Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded: RD TH
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded: RD TH
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded: RD TH
M.Sc. (Information Technology) revised syllabus (With effects from 2012-13) M.Sc. (Information Technology) Second Year Third Semester: Paper Code
Lectures/ Week
Max. Practical Total Exam Marks Marks Marks Duration Theory(A) (B) (A+B) 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 03 hrs 03 hrs 03 hrs 03 hrs 03 hrs 03 hrs
Software Engineering M.Sc.(IT).S3.2 Computer Networks M.Sc.(IT).S3.3 VB.Net M.Sc.(IT).S3.4 RDBMS through Oracle 10G M.Sc.(IT).S3.PR1 VB.Net M.Sc.(IT).S3.PR2 Oracle 10 G
Total Fourth Semester M.Sc.(IT).S4.1 Java Programming M.Sc.(IT).S4.2 Software Testing M.Sc.(IT).S4.3 Web Development & PHP programming M.Sc.(IT).S4.4 Seminar on Project Work. M.Sc.(IT).S4.PR1 Java Programming M.Sc.(IT).S4.PR2 Soft Testing + MySQL and PHP
4 4 4 4 3 3
600 1200
M.Sc.(IT).S3.1 - Software Engineering. (100 MARKS) (Total Lectures 50) 1. The Product: The Evolving Role Of Software Software: Software Characteristics Software Applications Software Crisis & Horizon Software Myths 2. Process Of Software Software Engineering Software Process Software Process Model Linear Sequential Model Prototyping Model Evolutionary Process Model Spiral Model 3. Management Concepts Management Spectrum The People: The Product The Process The Project People: Layers Leaders & Software Team 4. Software Process & Project Metrics Measures, Metrics & Indication Metrics In The Process & Project Domains Software Measurement Metrics For Software Quality 5. Software Project Planning Observation Estimation Project Planning Objectives Software Scope Resources Software Project Estimation 6. Risk Analysis & Management Software Risks Risk Identification Risk Projection 7. Quality Assurances Quality Concepts Software Quality Assurance Formal Technical Reviews 8. Testing Techniques Software Testing Fundamentals White Box Testing Black Box Testing 9. Software Testing Strategies A Strategic Approach To Software Testing Unit Testing Integration Testing Top-Down Integration Bottom Up Integration
5 The Medium Access Sublayer (Lectures:7) Random Access Protocols ALOHA pure and slotted CSMA 1-persistent, p-persistent and non-persistent CSMA/CD CSMA/CA Controlled Access Reservation, Polling and Token Passing Channelization FDMA, TDMA and CDMA-Analogy, Idea,Chips, Data Representation, Encoding and Decoding, Signal Level, Sequence Generation 6 Wired LANS (Lectures:7) IEEE Standards Data Link Layer, Physical Layer 1 Standard Ethernet MAC Sublayer Frame Format, Frame Length, Addressing, Access Method Physical Layer Encoding and Decoding, 10Base5, 10Base2, 10BaseT, 10Base-F, Changes In The Standard Bridged Ethernet, Switched Ethernet, Full Duplex Ethernet Fast Ethernet Goals, MAC Sublayer, Topology, Implementation Gigabit Ethernet goals, MAC Sublayer, Topology, Implementation Ten-Gigabit Ethernet goals, MAC Sublayer, Physical Layer Reference Books: 1) Computer Networks by Andrew Tanenbaum, Pearson Education. 2) Data Communication and Networking by Behrouz Forouzan, TATA McGraw Hill.
5.5.4 Cutting & Pasting 5.5.5 Searching in Rich Textbox 5.5.6 Formatting URL 5.6 Print Documents, PrintDialog, PageSetupDialog, PrintPreviewDialog Controls printer & Page Properties 5.7 ImageList Control 5.8 The TreeView Control 5.8.1 Adding new Items at Design Time 5.8.2 Adding New Item at Run time 5.8.3 Assigning images to Node 5.8.4 Scanning the Tree View Control 5.9 The ListView Control 5.9.1 The Column Collection 5.9.2 The ListItem Objects 5.9.3 The Item Collection 5.9.4 The Sub Item Collection 6. Building Custom Class & Windows Control 6.1 Building & using Custom class 6.2 Properties in custom class 6.3 Inheritance 6.4 Polymorphism 6.5 MyBase & MyClass Keywords 6.6 Building & using Custom Control 6.7 designing Irregular Shaped Control 6.8 Deigning Owner Drawn Menus 7. Handling Strings, Charters& Dates 7.1 The Char & String Class 7.2 The DateTime Class 8. Working with Files & Folders 5.1 Directory, File, Directory Info, fileInfo & Path Classes 5.2 File Stream, StreamReader, Stream Writer Objects S.J Sending Data to a File 8.4 The File System watcher Components 9 Drawing & Painting with Visual Basic 9.1 Displaying linage 9.2 Exchanging Images through the clipboard 9.3 Drawing with GDI+ 9.4 The Basic Drawing Objects 9.5 Drawing Shapes 9.6 Drawing Methods 10. Error Handling & Debugging 10.1 Types of Error 10.2 Exception & Structured Exception handling 10.3 Debugging 11. Tilt Multiple Documents Interface 11.l MDl Application 11.1.1 Building MDl Application 1 1. 2 Built In capabilities of MDl Application 1 1.3 Accessing Child Forms 12. Building Database Application with ADO.NET 12.1 The ARCHITECTURE of ADO.NET 12.2 Creating Dataset 12.2.1 DataGrid Control. 12.5 Data binding 12.4 DataAdapter Object 12.5 The Command & DataReader Objects 12.0 The Structure of Dataset 12.7 The DataForm Wizard
12.8 Transactions
Reference Books
1. Mastering Visual Basic.Net By Evangelos Patroutsos (BPB Publication) 2. Visual Basic. Net Programming By Billy Hollis, Rockford Thotlog (Wrox Publication) 3. Visual Basic.Net Programming Black Book By Steven Holzner 4. Beginning VB.Net (2nd Edition)
M.Sc.(IT).S3.4 Oracle 10G SQL & PL/SQL 1. Introduction and Basic Concepts DBMS 1.1 Structure of DBMS 1.2 Advantages & Disadvantages 1.3 Users of DBMS 1.4 Database Models Hierarchical Data Model Network Data Model Relational Data Model E R Data Model 2. SQL Statements &Working with tables 2.1 DDL 2.2 DML Procedural DML Non Procedural DML 2.3 DQL 2.4 DCL 2.5 Transaction Control Commands 2.6 Data types in SQL 2.7 Creating & Managing Tables 2.8 Manipulating Data 2.9 Retrieving data using SELEC T Command 2.10 WHERE Clause 2.11 DISTINCT Clause 2.12 Using Column Aliases 2.13 Working with Views Creating View on Tables Creating View on Views Updating Views Altering Views 3. Sorting & grouping Data in SQL 3.1 Using Order By Clause 3.2 Using Group By & Having clause 3.3 Substitution Variables 3.4 Using &, && 3.5 Using DEFINE 3.6 Using VERIFY 4. SQL Functions 4.1 Single Row Functions Character Functions Case Manipulation Character Manipulation Number Functions Date Functions ConversionFunctions GeneralFunctions 4.2 Multiple Row Functions 5. Using Operators 5.1 Using Comparison Operators BETWEEN IN LIKE 5 Hrs.
8 Hrs.
5 Hrs.
6 Hrs.
6 Hrs.
IS NULL 5.2 Logical Operators AND OR NOT 6. Joining Tables&Working with Sub queries 6.1 What is Join? 6.2 Natural Join/Inner Join/Equijoin 6.3 Joining With USING Clause 6.4 Joining With ON Clause 6.5 Self Join 6.6 Cross Join/ Cartesian Product 6.7 Outer Join Left Outer Join Right Outer Join Full Outer Join 6.8 What is Sub query? 6.9 Single Row Sub query 6.10 Multiple Row Sub query 7. Security 7.1 Creating User 7.2 Privileges System Level Privileges Object Level Privileges 7.3 Granting Privileges 7.4 Revoking Privileges 7.5 Roles Study of default roles Creating roles 7.6 Granting and Revoking roles 8. PL/SQL 8.1 An Introduction to PL/SQL 8.2 PL/SQL Overview 8.3 Declaration section 8.4 Executable Commands section 8.5 Condition logic 8.6 Loops 8.7 Exception Handlings 8.8 Triggers Triggers Syntax Types of triggers Enabling and Disabling Triggers Replacing and Dropping Triggers 8.9 Working Cursor % TYPE Variable % ROWTYPE Variable Reference Books -
6 Hrs.
6 Hrs.
7 Hrs.
1. Oracle Database 10g SQL (Osborne ORACLE Press Series)by Jason price, McGrawHill, 007-222981-0. 2. Oracle Database 10g PL/SQL Programming by Scott Urman , Ron HARDMAN, MichaleMc Laughlin, Oracle Press, TMH, ISBN-0-07-059779-0. 3. Oracle Database 10g The Complete Reference By Kevin Loney, Bob Bryla Oracle Press (TATA McGraw Hill Edition) ISBN-13:978-0-07-059425-8, ISBN-10: 0-07-059425-2
Lab Assignments: M.Sc.(IT).S3.PR1- VB.Net (100 Marks) 1. Building Console Application 2. Building Math Calculator 3. Programme using Arrays 4. Program using Control Structure 5. Programme using Loop Structure 6. Programme using Subroutines, & Functions 7. Programme for Demonstration of various Controls 8. Programme for Demonstration of Common Dialog Controls 9. Building Notepad 10. Programme using polymorphism, Inheritance 11. Building Customs Classes & Control 12. Programme using exception Handling 13. Programme using MDI Application 14. Programme using Database handling 15. Building Web Application M.Sc.(IT).S3.PR2- Oracle 10G (100 Marks) Should cover at least 25 assignments based on its theory syllabi.
1. Introduction Introduction to Java - Features of Java - Object oriented concepts - Data types - Variables - Arrays Operators - Control statements 2. Basics of Java Classes - Objects - Constructors - Overloading method - Access control - Static and final methods Inner Classes - Inheritance - Overriding methods - Using super abstract class-- String classString objects - String buffer - Char Array 3. Packages and Interfaces Packages , Access protection , Importing packages, Interfaces 4. Exception Handling Exception-Handling fundamentals, Exception types, uncaught exceptions, using try and catch, Multiple catch clauses, Nested try statements, throw, throws, finally, Javas Built in Exceptions 5. Applets Applet basics, Applet architecture, applet skeleton, simple applet display methods, Requesting repainting, Using the status window, the Html APPLET Tag, get Document Base and get Code Base 6. Input/Output &Networking Networking Basics, Java and the Net, Inet Address, TCP/IP client sockets, url connection, TCP/IP server sockets, Datagram 7. Multithreaded programming The Java Thread Model, Thread priorities, synchronization, messaging, the thread class and run able interface, creating a thread, creating multiple threads, thread priorities, suspending resuming and stopping threads 8.Using Awt, Layout managers and menus Control fundamentals ,labels, Using Buttons ,Applying check boxes, checkbox group, choice controls, Using Lists, Managing scrollbars, Using a Text field, Using a Text area ,Understanding Layout Managers TEXT BOOKS .Naughton and H.Schildt - "Java 2 - The complete reference" - Fourth edition.-2002 S.Horstmann, Gary Cornell - "Core Java 2 Volume I - Fundamentals" - Addison Wesley 2001 Arnold and J.Gosling - "The java programming language" - Second edition Art Gittleman Ultimate Java Programming Wiley Publications-2002
References 1. Programming PHP Rasmus Lerdorf and Kevin Tatroe O'Reilly publication 2. Beginning PHP 5 Wrox publication 3. PHP web sevices Wrox publication 4. AJAX Black Book Kogent solution 5. Mastering PHP BPB Publication 6. PHP cookbook O'Reilly publication 7. Learning PHP and MYSQL O'Reilly publication 8. PHP and MYSQL O'Reilly publication 9. PHP for Beginners SPD publication 10. www.php.net.in 11. www.W3schools.com 12 www.wrox.com
Lab Assignments: M.Sc.(IT).S4.PR1- Java Programming (100 Marks) At least 25 programs should cover based on its theory syllabi M.Sc.(IT).S4.PR2 (100 Marks) Software Testing (50 Marks) 1. To study what is Software Testing. 2. To study verification method 3. To study validation method 4. To study Defect Management Process 5. To study Defect Life Cycle. 6. To study introduction to Winrunner 7. To study Synchronization in Winrunner. 8. To study Checkpoints in Winrunner. 9. To study to study Data Driver Wizard and Virtual Object Wizard 10. To study Batch File Mode in Winrunner 11. To study introduction to QTP 12. To study Synchronization in QTP 13. To study Checkpoints in QTP 14. To study Data Driven Testing (Parameterization) in QTP 15. To study Working with Regular Expression 16. To study Dividing Test into Multiple Actions. 17. To study Test Director. Web Development & PHP Programming (50 Marks) At least 15 assignments should cover through PHP.