Stats Assignment
Stats Assignment
Stats Assignment
The hand simulation that will be co-ordinated will be of Debonair’s pizza. We will be observing the duration in which a customer
takes from entering the store, to placing an order until they receive their orders.
Question 2.1.1.
Day 1
Order number Arrival time Inter arrival Service time Cumulative
(min) time (min) (min) service time
1 0 0 8,25 9,25
2 2,7 2,7 8,62 16,87
3 9,43 6,73 8,05 24,92
4 21,98 12,55 10,28 35.2
5 22,85 0,87 11,52 46,72
6 24,05 1,2 7,5 54,22
7 29,12 5,07 8,43 62,65
8 31,27 2,15 8,68
9 35,92 4,65 9,23
10 37,43 1,51 9,9
11 45,82 8,39 9,62
12 49,2 3,38 8,88
13 53,55 4,35 11,23
14 59,15 5,6 8,68
Average Inter-arrival time = 59,15/14 = 4,225 min/customer
Day 2
Order number Arrival time Inter arrival Service time Cumulative
(min) time (min) (min) service time
1 0 0 6,11 6,11
2 1,48 1,48 7,26 13,37
3 11,72 10,24 7,49 20,86
4 12,43 0,72 7,50 28,36
5 25,07 12,64 9,45 37,81
6 31,88 6,81 10,31 48,12
7 33,35 1,47 10,29 58,41
8 36,45 3,1 9,46 67,87
9 49,83 13,38 9,52
10 53,78 3,95 11,34
11 56,63 2,85 12,36
12 58,1 1,47 12,20
Question 2.1.2.
Simulation of day 1
Arrival Times
Entity Time t Event Type Q(t) B (t) In Queue In Service P N ∑WQ* WQ* ∑TS TS* ∫Q Q* ∫B [Entity No. Time Type]
1 9,25 Dep 0 1 (2,7) 1 2 6,55 6,55 9,25 9,25 2,7 1 9,25 3 9,43 Arrive
2 16,87 Dep
- 60 End
3 9,43 Arrive 1 1 (9,43) (2,7) 1 2 6,55 6,55 9,25 9,25 2,7 1 9,43 2 16,87 Dep
4 21,98 Arrive
- 60 End
2 16,87 Dep 0 1 (9,43) 2 3 13,99 7,44 23,42 14,17 10,14 1 16,87 4 21,98 Arrive
5 22,85 Arrive
- 60 End
4 21,98 Arrive 1 1 (21,98) (9,43) 2 3 13,99 7,44 23,42 14,17 10,14 1 21,98 5 22,85 Arrive
6 24,05 Arrive
- 60 End
5 22,85 Arrive 2 1 (21,98) (9,43) 2 3 13,99 7,44 23,42 14,17 11.01 2 22,85 6 24,05 Arrive
(22,85) 3 24,92 Dep
- 60 End
6 24,05 Arrive 3 1 (21,98) (9,43) 2 3 13,99 7,44 23,42 14,17 13,41 3 24,05 3 24,92 Dep Arrive
(22,85) 7 29,12 End
(24,05) - 60
3 24,92 Dep 2 1 (22,85) (21,98) 3 4 16,93 7,44 38,91 15,49 15,15 3 24,92 7 29,12 Arrive
(24,05) 8 31,27 Arrive
- 60 End
7 29,12 Arrive 3 1 (22,85) (21,98) 3 4 16,93 7,44 38,91 15,49 23,55 3 29,12 8 31,27 Arrive
(24,05) 4 35,2 Dep
(29,12) - 60 End
8 31,27 Arrive 4 1 (22,85) (21,98) 3 4 16,93 7,44 38,91 15,49 30 4 31,27 4 35,2 Dep
(24,05) 9 35,92 Arrive
(29,12) - 60 End
4 35,2 Dep 3 1 (24,05) (22,85) 4 5 30,15 13,22 52,13 15,49 45,72 4 35,2 9 35,92 Arrive
(29,12) 10 37,43 Arrive
(31,27) - 60 End
9 35,92 Arrive 4 1 (24,05) (22,85) 4 5 30,15 13,22 52,13 15,49 47,88 4 35,92 10 37,43 Arrive
(29,12) 11 45,82 Arrive
(31,27) - 60 End
10 37,43 Arrive 5 1 (24,05) (22,85) 4 5 30,15 13,22 52,13 15,49 53,92 5 37,43 11 45,82 Arrive
(29,12) 5 46,72 Dep
(31,27) - 60 End
11 45,82 Arrive 6 1 (24,05) (22,85) 4 5 30,15 13,22 52,13 15,49 104,2 6 45,82 5 46,72 Dep
(29,12) 6 12 49,2 Arrive
(31,27) - 60 End
5 46,72 Dep 5 1 (29,12) (24,05) 5 6 54,89 24,74 76,87 24,74 109,6 6 46,72 12 49,2 Arrive
(31,27) 6 13 53,55 Arrive
(35,92) - 60 End
12 49,2 Arrive 6 1 (29,12) (24,05) 5 6 54,89 24,74 76,87 24,74 122,0 6 49,2 13 53,55 Arrive
(31,27) 6 6 54,22 Dep
(35,92) - 60 End
13 53,55 Arrive 7 1 (29,12) (24,05) 5 6 54,89 24,74 76,87 24,74 148,1 7 53,55 6 54,22 Dep
(31,27) 6 14 59,15 Arrive
(35,92) - 60 End
6 54,22 Dep 6 1 (31,27) (29,12) 6 7 87,13 29,24 109,11 32,24 166,8 7 54,22 14 59,15 Arrive
(35,92) 5 - 60 End
14 59,15 Arrive 7 1 (31,27) (29,12) 6 7 87,13 29,24 109,11 32,24 196,4 7 59,15 - 60 End
(35,92) 3
(-) 60 End 7 1 (31,27) (29,12) 6 7 87,13 29,24 109,11 32,24 202,4 7 59,15 - - Simulation end
Average waiting time in queue = ∑WQ/N = 87,13/7 = 12,45 minutes per customer
Average number in queue = ∫Q/final clock time = 202,4/60 = 3,37 customer
Utilization of casher = ∫B/ final clock time x 100 = 59,15/60 x 100 = 98,58%
Simulation Day 2
Just finished Event Variables Attributes Statistical Accumulators Event Calendar
Arrival Times
Entity Time t Event Q(t) B (t) In In P N ∑WQ* WQ* ∑TS TS* ∫Q Q* ∫B [Entity Time Type]
No. Type Queue Service No.
1 6,11 Dep 0 1 () (1,48) 1 2 4,63 4,63 6,11 6,11 4,63 1 6,11 3 11,72 Arrive
4 12,43 Arrive
- 60 End
3 11,72 Arrive 1 1 (11,72) (1,48) 1 2 4,63 4,63 6,11 6,11 4,63 1 11,72 4 12,43 Arrive
2 13,37 Dep
- 60 End
4 12,43 Arrive 2 1 (11,72) (1,48) 1 2 4,63 4,63 6,11 6,11 5,34 2 12,43 2 13,37 Dep
(12,43) 3 20,86 Dep
- 60 End
2 13,37 Dep 1 1 (12,43) (11,72) 2 3 6,28 4,63 18 11,89 7,22 2 13,37 3 20,86 Dep
5 25,07 Arrive
- 60 End
3 20,86 Dep 0 1 () (12,43) 3 4 15,42 9,14 27,14 9,14 14,71 2 20,86 5 25,07 Arrive
4 28,36 Dep
- 60 End
5 25,07 Arrive 1 1 (25,07) (12,43) 3 4 15,42 9,14 27,14 9,14 14,71 2 25,07 4 28,36 Dep
6 31,88 Arrive
- 60 End
4 28,36 Dep 0 1 (25,07) 4 5 18,71 9,14 43,78 16,64 18 28,36 6 31,88 Arrive
7 33,35 Arrive
- 60 End
6 31,88 Arrive 1 1 (31,88) (25,07) 4 5 18,71 9,14 43,78 16,64 18 2 31,88 7 33,35 Arrive
8 36,45 Arrive
- 60 End
7 33,35 Arrive 2 1 (31,88) (25,07) 4 5 18,71 9,14 43,78 16,64 19,47 2 33,35 8 36,45 Arrive
(33,35) 5 37,81 Dep
- 60 End
8 36,45 Arrive 3 1 (31,88) (25,07) 4 5 18,71 9,14 43,78 16,64 25,67 3 36,45 5 37,81 Dep
(33,35) 6 48,12 Dep
(36,45) - 60 End
5 37,81 Dep 2 1 (33,35) (31,88) 5 6 24,64 9,14 56,52 16,64 29,75 3 37,81 6 48,12 Dep
(36,45) 9 49,83 Arrive
- 60 End
6 48,12 Dep 1 1 (36,45) (33,35) 6 7 40,88 16,24 72,76 16,64 50,37 3 48,12 9 49,83 Arrive
10 53,78 Arrive
- 60 End
9 49,83 Arrive 2 1 (36,45) (33,35) 6 7 40,88 16,24 72,76 16,64 52,08 3 49,83 10 53,78 Arrive
(49,83) 11 56,63 Arrive
- 60 End
10 53,78 Arrive 3 1 (36,45) (33,35) 6 7 40,88 16,24 72,76 16,64 59,98 3 53,78 11 56,63 Arrive
(49,83) 12 58,1 Arrive
(53,78) - 60 End
11 56,63 Arrive 4 1 (36,45) (33,35) 6 7 40,88 16,24 72,76 16,64 68,53 4 56,63 12 58,1 Arrive
(49,83) 7 Dep
(53,78) - End
12 58,1 Arrive 5 1 (36,45) (33,35) 6 7 40,88 16,24 72,76 16,64 74,41 5 58,1 7 58,41 Dep
(49,83) - 60 End
7 58,41 Dep 4 1 (49,83) (36,45) 7 8 67,41 26,53 99,29 26,53 75,96 5 58,41 - 60 End
(-) 60 End 4 1 (49,83) (36,45) 7 8 67,41 26,53 99,29 26,53 82,32 5 58,41 - 60 Simulation
(53,78) End
Average waiting time in queue = ∑WQ/N = 67,41/8 =8,43 minutes per customer
Average number in queue = ∫Q/final clock time = 82,32/60 = 1,37 customer
Utilization of casher = ∫B/ final clock time x 100 = 58,41/60 x 100 = 97,35%
Simulation of day 3
Just finished Event Variables Attributes Statistical Accumulators Event Calendar
Arrival Times
Entity No. Time t Event Type Q(t) B (t) In Queue In Service P N ∑WQ* WQ* ∑TS TS* ∫Q Q* ∫B [Entity No. Time Type]
1 7,67 Dep 0 1 (5,2) 1 2 2,47 2,47 7,67 7,67 2,47 1 7,67 3 11,49 Arrive
2 15,65 Dep
- 60 End
3 11,49 Arrive 1 1 (11,49) (5,2) 1 2 2,47 2,47 7,67 7,67 2,47 1 11,49 2 15,65 Dep
4 18,4 Arrive
- 60 End
2 15,65 Dep 0 1 (11,49) 2 3 6,63 4,16 18,12 10,45 6,63 1 15,65 4 18,4 Arrive
3 24,03 Dep
- 60 End
4 18,4 Arrive 1 1 (18,4) (11,49) 2 3 6,63 4,16 18,12 10,45 6,63 1 18,4 3 24,03 Dep
5 Arrive
- End
3 24,03 Dep 0 1 (18,4) 3 4 12,26 5,63 30,66 12,54 12,26 1 24,03 5 29,72 Arrive
6 31,18 Arrive
- 60 End
5 29,72 Arrive 1 1 (29,72) (18,4) 3 4 12,26 5,63 30,66 12,54 12,26 1 29,72 6 31,18 Arrive
7 32,65 Arrive
- 60 End
6 31,18 Arrive 2 1 (29,72) (18,4) 3 4 12,26 5,63 30,66 12,54 13,72 2 31,18 7 32,65 Arrive
(31,18) 4 35,55 Dep
- 60 End
7 32,65 Arrive 3 1 (29,72) (18,4) 3 4 12,26 5,63 30,66 12,54 16,66 3 32,65 4 35,55 Dep
(31,18) 8 46,27 Arrive
(32,65) - 60 End
4 35,55 Dep 2 1 (31,18) (29,72) 4 5 28,09 15,83 47,81 17,15 25,36 3 35,55 8 46,27 Arrive
(32,65) 5 48,25 Dep
- 60 End
8 46,27 Arrive 3 1 (31,18) (29,72) 4 5 28,09 15,83 47,81 17,15 46,8 3 46,27 5 48,25 Dep
(32,65) 6 57,37 Dep
(46,27) - 60 End
5 48,25 Dep 2 1 (32,65) (31,18) 5 6 33,62 18,53 76,34 28,53 52,74 3 48,25 6 57,37 Dep
(46,27) 9 58,88 Arrive
- 60 End
6 57,37 Dep 1 1 (46,27) (32,65) 6 7 61,27 27,65 90,99 28,55 70,98 3 57,37 9 58,88 Arrive
- 60 End
9 58,88 Arrive 2 1 (46,27) (32,65) 6 7 61,27 27,65 90,99 28,55 72,49 3 58,88 - 60 End
(-) 60 End 2 1 (46,27) (32,65) 6 7 61,27 27,65 90,99 28,55 74,73 3 58,88 - - End simulation
Average waiting time in queue = ∑WQ/N = 61,27/7 = 8,75 minutes per customer
Average number in queue = ∫Q/final clock time = 74,73/60 = 1,25 customer
Utilization of casher = ∫B/ final clock time x 100 = 58,88/60 x 100 = 98,13%
Question 2.1.4
Based on the results we’ve obtained, the range of average number of customers in a queue is 1,25-3,37 and with a range of
average waiting time of 8,75 to 12,75. According to one of the employees in the Debonair’s pizza restaurant “on a slow day the
business averages a waiting time if 7-10 min and on a semi busy day the restaurant averages waiting time of 11-14 min anything
greater that 15 min is a busy day”. So, from the results we’ve obtained day 1 was a semi-busy day while day 2 and -3 are slow
The minimum average arrival rate is 4,225 min per customer which is a semi-busy day while on a slow day the maximum average
inter arrival rate is 6,542 min per customer. Debonairs pizza has and average operating hour of 11 hours 30 min.
Therefore they receive and average of 163,31(11h30m/4,225) customers a day on a semi-busy day while on a slow day they
receive 105,47(11h30m/6,542) customers a day which means regardless of how the day goes they can make good money based
on the orders they receive on that particular day.
Question 2.1.5.
The best solution is for the business to have two to three stoves that work on making pizzas, train the stuff in case of a busy day
the cashiers that aren’t busy can assist at the back with making pizzas that would drastically improve and help the business cut
The business can also have a part-time employee who works on busy day of the week and is dedicated to online orders and
producing them, so they are able to make things move more efficiently and have an automated system that takes orders from walk-
in customers like McDonalds, so that most of the stuff can focus on helping in the kitchen.
They can also have a screen that displays orders that are currently being processed and orders that have been completed and
ready for collection while also having an automated machine that helps hand-out the completed orders to the customers through
scanning a receipt. That will help the employees focus more in the kitchen on busy days and semi-busy days.