B.ASLP (Audiology & Speech Language Pathology) 4 years 220000 5300 10000 235300 230000 230000 110000 -- --
BA (Honors) Media & Communication 4 years 90000 2500 8000 100500 98000 98000 98000 -- --
BSc (Honors) Hospitality Management 4 years 80000 2500 9000 91500 89000 89000 89000 -- --
BSc (Honors) Culinary Arts & Management 4 years 80000 2500 8000 90500 88000 88000 88000 -- --
BBA (Honors) [Business Analytics | International
4 years 140000 -- 8000 148000 148000 148000 148000 -- --
Business | Banking & Financial Services]
BCA (Honors) [Cyber Security | Cloud
4 years 140000 -- 8000 148000 148000 148000 148000 -- --
Technology | Artificial Intelligence]
BCom (Honors) General 4 years 55000 -- 5000 60000 60000 60000 60000 -- --
BCom (Honors) Professional 4 years 60000 -- 5000 65000 65000 65000 65000 -- --
BSc (Honors) Data Analytics 4 years 65000 -- 5000 70000 70000 70000 70000 -- --
BBA (Honors) General 4 years 55000 -- 8000 63000 63000 63000 63000 -- --
BBA (Honors) Business Analytics 4 years 60000 -- 8000 68000 68000 68000 68000 -- --
BBA (Honors) Logistics & Supply Chain
4 years 60000 -- 8000 68000 68000 68000 68000 -- --
* Exam Fee is collected at the beginning of the academic year along with the annual Tuition Fee.