312 Physics Eng Lesson13
312 Physics Eng Lesson13
312 Physics Eng Lesson13
After studying this lesson, you should be able to : Born as the ninth child from the second wife of a taylor, he was orphened at
the age of 10. From the training as a priest, to a teacher, a revolutionary, a
z show that an oscillatory motion is periodic but a periodic motion may not be
mathematician and an advisor to Nepolean Bonapart, his life had many shades.
necessarily oscillatory;
z define simple harmonic motion and represent it as projection of uniform
He was a contemporary of Laplace, Lagrange, Biot, Poission, Malus, Delambre,
circular motion on the diameter of a circle; Arago and Carnot. Lunar crator Fourier and his name on Eiffel tower are
tributes to his contributions.
z derive expressions of time period of a given harmonic oscillator;
z derive expressions for the potential and kinetic energies of a simple harmoic
oscillator; and
z distinguish between free, damped and forced oscillations. ACTIVITY 13.1
Suppose that the displacement y of a particle, executing simple harmonic motion,
13.1 PERIODIC MOTION is represented by the equation :
You may have observed a clock and noticed that the pointed end of its seconds y = a sin θ (13.1)
hand and that of its minutes hand move around in a circle, each with a fixed
or y = a cos θ (13.2)
Now check your progress by answering the following questions. Fig. 13.2 : Simple harmonic motion of P is along YOY′
Since this force is directed towards O, and is proportional to displacement ‘y’ of Example 13.1 : A tray of mass 9 kg is supported by a spring of force constant k
P from O. we can say that the particle P is executing simple harmonic motion. as shown in Fig. 13.3. The tray is pressed slightly downward and then released. It
begins to execute SHM of period 1.0 s. When a block of mass M is placed on the
Let us put mω2 = k, a constant. Then Eqn. (13.3) takes the form
tray, the period increases to 2.0 s. Calculate the mass of the block.
F =–ky (13.4)
Solution: The angular frequency of the system is given by ω = k / m , where m
The constant k, which is force per unit displacement, is called force constant.
The angular frequency of oscillations is given by is the mass of the oscillatory system. Since ω = 2π/T, from Eqn. (13.7) we get
ω2 = k / m (13.5) 4π2/T2 =
k M
In one complete rotation, OM describes an angle 2π and it takes time T to complete
one rotation. Hence kT 2
or m =
ω = 2π/T (13.6) 4π 2
On combining Eqns. (13.5) and (13.6), we get an expression for time period : When the tray is empty, m = 9 kg and T = 1s.Therefore
T = 2π k / m (13.7) k (1) 2
9 =
4π 2 Fig. 13.3
This is the time taken by P to move from O to Y, then through O to Y′ and back
to O. During this time, the particle moves once on the circle and the foot of On placing the block, m = 9 + M and T = 2 s. Therefore, 9 + M = k × (2)2/4π2
perpendicular from its position is said to make an oscillation about O as shown in From the above two equations we get
(9 + M )
Let us now define the basic terms used to describe simple harmonic motion. =4
Therefore, M = 27 kg.
13.2.1 Basic Terms Associated with SHM
Example 13.2 : A spring of force constant 1600 N m–1 is mounted on a horizontal
Displacement is the distance of the harmonic oscillator from its mean (or
table as shown in Fig. 13.4. A mass m = 4.0 kg attached to the free end of the
equilibrium) position at a given instant.
P m
Hence T = 2π (13.8)
P k
kx This result shows that acceleration due to gravity does not influence vertical
oscillations of a spring–mass system.
Fig.13.5 : Oscillations of a spring-mass system
Galileo Galilei
Let us suppose that there is no loss of energy due to air resistance and friction. (1564-1642)
We choose x–axis along the horizontal direction. Initially, that is, at t = 0, the
block is at rest and the spring is in relaxed condition [Fig.13.5(i)]. It is then pulled Son of Vincenzio Galilei, a wool merchant in Pisa, Italy, Galileo
horizontally through a small distance [Fig. 13.5 (ii)]. As the spring undergoes an is credited for initiating the age of reason and experimentation
extension x, it exerts a force kx on the block. The force is directed against the in modern science. As a child, he was interested in music, art
extension and tends to restore the block to its equilibrium position. As the block and toy making. As a young man, he wanted to become a doctor.
returns to its initial position [Fig. 13.5 (iii)], it acquires a velocity v and hence a To pursue the study of medicine, he entered the University of
kinetic energy K = (1/2) m v2. Owing to inertia of motion, the block overshoots Pisa. It was here that he made his first discovery - the isochronosity of a
the mean position and continues moving towards the left till it arrives at the pendulum, which led Christian Huygen to construct first pendulum clock.
Galileo constructed and used telescope to study celestial objects. Through his k mg / l g
ω = = =
observations, he became convinced that Copernican theory of heliocentric m m l
universe was correct. He published his convincing arguments in the form of a Notes Notes
book, “A Dialogue On The Two Principal Systems of The World”, in the year 2π g
1632. The proposition being at variance with the Aristotelian theory of or =
T l
geocentric universe, supported by the Church, Galileo was prosecuted and
had to apologize. But in 1636, he published another book “Dialogue On Two l
New Sciences” in which he again showed the fallacy in Aristotle’s laws of Hence, T = 2π (13.9)
Because sophisticated measuring devices were not available in Galileo’s time, Measuring Weight using a Spring
he had to apply his ingenuity to perform his experiments. He introduced the We use a spring balance to measure weight of a body. It is based on the
idea of thought-experiments, which is being used even by modern scientists, assumption that within a certain limit of load, there is equal extension for
in spite of all their sophisticated devices. equal load, i.e., load/extension remains constant (force constant). Therefore,
extension varies linearly with load. Thus you can attach a linear scale alongside
13.3.3 Simple Pendulum the spring and calibrate it for known load values. The balance so prepared
A simple pendulum is a small can be used to measure unknown weights.
spherical bob suspended by a long
Will such a balance work in a gravity free space, as in a space-rocket or in a
cotton thread held between the two
satellite? Obviously not becuase in the absence of gravity, no extension occurs
halves of a clamped split cork in a
in the spring. Then how do they measure mass
stand,as shown in Fig. 13.7. The bob
q of astronauts during regular health check up?
is considered a point mass and the
string is taken to be inextensible. The It is again a spring balance based on a different
Pendulum can oscillate freely about principle. The astronaut sits on a special chair
the point of suspension. with a spring attached to each side (Fig.13.8). Fig. 13.8 : Spring balance for
measuring the mass of an
The time period of oscillations of the chair
When the pendulum is displaced astronaut
T with and without the astronaut is determined
through a small distance from its with the help of an electronic clock :
equilibrium position and then let free,
it executes angular oscillations in a mg sinq q mg cosq 4π2m
mg T12 =
vertical plane about its equilibrium k
position. The distance between the where m is mass of the astronaut. If m0 is mass of the chair, we can write
point of suspension and the centre Fig.13.7 : Simple Pendulum
of gravity of the bob defines the 4π 2 m0
T02 =
length of the pendulum. The forces acting on the bob of the pendulum in the k
displaced position shown in Fig. 13.7 are : (i) the weight of the bob mg vertically T1 is time period of ocillation of the chair with the astronaut and T0 without
downwards, and (ii) tension in the string T acting upwards along the string. the astronaut.
The weight mg is resolved in two components : (a) mg cosθ along the string but On subtracting one from another, we get
opposite to T and (b) mg sinθ perpendicular to the string. The component mg
2 2
4π 2
T –T
1 0 = (m – mo)
k C
k R
r q
⇒ m = ( T 2 – T02 ) + mo
4π2 1 in q
mg s mg l
Because the values of T0 and k are fixed and known, a measure of T1 itself co
O mg Y k k
shows the variation in mass. Notes Notes
Example 13.3 : Fig. 13.9 shows an oscillatory system comprising two blocks of Fig. 13.10 Fig.13.11 Fig. 13.12
masses m1 and m2 joined by a massless spring of spring constant k. The blocks are
pulled apart, each with a force of 3. Calculate the frequency of oscillation of the mass m connected to two rubber
m1 m2
magnitude F and then released. Calculate bands as shown in Fig. 13.12. The force constant of each band is k. (Fig.
the angular frequency of each mass. 13.12)
Assume that the blocks move on a Fig. 13.9 : Oscillatory system of masses
smooth horizontal plane. attached to a spring 13.4 ENERGY OF SIMPLE HARMONIC OSCILLATOR
Solution : Let x1 and x2 be the displacements of the blocks when pulled apart. As you have seen, simple harmonic motion can be represented by the equation
The extension produced in the spring is x1 + x2. Thus the acceleration of m1 is k (x1 y = a sin ωt (13.11)
+ x2)/m1 and acceleration of m2 is k(x1 + x2)/m2. Since the same spring provides
the restoring force to each mass, hence the net acceleration of the system When t changes to t + Δ t, y changes to y + Δy. Therefore, we can write
comprising of the two masses and the massless spring equals the sum of the y + Δ y = a sinω (t + Δt) = a sin (ωt + ωΔt)
acceleration produced in the two masses. Thus the acceleration of the system is
= a [sinωt cos ωΔt + cosωt sin ωΔt]
k ( x1 + x2 ) kx
a= = μ As Δt → 0, cos ωΔt → 1 and sin ω Δt → ω Δt. Then
⎛ 1 1 ⎞
⎜ + ⎟
⎝ m1 m2 ⎠ y + Δy = a sin ωt + a ωΔt cos ωt. (13.12)
where x = x1 + x2 is the extension of the spring and μ is the reduced mass of the Subtracting Eqn. (13.11) from Eqn. (13.12), we get
system. The angular frequency of each mass of the system is therefore,
Δy = Δt ωa cos ωt
ω = k /μ (13.10)
so that Δy/Δt = ωa cos ωt
Such as analysis helps us to understand the vibrations of diatomic molecules like
H2, Cl2, HCl, etc. or v = ωa cost ωt (13.13)
where v = Δy/Δt is the velocity of the oscillator at time t. Hence, the kinetic
energy of the oscillator at that instant of time is
INTEXT QUESTIONS 13.2 K = (1/2) mv2 = (1/2) ω2a2 cos2 ωt (13.14)
1. A small spherical ball of mass m is placed in contact with the sunface on a Let us now calculate the potential energy of the oscillator at that time. When the
smooth spherical bowl of radius r a little away from the bottom point. Calculate displacement is y, the restoring force is ky, where k is the force constant. For this
the time period of oscillations of the ball (Fig. 13.10). purpose we shall plot a graph of restoring force ky versus the displacement y. We
get a straight line graph as shown in Fig. 13.13. Let us take two points P and Q
2. A cylinder of mass m floats vertically in a liquid of density ρ. The length of
the cylinder inside the liquid is l. Obtain an expression for the time period of and drop perpendiculars PM and QN on x–axis. As points P and Q are close to
its oscillations (Fig. 13.11). each other, trapezium PQNM can be regarded as a rectangle. The area of this
to the work done in the time displacement changes position or at the maximum displacement position? Where is its acceleration
1 2 y
from O to OB (= y) = ky . This work done O MN B 2. Why does the amplitude of a simple pendulum decrease with time? What
2 y Notes Notes
happens to the energy of the pendulum when its amplitude decreases?
against the conservative force is the potential Fig.13.13 : Graph between the
energy U of the oscillator. Thus, the potential displacement y and the restoring
energy of the oscillator when the displacement is force ky 13.5 DAMPED HARMONIC OSCILLATIONS
y is Every oscillating system normally has a viscous medium surrounding it. As a
result in each oscillation some of its energy is dissipated as heat. As the energy of
1 2 oscillation decreases the amplitude of oscillation also decreases. The amplitude
U = ky
2 of oscillations of a pendulum in air decreases continuously. Such oscillations are
called damped oscillations. To understand damped oscillations perform activity
But ω2 = k/m. Therefore, substituting k = mω2 in above expression we get
U = mω2y2
Further as y = a sin ωt, we can write
Activity 13.2
Take a simple harmonic oscillator comprising a metal block B suspended from a
1 fixed support S by a spring G. (Fig. 13.15(a). Place a tall glass cylinder filled two
U = mω2a2sin2ωt (13.15)
2 thirds with water, so that the block is about 6 cm below the surface of water and
On combining this result with Eqn. (13.14), we find that total energy of the about the same distance above the bottom of the beaker. Paste a millimetre scale
oscillator at any instant is given by (vertically) on the side of the cylinder just opposite the pointer attached to the
E =U+K block. Push the block a few centimetres downwards and then release it. After
each oscillation, note down the uppermost position of the pointer on the millimetre
= mω2a2 (sin2ωt + cos2ωt) scale and the time. Then plot a graph between time and the amplitude of
2 oscillations. Does the graph [Fig. 13.15 (b)] show that the amplitude decreases
1 with time. Such oscillations are said to be damped oscillations.
= ma2ω2 (13.16)
2 S
The graph of kinetic energy K, potential energy
U and the total energy E versus displacement y E
is shown in Fig.13.14. From the graph it is evident K
that for y = 0, K = E and U = 0. As the
displacement y from the mean position increases,
y (t)
B t (s)
the kinetic energy decreases but potential energy
a O a
increases. At the mean position, the potential –y y
energy is zero but kinetic energy is maximum. At Fig.13.14 : Variation of potential
the extreme positions, the energy is wholly energy U, kinetic energy K, and
(a) (b)
potential. However, the sum K + U = E is total energy E with displacement
from equilibrium position Fig. 13.15 : Damped vibrations : (a) experimental setup; (b) graphical representation
⎝ ⎠
1. Return force on the ball when displaced a distance x from the equilibrium Notes Notes 2
12. × 10 – 3 m s –1
position is mg sin θ = mg θ = mg x/r. ∴ ω = g/r .
14. (a) 14.14 s– 1
2. On being pushed down through a distance y, the cylinder experiences an
(b) 0.6 m s–1
upthrust yαρg. Therefore ω = and m = αpρ. From the law of flotation
m (c) 0.3 m s– 2
m = mass of black. Hence, ω2 = g/l or T = 2π l/g . (d) 0.5 J
3. ω2 = k/m and hence v = 1/2π k / m . Note that when the mass is displaced,
only one of the bands exerts the restoring force.
1. K.E is maximum at mean position or equilibrium position; acceleration is
maximum when displacement is maximum.
2. As the pendulum oscillates it does work against the viscous resistance of air
and friction at the support from which it is suspended. This work done is
dissipated as heat. As a consequence the amplitude decreases.
1. When an oscillatory system called the driver applies is periodic of force on
another oscillatory system called the driven and the second system is forced
to oscillate with the frequency of the first, the phenomenon is known as forced
vibrations. In the particular case of forced vibrations in which the frequency
of the driver equals the frequency of the driven system, the phenomenon is
known as resonance.
2. The table top is forced to vibrate not with its natural frequency but with the
frequency of the tuning fork. Therefore, this observation demonstrates forced
vibrations. Since a large area is set into vibrations, the intensity of the sound
3. The sound board or box is forced to vibrate with the frequency of the note
produced by the instrument. Since a large area is set into vibrations, the intensity
of the note produced increases and its duration decreases.