Green Roof Technology
Green Roof Technology
Green Roof Technology
Urban Settings
Living Machines
Melissa Senatore
Energy Law
Spring 2009
• According to the UN, 2005 was
the first year that more than half
of the world’s population lived in cities
• As cities expand to the edges of the
countryside, many problems emerge:
Waldspirale, Austria
Asian Crossroads
Over the Sea
Fukuoka, Japan
School of Art, Design and Media
Nanyang Technical University, Singapore
Allen and Ovary Headquarters
London, England
Homes in Iceland
What is a Green Roof?
• Green roofs are roofs that have a layer of
living plants on top of the standard
structure and waterproofing elements of a
more common roof
Components of a Green Roof
• EPA could
incorporate green
roofs into incentives
for cities to comply
with the CWA
“On this rooftop…
I’m watching you move among your sparse,
pinchpenny flowers,
…that pull the sun’s rays in as best they can
and suck life up from one mere inch of