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Internet Technology and Web Design

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Objective of the Course

The aim of this course is to provide you the conceptual and technological developments in the field of
Internet and web designing with the emphasis on comprehensive knowledge of Internet, its applications
and the TCP/IP protocols widely deployed to provide Internet connective worldwide. The World Wide
Web with its widespread usefulness has become an integral part of the Internet. Therefore, this course
also puts emphasis on basic concepts of web design.

At the end of the course the students will be able to: -

 Review the current topics in Web & Internet technologies.

 Describe the basic concepts for network implementation.
 Learn the basic working scheme of the Internet and World Wide Web.
 Understand fundamental tools and technologies for web design.
 Comprehend the technologies for Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML).
 Specify design rules in constructing web pages and sites.
 Effectively deal with programming issues relating to VB Script, JavaScript, Java, ASP, Front Page
and Flash.
 Figure out the various security hazards on the Internet and need of security measures.

Outline of Course

1 Introduction to Internet
1.1 Internet
1.2 Growth of Internet
1.3 Owners of the Internet
1.4 Anatomy of Internet
1.5 ARPANET and Internet history of the World Wide Web
1.6 basic Internet Terminology
1.7 Net etiquette.
1.8 Internet Applications – Commerce on the Internet
1.9 Governance on the Internet
1.10 Impact of Internet on Society – Crime on/through the Internet.
2 TCP/IP – Internet Technology and Protocol
2.1 Packet switching technology
2.2 Internet Protocols:
2.2.1 TCP/IP
2.3 Router
2.4 Internet Addressing Scheme:
2.4.1 Machine Addressing (IP address)
2.4.2 E-mail Addresses
2.4.3 Resources Addresses
3 Internet Connectivity
3.1 Connectivity types:
3.1.1 level one
3.1.2 level two
3.1.3 level three
3.2 Setting up a connection:
3.2.1 hardware requirement, selection of a modem
3.2.2 software requirement
3.2.3 modem configuration
3.3 Internet accounts by ISP:
3.3.1 Telephone line options
3.3.2 Protocol options
3.3.3 Service options
3.3.4 Telephone line options – Dialup connections through the telephone system,
dedicated connections through the telephone system, ISDN
3.3.5 Protocol options – Shell, SLIP, PPP
3.3.6 Service options – E-mail, WWW, News Firewall etc.
4 Internet Network
4.1 Network definition
4.2 Common terminologies: LAN, WAN, Node, Host, Workstation, bandwidth,
Interoperability, Network administrator, network security,
4.3 Network Components: Severs, Clients, Communication Media
4.4 Types of network: Peer to Peer, Clients Server
4.5 Addressing in Internet: DNS, Domain Name and their organization, understanding the
Internet Protocol Address. Network topologies: Bust, star and ring, Ethernet, FDDI, ATM
and Intranet.
5 Services on Internet (Definition and Functions)
6 E-mail, WWW, Telnet, FTP, IRC and Search Engine
7 Electronic Mail
7.1 Email Networks and Servers, Email protocols –SMTP, POP3, IMAp4, MIME6, Structure of
an Email – Email Address, Email Header, Body and Attachments
7.2 Email Clients: Netscape mail Clients, Outlook Express, Web based E-mail. Email
encryption- Address Book, Signature.
7.3 Current Trends on Internet
7.4 Languages, Internet Phone, Internet Video, collaborative computing, e-commerce.
8 Web Publishing and Browsing
8.1 Overview, SGML, Web hosting, HTML. CGL, Documents Interchange Standards,
8.2 Components of Web Publishing, Document management, Web Page Design
8.3 Consideration and Principles, Search and Meta Search Engines, WWW, Browser,
8.4 HTTP, Publishing Tools
9 HTML Programming Basics
9.1 HTML page structure, HTML Text, HTML links, HTML document tables, HTML Frames,
9.2 HTML Images, multimedia
10 10. Interactivity Tools
10.1 ASP
10.2 VB Script
10.3 JAVA Script
10.4 JAVA
10.5 Front Page
10.6 Flash
11 Internet Security Management Concepts, Information Privacy and Copyright Issues
11.1 Overview of Internet Security
11.2 Firewalls
11.3 Internet Security
11.4 Management Concepts
11.5 Information Privacy and Copyright Issues
11.6 Basics of a symmetric cryptosystems.

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