Student Guide M3
Student Guide M3
Student Guide M3
Microsoft Excel expert 2019
Module 3: Validating and auditing data
Validating and auditing data
Module overview...........................4
Lesson 1: Validating data..............6
Topic 1: Perform basic data validation 7
Set up data validation for cell(s) 7
Activity: Show me how..........11
Try-it: Perform basic data validation 11
Try-it 1...................................12
Try-it 2...................................12
Try-it 3...................................13
Topic 2: Remove duplicates.....14
Remove duplicates from a range of cells 14
Activity: Tell a story..............15
Try-it: Remove duplicates.....16
Lesson 2: Filling cells...................18
Topic 1: Use the Flash Fill feature19
Use the Fill command............19
Use the cursor.......................20
Use automatic Flash Fill........20
Activity: Show and tell...........21
Try-it: Use the Flash Fill feature21
Try-it 1...................................21
Validating and auditing data
Try-it 2...................................22
Try-it 3...................................22
Topic 2: Set advanced options for fill series 23
Create a linear series using AutoFill 23
Create a linear series using the Fill command 23
Create a growth series using AutoFill 24
Create a growth series using the Fill command 25
Create a date series..............25
Activity: Tell a story..............26
Try-it: Set advanced options for fill series 27
Lesson 3: Auditing formulas........30
Topic 1: Trace precedents and dependents 31
Trace precedent cells............31
Trace dependent cells...........32
Remove arrows.....................33
Activity: Discuss and learn....33
Try-it: Trace precedents and dependents 34
Topic 2: Use the Watch Window34
Add cells to the Watch Window35
Remove cells from the Watch Window 36
Activity: Discuss and learn....36
Try-it: Use the Watch Window36
Try-it 1...................................36
Try-it 2...................................37
Try-it 3...................................38
Lesson 4: Checking and evaluating data 40
Topic 1: Work with error checking rules 41
Find Errors.............................41
Validating and auditing data
Error Types............................45
Activity: Pose a challenge.....46
Try-it: Work with error checking rules 47
Topic 2: Evaluate formulas.......48
Evaluate a formula................48
Activity: Think-pair-share......49
Try-it: Evaluate formulas.......50
File 1: Cornerstone_members_starter.xlsx 54
File 2: Cornerstone_shipments_starter.xlsx 55
Validating and auditing data
Module overview
Entering and maintaining complex data in Microsoft Excel 2019 workbooks
can be a challenge under the best of circumstances. When you add in factors
such as varying skill levels, distractions, fatigue, or stress, the opportunity
for error multiplies. Verifying data and checking formula results manually can
be a tedious and time-consuming process, even if you have someone to help
This module includes learning activities that will help you use Excel to
confirm and expedite data entry and formula checks. You'll also learn to
quickly check for and resolve errors.
At the end of this module, you’ll work on the Cornerstone project to facilitate
worksheet entries, evaluate data and formulas, and resolve errors to provide
reliable data.
Filling cells Use the Flash Fill feature and set 2.1.1
advanced options for fill series. 2.1.2
Validating and auditing data
Munson’s Pickles and Preserves Farm supports a local community supported
agriculture (CSA) project for community members to become “farm
members” and purchase shares of the produce to feed their families.
Each week they receive a box of fresh produce. They can take part in farm
events such as workdays, potlucks, and you-pick gardens to experience the
joy of harvesting their own food. You’ve received a workbook that details
produce distribution to members by member ID, states or provinces, and
location. The data has several errors; you need to fix those errors and
validate the data.
After you’ve completed the lessons and try-its and navigated through several
scenarios, the Cornerstone project will test your ability to apply what you’ve
learned. In the Cornerstone, you’ll:
Use the Flash Fill feature.
Configure data validation.
Remove duplicate records.
Monitor cells and formulas by using the Watch Window.
Evaluate formulas.
Validating and auditing data
Use these questions to find out what you already know about this lesson’s
1. By using the Data Validation command, you can provide worksheet
users with Select here to enter text. .
Select all that apply.
a. A warning message about their cell entry.
b. A list of values to choose from for the cell.
c. A message about the input they need to enter in the cell.
d. A choice of formulas.
2. To help ensure that a list does not have any repeated rows, you can use
the Select here to enter text. tool.
Fill in the blank space.
3. What are the styles of error messages available for data validation?
Select all that apply.
a. Stop
b. Warning
c. Caution
d. Information
Validating and auditing data
Validating and auditing data
The following screenshot depicts the Data Validation dialog box with three
tabs—Settings, Input Message, and Error Alert:
Figure 2: Data Validation dialog box with tabs for Settings, Input
Message, and Error Alert
Settings tab
On the Settings tab, you set the criteria, or conditions and restrictions rules,
for the data that you want to allow in the selected cell or cells. Notice that
the default settings allow Any value in cells. In the Allow drop-down list,
you can select from:
Whole Number, to restrict the cell to accept only whole numbers.
Decimal, to restrict the cell to accept only decimal numbers.
List, to pick data from a drop-down list.
Date, to restrict the cell to accept only date entries.
Time, to restrict the cell to accept only time entries.
Text Length, to restrict the length of the text entered.
Custom, for a custom formula.
The remaining options on the Settings tab change according to your choice
in the Allow drop-down list. Most options in the Allow drop-down list supply
options for Data, which is a list of comparison operators. For each of the
data options, Excel has appropriate cell-picker windows for Value,
Minimum, Maximum, Start date, End date, Start time, End time, and
so on.
Validating and auditing data
If you select List in the Allow drop-down list, Excel provides a cell-picker
window for the reference to the range of cells containing the list values. If
you select Custom in the Allow drop-down list, Excel has a cell-picker
window for the formula. The following screenshot depicts examples of cell-
picker windows.
Validating and auditing data
On the Error Alert tab, you can select from the following error styles:
Stop prevents users from entering invalid data.
Warning warns users that they are entering invalid data, without
preventing it.
Information informs users that they are entering invalid data, without
preventing it.
Validation circles
You might not want to completely prevent users from entering data in the
cells with data validation, because that could interrupt the workflow around
the data entry and impact productivity. By allowing users to enter data in a
cell, you have information for which you must follow up. Going back to the
example of multiple people entering employee data into a list in the
Marketing Department, it's still helpful if the entry is "Mtkg" and not blank.
You can identify cells in which users have entered invalid data by using
validation circles. To use validation circles:
1. On the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, select the Data Validation
drop-down list, and then select Circle Invalid Data to apply circles over
the cells that contain data that is against the validation rules you’ve set
for those cells.
2. In the Data Validation drop-down list, select Clear Validation Circles
to remove the validation circles from any cells on the worksheet.
You'll find that you can't anticipate all the possible errors that users make
during data entry. When you review the data, you might discover multiple
errors and then need to find and correct them all. For example, in a column
that lists employee hiring dates, some entries might be for the future! You
can apply data validation settings to all the cells in this column, including
those that already have data. In this example, the data validation settings
you need would be:
Allow: Date
Data: less than or equal to
End date: =TODAY()
After you apply the data validation settings, use the Circle Invalid Data
command to find any cells that don't meet those criteria. As you fix the
invalid entries, Excel removes the validation circles when the entries meet
the validation criteria.
Additional information
For more information on using the Data Validation tool, go to:
Apply data validation to cells
For more information on data validation, go to: More on data
Validating and auditing data
To review the video on creating and managing drop-down
lists, go to: Create and manage drop-down lists
Resources required
You’ll need the following resources for this activity:
Activity instructions
Participate in the activity by following these instructions:
1. Observe the teacher demonstrate how to set up data validation options.
2. Ask the teacher clarifying questions. An example is: How can I provide
input messages?
Validating and auditing data
Try-it 1
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
Open L1_T1_try1_members_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning
Activity Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Set the following data validation on the column of zip codes, I5:I30:
o Validation Criteria: Text length equal to five characters
o Input Message Title: Zip Code
o Input Message: Enter 5-digit postal zip code.
o Error Alert Style: Warning
o Error Title: Zip Code Error
o Error message: Postal zip codes require 5 digits.
Note: You can customize the title and the input message to match postal
codes in your country/region.
2. Enter 3430 in cell I5, and then select Enter.
3. Observe the warning error message.
Try-it 2
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
Open L1_T1_try2_members_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning
Activity Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Set the following data validation on the column of state abbreviations,
o Validation Criteria: List with a source of =Input!$B$2:$B$9
o Input Message Title: State
o Input Message: Select a state from the drop-down list.
o Error Alert Style: Stop
Validating and auditing data
Try-it 3
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
Open L1_T1_try3_members_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning
Activity Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Set the following data validation on the column of cities, G5:G30:
o Validation Criteria: List with a source of =Input!$A$2:$A$14
o Input Message Title: City
o Input Message: Select a city from the drop-down list.
o Error Alert Style: Information
o Error Title: City Error
o Error message: That city is not on the list.
2. Enter Hotlanta in cell G8, and then select Enter.
3. Observe the information error message.
4. Set the following data validation on the column of Num: A5:A30:
o Validation Criteria: Whole numbers between 1 and 26
o Input Message Title: Number
o Input Message: Enter a number between 1 and 26.
o Error Alert Style: Warning
o Error Title: Number Error
o Error message: The number must be between 1 and 26.
5. Enter 30 in cell A5 and then select Enter.
6. Observe the warning error message.
Validating and auditing data
In the Remove Duplicates dialog box, verify the correct selection status by
selecting or clearing the My data has headers check box. The list of
column names from your data is in a list box; by default, all are selected. To
change the selection status more quickly, you can choose from the Select
All or Unselect All options. When you select column names in the Columns
list, you're telling Excel what to evaluate as a duplicate record. Typically,
Excel considers records duplicates only if every column has the same value.
For example, you may have a list of members in which some people have the
same first and last names, but if any of the other columns are different, they
are not duplicates. In the following table, none of the records are complete
duplicates. However, if you wanted Excel to ignore the Join Date column
when considering if a record is a duplicate, you would not select the Join
Date column. Then, the first and second records would be considered
duplicates; Remove Duplicates would keep the first record with the Join
Date in 2010 and delete the second record with the Join Date in 2001.
Validating and auditing data
Additional information
For more information on identifying and removing duplicates,
go to: Find and remove duplicates
For more information on filtering for unique values or
removing duplicate values, go to: Filter for unique values or
remove duplicate values
Validating and auditing data
you to remove the duplicate records. In this activity, your teacher will
demonstrate and guide you through the steps for removing duplicates.
Resources required
You’ll need the following resources for this activity:
Open L1_T2_act_produce_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning
Activity Resources folder.
Activity instructions
Participate in the activity by following these instructions:
1. Open the L1_T1_act_produce_starter.xlsx workbook and go to the
Summer worksheet.
2. Observe the teacher’s demonstrations and your own Excel window, and
follow any instructions given.
3. Be sure to save any changes to the file before moving on to the try-it.
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L1_T2_try_members_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Open L1_T2_try_members_starter.xlsx and go to the Members
2. Use the Remove Duplicates command to remove any duplicated
records in the list, instructing it to disregard the columns Num and State.
Note the information in the message box from Remove Duplicates.
Enter the number of removed records in cell N3.
3. Undo the Remove Duplicates operation to restore the removed records.
Validating and auditing data
Use these questions to check what you learned in this lesson:
1. The available tabs for Data Validation settings are:
Select all that apply.
a. Error Alert
b. Settings
c. Format
d. Input Message
2. The Remove Duplicates tool considers each row in a data set as a
Select here to enter text. .
Fill in the blank space.
Validating and auditing data
Use these questions to find out what you already know about this lesson’s
1. You can use the Fill command in the Editing group on the Home tab to:
Select the correct option.
a. Fill cells with underline formatting.
b. Fill a workbook with worksheets.
c. Fill cells with a series of values.
d. Fill a worksheet with a picture.
2. Which of the following features is Flash Fill a part of?
Select the correct option.
a. AutoFill
b. AutoFit
c. Filter
d. Advanced Filter
3. On which group on the Home tab can you find Flash Fill?
Select the correct option.
a. Number
b. Styles
c. Cells
d. Editing
Validating and auditing data
4. To fill data using a series from the ribbon commands, start by selecting
the Select here to enter text. button.
Fill in the blank space.
Validating and auditing data
1. Enter an example of the data you’d like to extract into a cell in the same
row as the data to be extracted. Make sure to include any added data you
want to combine with the extracted data.
2. Select the cell(s) to use as a basis for the rest of the cells.
3. Position the cursor at the cell on the last row and column of the cells you
selected. The cursor will change to a small black cross.
4. Use your cursor to select the cells required.
5. Release the cursor to complete the action.
6. An AutoFill Options button displays in the corner of the filled data.
7. Select the button and then select Flash Fill.
Note: If the Flash Fill feature does not work, you might need to enable it.
Additional information
For more information on enabling Flash Fill, go to: Enable
Flash Fill in Excel
Note: If you were to enter Tirado and Ivanov in uppercase, the Flash Fill
feature would fill the remaining cells in uppercase, too This means that you
don’t need to use the UPPER function to change the case of the text. The
same applies for the PROPER and LOWER commands.
Validating and auditing data
Resources required
You’ll need the following resources for this activity:
L2_T1_act_students.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity Resources
Activity instructions
Participate in the activity by following these instructions:
1. Observe the teacher’s demonstrations and your own Excel window, and
follow any instructions given.
2. Be sure to save any changes to the file before moving on to the try-it.
Try-it 1
Use Flash Fill to extract part of the values in a column of cells.
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L2_T1_try1_students_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. In cells B2 to B26, use Flash Fill to extract the first initial of each
student's first name and then their full surname.
2. Save the workbook as the same name plus your initials.
Try-it 2
Use Flash Fill to extract data and add text.
Validating and auditing data
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L2_T1_try2_students_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. In cells D2 to D26, use Flash Fill to extract each student's last name,
followed by a comma and a space. Then add the initial of their first name;
for example, Pepin, A.
2. Sort the list into alphabetical order A to Z using the new data in column D.
3. Save the workbook as the same name plus your initials.
Try-it 3
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L2_T1_try3_students_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. In cell D2 to D26, use Flash Fill to create a user name for each student
that is made up of their # number, first name, and first letter of the last
name, followed by an exclamation mark; for example, 1AlainP!, 2AzeemB!
2. Sort the list into alphabetical order Z to A by using the new data in
column D.
3. Save the workbook as the same name plus your initials.
Validating and auditing data
Validating and auditing data
7. Select either OK or Enter to complete the action, and then Excel will fill
the selected cells by using the step value you entered.
Validating and auditing data
Validating and auditing data
Additional information
For more information on advanced options for fill series, go
to: Project values in a series
Resources required
You’ll need the following resources for this activity:
Open a blank workbook or use any open workbook with a new worksheet.
Validating and auditing data
Activity instructions
Participate in the activity by following these instructions:
1. Follow the story and ask questions if you need further clarification.
2. Follow any instructions your teacher gives you.
3. Imagine a scenario in which you shared details of your favorite TV series
with two people. Those two people shared this information with two
people each, and all those people shared it with two people each. How
many people will know about your favorite TV series after five levels in
the chain? Create a Growth Fill series to find out.
4. What if you told five people at the start? How many would know after 10
levels in the chain?
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L2_T2_try_shipments_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. In cell A4, enter the first Thursday of the current year using the
mm/dd/yyyy format. Note: You may instead enter the standard short
date format that is used in your country/region.
2. Use the Fill command to fill column A with every Thursday until the end
of the current year.
3. Save the workbook as the same name plus your initials.
Validating and auditing data
Use these questions to check what you learned in this lesson:
1. On a worksheet in cells A2:A50, you have the full names of people in
"Last Name, First Name" format. To put each person's first name into the
next column, you need to do the following:
Indicate the correct sequence by adding numbers 1-4 next to the
following items.
a. In cell B4, begin entering the first name of the name that is in cell A4.
- Select here to enter text.
b. Select the Enter key. - Select here to enter text.
c. In cell B3, enter the first name of the name that is in cell A3. -
Select here to enter text.
d. When Excel displays a preview of the list of first names, select Enter. -
Select here to enter text.
2. In a Linear fill series, what does the Step value refer to?
Select the correct option.
a. The value by which to multiply each value in the series.
b. The value by which to divide each value in the series.
c. The difference between each number in the series.
d. The difference between the first number and the last number in the
3. In a Growth fill series, what does the Step value refer to?
Select the correct option.
a. The value by which to multiply each value in the series.
b. The value by which to divide each value in the series.
c. The difference between each number in the series.
d. The difference between the first number and the last number in the
Validating and auditing data
4. Which of the following functions can you replace with Flash Fill?
Select all that apply.
Validating and auditing data
Use these questions to find out what you already know about this lesson’s
1. You can use formula auditing tools to:
Select the correct option.
a. Determine if a formula result is legal.
b. Identify why a formula is not working as expected.
c. Find specified text within a formula.
d. Insert functions into a formula.
2. What is a cell that affects the value of other cells known as?
Select the correct option.
a. A dependent
b. A precedent
c. A source
d. A circular reference
3. On which tab will you find Watch Window?
Select the correct option.
a. Page Layout
b. Formulas
c. Review
d. View
4. Which of the following statements is correct?
Select all that apply.
Validating and auditing data
a. You can add watches from other workbooks while you are working in
another workbook, but only if the other workbooks are open.
b. You can add watches from other workbooks while you are working in
another workbook, even if the other workbooks are closed.
c. You can track a watch from another workbook if you have added the
watch from the workbook you are currently working in.
d. You can track a watch from another workbook if you have added the
watch from the workbook you are currently working in, but only if the
other workbook is open.
3. Excel displays arrows on screen, pointing to the precedent cells. The color
of the arrow varies, depending on whether there is a problem with the
connection, as the following screenshot depicts:
Validating and auditing data
Remove arrows
You can remove all the arrows in a worksheet if you want to or only the
precedent or dependent arrows. To remove arrows:
Validating and auditing data
1. Select the Formulas tab, and then select Remove Arrows in the
Formula Auditing group, or
2. Select the Remove Arrows drop-down list, and then select Remove
Precedent Arrows or Remove Dependent Arrows.
Additional information
For more information on tracing formulas, go to: Display the
relationships between formulas and cells
Resources required
You’ll need the following resources for this activity:
L3_T1_act_shipments.xlsx and L3_T1_members.xlsx in this lesson’s
Learning Activity Resources folder.
Activity instructions
Participate in the activity by following these instructions:
1. Follow the discussion.
2. Observe the teacher’s demonstrations and your own Excel window, and
follow any instructions given.
3. Experiment with any cell that contains a formula.
Validating and auditing data
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L3_T1_try_CSA_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Trace the precedents and dependents of cell G5.
2. Trace the precedents of cell L4.
3. Remove all arrows.
4. Edit the error in cell G5.
5. Trace the precedents and dependents of cell G5 and the precedents of
L4. The arrows should now be blue.
6. Leave the arrows on screen and compare your file with your neighbor. Are
they both the same?
7. Close and save the workbook as the same name plus your initials.
Validating and auditing data
2. Select Add Watch. The Add Watch dialog box displays, with the current
cell already entered, including the worksheet name. The following
screenshot displays the Add Watch dialog box:
3. Select the cell(s) you want to add directly in the worksheet or any other
open workbook. You can select the collapse button if you want to shrink
the dialog box, but it is not necessary.
4. Select Add.
5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 until you have added all the cells you want.
6. Close the dialog box when you no longer need it.
You can select Watch Window at any time to track the cells you have
added. However, when you want to track them, you must make sure that all
the workbooks that have cells in the Watch Window are open.
Validating and auditing data
Additional information
For more information on using the Watch Window, go to:
Watch a formula and its result by using the Watch Window
Resources required
You’ll need the following resources for this activity:
L3_T2_act_CSA_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
Activity instructions
Participate in the activity by following these instructions:
1. Follow along with the discussion.
2. Observe the teacher’s demonstrations and your own Excel window, and
follow any instructions your teacher gives.
Try-it 1
Display the Watch Window and note the existing watch, edit a precedent
cell, and note the change in value.
Validating and auditing data
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L3_T2_try1_CSA_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Open the Watch Window.
2. Edit the cost of lettuce for June and July to 0.35.
3. Enter the watch value for G38 in cell J5 and change the cost for lettuce
back to 0.30.
4. Edit the retail cost for cherries in August to 1.97.
5. Enter the watch value for H38 in cell J8 and change the cost of cherries
back to 1.99.
6. Save the workbook as the same name plus your initials.
Try-it 2
Display the Watch Window and add a watch from the same worksheet, edit
a precedent cell, and note the change in value.
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L3_T2_try2_CSA_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Open the Watch Window.
2. Add a watch for the cell G38.
3. Edit the retail cost for cherries in August to 1.97.
4. Enter the watch value for H38 in cell J5 and undo the change you made
to cherries.
5. Edit the cost of cucumbers for July to 0.15.
6. Enter the watch value for G38 in cell J8 and change the cost of
cucumbers back to 0.10.
7. Save the workbook as the same name plus your initials.
Validating and auditing data
Validating and auditing data
Try-it 3
Display the Watch Window. Add a watch from the same worksheet and a
watch from another worksheet, edit a precedent cell, and note the change in
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L3_T2_try3_CSA_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Open the Watch Window.
2. Select the August worksheet.
3. Add a watch for the cells E50 and F50 on the Summary worksheet.
4. Edit the retail cost for cherries on the August worksheet to 1.97.
5. Enter the watch value for Summary F50 in cell J5 on the August
worksheet and undo the change you made to cherries.
6. Edit the cost of cucumbers for July to 0.15.
7. Enter the watch value for Summary E50 in cell J5 on the July worksheet
and undo the changes you made to cucumbers.
8. Save the workbook as the same name plus your initials.
Use these questions to check what you learned in this lesson:
1. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts can you use to navigate to a
precedent or dependent cell?
Select all that apply.
a. Ctrl+[
b. Ctrl+(
c. Ctrl+]
d. Ctrl+)
Validating and auditing data
Validating and auditing data
Use these questions to find out what you already know about this lesson’s
1. When Excel detects a possible error in a cell, which of the following
indicators will the cell display?
Select the correct option.
a. A blue square in the corner
b. A red border
c. A blue border
d. A green triangle in the corner
2. If a cell has a ##### error code, what does it indicate?
Select the correct option.
a. The function uses an incorrect operator.
b. The cell has the wrong type of formatting applied.
c. The column is not wide enough to display the cell contents.
d. The cell contains a circular reference.
Validating and auditing data
Additional information
For more information on error checking, go to: Detect errors
in formulas
Find Errors
There are many methods you can use to detect errors. If a cell contains an
error, it will usually be marked with a green triangle in the corner, unless
your Excel settings have changed. The green triangle is not always an error.
It might indicate an inconsistency that Excel has detected, even though the
formula is correct, and the value is exactly what you wanted.
Validating and auditing data
To investigate an error, one of the first things you might do is select any cell
in the worksheet you want to check, and then:
1. Select Error Checking on the Formulas tab in the Auditing Formulas
group. The Error Checking dialog box, which the following screenshot
displays, provides help on the first error Excel detects.
2. Select Help on this Error to open Microsoft Office Support if you want to
find out more about that specific type of error.
3. Select Show Calculation Steps to open the Evaluate Formula dialog
4. Select Ignore Error if you want to ignore the error or, to edit the formula
yourself, select Edit in Formula Bar.
5. Select Previous or Next to go from one error to the next.
6. Select Options to open the Excel Options dialog box. You can also
select the File tab, select Options, and then select Formulas to open
the Excel Options dialog box, where you can check the settings for error
checking. The following screenshot depicts the Excel Options dialog box.
Validating and auditing data
7. In the Error Checking section, you can choose to disable error checking
entirely by selecting the Enable background error checking check
box. From here, you can also change the default color to use to indicate
errors. This could be very helpful if you have color blindness or you just
don’t like green!
8. Select or clear any option for checking in the Error Checking Rules
Validating and auditing data
2. Select Formulas and then clear the Numbers, Text, and Logicals check
3. Select either OK or Enter to close the dialog box. Any cells that contain an
error will have a different shading applied. This shading disappears when
you select any cell.
Another way to investigate errors is to select a specific cell to check and
perform one of the following steps:
Select Trace Precedents or Trace Dependents to help trace cells that
are causing errors.
Select the Error Checking drop-down list, and then select Trace Error.
Select Evaluate Formula in the Formula Auditing group.
Select the cell that has a green triangle in the corner, move your cursor
over the warning symbol that displays, select the drop-down list, and then
select any option on the submenu. The example in the following
screenshot depicts a #DIV/0! error, which means the formula is
attempting to divide by zero.
Validating and auditing data
Additional information
For further information on hiding errors, go to: Hide error
values and error indicators in cells
Error Types
There are many types of errors that can occur in Excel. However, it is
important to note that sometimes an error result is okay and might be what
you’re expecting. For example, when you use an exact match for the range
lookup in a VLOOKUP function, and the result is #N/A, it is indicating that
the value you are searching for is not there, which might be what you want.
The following table provides a brief outline of error types.
Validating and auditing data
Resources required
You’ll need the following resources for this activity:
L4_T1_act_members.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
Activity instructions
Participate in the activity by following these instructions:
Validating and auditing data
1. Observe the teacher’s demonstrations and your own Excel window, and
follow any instructions given. There are two worksheets that have errors.
2. Consider these questions:
o Why are there green triangles in the corners of some cells?
o What if you would rather not have errors display in green?
o How can you find out what is causing errors?
o Can you turn off the error checking feature?
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L4_T1_try_error_types_starter.docx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. In the first column of the table, read the description of the error.
2. In the second column of the table, enter the matching error code. A list of
codes has been provided.
Validating and auditing data
Evaluate a formula
The Evaluate Formula command won’t fix an error or edit a formula. It’ll
just help you understand what's going on with a formula. To evaluate a
formula, select the cell containing the formula to evaluate, and then:
1. Select Evaluate Formula from the Auditing Formulas group on the
Formulas tab.
Validating and auditing data
3. Select Step In to break down the result of underlined part of the formula
in the Evaluation box, which the following screenshot depicts:
Additional information
For more information on evaluating formulas, go to: Evaluate
a nested formula one step at a time
Activity: Think-pair-share
In this activity, you’ll try to explain to your neighbor the problem with a
formula in a worksheet. You can then use the Evaluate Formula command
to check if you were correct.
Resources required
You’ll need the following resources for this activity:
L4_T2_act_members_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
Activity instructions
Participate in the activity by following these instructions:
1. Examine the data in the worksheet and try to understand the problem
with any error that you find.
2. Describe the error to your neighbor.
3. Use the Evaluate Formula command to evaluate the function.
4. Correct the errors if possible. (Hint: For the event ID error, the member's
choice was 'Pick your own produce'.)
Validating and auditing data
You’ll need the following resources for this try-it:
L4_T2_try_members_starter.xlsx in this lesson’s Learning Activity
Resources folder.
The following are the general tasks that you need to perform during this try-
1. Examine the data in the table.
2. Select any cell that contains an error and evaluate it.
3. Fix the error if possible.
Use these questions to check what you learned in this lesson:
1. To step into a formula, what command would you use?
Select the correct option.
a. Trace precedents
b. Trace dependents
c. Evaluate Formula
d. Error checking
Validating and auditing data
2. Which of the following keyboard shortcuts can you use to help locate
errors in a worksheet?
Select all that apply.
a. F3
b. F5
c. Ctrl+G
d. Ctrl+F
3. To change the color of the error indicator in a cell, which tab would you
select in the Excel Options dialog box?
Select the correct option.
a. Advanced
b. Data
c. Formulas
d. General
4. To help debug a formula, you can use the Select here to enter text.
Formula command.
Fill in the blank
Validating and auditing data
Audit Assess or inspect data.
Cell-picker A field window inside a dialog box with a collapse
window button that allows the user to collapse the dialog box,
thereby displaying more of the worksheet cells. These
windows indicate that users can directly select cells to
insert the cell references.
Criteria Set conditions to be checked in a function.
Dependent A cell or cells affected by the current cell.
Duplicate A repeated entry of data.
Evaluate Assess a formula.
Precedent A cell that affects the value of the current cell.
Validate A general reference used to help ensure that the
correct data is entered into cells in a worksheet.
Validating and auditing data
In this Cornerstone, you’ll validate data by using Data Validation, Remove
Duplicates, and Flash Fill.
The following table outlines the Cornerstone objectives and their
corresponding Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam objectives:
Add a watch 3.5.2: Monitor cells and formulas using the Watch
50 minutes
1. Complete the following tasks for each file.
2. When saving your file, add your name to the end of the filename; for
example, Members_Dwayne_Espino.xlsx. Follow your teacher’s
directions for where to save your files.
3. When you’re done with the Cornerstone, assess your completion and
enter the points you think you earned within the following task lists. You
can use the help of your teacher if required.
Validating and auditing data
You’ll work with two files in this Cornerstone. The following are the tasks you
need to do within each file:
File 1: Cornerstone_members_starter.xlsx
Task: Remove duplicates (2 points)
1. Open Cornerstone_members_starter.xlsx.
2. Remove any duplicates in the States listed in the Lists worksheet. (2
points) (Exam objective 2.2.5)
Points scored: Select here to enter text. /2
Validating and auditing data
File 2: Cornerstone_shipments_starter.xlsx
Task: Find errors (3 points)
1. Open Cornerstone_shipments_starter.xlsx.
2. Use any method to locate any errors on both worksheets within the
workbook. (1 point)
3. Edit the comment or note in cell A1 of the July Summary worksheet to
note how many errors you have found in the entire workbook. (2 points)
Points scored: Select here to enter text. /3