PR1 Reseach Problem and Title
PR1 Reseach Problem and Title
PR1 Reseach Problem and Title
At the end of the lesson, the student will be able to:
1. design a research useful in daily life;
2. write a research title;
3. present written statement of the problem; and
4. indicate scope and delimitation of research.
Starting the Research Process
When you have to write a thesis or dissertation, it can be hard to know where to begin, but there are some clear
steps you can follow.
The research process often begins with a very broad idea for a topic you'd like to know more about. You do some
preliminary research to identify a problem. After refining your research questions, you can lay out the foundations of your
research design, leading to a proposal that outlines your ideas and plans.
A research title prefaces the study by providing a summary of the main idea and is usually short and
concise. Writing it may seem to be a simple task but it actually requires more consideration on the part of the
researcher. While he or she may have written the contents of the study in great detail, researchers may find it
hard to create a research title for their study that is concise and represents all the relevant elements of the study
at the same time.
A research title should have the following characteristics:
1. It should summarize the main idea of the paper.
2. It should be a concise statement of the main topic.
3. It should include the major variables of the research study.
4. It should be self-explanatory.
5. It should describe or imply the participants of the study.
In general, the researcher should avoid using words that serve no useful purpose and can mislead
indexers. Words such as "methods", "results", and "investigations" should not appear in the title. In many cases,
the general problem of the research or even the specific question that the researcher intends to answer, rewritten
in a statement form, can serve as the title.
The research problem states the area of concern of the research paper whether it is a circumstance
needing development, a difficulty requiring attention, or an inquiry necessitating an answer. This section sets
direction of the research study as it provides the foundation for the research hypothesis and defines what kind of
research study is suitable address the problem. However, it is important to note that this section should only
state the problem and not preface or suggest a solution for it.
Furthermore, a discerned problem is said to be researchable when the following criteria are met:
1. Solutions are available but not yet tested and not yet known by the practitioner.
2. No solutions are available to answer the gap or the problem being assessed.
3. When the given answers or solutions, as well as the possible results, are seemingly untested or are
factually contradictory with each other.
4. A phenomenon requiring an explanation has occurred.
5. There are several possible and plausible explanations for the existence of an undesirable condition.
2. Internal Criteria
a. Experience, training, and qualifications of the researcher – These constitute the researcher's
knowledge and expertise as result of experience and study.
b. Motivation, interest, intellectual curiosity, and perceptiveness of the researcher – These are
essential attitudes that bring anticipated satisfaction or enjoyment in the completion of research tasks.
c. Time factor – This considers the fact that studies must be pursued within a given time frame.
d. Costs and returns – These factors matter in choosing a research problem. Research is an
expensive undertaking. The amount of funding needed, after all, depends on the size of the sample, the
place where the research is to be conducted, the treatment of data, and the kind of research design.
e. Hazards, penalties, and handicaps – These depend upon the researcher's physical and
intellectual capacity and moral judgments.
The introduction is important in establishing the cognitive setting of the research. It has the following
1. Rationalization of the need to research on the problem
2. Clarification of the important terminologies for the reader to easily understand what the research is
3. Establishment of the degree of seriousness of the problem which prompted the researcher to look for
The following questions can aid the researcher in formulating the introduction:
1. What is the rationale of the problem? This question is answered by sharing the reasons why the
researcher decided to look for solutions to the problem. A rationale may include the narration of
personal experiences, a description of an article read, a scene witnessed, a news heard, or a theory that
needs to be clarified. The researcher should describe the existing and prevailing problem based on his or
her experience. The scope may be local, national, or international. Ideally, the rationale can start from a
global perspective to a more personal one.
As a Grade 12 student, Arjohn David, experienced some difficulties in performing well because
of various factors such as the attitude of his teachers as well as their teaching methods, the absence of
laboratory facilities, and inadequacy of books in the library. He is having difficulties in his quizzes and
class performance.
2. What is the setting of the problem? The setting forms part of the delimitation of the study. It defines
the geographic boundaries and certain demographic characteristics of the research. This describes the
place where the research was conducted, since the setting has a significant bearing on the variables
being studied. In the description of the setting, its distinctive characteristics must be highlighted.
Puting Capunitan Elementary School is one of the barrio schools in Onion, Bataan where most
enrollees are from disadvantaged families whose immediate ancestors are either laborers or fisher folks.
This school is one of the schools with poorly performing students in their division according to the
Department of Education.
3. What is the basic literature foundation of the study? This is different from the review of the related
theories, conceptual literature, and research literature. This part seeks to provide the researcher clarity on
the terms or variables used in the study. The terms and variables must be clear to the researcher for an
easy understanding of the readers. As such, sufficient background can assist the investigator in
determining the boundaries of the study. This part is derived from different literature sources. The use of
various references is crucial in this part of the first chapter.
As teaching is considered to be a complex activity (medley, as cited in Iqbal, 1996), the scholars and
researchers in the field of education have since long been exploring into and analyzing the teaching
phenomenon. Teaching is an arrangement and manipulation of a situation in which a learner tries to
overcome the learning problems. Teaching is also a multidimensional set of activities intended to
facilitate learning (Torrington et al., 2003). However, it is universally recognized that teachers'
instructional performance plays a key role in students' learning and academic achievement (Panda and
Mohanty, 2003).
4. How serious is the chosen research problem? The researcher is tasked to identify the intensity and
magnitude of the problem. When the gravity of the problem has already been described, he or she may
then gauge the kind of action to be used to identify the problem. In most cases, the researcher at this
point looks for statistical or quantitative evidence to assess the significance of the problem at hand.
Based on the DepEd Division Memo series 2012, among the 12 schools with the most poorly
performing students, Putting Capunitan Elementary Schools ranked 12th.
5. What is the general objective of the problem? This is the general statement of the problem or the
major tasks of the researcher to discharge and should also be the basis of the enumerated statements of
specific problems.
With the abovementioned scenario and situations, it is the main objective of the researcher to
determine the common reasons of the poor performance of the students. Therefore, the research findings
on that objective become the basis of an intervention program for school effectiveness.
6. What is the overall purpose of the problem? It is important to note that the researcher must be totally
aware of the purpose of the research problem. He or she must fully understand the implications of the
resulting findings of the study.
This is mainly for the purpose of letting the students acquire the needed competencies before
graduation and enabling the school to perform better in the Regional Achievement Examinations.
Introduction Sample
Predictors of Students’ Performance in Chemistry Laboratory of Selected
Private Schools (Estrella, 2009)
Experimenting is one of the tasks in a science class. No science course is ever complete unless each
student has been given the opportunities to students to be exposed to hands-on activities where they discover the
answers to their scientific queries. Laboratory activity requires students to use many of the other scientific
process skills like observation, measurements, inference, prediction, and generalization.
All levels of students from primary, secondary, and tertiary levels conduct laboratory activities. It is a
well-known fact that college students taking up professional courses cannot do away with science as one of
their basic subjects. However, it has been observed that students still find difficulties even in identifying
common laboratory apparatus and following simple procedures. This is despite the fact that they have been
already exposed to science activities during their high school years.
Setting of the Problem
To cite, they have Integrated Science in their first year. Biology in their second year, Chemistry in third
year, and Physics in their fourth year. It is therefore, expected that they are already familiar with the basics in
science experiment. However, this is not the case. Most of the time, the teacher repeats simple laboratory
procedures, whereby, it must be explained properly "to the letter", and all observations would lead the teacher to
teach the "ABCs” of doing a laboratory activity so that they can perform it correctly. In addition, the teacher
would have to orient the students on the basic and the most commonly used laboratory apparatus.
Literature Foundation
However, as cited by Cuyegkeng (2008), in the Philippine educational system, one of the most
disturbing problems is the poor achievement of Filipino students in the areas of science and technology.
Educators agree that one of the major causes of his problem has to do with the method of facilitating the
learning of science concepts, processes, and poor laboratory practices inside the classroom. Somehow, this
indicates that the current methods do not fully develop the skills of both students and teachers. Also, Puno
(2005), citing specific issues concerning higher education, mentioned that academic excellence must be viewed
in terms of excellence in practical or applied learning theories. Application of these theories and concepts will
make the learner a productive member of society. It is not the quantity of knowledge but more importantly how
much of these knowledge can be put to good use. We need graduates whose lives will be full of action and not
merely have heads which are just full of facts.
General objective
At present, the researcher, as a college instructor, is experiencing the abovementioned scenario in
science education. If not dealt with properly, it might result to poor performance in science laboratory activities.
It is in this light that this research was conducted to determine the factors affecting the student's performance in
Chemistry laboratory.
General Purpose
To improve the performance of science instructors, which will result to improved student performance
in achievement examinations and a positive impact on school effectiveness.
After you have identified a research problem for your project, the next step is to write a problem
statement. An effective problem statement is concise and concrete. It should:
Put the problem in context (what do we already know?)
Describe the precise issue that the research will address (what do we need to know?)
Show the relevance of the problem (why do we need to know it?)
Set the objectives of the research (what will you do to find out?)
In the literature on the gig economy, these new forms of employment are sometimes characterized as a
flexible active choice and sometimes as an exploitative last resort. To gain a fuller understanding of why young
people engage in the gig economy, in-depth qualitative research is required. Focusing on workers’ experiences
can help develop more robust theories of flexibility and precarity in contemporary employment, as well as
potentially informing future policy objectives.
The objectives are the concrete steps you will take to achieve the aim:
Qualitative methods will be used to identify…
I will use surveys to collect…
Using statistical analysis, the research will measure…
Practical research aims and objectives
The aim of this research is to investigate effective engagement strategies to increase voter turnout in
region X. It will identify the most significant factors in non-voting through surveys and interviews, and conduct
experiments to measure the effectiveness of different strategies.
Kinds of Variables
1. Continuous variables – variables that may have an infinite number of values and may vary widely among the
research participants. Examples include age, and weight.
2. Discrete variables – variables that have specific limits to their value. Examples include come, number of
children or years of employment.
3. Categorical variables – these cannot be expressed in numbers but are given in non-quantitative, descriptive
terms. Examples include civil status (single, married, widowed), and educational achievement (high school
graduate, college graduate, post-graduate).
The following may be the possible limitations that may arise from the research design and methodology:
1. Sample size. The research design and methodology will determine whether the research will have a small or
large sample size. The sample size will determine the quality of data and the relationships that will be identified
among the variables.
2. Lack of available and/or reliable data. Missing and unreliable data will limit the scope of analysis and the
ability of the researcher to determine meaningful trends and relationships among the data.
3. Lack of prior studies. This will limit the effectiveness of the literature review and may limit the initial
understanding of the research problem. This, however can be a basis for identifying avenues for further
4. Chosen data collection method. Limitations in the data collection instrument may affect the quality of data
collected. Unclear or vague questions in a questionnaire will result to unclear or erroneous answers from the
respondents. The method employed in data collection may also affect the quality of the data. For example, the
researcher may have conducted an interview or survey at a time the respondents may be busy or preoccupied;
there may be a possibility that the respondents may not have accomplished the survey form or answered the
question thoroughly and the response given may have been vague.
5. Nature of the information collected. Relying on pre-existing data may impose limits on the researcher as he
or she can no longer clarify certain data. Self-reported data have the risk of being false and cannot be easily
Apart from the design and methodology, the characteristics of the researcher and the limits that he or she
experiences in the conduct of the research will also give rise to limitations. These are as follows:
1. Access. The amount and quality of data will depend on the ability of the researcher to access people,
organizations, libraries, and documents that can provide him or her the best available data.
2. Time period. The length of time devoted to the study will affect almost all aspects of the research. It is
advisable to select a research problem and design that gives way to a more manageable time period.
3. Bias. This refers to a way of viewing a certain thing, issue, or idea, and may be influenced by the researcher's
background. The researcher, therefore, should be aware of his or her personal biases and how these affect the
conduct of the research. Biases may affect the way the researcher states and defines the research problem, the
selection of research design and methodology, the variables chosen, data collection methods, and the
interpretation of data
4. Language. This may have an effect on data collection, especially if the researcher is involved with
respondents that speak a variety of languages. This is especially a challenge in studies that involve documents
that are written in different languages.
This study focuses on the factors behind sleep deprivation. This study will only be limited to 45 Senior
High School students (5 students each section) of Advance Institute of Technology, Inc. The researchers will be
conducting a survey to the sections: Faraday, Pascal, Thompsons, Tesla, Euclid, Berzelius, Abramson,
Neumann, and Edison.
The survey will be conducted to their classroom in the Senior High School building of Advance Institute
of Technology, Inc. located at Sangi New Road, Pajo, Lapu-Lapu City. The main aim of this research is to
provide knowledge and information to everyone including the researcher.
Factors behind Sleep Deprivation (Abuso, et al, 2019)
Type of Test: Identification
Instructions: Identify the following. Write your answers on the blank.
________________________1. It is any characteristic that can have different values or traits.
________________________2. It is the value assigned to a specific variable.
________________________3. These are variables whose characteristics are changed,
manipulated, or selected.
________________________4. These are the variables that are affected by the changes
implemented by the researcher on the variables in the study.
________________________5. These are variables that have an infinite number or greater
variation in values.
________________________6. These variables have specific limits to their value.
________________________7. These are variables whose values are expressed in descriptive
________________________8. This part of the research defines the variables and their respective
________________________9. This part of the research describes the constraints to the research.
________________________10. This part of the research explains the benefits that can be gained
from the study.
The scope of the study is determined by the major variables of the study while the sub-variables serve as
the delimitation.
The scope of the study identifies and defines the significant variables that are the focus of the study. It
also determines the relevant attributes of each variable.
The different characteristics and kinds of variables include the following: independent variable,
dependent variable, continuous variable, discrete variable, and categorical variable.
The delimitation of the study identifies and describes the limitations encountered by the study. The
limitations of the study may arise from the research design and methodology and the limitations
encountered by the researcher in the conduct of the study.
The significance of the study discuss the benefits of the study to the society in general, and to its
beneficiaries in particular.
1. To design a research useful in daily life;
2. To write a research title;
3. To present written statement of the problem; and
4. To indicate scope and delimitation of research.
Type of Tests: Written Test
I. Designing a Research Project, Writing Research Title and Making Statement of the Problem
Note: Make sure that the proposed qualitative research titles are feasible or possible to do especially in this
pandemic. You are not allowed to go outside especially when conducting survey, better to use the social media
platform. You can write your answers on the space provided.
A. List down one (1) proposed qualitative research topic related to your strand.
B. Through the proposed qualitative research you listed, write down a title. Make sure to follow the ethical
considerations and characteristics of research.
C. Provide justification/reason why you choose to conduct such proposed research title.