flow properties and Mach no. with duct length, Isothermal flow. Flow in constant area duct with heat transfer Reyleigh line, fundamental equations, Reyleigh flow relations, variation of flow properties, Maximum heat transfer.
BOOKS RECOMMENDED: [1] Bird G. A., Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows, Oxford [2] Carlo C., Kinetic Theory and Gas Dynamics, Springer Verlog. [3] Liepmann H., Elements of Gas Dynamics , Dover Publication. [4] E. Rathakrishnan Gas Dynamics Prentice Hall of India. [5] S.M.Yahya, fundamentals of compressible flow, Wieley Eastern Limited New Delhi
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Analysis of Mass flow rate through nozzles. Study of variation of flow properties and Mach no. with duct length Analysis of Heat Transfer through constant area duct. Study & Analysis of Heat Transfer through fins. Analysis of friction loss through constant area ducts.
Scheme for B.E. All Semester Examination effective from July 2006