1. Differentiate the film wise condensation with drop wise condensation.
2. Illustrate the different regions of boiling. 3. List the types of heat exchanger. 4. Explain boiling and condensation. 5. Differentiate parallel flow heat exchanger with counter flow heat exchanger. 6. Recall about LMTD. 7. Define Emissivity. 8. What is meant by radiation shield? 9. State Planck’s Law. 10. State Stefan Boltzmann law.
PART - B & C
1. Water is to be boiled at atmospheric pressure in a polished copper pan by means of an
electric heater. The diameter of the pan is 0.38 m and is kept at 115 0C. Calculate the following, 1. Power required to boil the water, 2. Rate of evaporation, 3. Critical heat flux. 2. Water is boiled at the rate of 24 kg/h in a polished copper pan, 300 mm in diameter, at atmospheric pressure. Assuming nucleate boiling conditions calculate the temperature of the bottom surface of the pan. 3. A vertical tube of 65 mm outside diameter and 1.5 m long is exposed to steam at atmospheric pressure. The outer surface of the tube is maintained at a temperature of 600C by circulating cold water through the tube. Calculate the following, 1. The rate of heat transfer to the coolant, 2. The rate of condensation of steam. 4. Dry saturated steam at a pressure of 3 bar, condenses on the surface of a vertical tube of height 1m. The tube surface temperature is kept at 1100C. Calculate the following, a. Thickness of the condensate film, b. Local heat transfer coefficient at a distance of 0.25m. 5. In a refrigerating plant water is cooled from 20C to 7C by brine solution entering at -2C and leaving at 3C. The design heat load is 5500 W and the overall heat transfer coefficient is 800 W/m2 K. What area required when using a shell and tube heat exchanger with the water making one shell pass and the brine making two tube passes. 6. Steam at 0.080 bar is arranged to condense over a 50 cm square vertical plate. The surface temperature is maintained at 20C. Calculate the following. a. Film thickness at a distance of 25 cm from the top of the plate. b. Local heat transfer coefficient at a distance of 25 cm from the top of the plate. c. Average heat transfer coefficient. d. Total heat transfer 7. A black body at 3000 K emits radiation. Calculate the following: i) Monochromatic emissive power at 7 m wave length. ii) Wave length at which emission is maximum. iii) Maximum emissive power. iv) Total emissive power, Calculate the total emissive of the furnace if it is assumed as a real surface having emissivity equal to 0.85 8. Emissivities of two large parallel plates maintained at 800C and 300C are 0.5 respectively. Find net radiant hat exchange per square meter for these plates. Find the percentage reduction in heat transfer when a polished aluminium radiation shield of emissivity 0.06 is placed between them. Also find the temperature of the shield. 9. The outer surface of a cylindrical vertical drum having 25 cm diameter is exposed to saturated steam at 1.7 bar for condensation. The surface temperature of the drum is maintained at 85C. Calculate the following, Length of the drum, Thickness of condensate layer to condense 65 kg/h steam. 10. A furnace wall emits radiation at 2000 K. Treating it as black body radiation, calculate, (i) Monochromatic radiant flux density at 1m wave length, (ii) Wave length at which emission is maximum and the corresponding emissive power., (iii) Total emissive power. 11. In a counter flow heat exchanger water at 200C flowing at the rate of 1200 kg/h. It is heated by oil of specific heat 2100 I/kg K flowing at the rate of 520 kg/h at inlet temperature of 950C. Determine total heat transfer, outlet temperature of water and outlet temperature of oil. Take overall heat transfer co-efficient is 1000 W/m2K. Heat exchanger area is 1m2.