3 Months Transformation + Diet
3 Months Transformation + Diet
3 Months Transformation + Diet
88 KGS
66 KGS
To lose weight and get abs in three months, you'll need a
combination of a well-balanced diet and regular exercise.
During my fat loss journey I followed some cheat codes
that helped me to loose fat faster and gain muscles at the
same time. These cheat codes are :
As we all know that slow and steady wins the races. You
have to keep patience because you want to build a
physique not a maggi. You gather that fat in a long period
of time so you have to give time to loose it. You have to
stay consistent in the journey. Patience is the key to build
a dream physique. You have to trust the process and the
wait will be worth it.
This is most important for fat loss you don't have to run
you can just loss your weight by brisk walking 12k -15k
steps daily.