Self-Regulated Learning Module: at The End of The Lesson, The Learners CAN
Self-Regulated Learning Module: at The End of The Lesson, The Learners CAN
Self-Regulated Learning Module: at The End of The Lesson, The Learners CAN
Grade Level and Strand: _STEM_12A_St._Jerome________
Address: _Villa_Theresa_Subd._Putik_Z.C______________
Contact Number: _09770768331_______________________
Facilitator: ROMEO J. GABITO, Ed. D.
A. Scope -the coverage (context) , range (locale) and period of the study
B.Limitations - weaknesses of the study beyond the control of the researcher
This study is delimited to determine the level of commitment of teachers and their
teaching performance. Commitment of teachers will be measured in terms of normative,
continuance and affective. On the other hand, teaching performance will be gauged in terms of
organizing curriculum, delivery of instruction and assessment of learning. This will be
conducted in Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School – Tetuan , school year 2020-2021.
The respondents of this study will be the teachers in ICAS-Tetuan who have been
teaching for five years and above. The survey questionnaires will be used in gathering data.
Based on the definitions of Scope and Limitations, list one statement for scope and
another one for limitations.
This study is delimited to determine the level of motivation of students and their academic
performance in core subjects. Their level of motivation in terms of descriptive, continuance,
and affective. It will be conducted at Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School Senior
High School Department in Tetuan, Zamboanga City, school year 2020-2021.
The respondents of this study will be the students of ICAS-Tetuan of Grade 12 STEM
students wherein they will be divided by sections and randomly selected. The survey
questionnaires will be used in gathering data.
Summarize your learning of this concept , “Scope and Limitations of the Study.”
The scope identifies the boundaries of the study in term of subjects, objectives,
facilities, area, time frame, and the issues to which the research is focused. The
limitations of the study are those characteristics of design or methodology that
impacted or influenced the interpretation of the findings from your research
Case: The researcher is working on a research paper , “Factors Affecting the Career
Choice of the Senior High School Students of Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan
School.” The factors include personal decision, parental influence, and peer
Write your:
This study is delimited to determine the relationship between personal decision,
parental influence, and peer influence of the students. In other words, the students
will be gauged, and assessed in terms of the factor that influence their career choice.
This will be conducted in Immaculate Conception Archdiocesan School – Tetuan,
school year 2020 – 2021.
The respondents of this study will be the students of ICAS – Tetuan of Grade 12
STEM students wherein they’ll be divided by section and will be randomly selected.
Survey questionnaire will be used to gather data.
Develop a paragraph that manifests the limitations of your freedom as a citizen of this
Although we have freedom of expression, we also have a duty to behave responsibly and to
respect other people’s rights. If, for instance, you hold viewpoints that promote racial or
religious hatred, an authority might be permitted to limit your freedom of speech. The
applicable public body must, however, demonstrate that the regulation is 'proportionate,' that
is to say, that it is sufficient and not more than necessary to resolve the issue at issue.
Name: _Adil,_Nuromar_H.___________________________
Grade Level and Strand: _STEM_12A_St._Jerome________
Address: _Villa_Theresa_Subd._Putik_Z.C______________
Contact Number: _09770768331_______________________
Facilitator: ROMEO J. GABITO, Ed. D.
Synthesize the paragraph and list a reference using the American Psychological
Association Format (APA).
Kent and Facer (2004) indicated that school is an important environment in which
students participate in a wide range of computer activities, while the home serves as a
complementary site for regular engagement in a narrower set of computer activities.
Increasingly, ICT is being applied successfully in instruction, learning, and assessment. ICT is
considered a powerful tool for educational change and reform.
In unity all of us must be unified on everything that we do for the society. In coherence each
and every one of us must establish continuity within or towards the things that will help our
society and make us grow. In consistency, all of us should be consistent in doing good things
for the betterment of ourselves and for our economy to develop and enrapture. This are the
things that we need to know to be able to attain these three words in life.
Name: _Adil,_Nuromar_H.___________________________
Grade Level and Strand: _STEM_12A_St._Jerome________
Address: _Villa_Theresa_Subd._Putik_Z.C______________
Contact Number: _09770768331_______________________
Facilitator: ROMEO J. GABITO, Ed. D.
Importance of a Theory
The theoretical framework is most often not something readily found within the
literature. You must review course readings and pertinent research studies for theories
and analytic models that are relevant to the research problem you are investigating. The
selection of a theory should depend on its appropriateness, ease of application, and
explanatory power
1. Examine your thesis title and research problem. The research problem anchors
your entire study and forms the basis from which you construct your theoretical
2. Brainstorm about what you consider to be the key variables in your research .
Answer the question, "What factors contribute to the presumed effect?"
3. Review related literature to find how scholars have addressed your research
problem. Identify the assumptions from which the author(s) addressed the problem.
4. List the constructs and variables that might be relevant to your study. Group
these variables into independent and dependent categories.
5. Review key social science theories that are introduced to you in your course
readings and choose the theory that can best explain the relationships between the
key variables in your study [note the Writing Tip on this page].
6. Discuss the assumptions or propositions of this theory and point out their
relevance to your research
A theory requires a framework for understanding its application to the topic being
investigated. When writing and revising this part of your research paper, keep in mind
the following:
The terms theory and hypothesis are often used interchangeably in newspapers and
popular magazines and in non-academic settings. However, the difference between
theory and hypothesis in scholarly research is important, particularly when using an
experimental design.
A theory is a well-established principle that has been developed to explain some
aspect of the natural world. Theories arise from repeated observations and testing and
incorporates facts, laws, predictions, and tested assumptions that are widely accepted
[e.g., rational choice theory; grounded theory; critical race theory].
A hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction about what you expect to happen in
your study. For example, an experiment designed to look at the relationship between
study habits and test anxiety might have a hypothesis that states, "We predict that
students with better study habits will suffer less test anxiety." Unless your study is
exploratory in nature, your hypothesis should always explain what you expect to happen
during the course of your research.
How do you know that a particular theory is relevant and applicable to your research?
The theoretical framework must reflect an interpretation of ideas and principles that are
applicable to the subject of your research paper and that contribute to the wider fields of
expertise that are being discussed. For hypotheses and theoretical models that are applicable
to the research issue you are researching, you may study course readings and relevant research
studies. A theory's selection should depend on its appropriateness, ease of use, and strength of
The mechanism that can carry or endorse a hypothesis of a scientific analysis is the theoretical
framework. The theoretical framework introduces and outlines the hypothesis that explains
why the research topic occurs under study. And your study is driven by a theoretical
framework, deciding what things you are going to calculate and what statistical relationships
you are going to look for.
What would be the consequence of your decisions on issues when you based them on
existing facts and data.
Data should be collected on how people are now impacted by the present crisis. Instead of
depending on existing facts and results, it is easier to focus our decisions on what is happening
now. However, this existing insights can also be used to extract information from the past. In
conclusion, I agree the decision is important if we are going to use data on the current issue
impacting individuals right now in these days.
Name: _Adil,_Nuromar_H._____________________________________
Grade Level and Strand: _STEM_12A_St._Jerome__________________
Address: _Villa_Theresa_Subd._Putik_Z.C________________________
Contact Number: _09770768331_________________________________
Facilitator: ROMEO J. GABITO, Ed. D.
The conceptual framework is the visual illustration or map that articulates the steps
followed in the course of the study. The basis for developing the conceptual
framework is on the research problems.
The students are conducting a study on the factors affecting students reading
comprehension skills.
1.What is the extent of the factors affecting the reading comprehension skills of
the students in terms of:
1.1 personal
1.2 home
1.3 school
1.4 community
2.What is the level of the reading comprehension skills of the students in terms of:
2.1 literal
2.2 inferential
2.3 critical
3.Do the factors significantly affect the level of the reading comprehension skills
of the students?
Conceptual Framework
The first box of the conceptual framework is the independent variable (first
question) , the second box is the dependent variable (second question) and the line
with an arrow pointing to the second box is the third question (significantly affect).
1. Develop the conceptual paradigm of the research study using the specific
problems and identify the independent and dependent variables.
2.Explain how the conceptual paradigm was developed.
Situation: The students are instructed to conduct a study on the level of awareness and
practices on waste management among residents of Tetuan.
The following are the questions derived from the topic:
1.What is the level of awareness on waste management of the residents?
2.What are the practices on waste management of the residents?
3.Is there a significant relationship between level of awareness on waste
management of the residents?
Conceptual Framework
Independent Variable Dependent Variable
level of practices on
awareness on waste
waste Relationship management of
management of the residents
the residents
The first box of the conceptual framework is the independent variable (first question),
the second box is the dependent variable (second question) and the line with an arrow
pointing to the first and second box is the third question (significant relationship).
The conceptual framework-analysis target pairings that they suggest are beneficial and offer a
point of departure for new scholars to create their own research design. Frameworks have also
been used to clarify the philosophy of dispute and the equilibrium required to accomplish
what amounts to resolution.
Name: _Adil_Nuromar_H.________________________________
Grade Level and Strand: _STEM_12A_St._Jerome_____________
Address: _Villa_Theresa_Subd_Putik_Z.C____________________
Contact Number: _09770768331____________________________
Facilitator: ROMEO J. GABITO, Ed. D.
The existence of the relationship between independent and dependent variables is negated by
the null hypothesis (Ho). The existence of the relation between independent and dependent
variables is verified by the alternative hypothesis (Ha).
1.4 Integration of Learning
The null hypothesis is a general assumption that states that there is no association between
two phenomena under investigation or that two classes are not related. An alternative
hypothesis is a statement that explains in an analysis that there is a correlation between two
chosen variables.
1 Does study habits of the students significantly increase their academic achievement?
The study habits of the students do not significantly increase their academic
The study habits of the students significantly increase their academic achievement.
2.Do the students significantly differ on their perceptions of the teachers’ competence
in teaching SHS students when categorized according to sex?
The students do not significantly differ on their perceptions of the teacher’s competence in
teaching SHS students when categorized according to sex.
The students significantly differ on their perceptions of the teacher’s competence in teaching
SHS students when categorized according to sex.
Formulate the null and alternative hypotheses for each of the following sets of
independent and dependent variables.
Independent Dependent Ho Ha
Variable Variable
Interest Ability to There is no significant There is a significant
learn musical relationship between the relationship between the
instrument interest and musical interest and the ability to
instrument. learn musical instrument.
Use of Gadgets Achievement The use of gadgets does The use of gadgets
level in Math not significantly affect significantly affect the
the achievement level in achievement level in
Math. Math.
Motivation to Performance The motivation to learn The motivation to learn
learn English in Grammar English does not English significantly
test significantly affect the affect the performance in
performance in grammar test.
grammar test.
How would you relate your lesson on hypothesis to your real life situation?
Every day we test ideas, recipes, fresh routes every day so that you can get to your
destination quicker or with fewer traffic. We wonder what is substantially easier to please us.
It's Friday night and there's a movie you want to watch. Three movies have caught your eye,
but you're not really sure whether or not they're successful. We're the kind of person in this
modern day and era, who always rely on family and friends for recommendations.
Name: _Nuromar_H._Adil___________________________
Grade Level and Strand: _STEM_12A_St._Jerome________
Address: _Villa_Theresa_Subd._Putik_Z.C______________
Contact Number: _09770768331_______________________
Facilitator: ROMEO J. GABITO, Ed. D.
A.Activity 1
Instructions: Differentiate conceptual definition from operational definition using
the table below.
Point of Comparison Conceptual Definition Operational Definition
Similarities In a research, this offers a In a research, this offers a
better understanding. better understanding.
Differences It shows you what the It tells you exactly how to
concept means. measure it.
Examples Self-Concept – Self-Concept – Scores on
Characteristics used to the Coopersmith Self-
describe oneself Esteem inventory.
B. Activity 2
Instructions: Provide the conceptual and operational definition of the variables.
Variables Conceptual Definition Operational Definition
Motivation Motivation is the reason Motivation can
for people's actions, be defined as the inner
willingness and goals. force that drives
individuals to accomplish
personal and
organizational goals
(Lindner, 1998).
Interest Interest is the charge for Interest is calculated as a
the privilege of borrowing percentage of a loan,
money, typically expressed balance, paid to the lender
as annual percentage rate periodically for the
(APR). privilege of using their
Success Success can be defined as Success is passionately
social status that describes living one’s dream by
a prosperous person that setting stretch goals,
could also have gained believing in one’s ability to
fame for its favorable achieve them, working
outcome. hard and possessing a bias
towards action.