Q2 - LE - Music and Arts 4 - Lesson 1 - Week 1
Q2 - LE - Music and Arts 4 - Lesson 1 - Week 1
Q2 - LE - Music and Arts 4 - Lesson 1 - Week 1
Lesson Exemplar
Quarter 2
This material is intended exclusively for the use of teachers participating in the implementation of the MATATAG K to 10 Curriculum during the School Year
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Development Team
• Alma Vida G. Gallardo (Benguet State University) Validator:
• Wesly M. Tayag (San Vicente Pilot School For Philippine Craftsmen)
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Philippine Normal University
Research Institute for Teacher Quality SiMERR
National Research Centre
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A. Content The learners demonstrate understanding of local concepts, processes, and practices of Music and Arts as influenced
Standards by the faiths and beliefs of the province.
B. Performance The learners improvise creative works that depict the faiths and beliefs of the province, using local concepts,
Standards processes, and practices in Music and Arts.
Learning Objectives:
Note: The material to be used will be determined and selected by the teacher based on the relevant creative works
available in their province.
C. Content Basic concepts and principles of sound, theater, dance, and visual elements
Faiths and Beliefs in the Province on Music and Arts
D. Integration SGD 11 Sustainable Cities and Communities: Protect Cultural and Natural Heritage
Culture Identity
Faiths and Beliefs
Being Igorot. (2024, May 3). Kabayan Bendian dance, BINDIYAN FESTIVAL 2024 [Video]. YouTube.
Berto. (2022, June 12). The Attire Of An Ibaloy Woman - The Philippines Today. The Philippines Today.
https://thephilippinestoday.com/attire of-an-ibaloy-woman/
Biggest Bendian Dance of Benguet attempts Guinness World Record. (n.d.). WowCordillera.
https://www.wowcordillera.com/2017/11/biggest bendian-dance-of-benguet.html
Day, A. S. (n.d.). Chua.docx. Scribd. https://www.scribd.com/document/451975258/Chua -docx gongs in
benguet - Bing. (n.d.). Bing. https://www.bing.com/search?q=gongs+in+benguet&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp= -
Gong-making facility, pormalen a naipaima kadagiti gong-makers ti Mankayan, Benguet - Bombo Radyo Baguio. (2019, June 28). Bombo
Baguio. https://baguio.bomboradyo.com/gong -making-facility-pormalen-a-naipaima-kadagiti-gong-makers-ti-mankayan-benguet/
Joan Manamtam. (2022, April 18). Chua Ay - Grade 4 song [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogifedZbyos
Katutubo Exchange Philippines. (2020, July 11). KAMBAL, DIVIT & SHENGIT - this is the traditional attire of the Ibaloy women of Benguet.
Kambal is called the blouse [Image]. Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=1936398839829972&set=kambal -divit-
Leonisa. (2014, March 19). Ibaloi. Pinterest. https://ph.pinterest.com/pin/465981892667011914/
Marcusdark. (2016, May 14). CULTURAL CONCOCTION: IGOROT’S MAGNUM OPUS. Culturalconcoction.
https://culturalconcoction.wordpress.com/2016/05/13/educational -blog-post/
National Unity Party. Bendian Festival in Benguet, Mountain Province (1994, November 6). NUP.
Official Pan Abatan Records TV. (2020, June 19). Municipality of Kabayan BINDIAN DANCE (Pan-Abatan Records) [Video]. YouTube.
Oliver Cabarubias. (2021, April 11). BENDIAN DANCE OF BENGUET| Dance Tutorial [Video]. YouTube.
How To Dance Bendian. (n.d.) Isna Tako. https://isnatako.blogspot.com/2012/08/how -to-dance-bendian.html
A. Activating Prior DAY 1
1. Short Review The teacher may use other
● Let the learners do the following: songs popular in their province
and may prescribe other
o Sing along with the song “Chua-ay.” movements that correspond to
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogifedZbyos&t=23s o Let the beat of the song.
the learners stand and respond to the beat of the song by
• Think (30 seconds): The
stomping their right foot as they sing the song.
class will watch the video
"Chua-ay." Learners will think
● Answer Me! (Think-Pair-Share Questions) o Think: Describe about this question and come
what is happening in the song? o Pair – Identify the vocal and up with an answer in their
instrumental music used? head.
o Share – Relate the song to the culture of the Igorot Tribes?
• Pair (1 minute): Learners
will look for a partner nearby
Chua-ay is a song that depicts the Igorot tribes at work, pounding rice using a and discuss the answer to the
huge mortar and heavily weighted posts to separate the rice grains. Show the following questions for 1
picture below. minute.
Image source:
● Foot stomps suggest the mortar and pestle action that also enhances the
earthy character of the song.
2. Feedback (Optional)
C. Developing and SUB-TOPIC 1: Discussing the basic concepts and principles of sound, The teacher may use their local
Deepening theater, dance, and visual elements based on the creative works in their place or
Understanding representations of local creative works province.
1. Explicitation
• Let the class watch this video of the Benguet Festival Dance:
• After watching, the teacher will ask the following question to process the
➢ What do you call the circle dance performed during the Bindiyan
➢ What are the different instruments you observe while watching the
video performances?
Answer: Gongs and Solibao are present during the presentation
➢ How will you respond whenever you hear the sound of gongs
(gangsa) and sulibao?
Answer: We dance based on the beat of those instruments.
2. Worked Example
● The teacher will introduce the nature of Bendian Dance.
Bendiyan means “dance ‘til exhausted. “Men and women, young and old, can
participate in the dance. The dance commences with the entrance of the lead
man and the lead dancer at the center of the grounds bearing spears, shields,
and a dummy head as seen in the video clip.
Bendian is performed for many reasons. Some of these are to heal a prolonged
illness, relieve natural calamities such as famine and drought, and to celebrate
a bountiful harvest.
• Body: The dancer’s physical form and movements.
• Energy: The dynamics and intensity of movement.
• Space: How dancers occupy and move through the performance
• Time: The rhythm and timing of dance sequences
3. Lesson Activity
● Play a video clip of people performing the Bendian dance which can be
accessed to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EtVL2xxJ24 during
the festival and let the learners observe and take note of the of
➢ hand positions
➢ footwork movements
➢ formation
➢ pacing
➢ instruments
➢ traditional attire
➢ props
o The main instruments in playing the bendian dance are gongs and
o The gongs (gangsa) are made with the help of a hammer and anvil,
which is a hefty iron block that is heated, then pounded and bent using
a metal cylinder to generate a particular sound, typically dependent on
its placement in an ensemble.
o Takik and bungkaka, on the other hand, are optional or alternate uses.
o Playing the solibao involves striking the drumhead with your palm.
● The teacher will allow the pupils to describe the traditional attires of the
Igorots of Benguet.
D. Making 1. Learner’s Takeaways
Generalizations ● Let the learners complete the following phrases:
2. Reflection on Learning
a. Why is it important to experience cultural events like the Bendian
Dance Festival?
b. What is your plan to learn more about the Bendian dance?
c. In your little ways, how can you help preserve the rich cultural
traditions of Benguet?
A. Evaluating
1. Formative Assessment
Essay/ Narratives. Write your answers in the answer sheet.
2. Homework (Optional)
strategies, materials used,
learner engagement and other
related stuff.
materials used
Teachers may also suggest
ways to improve the
different activities explored.
learner engagement/
▪ students
What roles did my students play in my lesson?
What did my students learn? How did they learn?
Did my pupils actively participate in all the class activities that I
ways forward
What could I have done differently?
What can I explore in the next lesson?
What challenges did I encounter in implementing the class activities?
Prepared by : ARNOLD D. MALACOCO
Teacher II
Checked by :
Teacher III