Spektator Issue 2
Spektator Issue 2
Spektator Issue 2
№2 November 2008
Against Love
A true story of kidnapping for marriage
Who we are
CAMP Alatoo is a non-profit and non-governmental organization
founded in 2005 promoting sustainable development in the mountain
regions of Kyrgyzstan. CAMP Alatoo is a successor organization of the
Central Asian Mountain Partnership (CAMP), a program financed
by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Jointly with
its partner organizations in Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, CAMP Alatoo
forms part of the CAMP Network which employs about 25 people.
What we want
The overall goal is to contribute to the improvement of people’s livelihoods
in the mountain villages of Kyrgyzstan by encouraging a more
sustainable use of natural resources.
How we work
CAMP Alatoo pursues a trans-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder
approach based on local, regional and international partnerships
and experiences. CAMP Alatoo develops, adapts and implements
innovative, simple and effective technologies with an emphasis on
awareness raising and involvement by villagers, local institutions,
partner organizations and experts.
What we do
CAMP Alatoo supports the development of mountain villages by promoting
the sustainable use of natural resources through:
• theoretical and practical training
• institutional development of NGOs
• soil and water conservation technologies
• energy saving technologies
• participatory pasture management
• integrated local risk management
• small grants
Staff writers: Alex Ward, Robert Marks,
Andreas Hedfors, Carl Whetham,
Anthony Butts, Asel Orozalieva
Email: tom_wellings@live.co.uk
This Month
News and Views
Melting glaciers, British royalty, religious
freedom and a wrap of the month’s news
COVER STORY: Against love
We follow the disturbing adventures of a
young Kyrgyz man and his friends as they
set out on a slapdash bid to kidnap them-
selves a bride
The Guide
Restaurants, Bars, Clubs 15
Don’t get poisoned, use our restaurant
guide, plus all the best bars and clubs in
What’s On
The pick of the entertainment listings for 14
Don’t get lost... 15
Crosswords, Sudoku, and other things to 16
do over a coffee
The Spektator Magazine is available throughout Bishkek, including: (Travel Agencies) Adventure Seller, Ak-Sai Travel, Carlson Wagonlit, Celestial Mountains, Eotour, Glavtour,Kyrgyz Concept, Kyrgyz Travel,
Muza, NoviNomad (Bars & Restaurants) Cowboy, Hollywood, Metro, New York Pizza, No1, 2x2, Boulevard, Coffeehouse, Doka, Fatboy’s, Four Seasons, Live Bar, Lounge Bar, Meri, Navigator, Stary
Edgar’s Veranda, Adriatico, Cyclone, Dolce Vita, Santa Maria, Golden Bull (Casinos) Europa, Golden Dragon, XO (Hotels) Dostuk, Hyatt, Golden Dragon, Holiday, Alpinist (Embassies and Organi-
sations) The UN building, The American base, The German Embassy, The Indian Embassy, The Pakistani Embassy, The Dutch Consulate, CAMP Ala-too, NCCR, The Bishkek Opera & Ballet Society.
See the whole picture with the Spektator and thespektator.com
4 Out & About
Right The desolate Golubina glacier (R. Marks)
Thanks to our warming world the future of ROB MARKS July and August are the best times to visit, due
Kyrgyzstan’s glaciers does not look bright. to cold temperatures. For helicopter trips, contact
Takyr Tër Glacier, Lake Ala Kël
We advise you, therefore, to get your boots ‘Turkistan’ in Karakol (Toktogul 273, www.karakol.
The real beauty of this glacier, which lies high up in kg) or ‘Kan Tengri’ in Almaty (Kasteev 10, www.
on, pack some sandwiches and take your the mountains to the South of Karakol, is the pris-
kantengri.kz) or ‘Dostuck Trekking’ (see below).
pick from the following selection of Kyrgyz tine high altitude lake which it feeds. Standing on
For trekking and permit support contact ‘Ak-Sai’
glacier excursionsions - before it’s too late. Ala Kël Pass (3860m) and taking in the grand sweep
in Bishkek (Sovietskaya 65, www.ak-sai.com), ‘Dos-
of the glacier as it forms on the icefields clinging
to the peaks of the Ala Too range, slowly envelopes
tuck Trekking’ in Bishkek (Vosemnadstataya Liniya
the valleys below, and finally trickles into the azure 42-1, www.dostuck.com.kg) and ‘ITMC Tien-Shan’
waters of Ala Kël, is a highlight of any trip to Kyr- in Bishkek (Molodaya Gvardia 1A, www.itmc.cen-
gyzstan. It is possible to visit the glacier and lake tralasia.kg).
directly, but most choose to fit it in as part of the
four-day trek from the summer grazing grounds Ak-Say and Golubina Glaciers, Ala Archa
of Jetti-Orguz to the wild hot springs of Altyn-Ar- National Park
ashan. Keep your eyes open and you may see ibex, In the tranquil alpine setting of Ala Archa National
marmots, and such rare birds of prey as the bearded Park, these glaciers are accessible as overnight excur-
Below Ak-Say glacier (R. Marks) lamagai. If you are lucky, you’ll also stumble across
sions from Bishkek, either camping or staying in the
the hunter’s camp which stocks vodka which tastes
more comfortable accommodation available around
like petrol.
the alpine hotel in the park. Each glacier has a dis-
The best time to visit is from around May to Sep-
tember, or whenever the passes are clear of snow.
tinct character, making both well worth a visit.
The Trekking map ‘South-East Issyk-Kul Lake Coast’ Ak-Say Glacier involves a stiff but rewarding hike
covers the various routes and is available from the from the Alpine hotel to the Ratsek alpinists’ hut.
Bishkek ‘Cartography Agency’ (see details above). Here is a good place to camp, with views over the
Trekking agencies in Karakol will be happy to help craggy and volatile snout of Ak-Say, leading up to
you with guiding, gear and logistics – try ‘Ecotrek’ Peak Box (4,293m) and Peak Korona (4,691m). A
(Toktogula 112A, (3922)51115, karakol@rambler.ru). further trek up the rocky track at the Western side of
the glacier leads you up to great views of the glacier
Inulchek Glacier proper, and the routes taken by such alpine greats
At the far Eastern tip of the country, China, Kyr- as Lowe and Barber up Peak Free Korea (4,777m).
gyzstan and Kazakhstan are separated by the im- This leads onto the glacier itself, allowing you to see
penetrable barrier of the Tien-Shan range, which it first hand. You can also hang out with the Russian
is itself guarded by the mighty Inulchek glacier - alpinists that gather in the area and listen to them
more than 62 kilometers in length and 3.5 kilom- blabber on about how gnarly they are.
eters across. This is the realm of serious alpinists The Golubina Glacier feels a world away from Ak-
making attempts on Peak Pobeda (7,439m), and Say, a seemingly endless expanse of gnarled rock
the area is associated with such hardy explor- and ice wedged under the brooding Peak Ala Acha
ers as Pyotr Semyonov and Nikolai Przhevalsky. (4088m). The sense of isolation is reinforced by the
If you want to follow in their footsteps you will ghostly long-abandoned glacial service hut which
need to arrange an expensive helicopter flight, or clings to the rocky slope overlooking Golubina. The
guides and permits for the tricky five-day trek in. route there is less demanding, but picturesque,
But the rewards for the adventurer are great, with crossing numerous rickety wooden bridges as it
grand vistas over truly wild, unexplored environ- winds down Ala Archa valley and finally departing
ments, forbidden to everyone until only recently. from the beaten track to force a way up to the gla-
If you are fortunate, in mid August you may also cier service hut.
be able to see the point when the banks of the The best time to visit is from around May to Oc-
enigmatic Merzbacher lake melt, sending tons of tober - although it’s possible to . A good trekking
ice and water instantly pouring down onto the map for Ala Archa National Park is available from
glacier. the Bishkek ‘Cartography Agency’
A number of mountaineering outfits run base (107 Kievskaya - Near Togolok Moldo on the
camp facilities in the Inulchek valley, including third floor of the building which also houses DHL,
tented accommodation, food, saunas, and so on. tel. (0312) 212217).
November 2008 The Spektator www.thespektator.com
Out & About 5
all buy a shyrdak
The Spektator’s resident Kyrgyz rug expert, What should I look for in my Shyrdak?
Rob Marks, shares some of his shyrdak se- Shyrdaks come in a variety of colours and patterns.
crets to help you lay your hands on a prime The artificial dyes produce more vivid, longer-last-
ing colours, but the more subdued natural dyes are
piece of carpet.
making a comeback, and are rather more tasteful.
There are various patterns which are recognisably
‘Kyrgyz’, such as the ram’s horns design, which is
efting my sixth bucket of putrid supposed to represent wealth/virility/protection
sewer water, it was difficult not to re- depending on who you ask. The traditional designs
flect on the difference between life in apparently have their roots in shamanistic supersti-
England, and life in the villages of Kyr- tion, but their original significance seem to have
gyzstan. ‘In England your government been forgotten by many. More modern, creative
takes care of everything for you’, a local advised designs can also be found. To ensure you have an
me ‘but here we have a saying: if they will not help authentic shyrdak, look at the stitching: if looks like
me I will help myself’. it has been done by a machine, it probably was.
Indeed. So there I was, in the absence of a serv-
iceable sewage system, emptying the drains for Where’s my closest shyrdak emporium?
our house by hand with an old bucket. But this There are several options, depending on your
was of course only one manifestation of the self time and travel plans: They supply the traditional and innovative de-
help ethic of which the local chap was speaking. signs for the Kyrgyz Style shop in Bishkek. Led by
Another is well known to travelers and locals alike, Bishkek artist Zulaika Riskeldieva.
especially those who have had to pay a bribe to Generally the tourist shops and shopping cen- Naryn
some policeman or official who felt they were en- tres seem to stock fairly unappealing shyrdaks for The best shyrdaks are said to come from the
titled to help themselves to your holiday money in high prices. What I found for sale in the bazaars Naryn region. Who knows. But this is perhaps
order to supplement their meagre wages. But the was frankly rancid. Taking the time and effort to the most challenging shopping destination. The
necessity of doing things for yourself in Kyrgyzstan seek out those who stock authentic work from best way to get in touch with local producers is
has also translated into various entrepreneurial the far-flung regional cooperatives will generally to contact Community Based Tourism (CBT) in
ventures which turn traditional handicrafts into a get you a better shyrdak. Naryn (35212) 50895, 50865; Lenina 8.
source of income. Zaria – in Naryn, on Lenina, hidden opposite the
Kyrgyz Style - Apt 12, Bokanbaev 133; (312)
The influx of tourists to Kyrgyzstan has provided 621267; www.kyrgyzstyle.kg bus stop. An NGO which produces export quality
a market which allows people in rural areas to make A non-profit organisation who use a network of shyrdaks.
some money by selling their traditional handmade skilled artisans to produce top quality stuff, ex- Nuska – in Naryn, on Lenina – set back from the
felt carpets, called shyrdaks to travellers. On a re- ported globally. My first choice in Bishkek. road and signposted with a sandwich board.
cent horse-riding trip to Kochkor, one of the locals ZUM – Chuy 155 (312) 2192794 Operated by a local designer whose work has
told me that ‘there is nothing to do in winter, when On the third floor of this department store you been internationally exhibited.
the tourists are gone, all we do is sit at home and can find standard tourist fare. Shyrdaks really do it for me, where can
drink vodka for six months.’ But of course this is Asahi – 136 Chuy (312) 665710
at most only half true. As while the men stagger This boutique style quality ‘arts handicrafts’ shop
I learn more?
Try the Museum of Fine arts, (196 Soveitskaya, op-
around from bottle to bottle the women are work- accepts credit cards.
posite the Opera House; Tue-Sun 9am-5pm, Fri
ing away producing goods to sell when the tourists Tumar – 36 Togolok Moldo
10am-4pm; entrance $2) which exhibits some old
reappear. Cooperatives like the Altyn Oimok Work- Another boutique style quality ‘arts’ shop. Appar-
shop have formed to give women in otherwise im- ently they can find people to take ‘tush kyiz’ (an-
poverished areas the opportunity to help provide other type of dyed felt rug) commissions.
for their families, and organisations like Kyrgyz Issyk-Kul Area Below & Top Both of these fine specimins meet
Style provide a link to the international export mar- Setting off into the wilds in search of your dream with the approval of Rob Marks (R. Marks)
ket. This seems to work well for everybody. Even carpet can be an adventure in itself in Kyrgyzstan
the customer who buys the shyrdak can enjoy the (in the sense of an arduous journey whose out-
warm fuzzy feeling of knowing not only that they come is neither certain nor necessarily pleasura-
are probably getting an authentic product, but ble). However, take the time and you’ll probably
their money is helping support local industries and find a more authentic product at cheaper prices,
communities (or at least breweries). and learn something along the way.
Altyn Kol Women’s Cooperative (in Kochkor)
How much should I pay for my Shyrdak? – contact the ‘Shepherd’s Life’ representative
Nobody wants to be a crusty hippy backpacker Miriam Omurskova (3535) 21423111, or the CBT
arguing over every last som, but don’t be afraid office in Kochkor, 22A Pioneerskaya (3535) 22355
to ask for a discount (skidka), especially if you A women’s cooperative, producing the real thing
are picking up a couple of things. Prices vary at good prices. The high mountain pastures
greatly depending on the size, quality and com- nearby apparently produce ideal conditions for
plexity of the shydrak, as well as where you buy the sheep’s semi-fine wool.
it from (buying direct from the villages where Altyn Oimok Workshop (in Bokonbaeva) – 69/70
the goods are produced will be much cheaper). Kyrgyzskaya (3947) 93121, 91590
Expect to pay upwards of $100 for something This workshop provides work for single women
decent. with large families, and sources all wool locally.
Last month a government-sponsored hunt- YRGYZSTAN: THE COUNTRY OF tour- out that the event had not been advertised
ing festival was held in Issyk-Kul - just one ism,” read one event marshal’s t-shirt at abroad, and that greater effort would be made in
the Calburan festival near Bokombayeva this regard next year.
idea the Tourism Ministry is pursuing in the
last month, neatly displaying the govern- Animal cruelty issues aside, the spectacle of
hope of securing Kyrgyzstan a place on the ment’s keen ambition of drawing more golden eagles soaring over an arid Kyrgyz land-
must see list of the intrepid traveller. curious foreigners within the country’s borders. scape is certainly worth the four-hour taxi ride
The event - which debuted this year and is from Bishkek. But whether this event alone has
slated as an annual fixture - involved enough enough appeal to actively attract foreigners to
blood sport to drive a PETA activist to pull out the country is a different matter.
his dreadlocks in frustration, alongside some Either way, Kyrgyzstan’s mission to attract tourists
traditional music, hunting rituals and costumes. is shared by other former Soviet states that have more
Top Right A chained wolf and a Kyrgyz taigan As around two hun- in the way of beautiful
- an esteemed breed of hunting dog (All Photos dred spectators gath- scenery than export-
by Evan Harris) ered to watch a chained
”Around two hundred specta- able commodities. With
wolf set upon by a pack tors gathered to watch a chained decent marketing, the
of dogs, the day’s climax, thinking goes, adven-
Tourism Ministry press
wolf set upon by a pack of dogs” ture holidays and ecot-
secretary Elvira Myrsa- ourism could help milk
bekova explained what a potential cash cow,
the government hopes to achieve by funding boosting employment and investment.
this gritty extravaganza. “Spain is famous for its Georgia is a little further ahead in this game,
traditions – we’d like to promote Kyrgyzstan as a having recently launched a tourism marketing
country with such a festival,” she says, as some of drive in the Economist magazine and opening
the dogs lose interest in the ferocious wolf and a brand new international airport last year. And
wander back to their owners. “We are promoting while the Georgian government’s year-end tour-
[Kyrgyz] nature and such places as Issyk-Kul, tra- ism figures of over a million are preposterous, it
ditions and culture,” she expands in a later inter- is certainly taking a step in the right direction.
view. Kyrgyzstan is in a trickier situation – more ex-
pensive and further to fly to, and habitually con-
Eagle-eyed holidaymakers? fused with the non-tourist friendly Kurdistan,
Earlier in the day eagle owners from around the coun- it is unlikely to become the next Costa del Sol
try, as well as a small contingent from Kazakhstan, any time soon. But Myrsabekova is convinced
showcased their bird’s hunting skills, launching them that the festival could play a significant role in
from a nearby hillside to swoop down on foxes and stimulating tourism. “The idea is very good, it is
hares to sporadic applause from the audience. reliable, we have all the possibilities,” she says.
There were only a handful of foreigners in the Moreover it is only one of a number of ideas that
crowd, although Myrsabekova is quick to point the government is experimenting with.
Santa Claus is coming...in February delegation’s proposal of a Schengen-inspired visa about this is yet to be seen, and Myrsabekova
A slightly more outlandish brainchild of the busy system in Central Asia at a regional tourism confer- could not say how soon such a scheme could be
workerbees down at the Tourism Ministry is Kyr- ence last month in Uzbekistan. The system would in place. But the very idea itself shows that the Kyr-
gyzstan’s ‘International Festival of the Santa Claus- allow travel around the region on a single visa and gyz government is at least aware of the avenues it
es of the World.’ would likely lessen the bureaucratic and financial needs to explore to up its annual tourism figures.
Debuting earlier this year in the festive month drawbacks to travelling here and may encourage As for the success of next year’s Santa Claus
of February, the event took its inspiration from more cross border excursions. meet and the Calburan curious Spektator readers
research undertaken by a Swedish engineering How enthusiastic Kyrgyzstan’s neighbours are will be able to see for themselves.
company in 2007. The light-hearted study calcu-
lated that Kyrgyzstan is logistically the optimum
place for the industrious present-giver to be based
out of - news that was taken in Bishkek as reason
for an annual charity get-together of Santas from
across the earth.
However, while Kyrgyzstan may have triumphed
logistically when it comes to the possibilities of
breakneck global philanthropy, logistics and bu-
reaucracy are potential obstacles to a healthy flow
of tourists here.
C’est la visa
As anyone who has had the pleasure of trundling
around the various government departments and
embassies in Bishkek, sorting out your documenti
in this part of the world is no Swiss picnic.
A key element of the Georgian strategy in open-
ing up to foreigners was scrapping visas for west-
erners, essentially guaranteeing a trouble-free
entry into the country for anyone who is likely to
bring a fat wallet with them.
When asked about the difficulties of extending
visas in Kyrgyzstan, Myrsabekova insists that it is a
subject the government is trying to address. “We’re
looking for ways to make it more convenient for
foreigners [visiting Central Asia], she says.”
One example, Myrsabekova adds, is the Kyrgyz
IGH IN THE FORESTED jade green moun- Here in Kyrgyzstan, a land almost exclusively of
tains above Lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan mountains, live the descendants of hunters – hunt-
a lone horseman thunders down toward ers whose centuries long dominion over these
us, a herd of horses galloping before him. mountains was ended only by the cannons, bullets
Sitting on my horse, I tinker with the con- and the machine guns of the Tsar’s armies. Under
trols on my video camera getting ready to capture Imperial Russia this land of warriors and nomadic
the excitement - a good bit of footage for my televi- tribes became at first a vassal state, then with com-
sion documentary. But next to me, my two horse- munism the mountain people were taken down
men companions have other ideas. With a cry they and herded like their own sheep into drab apart-
urge their horses on and are suddenly in front of ment blocks and factories where they were taught
me, galloping up to meet the lone rider. writing and ‘civilisation’. When the USSR collapsed
In the lands of Genghis Khan, Antony
Before I know it, my horse bolts. I seize the reins and Kyrgyzstan became independent, so did Kyr-
Butts reports on the rise and rise of steal- in alarm, finding myself flying up the mountainside gyzstan’s economy. Its people, living at the end
ing women for marriage - a once obscure against my will, my forgotten video camera bounc- of world, thousands of miles from any ocean and
custom that most Kyrgyz men now see as ing manically around on its strap. My steed is flat out, sandwiched between China, Russia and a host of
a birthright jealously wanting to catch up with his two mates unstable ‘Stans’, were now neither adapted to the
and I’m forced to hold on for dear life, gripping the new capitalism nor to the nomadic yurt-dwelling
saddle with my thighs as hard as I can. To my great world of their ancestors. The hard times that began
alarm, my horse is utterly unresponsive to my des- seventeen years ago have never really ended. But
perate yanking on the reins, but as we bound tire- the desire to become hunters once again has never
lessly up the mountain, I let go of the panic and be- died.
gin to enjoy the wind rushing through my hair, the I was here making a documentary film for Al
feeling of total exhilaration. Somehow it feels right, Jazeera about the Kyrgyz custom of marriage
as if I have been thrown back to an age where men – known locally as Alla Kachu or “bride stealing”.
were hunters who rode high on horses and ruled There is a saying that no matter how absurd or evil
this primeval land of snow, forest and mountains, the idea, if it is in the right people’s interest you can
and their Gods were the very elements themselves. be sure that people will find a way to believe in and
This was the Central Asia I had come to see – a justify it. And here in Kyrgyzstan, village society has
forgotten land in the middle of a vast continent. A evolved a way for the men to carry on hunting. A
land of forests, mountains, deserts and intense hot way that suits the post Soviet chaos, economic
and cold. For these were the wild spaces where depression and yearning for a return to the ways
Genghis Khan gathered his armies of nomadic of their ancestors. My wedding client Ilyas didn’t
horse archers to wreak carnage on the infant Rus- even know who his bride was. Neither did my two
sian civilisation in the 13th century. As our horses overeager horsemen companions, Ilyas’s best mate
finally halted, the lone horseman had changed Talant and his brother Zhassan. In fact nobody did.
from a small speck to a guy in a checked shirt and Sure there were several girls on the “will kidnap if
baseball cap. This man was Ilyas and I was here to she’s there” list, but nothing certain. But maybe that
film his wedding day. But this was no normal wed- is the point of a hunt – the thrill of the unknown.
Above Caught in the act. Ilyas (centre) plays ding video I had been asked to shoot. For as I was Marriages in Kyrgyzstan used to be mostly by
second fiddle to Talant, the best man, who car- to discover, the beauty and power of a more primi- mutual agreement. Nobody really knows how
ries the freshly snatched girl into the house (All tive way of life comes with a cruelty just as intense many marriages were made by bride stealing be-
photos by Anthony Butts) and wild as nature itself. fore the Soviet Union collapsed in 1992, but re-
Far right The kidnapping goes haywire and Il- Ilyas appears again, this time ready for his big day. As an observer, I begin to feel distinctly uncom-
yas begins to have second thoughtsv vvv Innumerable toasts are uttered taking us from day fortable. I know that whether or not I was there, this
into night as the vodka bottles empty. Many toasts would still be happening. But cowering in the base-
were made: “Here’s to your future happiness! Good ment as the clock turned past one in the morning,
luck in your choice of bride! May she respect your my translator and I are feeling as though we are on
parents and make good tea!” and the rather bizarre very shaky moral ground. We are startled from our
“Kyrgyz lads never go after the same bride twice. So whispered conversation by the sudden sound of a
let’s hope everything turns out well!” door opening and footsteps coming downstairs. It
The taxi is outside, waiting to convey Ilyas to his is Ilyas and the girl. We scarper to our car like peep-
bride. Then a battered Lada, half-rust, half-paint that ing Tom’s worried about being caught out. On the
must have seen continuous heavy action since the other radio microphone, we heard the lads in the
‘70s spluttered in. This is our car. The drivers take car plan their move. “As soon as we get to the café,
off the taxi signs, everyone gets in and the convoy we’ll kidnap her.” So the plan has changed.
leaves on its errand (mine needed to be pushed to They get the girl to the café easily enough. It
get going). The lads are busy bawling out the Kygyz all seems fine except the heavens have decided
Lads chorus “Grab her and run! Grab her and run!” to open. I crouch low behind the car, filming eve-
like football supporters off to the big game. rything from a distance trying not to get water on
I follow Ilyas and his mates in the second car, but as the lens, my translator with a pair of earphones in
we reach the nearby city of Karakol it turns out things her ears as a guide to what was happening. Sud-
aren’t going according to plan. The fat girl is nowhere denly there is a flurry of activity and a lot of running
to be seen and it’s already 10pm at night. But the lads around in the shadows cast by the café. “Where’s she
are ingenious and persuade Ilyas’s cousin to introduce gone?” “Almaz! You idiot! You’ve ruined everything.”
Ilyas to her best friend. Smartening himself up and The posse regroup, but the lads are too drunk to fig-
buying a watermelon and a bottle of wine, Ilyas dis- ure out what to do. For something that so impinges
appears up to her friend’s flat. Reluctant to be a part women’s rights I am surprised to see a woman - Il-
of the proceedings, I fix Ilyas up with a radio micro- yas’s sister Lilia - now take charge. “She cannot have
phone and huddle in the basement of the apartment got far,” she reasoned, “We will find her.”
block with my translator to listen in on his progress. This is too much for me. “What will happen if
An hour goes by as he tries to lure her outside to be they catch her?” I ask my translator. “They will take
kidnapped. “Won’t you please come to the café. It will her back to Ilyas’s house and maybe rape her.”
be fun.” Then: “It’s so stuffy here. Let’s go out for some There is a fine borderline in journalism between
fresh air.”“Why don’t you have some more wine?” knowing when to intervene and being an impas-
“I always thought that I The next day, the procession of visitors contin- smiles at us in the doorway. Guliza is already hard
ues, all pausing to congratulate Old Mother for at work – needing the dough for yet more of that
would resist, would fight her success in bagging such a good looking, hard borsok marriage bread for her wedding ceremony
and not let myself be sto- working bride. “May the white scarf never leave later that day. The cycle continues and the same
her hair!” one old dear solemnly tells her as the vil- weapon that had been used against her, she is now
len, but they steal you all lage women file in like a scene out of the Nativity. making. The twin effects of superstitious bread
the same. Women are just And what about Guliza, the girl sitting in the and scarf had violated her and got her married. I
corner while the villagers come in and inspect her was later told that when she had been pushed in
dolls to be thrown about” like a prized sheep? What is she thinking as this over the threshold of the house, she had stepped
strange foreign man interrupts her crying, coming over the fallen crusts of borsok bread. That too had
in with a video camera and asking all kinds of ob- signified something portentous. In these parts
vious questions, probably to report negatively on of the world bread is a serious weapon. Even in
her culture? What would you think if, like her, you nearby Russia, being seen throwing bread in a bin
have a boyfriend you love and have been dating for can get you beaten up. But something better than
two years and have dreams of marrying and going bread was now on the menu, as Sean, our wed-
to live in the big city? And if yesterday, a drunken ding present was being led in to the yard. At first
man you have never met before kidnapped you Sean resisted, but with a rope tied around its neck
and now your family and society declare that this he, reluctantly at first but then obediently, began
is the man you must now spend the rest of her trotting after the man with the rope and knife. His
life with? “Why am I doing this?” I ask myself. And fatty bum – the tasty bit to the Kyrgyz – wobbled
I am hating myself for being a part of this, for be- from side to side like a fat old women running on
ing there. Surely her answers are obvious. There a beach in a thong. I recalled Guliza’s explanation
are certain things that you can do to people so of why she had agreed to marry Ilyas: “I didn’t have
extreme that they will instill the same reaction in any choice, my family were mad at me. I followed
everybody. If you hit someone hard they go “Ow!” the tradition. I listened to what people said.”
not “Thankyou.” The only difference I am thinking Sean was laid out on the ground, his legs bound,
is how eloquently will Guliza express her feelings. a knife sharpened and then rested on his fleece. A
The more eloquently, the better my film and my hole was dug by his black head, and he recoiled in
career. Will anything be done to stop this even if fear at the spade cutting into the earth. Inside Old
Below All’s well that ends well for Ilyas her words are heart-breaking. Or maybe her words Mother was wondering why we were packing up
will be too predictable and the narrative drive of to leave: “Why are you leaving so early?” she said.
this whole sorry pantomime that repeats 10,000 “Come stay. Don’t leave so early. She’ll be happy.
times a year will slow down because people will When she has a child then she’ll be happy. She’ll
already know exactly how they would feel if it had learn to love.” Outside Sean’s throat was cut, the
happened to themselves. blood oozing into the hole and running into the
“I always thought that I would resist, would nearby stream. She continued, smiling: “The feast
fight and not let myself be stolen, but they steal has only just begun.”
you all the same,” she tells me between tears and My translator and I caught a battered minibus
long sighs to herself. “Women are just dolls to be to the next town along. Looking out the window
thrown about.” “I still cannot believe what’s hap- as we trundled through Ilyas’s village of Darhan I
pened. Am I really here as a new wife?” she asks watched the green mountains, the snowy peaks,
mournfully, still in disbelief about what had hap- half-standing wooden houses, the sheep and the
pened the day before. But we struggle to get that donkeys passing by - cliches of a rural life from
much out of her between the tears before the poor the middle ages. I recalled his drunk words to me
girl is led out of our interview by Lilia to start her that morning. “Kyrgyz people, you see, we live in
married life. the mountains and valleys. How are we going to
I find Old Mother looking very happy and find girls to date? Where are the girls? This is why
watching her new charge with contentment. She we have to steal brides.” I sat back, tired and emo-
has at last found the domestic helper she was so tional, and tried to come to a conclusion about
looking forward to and can now happily retire. She what I had seen.
are getting you down. $$$ 922539 $$
Find the best bars in town with the Spektator and thespektator.com
waitresses face. Nevertheless, if it’s decent cheap Rock or blues bands normally play at the week-
food you’re after, this isn’t a bad place to look. The ends. (Music charge 200 som)
eggs are just as good as those at Fatboys next door,
and half the price. Think about it. $ Tequila Blues (Turesbekova/Engels)
There are some Bishkek old-hands who say that Re-opening soon. A possible misnomer, the tequila
things aren’t what they used to be when it comes is just fine, but the blues is pretty much non-existent.
Russian/Ukrainian to nightlife in Bishkek. They talk of legendary nights Young Russian studenty types mosh away the nights
of carnage, vomit, and debauchery - delights that to rock bands in an atmospheric underground bun-
Russky Dvor (Kievskaya/Togolok Moldo) contemporary Bishkek struggles to offer. ker. Weekends are not for the fainthearted, or the
Refined restaurant serving Russian specialities. Not so, we say. Take your pick from the list below claustrophobic. (Entrance charge 100-150 som)
$$$ and we’re sure there’s still enough carnage, vomit
and debauchery in town to keep everyone happy. Zeppelin (43, Chui)
Taras Bulba (Manas/Jibek Jolu) Zeppelin is in the same vein as Tequila Blues but
We haven’t had time to check this Ukrainian place not quite so spit and sawdust. On the nights we’ve
out yet - although the word is that it’s well worth Discoklubs visited, there’s been a line up of young rock or punk
stopping by for a borsht po-ukrainski. bands strutting their stuff, heavier beats seem to
Apple (28, Manas)
Fat, old, lecherous foreigners not welcome, this go down best with the young Russian crowd. Full
Zaporyzhia (Mira)
restaurant menu.
Recently opened, Zaporyzhia is a cossack fla- place is for a younger cooler crowd. Multiple bars,
(Entrance charge 100-150 som)
voured restauraunt in a varnish scented log cabin. large dance floor, friendly atmosphere. Thursday
Hearty rustic dishes and a homely atmosphere. usually a big night. (Entrance charge 100-200 Live music also common at Doka Pizza Akhun-
Recommended! $$$ som) bayeva and Stary Edgar (see ‘bars/restaurants’)
Sunday, Nov 30
Swan Lake
1st-14th November Saturday, Nov 15 Ballet by Piotr Tchaikovsky
Photo Exhibition Classical Music Concert Opera Ballet, 167 Abdyrahmanova, 17:00
People & Places: Ways of Living Around the World Kyrgyz state Philharmonic Tel. 66 15 48
Photographs taken by Swiss photographer Daniel Chui Prospect, 253
Bishkek Art Centret, 1 Karasaeva Street
Tel: 212262, 212235
17:00, Tickets 150 som Entertainment
10:00 - 18:00 Tues-Sun (closed all day Mon.)
Promzona’s 3rd Anniversary Directory
Sergey Galinin (Rock Concert)
Thursday, Nov 6 Sergey Galinin, the Russian ‘rock legend’, will be
The Conservatory
playing Promzona with his band to celebrate the
Rememberance Service Jantosheva, 115
club’s third anniversary.
Commemorating the November Revolution Tel: 479542
Promzona Club, 16 Cholpon-Atinskaya, 21:00
Events throughout the city, including a service at Tickets 2500 som per person (or 750 for a seat at Concerts by students and professors.
the history museum. on Alatoo Square. the bar) The Puppet Theatre
Giselle Sovietskaya/Michurina
7th-9th November Ballet by Adolph Adan Performances on Sundays at 11:00am.
Opera Ballet, 167 Abdyrahmanova, 17:00
KVN - “Club of the Happy and Inventive” Tel. 66 15 48
Kyrgyz State Philharmonic
Russian humour TV show filming in Bishkek Chui Prospect, 253
Tel: 212262, 212235
Gameshow in which teams (usually of students)
compete by giving funny answers to questions,
Thursday, Nov 20 Hours: 17:00-19:00 in summer
iperforming mprovisations, and prepared sketch- Tickets: 70-100 som (sometimes much more for
es. After being banned in 1972 for being anti-So-
Concert by Svetlana Gusarovoy (soprano) special performances)
Arias, songs and romances There are two concert halls featuring classical, tra-
viet, KVN was restored eleven years later and con-
Opera Ballet, 167 Abdyrahmanova, 18:00 ditional Kyrgyz, and pop concerts and a variety of
tinues to be phenomenally popular throughout
Tel. 66 15 48 shows.
the CIS to this day.
Dvorets Sporta, 18:00 each night
Tickets100 som
Saturday, Nov 22 Russian Drama Theatre
Tynystanova, 122 (Situated in Oak Park)
Aida Tel.: 662032, 621571
Saturday, Nov 8 Opera by Guiseppe Verdi Hours: Mon-Sun, 10:00-18:00
Jazz Concert Opera Ballet, 167 Abdyrahmanova, 17:00 Tickets 30-100 som
An Evening of German Jazz Tel. 66 15 48 A range of local and international plays in Russian.
Opera Ballet, 167 Abdyrahmanova, 17:00
Tel. 66 15 48
Sunday, Nov 23 The Abdylas Maldybaev Opera and Ballet Theatre
Abdyrahmanova, 167
Cholpon Tel: 661548; Tickets 50-300 som
Sunday, Nov 9 Ballet by Mikhail Raukhverger The theatre has resident opera and ballet compa-
Opera Ballet, 167 Abdyrahmanova, 17:00 nies with occasional guest companies. The season
Swan Lake Tel. 66 15 48 usually runs from autumn to spring but there are
Ballet by Piotr Tchaikovsky often performances at other times of the year as
Opera Ballet, 167 Abdyrahmanova, 17:00 28th-30th November well.
Tel. 66 15 48
Premiere: The Marriage The Kyrgyz Drama Theatre
A play by Nikolai Gogol (in Russian) Panfilov, 273 (behind the Government House)
Friday, Nov 14 A satire of courtship and cowardice that centres Tel: 665802, 216958
around a young woman Agafya who is wooed by Hours: 8:00-20:00 in summer
Servant and Master four bachelors, each with his own idiosyncrasies. Tickets 20-200 som
Opera by Giovanni Battista Piergolesi Russian Drama Theatre, 122 Tynystanova The resident company performs a range of local
Opera Ballet, 167 Abdyrahmanova, 17:00 Playing each nght at 18:00, Tickets 50-300 som and international plays – performances are in Kyr-
Tel. 66 15 48 Tel: 662032, 621571 gyz or Russian.
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8 “Honour,” the reply shot back. “I was the fourth
14Graveyard (8)
23 15 guardianbooks.co.uk or call 0870 836 0749 generation of my family to serve. My daughter serves
16 Down
Solution No 11,964
Solution No 11,964 6 3 5 7 and continues the tradition. I’m not proud of what I
OME E did. We meddled in other countries affairs. But they
1 Part of a1 shirt
2 Merciful
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(7) C OC O
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EB B E E O O 2 trained us so that disobeying an order didn’t even
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3 German3 football team team 19 R
(6,6) (6,6)
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5 1 2 taught how to kill at a distance with energy – from
4 Ratty (6) several meters.” I looked at him again. This sounded
4 Ratty (6) 21 language (5)
6 Indian
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something as C U
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true (8)8 Infl ated fortress for kids P A
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ly so we would then forget them. I know 11 languages
for instance.”I wondered which ones, whether he could
(8) P A L S Y W A L S Y
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15 Hot water (if you are in it!) P
Y W A L S Y 9 8 4 3A L S
give me an example, but he wouldn’t be drawn.
Volodya stopped at the traffic lights – my apart-
from sex (8)
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16 Flee (6)
18 Potato, for example (5) 9 7 ment was near and he lit up a cigarette. He started
talking about philosophy and the rights and wrongs
nag) (7) 19 Remain (4)
example (6,6) 3 1 6 of going to war. Then it was whether Stalin was over-
all good or bad for the Soviet Union.
US (6)
believer? (6) brainteasers 6 5 We had long since stopped outside my apart-
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novel —
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at guardian.co.uk/crossword. 9 lowed by the sound of spit being sucked back in the
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338 248. Calls cost 60p per minute at all times.
8 his third cigarette by now. It was late and my con-
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2 9 when I went to Lhassa for two years.”
Solution No 11,964 “Oh! Which monastery?” I asked. I’d been to Lhassa
rt (4) Only three words
H I P PinO standard
D R O M EEnglish begin 5 2 and was keen to know which one, as well as test him.
with the OCletters
“dw” B
and E
theyOare all common “Oh, it’s a closed monastery. Only by invitation can
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words. Name
R them.
N R A I N U Answers you go there,” he said, a cloud of smoke filling the car.
N U D E J I N G O I S M In the darkness the yellow sign of another taxi sailed
U H N I N M by. It was late and I made my excuses to go.
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AnswersOto last “You know,” he said, “I have a BMW and a Volga at
mething as A month’s
L S brainteasers
P A S 3,T Ibis
I C(the
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S bird)
W A B home. I drive this because our petrol and roads are bad.”
I opened the door, but just before I left the taxi I swore