Loss Statement
Loss Statement
Loss Statement
(See Regulations for the Army in India, Equipment Regulation, Par I and Financial regulations Part I & II
(This form will be used in cases of losses of stores of public money of regularization of irrecoverable debtor balances of non effective personnel)
Description of prosperity (in Date of Date of Reason for non recovery at the time of Amount of debtor balance loss Remarks Reasons
case of stores their quality or issue of discovery release/ discharge for the loss for delay/ any in
No and in the case of receipt of of defecting the
Ordinance stores the stores loss/debtor Conditions of Stock book Value of Value of Value of articles lost vide debtors
Vocabulary Section in balance stores eqpt rate articles reconditions instruction on the reverse balance/loss
addition) and the etc at the before articles
circumstances under which time of loss conditioning
deficient damaged of
destroyed NB- in case of
wastage the period of the
store must be stated.
Loss accrued due to deficiency in clothing items/irrecoverable amount Rs. (Rupees only in respect of No
Rank Name of 426 (I) Fs Coy, PIN-913426, c/o 56 APO. The amount can be recovered from the credit if any adjusted
in his IRLA in later date.
“Certified that the loss is not due to theft, fraud or gross negligence”
(1) While using the form for regularization of recoverable debtor balance of non effective personnel impress losses Cols 4,5 and ^ would become on column and Cols 7 &
8 would also become one column.
(2) Give particulars of Imprest A/c No/Army/IO, Rank/Name/designation of soldier/person in Col 1in the cash losses/Dr in IRLA.
(i) Certified that IRLA of the individual shows a Dr, balance of Rs /-CFA’s sanction Is required to regularise the loss (the value other loss has been
(ii) Certified that the number quality lost as shown above has been struk off in………………………...( the name of store ledger) for the month of………………
(Officer Commanding……………………………
(3) Certified that : The recovery write-off of the sum of……………….has been/will be made in the IRLA/Pay Accounts for the month of ……………..The sum of
………………...has been credited into ……………Treasury, vide Treasury Receipt No……………………..
OC/PAO/UA ……………………..
(Name of the Unit or Formation)
Certificate when individual is subject to the AA of LLA are permitted to make good the less of damage in whole or in part. The main concerned agree to pay Rs…………. On
account of the above articles.
Report of investigating Officer ( his general remarks and Opinion, also stating steps taken by the Officer concerned to avoid such losses in future) and his order
hereon if the amount is within is financial power and 70 to 76 the financial Regulation Part I.
Certified that the loss is not due to theft, fraud or gross negligence. Recommended that loss on acct of irrecoverable amount Rs. /-(Rupees only)
in respect of No be written off and borne by the state as “Loss of Public Money” being irrecoverable amount from the incl”
Remarks: Order of the Officer Commanding of the Station or in the case of departments prescribed authority.
“Certified that the loss is not due to theft, fraud or gross negligence. Recommended that loss on acct of irrecoverable amount Rs. /-(Rupees only)
in respect of be written off and borne by the state as “Loss of Public Money” being irrecoverable amount from the incl”
Remarks: Order of the Commanding of the Brigade or in the case of departments prescribed authority.
1. Loss statements should be made out in triplicate/quadruplicate, An additional copy should be made out for the Accounts section in the case of penal recoveries. Total
on the original copy of his from should be shown and the original L/S should be signed by the C F A in ink.
2. This report will not go beyond the officer complete to deal with the amount all issues, the intermediate authontesentening their recommendations. Even when as
individual is permitted to make good a part of the cost of loss The report must be disposed of by the officer competent lo sanction the total amount of loss or damage.
Except in the case of articles of silver the full serviceable value of which should be entered in column / the value of stores to be inserted in column 3 will be as
(i) Serviceable article lost or prematurely condemned stock book/vocabulary prevailing at the time of losses.
(ii) Damaged but repairable articles 50% of full stock book value
(iii) Repairable (and part-wom) stores lost – According to the percentage laid down in stores according instruction. Calculate as in (i) above
(iv) Unserviceable stores lost –One tenth of the serviceable value calculated as in (i) above
The amount to be recovered under the orders of the complaint Financial authority from an individual held responsible for the loss or damage will be assessed
under the special rules laid down in financial regulation Part I and Part II and other regulations.
1. In case of loss by deterioration dispose of the condemned stores should be specified if destroyed a certificate of destruction should be recorded loss statement.
2. The percentage of the loss on stock as well as loan transit losses should be shown.
3. When completed by the final sanctioning Authority this from should be returned to the officer with whom it originated to unable him to support the transaction which is
perhaps in his accounts.
4. Details in this form are not required in cases of losses in which no compensation claims are involved. An approximate estimate of the loss is sufficient to determine the
financial authority competent to write off.
5. Loss statement need not be submitted to government when formal sanction only is required to the write of a loss.
6. Losses of cash stores furniture and tools and plants occurring in M.E.S should be dealt with in accordance with the rules contained in regulations for the M.E.S