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Dark Matter Revised - Weapons Test

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Nothing is more essential to Dark Matter than the cold steel of a blaster at your side. This sample
of the upcoming revision for Dark Matter poses a simple question: should blasters continue using
two dice for damage rolls (without adding an ability modifier) or should they be made more
consistent with other weapons and use one die for damage?

Each side has pros and cons, but the best way to evaluate is to judge for yourself. This document
contains every weapon in Dark Matter, updated for the 2024 5E rules, and designed twice. Judge
for yourself, and let us know which direction you prefer!


The Weapons table in this section shows the game’s Here are the definitions for the new properties in the
main weapons. The table lists the cost and weight of Properties column of the Weapons table.
each weapon, as well as the following details:
Category. Every weapon falls into a category: A weapon with the Blaster property is a ranged
Simple or Martial. Weapon proficiencies are weapon that requires no ammunition. This weapon
usually tied to one of these categories. For counts as having the Ammunition property.
example, you might have proficiency with
Simple weapons. Cooldown
Melee or Ranged. A weapon is classified as either Because this weapon requires cooldown time
Melee or Ranged. A Melee weapon is used to between uses, you can only fire it once when you
attack a target within 5 feet, whereas a Ranged use an action, Bonus Action, or Reaction to fire it,
weapon is used to attack at a greater distance. regardless of the number of attacks you normally
Damage. The table lists the amount of damage a make. This weapon counts as having the Loading
weapon deals when an attacker hits with it as property.
well as the type of that damage.
Properties. Any properties a weapon has are listed Destructible
in the Properties column. Each property is After you make an attack with this weapon, it is
defined in the “Properties” section. destroyed.
Mastery. Each weapon has a mastery property,
which is defined in the “Mastery Properties” Firearm (Used Only in 2-Die Blasters)
section later in this chapter. To use that property, You don’t add your ability modifier to the weapon’s
you must have a feature that lets you use it. damage, unless otherwise stated.
When you make an attack with this weapon that
doesn’t add your Strength or Dexterity modifier to
the damage roll, such as the extra attack of the Light
WEAPON PROFICIENCY property, you subtract 2 from the damage roll of the
attack, to a minimum of 1 damage.
Anyone can wield a weapon, but you must have
proficiency with it to add your Proficiency Bonus to
an attack roll you make with it. A player character’s
After you make an attack with this weapon, you can’t
features can provide weapon proficiencies. A monster
make Ranged attacks beyond the weapon’s normal
is proficient with any weapon in its stat block.
range until the end of your turn.

You can use a Bonus Action to mount or unmount
Each weapon has a mastery property, which is
this weapon from a fixed position. A damage value
usable only by a character who has a feature, such
in parentheses appears with this property. While
as Weapon Mastery, that unlocks the property for the
mounted, the weapon deals that damage when
character. The properties are defined below.
used to make a Ranged attack, and the weapon
Here are the new mastery properties included
can’t be moved.
in Dark Matter. You can the rest of the mastery
properties in the 5E core rules. Jolt
If you hit a creature with this weapon and deal
Automatic damage to it, the creature can’t make Opportunity
When you make an attack with this weapon, you can
Attacks until the start of its next turn.
choose to make two attacks instead. These attacks
are always made with Disadvantage, regardless of
circumstance. If this weapon has the Ammunition
You don’t have Disadvantage on Ranged attacks using
property, these attacks use twice the normal amount
this weapon at long range. When you hit a creature
of ammunition.
with an attack using this weapon at long range, you
can reroll any of the damage dice and must use the
Bludgeon new roll.
You can treat this weapon as a Melee weapon with
the Finesse property. When you hit a creature with a
Melee attack using this weapon, it deals Bludgeoning
Being within 5 feet of an enemy doesn’t impose
damage equal to 1d6 plus your Strength modifier,
Disadvantage on your Ranged attack rolls with
or 1d8 plus your Strength modifier if the weapon is
this weapon.
wielded in two hands.

Explode Overheat
If you hit a target with this weapon and deal damage
If you hit a creature with this weapon, you can choose
to it, you can overcharge the weapon. If you do so,
for the projectile to explode on impact in a 15-foot
the target takes extra damage of the weapon’s type
diameter sphere. When you attack with this weapon,
equal to your Proficiency Bonus. The weapon then
you can target an unoccupied space within this
overheats. An overheated weapon can’t be used again
weapon’s range. Each creature other than the target
to make an attack until the end of your next turn.
within the blast radius (for a Medium or smaller
target, each creature within 5 feet of it) must make a
Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 plus the ability modifier
you used to make the attack roll and your Proficiency
Bonus). On a failure, a creature takes half the Fire
damage rolled, or no damage on a successful save.


Melee and Ranged Weapons

Name Damage Properties Mastery
Simple Melee Weapons
Antimatter Dagger 1d4 Necrotic Finesse, Light, Thrown (20/60) Nick
Ballistic Glove 1d4 Force Finesse, Light Nick
Skathári Warclub 1d8 Piercing Two-Handed Push
Star Hammer 1d6 Radiant — Sap
Wrenchinator 1d8 Bludgeoning Two-Handed Push
Simple Ranged Weapons
Hardlight Dart 1d6 Force Destructible, Finesse, Thown (Range 20/60) Vex
Martial Ranged Weapons
Bomb 1d10 Fire Destructible, Finesse, Thrown (Range 30/90) Explode
Martial Melee Weapons
Arc Baton 1d8 Lightning — Jolt
Battlefist 1d8 Bludgeoning — Sap
Laser Claws 1d6 Radiant Finesse, Light Vex
Laser Sword 1d8 Radiant Finesse, Versatile (1d10) Sap
Laser Greatsword 2d6 Radiant Heavy, Two-Handed Cleave
Photonic Lash 1d6 Radiant Finesse, Reach Topple
Plasma Cutter 1d12 Slashing Heavy, Two-Handed Graze
Repulsor Mace 1d8 Force Versatile (1d10) Push
Riveter 1d12 Piercing Heavy, Two-Handed Push
Rocket Hammer 2d6 Bludgeoning Heavy, Two-Handed Cleave
Thermal Lance 1d10 Fire Heavy, Reach, Two-Handed Graze
Void Needle 1d8 Necrotic Finesse Vex

Changes and New Weapons

The above weapons are common to both the 1-die

and 2-die scheme of blasters. In this iteration, we’ve
added a few new weapons to the lineup to offer new
damage types, and removed the obsolete Fist
property from the simple weapons lineup.

Blasters (1-Die Version)
Name Damage Properties Mastery
Simple Blasters
Antimatter Pistol 1d4 Necrotic Blaster (Range 20/80), Light, Recoil Vex
Avia-Ra Sunstaff 1d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 80/320), Two-Handed Bludgeon
Bolt Caster 1d8 Force Blaster (Range 80/320), Cooldown, Two-Handed Slow
Ion Cannon 1d8 Radiant Blaster (Range 20/60), Recoil, Two-Handed Scatter
Phaser 1d4 Lightning Blaster (Range 30/120) Jolt
Standard Carbine 1d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 80/320), Two-Handed Automatic
Martial Blasters
Antimatter Carbine 1d8 Necrotic Blaster (Range 80/320), Two-Handed Automatic
Blitz Cannon 1d10 Radiant Blaster (Range 20/60), Recoil, Two-Handed Scatter
Concussion Rifle 1d8 Force Blaster (Range 100/400), Heavy, Two-Handed Sighted
Dueling Laser 1d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 30/120), Cooldown, Light Slow
Magnus 1d8 Radiant Blaster (Range 30/120), Cooldown Overheat
Plasma Launcher 1d10 Fire Blaster (Range 80/320), Cooldown, Two-Handed Explode
REC Gun 1d8 Radiant Blaster (Range 100/400), Heavy, Two-Handed Mounted (1d10)
Repeater 1d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 60/240) Vex
Swarm Pistol 1d4 Radiant Blaster (Range 20/80), Light Automatic


The above scheme for blasters offers a few distinct


More Consistency. These blasters match the

lineup of core 5E weapons -- including the Musket
and Pistol -- which should make it easier to learn
and play Dark Matter.

More Damage Variation. As compared with the

two-die system, these blasters can use more dice
values to feel distinct from one another, and to
better reflect the power of their properties.


Blasters (2-Dice Version)

Name Damage Properties Mastery
Simple Blasters
Antimatter Pistol 2d4 Necrotic Blaster (Range 30/120), Firearm, Light Vex
Avia-Ra Sunstaff 2d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 80/320), Firearm, Two-Handed Bludgeon
Bolt Caster 2d6 Force Blaster (Range 30/120), Cooldown, Firearm Push
Ion Cannon 2d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 20/60), Firearm, Recoil, Two-Handed Scatter
Phaser 2d4 Lightning Blaster (Range 30/120), Firearm, Light Jolt
Standard Carbine 2d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 80/320), Firearm, Two-Handed Slow
Martial Blasters
Antimatter Carbine 2d6 Necrotic Blaster (Range 80/320), Firearm, Two-Handed Automatic
Blitz Cannon 2d8 Radiant Blaster (Range 20/60), Firearm, Recoil, Two-Handed Scatter
Concussion Rifle 2d8 Force Blaster (Range 90/360), Firearm, Heavy, Recoil, Two-Handed Sighted
Dueling Laser 2d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 30/120), Cooldown, Firearm, Light Vex
Magnus 2d8 Radiant Blaster (Range 30/120), Cooldown, Firearm, Heavy Overheat
Plasma Launcher 2d8 Fire Blaster (Range 80/320), Cooldown, Firearm, Two-Handed Explode
REC Gun 2d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 100/400), Firearm, Heavy, Two-Handed Mounted (2d8)
Repeater 2d6 Radiant Blaster (Range 60/240), Firearm Vex
Swarm Pistol 2d4 Radiant Blaster (Range 20/60), Firearm, Light Automatic


The above scheme for blasters offers a few distinct


Better Compatibility. These blasters fit more

seamlessly with the firearms and blasters offered in
previous Mage Hand Press books, including Valda’s
Spire of Secrets and the original edition of Dark

Gamefeel. Subjectively, rolling two dice for damage

changes the feeling of rolling damage, as opposed
to other ranged weapons like longbows.

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