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Every person has problems faced in life and every problem has a

corresponding good or bad outcome but no matter what happens we must

have to face it for a better future. (Lanot, 2002) It is commonly noticed that

children from less affluent families perform worse academically than other

young people. It is unknown, meanwhile, how home income influences a

child’s outcomes. Either children from poorer homes are less likely to

participate in post-compulsory schooling because of family features or the

poorer families face financial constraints.

Students’ academic performance can be significantly impacted by their

financial situation. Students who are experiencing financial stress may show

signs of lower perseverance, academic engagement, and goal commitment,

which may increase the likelihood that they may drop out or take fewer

courses. Moreover, a longer time to degree has been associated with financial

worries, which may result in higher education expenses. Racial and ethnic

groupings, as well as gender, differ in the financial assistance they receive for

education; Black bachelor’s degree holders are more likely to have taken out

more student loan debt, while women report higher levels of financial stress.

Students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds may have educational

obstacles and do worse academically, therefore socioeconomic status also


These days, everyone is having financial difficulties, particularly the few

students in Quezon, Bukidnon. They find it difficult to deal with financial

issues, particularly when they have a lot of school expenses. Nowadays some

of the teachers assign a lot of project in the students and students are

obligated to contribute to the project and turn it in on time. Additionally, the

school is becoming more demanding when it comes to money, and nearly all

of the students help out with school programs.

The majority of the students who struggle financially are those whose

parents work in unstable jobs and make insufficient money to support their

education. This negatively impacts all students education and can lead to

stress as parents and students are often left wondering what to do when bills

are due, which can lead to mental health issues and depression in some

students. Many students also given up on their studies in order to work and

assist their parents.

There were countless studies that focused on the effects of poverty to

the education of the students. However, no study has been done about its

implications to the students in Salawagan National High School who are also

belonging to marginalized families. For this reason, the researchers would like

to study about the Lived Experiences of Students in Salawagan National High

School with Poor Financial Status and How it will Affect their Educational

Needs. Through this, everyone in the school will get to know about the

struggles and unique experiences of these students which can also become a

basis for support for them.

Statement of the problem

The study aims to answer the following question:

Problem 1: What are hardship faced by the participants at home, school, and

community as students with poor financial status?

Problem 2: How do these hardships affect them academically, emotionally,

and socially?

Problem 3: How do the participants strive to overcome their financial

struggles? How would they like to be supported by the government, school,

and community?

Objectives of the study

This study aims to achieve the following:

Objective 1. To know the hardship faced by the participants at home, school,

and community as students with poor financial status.

Objective 2. To know how these hardships affect them academically,

emotionally, and socially.

Objective 3. To understand how the participants strive to overcome their

financial struggles? How would they like to be supported by the government,

school, and community.

Conceptual Framework

Poor Financial Status

•Household income

•Financially constraints

•Less likely to invest


Coping mechanism

Academic Performance

• Lower educational outcomes

• Unlikely to participate to
Daily lived experience

Figure 1: A Diagram Illustrating the Conceptual Framework of the Study

The conceptual framework of this study is adapted from the study of

Chevalier, A., & Lanot, G. (2002) about “The relative effect of family

characteristics and financial situation on educational achievement”. The

conceptual framework above showed the different component of this

phenomenological study. First the lived experiences which refers to the

student’ personal experiences and feeling and growing up struggles in

financial. Second coping mechanism which refers to the strategies used by

students to deal with the challenges in lacking of financial. This conceptual

framework also show up what is the components of the controlled variable

(IV) and the predicted variable (DV).

The study aims to explore the actual experience of students whose

lack of finances and how it well affect their educational needs. By analyzing

the challenges faced by the students, the study seeks to provide insights into

ways to help students affected by poor financial status. The results of the

study had inform policymakers, educators, and mental health practitioners on

how to better support high school students and improve their well-being and

quality of life.

Significance of the study

This study fill some gaps on literature on locale among High school

students in around Quezon, Bukidnon. The understanding of the financial

status impact of educational needs is critically to Quezon Bukidnon which are

experienced an increase in the population of ungraduated students. The

results of this study will be a great help to the students, teacher, managing

director and the Government of DepEd.

To the Students: This will help them to encourage other students not to give

up studying just because of lack of finances, and be motivated and have

courage to learn more.

To the teachers: It will make their teaching easier and efficient.

To the Family of the Students: This will help their parents to work harder

and make their children study well.

To the Youth : This will give awareness to young people how difficult it is to

be financially poor and can give them motivation to study hard to have a good


To the school administrators and Government of DepEd : It will help them

decide to decrease expenses for the students.

To the future researchers : It had given lessons and realization why

financially poor can affect our education.

Scope of the Study

The scope of the study was limited to Quezon Bukidnon and its Junior

High and Senior High school students who are experiencing struggles in

financial status in the academic year 2023-2024. This study used an interview

questionnaire to collect data on the actual experience of students with poor

financial status toward their educational needs. The study focused on the

challenges that the students faced in terms of financial and how they survive

in it.

The association between financial difficulties and academic

achievement of senior high school students in Quezon, Bukidnon, will be the

main subject of this study. Through this study, students who are experiencing

financial difficulties will be able to freely discuss their issues. Senior high

school students are the researchers’ intended respondents. This study, which

is only open to senior high school students in Quezon, Bukidnon S.Y., will also

assist the students in understanding the relationship between financial

difficulties and academic achievement. 2023–2024. To prevent bias, the

researchers will distribute questionnaires to senior high students from several


Definition of Terms

The following are the terminologies that were used operationally and

conceptually are defined for purposes of clarity.

Educational Needs – This term is operationally defined as the basic needs

for educational such us money, and school supplies.

Insufficient – This term was conceptually defined “ as lacking adequate

power, capacity, or competence. ( Merriam Webster )

Lack of Finances – This term was operationally defined as the shortage of


Obligated – This term was operationally defined as the person was

responsible for what will happen or responsible to pay.

Poor Financial Situation – This term is operationally defined as lack of

money to sustain daily lives.

Unstable – This term was operationally defined as the person that don’t have

a proper job or unemployed.



This chapter reviews relevant literature and studies on the supporting

subtopics of the research, including poverty and education, the causes of poor

financial status, the difficulties faced by students in this situation, the effects of

this situation on students, and the coping strategies used by these students.

Poverty and Education

While access quality education remains a faraway dream for many

children living in poverty, education is the key to a better future. A child’s

potential can be severely limited, and the cycle of poverty can be sustained by

having limited access to high-quality education. By providing a kid living in

poverty with the necessary educational support, you may help us alter the

numbers. Poverty’s Effect on the Educational System: Poverty impacts much

more people than only low-income families and kids. It influences both the

caliber of a nation’s school districts and its educational system. It’s possible

that less wealthy communities lack the facilities required to offer educational

parity. Without sufficient funding, they are unable to provide up-to-date

textbooks and resources, much less provide a safe and effective learning

environment. As a result, there are still a lot of pupils registered.

Children from Bangladeshi, Pakistani, Black, and Chinese ethnic

communities have significantly higher levels of living in poverty than children

from Indian or white ethnic groups, and this structure has persisted since the

data in this table was gathered in 2016. We may probably conclude that, as of

2019, at least 40% of school-age ethnic minority children are living in poverty.

There is a close connection between uneven educational chances and child

poverty. The challenges faced by children’s families are reflected in their

educational opportunities. Poor people are less likely to graduate from college

with strong credentials themselves. They are also less likely to live in

substandard housing and in neighborhoods with low socioeconomic status,

and their parents are either unemployed or have low-status occupations.

According to a 2022 survey, we had the lowest rate of student

education poverty among ASEAN nations, at 90.9%. Furthermore, according

to a poll, only 10–22% of students in Grades 4, 5, and 9 in the Philippines

achieved scores that were “at or above minimum proficiency. In 2022, the

overall rate of poverty will drop from 21.6 percent to 14.0 percent, which

would mean that almost 6 million Filipinos will be lifted out of poverty. The

percentage of people living in poverty on a subsistence level will decrease

from 8.1% to 5%.

Reasons Behind Poor Financial Status

Due to unforeseen circumstances the worldwide pandemic, or other

factors, a large number of people have lost their jobs or other means of

income globally. Even while you shouldn’t feel guilty for your circumstances,

that knowledge might not bring much solace when you’re anxious about

putting food on the table and paying expenses. Uncertainty about when job

will be available or how the economy will rebound can easily overwhelm you.

It’s critical to realize that you are not the only one dealing with these

fearfulness right now—many of us do. Apart from the subsequent strategies

for managing the anxiety caused by job loss, there exist additional actions you

can take to enhance your handling of unforeseen situations.

Ineffective handling and control of financial resources can result in

instability, inefficiency, or even a financial disaster. This is referred to as poor

financial management. It include misallocating money, failing to successfully

budget, overspending, accruing debt, and ignoring financial planning. These

actions can have a number of detrimental effects, including the accumulation

of debt, bankruptcy, or the inability to fulfill financial responsibilities. A

decrease in the amount of money generated or received during a given period

of time by an individual, household, business, or organization is referred to as

a loss in income. This may be the consequence of a number of things,

including changes in investment returns, wage reductions, employment

losses, or lower company profitability.

Stress related to money can arise from inadequate budgeting

techniques in a number of ways. First, in order to assess their financial

situation and stress tolerance, municipalities facing financial difficulties and

uncertainty as a result of central government layoffs and revenue declines

require control mechanisms such as stress testing. Second, situations of

indebtedness combined with behavioral characteristics and personality

features might intensify financial stress for individuals. Thirdly, nations

possessing superior financial policies are more adept at mitigating the impact

of macroeconomic strains on the total degree of strain within the financial

system. Finally, in order to balance their budgets and respond to economic

crises in a constructive manner, local governments require efficient budgetary

procedures. These illustrations show how crucial budgeting techniques are for

controlling and lowering financial stress.

Challenges faced by the students with poor financial status

Students’ academic performance has a major impact by their

economical circumstances. Financial troubles are a serious issue that require

treatment because they can lead to a number of other problems, such as poor

health and poor performance in school. According to ( Dang and Bulus 2015)

Since education is a costly social service, it will be challenging for students to

enhance their academic performance if they receive insufficient financial aid.

Students who want to pursue higher education must overcome a

variety of financial obstacles. First-generation college students frequently find

it difficult to pay for college while still meeting their monthly needs; as a result,

they frequently rely on credit cards, grants, and scholarships, as well as

government and private student loans. Undergraduate students have financial

challenges due to their limited financial resources and the high cost of living,

even when their expenditure is still within reasonable limits. A student’s ability

to continue their education after high school may be impacted by issues with

financial aid, employment during school, and parental income.

Students who are struggling financially encounter a variety of

challenges. These include the effects on their mental health, such as

depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide. Their ability to pay fees and

meet the rigorous requirements of study can be hampered by financial

difficulties, which can potentially negatively impact their academic

performance. Students might also have trouble getting basic necessities and

have little opportunity for professional and personal growth. Because society

tends to place more emphasis on reducing economic hardship than on

psychological support, students with financial issues struggle even more in

the absence of a specific psychological education system. All things

considered, students who are struggling financially can suffer greatly in terms

of their overall well-being and academic performance due to a combination of

financial stress, scarce resources, and weak support networks.

Effects of poor financial Status to the students

Students’ academic performance has been demonstrated to be

negatively impacted by financial difficulties. Students who are worried about

their financial situation could be less persistent, goal-oriented, and involved in

their studies.Financial difficulties resulting from a lack of resources have an

impact on pupils’ academic performance.A substantial variation in students’

academic performance can be attributed to financial difficulties, underscoring

the necessity of support interventions to deal with these issues.

In addition, these students struggle with issues that are intellectual,

social, familial, emotional, personal, financial, and spiritual, all of which can

negatively affect their academic achievement. Financial difficulties among

Filipino students has a negative influence on their level of contentment and

life quality.

Students who are struggling financially are more likely to have

academic difficulties and show signs of emotional distress, avoid social

situations, and inconsistent personality development as well as avoiding

social situations. Furthermore, they report higher rates of mental health

conditions like suicidal thoughts, purposeful self-harm, anxiety, and despair

ideas. Students who are worried about money may show a decline in their

academic engagement. Tenacity and dedication to one’s goals, which could

lead to a decrease in course load or abandonment. Stress related to money

can also lower motivation and cognitive function, which might affect a

student’s academic achievement.

Coping Mechanism of students with poor financial status

Filipino students use a range of coping mechanisms to deal with

financial stress. Tactics. These consist of obtaining educational resources

through borrowing, accepting more job, and enlisting the aid of friends. Also,

students study time management techniques, look for ask teachers for

assistance and increase the amount of time given for homework.

Furthermore, a few Adolescents control their conduct, change their attention,

and engage in activities such as praying and weeping. Additionally, students

in the Philippines adjust their surroundings and communicate with peers as a

coping mechanism for financial stress. It’s critical that students create useful

coping mechanisms to handle their financial stress.

Despite financial difficulties, students from low-income families

frequently adopt a variety of coping strategies to get through their academic

journeys. Common coping techniques include the following:Seeking Financial

Aid: In order to help pay for tuition, books, and other educational expenses,

students might proactively look for scholarships, grants, or financial aid

programs provided by colleges, governments, or private groups. Part-Time

Jobs: In order to help pay for living expenses and augment their income, a lot

of students work part-time jobs. These opportunities may be found on or off

campus, based on availability and flexibility.

Commit to a Positive Attitude A nice mindset prevent you from being

dragged down with the aid of using sad feelings. A high-quality mind-set

additionally boosts the trouble fixing that a traumatic situation requires.A fine

mind-set allows us to see the opportunities inside a scenario, at the same

time as bad wondering narrows us. Get support. Find a person to speak to

approximately your situation. Stressful conditions can look at our strength,

for positive. Whatever you are facing it might help you accept the

circumstance, accept the emotions you’re experiencing, and have a positive

outlook. Make an attempt to influence what you can, seek out help, and look

after yourself. All this stuff will let you deal with your situation, reduce the

strain, and assist you return via feeling robust and confident.


To conclude poverty effect on the educational system. Poverty impact

much more than only low-income families and kids. In India or white ethnic

groups, children from Bangladeshi, Pakistan , black, and Chinese have much

higher rates of poverty they conclude that as of 2019 at least 40% of school

age ethnic minority children are living in poverty. The poverty rate in the

Philippines had a lowest rate among asean nations according to a 2022


Some reason behind poor financial status is a large number of people

have lost their jobs, ineffective handling and control of financial resources can

results in instability, inefficiency, or even a financial disaster. This is referred to

as a poor financial management.and stress related to money can arise from

inadequate budgeting techniques in a numbers of ways. Students’ academic

performance is significantly impacted by their economical circumstances.

Students who receive insufficient financial aid will find it difficult to improve

their academic performance because they frequently struggle to pay for

college while still meeting their monthly needs. In addition, students with poor

financial status face a variety of challenges, including effects on their mental

health, which can lead to depression and anxiety, and even suicidal thoughts,

which are considered to be a major factor in these challenges. Students

academic performance has been demonstrated to be negatively impacted by

financial difficulties.stydents who are worried about their financial situation

could be less persistent, goal oriented, and involved in their studies.

Filipino hardship has a detrimental impact on their happiness and

quality of time.additionaly student who are struggling in financial they are

report greater rates of mental health issue which may results in course load

reduction or dropout. Stress related to money can also lower motivation and

cognitive function, which can affect academic achievement. In order to deal

with financial stress, Filipino students employ a variety of coping strategies.

These include borrowing educational materials, taking on additional work, and

asking friend for help additionally, some adolescent manage their behavior,

shift their focus and partake in activities like sobbing and praying. And some

students had a financial difficulties they seeking financial aids in order to help

to pay their tuition they also do part time jobs. These opportunities may be

found on and off the Campus, based on availability and flexibility. And lastly

commit a positive attitude a nice mindset prevent you from being dragged

down with the aid of using sad feelings. Concentrate your efforts on what you

effect, get support, and take a good care of your own self. All this experiences

will let you deal with your situation.



The study’s methodology is presented in this chapter. It provides an

explanation of the research design, research setting, study participants,

research instruments, sampling process, data collection, and data analysis.

Research Design

This study employs a phenomenological technique in accordance with

the qualitative research design. Phenomenological is utilized in order to

analyze and find the root cause of the poor financial status and how it will

affect the academic performance of the students. Through phenomenology

the researcher can understand and know the challenges that face of the

students with poor financial status and how they coop those challenges.

(Gotesky,1968) Using phenomenology, the researcher can comprehend and

learn about the difficulties faced by pupils from low-income families as well as

how they overcome those difficulties. By interviewing subjects and analysing

their perspectives on their experiences, phenomenological research aims to

comprehend the universal experience. A phenomenology is a type of

qualitative research that employs observation notes and interviews to

examine non-numerical facts in detail.

Research Locale

This research will be conducted in Salawagan National High School

located at Purok Mabuhay, Salawagan, Quezon, Bukidnon. This institution is

chosen for the reason that the researchers are students in this school and it’s

easy for them to observe personally the lived experience of junior and senior

students with poor financial status

Research Participants

There are three (3) participants in this study all of which are female

with ages ranging from 13-18 years old. These participants is one(1) junior

students and two (2) senior high students who are experiencing poor financial

status. For this reason they are chosen because they can relate to the topic of

this study because they are experiencing lacking of money or finances

Research Instruments

The main instruments to be used in this study is the researcher made

interview questionnaire consisting of six (3) question revolving around the

main question in the statement of the problem. This question will focus on the

lived experience of students with poor financial status. It’s causes and effects

to the students. Interview is the main method used in order to deeply explore

the perspective of the sharer.

(LibGuides: Research Instruments: Home, n.d.)A research instrument

is a device that you can use to gather, quantify, and examine subject-related

data. Tests, surveys, scales, questionnaires, and even checklists can be used

as research instruments.

Sampling Procedure

Purposive sampling will be the sampling technique employed in this

study, and three (3) financially unstable students will be selected by the


This method is used since the design of the study is qualitative and the

results could be best achieved when the participants are carefully selected

according to the criteria.

(Sago,2023) Purposive, convenience, snowball, and theoretical

sampling are among the sampling strategies used in qualitative research. The

quality and dependability of the study findings are greatly impacted by the

selection of the appropriate sampling strategy.

Data Gathering

In the data gathering, the following steps will be followed: First, the

researchers will ask permission from the school principal to conduct the study

through a formal letter. Second, the researchers will give consent letter to the

participants, since the participants are below 18 years old, a parent’s

consents will also be required from them. Third, the participants will be

individually interviewed for at least an hour. This will be voice recorded by the

researchers. Fourth, the voice recorded will sessions will be transcribe word

by word by the researchers. Fifth, these responses will be analyze by the

researchers thematically in order to understand the phenomenon of the poor

financial status. Lastly, this analysis will be presented in the Chapter 4 and 5

and will be presented to a panel.

Data Analysis

This study will be using thematical analysis in analysing the data

gathered during the interview session. When searching for subjective data,

such as participant experiences, viewpoints, and opinions, thematic analysis

is especially helpful. Because of this, data from social media posts, open-

ended survey questions, interviews, and discussions are frequently used in

theme analysis.

This study was using thematical analysis in analyzing the data

gathered during the interview session According to ( Victoria Clarke and

Virginia Braun) A simple, adaptable, and widely used technique for analyzing

qualitative data is thematic analysis (TA). It gives the qualitative researcher a

basis in the fundamental abilities required to interact with various techniques

to qualitative data processing. In this chapter, we first define the fundamentals

of TA and discuss its numerous benefits. With data from one of our own

research projects—an interview-based study of students—the major section

of the chapter then shows how to conduct thematic analysis.



This chapter discusses in detail the results of the study during the data

gathering. It provides the analysis, as well as the interpretation of data, that

answers the main questions in the statement of the problem for the

phenomenological study “The Lived Experiences of Bullied Students in

Salawagan National High School With Poor Financial Status and How it Will

Affect Their Academic Performance”.

Problem 1. What are hardship faced by the participants at home, school,

and community as a students with poor financial status

Theme 1: Hardship Faced by the Students

Subtheme 1.1: Time Management

The first subtheme under Theme 1 is Time Management , according to

(Team,2024), Time management is the process of planning and controlling

how much time to spend on specific activities.Based on the responses of the

one (1) participant during the one-on-one interview, Time management was

present among their hardship faced in school, home, and community

Participant No. 1 constantly experience part time jobs so that he can’t manage

his time He stated “kaning usahay maglisod ko pag manage sakung time kay

mas makuan pagyud nako usahay ang pagtrabaho kaysa sapag skwela “.

This affirms the definition of (Team 2024 ) there is a presence of time


Time management has a detrimental effect on a student’s academic

achievement, as seen by the difficulties faced by students from low-income

families.The fact that students struggle with time management is a result of

their financial situation, which forces them to prioritize their work in order to

make ends meet or pay their obligations. Students experience difficult in time

managing suggest that their teachers will understand them if they are late in

passing their outpots or projects because they faced a hardship managing

their time especially the students with poor financial status.

Subtheme 1.2: Lacking of Transportation

The second subtheme under Theme 1 is Lacking of Transportation,

According to the (Cambridge English Dictionary), Lack of Transportation is

defined as the absence of adequate means for transportation. It highlights the

limitations and challenges that arise when there is a shortage of

transportation. Based on the responses of the two (2) participants during one -

on- one interview, lacking of transportation was present among their hardship

faced in school. Participants 2constantly experience lack of transportation she

state,” kanang walay masakyan inig mo skwela “ In this statement he

experience difficulties in transportation back and forth to school. On the other

hand, Participants No.3 mentioned “kanang Wala miy masakyan kada adlaw

sad mangbaklay nalang mi “ In her statement he experience the same

hardship face by the participants 2

The finding that Lacking of Transportation is one of the hardship faced

by the students with poor financial status and indicate a negative aspect of the

school environment. Students who lack transportation may arrive late or miss

a lot of class.2Another aspect that could make it difficult for pupils to get to

school is the distance from the school. One way of creating more opportunity

for students to have transportation would be to have programs provided by

the educational institutions. These programs may include organizing carpool

systems with families that have access to cars, allowing school buses to go a

further distance to pick up students, and lastly giving assistance for students

to pay for bus fare.

Subtheme 1.3: Financial Constraints

The third subtheme under the Theme 1 is Financial Constraints.

According to (Ross,2023)Something that limit one route of economic action

and necessities accommodations is a financial constraints. Based on the

responses of two (2) participants during one-on-one interview, financial

constraints was present among the hardship they faced. Participants No.2

experience no money when going to school, and work a part-time job buy the

necessities. She state, “ nang wala pagyuy mabalon nang daghan kana pung

mangita pag kanang kwarta arun maka kuan… kana butaw maka nka ouhm…

tas ma kanang mabayad sa skwelahan “ On the other hand, participants No.3

mentioned “ walay makaon manginadlaw nalang mi para naa miy kanang

pang palit og koan… bugas “. In her case, she experience also part time jobs

in order to sustain their basics need all of these responses of the two

participants shows that they are really faced a hardship in financial needs.

The finding that financial constraints exist in Salawagan National High

School is concerning and indicates a negative aspect of the students.

Financial constraints can be a cause of the lower grades of the students

because they will much prioritize to work and do a part time jobs for them to

provide there needs. The facts that students experience financial constraints

suggest that teacher’s must be more understanding and considerate if the

students lay the bulls late and more reliable school environment. Additionally it

is more important to examine the root cause of financial constraints to develop

more effective strategies on how to help students who’s struggling financially.

Table 1.1 “Detailed Transcription, Coding, and Theming of the Responses for

Problem 1 – Hardship faced by the participants

Transcription Codes Themes


Interviewer: Unsa ang

kalisdanan nga gi atubang nimo
sa panimalya, eskwelahan, og
komunidad, isip nga estudyante
nga adunay kapus nga
kahimtang sa panalapi?

Participant: first jud kay ang…

kuannang ah…oum mag lisod
jud me sakwarta sa kaning pam
pinancial sa pagskwela then sa

komunidad is Kanangfirst jud
nga problema is kwarta jod .Ohh:

In: unsa ang mga kalisdanan

ngaimung giatubang

Par: kaning usahay maglisod Balancing Time Time Management

kog pa ay pamanage sakung
time Kay mas makuan… naa
makuan pagyud nako usahay
ang pagtrabaho kaysa sapag

Interviewer: first namung

question isunsa ang kalisdanan
nga gi atubangnimo nga
studyante nga adunay kapusna
kahimutang sa panalapi ?Unsa
imung mga
kalisdanan<ba>Kanang diva[or
challenges] oh unsaang
kalisdanan nga nasinatian
pagsulat ba sa skwelahan
panimalay og sakomonidad isip
usa Ka studyante ngakulang sa

Participant-kanang kuan og…

Ininterviewer: kani nalang oh
aron dalieh ingun lang ang mga
kuan imo bitawnaagian nga lisud
kaayu para sa imoha?[sge kana Transportation Lacking of
nalang] Transportation

Part: kanang walay masakyan

inig mo skwela Struggles for needs
Nang LA pagyuy mabalon nang Do part time jobs Constraints
daghan kana pung mangita pag
kanang kwarta arun maka
kuan…kana bitaw maka naka
ouhmm… tas ma kanang
mabayad sa skwelahan.

Interviewer: so isip estudyante

nakapus sa financial unsa ang

mgakalisdanan nga imung gi
atubang sapanimalay skwelahan
og komonidad?

Par- kanang Kuan... Lisod

kaayou ang kinabuhi (H)
kanang Wala miy masakyan
kada adlaw(.H) Mang sakay Transportation Lack of
nalang mis lain pag-uli (.H) sad Transportation
mangbaklay nalang mi (0.5)Kuan

In: naa poy usahay nga

moskwela mo nga walay balon?

Par: naa pod... Permente wala

miy balon
Par: oo

In: so okay rapod sa inyuha nga

ing-ana nga wla moy balon?

Par: okay rasd... [ Okay rapod]

naanad nasad mi

In: niya sa inyung panimalay

unsa man ang mga kalisdanan
nga isip ing-ana inyung
sitwasyon sa inyung kinabuhi

Par: walay makaon manginadlaw

nalang mi para naa miy manang Struggle for basic Financial
pang palit ug kuan... Bugas needs constraints

In: bugas sud an ing ana

Par: oo

Problem 2. To know how these hardships affect them academically,

emotionally, and socially?

Theme 2: Effect of Poor Financial Status to the Students

Subtheme 2.1: Balancing the Work and Education

The subtheme under Theme 2 is Balancing The work and Education,

Balancing work and education, according to University of the people (2022), is

the effective managing and allocating time, energy, and resources between

one’s job or career and academic pursuits. It involves finding a harmonious

equilibrium between work, responsibilities, and the demands of studying.

Based on the response of one (1) participants during one-on-one interview,

balancing time is present among the effect of Poor Financial Status. He

stated, “ sa akademeko kay usahay is maka fucos ko … dili nako ma fucos

ang mind sakung pag skwela kay ma fucos nako sa…kaning trabaho <and>

mao rato.sa akademeko kay usahay is maka fucos ko … dili nako ma fucos

ang mind sakung pag skwela kay ma fucos nako sa…kaning trabaho <and>

mao rato.”. This affirm the definition of University of people (2022) where there

is the presence of effect the balancing the work and education because he

state that he can’t focus well on his acads because he much prioritize the

work and it affects his academic performance.

The Balancing the work and education is concerning and indicates a

negative aspect of the school environment. Balancing the work and education

can cause emotional stress of the students. Leading to a negative impact on

their mental health and academic performance. The fact that students

experienced Balancing the work and education suggests a need for

interventions to address this issue and create a safer and more supportive

school environment. Additionally, it is important to examine the root causes of

Balancing the work and education to develop more effective prevention

strategies. The study highlights the importance of taking action to addres

Balancing the work and education in schools to ensure the well-being and

academic success of all students.

Subtheme 2.2: Self Motivation

The second subtheme under Theme 2 is Self Motivation. Self

Motivation, according to ( Acc, 2024) self-motivation is the internal drive that

leads us to take action towards a goal. It keeps us moving forward, even

when we don’t want to. Based on the responses of two participants during the

one-on-one interview, Self motivation was present among the effect of Poor

Financial they said that because of the poor financial status they feel more

motivated to go in school and work hard for them to achieve their goals

someday. Participants No. 2 she state “ mag hunahuna nalang nga kuan

dayun ma sulbad “. This affirm the definition of ( Acc,2024 ) where there is the

presence of gaslighting her self that she can do it. On the other hand,

participants no. 3 mentioned “ padayun lang gihapon balag walay lain

mahimo, padayun lang namo”. In her case, he experience the same self

motivation just like the participant no.2.

The finding that self motivation exist in Salawagan National High

School is concerning and indicates a positive aspects of the students with

poor financial status. Self motivation is a big help for students because they

like to do things. If they have self motivation they always like to go to school

every day, no matter the problems or obstacles they face because it’s self

motivation can help the students to realize the worth of education and life. The

study highlights the importance of self motivation especially to the students

who are financially unstable for them to be more motivated to go to school


Subtheme 2.3: Financial Stress on Emotional Well being

The subtheme under the Theme 2 about the effect of work and

financial stress on emotional well being. According Masha (2021), financial

stress can take a toll on mental health, relationships, physical health, and

overall quality of life. It can lead to anxiety, depression and unhealthy coping

mechanism based on the one on one interview participant no.1 stated “kay

kana bitaw maapektuhab ka kay kana bitaw nga kanang paras akoa lisud

gyud tung katung walay masakyan maapektuhan gyud biya wala gyuy ga

kuan ga willing gapasakay bitaw Kay tanan man din mga busy man kaayu

mga kuan. Oh Kay lisud…oh kana bitaw ma down Ka kay tungod sakanang

mahitabo nang walay ma sakyan” . This affirms the definition of the study by

Masha (2021) where there is the presence of financial stress on emotional

well being because the participants feel stress everyday when going to

school because they don’t have a neighbor or cousin who are willing to help

them or willing to offer a free rides going to school.On the other hand,

participant No. 3 mentioned “ oh maka apekto kay wala miy makaon kada

udto, ohh murag ma down najod ko “. In her case, he experience being stress

because sometimes she feeling down because of the poor financial status

that they can’t even buy or eat a proper meal everyday, it leads the

participants to feel stress. All of the response of participants is under the

definition of Masha (2021)

The finding that financial stress on emotional well is concerning and

indicates a negative aspect of the school environment. Financial stress on

emotional well being can cause emotional stress of the students. Leading to

a negative impact on their mental health and academic performance. The fact

that students experienced financial stress on emotional well being suggests a

need for interventions to address this issue and create a safer and more

supportive school environment. Additionally, it is important to examine the root

causes of financial stress on emotional well being to develop more effective

prevention strategies. The study highlights the importance of taking action to

address financial stress on emotional well being in schools to ensure the well-

being and academic success of all students

Table 1.2 “Detailed Transcription, Coding, and Theming of the Responses for

Problem 2 – Effects of Poor Financial Status on the Students “

Transcription Codes Themes


Interviewer: sa unsang paagi

kani nga mga kalisdanan
makaapekto sa imung
akademeko imo imosyonal og
sosyal ?

Participant: sa akademeko kay

usahay is maka fucos ko … dili Balancing Balancing the
nako ma fucos ang mind sakung work and
pag skwela kay ma fucos nako education
sa…kaning trabaho <and> mao


Interviewer: pangkaduha
namung question is sa unsang

paagi kaning nga kalisdanan
nimo katung imung gi ingun nga
sa skwelahan lagi mag baklay
mo ing ana sa unsa mana syang
paagi maka apekto sa imung
mga pag skwela sa imong
imosyonal og sa imung sosysal
sa imohang pag skwela ba gi
unsa manto sya nganu
makaapekto man to siya sa
imung pag skwela og sa
imohang imung damdamin ba sa
imung imosyon like kanang
kapareha anang stress baka

Par: ouhm …
In: pagbati nimo
Par: pagbati nako?
In: unsa imung gibati nganu
maka apekto man to siya?

Par- kay kana bitaw

maapektuhan ka kay kana bitaw
nga kanang paras akoa lisud
gyud tung katung walay
masakyan maapektuhan gyud
biya wala gyuy ga(0.5) kuan ga
willing gapasakay bitaw kay
tanan man din mga busy man
kaayu mga kuan.

In: so nganu naka apekto man to

say saimong pag skwela nga
kuan ba manasa bati sa
imohang motivate sa imohang
skwela nga ing ana imung Stress Stress on
kalisdanan kanang maka ingun Emotional well-
ka nga dinakamaka skwela mag being
ing ana kapoy Ka pirme ing ana

Par: oh kay lisud…oh kana bitaw

ma down ka kaytungod sa ing
kanang mahitabo nang walay
ma sakyan.

In: nganu maka apekto man sya Motivate

saimohang imosyonal na ani Self motivation
baka kanang ma usahay ba naa

bag sahay nga ma depress ka
tungod sa ing ana sa financial
kakulangon nga financial ing ana
ma depress kah?

Par:mag hunahuna nalang nga

kuan dayun ma sulbad.


Interviewer: pang kaduhang

pangutana unsa nga kalisdanan
katong imung mga gipang
mentio mention nga mga kalisud
ninyu sa unsa man to maka
apekto sa imohang pag skwela
sa imohang mong imosyonal og
sa imung social sa pag skwela
nganong maka apekto man silas
imung kalisdanan sa unsang

Participant : I utro daw

In-ay balik balik sa unsa nga
paagi kato nga kalisdanan nimo
nga makaapekto sa imuhang
pag skwela sa imung akademiko
sa imung imosyonal sa imung
sosysal ?
In- maka apekto bato sila sa
imung kalisdanan sa pag

Par-oh maka apekto kay(0.5)

wala miy makaon kada <udto>
In: napoy usahay nga
madepress ka or makafeel Ka
ug anxiety mga ina ana bitaw
murag ma down ka saimong self Feeling down Stress on
ba bay usahay nga inaana Emotional well-
tungod sa inyung kalisud? being
Par: ohh murag ma down najod
ko [ makahuna huna baka nga Gaslighting
moundang ug skwela? Ingana
so tas imong kakuanon dili?] Self Motivation
<di... dili>padayun lang gihapon
balag walay lain nahimo (0.5)
[ balag naglisod padayun lang
gihapon ] oh padayun Lang
namo ^^wala miy pag kaon^^

[maayu na]

Problem 3. To understand how the participants strive to overcome their

financial struggles? How would they like to be supported by the

government, school, and community?

Theme 3: Coping Strategies of Students to Overcome Their Financial

Struggles, and What would They Like to be Supported.

Subtheme 3.1: Government Assistance Program

The first subtheme under the Theme 3 is Government Assistance

Programs. Government Assistance Programs, according to Phobasco (2023),

refers to any program implemented by the government to provide financial or

other forms of support to individuals or businesses in need. These programs

aim to alleviate economic hardship, promote social welfare, and ensure equal

opportunities for all citizens. Based on the responses of three (3) participants

during one-on-one interview, government assistance program is one of the

help that they want from the government. Participants no.1 want the

government to finance him in his school bills because for him as a working

students he needs the financial assistance of the government for him to

survive in school he stated “ una gyud sa tanan ang gusto gyud nako <nga>

kaning madawat nga madawat nga supporta kay financial cash assistant as a

working student” This affirm the definition of Phobasco (2023). Participant

no.2 also stated “ kanang kuan ra financial “ participant no. 2 also want or

need the financial assistance program of the government. On the other hand

Participant no. 3 mentioned “ kanang financial” so as what we can see on the

responses of the three participants they need the government assistance

program for them to survive in school and living.

The finding that government assistance program is one the help that

need by the students with poor financial status. It concerning and indicates a

negative aspect of the government, Government assistance program can help

the students to pay there bills, and to lessen the hardship they faced.The fact

that students need a help suggest a more supportive and fair government in

terms giving cash assistance they must prioritize the IP’s (Indigenous

People) . Additionally it is important to examine to root cause why some of the

IP’s (Indigenous People) is not included whenever the government has an

aid. This study highlights the importance of taking actions to address the

corruption in our government to ensure the well being and academic success

of the students.

Subtheme 3.2: Save Money

The second subtheme under the Theme 3 is Save Money. according to

Wikipedia (2024) is income not spend, or deferred consumption.Based on the

response of one (1) participant during one-on-one interview, Saving of Money

is one of the strategies or coping mechanism of the participants to survive in

his situation. Participant no. 1 he stated “ usahay kay ang kanang balon nga

ihatag sa amo ako nalang na syang tigumon or akung iamot or akung ipalit

sakung mga kinahanglan og akung mga trinabahuan dili nako sya mahatag sa

akong papa or magamit sa panimalay kay gamiton nako sakung pag skwela.”

This affirm the definition of Wikipedia (2024) where there is the presence of

saving money because the participants learn to save his money.

The finding that Saving Money exist in Salawagan National High

School students especially the students with Poor financial status as their

strategies to overcome their financial struggle and indicates a positive aspect

of the school environment. Saving money can help the students to learn and

appreciate the small amount that they have because for them it’s not just a

small amount for them. The fact that students experience saving money

suggest a low price of foods or products in canteen and more supportive

school environment. Additionally it important that school should know the

hardship of the students when they are saving money to develop more

effective strategies. The study highlights the importance of lessen the prices

of the products or foods that sells in school canteens.

Subtheme 3.3: Part Time Jobs

The last subtheme under the Theme 3 is Part Time Jobs. Part Time

Jobs, according to Wikipedia (2024), is a form of employment that carries

fewer hours per week than a full-time job. They work in shifts. The shifts are

often rotational. Based on the response of one (1) participant during one-on-

one interview, part time jobs is present as their coping strategies to survive in

school. Participant No. 1 constantly experience doing jobs to sustain their

foods and education. She stated “ manginadlaw nalang me para kuan … <

Para naami pang palit ug bugas> pang balon ug skwela… <Kuang> (0.6)

pangkuan ug project pang palit ug project SA skwelahan… kuan dayun.” This

affirm the definition of Wikipedia (2024) because the participant sometimes

help there parents they do part time jobs.

The finding that Part Time Jobs exist as the strategies of the students

with poor financial status to strive their financial struggles, it indicates a

positive aspect of the students environment because at her young age she

already know how to address the problem of financial even though it’s not

enough but atleast she can sustain her needs. Part Time Jobs can cause the

students to unfocused their studies but for theme it is their strategy to

overcome their financial struggles . The fact that students experience part

time jobs suggest a need for teachers and school to be more understanding to

the students who do part time jobs because we don’t know the struggle of

them in balancing in time, in school and work.and suggest more supportive

school environment. The study highlights the importance of the school to

understand the struggles of students who are experiencing part time jobs.

Table 1.3 “Detailed Transcription, Coding, and Theming of the

Responses for. Problem 2 – Coping Strategies of the Participants and what

would they like to be supported “

Transcription Codes Themes


In:SA unsang paagi nimo

(laughing).sge saunsang paagi
ka naningkamot sa pag buntong
sa imong financial na pakig bisog
unsa mn ang gusto nimo nga
supporta sa governor, skwelahan
og komunidad?

Par: una gyud sa tanan ang

gusto gyud nako <nga> kaning
madawat nga madawat nga Financial Support Government
supporta kay financial cash Assistance
assistant as a working student Program

[a so working student kah?]

Ahm… dili pud nako ma tawag
nga working student ko kay
sometimes raman ko ga trabaho
og most of the time mahapun o
magabii ga trabaho koh [ahh
{Ah mura gyapun og working
student }
In: about sa imung pareparents
Waba sila nag supporta
Par: gasupporta sila ga supporta
man sila peru mas makulangan
gyapun ang ilang pag supporta
kay dili ako raman poy gi
gastuhan daghan ay tulo man mi
kabuok mao nang usahay dili mi
mag supportahan dritso kay
isahon ra nilag gasto
In:ay unsa man broken family ka?
Par:dili… peru akung mama wala
diri sa bukidnon tua siya og
malaysia peru tungod sa dako
namung problema nga amung gi
atubang mao nang tua siyag
malaysia tas pag magpadala
siya is dili siya mapadulong sa
amoa usahay gali dili mi kahawid
sa iyang kwarta.[sa kaylangan
ninyung anohan]

In:nang gi unsa nimo pag kanang

kuan gi unsa nimo pag: …gi unsa
nimo pag kanang pag provide sa
imung mga saimohang mga
bayaron sa skwelahan.

Par: usahay kay ang kanang

balon nga ihatag sa amo ako Saving
nalang na syang tigumon or Save money
akung iamot or akung ipalit
sakung mga kinahanglan og
akung mga trinabahuan dili nako
sya mahatag sa akong papa or

magamit sa panimalay kay
gamiton nako sakung pag

Interviewer: pang pangkatulo

namung pangutana is sa unsang
paagi mo naningkamot sa pag
buntong sa ila sa inyung financial
nga pakigbisog kanang unsa
kahay gusto ninyu nga supporta
sa governor skwelahan og

Par: nang…kuan ra kanang Financial Support Government

financial kanang kay mag kuan Assistance
ra…ohh[supportahan mo sa Program
Oo,og sapagkana bitaw naay
kanang (0.5)unsa pa Gali [storya
storya Lang]
In: ay kuan may apil mo sa 4ps or
IPS ing ana apil mo?
Par: ouhm
In: so kana sya nga kuan
hinabang sa governo dili man
gyud to sa mahimog enough no ?
Kay daghan man mo ana.
Par: ohhh
In: tas Kanang kuan unsa ba ?
Par: dili pagyud kay ingun [dili pa
gyud ]
In: so unsa gi unsa man ninyu
pag overcome nang mga
problema sa inyung kinabuhi like
unsa inyung gibuhat para ma
motivate gyapun mo sa inyung
pag skwela?
Par: mangita rag kana bitaw way
nga ma kuan nga masulbad …
In: sge mao nato salamat thank

In: sige sa pangkatulo nata ...

ang pangkatulong pangutana<is>
sa unsang paagi... mo naning
kamot sapag buntong saila sa
inyung financial nga pakigbisog

sa unsa paagi man mo na kig
naningkamot sapag buntog ana
sainyung financial nga
pakigbisog...saunsang paagi

Par: manginadlaw nalang me

para kuan ... < Para naami pang
palit ug bugas> pang balon ug Working Part time jobs
skwela... <Kuang> (0.6)
pangkuan ug project pang palit
ug project SA skwelahan... kuan

In: so unsa may gusto nimo nga

kanang ay unsay gusto nimo nga
supporta sa governo or sa
skwelahan og sa komonidad para
sa imo as a student nga kapus sa
financial...samay gusto nimo?
gusto na kaha nga mas kanang
nga supportahan mo sa inyung
kuan sa imong mga pag skwela.
[sa inyung panginabuhi]
Par:<oh oh kay>.
In:so Kung mag hatag og chance
ang governo unsa ang gusto nga
gusto ninyu nga madawat sa
ilaha nga supporta sa inyung
pang kinabuhi sa mga pag kaon
or supporta sa inyung pag
skwela? Financial support Government
Par:kanang financial..[aw Program
financial] <ohhh>



This chapter shows the summary, findings, conclusions, and

recommendations of the study based on the data gathered in the previous



The Problem. This study attempted to explore the lived experiences of

the students with Poor Financial in Salawagan National High School to better

understand their situation and needs.

For the most part, this study sought to find out; 1 The common

hardship faced by the students with poor financial status 2) The effects of

hardship they faced to the participants 3) The coping strategies that the

participants use to deal with their financial struggles, 4) and The support

system that students from the government, school and community.

This study was conducted in Salawagan National High School with

three (3) participants coming from the Junior High School (female) and Senior

High School (male and female).

Research Methodology. The study is a qualitative research generally

considered as a phenomenological study. A one-on-one interview was used to

collect data in order to fulfill the study’s objectives, and the primary method of

data analysis is thematic analysis.


The proceeding statements are the significant findings revealed in this


Problem 1. THEME 1: Hardship faced by the Students with Poor Financial


Subtheme 1.1: Time Management

One out of the three interviewed participants said that they are


Time management because he experiencing part time jobs and find it difficult

to manage his time.

Subtheme 1.2: Lacking of Transportation

Two out of the three participants experienced lacking of transportation

where they can’t go to school sometimes because they don’t have a

neighbor that can offer them a free rides going to school

Subtheme 1.3: Financial Constraints

Two out of the three participants experience financial constraints where

they barely eat a proper meal a day, and they must have to work to buy a


Problem 2. THEME 2: Effect of Poor Financial Struggles to the Students

Subtheme 2.1: Balancing the Work and Education

One out of the three participants observed that financial struggles

effect there balancing the work and education, where in he barely focused on

his study.

Subtheme 2.2: Self Motivation

Two out of the three participants feel motivated because they make

their situation as a motivation to move forward for the future even though they

faced a lot of struggle as a student who are financially unstable

Subtheme 2.3: Financial Stress on Emotional well being

Two out of the three participants’ mental health were greatly affected by

the financial stress that it even led to their depression and feeling down.

Problem 3. THEME 3: Coping Strategies of Students to Overcome Their

Financial Struggle, and How would they Like to be Supported.

Subtheme 3.1: Government Assistance Program

All the participants mentioned that they wish to receive a government

financial support on the government assistance program, and wish that they

will be first in list when the government give aids for them to lessen there


Subtheme 3.2:Save Money

One of the participants state that saving money is one of his strategy to

survive in financial struggles, he experience saving money so that he has

money to use in emergency

Subtheme 3.3: Part Time Jobs

One out of three participants said that part time jobs is also his strategy

to overcome the financial struggles, he experience part time jobs to sustain

his educational needs


Based on the results mentioned above, the study explored and came

up with the following conclusions: First, the Hardship faced by the Students

with Poor Financial Status include (1.1) Time Management (1.2) Lacking of

Transportation, and (1.3) Financial Constraints. Second, Effect of Poor

Financial Struggles to the Students are (2.1) Balancing the Work and

Education, (2.2) Self motivation, and (2.3) Financial Stress on Emotional well-

being. Third, Coping Strategies of Students to Overcome Their Financial

Struggle, and How would they Like to be Supported include (3.1) Government

Assistance Program (3.2) Save Money, and (3.3) Part Time Jobs


The researchers would like to recommend the following:

To the Students with Poor Financial Status

What I can recommend to students who experience poor financial

status is that they should not lose or give up on these challenges, they should

think positive always

To the Parents of the Participants

As for the parents of the participants, they should always show their

excessive support to their children so that the participants can be more

motivated that even if it is difficult to be in poor financial status, their child will

work hard in learning to have a good future and also

To the Teacher’s

As the second parents of the students suggest that teacher’s should

check their students not only to their academic performance but also in

physical and emotional well-being

To the Relatives of the Participants

To the Relatives of the participants who are financially stable, if they

have a children who are going to school they should accompany the

participants who are struggling to find a rides so that they can spend less and

at the same time to prevent absences of the participants

To the School Administration and Faculty

To the school administrator and faculty, suggest that they should

support the students who are struggling financially, they should not rush the

students to pay because they are more stressed in home and their community

To the Government

To the government, if they give out a cash assistance they should

prioritize the students with poor financial status, those who are IP’s

(Indigenous People) members

To the Future Researchers

To those who are interested to study the topic on Poor Financial Status,

it is suggested to increase the statement of the problem for more

comprehensive discussion. Also, this study could also be done using

quantitative methods to further test the reliability of the results.


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