PS 817 Eleanor Powell
PS 817 Eleanor Powell
PS 817 Eleanor Powell
Course Overview: This course introduces the fundamentals of research design in political
science. We start by examining how political scientists formulate puzzles and questions, and
discuss the processes of theorization, concept formation and measurement. We then study
how political scientists test claims using qualitative and quantitative methods. Such methods
include description, controlled comparisons, and natural, field and survey experiments. We
conclude with a discussion of the role of transparency and replications in political science
Official Course Description: Acquaints students with a wide variety of research methods used
to analyze political phenomena, emphasizing both quantitative and qualitative approaches.
Learning Outcomes: Successful students will gain a broad understanding of the political science
method as described above. In particular, students will gain an appreciation of the
fundamentals of good research design, and the strengths and weaknesses of various qualitative
and quantitative research methods.
Course credits: This is a three-credit class. The credit standard for this course is met by an
expectation of a total of 135 hours of student engagement with the course learning activities,
which include class meetings of two hours each week, multiple instructor-student meetings
over the course of the semester, reading, data collection, analysis, writing, etc.
Assignments and grading: The class grade will be based on active and informed class
participation, five short written assignments and a term paper. The specifics of these
assignments and a detailed grading breakdown are available below:
• Active, informed class participation, for 20% of the class grade. Participants are
expected to have read the assigned works closely, and reflected on them, including
possibly by discussing them with their colleagues before class.
• Five short assignments (3-5 pages; double-spaced), for 10% of the class grade each.
o Assignment 1: Identify a puzzle or question that you find interesting.
Hypothesize two to three explanations, drawing on relevant literatures or
theories. Due: 10/1
o Assignment 2: From assignment 1 or from a topic of your choosing, identify your
dependent variable. Devise two to four different ways in which this might be
measured. What are the possibilities of mis-measurement? How can these be
minimized? Due: 10/15
o Assignment 3: Critique a research design presented in a paper at a colloquium in
your field. What problems you see in the research design and what might be
done to fix those problems? Due: Anytime before 12/3
o Assignment 4: Locate data for your dependent variable from #2. Also locate data
for 4-5 independent variables you think will be important. What kind of sample
overlap do you have? Do you have missing data problems? Due: 11/12
o Assignment 5: Design an experiment (survey, natural, field) to help answer the
puzzle you identified in the previous assignments. Assume you have the power
of fiat in making your experiment happen. Be sure to identify the exact nature of
the treatment. What are possible confounding factors? Due: 12/3
• A term paper, for 30% of the class grade. The paper should pose a clear research
question, possibly from previous course assignments, synthesize the relevant literature,
and outline a theory and at least two falsifiable hypotheses. In the bulk of the paper,
students should develop a tractable research design (including a data collection and
analysis plan) that would allow for theory testing. Ideally, students would pursue this
project in subsequent classes, resulting in a published paper. Students should discuss
their topics with me once by week 6, and a second time by week 11. Papers are due on
Canvas one week after the last class, on 12/17. The paper should be approximately 20
pages double-spaced.
Academic Integrity: By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an
active participant in UW-Madison’s community of scholars in which everyone’s academic work
and behavior are held to the highest academic integrity standards. Academic misconduct
compromises the integrity of the university. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, unauthorized
collaboration, and helping others commit these acts are examples of academic misconduct,
which can result in disciplinary action. This includes but is not limited to failure on the
assignment/course, disciplinary probation, or suspension. Substantial or repeated cases of
misconduct will be forwarded to the Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards for
additional review. For more information, refer to
Diversity and inclusion: Diversity is a source of strength, creativity, and innovation for
UWMadison. We value the contributions of each person and respect the profound ways their
identity, culture, background, experience, status, abilities, and opinion enrich the university
community. We commit ourselves to the pursuit of excellence in teaching, research, outreach,
and diversity as inextricably linked goals. The University of Wisconsin-Madison fulfills its public
mission by creating a welcoming and inclusive community for people from every background –
people who as students, faculty, and staff serve Wisconsin and the world.
The readings are a combination of books, book chapters, and articles. Some are general sources
intended to acquaint you with a set of issues; others are applications that exemplify a
methodological approach. The three required books are Gerring’s Social Science Methodology:
A Unified Framework (2nd ed.), King, Keohane, and Verba’s Designing Social Inquiry (KKV), and
Brady and Collier’s Rethinking Social Inquiry (2nd ed.), all available for purchase online. You are
welcome to borrow, share, or buy the books as you see fit. Other readings will be distributed
electronically on the canvas course website. Students are expected to do all of the required
reading and come to class meetings ready to discuss the material. I will give advance notice
when the readings are changed.
Course Outline:
A detailed class plan—subject to revision—follows.