2-Web Project and Protocol (Unit-1)
2-Web Project and Protocol (Unit-1)
2-Web Project and Protocol (Unit-1)
It is an utility connecting localized computer networks with computer networks that extend across a wider
area, like a region or a continent.
- Two recent adaptations of the Internet technology are: Intranet and Extranet.
a) Intranet :
It is an internal private network built within an organization using Internet
and WWW standards that allows employees of an organization to gain
access to corporate information.
b) Extranet :
A network that is accessible only to the members of
organization and external members with logins.
• The Internet grew out of many developments in computer networking and telecommunications research.
• Early projects undertaken in early 1960’s by the US military (known as DARPAnet).
• Started with a dozen of Networked computer systems of universities and institutions, allowing computers to
be shared.
• Only people in the government, military and academic had access to the network.
• In 1991, the National Science Foundation (NFS) allowed commercial access to the internet.
• With this, all kinds of agencies began to use the Internet to communicate, exchange data and distribute
ISP (Internet Service Provider):
- It is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet and
other related services such as Web site development and hosting (web site storage).
- The larger ISPs have their own high-speed leased lines and can provide better
service to their customers.
www.aol.com, join.msn.com,
www.NetZero.com, www.Guno.com, …
World-Wide Web (WWW):
The WWW is a pair of s/w applications, which allow both distribution of and access to
information on the Internet.
- The web is not the Internet but a means of distributing and accessing the information that
is available on it.
List of Protocols:
• It is the set of rules for exchanging files (text, graphic images, sound, video, and other
multimedia files) on the WWW.
• It is a Stateless Protocol, means request is considered as the new request. In other words,
server doesn't recognize the user by default.
• It is a request response protocol. It uses the reliable TCP connections by default on TCP port
Methods of HTTP
HTTP Request Description
GET retrieve or get the information from the given server using a given URL. read=>GET
POST for inserting new items in the backend server. Create NEW record =>POST
HEAD HEAD requests are useful for checking what a GET request will return before actually making a GET request - like
before downloading a large file or response body. Just like GET but with no body.
TRACE Asks for the loopback of the request message, for testing or troubleshooting.
PUT If the record exists then update else create a new record
SSL/TLS stands for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security
Importance of MIME , SMTP, POP and IMAP in web environment
Project mission statement Write the specific mission statement that you want to do.
Phases of web projects: Identify Objectives Specific, Measurable , Attainable , Realistic v. Time limited
Identify your target users This is totally depend upon i. Market research ii. Focus group
iii. Understanding the audiences
Web Project beta technologies are used mature technologies are used
vs. Globally usable hence less secured More secured
Traditional project
A pricing model does not exist A pricing model exists
Team members are less specialized Team roles are more specialized
Clients are often the unwilling to bear Clients takes all the expenses related to project
the costs of web development development
Project manager has the full Various managers at different levels have the
responsibility of project responsibility of project development
• There can be two types of Web Teams.
• Service side
Service side web teams are hired by a company to develop a web site
• Client side
Client side web teams are part of the company that is putting together the web site.
Be it on the service side or the client side, the web team should have:
• Projects Manager
• Technical Leader • Account manager
• Web Production Specialist • Programmer
• Creative Header • Network Engineer
• Designers • Information Architect
• Production Artist • Copy Writer
• Quality Assurance Leader • Tester
- Refers to building website and deploying on the web.
- Requires use of scripting languages both at the server end as well as at client end.
Web Development Process
Website: It is a group of globally accessible, interlinked web pages which have a single domain name.
It can be developed and maintained by an individual, business or organization. The website aims to
serve a variety of purposes. Example: Blogs.
A website is hosted on a single or multiple web server.
•It is an effective method to showcase your products and services, helps to create your
social proof, branding your business, to achieve your business goals, increase your
customer support
Web Application: It is a software or program which is accessible using any web browser.
Its frontend is usually created using languages like HTML, CSS, Javascript, which are
supported by major browsers.
Popular because of the following reasons:
•Compared to desktop applications, web applications are easier to maintain by as they
use the same code in the entire application. There are no compatibility issues.
• can be used on any platform: Windows, Linux, Mac… as they all support modern
• accessed 24 hours of the day and 365 days a year from any PC.
•Web-Based Apps are Internet-enabled apps that are accessed through the mobile's web