Word Wizard
Word Wizard
Word Wizard
Weekly Word Wizard consists of nine weeks of language arts printables designed to introduce, practice and review essential skills. Each week is presented in the exact same format providing scaffolded repetition to ensure that your students master these skills over the course of a year. Additional Weekly Word Wizard sets are available in nine week sets. Many common core standards across grades 2-3 are incorporated, but depending on the needs of your students and their level of independence, these pages can easily be used in grades 1-4.
Each week your students will be presented with questions covering the specic skills listed below, in the same order, allowing you to introduce, practice and review those skills and allow your students to focus on mastery over time.
1. usage/agreement 2. spelling 3. parts of speech 4. antonyms 5. synonyms 6. homonyms 7. capitalizing proper nouns 8. sentence types 9. compounds 10. plural forms 11. prexes and base words 12. sufxes and base words 13. contractions 14. abbreviations 15. reference and research 16. rhyming words 17. pronouns 18. analogies 19. alphabetical order 20. categorizing 21. brainstorming
bird _____________
13. Write the two words that make the contraction.
15. What resource would you use to nd the denition of squid? thesaurus atlas dictionary encyclopedia 18. Complete the analogy.
16. Write three words that rhyme with bread. 1 2 3 19. Put these words in ABC order: crab apple dog bake
17. Circle the pronoun that could be used for the underlined nouns.
1 2 3 4
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