Fusing 2
Fusing 2
Fusing 2
Calibrated By : M. Abdullah
Temperature : (verified against calibrated master equipment)
Sl. No. D.U.C. Value (°C) Error (°C) Tolerance Uncertainty (°C)
Value (°C)
01 120.18 120 0. 18 N/S
02 140.29 140 0.29 N/S
03 150.43 150 0.43 N/S
04 170.52 170 0.52 N/S
Note: i) DUC: Device under Calibration.
ii) The results in the certificate are valid at the time of measurement under stated conditions.
iii) The certificate if produced for any purpose commercial or otherwise should be reproduced in full. Partial of the certificate or an
abstract thereof has to be got specifically approved from the technical and the quality manager of this job.
This certificate, issued by Eurosia ITC Services Ltd refers only the particular item submitted to calibrate
…….. End of Certificate ……..