Quality Plan: MB&C Investnent Port Harcourt
Quality Plan: MB&C Investnent Port Harcourt
Quality Plan: MB&C Investnent Port Harcourt
MBandC2 Investment
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 5
PROJECT DESCRIPTION................................................................................................................ 5
PROJECT LOCATION.................................................................................................................... 6
PLAN INTENT............................................................................................................................ 7
ISO 9001 CERTIFICATION AND COMPLIANCE..................................................................................... 7
REVISION AND DISTRIBUTION STATUS............................................................................................. 8
ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE DOCUMENTS................................................................................. 9
ABBREVIATIONS........................................................................................................................ 9
REFERENCE DOCUMENTS........................................................................................................... 10
QUALITY POLICY...................................................................................................................... 12
PROJECT QUALITY POLICY.......................................................................................................... 12
PROJECT QUALITY OBJECTIVES.................................................................................................... 12
PROJECT ORGANIZATION........................................................................................................... 13
PROJECT ORGANIZATION CHART.................................................................................................. 13
QA/QC ORGANIZATION CHART.................................................................................................... 14
GENERAL DUTIES OF THE QAQC TEAM........................................................................................... 15
Detailed duties and responsibilities for key positions on the project are described below:..........................15
PROJECT MANAGER............................................................................................................. 15
PROJECT MANAGER............................................................................................................. 16
QUALITY MANAGER............................................................................................................. 16
ENGINEERING MANAGER.................................................................................................... 16
INSPECTION ENGINEER....................................................................................................... 17
QA/QC ENGINEER................................................................................................................ 17
NDT/NDE INSPECTORS........................................................................................................ 18
DIMENSIONAL CONTROL COORDINATOR/LEAD...................................................................18
QUALITY SYSTEM AUDITORS............................................................................................... 19
CERTIFIED PROFESSIONAL INSPECTOR............................................................................... 19
PROJECT QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM..................................................................................... 19
QMS DOCUMENT HIERARCHY..................................................................................................... 19
QUALITY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION................................................................................................... 19
DOCUMENT AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT.................................................................................... 20
PREPARATION AND REVISION OF PROJECT QUALITY SYSTEM DOCUMENT...............................................20
AMENDMENT CLAUSE............................................................................................................... 21
CONTROL OF QUALITY SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION...........................................................................21
INDEXING OF PROJECT SYSTEM DOCUMENTATION............................................................................ 21
VERIFICATION RECORDS............................................................................................................ 22
MANAGEMENT RESPONSILITY...................................................................................................... 23
MANAGEMENT COMMITMENT.................................................................................................... 23
QUALITY POLICY...................................................................................................................... 23
PLANNING.............................................................................................................................. 23
QUALITY PLANNING................................................................................................................... 23
PROJECT PLANNING AND SCHEDULING........................................................................................... 24
PROJECT BRIEFING..................................................................................................................... 24
DETAIL WORK SCOPE.................................................................................................................. 24
AMENDMENT OR CHANGE IN WORK SCOPE..................................................................................... 25
TECHNICAL QUERY/ TECHNICAL DEVIATION..................................................................................... 25
PROCEDURE DEVELOPMENT........................................................................................................ 25
. PROJECT SPECIFIC PLAN AND PROCEDURES.................................................................................... 26
RESPONSIBILITY & AUTHORITY.................................................................................................... 26
COMMUNICATIONS AND COORDINATION...................................................................................... 27
INTERNAL COMMUNICATION....................................................................................................... 27
FORMAL COMMUNICATION......................................................................................................... 27
COMMUNICATION MEETINGS...................................................................................................... 27
MANAGEMENT REVIEW............................................................................................................. 28
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................................... 29
HUMAN RESOURCES................................................................................................................. 29
COMPETENCE, AWARENESS AND TRAINING.................................................................................... 29
INFRASTRUCTURE.................................................................................................................... 29
WORK ENVIRONMENT............................................................................................................... 29
REGULATORY CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENT.................................................................................. 30
ENGINEERING AND DESIGN QUALITY ASSURANCE.............................................................................. 31
ENGINEERING CHECKING AND REVIEW.......................................................................................... 31
DISCIPLINE INTERNAL REVIEW..................................................................................................... 31
Inter-Discipline Checking............................................................................................................. 31
Design Assessment and Verification.............................................................................................. 32
PROCUREMENT QUALITY............................................................................................................. 33
PURCHASING PROCESS.............................................................................................................. 33
PROCUREMENT STATUS REPORT.................................................................................................. 34
SUPPLIER ASSESSMENT.............................................................................................................. 35
SUBCONTRACT MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................... 35
SUBCONTRACTOR MONITORING................................................................................................... 35
SUBCONTRACTOR PROJECT QUALITY PLANS.................................................................................... 36
SUBCONTRACTOR PROJECT CONTROL PROCEDURES.........................................................................36
INSPECTION AND TEST PLANS..................................................................................................... 37
MATERIAL MANAGEMENT.......................................................................................................... 38
HANDLING AND STORAGE OF MATERIALS...................................................................................... 38
CONTROL OF COMPANY SUPPLIED MATERIALS................................................................................ 38
PRESERVATION OF PRODUCT...................................................................................................... 38
INVENTORY MANAGEMENT........................................................................................................ 38
MATERIALS CRITICALITY ASSESSMENT........................................................................................... 39
WELDING, WELDING PROCEDURE AND WELDER QUALIFICATIONS........................................................40
WELDER ASSESSMENT/EVALUATION PROCEDURE............................................................................40
FLANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS AND PROCEDURE.........................................................................41
FABRICATION, CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION..........................................................................42
OFFSHORE INSTALLATION PLANNING............................................................................................ 42
IDENTIFICATION AND TRACEABILITY............................................................................................. 42
PROCESS CONTROL................................................................................................................... 42
CONTROL OF MONITORING AND MEASURING DEVICES......................................................................43
PROJECT QUALITY PERFORMANCE METRICS.................................................................................... 44
QUALITY PERFORMANCE METRICS............................................................................................... 44
MONITORING AND MEASUREMENT.............................................................................................. 44
Customer Satisfaction............................................................................................................... 44
Quality Audits......................................................................................................................... 44
Monitoring and Measurement of Processes.................................................................................... 45
Monitoring and Measurement of Product...................................................................................... 45
CONTROL OF NON-CONFORMING PRODUCT................................................................................... 45
ANALYSIS OF DATA................................................................................................................... 46
RISK MANAGEMENT OF REPEATED FAILURES AND KPI ANALYSIS..........................................................46
IMPROVEMENT....................................................................................................................... 46
CORRECTIVE ACTION................................................................................................................. 46
Preventive Action..................................................................................................................... 47
CLIENT ACCESS........................................................................................................................ 48
SYSTEMS COMPLETION AND TURNOVER QUALITY............................................................................ 49
ThEe purpose of this Project quality plan is to outline the processes, procedures, applicable
requirements for work scope for MB&C Investment ltd for the Bonga North EPCI Project. It aims
to provide basic methods, requirement for the smooth operations of the project
The work scope assigned to MB&C as per the consortium agreement and further
highlighted in the project job execution plan are listed as follows:
a. HVAC detail design, procurement of HVAC Equipment and HVAC commissioning
including vendor reps
b. Telecom detail design, procurement of Telecom Material and equipment,
Telecom Supervision, QC and Labor including and Telecom commissioning
including vendor reps.
c. Transport of Permanent Materials Exw to DDP Aveon yard excluding materials
procured by Aveon and/or procured DDP QPeria by Vendor
d. Personnel Transportation (to and from offshore); Helicopter/Crew Boat
e. Accommodation and work barge (460 Accommodation) with Marine crew, Safety
Crew and Catering
f. NDT Supervision, Labor and Equipment including dark room and isotopes
g. Marine Spread (Supply vessel, Security vessel) including fuel, lubes and green
light/port fee
h. Non-productive personnel
BN Bonga North
CA Corrective Action
CFME Company Furnished Material and Equipment
Contractor MB&C INVESTMENT Ltd
DCC Document Control Coordinator
DLB Derrick Lay Barge
EPCI Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FIAP Field Inspection Assignment Package
FPSO Floating Production Storage and Offloading
HAZOP Hazard and Operability
HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
HR Human Resources
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
IDC Inter Discipline Check
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Document Title
Master Document Register Appendix E
Document and Drawing Numbering Procedure BNO-3-100-JA-7712-00001
Bonga North Contract Information Specification for EPC-1 BNO-3-100-JA-7880-00005
Bonga North Scope of Work for EPC-1 SECTION V
Quality management systems —Requirements ISO 9001: 2015 (E)
Project Execution Plan MB&C INVESTMENT LTD-PL-
The Project Manager assumes executive responsibility for the execution of the contract and as such
shall ensure objectives are achieved through the development and implementation of strategies, plans
and management practices that are consistent with the relevant elements of policy.
Management reviews shall be undertaken in accordance with section 7.6 to ensure the continued
suitability and effectiveness of management systems and practices.
The Management responsibilities are defined in the Project Quality Plan and are detailed as part of their
Job Description.
All Job Descriptions are reviewed and approved by the Project Manager or his assignee
Effective Planning of the QMS shall be carried out in order to execute the project scope in line with the agreed
schedule. Quality Plan shall be developed and implemented to ensure the conformance of all design, procurement
installation of HVAC and Telecom systems NDT works to meet the Bonga North-EPC-1(For TopSides Modification)
technical specifications.
The Project Manager will convene regular progress meetings to review the performance of the contract.
These Reviews will include consideration and proposals/actions to correct and improve the processes/system with
regards to:
In addition, the Project Manager will compile monthly reports summarizing performance, review findings and
recommendations. Reports are to be generated as per agreed Company format and copied to the executive
Customer Satisfaction/Focus
MB&C shall adopt a customer first approach which shall ensure that customer needs and
expectation are determined converted into requirements and are met with the aim of
enhancing customer satisfaction, this shall be done y
a) Customer and applicable, statutory and regulatory requirements are determined,
understood and consistently met.
b) Risks and opportunities that affect conformity of products and services and ability to
enhance customer satisfaction shall be determined and addressed even as customer
satisfaction is focused
Detailed duties and responsibilities for key positions on the project are described below:
The Project Manager will ensure that the practices described in the Project Execution
Plan (PEP) provide basis for assuring that the work undertaken will be in accordance with the
contractual obligations as specified in the EPC-1: Engineering, Procurement and Construction
on Bonga Main Topsides Modification for Bonga North Projects contract,
and are implemented for the duration of the contract. Project Manager will:
Be responsible for maintenance and control of PEP, Project Procedures and Plans.
Assign experienced and qualified personnel to perform quality functions and activities
Input quality progress data and metrics for the monthly report.
The Quality Manager (QM) reports to the Project Manager and is responsible for the
Develop and maintain the Quality Plan.
Ensure the implementation of the Quality Procedures and Plans.
Review requisitions and associated documentation to identify project quality
Ensure that the Project Quality Management system meets the requirements of the
Participate in technical bid reviews, and support Contracts and Procurements in the
selection of suppliers / Contractors.
Perform assessments, document reviews, and implement corrective action tracking
programs throughout the duration of the project.
As required, review and approve supplier and Subcontractor quality plans and
Provide status to the Project Manager on items requiring follow-up, including those
identified in Audits and Surveillance performed by CONTRACTOR and Subcontractors
quality function and inspectors. He also provides status reports for; Action Request (AR),
Non-conformance Reports (NCR’s), and Action Plans resulting from deviations to Quality
Advise the Project Manager on the effectiveness of the Project Quality Management
Liaise on regular basis with DCC to ensure control and archive requirements for the
quality records generated by project personnel, including records required for the
administration of the Quality Assurance Program are maintained.
Develop schedule and monitor the execution of internal and Subcontractors audits.
Coordinate weekly and monthly reporting of quality activities.
Liaise with Company for assignment and approval of Third Party inspectors
The Site QA/QC Coordinator reports to the Project Quality Manager and is responsible for the following;
Ensure Quality Assurance and Quality Control requirements are strictly adhered to at all sites.
Review and comment on Subcontractor and supplier plans and procedures,
including ,audit schedules and plans, and Subcontractors deliverables.
Provide oversight of Subcontractor’s office and field activities affecting quality.
Ensure Monitoring of Contractor’s daily work including the verification of generated
Relate regularly with Company Quality Representative on site and Subcontractors on
construction issues.
Ensure supervision and direction of Project Quality Inspector.
Ensure regular quality inspections, assessments and audits in accordance with approved
schedule and contractual agreements.
Ensure that controls are developed and implemented for generated site documents and
Ensure compliance with quality requirements and immediately reporting defective work and
non-conformities to project management for follow-up with Subcontractors.
Weekly submittal of site NCR/AR registers to Project Quality Manager and copying the Project
Weekly reporting of site quality activities to PQM.
The NDT/NDE Inspectors will:
Issue daily inspection report with acceptance or re-work indexes as feedback to the
execution team as defined in the PEP
Work with the approved NDT procedures to ensure that the conformance of project product
to project quality requirements
Each individual NDE/NDT personnel must be qualified to the scope being implemented.
Where applicable, NDE/NDT inspector shall allow the appointed Third-party inspector access
to all the inspection report for verification and sign
Amendment to documents will not be permitted, where this is done a re-issue of said document
Within Project Management, the quality planning for project specific work involves at least the
The integrated work activities of the project will be managed through the project plans, schedules,
procedures and budgets. A Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) will be developed to divide the project
into physical project elements and functions.
The Project Execution Plan PEP details all the activities for successful execution of the project and shall
include activities related to preparatory work prior to during and after project execution.
A briefing of all PMT members shall be conducted to brief all member on matters concerning the
contract / project. The PMT members shall be briefed at least on the following:
Whenever there are change orders, contract manager / project manager shall proceed with processing of the
change orders as described in the handling change order procedure and contract requirements.
MB&C INVESTMENT LTD procedures for project execution are contained in our QMS and the PMP; all project
personnel have direct access to PMP and QM, online, as stated in section 8. These online systems contain all the
policies, plans, manuals, procedures, forms, checklists, etc. required to execute projects in accordance with project
strategic objectives. .
The Project Manager assumes executive responsibility for the execution of the Contract and as such shall ensure the
mobilization of sufficient competent personnel to efficiently manage and execute the work in accordance with the
contractual requirements.
The responsibilities and authorities of PMT personnel engaged in the execution of the Contract shall be defined
through the Project Execution Plan
All correspondence shall be in English Language, preferably sent by letter or email. The details of approved
communication methods are set out in the Project Execution Plan between CONTRACTOR and COMPANY.
The development of good interpersonal communication is paramount in maintaining a safe and harmonious work
environment. As such, formalized methods of communication shall be established and work group meetings and
promotional activities scheduled and conducted on a regular basis.
The Project Manager shall establish formalized systems of identifying, documenting and communicating quality
requirements throughout the organization. These communications shall include as required:
Communication meetings shall be held with project personnel on a regular basis to promote the requirements of the
contract and maintain effective communication between COMPANY and CONTRACTOR. These meetings shall include
but not limited to:
• Toolbox meetings
• Daily Operation Meeting will be held daily at site office.
• A scheduled weekly meeting will be held with COMPANY to discuss the progress of the
Contract quality-related topics will be included on the meeting agenda (along with other topics relating to HSE,
project schedule etc.) to:
This meeting will also be used as the forum for discussion on any other management matters that may arise.
The Project Manager shall ensure that all personnel whose duties influence the safe execution of the work in
accordance with time, conformance or cost requirements are selected on the basis of pre-requisite qualifications
and competencies with due regard being given to:
Training requirements are to be identified and implemented by the Contract / Project Manager, to ensure the
required levels of safety, quality and personnel expertise are developed and maintained.
The Project Manager or assignee shall ensure the availability of site facilities, plant, and related support services
required to meet the requirements of the contract.
All site facilities, plant and equipment shall be maintained in accordance with specified maintenance strategies and
manufacturers recommendations to maximize equipment operating performance, safety and serviceability.
The Project Manager shall develop and implement strategies to enhance the working environment therefore
improving the motivation, job satisfaction and performance of site personnel. These strategies will include as
CONTRACTOR will identify and secure, in a timely manner, all regulatory certifications necessary to meet the
CONTRACT requirement. CONTRACTOR will institute a process to monitor the currency of these certifications to
ensure that they are valid throughout the CONTRACT duration and when required, prompt revalidate those
certifications that are expired.
Through verification, validation, documentation and risk management, The Engineering design quality assurance
compliance shall be ensured communicated
Contracts and procurement activities shall be executed in accordance with approved Project Specific Procurement,
Subcontracting and Materials Management Plans.
Project Procurement Quality Surveillance Plan shall be implemented on Vendors and Suppliers during procurement
stage to achieve the level of oversight recommended in EPC-1: Engineering, Procurement and Construction on Bonga
Main Topsides Modification for Bonga North Project System and Equipment Criticality Rating Reports
CONTRACTOR shall purchase project materials from the relevant supplier. (In accordance with COMPANY’s approved
vendors’ List)
Purchase requisitions shall be raised by the Requisition Manager and forwarded to the relevant department head
for processing. The Purchasing Officer shall verify that requisitions fully detail requirements including:
All inward goods are to be subjected to inspection for compliance to purchase order, specification and regulatory
CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to Company on weekly basis a procurement status report covering all
materials and goods to be purchased.
Planned and actual dates for enquiry issue, receipt, technical evaluation and
Original and latest delivery promise
Actual delivery dates realized
Name of selected vendor / supplier
Summary of progress reported by vendor
The Project Manager shall ensure all suppliers are assessed for suitability consistent with the criticality and
complexity of the scope of supply, either by reference to COMPANY "Approved Suppliers List" or by formal
assessment of their technical and commercial competency.
Any such vendor assessment shall be carried out with the approval and participation of
The Supplier for this Contract shall be required to enter into a subcontract agreement. The Project Manager and/or
the Contract / Project Manager shall define the contract/subcontract requirements and facilitate the subsequent
formulation, execution and administration of subcontract agreements.
All subcontracts shall be formulated to minimize risk and liabilities and are to conform to the requirements of the
Quality Manager shall ensure that the Subcontractor activities are monitored in compliance with the approved
Quality Plan / ITP and effective implementation of their procedures. Quality Manager shall ensure that:
MB&C INVESTMENT LTD assessors shall ensure that Subcontractor’s control procedures are consistent with
Subcontractor’s Quality Management System, industry standards, regulatory codes, client specifications and contract
MB&C INVESTMENT LTD assessors shall ensure that the control procedures require Subcontractors to review
their supplier key control procedures to ensure consistency with suppliers QMS, industry standards, regulatory
codes, company specifications and practices, and contract requirements. If required, CONTRACTOR QA/QC team may
provide support to Subcontractor in preparing Plans and Procedures to ensure that the quality documents comply
with project specifications and requirements and also received on time.
The Project Management Team (PMT) which includes the Project Quality Manager shall ensure that Subcontractors
control procedures for controlling design changes and processing concession, waivers, or deviations from project
specifications include provision for Subcontractors PMT review and approval. Subcontractors PMT shall ensure that
such changes, concessions, waivers, and deviations are processed in accordance with control procedures approved
by CONTRACTOR /COMPANY PMT and are subject to control and audit.
The Project Quality Manager shall monitor the review process to ensure comments are resolved to COMPANY’s
satisfaction and that control procedures are ready for implementation prior to commencement of any associated
work activity.
Plan (ITP) specific to the scope of work. The Project Quality Manager shall ensure that all ITPs generated by the
Subcontractor’s suppliers are reviewed by the Subcontractor and CONTRACTOR including procedures for welding,
coating, and non-destructive examination, etc.
The Project Quality Manager or his designee shall review and comment on such plans, ITPs and controlling
procedures, after obtaining input from other competent reviewers such as the Project Manager and the Project
Engineer to ensure that they satisfy the requirements of the Contract.
The Project Quality Manager and Project Manager shall ensure that all Project Management Team (PMT) and
Subcontractors comments are resolved to PMT satisfaction prior to commencement of any associated work activity
and shall be submitted to Company for final review and approval.
Field Engineers shall make necessary arrangements for machinery and equipment to unload the consignment before
delivery of materials. Materials must be handled with proper care and protection with adequate storage conditions
per the manufacturer’s instruction or contract specification.
Materials stored shall be periodically checked to detect any deterioration. The warehouseman shall inform the
Offshore field engineer if any deterioration is found.
Item identification shall be maintained during all phases of receipt, storage, and dispatch. Identification of incoming
components will be confirmed against delivery dockets and heat numbers shall be checked against the material mill
test certificates.
The Warehouseman and field engineer shall ensure that items received are inspected, identified, handled, packaged,
documented, stored, and released in a controlled manner to safeguard against loss, damage, or deterioration of those
items offshore/onshore.
The requirements for the preservation of materials and equipment during shipment, receipt, storage, construction,
installation, pre-commissioning, and commissioning through to start-up phases are described in the Contractor’s
Materials and Equipment Preservation Plan
CONTRACTOR will issue for COMPANY review and approval a procedure for inventory control and inventory record for
all project materials, including COMPANY-PROVIDED ITEMS, to guide ag ainst misuse and loss. The inventory
management procedure will capture logging, date issued, quantity used, quantity in stock, and description.
CONTRACTOR shall develop Material criticality procedure in line with Section IX – Quality Management that provides
quality intervention levels for the project. The procedure will outline the process to identify critical items, parts, or
systems for safety, and reliability and how they will be managed.
CONTRACTOR and COMPANY will review and agree on the adequacy of the classification of the critical items, the
proposed intervention levels, and the mitigation plan before the commencement of associated
Before the start of installation work adequate planning shall be made and this shall include:
Prior to commencement of offshore installation activity, barge Superintendent and Field Engineer shall ensure all
approved Inspection and Test Arrangements are in place.
Item identification shall be maintained during all phases of Installation. Identification of all components shall be
recorded during installation and verified against the load out tally sheet or manifest.
The process plan defines how project work is to be done and approved for the overall project. The process plan is
communicated to all key personnel, subcontractors and suppliers in a startup meeting. As the project proceeds, work
task plans provide additional details of how each individual work task is carried out. Work tasks planning meetings are
used to communicate expectations of the work task plan to key personnel responsible for carrying out the work task.
CONTRACTOR’s personnel shall maintain the measuring and test equipment and ensure
In case the measuring and testing equipment are supplied by subcontractors it is the responsibility of the
subcontractor to maintain this equipment
The maximum re-submittal/rework rate for all reviewed Engineering Deliverables Performance is set at 10% to assess
the quality performance of the project. The Project Quality team shall continually measure and monitor this
performance to keep the percentage as low as practicable to achieve the Project Quality Objective.
CONTRACTOR shall measure the performance on Quality by using the criteria below:
Customer satisfaction shall be processed as per Customer Satisfaction Procedure. Refer to MBCI QMS section 9.1.2
Quality Audits
The Quality Manager or his nominee shall develop an audit plan for the Contract activities to determine whether the
systems and practices employed by contractor and any key suppliers:
Actions arising from audits shall be addressed by the Project Quality Manager.
Company may choose to join the audit teams and be notified of the audit plans.
The Project Manager shall establish Contract performance objectives with quantifiable performance measures and
targets for each of the objectives. Performance measurement and monitoring activities shall be applied to the
following Contract processes as appropriate:
Environmental Protection
Audit results.
Customer satisfaction.
Subcontractor performance.
Results of process monitoring and measurement shall be documented and included in Management Reviews.
NCR’s are to be reviewed by the Quality Manager / Coordinator or nominee who, after appropriate consultation with
the Project Manager shall define disposition and rectification actions.
Copies of all non-conformance reports and trend analysis shall be forwarded to Project Manager for review.
The Project Manager shall analyze data collated during monitoring and measuring activities for inclusion and
consideration during management reviews. Any inappropriate trends identified during the Management Reviews shall
be investigated and opportunities for improvement implemented.
Where the lessons learned from situations in previous contracts or prevailing activities foresee an event that may
indicate deficiency or threat, including failures with a repeat threat is glimpsed, the Risk Analysis must be employed.
For each issue, the event or events that may result in or contribute negatively to the occurrence of the threat or failure
to meet the expectation should be described, included in the Risk Analysis worksheet, and evaluated regarding its
occurrence probability and damage caused. Reference MBCI-QP-62
CONTRACTOR will manage and track risk situations emanating from risk analysis via a suite of key performance
indicators (KPIs) as highlighted in Section IX Appendix A. Lead indicators (LIs) will be developed to give warning that KPI
values are on or off target and measures will be established to mitigate the impact.
The corrective action process is directed at facilitating the identification, analysis and resolution of improvement
opportunities and the causes of actual deficiencies identified in the management processes employed by
The Contract / Project Manager in consultation with the Quality Manager or nominee shall facilitate the identification,
investigation and implementation of such opportunities for improvement, which may include:
Issues raised either in the normal course of business or during monitoring and
measuring activities.
System Non-compliance identified through internal and/or external audits.
Significant or reparative incidences of product non-conformance.
Customer Complaints
Preventive Action
The preventive action process is directed at facilitating the identification, analysis and resolution of improvement
opportunities and the causes of potential deficiencies identified in the management and production processes
employed by CONTRACTOR.
The Contract / Project Manager in consultation with the Quality Manager or nominee shall facilitate the identification,
investigation and implementation of such opportunities for improvement, which may include:
Access shall be granted to the COMPANY to enter CONTRACTOR and Sub Contractors premises for Project Quality
Audits and Project Quality Surveillance
The project QA/QC department and the Project Management Team are responsible for ensuring that systems
completion requirements are established in all phases of the project from procurement to commissioning and support
through start-up. Completions development and execution will be in compliance with QA/QC Process and subject to
internal and external audits throughout the life of the project in line with completion quality task sheet. Project
Quality team will work with the Project Management team to ensure all processes, checklists and test plans including
field performance tests for pre- commissioning, commissioning, start up and handover operations are documented.
Applicable documentation shall detail methods for monitoring, documenting and reporting systems completion and
transition progress. , built handover manuals will equally be developed,
The method and timing of the completion works as well as the methodology for systems transfer from procurement,
design, transportation, offshore installation and load out through commissioning to Company’s start-up and
operation team will be as described in Contractor’s Systems Completion Execution Plan.
The documents that will be produced in the process are:
‘A’ punch list item – outstanding work that is completed before pre-commissioning
can start
‘B’ punch list item – outstanding work that is completed before commissioning can
‘C’ punch list item – outstanding work that is completed before final acceptance of
the facility.