Mca-1 Rdbms Syllabus
Mca-1 Rdbms Syllabus
Mca-1 Rdbms Syllabus
1. Learning Objectives:
To understand the fundamental concepts of Database Management Systems and working
knowledge about RDBMS
To learn the concepts necessary for designing, using and implementing database
management systems and applications
To learn the Structured Query Language - DDL, DML and DCL.
To be able to understand the concepts of PL/SQL
2. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of data storing and retrieving mechanism in computer and
types of software and applications using different types of data to be stored and retrieve as
per the need. Proficiency in any programming language
3. Course Contents:
And Course Content
Unit I Introduction to Database System
Components of an E-R Model: Entity, Entity Sets, Attributes and keys – Super Key,
Primary Key, Candidate Key, Alternate Key, Relationship Types, Composite entities,
10% Weak entity, Subclass, Super class with Attribute inheritance, Generalization and
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Unit III Relational Database Design
Introduction to SQL, features of SQL, Rules for SQL, SQL Components (DDL,
DML, DCL), Data Types, Data Constraints
Basic queries of SQL: Creating table, inserting table data, Viewing Table data
(All, rows and all columns, Selected columns and all rows, Selected columns and
selected rows), Sorting data in a table, creating table from another table, deleting
data (All rows, Specific rows), Updating data (All rows and conditionally),
Renaming tables, truncating table, drop tables, Creating and dropping synonym.
View and its types.
Advanced queries of SQL: Group by and Having Clause, Joins – Equi join, non
equi join, left outer join, right outer join, Sub Query, IN Operator, Exist and Not
Exist Operator, Set Operators: Union, Intersect and Minus, Indexing
Unit V Database transactions and PLSQL
Reference Books:
1) Silberschatz, Korth, Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, 5th Edition, McGraw Hill
2) Alexis Leon, Mathews Leon, “Essentials of Database Management Systems” (Second
reprint 2009), Tata McGraw Hill Publication
3) Ramez Elmsari,Shamkant B Navathe, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, Pearson
Education, 7th Edition
4) C J Date, A Kannan, S Swaminathan, “An Introduction to Database Systems”, Pearson
Education, 8th Edition
5) S. K. Singh, “Database Systems: Concepts, Design and Applications”, Pearson Education
6) SQL By Ivan Byross, BPB Publications
7) Ms. Anjali Jivani and Ms. Amisha Shingala , “ Practice book on SQL and PL/SQL with
examples”, Nirav and Roopal Publications, Third Edition.