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Parshat Vayigash December 30-31, 2011 4-5 Tevet 5772

Friday, December 30th Latest Candle Lighting: 4:19 P.M. Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat: 4:25 P.M. Early Mincha: 1:45 P.M. Daf Yomi: 3:00 P.M. Womens Learning Group: 3:10 P.M. We will be concluding Melachim Bet. Mincha: 4:10 P.M., followed by a shiur by Rabbi Neil Lauer: Think Fasts: Uncovering the Message of the Month of Tevet" Maariv: 5:19 P.M. Havdalah: 5:28 P.M. Parent-Child Learning: 6:10 P.M. Sun Location Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri

Tomchei Shabbos is in need of additional drivers. If you can help out in this important mitzvah, please contact Chani Schmutter, (201) 833-2320, chaniruth@att.net.

Shabbat, December 31st Hashkama Minyan: 7:30 A.M. Tefillah Shiur: 8:20 A.M. Main Minyan: 8:45 A.M. Youth Minyan: 9:15 A.M. Sof Zman Kriat Shema: 9:40 A.M.

1 6:21

2 6:21 6:30 7:15 8:00 8:45 1:00 4:25 8:00 9:30

3 6:21 6:10 6:30 7:15 8:00

4 6:21 6:10 6:30 7:15 8:00

5** 6:21 6:10 7:05 8:00 4:10

6 6:21 6:10 6:30 7:15 8:00

Schedule for the Week of January 1st

Earliest Tallit Shacharit Social Hall Beit Midrash Social Hall Social Hall Social Hall Beit Midrash Beit Midrash Beit Midrash

The shul office will be closed on Monday, January 2nd.

6:30 7:15 8:00* 8:45 1:00 4:25* 8:00 9:30

Mincha Mincha/Maariv Maariv

4:25 8:00 9:30

4:25 8:00 9:30

Fast Day 5:00 8:00 9:30


*The Sunday 8:00 A.M. Shacharit minyan and the 4:25 P.M. Mincha/Maariv will be in the Main Shul.

**Thursday, January 5th: Fast of Asara bTevet: Fast begins at 6:06 A.M. and ends at 5:12 P.M.
Weekly Shiurim Daf Yomi: Shabbat at 3:00 P.M. For other Daf Yomi shiurim and resources in Teaneck, go to www.teaneckshuls.org/daf Rachel Frazers Navi Shiur for Women: Tuesday evening, at 7:30 P.M. Rabbi Rothwachs Bava Kama shiur: Wednesday evening, at 8:30 P.M.

Congregation Beth Aaron

Shabbat Announcements

Rabbi Rothwachs Pirkei Avot shiur: Thursday evening, at 9:40 P.M. Chabura by Rabbi Herschel Grossman on Sefer Nefesh ha-Chaim: Thursday evening, 8:15-9:00 P.M. Morning Mishnah Chabura: Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday - 7:00 A.M.; Thursday - 6:50 A.M.

We welcome the eighth grade boys of the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, who are joining us this Shabbat for their Shabbaton. Mazal Tov: Mazal Tov to Meena Lifshe Viswanath on her marriage to Jamie Conway of Atlanta. Mazal Tov also to Meena Lifshe's parents, Meylekh and Gitl Viswanath, and to Jamie's parents, Ed Conway and Ruth Hoffman of Vancouver. Mazal Tov to Dina Ruchlamer on her marriage to Aharon Dov Klein of Teaneck. Mazal Tov also to Dina's mother, Sorah (Terry) Ruchlamer, and to Aharon Dov's parents, Dennis and Libby Klein. Mazal Tov to Yael Saden Barach on her engagement to Daniel Abadi of New Haven, CT. Mazal Tov also to Yael's parents, David Barach and Judy Saden-Barach, and to Daniel's parents, Harry and Rowena Abadi of Sudbury, MA. Mazal Tov to David and Alona Shapiro on the birth of their granddaughter Yael Sarah, born to their children Ayelet and Dovid Zvi Hirschel. Mazal Tov to Beth Evans on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Eli Fink. Condolences: Condolences to Rabbi Ephraim Kanarfogel on the passing of his beloved father Lester Kanarfogel.

950 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666 Phone: (201) 836-6210 Fax: (201) 836-0005 www.bethaaron.org office@bethaaron.org Laurence Rothwachs, Rabbi David Goldberg, President

The 36th Annual Shul Dinner will be held on Sunday, March 4, 2012 Valerie & Larry Kahn, Guests of Honor Shannon & Ari Gononsky, Shelly Leffel Service Awardees Please visit www.bethaaron.org/dinner to make reservations and donations

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Miscellaneous Shul Announcements The Men's Club is pleased to announce that a light weekly kiddush will be held each Shabbat (unless there is a simcha) following the main minyan. Hot kiddushim will be held approximately every six weeks, and they can be individually sponsored for the kehilla in honor of a simcha, yahrtzeit or other occasion. To sponsor, visit www.bethaaron.org/kiddush. For more information, e-mail kiddush@bethaaron.org. This Saturday night, December 31st, Beth Aaron Sisterhood and Beth Aaron Mens Club are sponsoring their First Annual Trivia Panoply Evening, featuring a Trivia Panoply game, dinner, raffles and prizes. The doors open at 8:15 P.M., and games begin at 8:45 P.M. General admission is $18 per person, and sponsorships are available. A $50 "Buy a House" sponsorship includes admission for two, and a $100 "Buy a Hotel" sponsorship includes admission for four. For more information, or to RSVP, e-mail sisterhood@bethaaron.org. For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Mo-b Singer, mensclub@bethaaron.org. Who has the best chulent in Beth Aaron? Congregation Beth Aaron Mens Club presents The Chulent Challenge on Friday night, January 13th. Vote anytime between 8:00 P.M. and 9:30 P.M. The chulent with the most votes will win a $100 Gift Card to Chef Central. To enter your chulent, e-mail mensclub@bethaaron.org First come, first served for rules, see www.bethaaron.org. To become a Chulent Challenge Sponsor (only $50!), e-mail mensclub@bethaaron.org. On Friday, January 20th, at 10:30 A.M., Sisterhood will be going to a performance of Disney on Ice: Mickey & Minnie's Magical Journey at the Izod Center (formerly Continental Airlines Arena) in the Meadowlands. Lower level tickets are available at the discounted price of $23 on a first-come, first-served basis. To purchase tickets, please send a check made payable to "Beth Aaron Sisterhood" to Beth Aaron Sisterhood, c/o Aliza Fischman, 259 Carlton Terrace, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Please include a note stating your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, and how many tickets you want. For more information, contact Aliza Fischman, fisch.chips@att.net. Our next Sisterhood Book Club selection is the non-fiction book, When a Crocodile Eats the Sun: A Memoir of Africa, by Peter Godwin. We will meet to discuss this book on Saturday night, February 4th (time and location to be determined). For more information, please contact Diane Fogel, difogel@aol.com, (201) 837-0651. Save the date Back by popular demand, the Mens Club presents Bob Klapisch on Sunday, February 5th. Details to follow. If you don't have a reflective belt yet, YOU SHOULD. Contact Harold Gellis, (201) 836-2708.
Pictures and videos of various performances of the Beth Aaron Boys' Choir can be viewed on the shul's website www.bethaaron.org . Be part of a great group, learn new songs, participate in various performances in and out of the shul, and take part in the upcoming CD. The Beth Aaron Boys' Choir is now accepting boys from grades 1 to 7. For more information, or to join the choir, contact Benjy Rosenbluth, (201) 357-5685, or Yehiel Levy, (201) 357-5495, or e-mail bethaaronboyschoir@gmail.com. If you're not getting BAAnnounce in your inbox, you're not getting the most timely e-mail news from Beth Aaron. To stay on top of shul news and events, enter your e-mail address in the subscription box on the home page of http://www.bethaaron.org or email office@bethaaron.org.

Beth Aaron Youth: Parent-Child Learning will continue this Motzaei Shabbat, December 31st, at 6:10 P.M. Please join us downstairs in the youth beit midrash for learning (bring your own materials to learn), a raffle, two divrei Torah and ice cream. Every child will also receive a door prize. We will be raffling off a special free admission and pizza pass to Funcity. Check out www.funcityny.com to learn more about this great place. Sponsorships are still available. If you would like to sponsor an evening of Parent-Child Learning, please contact Erica or Jason David (bethaaronyouth@yahoo.com). To see pictures from past Parent Child Learning or to view upcoming dates and times, please go to http://goo.gl/qJKKw Shabbat morning groups for children in nursery-5th grade begin at 9:30 A.M. Parents are asked to pick up their children from groups promptly at the conclusion of davening. A "Mommy (and Daddy) and Me" room has been set up with toys for children 3 years old and younger. Please help keep this room clean by putting away the toys when your child is finished playing. The learning group for 3rd grade girls will meet this Shabbat, December 31st, from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M., at the Sheffey home, 248 Carlton Terrace. Please bring your own Sefer ha-Chinuch. For more information, please contact Rebecca Kurz, rkurz1@yahoo.com. The learning group for 3rd grade boys will meet this Shabbat, December 31st, from 3:00 to 4:00 P.M., at the Neugroschl home, 100 Edgemont Place. Please bring your own Mishnah (Masechet Pesachim). For more information, please contact Leah Greengart, leah@greengart.com. The learning group for 6th grade boys will meet this Shabbat, December 31st, from 3:00 to 3:55 P.M., at the Isaacs home, 1100 Magnolia Road. Please bring your own Mishnah (Masechet Eruvin). For more information, please contact Rebecca Kurz, rkurz1@yahoo.com, or Esther Klavan, eskslp@aol.com. For more information on youth activities, contact Erica and Jason David, youth@bethaaron.org, (732) 618-9473. Beth Aaron Juniors (6th8th grades): The Oneg scheduled for this Shabbat, December 31st, has been postponed due to the shul being used for a Shabbaton. We will be having Onegs on Shabbat, January 14th and 28th. On Saturday night, January 14th, we will be having a Movie Night at the home of Sophia Deutsch. Stay tuned for exact times and details! All Teaneck 6th-8th gradersare invited to our events! For more information, please contact Eliana Steinreich or Daniel Altaras, bethaaronjuniors@gmail.com. Beth Aaron Senior NCSY (High School): This Friday evening, December 30th, at 8:30 P.M., we will be having an Oneg at the Reinstein home, 250 Dewey Place. This Shabbat, December 30th-31st, the Greater Teaneck Community will be hosting the National NCSY Yarchei Kallah, which brings together over 250 public school teens for a week of learning. On Friday evening, January 6th, we will be having an Oneg at the shul. For more information, please e-mail our advisor, Daniel Korda, ncsy@bethaaron.org.


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Community Announcements
CareOne needs volunteers to help make a minyan. On Friday evening, Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat will be at 4:20 P.M. On Shabbat, Shacharit will be at 9:00 A.M. Mincha will be at 4:10 P.M., and a shiur on Masechet Ketubot will be at 4:25 P.M. Ma'ariv will be at 5:22 P.M.
Each Monday, from 10:00 to 10:45 A.M., Rabbi Alex Mondrow, Middle School Psychologist, will be presenting a shiur for adults on "The Book of Ezra: The Most Relevant Sefer of Our Time," in loving memory of Rochi Lerner, a"h. The shiur will take place in the new beit knesset of Yeshivat Noam, 70 West Century Road, Paramus. For more information, or to sponsor, please contact Amy Vogel, avogel@yeshivatnoam.org. This Motzaei Shabbat, December 31st, beginning at 7:15 P.M., the SINAI Sheli Residence at 951 Queen Anne Road (across from the shul) will be hosting a live-music kumsitz. All are invited to attend. For more information, please speak to Yakov Karasick. This Motzaei Shabbat, December 31st, at 8:00 P.M., Yael Weil will speak at the home of Rivki and Seymour Adler, 1291 Wellington Avenue, on: "What's in a Dream? Understanding the Psychological and Spiritual Impact of the Dreams of Yosef and Pharoah." This Tuesday, January 3rd, at 8:30 P.M., at Congregation Beth Abraham, Rivi Brussel, founder of the Chein Women's Resource Center in Yerushalayim, will give a shiur for women on "Staying Close to Those We Are Close To: Strategies for Healthy Relationships." On Sunday, January 8th, from 7:00 to 10:00 P.M., at Congregation Bnai Yeshurun, NCSY presents a Parenting Evening, entitled: "Teens and Spirituality: New Approaches for a New Generation." In addition to keynote speakers, there will be practical workshops, including: "The 10 Questions that Teens Ask -- The 10 Answers You Need to Know," "Making Shabbat Meaningful to a 21st Century Teenager," and "What Is Your Teenager Saying to G-d? -- Turning Our Teens onto Tefillah." There is no charge, and refreshments will be served. On Monday, January 9th, at 8:15 P.M., at Club Fit, 408 Cedar Lane (near Butterflake), Emunah presents Zumba with Emunah. The cost is $18 (you can bring your daughter, ages 12 and up, for $10), and the proceeds will support the children of Emunah. For more information, please contact Renee Becker, reneebecker33@gmail.com On Sunday, January 15th, the Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey will hold its 74th Annual Dinner at Congregation Keter Torah. This year's honorees are Eva and Mordy Rothberg, Guests of Honor, and Rabbi Yitzchak Rosenbaum, Keter Shem Tov Award. For more information, please contact the school office, (201)986-1414. Each Wednesday, through January 18th, from 11:15 A.M. to 12:15 P.M., Shifra Schapiro, a Tanach instructor at Ma'ayanot, will be presenting a series entitled "Man and Mission: How Our Great Biblical Personalities Reacted to Being Called by God." Each shiur will be on a different Biblical figure and will take place at the school, 1650 Palisade Avenue. For more information, e-mail rachel@maayanot.org.

For more information about Beth Aaron membership, please contact Joy Sperber, membership@bethaaron.org. If you would like to host a new family for a shabbat meal or if you are new to our shul and would like to be hosted by a Beth Aaron family, please contact Joy Sperber, membership@bethaaron.org

This week's Men's Club Multi-Sponsored Kiddush is sponsored by: L'Chaim Sponsor: Judy and Steven Gellerstein, to commemorate the yahrtzeit of Steven's grandmother, Lola Greschler, and in honor of the birthdays of Andrew and Allison. Judy Saden-Barach and David Barach, in honor of the engagement of their daughter Yael to Daniel Abadi of New Haven, CT. Heather and Isaac Hagler, to commemorate the yahrtzeit of Isaac's father, Yehuda Leib ben Asher Anschel, alav ha-shalom. Irit and Chanani Sandler, in honor of the birth of their daughter Hadar Penina. Yasher Koach to the Herring Committee for sponsoring herring for the next few weeks. To join the committee, please contact Ronnie Schwartz, rbonnies@aol.com. Parsha Questions for Vayigash 1. (a) What did Yehuda convey by approaching Yosef and saying, for you [Yosef] are like Pharaoh (4 things)? (b) (1) At the end of Mikeitz (44:16), Yehuda was resigned to the brothers slavery to punish the goblets theft why, at the start of this parasha, did Yehuda fight the penalty? (2) Why was it fitting for Yehuda to offer himself as a slave to Yosef? (3) How did Binyamin repay Yehuda for offering to be a slave? (c) When Yosef asked Yehuda, have you a father or brother? why did he not ask about their mothers? (d) (1) How was Yosef punished for not objecting to Yehudas calling Yaakov, [Yosefs] servant? (2) Why was this penalty fitting? (Bereishit 44:18-33) 2. (a) Why did Yosef order everyone to leave when he revealed himself to his brothers (6 reasons)? (b) Since Yehuda mentioned several times that Yaakov was alive, why did Yosef again ask, is my father still alive? (4 explanations)? (Bereishit 45:1,3) 3. (a) (1) Why did Binyamin and Yosef cry on each others neck (2 views)? (2) How does the neck symbolize these events (4 views)? (3) Why did they cry now about these events? (b) What do the 300 silver pieces that Yosef gave to Binyamin signify (2 views)? (Bereishit 45:14,22) 4. (a) Before going to Mitzrayim, why did Yaakov go to Beer Sheva (4 reasons)? (b) When the Torah says, (1) that 70 souls went to Mitzrayim, why does it state kol ha-nefesh(all the soul singular), not kol ha-nefashot plural? (2) Yosefs sons who were born in Mitzrayim, why does it say, asher yulad (who was born singular), not asher yuledu plural? (c) The Torah lists 69 people who went to Mitzrayim who was the 70th (4 views)? (d) Who was born when Yaakov went to Mitzrayim and died when Bnei Yisrael left 210 years later? (Bereishit 46:1,26-27) 5. (a) (1) Why did Yaakov send Yehuda to Mitzrayim ahead of the family (2 reasons)? (2) Why did Yosef not open the yeshiva? (b) (1) When Yosef met Yaakov and cried on his shoulder, why did Yaakov not cry on Yosefs shoulder (2 explanations)? (2) Why did Yosef not also recite the Shema? (c) Why did Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov and his sons become shepherds (5 explanations)? (Bereishit 46:28-32) 6. (a) (1) Why did Hashem punish Yaakov for telling Pharaoh, few and bad have been the years of my life? (2) How was he punished? (b) Why do we eat romaine lettuce at the seder? (c) Why did Yosef not take the priests land in return for food (3 reasons)? (Bereishit 47:8-9,22) 7. In the haftara, the Navi says that Bnei Yisrael will dwell on the land I gave to My servant Yaakov since He had promised Eretz Yisrael to Avraham and Yitzchak too, why does the Navi specify the land that He gave to Yaakov? (Yechezkeil 37:25)

Learning Opportunities
The Amud Yomi shiur meets week nights at 9:30 P.M. at Rinat Yisrael. For more information, contact Mordechai Ungar, (201) 741-3920. Motzaei Shabbat Rabbi Yisroel Reisman's weekly Navi shiur, via satellite, will take place at 7:30 P.M., at Keter Torah. Sunday There will be no Kollel and Midreshet Yom Rishon programs this Sunday, January 1st. On Sunday, January 8th, Yeshiva University invites you to its Midreshet Yom Rishon, weekly Sunday morning learning for women. The program, which is held at the Shenk Shul in the Schottenstein Center (on West 185th Street, between Audubon and St. Nicholas Avenues) is open to participants of all ages, backgrounds, and learning levels. Admission is free, and no registration is required. This week, Midreshet Yom Rishon will feature Professor Nathan Aviezer and Mrs. Shoshana Schecter. The first shiur starts at 9:30 A.M.; second shiur starts at 10:30 A.M. For more information or to download marei mekomot, please visit www.midreshetyomrishon.org or call (212) 960-0041. On Sunday, January 8th, Yeshiva University invites you to its Kollel Yom Rishon, weekly Sunday morning learning for men. The program, which is held in Furst Hall Room 501 (500 West 185th Street, at the corner of Amsterdam Avenue) is open to participants of all ages, backgrounds, and learning levels. Admission is free, and no registration is required. This week, Kollel Yom Rishon will feature Rabbi Elchanan Adler and Professor Nathan Aviezer. The first shiur starts at 9:30 A.M., second shiur starts at 10:30 A.M. For more information or to download marei mekomot, please visit www.kollelyomrishon.org or call (212) 960-0041. The Chofetz Chaim Women's Learning Group will meet this Sunday, January 1st, at 9:00 A.M., at the Rosalimsky home, 1211 Trafalgar Street. Each Tuesday and Thursday morning, Keter Torah presents Torah in the AM: 9:00 to 9:45 A.M. - Chavura on Sefer Divrei ha-Yamim; 9:45 to 10:45 A.M. - Rabbi Menachem Meier's Talmud shiur on Bava Metzia, Chapter 1; 10:50 to 11:45 A.M. (Thursday only) - Rabbi Meier's shiur on Shir haShirim.

Answers to Parsha Questions 1. (a) Yosef (1) was as esteemed as the king; (2) will be stricken with tzaraat over Binyamin as Pharaoh was, by detaining Sarah; (3) by asking to see Binyamin but then enslaving him, does not keep his word, like Pharaoh does not keep his word; (4) like Pharoah, will be killed (Rashi). (b) (1) Yehuda accepted Hashems punishment for selling Yosef when Yosef decreed that Binyamin, the only brother who did not partake in the sale, would be a slave, Yehuda realized that this was not a punishment for Yosefs enslavement, and he fought to keep his promise to Yaakov to return Binyamin (Alshich). (2) Since Yehuda proposed selling Yosef as a slave, he was paid back by having to offer himself to Yosef (Abarbanel). (3) Binyamin stayed loyal to Yehuda when the 10 Tribes split away, allowing Yehudas survival as a nation, despite the majority of Bnei Yisraels repudiation of Yehuda (Yalkut Yehuda). (c) Yosef knew that his mother Rachel had died at Binyamins birth, and that Leah, according to Seder Olam, had died 6 years later, before he was sold he did not need to ask about them (Baal ha-Turim). (d) (1) Yosef died before his brothers, who each lived to at least 120 years he was supposed to live to 120 but died at age 110 his life was shortened 10 years after hearing Yaakov called [Yosefs] servant, 5 times by his brothers and 5 times by the translator, and did not object; (2) The Torah states honor your father and mother so that your days may be prolonged by failing to honor his father, Yosefs days were shortened (Sotah 13b). 2. (a) Yosef ordered his and Pharaohs servants removed since (1) he wanted to be sure that his brothers would not be embarrassed in front of others (Rashi); (2) he could not tolerate all of the people standing over him (Radak); (3) he could not bear to wait until all the bystanders would leave on their own he ordered that they leave immediately (ibn Ezra). (4) it would be unbecoming for the viceroy to cry in front of others (Rashbam). (5) when they heard Yehudas plea on Binyamins behalf, they joined in pleading for Binyamin Yosef could not resist the collective pleas; (6) if the Mitzrim heard that Yosefs brothers sold him and lied to their father, they would consider his brothers deceitful thieves who should not be allowed to settle in Mitzrayim (Ramban). (b) Yosef was asking (1) whether Yaakov was still strong and healthy (Tur). (2) how Yaakov could have survived the sorrow and worry over Yosefs disappearance (Sforno). (3) whether Yehuda had lied about his old father being alive in order to gain Yosefs sympathy (Kli Yakar). (4) about Yaakov to draw them into conversation to show he was friendly (Abarbanel). 3. (a) (1) (i) It showed their strong love, as brothers from the same mother (Radak). (ii) They foresaw the destructions of Mishkan Shilo in Yosefs territory and both Batei ha-Mikdash in Binyamins territory (Rashi). (2) (i) The Beit ha-Mikdash is compared to a neck in Shir ha-Shirim 4:4 while Mishkan Shilo or the Beit ha-Mikdash stood, Bnei Yisrael prospered, walking with straight necks after their destructions, they could no longer raise their heads among the nations; (ii) just as the neck is the top of the body, the Beit ha-Mikdash is Bnei Yisraels summit and splendor (Maharsha). (iii) Just as the neck is a persons lifeline one cannot live with a punctured neck the Beit ha-Mikdash is Bnei Yisraels lifeline; (iv) like most ornaments, which are hung around the neck, the kohanim and leviim, Bnei Yisraels ornaments, are attached to the Beit ha-Mikdash (Shir ha-Shirim Raba). (3) They saw that just as they went to Mitzrayim for the sinat chinam (baseless hatred) of Yosef and his brothers, the Mikdashim will be destroyed for this reason (Bereishit Raba). (b) (1) Shemot 21:32 says that a Jewish slaves value is 30 silver pieces Gittin 44a says that a Jew selling a Jewish slave to a gentile is fined 10 times the slaves value; thus, the fine was 300 silver pieces since Yosef threatened Binyamin with slavery to a gentile ruler, Yosef paid Binyamin this fine. (2) Devarim 22:19 says that the penalty for slander is 100 silver pieces Yosef slandered his brothers 3 times, falsely accusing them of (i) eating live animal flesh; (ii) flirting with Canaanit women; and (iii) calling Bilhas and Zilpas sons slaves he gave this penalty to Binyamin, who did not participate in his sale (R. Bechaya). 4. (a) Beer Sheva was (1) the southernmost city on Canaans border en route to Mitzrayim Yaakov prayed there just before leaving the land (Radak). (2) where Yitzchak had prayed to Hashem now, Yaakov prayed there for His protection (Rashbam). (3) where Yaakov sought Hashems protection before leaving Eretz Canaan to Charan Yaakov now asked His permission there to leave Canaan and go to Mitzrayim (Ramban). (4) Yaakov foresaw that Bnei Yisrael would need special wood shittim logs to build the Mishkan in the desert after Matan Torah he cut down and brought to Mitzrayim the trees which Avraham had planted in Beer Sheva (Bereishit Raba). (b) (1) The singular indicates that all 70 worshiped Hashem echad (Rashi). (2) The singular indicates that Menashe and Ephraim were twins, born from one birth (Radak). (c) (1) Yocheved, who was born as Bnei Yisrael were entering Mitzrayim (Rashi). (2) Yaakov himself (Rashbam). (3) The Shechina, Who descended with Bnei Yisrael to Mitzrayim (Medrash ha-Gadol). (4) Only 69 actually went, but the Torah rounds it off to 70 (Rosh). (d) Iyov (Bava Batra 15a). 5. (a) (1) (i) To establish a Torah study house (Rashi); (ii) to determine the route to Goshen, avoiding contact with the immoral Mitzrim (Radak). (2) Since Yehuda had learned with his rebbi, Yaakov, for 22 years, while Yosef did not, Yehuda was more qualified (Bereishit Raba). (b) (1) (i) Yaakov was engaged in reciting the Shema (Rashi) to thank Hashem for this joy (Maharal). (ii) In fact, it was Yaakov, the aged parent, who fell on his sons shoulder (Ramban). (2) Yosef was doing in the mitzvah of honoring his father and was absolved from the mitzvah to recite the Shema (Siftei Chachamim). (c) Shepherding (1) separated them from idolaters who worshiped sheep and despised shepherds (R. Bechaya). (2) caused them to be alone and avoid bigcity sins of gossip, slander, immorality, thievery and falsehood (R. Munk). (3) requires less physical exertion than agriculture, leaving more time to think about Hashem and do chesed; (4) instills traits of kindness and generosity by caring for needy animals (R. Hirsch). (5) was a profession not looked upon as a threat to the governments in Canaan and Mitzrayim (Haamek Davar). 6. (a) (1) Yaakov should have appreciated all Hashem had done saving him from Eisav, Lavan and Shechem and the return of Dinah and Yosef; (2) Yaakov lived until 147 33 years less than Yitzchak, corresponding to the 33 words in these 2 verses (Chizkuni). (b) Romaine lettuce first tastes fine but leaves a bitter taste Yaakovs going to Mitzrayim at first was fine, but later, Bnei Yisrael were embittered (Yerushalmi Pesachim 2:5). (c) (1) Due to Pharaohs support, the priests did not need to sell their land; (2) to teach Bnei Yisrael not to hesitate to give kohanim and leviim the tithes (Moshav Zekeinim). (3) Yosef rewarded their defending him when Potifar was going to kill him (Targum Yonatan). 7. Avraham and Yitzchak each had a son, Yishmael and Eisav, respectively, whose offspring had no share in the land only Bnei Yisrael, the offspring of all of Yaakovs sons, will inherit all of Eretz Yisrael in yemot ha-Mashiach (Radak).

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