Ecotourism Handbook Ireland
Ecotourism Handbook Ireland
Ecotourism Handbook Ireland
5mm spine
ecotourism handbook
foreword 01
1. taking the fear out of ecotourism 04
2. the ecotourism market 08
3. the journey from tourism to ecotourism 14
4. business planning for ecotourism businesses 28
5. funding for ecotourism 34
6. our responsibilities in tourism 50
7. certifying your ecotourism business 56
8. marketing your ecotourism business 62
9. ecotourism directory 70
We hope this handbook will help inform, inspire and stimulate ideas for you to develop your existing tourism business for the
future or to set up a new one. It is hoped to provide you with a stepping stone to guide you in a practical way – where to find
help, advice, training, products and services. Learn from the success stories and case studies. Becoming a more sustainable
business has many advantages, from cost savings to developing new markets.
Fáilte Ireland and Greenbox are working in partnership to develop ecotourism as a product of excellence for Ireland.
Ecotourism internationally is developing at all levels, from the tourism product, tour operators and consumer demand is rising
all the time. By embracing ecotourism principles fully into your business you have the potential to create a unique tourism
experience using the natural resources of your local area while ensuring high environmental standards for our sector.
Fáilte Ireland’s Business Development Manager will help tourism enterprises identify their business and people development
needs and assists in the design, development and provision of programmes and services to meet those needs.
The tourism consumers of the future are seeking an authentic quality and ethical experience and also choose their holidays
based on lifestyle principles and choices. Ecotourism will ensure sustainability at all levels for your business, community and
the environment and offer you a competitive advantage in the marketplace. We wish you every success with your efforts and
look forward to working with you to help you achieve them.
Shaun Quinn,
one taking the fear out of ecotourism
The term ecotourism is daunting for the ethical impacts they might have in Ecotourism is about uniting
many, as there is no clear definition of a commercial world. It is now tourism’s conservation, communities, and
the word. In fact at the last count, one chance to show that it can play an sustainable travel. This means that
researcher found over eighty meanings in equally responsible role and, at the same those who implement and participate in
various books, magazines and websites. time, show tourists that Ireland can still ecotourism activities should follow the
As well as that, there are other words offer a high level of tourist satisfaction. following ecotourism principles:
to throw into the mix, like sustainable, Whether that it is an eco-hostel, a 5-star
responsible, ethical and green. Whatever hotel, canoeing or a camping holiday. • minimise impact
you choose to call it, and there are Or whether the visitor is from Dublin • build environmental and cultural
endless academic studies looking at the or Dubai. awareness and respect
pros and cons of each term, it is without • provide positive experiences for
a doubt the future of tourism in Ireland. Ecotourism in Ireland started off in both visitors and hosts
pockets around the country, with • provide direct financial benefits
Ecotourism is a rapidly growing products of excellence developing for conservation
movement towards creating a greener island-wide, particularly in the Northwest • provide financial benefits and
and more ethical form of tourism of the island. Many people have been empowerment for local people
worldwide. The most popular definition committed to these principles for • raise sensitivity to host countries’
of the term is the one used by The years, long before green took on a political, environmental, and
International Ecotourism Society (TIES), deeper meaning for Ireland than the social climate
which is given in the box to the right. A traditional shade of emerald. Such SOURCE: THE INTERNATIONAL ECOTOURISM SOCIETY,
good ecotourism business will embrace people pioneered ecotourism products, WWW.ECOTOURISM.ORG
some, if not all, of these principles. In and have become shining examples
short, as well as looking at the impacts of the direction in which many more
our tourism businesses have on the Irish tourism businesses can go. Trinity
environment, we also need to look at Island Lodge, for example, is on a small
ways in which we can help support the island in the lakelands of County Cavan,
local economy, culture and communities now joined to the mainland by a narrow
in the process. The result – not only a road, built by the O’Dowd family who
tourism product which is more ethical has farmed the land for generations.
and fair, but also of greater interest to Between 1994 and 1999 they restored
tourists who are changing the way in an old barn on the island, converting
which they travel. A rapidly growing it into a guest lodge. They erected a
number of tourists want their travel windmill and solar panels to create
to be less invasive, environmentally electricity, installed a wood-burning
and culturally, and more beneficial sauna and stove, both of which have a
economically to their hosts. This is good source of fuel from the 200 acres
thanks to organisations like Fairtrade, of land which they have also reforested
which have paved the way for tourists, over this period. They provide boats and
who now have a greater awareness of bikes, free of charge, and maintain their
“This is a very relevant, ethical and timely property using eco-friendly products and tourist to interact with nature and culture,
handbook for visitors and hospitality principles, which they invite guests to while possibly sustaining a farming
businesses alike. The positive concepts,
respect and learn from. They have also family, as well as the local economy.
performances, strategies and real actions
on the ground, which genuinely protect been awarded the prestigious EU Flower
and enhance our environment and natural Ecolabel for good green practices. Ecotourism is about maximising the
habitats, need clarifying and bench-marking. positive impacts of tourism for everyone
There’s an absence of knowledge, information At the Clare Island Yoga Retreat, and everything. Ecotourism encourages
and awareness, of the environmental impacts
the owners, Christophe and Ciara, conservation of the biodiverse landscape
of the tourism and hospitality industry in
Ireland, and the appropriate mitigation managed against all odds, to construct of Ireland. If everyone working in tourism
measures that can be introduced to one of Ireland’s most successful yoga worked with the same eco-principles,
effectively combat the pressures. centres on this remote Mayo island. then there would be a nationwide
Accommodation is in a restored change in attitude towards keeping
Many of these behavioural practices and
traditional island cottage, with Ireland green. This handbook aims to
capital investments in new, efficient and
renewable technologies also save money workshops in a new wooden building, spread the word to all people involved in
and waste, with effective paybacks and an both fusing organically with the island’s tourism, from farmers, fisheries, health
improved competitive edge. There is a lot of rugged landscape. There are solar practitioners, market stall holders,
‘green-washing’ by businesses, claiming ‘eco’ panels for heating water, wood-burning restaurateurs, to transport providers and,
benefits that are often untrue or only form a
stoves, and the use of natural materials of course, accommodation providers.
small part of the overall impact. There are,
however, some really good initiatives taking such as wood, hemp, lime plaster,
place that are not given enough exposure or terracotta and natural slates. Many people say that achieving a perfect
credit. On the consumer side, there are many They grow and source as many of ecotourism product is impossible. But
visitors today that genuinely want to choose their ingredients as possible on the no one is asking for perfection. If the
the ethical alternative and avail of these
island, and water is from their own well. Irish tourism industry acts together in a
hospitality facilities”.
They host many visitors to Clare Island, collaborative way to instil some of these
and support several local businesses ecotourism practices into our everyday
Duncan Stewart,
as a result. business, we can aspire to an excellent
PRODUCER AND PRESENTER ecotourism product en masse. Some
Such ecotourism initiatives are not will always have the capacity and will to
something to be daunted by, rather do more than others, but it is the mass
inspired by. In addition, learning about movement which will create a genuine
good practice like this on the ground is ecotourism product. That is to say, a fair,
the best way to define ecotourism. We sustainable and attractive one, and one
can see how someone not only created that Ireland can be proud to put on the
a product which protects a valuable rapidly expanding green map of Europe.
piece of landscape, but also invites a
two the ecotourism market
READING THE SIGNS This is not just a green bandwagon, “Increasingly, sustainability and green tourism
You don’t need to read too many as organisations like this do not publish are becoming one of the major economic
drivers for the industry. We hope to encourage
statistics to see that the demand for a books or sell holidays to preach to
more companies and organisations to adopt
greener, more ethical tourism product a niche or create a demand. They sustainable policies, ensuring a low impact
is growing. Although tourists have been know that the demand for greater on the environment and local culture while, at
slower to connect their holidays with understanding of how we should change the same time, helping generate prosperity,
other purchases, such as Fairtrade food the way in which we travel is out there. employment, and the conservation of local
and clothing, there is a greater sense And growing.
of ethics around general consumption
Graham E Cooke,
which is now creeping into the traveller’s THE GREEN BANDWAGON
mindset too. Travel companies which specialise FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT OF WORLD TRAVEL
in selling ecotourism holidays, such
According to The International as, Explore,
Ecotourism Society the market has been Exodus, The Adventure Company or
growing since the 1990’s at a rate of Tribes Travel continue to grow from
between 20-34% every year, depending strength to strength. They knew what
on the destination1. This is more than was coming, established a strict
three times the growth rate of worldwide ethical framework early on, and have
tourism as a whole. A recent survey been able to build upon it as demand
in the United States by Tripadvisor, grew., one of
showed that just over a third of travellers the world’s pioneers and leaders in
reported plans to stay at an eco-friendly ecotourism, based in UK, was proud to
hotel or resort in 2009, a 30% increase announce a 25% increase in revenue
in a year. The World Travel Market, one in 2007/08, at a time when many other
of the largest international travel trade tourism businesses were feeling a
exhibitions, has a whole day dedicated strong pinch from the worldwide
to it. There are numerous international economic downturn.
awards for it, and green travel books are
now being published by organisations Many travel businesses are now accused
such as Rough Guide and The Guardian of jumping on a bandwagon, and some
newspaper. Two of Rough Guide’s are. However, the majority are in it for the
biggest recent sellers are Rough Guide right reason and hold a firm commitment
to Climate Change, and Rough Guide to the bigger picture of sustainability.
to Ethical Living. As well as this, many Just because you have a good business
of the leading tour operators now have, head, and recognise that ecotourism is a
or are creating, full time positions for growing market should not be a reason
sustainable tourism managers, such as for criticism. Especially if the process
Thomas Cook and TUI PLC. of greening your business is done with
support and guidance from experts
“We must not forget the dual relationship in the field. As the number of people seem particularly high. But it is the
between tourism and global warming, both as working in ecotourism grows, ongoing growth of tourism which raises
its victim and vector. While rising sea levels,
at home and abroad, so does the alarm bells in the long term. Furthermore,
desertification, deforestation or the melting of
snow and glaciers hurt the tourist economy, support network. the accommodation section accounts
our sector also contributes through its very for 21% of carbon emissions for each
existence to the warming process”. HOW MANY BUSINESSES DOES IT holiday taken. This is a big piece of the
TAKE TO CHANGE A LIGHT BULB? pie, and a slice which can easily be cut.
It is important to know that as you work
Francesco Frangialli, to make your tourism business more As a result, the UNWTO is now focused
UNWTO SECRETARY-GENERAL, CLIMATE sustainable, you are part of a worldwide on ‘‘mainstreaming climate change’’
CHANGE – REALITY CHECK AND OPPORTUNITY movement of change. One of the most or getting the message to every
influential official bodies supporting organisation, big or small, that their
countries for which tourism is a key business plans should now prioritise
industry is the United Nations World climate change. This involves leadership
Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). at government level and policy-making
on adapting transport systems,
At the Second International Conference conservation, protecting landscapes
on Climate Change and Tourism in and coastlines. But such change cannot
Davos, Switzerland, in October 2007, take place without the support and
co-run by the UNWTO, the United enthusiasm of all of the country’s
Nations Environment Programme tourism providers.
(UNEP) and the World Meteorological
Organisation (WMO), representatives In Ireland, Fáilte Ireland put in place a
from the UN signed the Davos Carbon Strategy in 2008, entitled Facing
Declaration. This was a ground-breaking the Challenges of Climate Change, as
commitment to adapt tourist businesses part of its Environmental Action Plan,
and destinations to climate change. 2007-2009. As part of this strategy
The 80 signatory countries accepted it has committed to measuring the
that the tourism sector must ‘‘rapidly carbon footprint of the 18,000 tourism
respond’’ to climate change by reducing business in Ireland. Working closely with
its Greenhouse Gas Contribution (GHC). Change, the national awareness and
Considering that tourism is still one of communication campaign on climate
the largest industries in the world, and change, which is being led by the
transport and accommodation are two of Department of the Environment, Heritage
the most important parts of its makeup, and Local Government (DEHLG), it will
this contribution is more than significant. enable experts to assess and act upon
the most efficient ways of reducing
Currently, the C02 emissions from tourism’s current environmental impact
tourism are estimated at 5% of overall as quickly as possible.
worldwide emissions, which may not
TOURISM IS UNSTOPPABLE in oil prices, airline tickets and so on. “It is important that tourists to Ireland
According to the UNWTO’s forecasts, This has created a sudden realisation for are given the options to reduce the
carbon footprint of their holiday. Fáilte
the worldwide annual growth in tourism many people, that a holiday which is less
Ireland intends to offer further marketing
is estimated to be 4.1% per year from costly in carbon is also less costly on opportunities to businesses with an
1995-2020. The number of trips taken their personal budgets. environmental standard or accreditation as
in Europe is projected to grow by 57% part of a new ‘green tourism’ section of its
between 2000 and 20202. The UNWTO In Ireland, the majority of international consumer website”.
has extrapolated these figures as far visitors are from the United Kingdom,
forward as 2035 to see what carbon where the growth in ecotourism
Fáilte Ireland,
effect this increase in tourism will holidaymakers is significant. According CARBON STRATEGY 2008 FACING THE
have. They take a ‘business as usual’ to the UK’s Federation of Tour
approach, meaning that they assume Operators, 87% of British tourists think
that the tourism industry will not suffer it is important that their holiday does
any huge setbacks in the meantime. not damage the environment. 70%
They also take into consideration of them feel that their tour operator’s
technological advances to improve environmental policies are important
energy efficiency from airlines. Despite to them. At the same time, there is a
the current economic downturn, the greater emphasis in the UK media on
UNWTO is confident that tourism will air-free travel to all European countries,
still continue to grow at this rate in the and Ireland can be included in this new
long-term. ‘Slow Travel’ phenomenon. Examples of
this are award-winning website
Not surprisingly, therefore, the footprint, which promotes train
factor is not good. Emissions from travel from UK to anywhere in the world,
the tourist accommodation sector are Time Out’s latest publication Flight-Free
forecast to increase by 170% between Europe and the recent publication of
2005 and 2035. This is a much greater ecoescape UK and ecoescape Ireland
increase than that of predicted aviation (with sections on Slow Travel options),
emissions, due to the technological Organic Places to Stay in UK and Ireland
advancements that are taking place in by Linda Moss, and Alastair Sawday’s
this sector. Green Places to Stay. In Ireland, there
is now a regular ecotourism column in
GREEN MEANS GROWTH the travel supplement of The Irish Times,
The good news is that as tourism grows, called Ethical Traveller.
the ecotourism share is predicted to
grow also, and at an even greater In 2006, Fáilte Ireland commissioned a
speed. This increase is not only due survey of tourism providers, as part of
to tourist awareness of the impacts of a review of good environmental policy
their holidays, but also by the increase and practice in the tourism sector.
“I’m delighted to lend my support to this One of the questions posed to tourism However, ecotourism does not need
handbook, sponsored by Fáilte Ireland providers was, “which issues/drivers are to be limited to this ‘more’ tourist as
and Greenbox. It is a great contribution
most likely to motivate you to change the eco-tourist does not have to be
towards helping tourism providers to develop
good ecotourism products. Previously a the way the environmental aspects of stereotypical. Over three quarters of
niche market, ecotourism is becoming your business are managed?”. The visitors say that unspoilt natural scenery
mainstream, as environmental protection answers showed that 82% of businesses is an important reason for visiting
and sustainability become more and more were likely to change their practices Ireland, whether they are educated,
important for consumers. They are becoming
in response to the changing needs of economically advantaged, entering
more demanding, and rightly so, and are
keen to ensure that they enhance rather than customers. The customers are now their silver spending years or not.
damage the places they are visiting. This changing their needs and so it is time for Moreover, among Irish people taking
development is a wonderful opportunity for the industry to respond, if they want to holidays at home, over 20% are hikers.
tourism providers in Ireland. The low impact stay top of the tourism pile. Additionally, nearly a third of US travellers
tourism philosophy is also good for our tourist
buy specifically from companies which
areas, as it ensures that they are sustainable
in the long term. Ecotourism shows that what THE ECO-TOURIST donate part of their profits to charity4.
is good for the environment is usually good for Some see the eco-tourist as the
business too”. archetypal hippy, wanting to go wild These are not niche numbers. This
camping and foraging in the forest. is a significant number of tourists
John Gormley TD, Others perceive eco-tourists as rainforest who are changing the way they think
MINISTER FOR THE ENVIRONMENT, HERITAGE & explorers or hiking-biking lycra wearers. about their purchases. This new way
The International Ecotourism Society of thinking about travel was predicted
describes the typical ‘eco-tourist’ as by the UNWTO when it published its
having ‘more’ of everything. They have Global Code of Ethics for Tourism in
more education, more money and more 2001. This document is a must-read
years on them than most other tourists. for anyone wanting to gain a greater
According to Fáilte Ireland’s research, understanding of ecotourism. It talks
the majority of visitors to Ireland in 2020 about “tourism’s contribution to mutual
will be over 55 years old. As well as that, understanding and respect between
it claims that “Tomorrow’s customer will peoples and societies”, and steers
be better educated, more individualistic away from the traditional language of
and more discriminating than their sustainable development. Similar to
predecessors”. Additionally, consumers Fáilte Ireland’s predictions for tourists
are developing an increasing “desire who are changing the way they think
to reconnect with some traditional about travel, this Code talks about
values, things like simpler ways of living, the importance of concepts such as
slower pace of life and family-centred value, taste, expectations and spiritual
lifestyles”3. Ecotourism products suit all fulfilment for tomorrow’s tourists5. First it
of these needs and interests. was coffee and cotton consumption and
now, at last, the ethical and ecotourism
message is starting to hit the holiday
maker’s radar.
good small
local locally run
guides accommodation
three journey from tourism to ecotourism
“Energy is often mistakenly regarded as a IMPROVING YOUR There have been a lot of media scares
fixed overhead. However, it is one of the ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT about the danger of energy-efficient
easiest costs for a hotel to manage. Hotels light bulbs, due to the small amount
1. Change the lightbulbs is the first
can reduce their energy costs by up to 20% of mercury contained in them. But the
without significant investment”. big step in switching on the green light
disposal of them is quite straightforward:
in any business. There is no point in
Irish Lamp Recycling Managing Director
Alan Ryan, spending precious time, energy and
John Cuddy says: “If a CFL breaks in the
money investigating the benefits of home, the householder should open the
ENERGY IRELAND (SEI). becoming an ecotourism business if you window in the room for fifteen minutes
aren’t prepared to take some basic steps and carefully sweep up the broken glass.
in the right direction. The broken glass should be placed in
a double-lined, strong plastic bag and
Unlike other areas of change, this one is brought to the local Civic Amenity Site,
technologically easy, and the statistics on where it should be placed in the container
cost savings are well-known. Light bulbs with other fluorescent lamps.” They are
account for around 12-20% of domestic then collected from the site by Irish Lamp
Recycling, broken down, and each section
electricity usage, and around 95% of the
recycled separately, and the mercury
energy used in traditional incandescent
disposed of carefully. The same applies in
bulbs is lost in heat. Energy-efficient Northern Ireland. Some retailers also offer
compact fluorescent lamps (CFL’s) a take-back scheme, where unbroken used
reduce energy waste by more than bulbs can be returned to the store
75%, and last almost ten times for recycling.
longer. Most CFL’s can be bought in
supermarkets and DIY stores now,
but for leading online suppliers see 2. Bring sunlight into darkness with, in the use of sunpipes. Whether you are
ROI and, building from scratch or greening an
in NI. existing building, there will always be
black spots somewhere, where natural
Switching off the lights and keeping light cannot access, such as basements,
things natural is preferable to any cellars, dark hallways or walk-in
artificial light. Good lighting management cupboards. One way around this is by
can account for up to 70% savings installing a sunpipe. You don’t need to
in electricity use in many hotels. See make any huge structural alterations to
Sustainable Energy Ireland’s (SEI) fit one either. See
website, for information on ongoing and for
projects to help SMEs change their details in NI and ROI respectively.
lighting systems to more energy efficient
and, consequently, cheaper ones,
3. Install a carbon counter, otherwise and pipe lagging. Regular servicing of The Old Schoolhouse in County Cavan is
known as a smart meter, to tell you just boilers and hot water tanks, as well the perfect example of converting old to
how much carbon you are emitting every as digital monitoring of correct water new, with sustainable energy at its core.
day. Using a device which is connected temperatures, are all excellent energy This 1930’s schoolhouse was completely
refurbished as a modern, luxurious
to a meter, this is an excellent way of management actions. Natural insulation
self-catering house, with all energy coming
monitoring energy usage and patterns. is not only kinder to the environment
from renewable sources. There is a wood
You don’t even need an electrician to because it uses a lot less energy in the pellet boiler, solar panels, both of which
install it. See or manufacturing process, but it is also supply hot water and underfloor heating. for details. more efficient, safer to handle, can help There is also a wood-burning stove in the
farmers either through hemp production living area and plenty of Velux windows
or sheep rearing, and can eventually be to provide passive solar heating. The is an Irish website composted. For a list of suppliers in ROI schoolhouse proves to be very energy
dedicated to promoting carbon reductions and efficient, with running costs being
in all areas of our lives, at home, work and recorded and analysed on a regular basis.
play. It is an extremely useful resource Modifications to the original heating design
for NI. For sheep’s wool insulation see
with constantly updated information, such are ongoing and changes implemented
as changes in regulation regarding CO2 to improve the efficiency of the system. A
emissions, guidance for SMEs on how recent example included the provision of
to put in place a carbon management 6. One degree down on the radiator a thermostat on the return temperature of
scheme, as well as providing research represents at least 100kg less CO2 the solar collector, to allow the transfer of
material, facts and figures. emissions. It is worth putting valves excess heat to the underfloor heat store
on radiators, as well as thermometers when temps exceeding 80˚C are achieved
and thermostats on water heaters. within the buffer store. All of these superb
4. If you can’t stand the heat, get Water temperatures should be between state of the art eco-features, as well as a
out of the kitchen. Or just find simple 55-65˚C and room temperatures should rainwater harvesting and reed bed system,
never need to exceed 24˚C, with a make this restored schoolhouse much
ways to reduce it. These include careful
minimum of around 16-18˚C for comfort. more about the new than the old.
use of the dishwasher, avoiding the use
of power-drying cycles, making sure Electric heaters, including storage
all appliances are A-rated for energy heaters, are carbon criminals, producing
efficiency, putting lids on saucepans, and almost twice as much CO2 as gas
7. For sustainable building seek out
turning all appliances off when they are systems. There is a wealth of information
an architect who is expert in sustainable
not in use. on quick and easy cost-cutting exercises
building practices. For further information
on The Travel Foundation’s website,
on green building practices, workshops
5. Insulation is another simple way of a prolific and pioneering UK charity
and courses, the Environmental and
keeping costs down, and the earth working to increase the sustainability of
Sustainable Construction Association,
cooler. Reassess all roof and cavity tourism businesses in popular
EASCA, (, The
insulation, as well as boiler, water tank UK destinations.
Living Architecture Centre
(, order to build two eco-cabins, a new yoga Both provide all the latest technological
Construct Ireland studio and the Uisce area, an indoor/ updates, assessments, grant guidance
(, outdoor wet area with sauna and hot tub. and mentoring, with SEI, for example, and The entire construction was conducted offering excellent energy management
along green principles, and all buildings are all excellent courses for SMEs. See also
are timber-framed, cedar-cladded, finished
starting points to inspire you to keep Cultivate in Dublin for interesting
with natural paints, heated with wood
Ireland’s buildings green. You can also pellet stoves, use limited concrete and no
courses on renewable systems
subscribe to Ireland’s Sustainability petrochemicals. Later that year, Ard Nahoo ( You can even heat a
magazine, was awarded the EU Flower, and the new swimming pool from ground heat these
For more information on building with Ard Nahoo was opened in 2008 by John days, as proved at Bellinter House, a
hemp lime, see a recent publication by Gormley TD, Minister for the Environment, luxury hotel in County Meath
Northern Irish architects Rachel Bevan Heritage & Local Government. Visiting (
and Tom Woolley, entitled Hemp Lime groups can be picked up by Ireland International magazine Green Hotelier is
Construction. In ROI, contact Steve Allin Ecotours, with a bus run on vegetable also an excellent source of examples
of Hemp Ireland, based in County Kerry, oil. Bike hire can be arranged, an organic of best practice around the world
vegetable box ordered in advance for
who has also written a book on the (
visitors, and there are organic herb
subject, entitled Building with Hemp,
gardens planted between the eco-cabins.
as well as offering an environmental ( Extract, with
You can make a significant difference
design consultancy service permission, from ecoescape: Ireland, by by moving energy suppliers to one
( Catherine Mack that is using only renewable sources.
( Renewable resources include electricity
generated from hydro-electric, solar,
Noeleen Tyrrell and Brendan Murphy wind, wave and ground heat sources.
bought Ard Nahoo in County Leitrim For details of all options available, as well
8. Converting to carbon free
in 1994, which comprised six acres of as suppliers, see The Ecological Best
forms of energy is the ideal for many
land overlooking Lough Nahoo, an old
businesses and homes. Practice Guidelines at
house and a dilapidated barn. In 2001
they converted the barn into a health Renewable energy resources such as
farm, including a yoga studio, two the sun, wind, water, ground heat and 9. Clean the rooms, not the
treatment rooms, a flotation tank and a biomass (wood, waste and energy environment by using biodegradable
steam room. In 2003 they hosted part crops) are abundantly available in Ireland. cleaning products. This is a must for any
of the first ever Green Living Festival. These offer natural, cleaner and green business, as the petrochemicals
In 2005 a small wooden cabin was built sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels. used in many cleaning products are
to accommodate residential stays. The toxic, and although they may break
grounds were developed to include a wild down the grease, they are slow to break
Two leading organisations set up to
flower meadow, wildlife pond and Celtic down in the ground water and waste
help small individuals and businesses
Nature Trail in 2007. In order to develop water systems. Many also contain
convert to clean power are Sustainable
Ard Nahoo further, they researched
Energy Ireland ( in Republic phosphates; the guiltiest of chemicals
sustainable architects, and hired Peter
of Ireland, and Action Renewables for stopping septic tanks or other waste
Cowman of Living Architecture in 2006.
In 2007 the health farm was closed in ( in NI. water systems do their thing.
Eco-friendly products use plant extracts more carbon equivalent than a return “A shower flow controller costs around 15.
as their main cleaning agents, and also flight from London to New York If one of these is put in every shower in an
average 100-bed hotel, there would be a
pump-action sprays instead of aerosols. ( Not forgetting
cost-saving of approximately 17300 every
Yet such products are still feared by to mention the ever-increasing water year. It would also reduce its greenhouse gas
many tourism providers because they costs. Put water-saving devices in emissions by 9.800 kg of CO2 every year. This
believe that their cleaning action is toilets, such as quick flush buttons, or water conservation measure requires an in-
‘sub-standard’. But this is not the case. tap inserts to reduce the water flow to a vestment of 1500, and achieves a payback of
one month. Installing tap aerators in the same
Put the bleach away and start putting spray. Restricting output flow of showers
hotel, at a cost of approximately 13 each, to
your trust in products which do not to 10L per minute is the ideal. There are reduce flow from 15L/min to 6L/min, will result
harm the environment. They are more various flow restrictors on the market for in a water and energy saving of 12600 per
readily available now, including chemical this purpose. year. The impact of implementing a three day
free cloths, which are designed to clean bed linen change policy in a 100-bed hotel
is a reduction of water and energy costs of
without any products at all, and at a Water the garden from rainwater,
13700 per year”.
much reduced cost. One business puts collected in child-safe water butts,
lemon juice and vinegar on the kitchen or take a step further and plumb in a The Travel Foundation,
counter in its self-catering cottages, grey water system which reuses bath,
explaining to guests the cleaning washing machine and sink water for WWW.THETRAVELFOUNDATION.ORG.UK
properties of both: lemon juice as toilet flushing. This is neither complicated
bleach, and vinegar on the windows. nor costly. A bigger investment is to
Baking soda will do the saucepans too. install a complete rainwater harvesting
Ask your local shop to order eco-friendly system saving around 50% on water
products in bulk for you, or you can consumption. Broadstone Engineering
order online. If you subcontract cleaning Ltd ( and Envirocare
services, then broach the subject with ( are both leading
them too. It is not a big ask anymore. Irish suppliers.
10. Saving water in Ireland is like The best solution is to go the whole
a bad Irish joke, with the seemingly green hog and build a reed bed or
endless downpours providing one of constructed wetland system, which
the Irish tourism industry’s biggest requires expert consultation and
nightmares. However, diminishing rainfall planning due to physiological limitations
is not the only reason for reducing water in some cases, depending on where
usage. Every drop we use also has your business is in the country. For more
to be treated, and then retreated, the details
endless cycle requiring vast amounts of and in NI and
energy. The UK’s not-for-profit research ROI respectively.
organisation Waterwise found that the
energy used to pump, treat and heat
the water in an average family produces
Delphi Mountain Resort in Connemara is Wineport Lodge in County Westmeath In the meantime, just about everything
nestled between two stretches of water, has invested in its own bottle crushing can be recycled if you do your
Killary Harbour at Leenane, and the machine, to reduce the storage space research. For more information see
Bundorragha River, which flows down and cost of recycling its constant flow of in NI and
the Delphi Valley’s mountain sides. The empty glass bottles. This machine allows and in ROI.
owners, Rory and Aileen Concannon, put 680 bottles (in less than 10 minutes) to be
waste, and in particular, water waste, as processed through its specially designed
one of its top eco-priorities. Consequently, system of hammers, reducing bin volume is an initiative of the
they have installed their own on-site from 5-1 and collection costs by 80%. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
natural water treatment plant, and use the Ray Byrne, the owner, is adamant that which is designed to support waste
local spring for water supplies. Sustainable this has been an excellent investment, prevention and resource efficiency within
energy sources are also impressive at predicting it will have paid for itself in less the business sector. Tools, tips and
Delphi, with all heating and hot water than three years. He bought it from Irish advice are provided on how to reduce
running off two wood-energy boilers, supplier PEL Recycling Equipment waste, conserve energy and save water.
walls are insulated with recycled paper, ( In addition to their
and roof tiles made from recycled wood other eco-friendly practices, Wineport
and copper. Lodge is also one of few hotels in Ireland
The importance of composting as a form offering to pick guests up at the local
of waste disposal cannot be stressed
station if they choose to arrive by train.
enough. There are many courses around
the country on composting, such as
11. Wake up to Waste is the name
the Irish Peatland Conservation Council
of Northern Ireland’s advisory body
Good waste management is also an (IPCC). Its mission is to protect the bogs,
on recycling. The benefits of recycling
excellent way of cutting costs. First and many of which have been irreparably
are now well known, but we have not
foremost avoid packaging when and if damaged due to intensive mining for
all woken up to the reality of just how
you can. Even down to the plastic bags peat for gardens. Their website is
important it is yet. We still throw out
used in guest waste paper bins; only brimming with information on how to
about 20% of the food we buy which is
replace them when they are soiled, and compost, (
not only a waste of money, but adding to
unnecessary methane emissions. use biodegradable ones if possible.
The Ferrycarrig Hotel in Wexford, for Eco-tourists are now taught to reduce
example, shreds all its newspapers the amount of packaging they bring on
You can easily transform the ethos of
locally, and they are then distributed holiday, so as not to pass the burden
your business using the three R’s of
for animal bedding. Freecycle is an on to destinations, so most people
Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. From
organisation which operates North understand this international language
buying recycled paper for all your
and South of the border, and is a great now. Recycling is a two-way thing, a
business stationery to using refillable
way of recycling anything you don’t contemporary way of thinking and soon
printer cartridges. Aim for a 100% no
want anymore, by giving it free of to be the norm everywhere.
waste to landfill policy. With careful
planning and sourcing, it is possible, charge to someone who does,
( (
The Creevy Cooperative in Ballyshannon, as treats for guests, but go against the If and when possible use local
County Donegal, has installed wooden green grain in several ways. Many are produce and, even better, organic.
compost bins in the gardens of each of sourced outside Ireland, most contain The Slowfood movement promotes this
their beautifully restored stone cottages. chemicals, and they all add hugely to throughout Ireland, and their website
The wooden bins are made from recycled
the amount of waste created by the gives all
wood, and built by members of the
tourist industry. Try to source natural the information you need about staying
cooperative. With careful instructions to
visitors regarding what can and cannot
bathroom products for guests, if possible local. They organise many food events
be composted, it has proved a successful locally, and use pump-action refillable around the country, and it is worth joining
venture and the cooperative gardeners bottles. There are many other treats your local branch, so that you can get
have plentiful supplies of compost to you can offer guests without creating support and inspiration in this area as
redistribute on their chemical-free visitors’ unnecessary waste. well as getting involved in local events to
gardens. celebrate local produce.
14. Seasonal and slow are the buzz
words in food tourism. Many people Organic produce is more environmentally
12. The nappy issue is not something battle over where to source their orange friendly as it allows the natural
you see on many ecotourism policies. juice, what to do with its packaging, biodiversity of the land to grow.
Toilets, compost and reed beds make and whether it should be Fairtrade or Because producers do not use
frequent appearances, but for some not. Few consider the option of simply man-made fertilisers, organic produce
reason, nappies are still no-no’s. The not offering orange juice for breakfast. is also a lot less carbon guilty, as these
plastic used in a conventional nappy But sometimes it is only by breaking fertilisers require a lot of energy to
takes hundreds of years to breakdown traditions that change can be achieved. manufacture, not forgetting the disposal
in landfill, and the granules which Other healthy alternatives using produce of packaging issue. Research is still
act as absorbency agents soak up which hasn’t been flown thousands of being carried out to prove the effect of
groundwater. However, as an ecotourism miles can be offered; smoothies using chemical run-off into ground and river
provider it is an easy situation to deal berries, for example, or at least if you water, and the quality of the soil itself.
with. In your information pack to visitors, want to provide juices, use Fairtrade
state that you are aiming towards a zero ones. The Fairtrade organisation aims For self-catering accommodation, it is
waste policy, and request politely that to ensure sustainable development in also useful to offer the provision of a
they use biodegradable nappies. trade and commerce, “so that everyone food hamper with local and/or organic
Or if you have room, stock a few through their work can maintain a decent cheese, vegetables or meat products.
packets of each size, which you can and dignified livelihood and develop The Organic Centre in Rossinver, County
then sell to your visitors. There are more their full potential”. So, any eco-aware Leitrim ( offers
details on composting these nappies business should, at the very minimum, excellent courses on creating your
on the excellent Irish website use Fairtrade coffee and tea in guest own vegetable gardens, or sharing one where you can also rooms and in the kitchen. But there is within a community. The Department of
buy stock. They supply both ROI and also room for other product usage, such Agriculture and Rural Development in
Northern Ireland. as Fairtrade wines, cottons, chocolate Northern Ireland provides a detailed
and so on. For product and supplier list of organic food suppliers,
13. Bathroom goody giveaways are information see (
passé for any ecotourism business. or for ROI and
Small disposable toiletries may be seen NI respectively.
15. Guest gadgets go beyond the 16. Rethink your transport policies to Ecobooley, an eco-friendly cottage in
telly. Some progressive businesses are see if your carbon footprint could be County Tipperary, gives details of the
now choosing not to put televisions lighter. Ireland’s total greenhouse gas local rural transport service, Ring a Link,
in the bedrooms, as they are often emissions in 2006 were 25.5% above in its visitor information pack. Although
it only operates Fridays and Saturdays,
left on standby and consume vast 1990 levels, compared to our target of
it is perfect for catching the farmers’ and
amounts of energy. Flat-screen plasma 13%. The worst offender is the transport
organic markets in Clonmel on a Saturday
televisions are the worst offenders, using sector with a 165% increase since 1990 morning, and costs only 45 return. It also
around four times as much energy as due to all the cars we have on the roads. collects visitors at the front door of the
traditional cathode ray tube models. Around one in three holidaymakers use cottage, and brings them back just in
Some places offer low-energy options a hired car to get around. See below time to cook their local produce, put it in
instead such as CD players or portable for suggestions of ways to offer greener the cleverly-supplied slow cooker, walk
DVD players. You can also provide solar transport options. straight out into the forests and hills of the
chargers for laptops, mobile phones Tipperary Heritage Trail, and back in time
and ipods for guests. Such changes do Greener transport options for dinner. By providing simple information
not have to reduce the standard of an • Offer discounts to those who leave like this local service, you can completely
change the visitor experience for the
accommodation, but simply illustrate their car at home
better, and also reduce carbon footprints
a changing approach in your tourism • Offer a service to pick up guests at a
all round.
practices. If television is a feature in your train station or airport, either yourself, Trinity Island Lodge in County Cavan not
business, ensure to inform guests and or using a local taxi firm only offers free bicycles to guests but
staff about the carbon impacts of leaving • Put public transport information in a also free canoes. Situated on the shores
them on, or on standby. And switch very visible position on your website, of Lough Oughter, you can canoe into
them off whenever you can. so that guests can see their low Killeshandra for everyday shopping, or
carbon options easily make a day of it and take a 5k canoe trip
• Advise how near and far various to Belturbet, stopping for a picnic at Lough
Delphi Mountain Resort in Connemara leisure and shopping facilities are, Oughter castle on the way. Tom O’Dowd,
and Gregans Castle Hotel in The Burren, whether visitors can reach them the owner, offers to pick guests up at the
both luxury four-star hotels, have chosen end of this trip, putting their canoes in his
easily by bike, on foot or by public
to be television-free, not simply for trailer. Irish hospitality at its greenest and
transport. That way they might
energy-saving reasons, but also because best.
consider leaving the car behind
they believe that the visitor experience
• Have a car-free zone, with cars
is improved by enjoying the landscape
around them without intrusion from the
kept as far off site as possible, so 17. Changing towel and bed linen
outside world of media and movies. If that guests can cycle or walk freely only as requested is now the norm, and
visitors understand the reasons for taking without the danger of cars gone are the daily changes of sheets
such decisions, through information given • P rovide bikes for staff use or an in most tourist accommodations, from
to them by the accommodation providers electric vehicle if you need to five to one star. The usual practice is to
in advance or during their stay, then it will transport staff or guests short change linen every three days, with daily
never take away from the quality of the distances changes only when requested by
service provided. and • Offer free bikes to your guests a guest.
18. Tell your staff what you are doing All of this information should be offered Whale Watch West Cork in Union Hall,
to improve the eco-credentials of to guests, on your website and in has its own Responsible Whale Watching
your business. It is important to include your welcome packs. Fáilte Ireland’s Code of Conduct. It has been devised
all staff in the changes you are making, recent publications “Guidelines for by the company’s founder, Nic Slocum,
a zoologist, marine conservationist,
showing them that this new way forward the protection of biodiversity” and
and skipper of bespoke whale watching
is not just a cynical cost-saving exercise, “Biodiversity Action Plans” are
catamaran, MV Voyager. As a marine
but an overhaul of the way in which you excellent guides for businesses expert, he knows that behaviour varies
think your tourism business affects the and tourists alike. The website from species to species, each with its own
community and environment you live which supports these publications, breeding and feeding patterns. He has
in. Your employees and staff are part of, provides a wealth studied Codes of Conduct from around
that community and their feedback and of information for tourism businesses. the world and, drawing from all of them,
positive participation in your changing This can be anything from protecting has created a Code which he hopes other
business practices are hugely important. badgers or creating natural ponds to responsible Irish tour operators will follow.
building a tourist walking trail, and many This includes guidelines on boat speed,
19. Conservation concerns over other similar nature-driven projects direction of approach, how a boat must
never come between a mother and her
tourism impacts are growing, and it is which require expert guidance. The Field
calf, and watching distance should never
good to keep in touch with local groups, Studies Centre in Derrygonnelly,
be closer than 100 metres.
which are already aware of the physical County Fermanagh, also provides
impacts of visitors on the local land and colourful informative factsheets,
seascapes. Get advice from them about (
land access issues for hikers, trampling 20. Plant some trees, and ask your
of delicate landscapes such as bogland, By taking it one step further and setting guests to help. This is a popular way of
picking of wild flowers, or the dangers up wildlife watching facilities for local compensating, even in a small way, for
of wildlife viewing when people get too fauna such as badgers, bats, or barn the amount of C02 we are responsible for
close. Jet skis, sailing boats, cruisers, owls, to name but a few, you will also in all our business and domestic lives.
scuba divers and sport fishing boats add to your business’ Unique Selling It is important to research the type
can be detrimental to the natural marine Point, or USP. Show your guests that of trees to plant, ensuring they are
ecosystem, causing destruction to reefs you are working closely with such pivotal indigenous to the area,
and marine wildlife, such as whales and organisations and that you are keen to (
dolphins. Many local authorities now share your knowledge in this area. You can also ask your guests to support
have a conservation or heritage officer this scheme through donations during
who will have unique information on flora their stay. For more information of similar
and fauna specific to your region. schemes and tree-planting information
see and
“For Coopershill ‘greening our business’ has 21. Offsetting your carbon emissions representing Irish agencies, has
resulted in reducing energy bills, reducing is something many tourism providers an excellent jargon-free offsetting
waste disposal bills, making our employees
are now starting to offer visitors. The website, with concise breakdown
feel better about where they work and giving
us a marketing edge. Saving the planet just basic premise of carbon offsetting is that of where your money is going. See
happens to be a by-product”. you can ‘neutralise’ the effect of your for
personal C02 contribution to the world’s details. They also offer a bespoke
Simon O’Hara, greenhouse gases, by supporting a offsetting service for larger businesses,
COOPERSHILL HOUSE, COUNTY SLIGO. project which absorbs the emissions, or advising you on how to work together on
investing in carbon-reducing projects, carbon offsetting. If you want to choose
usually in developing countries. There another offsetting company, choose one
are many carbon offsetting companies that it is being independently monitored
out there which will calculate either yours by a recognised organisation such
or your visitors’ carbon contribution and as The Gold Standard carbon credits
calculate an amount of money for you certification scheme
to pay as a ‘carbon cost’, relative to the ( or
mode of transport and distance travelled. from 2009, by the Department for
Environment, Food or Rural Affairs
Choose a respected and reputable (DEFRA, in UK.
offsetting company, and then you can
arrange to link directly to them on your Most importantly, it is worth
website, explaining to your guests, that remembering that carbon offsetting is
you recommend they offset their carbon not just a way of offsetting yours or your
emissions. You can provide examples of visitors’ guilt at having contributed to
how much it might cost them to offset the world’s increasing C02 emissions.
if they fly, and what sort of projects their Reducing your carbon, and helping your
financial contribution will go to fund. If visitors to do so also, should always be
you prefer not to ask your visitors to the main priority.
do this, you can always opt to do it on
their behalf, and include it in the cost IMPROVING YOUR
of their holiday. But you can discuss ECONOMIC IMPACT
these options with the carbon offsetting 1. See what is happening on your
company you choose to work with. doorstep and whether you can
incorporate any local activities into
However, this area is still controversial; your tourism business. This way you
the choice of companies is are stretching out into the community
overwhelming; carbon calculators are still and sourcing everything you can within
inconsistent and at present there is still an easy radius. This is difficult in rural
no international standard for offsetting areas where it might feel like nothing is
companies, nor any regulating body for available to you in terms of produce or
these companies, most of which are services. But unless you look and talk to
profit-making. ABTA, The Association of everyone in the community, you won’t
British Travel Agents, also find out. Have an open evening at your
accommodation for local businesses and photographer. Similarly, you can support “Responsible travel of the future will be about
suppliers, and talk together about how to local musicians by playing and selling celebrating (and sustaining) the diversity of
places, cultures, people and environments
work as a community to sustain tourism their CD’s, or keep a noticeboard of
rather than offering homogenous experiences
in your region. It may be that there is no such events in your area. By keeping this often associated with mass tourism. Smart
one supplying chicken or eggs in your updated, you are showing visitors that destinations, such as Ireland, will plan ahead,
area, for example, but maybe someone your region has a lot to offer culturally, as focusing more on the types of tourists they
just needs the excuse to start. Just well as providing much-needed income need and matching these to the most suitable
areas and communities within their country.
touching base with everyone out there to these artists. You could also offer your
As a result, we will have tourism that creates
is the first big step to embracing all that facilities for temporary exhibitions of local the most economic benefits at the least social
is local. artists’ work. and environmental cost”.
2. Your business is not a bubble, 4. Buy your food locally. Tourist income Justin Francis,
and most tourists are visiting to see the can be like a leaky pipe. By fixing the DIRECTOR, RESPONSIBLETRAVEL.COM
surrounding countryside or attractions, smallest of drips of money which leak
not just to enjoy your fine facilities. This out of the local economy you can have
is why it is important to keep guests up a huge positive impact in the long term.
to date with everything local, so that they One self-catering company kept a
can spend their hard-earned cash in your small independent grocer in business
area. This does not just mean sticking a by asking him to supply food hampers
load of leaflets on your reception desk. to guests staying in its luxury country
It means really communicating what is cottages. With a note of how to find his
special and unique about your region, shop, the guests would then shop there
and trying to show your guest that there for the rest of the week. The tourism
are important aspects of Irish culture and provider worked with the grocer to help
heritage in the immediate area. Such as him upgrade and modernise his stock
walking or cycling trails, sporting events, as part of this negotiation, and it is now
local folklore, crafts outlets, cookery a thriving business once again. Similarly,
workshops, canoe hire, traditional music, if you buy your bacon, eggs, milk and
book readings and theatre. You need to jam from cheap European import retail
provide a carefully written information outlets in order to put an Irish breakfast
pack, as well as similar information on on the table for guests, you are depriving
your website. many local producers of good business.
3. Feature your local artists and 5. Food is part of our culture, which
support one of Ireland’s main reasons is why it is important to share all the
for tourism – the Arts, both visual and information about locally available food
performing. Instead of buying photos with your guests. If you are serving local
from department stores to decorate beef in your restaurant, tell people you
the bedrooms or visitor spaces, are doing so. Give all the details of its
consider commissioning a local artist or traceability if you can. For example, if it
comes from a farmer who has had the Orchard Acre Farm in County Fermanagh guests. Not forgetting local farm shops,
farm for four generations, his wife has knows all about sharing food with visitors. butchers, smoke houses and so on. That
a stall at the local farmer’s market, and They have a tipi on the grounds of their way, they know what facilities they will
they both play music in the local pub farm, with camping stove for cooking. have available for buying local food well
You can order a food package before you
on a Friday night, then this is a story. in advance, and not have to bring lots
arrive, including home-made soup and
Put it in writing in your menu, as this of food with them, or do a last minute
bread, local cheese and chutney, local
encourages tourists to understand what bacon, Irish yoghurt, home-grown fruit and
supermarket shop en route. For more
Slowfood really means. It didn’t travel far many more treats. As well as this, Teresa, details on farmers markets see
from the field to fork, and it comes from the co-owner, offers cookery workshops,
a real farmer, with a real life, not just a as an activity for children who come to, and
package on a supermarket shelf. It also stay. Using seasonal produce they might
keeps the storytelling culture of Ireland pick, for example, the farm’s rhubarb, learn 8. Have a library on hand for visitors.
alive. Similarly, you might take brown how to prepare it for a pie, make the pastry There are so many books out there for
bread for granted, but guests may never and cook the pie. All carried out in Teresa’s people who want to learn more about
have tasted it before. Consider giving a teaching kitchen. One of her favourite the local flora and fauna, and having
recommended trips is to the local farm,
small recipe on the back of your menu, them to hand to browse at their leisure,
where Tickety Moo ice-cream is made.
or details of where to buy it locally. is a wonderful way of welcoming them
Visitors get to see the cows being milked
from a purpose-built gallery, and then buy
to your area. Do not just opt for the
6. Ready made meals is a huge gap in the ice-cream afterwards. You can also obvious travel guides, but search out
the Irish tourism market, considering the order dinner in advance from Teresa who books which take a more sustainable
amount of self-catering accommodation will have it prepared and waiting for you to view to life in Ireland. Books on Irish
on offer. Go in search of a local caterer eat, tipi style, around the fire. birds, trees or wildflowers for example.
who can provide a menu for guests, so Most of it she has also grown herself. Books by local writers or poets, or Irish
that they can choose some ready and cookbooks, especially those featuring
home-made meals to be in the fridge for Irish food producers. Guidebooks such
them when they arrive. These should be as ecoescape:Ireland by Catherine
of high quality, using local ingredients, 7. Farmers’ markets are thriving Mack, Ireland’s first ever green
organic if possible. A menu could be put centres of rural life in Ireland, and guidebook, Organic Places to Stay in UK
on your website, and the visitor can liaise fundamental sources of income for many and Ireland by Linda Moss and Georgina
directly with the caterer before arriving at local people. They are also wonderful Campbell’s guides, which focus on local
the accommodation. Being able to offer places to visit. Guests in self-catering food and suppliers. Or choose from
a visitor a meal, ready to go, instead might want to stock up for the week, many walking books such as Best Irish
of them having to go out and find a hotel guests can shop for snacks, Walks, by Joss Lynam, or bird-watching
restaurant, takeaway or supermarket on lunch or gifts, or hikers can put a picnic books such as The Complete Guide
their first night creates a great welcome. together for a day out on the hills. But to Ireland’s Birds by Eric Dempsey and
It is a growing market in other countries, there is no point in telling guests about Michael O’Clery. For local heritage, a
and the perfect way to bring food them when it is too late for them to must for all bookshelves is Guide to
suppliers in as an important link in the visit. Give details, time and locations of National and Historic Monuments of
tourism chain. all your local farmers’ markets on your Ireland by Peter Harbison. See also the
website, as well as when you greet your Waymarked Ways of Ireland’s website
for other recommended reading material, 10. Support a local charity and
as well as maps, and walking guides of encourage your guests to do the same.
each of their trails ( In addition to the tree planting schemes
For walking trails in NI, see suggested above, there are various community schemes you might like to
support through your tourism business’
9. Find a local guide for guests who activities. Such as a school fundraising
want to discover more about the natural event, or raising money for a sporting
heritage of the area they have chosen to activity, a conservation group or local
visit. This might be someone who runs a hospital. Conservation Volunteers Ireland
local walking group, or a cycling guide. If and Conservation Volunteers Northern
you advertise this service in advance on Ireland, for example, have an ongoing list
a website or in other publicity material, of days where they call upon volunteers
it adds one more eco-friendly service to become involved in everything from
available to guests, as well as providing hedgelaying to dry stone walling. Keep
employment for a local expert. If your an eye on their websites (
accommodation is big enough you and and let guests know,
could organise a weekly guided tour for as many may like to participate. In 2000,
guests, at a fixed charge. Themed walks research carried out in UK showed that
such as archaeological, botany, foraging nearly half of outbound tourists said they
or literature trails are worth considering, would prefer to stay with a company
and there are often experts on hand which supported local charities. Such
who might be willing to contribute to this requests to visitors for community
tourist activity. support are not seen as ‘charity’
anymore, but they are considered an
important part of ecotourism, linking
The Gyreum Ecolodge in County Sligo tourists to the communities they have
has gained a good reputation for the come to spend time in. You can become
Pilgrims’ Progress Walks it operates out of an official sponsor for a charity through
this eco-friendly hostel. It is a seven-day your business and, in doing so, are
250km circuit on land, sea and lake,
creating a social responsibility policy.
covering six counties of Ireland, starting
This shows a truly committed approach
and ending at The Gyreum. Visiting Celtic
Hermits’ dens, monastic sites on remote
and understanding of some of the main
islands, sweat lodges and ending with a 24 principles of ecotourism
hour retreat in time for the full moon. This and sustainability.
quirky trail attracts good business for The
Gyreum, ties in with many other tourism
providers along the way, and is very low
impact in terms of carbon emissions.
four business planning for ecotourism businesses
An ecotourism business has specific into your practices, from protecting “A well developed business plan can serve
needs which should be incorporated into the environment, supporting the local as one of your most important management
tools in progressing an enterprise idea. Initially
any new business plan, or development economy, supporting cultural heritage
it will form the basis for decision making by
plans. In addition to a normal business and protecting the local biodiversity. funding agencies and lending institutions.
plan, a tourism provider interested in Greenbox, Ireland’s leading ecotourism Thereafter it will become a blueprint and
going green can assess its potential organisation has examples of business step-by-step guide on how to translate your
strengths and weaknesses in this plans, as well as detailed versions of ecotourism idea into a profitable business.
As ecotourism is a relatively new concept
specific area. Do you have local support, some of the sections listed below
in Ireland, it will be important to inform your
such as conservation organisations? Are ( Your business funding agency about this growing sector of
you in a National Park or a protected plan should be divided into a number of the tourism industry. A business plan should
area? What is your local supply chain key sections: highlight the opportunities in your business
like? Are there many farmers willing proposal and demonstrate the reasons why
you are the best person to deliver on them”.
and able to produce good quality food 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
for your business? There are a lot of Approximately two pages long, this
questions that need to be asked, and section should summarise all the John Burke,
a lot of answers to be presented, if you important aspects of your business. It is SPECIALIST ADVISOR ON THE GREENBOX
want to take your ecotourism business best to write it at the end, after dealing CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME, WHICH
one step further. Planning is the best way with all the other details of the plan. NORTH WEST.
to do this, and with many organisations It should include a succinct summary
out there willing to promote ecotourism, of what is to come. An easy way to
you will have plenty of support. think about it is by imagining all the
points you might cover in a five-minute
THE BUSINESS PLAN interview about your business, such
A business plan is a tool for as: What is your ecotourism product?
understanding how your business is put Who will your customers be? Who are
together, and has many uses: monitoring the business owners? What are the
progress, controlling your costs and future prospects for the tourism industry
sales and raising funds. Writing out and your ecotourism business? What
your business plan forces you to review are your competitive advantages in the
everything at once, such as your ecotourism market?
understanding of the ecotourism market,
how you plan to run your business, staff If you are applying for a loan or
it and finance it. grant, state clearly how much you
want, precisely how you are going
A business plan should clearly present to use it, how it will make your
all of the important information ecotourism business more profitable,
regarding your ecotourism business. thereby ensuring repayment. Make it
This includes all aspects of your plans enthusiastic, professional, complete,
for incorporating ecotourism principles and concise.
will capture 30% of tourists quality of your product or service as what makes a business sustainable.
visiting your region, who are well as your competitors’ prices In many cases finance and financial
seeking an ecotourism health planning are often overlooked because
and wellness experience 6. OPERATIONAL PLAN business managers are too busy dealing
• Analyse the competition – List This section explains the daily operation with staff, customers and products
the strengths and weaknesses of of the ecotourism business, including: on a day to day basis. Without proper
each competitor and compare your • Location – the amount of space financial management even the most
product or service to theirs. Define you have, type of building, special profitable of businesses can fail.
your competitive advantages. They features and facilities, preferably
can be as simple as having a small using a photo as well as maps Financial planning is not a difficult
library on responsible travel available providing details of access, parking process and you do not need to be an
for your guests to a gourmet facilities, and access to public accountant or financial advisor to draw
welcome hamper full of locally transport up and follow a financial plan for your
produced food for their first • Administration – Briefly describe business. Who else knows the intricacies
evening meal administration functions, such as of a business better than the owner
how sales, cash receipts, payments or manager?
5. MARKETING AND SALES etc. are dealt with. If your business
STRATEGY has to keep other records such The financial plan is the section of your
• Once you have projected a as visitor disclaimers for certain business plan that determines whether
reasonable market share you will activities, provide details or not your business will be profitable. It
now need to outline how your • Legal or regulatory issues that apply is also, therefore, a key to determining
ecotourism business will achieve to your business – For all businesses whether or not you will be able to attract
that share, through a marketing this will include a health and safety investment. There are over 20 agencies/
and sales strategy. Set out your statement, employment policies support organisations in Ireland that can
promotion plan, or a list of points and public liability insurance. For assist you to prepare financial plans or
which show how you will sell your those providing food, a food safety provide you with training or mentoring
product or service. Take account of statement is needed. Specifically when developing your business. Many
what your competitors are doing, relating to ecotourism, provide details are listed in the funding section of this
and how they are getting publicity. of any special accreditations such as handbook. Your own accountant will
Which publications are they in, and the EU Flower Ecolabel also be helpful. A good financial plan will
which ones would you like to be • Personnel – State the number of give the reader confidence that you really
in? How quickly can you find them employees, pay structure, training understand your business. It must take
on a search engine and what’s requirements for staff and job into account all of the running costs,
different about their websites? For descriptions and show again how should not be overly optimistic and use
more information on this, see the this can relate to delivering an reasonable assumptions to back up
marketing section of this handbook ecotourism product or service e.g. any figures. Remember there is lots of
• Show what the price of your product all staff have undertaken a Leave No help out there so don’t be afraid to avail
or service will be. The price charged Trace workshop of it. The contents of a good financial
must be enough to cover costs summary for your ecotourism business
and make a profit. It must also be 7. FINANCIAL PLAN are provided in the following box.
competitive, taking into account the Cash and finance are the lifeblood of
Sales Forecast A month by month forecast for the first 12 months of the business. A yearly sales forecast can
be provided for following years.
Start-up You will have many start-up expenses before you even begin operating your business, which
Expenses you need to estimate as best possible e.g. business registration fees, business licensing
and permits, starting stock, rent deposits, down payments on property, down payments on
equipment, such as renewable energy equipment and utility set up fees, such as telephone
or broadband.
Operating These are the expenses associated with the running of the business e.g. wages, salaries and
Expenses PRSI, food and beverages, eco-accreditation, maintenance and repair (e.g. renewable energy
installations), equipment leases, rent and rates, telephone, energy, web development, stationery,
professional services e.g. accountant, insurance.
Capital This is a statement of how much money you need to purchase equipment for your ecotourism
Requirements business, such as solar panels, wood pellet burner, catering equipment etc.
12 Month This is where you put all your first year’s sales and costs projections together and work out the
Profit and Loss profit or loss for that year. Explain the major assumptions used to estimate the business income
Projection and expenses. For example you might estimate a monthly telephone bill of 1200 or weekly
purchases of local organic produce of 180. Once year one is completed, you can then prepare
projected profit and loss accounts for years 2 onwards, Generally, a 3 year profit and loss
projection will suffice.
Projected Cash The cash flow projection shows how much money you need to start and run your ecotourism
Flow Statement business over a 12 month period. The cash flow projection is just a forward look at your bank
account. For each item, determine when you actually expect to receive cash (for sales) or when
you will have to write a cheque (for expense items). A cash flow differs from a profit and loss
account as it deals with when you receive and spend cash. For example, you might buy stock
in month 1, but only pay for it in month 3. It will also include items not shown in a profit and loss
account like VAT payments or refunds, payments for capital items like equipment or buildings,
proceeds from bank loans etc.
Financial To finish the financial section, provide a short summary, highlighting the important aspects e.g.
Summary sales, profits, total expenses, borrowing requirements, and grants required. Also, provide a
personal financial statement for the business owner, showing assets and liabilities held outside
the business and personal net worth.
8. APPENDICES TO THE customers, and list of assets available as
BUSINESS PLAN collateral for a loan. If you are trading as
Appendices are an ideal way of a company include memorandum and
presenting information to support the articles of association, and if an existing
main information contained in your business, copies of previous two years
business plan and avoiding clutter accounts. Also, you might want to add
in the main part of the plan. These in any plans for conservation of the area,
include CVs of business owners and such as planting trees, building ponds
managers, maps and photos, details of or footpaths, which aim to protect the
equipment to be purchased, leases and biodiversity of the area.
contracts, letters of support from future
five funding for ecotourism
DESCRIPTION Support the start-up and development of local business in Ireland including ecotourism
businesses. Supports include advice, mentoring and grants / financial supports for training and
capital investments such as equipment. There is an Enterprise Board in each County of Ireland
FUNDING • Capital grants up to a maximum level of €75,000 for machinery and equipment purchases
or for purchasing or altering premises, including tourism premises
• Employment grants towards the cost of labour. A grant of up to €7,500 for each job, up to
a maximum of 10 jobs, may be provided
• Feasibility grants may be provided to assist with the cost of market research, business
feasibility studies, and the general viability and sustainability of the venture. The maximum
feasibility grant available is €7,500 (BMW region) and €5,100 (S&E region) per individual
TRAINING/ADVICE • B usiness management and development courses such as marketing, operations, finance, etc
• Can provide an expert mentor to work on a one to one basis with a business e.g. can
provide a marketing or financial expert to assist with particular business issues
Fáilte Ireland
DESCRIPTION Provides strategic and practical support to develop and sustain Ireland as a high-quality and
competitive tourist destination
aid under the Tourism Capital Investment Programme for projects costing a minimum
of €5 million. Aid is towards buildings, equipment, marketing and product development
• Product Development Programme – Funding of 50% for projects involved in developing
looped walks, coastal walks, angling facilities, environmental management, beach
management, rural heritage trails and historic towns
TRAINING/ADVICE • O perate Tourism Learning Networks in each county where a structured programme of
relevant business development courses are delivered annually to tourism providers
• Web-Check programme to audit IT capability and help tourism businesses increase their
skills in this area
DESCRIPTION FÁS provides a range of training and employment programmes, recruitment services, services
to business initiatives and support for co-operative and community-based enterprises
FUNDING • “ Start your Own Business” programmes provide basic businesses skills to those interested
in setting up their own enterprises
• Training grants are available for up to 70% of training costs for businesses in the tourism
sector participating in FÁS approved training programmes
• Training grants of up to 80% of eligible programme costs are available for specific Health
and Safety programmes
TRAINING/ADVICE • H elp with sourcing prospective employees through FÁS Jobs Ireland, an online jobs
marketplace (
• Target highly skilled candidates abroad through the EURES Network and at
• Identifies training needs of companies and the development of training strategies to meet
these needs
• Plans and organises specific training programmes, in collaboration with various business
sectors, such as tourism
• FÁS offers training courses suited to every need, including online training through ecollege
( These include evening courses and traineeships.
• FÁS provides various financial supports in the form of allowances to assist participants of
training courses, and grants or subventions to encourage employers to support training
programmes. (See
DESCRIPTION A new, dynamic initiative promoted by Greenbox, Co. Leitrim, Responsible Tourism Skillnet
offers island-wide training, networking and mentoring to enterprises working in ecotourism.
Training aims to increase knowledge and skills of those working in the ecotourism sector and
make business more environmentally and economically sustainable
TRAINING/ADVICE A 3-year programme of training is being rolled out, which was developed to specifically focus on
the needs of ecotourism businesses. In addition to the courses the network can also develop
customised training for individual organisations. It provides networking opportunities to support
members, and study tours to different business to discuss ideas and share best practice
Courses available include:
• Introduction to Ecotourism
• Achieving The Greenbox Ecolabel Tourism Package
• Achieving The European Ecolabel for Tourist Accommodation (The EU Flower)
• Certificate In Ecotourism
• Sustainability For Profit
• ‘Leave No Trace’
• Market Research
• Price, Place & Promotion Of Your Package
• Communicating Your Message
• Optimising Your Web Marketing Capacity
• Optimising Your Management Performance
• Train The Trainer
• Safety Awareness and the Legal Framework
• Setting Up Your Own Business Website
DESCRIPTION The WDC is a statutory body promoting and facilitating economic and social development in
Counties Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon, Galway, Mayo and Clare. It works closely with
various government departments and agencies
FUNDING The WDC Investment Fund totals €32 million and can give loan or equity finance to large-scale
ecotourism projects capable of making a large impact on the economic and social development
of an area. Typical minimum investment is €150,000 up to a maximum of €1 million
AREA REMIT Counties Donegal, Sligo, Leitrim, Roscommon, Mayo, Galway, Clare
Bord Bia
DESCRIPTION The role of Bord Bia (Irish Food Board) is to act as a link between Irish food and drink
suppliers and existing and potential customers, and to develop export markets for Irish food
and drink companies
FUNDING While no direct grant aid or funding is given to the ecotourism sector, individual businesses
would be eligible to obtain the consultancy and technical support services provided by Bord
Bia. The relevant ones are listed below
TRAINING/ADVICE • F armers’ Markets – A guide with information to assist growers, producers and other food
entrepreneurs who wish to sell through Farmers’ Markets, Farm Shops and Box Schemes in
Ireland (Republic and Northern Ireland) is available
• Business Development/Training – Bord Bia provides business development support and
training to the horticulture industry to promote the growth and development of the industry.
Participants gain up to date skills to manage their businesses, promote best practice and
production skills
• Consultancy services – Customised services are provided to SME companies engaged in
the processing and marketing of agricultural products. Consultancy services are funded at a
rate of 50% by Bord Bia and can cover various aspects of their marketing efforts
• Just Ask – is a public awareness campaign that aims to encourage consumers when eating
out to look for information on where the food (particularly meat) on their plate comes from
and to encourage chefs to provide this information on their menus.
DESCRIPTION Sustainable Energy Ireland was set up by the government in 2002 as Ireland’s national energy
agency to provide advice, guidance and support on energy efficient measures for home and
business, administer grant schemes and provide support for renewable energy development
TRAINING/ADVICE The Renewable Energy Information Office of Sustainable Energy Ireland, promotes the use
of renewable resources and provides independent information and advice on renewable energy
development. They organise conferences, workshops and meetings on renewable energy issues,
operate a helpdesk, informed by a comprehensive library of materials and publications, publish
a range of brochures, newsletters and supplier contact lists, provide an advisory service for
commercial heating projects as well as a range of publications covering all aspects of sustainable
energy, from factsheets and leaflets to case studies and detailed reports
Sustainable Energy Ireland operates a number of programmes that provide financial support
to demonstrate superior energy technologies or provide essential support in specifically identified
sectors. Programmes relevant to ecotourism businesses include:
• The Greener Homes scheme – provides grant aid towards the installation of renewable
energy equipment in homes. Homes utilised as a guesthouse or B&B would qualify
• Renewable Heat (ReHeat) Deployment Programme – provides assistance for the deployment
of renewable heating systems in industrial, commercial, public and community premises
• Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Deployment Programme – The new SEI CHP Deployment
Programme will provide grant support to assist the deployment of small-scale (<1MWe) fossil-
fired CHP and biomass (anaerobic digestion (AD) and wood residue) CHP systems
• SEI provides a mentoring service with an expert advisor, who will talk to you about your
energy use and suggest actions you can take
Action Renewables
DESCRIPTION Action Renewables is the leading organisation in Northern Ireland in the promotion and
development of renewable energy. They deliver a large portfolio of programmes including
general awareness raising, road shows, seminars, performance monitoring of technologies,
research, evaluation and policy
TRAINING/ADVICE Action Renewables provides advice to communities, individuals and businesses on various
schemes related to renewable energy. They can direct your business towards the most suitable
agency to provide grant or loan support for ecotourism businesses
Carbon Trust
DESCRIPTION Set up by the Government in 2001 as an independent company, its mission is to accelerate the
move to a low carbon economy by working with organisations to reduce carbon emissions and
develop commercial low carbon technologies
FUNDING Loans of between £5,000 and £200,000 interest-free towards the cost of relevant energy-saving
measures including renewable technologies such as geothermal heat systems, air to water heat
systems, pipe insulation, solar panels etc are available
TRAINING/ADVICE Provides building design advice, all the information SME’s need to know to about how to save
money and manage their carbon emissions and also provides useful starter toolkits
Equity Network
DESCRIPTION EquityNetwork is InterTradeIreland’s major initiative to promote the use of private equity to
accelerate business growth
FUNDING • Runs the annual All-Island Seedcorn Business Competition for new start-up ventures
with a total prize fund of €230,000 for the best business plans on the island. Ecotourism
enterprises are eligible to compete
• Equity Network together with Investment Belfast run the Halo, a business angel network,
to service Northern Ireland. This facilitates matching of investors with suitable projects.
Ecotourism businesses may submit their business plan for circulation among potential
TRAINING/ADVICE Operates an all-island education programme to raise awareness of the availability and benefits
of using private equity, organising seminars and producing publications. It has developed a
comprehensive island-wide Non-Executive Director Advisory Panel available to businesses
DESCRIPTION IFI is a fund established with contributions from the US, British, Canadian and Australian
governments to stimulate economic and community development in disadvantaged
communities and parts of Northern Ireland and the Border Counties
FUNDING 2006 the fund changed its focus from investment in economic infrastructure such as buildings
towards reconciliation projects in Northern Ireland and the Border counties. It will now fund
projects that address the key issues of deprivation and unemployment, social cohesion, and
community leadership on a cross-border basis. Therefore it is unlikely that the IFI will be a
relevant funder for the majority of ecotourism initiatives
Intertrade Ireland
DESCRIPTION InterTradeIreland’s aim is to expedite and develop island-wide trade and business growth. It has
a wide range of business development programmes, however only a limited number are relevant
to ecotourism enterprises. Details are given below
FUNDING The Microtrade Programme offers a number of supports and activities to small enterprises
aimed at assisting businesses in developing island-wide contacts and trade. Supports include
networking events, a tender support training programme, financial supports for cross-border
Invest NI
DESCRIPTION Invest NI’s role is to grow the Northern Ireland economy. It principally supports businesses in the
manufacturing and tradable services sectors, but has programmes of relevance to the tourism
• T he SME Energy Grant scheme can provide financial aid to businesses that wish to adopt
energy efficient practices. Grants of 25% of project cost. Minimum project cost £1,000
• ENVIROWISE Programme provides assistance to promote a better environmental
performance within the UK industry
• Environmental Audit Support Scheme provides assistance to examine a company’s
environmental impact
• Loan Action provides an interest-free loan of up to £25,000 for non-manufacturing
companies to implement energy-saving measures
• Lightswitch provides a 50% rebate, against the capital cost (supply and installation) of lighting
controls, up to a maximum of £3,000
• The Green Technology Initiative offers 3-year interest-free loans of up to £50,000 towards the
cost of capital equipment
• The DTI’s low carbon buildings programme offers grants through Invest NI to create low
carbon buildings
• The Tourism Development Scheme (TDS), administered by Invest NI, offers selective financial
assistance for a wide range of capital projects. Support can be given to all accommodation
types, amenity and activity providers
• The Energy Efficiency Loan Scheme helps businesses reduce their energy costs by providing
interest free loans for the implementation of energy efficiency projects. In association with the
Carbon Trust, businesses may borrow amounts between £5,000 and £400,000 interest-free
through an energy efficiency loan fund. The loans can be used towards the cost of relevant
energy saving measures such as replacing or upgrading existing equipment with a more
energy efficient version
• The Carbon Trust Programme is a portfolio of services that helps businesses to become
or remain energy efficient. The services, developed in conjunction with the Carbon Trust,
• energy seminars and workshops
• publications about energy efficiency
• a dedicated energy helpline: 0800 085 2005
• energy efficiency design advice
TRAINING/ADVICE Invest Northern Ireland can offer advice and training programmes to ecotourism businesses
DESCRIPTION Local Enterprise Agencies are independent, not-for-profit companies which work for the benefit
of their communities by supporting small business and community enterprises
FUNDING The Enterprise Northern Ireland Loan Fund can be accessed in each Local Council area through
the Local Enterprise Agency. Services include loans from £500 upwards, financial planning
support and mentoring. Loans are intended for those starting or operating a small business
TRAINING/ADVICE Each Local Enterprise Agency operates training programmes in business development and
management, such as finance, marketing etc. Ecotourism enterprises are eligible to participate.
Contact your local agency for details, as programmes differ between areas
DESCRIPTION The aim of the Northern Ireland Tourist Board is ‘to increase the contribution that tourism makes
to the economy in a way that responds to the needs of visitors, respects the environment, is
acceptable to the people who live here and is economically viable in the long term’
FUNDING rants administered by NITB can be categorised into three broad categories: Marketing, Event
Support and Capital / Non-Accommodation
TRAINING/ADVICE Training and advisory support are available through regional tourism bodies associated with
Department of Employment and Learning
DESCRIPTION The aim of the Department of Employment and Learning is to assist economic development and
help people find work through training and employment services delivered on the basis of equal
FUNDING • Employers with less than 250 staff, with the exception of schools and public funded bodies,
receive first time human resource assessment free of charge under the Investor in People
• The Jobskills programme encourages trainees, between 16-17 years to achieve NVQ’s,
whilst being placed with an employer
• The New Deal programme supports18-24 year olds, who have been unemployed for 6
months. The employer receives a subsidy for the employee
• The Tourism Training Trust is for 20 future managers in Northern Ireland’s tourism and
hospitality industry to provide practical experience of hospitality management and customer
care standards
• The STEP programme places undergraduates within small companies for summer
• The Management and Leadership Development Programme (MLDP) is designed to help
companies meet their management and leadership development needs. MDLP is a portfolio
containing a range of management development activities, each of which attracts bursary
support from the Department of Employment and Learning. 75% funding is available to
ecotourism businesses
DESCRIPTION DOE is associated with environmental issues. However, it does administer a selection of grants
which can be accessed by ecotourism businesses
FUNDING Historic Buildings Grant assistance is available towards the repair and maintenance of historic
fabric of the building. The rate of grant is dependent on the grading of the listed building
DESCRIPTION Although not yet operational the programme it is expected to commence in early 2009. This
programme replaces what was known as the LEADER programme, but will continue with the
same role and objectives, which are to create sustainable rural enterprise and communities.
Developing, marketing and promoting rural tourism is a key part of the new programme and
over €60 million in grant aid will be available in Ireland for tourism-related measures between
2009 and 2013. However the programme is specific in that investments must be in new and
innovative products and businesses that have the capacity to generate new tourism markets,
attract new visitors and create sustainable enterprises in an economic and environmental
sense. Therefore ecotourism is a sector that is ideal for support under the LEADER or rural
development programme. There will be approximately 40 groups operating the programme in
FUNDING Although final guidelines are not yet available, it is likely that support will be along the following
• 50% grant aid to a maximum of €200,000 per project for projects investing in new capital
equipment, buildings, or marketing for eco tourism purposes
• Up to €12,000 could be available at a rate of 50% to conduct feasibility and market studies
into the establishment of new ecotourism enterprises
AREA REMIT All areas of Ireland except urban centres (those with a population of approximately 7,000
or more)
FUNDING • N orthern Lights Carbon Reduction Programme caters for organisations with annual energy
costs of less than £50,000. The programme gives carbon footprint audits to Northern Ireland
based companies for a small fee
• The Low Carbon Buildings Programme has a fund totalling £10.5 million available
to householders and community organisations to fund a range of renewable
energy technologies
Local Action Groups (Northern Ireland)
DESCRIPTION Axis 3 of the Northern Ireland Rural Development Programme 2007 – 2013 (NIRDP) which is
co-financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development is worth £100 million. The
focus of Axis 3 is to improve the quality of life in rural areas and encourage the diversification
of economic activity. This axis will provide funding under six different measures. The tourism
measure aims to attract visitors and create new employment opportunities through the
sustainable development of tourism initiatives. Tourism projects which can be supported by the
South West cluster include:–
• Activity tourism
• Niche/specialist tourism markets/local crafts or produce
• Ecotourism
• Self-catering accommodation with 5 or more units (contact DARD if you have a proposal for
less than 5 units)
• Rural Signature Projects – enhancement or development of significant tourism infrastructure
projects or programmes that impact significantly on rural tourism.
Axis 3 will be delivered by seven Council clusters each in partnership with a newly appointed
Local Action Group
FUNDING Although final guidelines are not yet available, it is likely that support will be along the following
• 50% grant aid to a maximum of £50,000 for the private sector
• Up to £5,000 could be available at a rate of 50% to conduct feasibility and market studies
• 75% grant rate to a maximum of £250,000 for Social Economy Sectors
TRAINING/ADVICE The website contains comprehensive tips and advice on saving energy and water and
managing waste. Businesses can also receive free audits and mentoring support by
registering on the website.
DESCRIPTION A Type 1 Eco-Label programme designed for the hotel and accommodation sector which also
facilitates access to the EU Flower. Supported by the EPA through its Green Business Initiative.
The programme offers a step-by-step approach to the implementation of an environmental
management system. GHA receives support from the EPA, SEI, Fáilte Ireland, Irish Hotels
Federation & the Irish Hospitality Institute
FUNDING GHA programme is heavily subsidised by the Environmental Protection Agency allowing
businesses to access Best Practice advice and training at a value for money members fee.
TRAINING/ADVICE Businesses receive on-site environmental reviews followed by advice and mentoring. Regional
training workshops run during the year deliver best practice know how and allow for the
development of networking and the sharing of ideas and experiences.
Members receive an environmental audit in the initial years.
six taking the fear out
responsibility of ecotourism
in tourism
No matter what size the tourism businesses are able to keep a good “We ask a lot of tourism these days ... that it
business, the time has come for track of how they are maintaining their be eco, that it be sustainable and that it be
responsible. Global tourism has changed in
transparency and upfront information on policies on an annual basis, and can use
the 00’s and the signs are encouraging. A
tourism companies’ environmental and this information at key meetings such growing number of tourists want their journeys
social policies. Sometimes referred to as as with investors, shareholders, banks to be less invasive and more beneficial to
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) etc. By not doing this, they are also the local community. They want to better
or a Responsible Tourism Policy, all selling themselves short to their visitors understand the culture of the places they
visit. Perhaps responsible tourism goes a
businesses aiming to play a genuine, who, when browsing websites, are more
step further, to what is called the Platinum
committed role in the ecotourism and more frequently being drawn to Rule: treating others the way they wish to be
market should draw up such a policy, companies which are displaying their treated. While tourism campaigns have long
helping them to then put the practical ethical credentials. touted ‘destinations’, in fact we are simply
wheels in motion. A policy like this entering a place that is someone else’s home.
If those working in the tourist trade embrace
acts as a management tool to help a Large companies are advised to
the values our counterparts wish developed,
tourism provider clarify its responsibility seek guidance from CSR consultants then we can make a huge leap forward. The
to the environment, as well as to the specialising in tourism, in order to give a trick lies in listening to the locals, listening to
people living in the area of its business broad assessment of all the company’s visitors and creating the opportunities that
practices, not forgetting the people who activities. It is worth considering the connect top-down and grassroots efforts.
Travel agents, travel providers and travellers
work for the organisation. Such a policy multiplier effect of having a CSR policy.
are the principal players”.
should incorporate the aims, visions and Ethical business practices are a growing
objectives of a company in achieving trend now throughout industry, and if
a more ethical standing, and it should your business involves hosting corporate Ron Mader,
be updated on a regular basis. Ensure clients for conferences etc. many EDITOR, PLANETA.COM, THE LEADING GLOBAL
that the targets you set are real, and of those now seek to use suppliers,
that you measure them each year. That which also practise CSR policies. So,
way you can also communicate your this common ground can also be an
achievements on a regular basis on your excellent way of increasing your client
website and other publicity outlets. base. The Greenbox is a specialist in
this area which, until recently, worked
SHOUT ABOUT IT regionally in the Northwest counties of
It is amazing how many tourist providers Ireland. However, it is now stretching its
there are out there practising exemplary training island wide, through its training
ecotourism principles, and yet they arm Responsible Tourism Skillnet
have no official policy in place. It may ( It works
always have been the norm for them to with all tourism businesses provides
protect the environment, or support local training and networking to help you
community projects, and they just never draft a CSR or responsible tourism
chose to shout about it. Such practices policyspecific to the makeup of
must be applauded, of course. However, your business.
it is also advisable to formalise them in
the form of a written policy. That way,
“CSR is a core business risk issue, going to The Green Hospitality Award offers louder than words. By just removing
the heart of our acceptance by customers, a step by step approach to the disposable bathroom products, or
investors, the public, and destination
accommodation sector to achieve providing biodegradable nappies,
governments and communities”.
accreditation in environmental best you are already taking huge steps in
practice. At the time of writing, the award the right direction.
Manny Fontenla-Novoa,
is available only for hotels. This award • List all the areas where you think
CEO, THOMAS COOK GROUP, programme operates across Ireland and your business is already making
is supported by all the major tourism and a difference in terms of reducing
environmental agencies your impact on the environment,
( supporting the local economy, or
increasing your role within the local
The Travel Foundation in UK also has a community. Alongside this, make
wide variety of training courses including a second list detailing any further
one for introducing responsible practices changes you think you should make,
to tourism managers, as well as ones you think realistically
( you could make. You should involve
all your employees in this discussion
PUT IT IN WRITING as input from every level is important
Having reflected upon all of the issues from the beginning, so that you can
raised in this handbook, you have maintain a level of commitment and
already make a good start to creating a excitement about the changes you
responsible tourism policy. Preparation hope to make from everyone involved
and assessing your business in terms of in your business.
its current ethical standing, compared
to where you would like it to be in, say, • L
ook at other examples of
five years time, is crucial to creating a responsible tourism policies on
good framework for you to work within. tourism providers’ websites, and get
Preparation for creating your new policy an idea of how you want to present it
should include: on your website.
• R
ead all you can on the subject. • O
nce the policy has been drafted,
There is a lot of information out annual CSR or responsible tourism
there on ecotourism. This handbook reports should be presented at
aims to summarise all you need to management meetings to summarise
know, and there are further reading the progress being made, and any
sources and websites listed in this new initiatives which might have
handbook’s directory. But you could been thought of in the interim. Ideally,
go on reading about ethics and any savings in carbon emissions
eco-gadgets forever. It is important should be recorded, and any other
to remember that ecotourism is an records regarding staff or community
area where actions speak so much projects, or conservation work,
should be noted and used as a point 3. A social policy not only within your
of reference each year. 2. Put in place a purchasing policy, in local community but for your staff
order to commit to using products that as well. A tourism business plays an
WHAT YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR are locally sourced, ideally within the important role within a community, as it
A good CSR or responsible tourism same county and, if possible, organic. invites visitors into the area, who then
policy in tourism should boast the Fairtrade products should also be can have various impacts on the daily
following features: added to this list, as well as eco-friendly lives of people living there. Hopefully
1. Environmental principles applied cleaning and guest products. This also these impacts are positive, but with the
to all areas of its business practices. gives you the opportunity to commit to help of a strong social responsibility
As already referred to in other sections using suppliers with similar environmental policy, you are demonstrating that you
of this handbook, these include a policies, such as minimum packaging are putting your neighbours’ needs, not
detailed scrutiny and rethink of a on supplies. just your net profits, at the top of your
business’ energy use. This should lead priority list. Examples of social policies
to the creation of your own carbon Gregans Castle Hotel in The Burren, include getting involved with a local
management plan to reduce or ideally County Clare takes a strong stance on charity, supporting community facilities
eliminate all carbon emissions. You sustaining The Burren, as well as the which are valued by residents such
livelihoods of those who live there. Most
should also have a policy on building as parks, sports grounds, arts
importantly, the farmers. Despite its barren
materials, water consumption, waste venues etc, becoming involved in
appearance, agriculture is an important
and transportation and carbon offsetting. schools or colleges, or joining a
agricultural resource in The Burren. The
In order to put a detailed environmental hotel is a member of The Burren Beef and conservation project.
policy into place, you may need to use Lamb Producers Group. This was set up
the services of an Energy Services as part of The Burren Life project which Open your doors to local residents, by
Company (ESCO), as mentioned earlier aims to revive farming on The Burren and, offering your facilities at a reduced rate
in this handbook. See also in doing so, revive the local habitats, such as the restaurant or rooms when or which are otherwise in danger of they have family or friends visiting. You
disappearing due to changes in grazing can offer conference facilities free of
If you are looking at developing a new patterns ( As charge to small local groups during
members, Gregans has committed to
site for ecotourism purposes, you may quieter seasons, or leisure facilities at a
sourcing all beef and lamb locally. It also
have succeeded in getting planning reduced rate.
promotes the leading sustainable food
permission, but make sure that you
organisations, Slow Food Ireland
have a detailed site survey done for ( and The nature of tourism often involves
biodiversity purposes to. With the help of Good Food Ireland seasonal employment. But remember,
an expert, you can find out exactly which ( through its during that season, your employees,
areas you need to protect, develop them restaurant activities. Consequently, the wherever they are from, are part of your
in terms of natural resources to maintain chef buys all the smoked fish, salads, eggs community, so you need to welcome
their biodiversity and, ideally, enrich and cheeses from small Burren producers them into it as much as you would any
them. You can incorporate the results and also features a large selection of of your guests. Inclusion and integration
of this process into your responsibility organic and bio-dynamic wines on its is as much a part of any social
policy. See Fáilte Ireland’s booklets on extensive wine list. responsibility policy as anything else.
Biodiversity Action Plans and Guidelines Have regular employee social gatherings,
for the protection of Biodiversity, or offer incentives to stay from year to year
Wilderness Scotland – Sustainable Tourism
OPERATING POLICIES of wild places in our modern society; Other materials – we re-use and
Environment – Our business activities in partnership with the Wilderness recycle envelopes, cardboard, glass,
and trip operations are purposefully Foundation, Wilderness Scotland has plastic bags and clothes. We use
designed to minimise environmental set up a Community and Environment only environmentally friendly cleaning
impact and operate on a low carbon Fund which provides direct financial products in the office.
basis. For example, all of our group support and consultancy advice to
holidays start at mainline train stations several conservation and tourism IT hardware and consumables – When
and we keep the use of motorised development projects in Scotland hardware e.g. desktops, monitors
vehicles to a minimum. We are all and around the globe. and printers has come to the end
about experiencing the wilderness of its business life, we distribute
using human power, be that on foot or OFFICE POLICIES them to charity for re-use. Other
by bike, kayak, canoe or sail boat. Like Reducing use of paper – clients IT consumables, such as printer
any business, we cannot eliminate receive trip documentation by email cartridges, are recycled.
our consumption of energy altogether and insofar as is reasonably practical
and therefore we have taken the and legally possible, we conduct Energy consumption – We use energy
decision to offset all remaining carbon all other business correspondence efficient light bulbs, keep artificial
emissions by 110%. by email and internet. The use of lighting to a minimum, ensuring that
electronic methods for recording lights not in use are always switched
Local communities & economies – We telephone calls, meeting minutes off. Regular processes such as
are absolutely committed to engaging and other documentation is part of ensuring that non-essential electronic
local businesses throughout our company policy. We use smaller font equipment is fully powered off at
entire operation and ensuring that the sizes and have a policy of printing the end of the working day are also
economic benefits are distributed in paper double-sided. We only purchase followed. We use LCD monitors in
this equitable way. As well as providing recycled paper for use in our business. preference to CRT monitors, and
a great service to our clients, by If paper can be re-used we re-use multi-function fax/copier and printer.
working with local partners it also it. Only once its re-use is no longer Transport – All of our staff walk or
means that our groups always receive possible do we recycle. cycle to work each day. At all times we
a warm welcome from the locals aim to keep transport movements to
wherever we go. Promotional material – we aim to a minimum preferring other means of
keep paper based promotional communication or choosing to access
Supporting grass roots initiatives material to a minimum, consistent meetings on foot or cycle. For longer
and campaigns – We work in close with the successful running of a distances we use the train wherever
association with the Wilderness business. Letterheads, invoices and this is reasonably possible.
Foundation UK. They believe that only other correspondence are printed on
by experiencing wild places at first recycled paper and all high-quality SOURCED WITH KIND PERMISSION FROM
hand, will individuals truly understand brochures have been produced using WILDERNESS SCOTLAND.
an Elemental Chlorine Free Process. WWW.WILDERNESSSCOTLAND.COM
and appreciate the continued value
1 footnote 55
one taking
seven the fear
certifiying outecotourism
your of ecotourism
With evidence of a substantial support Having an eco-label also gives the travel “Fáilte Ireland will support the promotion
network of ecotourism businesses media, which is increasing its coverage of the EU Flower Ecolabel for tourism
accommodation and, in association with
starting to grow in Ireland, there will of ecotourism products, a starting
the Northern Ireland Tourist Board (NITB),
always be a few out there, which are point for researching what is out there. will investigate and promote appropriate
guilty of ‘greenwashing’. This means This is why such schemes are so often all-Ireland environmental accreditation
that they are making token gestures described as benchmarks; they are schemes for tourism operators and providers
to appear ‘eco-friendly’ for marketing like trusted starting points for people across all tourism sectors”.
purposes only, when the reality is that it who are interested in learning about,
is all talk and no action. If you are serious participating in or visiting good Fáilte Ireland,
about attaining genuine ecotourism ethical businesses.
status, then it is highly recommended IRELAND’S ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION PLAN
that you seek official accreditation of IRELAND’S GREEN CHOICE
your business at some stage. Accreditation or labelling for green
businesses can be controversial, as
Not only do accreditations or ecolabel there are several choices of award
schemes provide good audited approval schemes around the world, rather than
of your eco-efforts, but they also provide one straight forward ‘ethical’ labelling
excellent structures for you to work system, such as Fairtrade.
within, set up targets for you to aim
towards, and motivate you to keep trying In Ireland, there are two eco-labels
new practices. They come with their own available for the tourist accommodation
inbuilt support network, and often with sector: the Green Hospitality Award
a mentoring scheme, with experts to and the EU Flower eco-label. Both are
advise and inspire along the way. classed as Type 1 eco-labels as defined
by the International Organisation for
Labelling is going to become more Standardisation (ISO). The ISO defines
and more important as demand for Type 1 eco-labels as “voluntary, multiple
ecotourism products grow. If a tourism criteria-based third party programmes
product has achieved a reputable green that award a licence authorising the use
label, this gives the tourist a focal point of environmental labels on products
when trying to choose how or where based on life-cycle considerations”.
to start looking for a good ecotourism
product. Tour operators specialising in Fáilte Ireland and the Northern Ireland
ecotourism will be more interested in Tourist Board (NITB) both recognise
featuring accredited products. The form- the European Ecolabel for tourist
filling side can also be advantageous, accommodation, called the EU Flower.
as it encourages you to keep financial This label was created by the European
records of all your income from and Commission in 1992 and aims to signal
costs of ecotourism related products. high environmental performance in
Extract, with kind permission, from Staying Green in Ireland, published by Dept. Environment,
Heritage and Local Government and Greenbox. See
all areas of industry and commerce for hotels. Each successful member
throughout the EU. It is a pan-European receives an award based on a set of
eco-label that is promoted within each strict criteria allowing them to use the
European country. In tourism, it can GHA Logo. Awards are made at Bronze,
be applied to any accommodation, Silver, Gold and Platinum level, which
including hostels, bed and breakfasts, reflect the environmental standard at
hotels, self-catering, campsites or which the hotel is operating (the Platinum
caravan parks. level being equivalent to the EU Flower
Eco-label standard). The website also
The Green Hospitality Award (GHA) contains a benchmark calculator so you
is a step-by-step environmental can see how your hotel is performing
management programme specifically compared to Irish and international
designed for the hospitality sector. At benchmarks. The GHA is part funded
present, the programme is available by the EPA and is supported by Fáilte
Ireland, the Irish Hotels Federation and demand for excellence in, and supply “Having experienced the economic benefits of
the Irish Hospitality Institute. www. of ecotourism products. In addition to wood pellets versus oil as a means of heating
Belle Isle Castle, the Estate is now attempting the many businesses it helps achieve
to gain the EU Flower. By going green, there is
the EU Flower Ecolabel, it also offers not only the saving in energy and water rates
One example of an EU Flower Ecolabel extensive marketing services to all these but also a tremendous opportunity in marketing
holder is The Benwiskin Centre, in businesses. Belle Isle under the European Ecolabel”.
County Sligo, as featured in the table on
the left hand page. Like any accreditation scheme, the EU Charles Plunket,
Flower Ecolabel involves quite a lot of
The EU Flower Ecolabel in tourism form-filling and administration, which WWW.BELLEISLE-ESTATE.COM
complements the other ongoing island- is why it is worth having the support
wide and European work in sustainability of Greenbox to guide you through the
issues, such as Green Schools, process. You can also apply directly “We can tell that the majority of people
EcoSchools, Green Hospitality Award, through the National Standards Authority visiting Ard na Breatha are very aware of the
Blue Flag beaches, Green Coast, Golf of Ireland (, which is the environment and appreciate what we are
Environment Europe ECOManagement competent body assigned by the EU trying to do. We feel proud when our guests
comment on our green efforts”.
Award, Wake Up to Waste, and the to be its administrator and auditor
Change campaign. Fáilte Ireland is in Ireland. In Northern Ireland, the
actively promoting the EU Flower competent body representing the EU Ard na Breatha,
Ecolabel through its various marketing Flower Ecolabel is DEFRA (Department EU FLOWER HOLDER, AND WINNER OF
outlets, such as the Tourism Ireland for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs). GEORGINA CAMPBELL’S GUESTHOUSE OF
THE YEAR 2009.
website. For more information on the EU See for WWW.ARDNABREATHA.COM
Flower, see their website more details. Applicants must conform and training to certain eco-criteria, and make various
site changes to their practices to improve
their environmental standing. However,
The EU Flower Ecolabel was brought anyone can start the process. You do
to the industry’s attention by Greenbox, not need to have all the latest eco-
the non-profit making organisation, gadgets such as wood-burning stoves
based in County Leitrim, which started or solar panels to make some of the
working with tourism businesses in basic changes they recommend.
the Northwest of Ireland in 2002. Both
Fáilte Ireland and the Northern Ireland WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO TO GET
Tourist Board recognise Greenbox as ACCREDITED?
Ireland’s leading ecotourism advisory, By putting the EU Flower Ecolabel on
training and marketing organisation. your tourist accommodation’s publicity,
Consequently it has now expanded to you are telling your visitors that you have
working island-wide, due to the growing taken steps towards the following:
“At Orchard Acre Farm we love being an • Limiting energy consumption accreditation to Irish tourism businesses
ecotourism provider. Orchard Acre Farm • Limiting water consumption which offer ecotourism packages,
thrives on protecting and promoting Ireland’s
• Reducing waste production but may not have accommodation.
best assets: our natural and cultural heritage.
It is our reason for being; the fact that our • Favouring the use of renewable It is Ireland’s first ecotourism label,
core environmental and ethical values are also resources and substances which are called The Greenbox Ecotourism Label
our selling point and marketing pitch, is just less hazardous to the environment and both the Northern Ireland Tourist
the green icing on our home grown carrot • Promoting environmental education Board and Fáilte Ireland participated
cake. However, our niche in the global market
and communication to your in its development. It has also been
combined with wise building design saves on
running costs too. We certified and trained employees and guests recognised by OutdoorNI, a leading
in ecotourism through Greenbox because, leisure activity website in Northern
with the whole world to choose from, our To be awarded the EU Flower Ecolabel, Ireland (
customers expect only genuine ecotourism”. you are given a number of points for Similar to the EU Flower Ecolabel, this
achievements in each of these areas. accreditation provides an assurance
Orchard Acre Farm, You can work up gradually to getting the to visitors that you are a genuine
number of points required, starting with ecotourism practitioner. By achieving
WWW.ORCHARDACREFARM.COM changing your lightbulbs, detergents or the Greenbox Ecotourism Label you
energy supplier, to eventually taking on are showing that you have met all the
“Sustainable Travel International has recently
some of the bigger steps of installing key elements of ecotourism in the
completed assessing Ireland’s Greenbox solar panels or renewable energy heating ‘experience’ you offer visitors. For a
Ecotourism Label and the associated Ecolabel systems. Once the application has modest fee, you undergo training, get
Course for community participants. Greenbox been approved, you can display the EU advice, guidance and mentoring, all
was founded upon a regional Peace through Flower Ecolabel on all of your publicity to help you apply and achieve either,
Tourism initiative geared toward educating
communities about how to develop
material for three years, after which you or both, of these accreditations. For
sustainable ecotourism initiatives, which are will have to be re-audited. As with all examples of companies which have
also marketed through the Greenbox. As a labels, there is an annual fee for using gained the Greenbox Ecotourism Label,
part of this process, STI met the Greenbox the EU Flower Ecolabel (0.15% of annual as well as details of all of Greenbox’s
representatives and assessed the course and sales of the product), as well as an initial training courses, which range from a
it’s participants to verify the strength of the
program. We are happy to announce that
administration fee. half day introduction to ecotourism
thanks to Greenbox, the Northwest border to an eight day practical course, see
region between the Republic of Ireland and As the EU Flower Ecolabel only works or their training
Northern Ireland (UK) has one of the strongest with accommodation providers, department’s own website
regional ecotourism development efforts we Greenbox also offers another form of
have seen. You can now travel to Ireland,
find and support quality tourism products
and services that promote environmental,
community and cultural heritage by visiting
the Greenbox web site”.
Sustainable Travel
The Wilderness Therapy Weekend at the
Lough Allen Adventure Centre in County
Leitrim has achieved the Greenbox
Ecotourism Label. On these weekends,
Kevin Currid, the owner, leads groups by
canoe on to an island on Lough Allen,
where they camp and learn bushcraft
skills. Throughout the weekend a series of
talks aim to give participants a privileged
insight into local biodiversity, archaeology
& history. The Centre itself runs on
renewable energy and promotes the Leave
No Trace ethos in all its activities.
one taking
eight the fear
marketing outecotourism
your of ecotourism
Green is not just a fad, it is here to UK’s The Times newspaper entitled “Ten “The members of the Blue Book association
stay. It is the contemporary way to sexy eco-breaks” covered an eco-chic have always been very interested in best
environmental practice. When the opportunity
conduct business and, done well, it can boutique hotel in Andalusia, an eco-
arose for the Blue Book to assist our
serve to create a higher quality, more island off the west coast of Scotland, members with the EU Flower process, we
interesting, ethical and saleable product. and an organic farm in Italy. Look at did so without hesitation. The commitment
The Blue Book’s quotation on the right any listing in a travel article, such as shown by our members to introduce best
demonstrates this perfectly. However, ‘Ten best beaches’ or ‘Ten best activity environmental practice to achieve this
accreditation is quite staggering. It is not an
as already discussed throughout this holidays’ and there is nearly always a
easy process, requiring staff as well as owners
handbook, ecotourism products do green one, or more, listed alongside to work towards the changes required, but
not necessarily mean luxury products all the others. In Ireland there is now a the effort will be worth it. We hope to be the
either. In the past, tourists perceived regular column in the travel section Go of vanguard for Irish hotels and are confident of
ecotourism as two very different things. The Irish Times, called Ethical Traveller, having a bouquet of Blue Book members with
EU Flower accreditation in 2009”.
As an eco-tourist you were either a as well as eco-interest columns in almost
wealthy adventurer who opted to stay all other national papers.
in luxurious rainforest eco-resorts or, in Hilary Finlay,
direct contrast, a tree hugging hosteller. For tourism to be truly sustainable, all MARKETING DIRECTOR, IRELAND’S BLUE
Ecotourism is now an option for sectors need to consider ecotourism at BOOK, AN EXCLUSIVE LISTING OF LUXURY
everyone, with products being created some level of their business practices. HOTELS, MANOR HOUSES AND CASTLES.
and marketed under the ecotourism In Ireland, there are now examples of WWW.IRELANDS-BLUE-BOOK.IE
umbrella to suit all budgets and tastes. community-run hostels, yoga retreats,
luxury hotels, caravan parks, corporate
Looking at the growth in marketing and hospitality venues, adventure centres,
“Tourism by its very nature is dependent on
distribution channels for ecotourism restaurants, pubs and leisure facilities the environment and the local culture. We
products over the last few years which are changing the way they have been slow as an industry to understand
confirms the departure of ecotourism conduct their tourism businesses so our wider responsibilities to both local
from niche into the mainstream. There that they can be more responsible. The communities and the environment. Omagh
are eco-spas, eco-cottages, eco-castles switched on ones are marketing their Hostel attracts people who appreciate and
actively seek out providers who try in many
and eco-cabins. The list is growing. Of businesses not only to tourists who are small ways to be more responsible and make
course, some of these are simply using already green converts, but to the tourist a difference. My business figures are well up
the ‘eco’ prefix as a marketing ploy, market as a whole. Without marketing, for this summer, in some cases by 100%.
or ‘greenwashing’ as it is often called. your business is unlikely to survive, and I am attracting the ethical vote and I
However many are genuine players the good news is that as ecotourism would have only got that through being an
ecotourism business”.
who are trying to make a difference. It is grows, the marketing channels grow to
becoming clear through all the emerging meet this demand.
publicity for ecotourism products, as Marella Fyffe,
well as consumer research, that you
are no longer confining yourself to the WWW.OMAGHHOSTEL.CO.UK
earlier preconceptions by calling yourself
an eco-tourist either. A recent article in
Quote Ireland
or table text is responsible for marketing THE GROWING NATIONAL GREEN 1. eMarketing. Ecotourism is
the island
of Ireland overseas. As such, we TOURISM BRAND undoubtedly the way forward, and so
have entered the ecotourism market with
one major marketing advantage. Ireland is
With Tourism Ireland, Fáilte Ireland is the use of modern communications.
green. This is why people choose to visit us, and the Northern Ireland Tourist To conquer both, it is absolutely
and that is why Ireland is making a serious Board backing ecotourism as a major vital to have a good website for your
commitment to keeping it that way. We are contributor to Ireland’s green brand, the ecotourism business, and to understand
listening to our visitors’ requests to preserve
promotional channels for Irish ecotourism the importance of marketing across
the natural and cultural heritage which is
uniquely ours. We are also taking our tourism
providers are opening up all the time. the worldwide web. Or emarketing as
providers’ need for sustainability seriously too. You are no longer fighting against other it is often called. You will rarely find a
And most crucially, we are all too aware that niche products for a piece of the national newspaper or magazine article about
ecotourism in Ireland can play a major role in marketing pie. The most important result a business without a website being
the fight to combat climate change, and we of this big move of Irish tourism towards mentioned nowadays. It is not just
are striving to lessen our impact as urgently
as possible”.
promoting itself as a green destination is the way to move forward, it has been
that an ecotourism product now has the the way for quite a number of years
Paul O’Toole, potential to reach worldwide markets. now, and so if your business is up and
However, the buck doesn’t stop here. running, and your website isn’t, then this
Any ecotourism business must be ready should become an urgent priority.
to take on a busy, proactive marketing
campaign, not just in order to sell its own One of the best starting points is to look
“When I was researching my book,
ecoescape:Ireland, I turned over every stone product, but also to play a major part in at all the other ecotourism websites
to find ecotourism products to feature in this the bigger sustainable tourism picture out there in the world. Just do a
first green travel guide to Ireland. I got there in Ireland. web search on ecotourism in various
in the end, and am delighted with the results. destinations. This way you can get an
After publication, however, several businesses
HOW DO I GET MY BUSINESS idea of the sort of websites you like,
which promote themselves as ‘eco’ got in
contact to complain that they had not been OUT THERE? and ones you don’t. Then it is time to
considered for the book. The simple fact was The growing number of marketing approach a web designer and talk over
that they were off the research radar. If I could channels for ecotourism products outside your marketing plan. Getting the right
not find them through my detailed research the tourist boards in Ireland are evident. design for your ecotourism website is
using regional tourist boards, web searches,
All ecotourism businesses should fundamental, and this is where good
ecotourism organisations, newspaper articles,
and the all important word of mouth, then familiarise themselves with these outlets, research pays off, as you can brief
how are tourists going to find them? My how they work, what sort of businesses your website designer accurately with
advice is to get out there and shout about they represent, whom to contact, costs as much detail as possible of how you
your product. Get on blogs, links, websites, they might incur in using these channels want your website to look. Do you have
and meet your regional tourism officers and
and the potential benefits of each. Larger your ecotourism policy ready to display
tell them what you are doing to be green. It
takes time to spread the word, but it will be companies can hire the services of a on the front page of your website? Do
worth it”. good PR company to do this for them, you have good photography, which not
but smaller businesses usually have to only shows your interior design, but
Catherine Mack, take this task on themselves. The most also represents the biodiversity of your
AUTHOR, ECOESCAPE:IRELAND popular marketing channels include: area? Are you able to respond to web
enquiries quickly and efficiently (within including the reputable Web Analytics Creating a database is also an important
24 hours is recommended)? What sort for Dummies for any beginners who are feature of emarketing. Repeat business
of web content management system trying to get to grips with the subject. is a strong feature of ecotourism.
(CMS) do you need? Do you need video, There are many internet marketing Award-winning ecotourism company
podcasts, and how many photographs companies out there to help you with Intrepid Travel’s co-founder and MD,
do you need to use? How often do you this and so, if like many ecotourism Geoff Manchester stated at the World
need to update it? Gather feedback businesses, you are not yet shouting Travel Market 2008 that 45% of business
from visitors and press to put on your about the efforts you have been making, was generated by repeat visits. “Once
website, so that potential customers can it is time to get the message out there a person has travelled in this style or
read it immediately. into eco-cyberspace. manner, they keep coming back. Word
See for of mouth is now our most important form
Greenbox offers website development recommendations. At the time of this of marketing”. So you need to ensure
courses and workshops for ecotourism publication going to print, a Google that your website has a good database
businesses. See and search of ‘ecotourism in Ireland’ brought facility, and that you keep it up to date., Greenbox up top, with other Irish
their training arm, for details and up to ecotourism providers Corralea Activity Most importantly, you want your
date lists of courses. Such training Centre and Orchard Acre Farm, both ecotourism message to be clear,
helps take the fear out of the internet, members of Greenbox, The Omagh ensuring that the overall feel of your
web development and other time- Hostel (EU Flower holder) and UK website portrays the ethos of your
consuming subjects for non-technically award-winning internet retailer business. Then you want to make sure
minded entrepreneurs. all coming that the website reaches all the rapidly
up high on the listings. Nothing else growing number of eco-tourists out there
Understanding how to maximise the was jumping out at the top of the web in the world.
amount of traffic to your website, or search pages, which suggests huge
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is, for potential for development in this area. It 2. The media includes everything
example, one of the keys to successful also shows the shift that needs to take from newspapers, magazines, radio,
emarketing. This is done through all sorts place in the way ecotourism businesses television and online media. For every
of means, such as incorporating the right are spending their time and money travel editor there is almost always an
words (ecotourism, green, responsible, marketing their products or services. online travel editor too, as the readership
sustainable etc), into your web text for online travel articles is growing. The
and, in particular, your front page or by If you look at some of the leading media can be regional, national and
creating links with other websites. You ecotourism information websites, all international, and although international
also need to start to understand who listed at the back of this handbook, you publicity is much sought after, it is worth
is looking at your website, and how will see that most have blogs or forums remembering that millions of trips are
long they spend on it. This is called for debate. These are also quite powerful taken at home by Irish residents every
web analytics, and through gaining tools of communication, and are great year, so local coverage plays a hugely
knowledge of how your website is doing, ways of telling the world about who important role. Think about the markets
you can then work to improve it. There you are and what ecotourism service or you want to target, research the names
are also many books on the subject, product you are offering. and contact details of various travel
Quote or table
“It’s critical fortext
their survival that very small editors, and create a database for to read the travel pages, listen to radio
tourism businesses use the web. Having marketing purposes. coverage, watch the travel programmes,
a website is well and good but if potential and see what sort of places they are
customers can’t find you, it’s been a waste of
The media is looking for travel stories, covering, and who is covering them.
money – no matter how pretty it is. The work
involved for small tourism businesses in order and needs to have something interesting
to be found on Google is 10% ‘technical’ to cover. You just have to get your story If you specialise in food, look at the
and 90% marketing. If you don’t market your out there, making sure it is an interesting food magazines too. If hiking is your
business well in the real world, you will fail story. This takes work and persistence. speciality, then look at the outdoor
online – that’s the sad truth. To rank highly
It is important not to bombard the activity magazines around the world.
on Google’s free results is not actually “free”
which is a lesson many smaller businesses press. Editors get too many emails to For yoga holidays, there is a plethora of
learn the hard way. We’ve worked with read in a day, and no-one likes have an health and fitness magazines out there
two accommodation providers in Sligo and overflowing inbox, or constant PR phone looking for stories. For every activity
Mullingar and both of them have nearly full calls. Learn how to send a press release, there is at least one magazine out there.
occupancy rates”.
and send it out when it is relevant. If For most forms of transport there is also
you have a Halloween Walking weekend a magazine, so keep an eye on inflight,
John Ring, planned, for example, this is quirky good ferry, train and coach magazines. The
MD OF RINGJOHN ONLINE MARKETING, news, and you just need to make sure publishers’ association PPA’s website
INTERNET MARKETING EXPERTS IN UK you send it out in time. For newspapers is an important source of information
WWW.RINGJOHN.COM this might be a month or so before you on which publication covers what, as
think they might want to write about this its membership includes the majority of
subject, and for magazines, you often magazine publishers in UK and Ireland.
“ecoescape believes that there is only one
need to send the story to them three to See and
way to go and that is to go green. We work
with businesses, large and small, to help them six months in advance. Note also that if a for detailed list of publishers, which you
benefit from sustainable tourism – to save UK national newspaper, for example, has can then contact to see if they have a
money, find new customers and enjoy a better just published a large feature article on specific travel editor.
way to work and live”. Ireland, it will not usually publish another
one for a good few months. If you manage to contact a journalist
who is willing to cover your ecotourism
Laura Burgess,
It is worth seeking out the writers who business for a magazine, most will
are contributing regularly and trying expect to be offered a complimentary
to contact them directly. In particular, visit for this purpose. The cost of this is
look out those writers who specialise something you should incorporate into
in ecotourism, which media they write your marketing budget. Prepare well
for, and target them. Or find out who for such a visit, and offer suggestions
is writing the travel news sections in a of local activities which would suit the
travel supplement, as this person will publication he/she is writing for. Invite
be looking for weekly short snippets them to the local farmers’ market, crafts
on what is new out there in the world centre, a café serving locally sourced
of travel. In order to do this, you need food, or provide a hired bike and map
of local cycle routes. Link in with other cafes and transport options. Like any international fairs are good networking
ecotourism providers for the article, other marketing area, do use your places for making such contacts.
and offer suggestions to the writer in ecotourism features as a USP (Unique Smaller providers should research the
advance, as you are not only helping Selling Point), and the more of these large number of smaller fairs going on
them with their research but you are you can talk about, the better. Most out there closer to home, not only in
also showing a genuine enthusiasm for guidebooks specialising in ecotourism Ireland, but also in UK or France, as
and understanding of ecotourism in your will also welcome the fact that you are eco-tourists start to look for holiday
area. Freelance journalists will often try working towards or have achieved an destinations closer to home. One good
and generate three of four articles out of accreditation of some sort. example is The Very Best of Britain and
one trip, using different angles for each Ireland fair in London, where prices are
article, so the more suggestions you can 4. Consumer and trade fairs – These more accessible than some of the
offer, the better. Greenbox also offers vary from large international fairs such bigger international fairs
useful media workshops for ecotourism as the World Travel Market in London, or (
providers. See Destinations in London and Birmingham, Contact Fáilte Ireland or NITB for
for details. to smaller green fairs around Ireland. The more details of travel fairs. There are
number of fairs emphasising ecotourism many opportunities to promote your
3. Guidebooks are here to stay and, is on the increase, such as Reisepavillon ecotourism product through these
despite the growing number of online in Germany, which describes itself as an organisations, which attend lifestyle
guides, tourists still like to travel with alternative travel fair. The larger fairs or trade events as well as travel ones,
a book that they can put in their bags. exhibitions are often prohibitive financially such as green building or health and
Some of the leading green publications for smaller businesses, but if you can wellness exhibitions. Fáilte Ireland’s
are Alastair Sawday’s Green Places to share a stand with someone else, or Promotions Department has produced
Stay, ecoescape: Ireland and ecoescape: even a regional group, it is a great way a useful calendar of all relevant travel
UK, AA Green Rooms, Organic Places of getting direct contact with the media and consumer promotions events. It is
to Stay, and Lonely Planet’s Code Green. and/or consumers at the same time. It always worth contacting them before
Both Rough Guides and The Guardian is also worth just taking the time to visit signing up to a fair and handing over
are due to publish responsible tourism one of these fairs from time to time, a lot of money, without knowing what
guidebooks in 2009. to see what is out there, and keep up reputation it has, and the number of
to date with, and be inspired by other visitors it expects to receive.
All of these guidebooks have websites ecotourism products on the market.
now, and contact details, so that If you are specialising in outdoor
you can find out how to feature in Larger ecotourism businesses might activities, for example, you could also
forthcoming publications. Some want to keep the international fairs in look into the Adventure Travel Show
guidebooks charge to be featured, and mind, if they are looking for business in in London, or if food is your speciality,
others don’t, so be sure to check what the corporate travel market. As more and look into exhibiting at many of the food
their policy is on membership fees. more companies put Corporate Social fairs which take place in Ireland, UK
Although accommodation is often the Responsibility policies in place, they are and around Europe throughout the
main feature of a guidebook, they will going in search of sustainable tourism year. Follow up immediately on all your
usually mention activities, restaurants, providers to host their events, and contacts that you make at any trade or
consumer fair, as many standholders must fulfil specific criteria that include best large hotel and so on. Anyone
and visitors lose business cards, leaflets environmental, social and economic can be nominated and you can even
and flyers, and it is a way of keeping a policies in order to be accepted as a nominate yourself. Nominations usually
presence in their ‘inbox’. member of the take place over the summer months.
network. The fee depends on the size The event generates a lot of media
Similarly, it is also important to keep and nature of your business, as well as attention as well as ongoing publicity
the Irish Tour Operators Association a commission for every booking. See through’s website
up to date with all your activities, as for details. throughout the year, as they are
they participate and run many major sponsors of the awards. See
trade events throughout the year 6. Certification schemes such
( as those already mentioned in this for details. Other awards include The
handbook, such as the Green Hospitality Guardian, Observer and
Award ( are not only Travel Awards, which has an Ethical
Rathmullan House, a prestigious four- there to help ecotourism suppliers raise Travel category, the World Travel and
star country manor house in County their sustainability standards, but also Tourism Council’s (WTTC) Tourism for
Donegal, has taken a creative approach provide excellent ways of marketing. Tomorrow Awards, The World Travel
to its marketing. Famous for its fine food, With the EU Flower Ecolabel, for Awards and The Times Online Green
they decided to get people to taste their
example, you not only get publicity Spaces Awards.
food around the country, and then see if
through its own website, but if you train
this entices them to take a break at the
hotel. Travelling around various food fairs
to achieve the award with Greenbox, the
in UK and Ireland with their state of the leading ecotourism agency in Ireland,
art catering truck, they sell their fine fare they also market you through their
to happy customers, and distribute hotel website. As Greenbox is recognised
leaflets at the same time. No better way worldwide as a leading ecotourism
of promoting your hotel, than by letting organisation, (Highly recommended for
people taste some samples of what they both the Virgin Holidays Responsible
might get to eat if they then decide to Tourism Awards and the World Travel
come and stay. and Tourism Council’s Tourism for Tomorrow Awards) it has already tapped
into a huge market.
Body copy here “Getting
Quote orto
more about each other
one of the most important hopes for
the peaceful future of the planet. If we are
really to understand each other better, then
we need to be reminded to travel carefully and
Person, listening to people along the way
and respecting the world we are privileged
to travel through. The Responsible Tourism
Awards are one of the most important
ways in which we can understand how
to travel better”.
Michael Palin,
1 footnote 69
nine taking the fear
ecotourism out of ecotourism
Construct Ireland magazine
Catherine Mack’s website, Ethical Traveller columnist
Ireland’s only magazine dedicated exclusively to
for Go travel section The Irish Times, and author of
sustainable construction in Ireland. It plays a key role
in raising consciousness of the need for low energy,
low impact, healthy buildings in Ireland, affecting
Country of Origin: Ireland and UK
the design and construction of tens of thousands
of new buildings. Subscribe to online newsletter or
magazine in post EU Flower Ecolabel Set up by the EU Commission, this certification
Country of Origin: Ireland scheme is aimed at helping consumers recognise
green, eco-friendly products. Applies to
accommodation only in tourism
Crann and
Irish NGO promoting tree culture in Ireland, and
replanting of broadleafs throughout Ireland.
Country of Origin: EU member countries
Subscribe to quarterly magazine
Country of Origin: Ireland
Repak of growing sustainable tourism in Ireland United Nations Environment Programme
Repak is an industry funded non-profit making United Nations’ environmental department, aimed
organisation established to help Irish businesses Country of Origin: Ireland at encouraging international partnership in caring
meet their legal recycling obligations for the environment. Website excellent source of information and publications
Sustainability Journal
Country of Origin: Ireland
Ireland’s only magazine dedicated solely to
Country of Origin: International
sustainability issues. With detailed, high calibre features and excellent up to date information on
Leading retailer of worldwide responsible tourism product sourcing. Subscription available Wake up to Waste
products Campaign set up by Northern Ireland’s Environment Country of Origin: Ireland and Heritage Service, to promote good waste
Country of Origin: UK management
Rural NI Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
Online forum for debate and discussion of all
Set up by the Department of Agriculture and Rural aspects of tourism in Ireland
Development in Northern Ireland, this is an electronic Walk Northern Ireland
information source for farmers and producers Country of Origin: Ireland Northern Ireland’s walking trails website, with details of trails, and local events
Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
The Living Architecture Centre
Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
Internet School of Architecture offering Courses In
Slowfood Ireland Sustainable House Design & Construction
International movement started in Italy, to promote Waymarked Ways of Ireland
the use of local foods as an inherent part of a Country of Origin: Ireland Part of Sports Council of Ireland, this organisation
country’s cultural heritage, as well as supporting manages an ever-growing network of walks in
local producers Ireland (currently 31). See website for maps etc.
The Travel Foundation
Independent UK charity aiming to help the outbound
Country of Origin: Worldwide Country of Origin: Ireland
travel industry manage tourism more sustainably.
Excellent source of information and ecotourism
Smart Planet guidelines Woodland Trust Northern Ireland
Consumer e-magazine with plenty of articles, Tree for All campaign has target to plant 500,000
reviews, product information on all things green Country of Origin: UK trees in Northern Ireland by 2010. Details of how and where to plant on website
Country of Origin: UK
Tourism Concern
Country of Origin: Northern Ireland
Charity campaigning against exploitation in the
Sustainable Developments global tourism industry
Good source of information on sustainable product World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO)
suppliers in Ireland, with green directory provided Country of Origin: Ireland A UN agency and leading international tourism
on website organisation. It plays a central role in promoting the development of responsible, sustainable and
Travelmole Vision
Country of Origin: Ireland accessible tourism, encouraging the implementation
Sustainable section of Travelmole, acclaimed and
of its Global Code of Ethics for Tourism
global online community for the travel and tourism
Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI)
industry. Excellent source of news and developments
Set up by the government in 2002 as Ireland’s Country of Origin: Spain
in ecotourism activities
national energy agency, to promote and assist
the development of sustainable energy. Offering Country of Origin: UK World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC)
information, training and services to ecotourism Forum for business leaders in the Travel & Tourism
businesses industry. Good source of information and research,
Tree Council of Ireland and also founders of Tourism For Tomorrow Awards
The Tree Council of Ireland is a voluntary non-
Country of Origin: Ireland
governmental organisation formed to promote the
Country of Origin: UK
planting, care and conservation of trees in both
Sustainable Tourism Ireland (STI) urban and rural areas
Irish organisation aimed at building a community of
like-minded businesses sharing a vision and passion Country of Origin: Ireland
NI Reedbeds
4.5mm spine
ecotourism handbook