Souradip Final Tyu
Souradip Final Tyu
Souradip Final Tyu
The Chairman
Institutional Ethics Review Committee (IERC) / Scientific Committee
MGM’s Medical College,
Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.
Subject: Submission of Dissertation Protocol for the course of Doctor in Medicine in
Pathology(through proper channel)
I, DR. SOURADIP PURNASIS BHADURI, have registered for the course of DOCTOR OF
MEDICINE(M.D.) in Pathology at MGM’s Institute of Health Sciences, Navi Mumbai, for the
batch starting from Academic year 2023. I am submitting herewith my Dissertation Protocol in
quintuplicate (Five copies) for approval from Ethical Committee, MGM’s Institute of Health
Sciences, Navi Mumbai.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Postgraduate Student
Navi Mumbai NaviADITYA
Postgraduate student guide Co Guide Professor & Head
Associate Professor Associate Professor Department of Pathology
Department of Pathology Department of General Medicine MGM Medical College
MGM Medical College MGM Medical College Navi Mumbai
Navi Mumbai Navi Mumbai
2023 – 2026
Department of Pathology
Mahatma Gandhi Mission
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209,India
Ph: (022) 2 7433404, 27437992 Fax: (022) 27420320
E-mail:, Web:
Through Proper Channel
Institutional SAC/IEC
MGM Medical College, Kamothe/Kalamboli
Navi Mumbai
I, DR. SOURADIP PURNASIS BHADURI have a joined as PG Resident for MD/MS in subject of
PATHOLOGY under the PG Teacher DR.PRIYANKA NIMBALKAR JADHAV, Associate Professor, at
Mahatma Gandhi Mission’s Medical College, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai for 2023-26 Batch.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
(M.D. Pathology)
Postgraduate student guide Co Guide Professor & Head
Associate Professor Associate Professor Department of Pathology
Department of Pathology Department of General Medicine MGM Medical College
MGM Medical College MGM Medical College Navi Mumbai
Navi Mumbai Navi Mumbai
Sl. No. Particulars Page no.
1 Introduction 05
3 Literature Review 06
9 References 12
10 Consent form 13
The prevalence of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is estimated to be 8-16% worldwide with an
aging population, and rising levels of hypertension, diabetes and obesity, renal diseases pose an
increasing burden on public healthcare. Two million people worldwide are currently on renal
replacement therapy (RRT), dialysis or have a renal transplant. However, this figure makes up
only ∼ 10% of all individuals who actually need renal replacement therapy, with a greater number
dying due to the inadequate availability of therapies and skewed treatment towards affluent
countries with access to healthcare. Furthermore, kidney disease represents an independent risk
factor for cardiovascular mortality.
Individuals often present with complex renal pathologies resulting from numerous insults, both
genetic and environmental. The interactions of combined metabolic and cardiovascular factors
make it difficult to identify individuals who will benefit most from available treatments to slow or
prevent disease progression. It is therefore imperative that we develop new strategies to identify
those at high risk of progressive kidney disease and to discover new therapies to slow the rate of
disease progression in these individuals. (1)
In the diagnostics of renal medical diseases the direct immunofluorescence has become a
necessary morphological method for proving immunopathological glomerular, tubulo-interstitial
or vascular processes. On the basis of characteristic patterns of findings glomerular pathologies
and tubulo-interstitial pathologies may be differentiated by antibodies of basal membranes by
deposition of circulating or locally developed immune complexes. Apart from
immunopathogenetic characteristics localization, intensity and expansion as well as
immunochemical pecularities of depositions of immune complexes are of importance for further
characterization. As an indirect method the immunofluorescence is suitable for proving circulating
antibodies against renal constituents. (2)
Immunofluorescence (IF) is a powerful approach for getting insight into cellular structures and
processes using microscopy. Specific proteins can be assessed for their expression and location,
making immunofluorescence indispensable for scientists to solve many cell biological questions.
An immunofluorescence experiment is based on the following principal steps:
1. Specific antibodies bind to the protein of interest.
2. Fluorescent dyes are coupled to these immune complexes in order to visualize the protein of
interest using microscopy.
In direct immunofluorescence, the primary antibody is directly coupled to a fluorophore (also
called fluorochrome), allowing for easy handling and quick visualization. In indirect
immunofluorescence, a secondary fluorophore-coupled antibody, which specifically binds to the
primary antibody, is used to visualize the structure of interest.(3)
Immunofluorescence (IF) is an indispensable technique for rendering an accurate diagnosis in
renal pathology. Diseases such as IgA nephropathy, hereditary renal diseases, C1q nephropathy
and C3 glomerulopathy cannot be diagnosed without IF. Direct IF on tissue (IF-F) is the most
widely used IF technique. (4)
Thus immunofluorescence should be used on routine in clinical practice in medical renal diseases
to avoid misdiagnosis of cases with masked immune complex deposits, thus helping on timely
diagnosis and treatment of patients.
Immunofluorescence is the gold standard immunohistochemically technique for evaluation of
immune deposits in the kidney. When frozen tissue is not available or lacks glomeruli,
immunofluorescence can be performed on paraffin tissue after antigen retrieval (Paraffin
immunofluorescence). Excellent results can be obtained by paraffin immunofluorescence in most
immune complex–mediated glomerulonephritis, Polycystic kidney disease, hereditary renal
diseases and dysproteinemia-associated kidney lesions, and thus this technique has become a
valuable salvage technique in renal pathology.
Singh et al studied Immunofluorescence on paraffin embedded renal biopsies and concluded that
as a “salvage” technique, immunofluorescence on paraffin embedded renal biopsies is of great
diagnostic utility, however not without pitfalls.(5)
Julie D R Reimann Assessment of Clinical and Laboratory Use of the Cutaneous Direct
Immunofluorescence Assay and concluded that reflexive use of a 6-antibody direct
immunofluorescence panel is likely not necessary to diagnose diseases associated with positive
findings; pathologists may tailor antibodies used, and clinicians their decision to use direct
immunofluorescence, to the suspected clinical diagnosis, which may result in more cost-conscious
care. (7)
Geetika Singh et al studied Immunofluorescence on paraffin embedded renal biopsies and
concluded that Immunofluorescence (IF) is an indispensable technique for rendering an accurate
diagnosis in renal pathology. (8)
Ranjana Walker Minz et al studied Direct Immunofluorescence of Renal Biopsy and concluded
that DIF has distinct advantages. Diseases like IgA nephropathy, IgM nephropathy, C1q
nephropathy and anti-GBM glomerulonephritis can only be diagnosed by immunohistology,
whereas the diagnosis of other diseases is confirmed and refined by DIF.(9)
The prospective study of kidney biopsies, will be done in Department of Pathology during the
period of eighteen months at MGM Medical College and Hospital, Navi Mumbai.
All the relevant clinical details including age, sex and clinical presentation will be acquired from
the requisition form and by interactions with the patient and concerned clinician.
All the renal biopsy specimens will be submitted for appropriate fixation in Michel’s medium,
Glutaraldehyde or 10 percent buffered formalin followed by processing as per the standard
protocols of gross and microscopic examination.
All biopsies samples will be processed further for immunofluorescence, also for light microscopy
and electron microscopy if indicated.
Hematoxylin and Eosin for staining the tissue sections. Special staining with Periodic Acid
Schiff’s (PAS), Mason’s trichrome, Methenamine silver stain will be performed on the biopsies, if
N = 35
� 2 ��
Formula: n = �2
= 34.57
A prospective study of renal biopsies will be conducted in Histopathology Section, Department of
Pathology, in MGM Medical College and Hospital, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.
solitary kidneys,
bleeding diathesis,
uncooperative behavior,
Name of the Patient: OPD/IPD No.
Age: Sex:
Contact No:
Address: Contact no.:
History of present:
Illness:Past history:
Family history:
Personal History:
Clinical Findings:
Lab Findings:
Antibody Interpretation Pattern Location
Ethical Aspects:
• Institutional Ethical Committee Clearance will be taken before start of the study.
Funding Details:
No funding required-the investigation expenses will be borne by the patient themselves, as part of routine
Immunofluorescence could be a very good tool or method for assessing various medical renal diseases along
with histopathological diagnosis and electron microscopy.
Immunofluorescence could be done on routine basis along with histopathological examination to avoid
misdiagnosis of medical renal diseases.
4. Nasr SH, Fidler ME, Said SM. Paraffin Immunofluorescence: A Valuable Ancillary Technique in
Renal Pathology. Kidney Int Rep. 2018 Jul 7;3(6):1260-1266. doi: 10.1016/j.ekir.2018.07.008.
PMID: 30450452; PMCID: PMC6224795.
7. Reimann JDR, Moynihan SP, Horn TD. Assessment of Clinical and Laboratory Use of the
Cutaneous Direct Immunofluorescence Assay. JAMA Dermatol. 2021 Nov 1;157(11)
8. Geetika Singh, Lavleen Singh, Ranajoy Ghosh. Immunofluorescence on paraffin embedded renal
biopsies: Experience of a tertiary care center with review of literature. World J Nephrol 2016; 5(5):
461-470 [PMID: 27648410 DOI: 10.5527/wjn.v5.i5.461]
9. Ranjana Walker Minz ; Immunofluorescence of Renal Biopsy: Perspective of an
Tick to Confirm
I confirm that I have read and understand the information sheet for the above study
I have had the opportunity to consider the information, ask questions and have had these answered
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without
giving any reason, without my medicalcare or legal rights being affected.
I understand that relevant sections of any of my medical notes and data collected during the study, may
be viewed by responsible individuals from MGM Medical College [IERC]and the regulatory authorities,
as and when relevant. I give permission for these individuals tohave access to my records.
Student Name
Date/Place Signature
Witness Name
Date/Place Signature
• The nature and purpose of the study and its potential risks/ benefits and expected duration of the
study, and other relevant details of the study have been explained to mein detail. I understand that
my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdrawat any time, without giving any reason,
without my medical care or legal right being affected.
• I understand that the information collected about me from my participation in this research and
sections of any of my medical notes may be looked at by responsible individuals. I give permission
for these individuals to have access to my records. I agreeto take part in the above study.
• Son/Daughter/Spouse of:
• Date Place
• This is to certify that the above consent has been obtained in my presence
• Place
• 1) Witness-1 2) Witness -2 _
• Name: Name:
• Signature Signature
अनुसंधान अध्न के लिए सहमलि प्र
मै लमझता हं नक मे िी भागीरािी सैवैक है औि मै नकली भी लमय, नबया कोई कािर बताए, अपयी नचनकता
रे खभाल या काय्यी अनधकािों को ्भानवत नकए नबया इले वापल ले ये के नलए सतंत हं ।
मै लमझता हं नक मे िे नकली भी मे नडकल योट औि अधयय के रौिाय एकत नकए गए डे टा के ्ालं नगक
अयुभागों को एमजीएम मे नडकल कॉले ज [आईईआिली] के नजमेराि ववकयों औि नययामक अनधकारियों
दािा, जब भी ्ालं नगक हो, रे खा जा लकता है । मै इय ववकयों को मे िे रिकॉडण तक पहं च की अयुमनत रे ता हं ।
नरयां क/सथाय
छात का याम
गवाह का याम
सहमलि ्र
• र् िभाष. लं:
नरयां क………………………(लंसिर)……… ्राय की गई ल्चया शीट की लामगी को मेिे दािा धाय ले पढा गया है /मुझे नवसाि ले उल भाषा
मे लमझाया गया है नजले मै लमझता हं , औि मैये प्िी तिह ले लामगी को लमझा. मै पुन् किता हं नक मुझे ्् प्छये का अवलि नमला है ।
•अधयय की ्करनत औि उदे द औि इलके लंभानवत जोवखम/लाभ औि अधयय की अपेनतत अवनध, औि अधयय के अन ्ालंनगक
नवविर मुझे नवसाि ले लमझाए गए है । मै लमझता हं नक मेिी भागीरािी सै वैक है औि मै नकली भी लमय, नबया कोई कािर बताए,
अपयी नचनकता रे खभाल या काय्यी अनधकाि को ्भानवत नकए नबया इले वापल लेये के नलए सतं त हं ।
•मै लमझता हं नक इल शोध मे मेिी भागीरािी ले मेिे बािे मे एकत की गई जायकािी औि मेिे नकली भी मेनडकल योट के अयुभागों को
नजमे राि ववकयों दािा रे खा जा लकता है । मै इय ववकयों को मेिे रिकॉडण तक पहं च की अयुमनत रे ता हं । मै उपिोक अधयय मे भाग
लेये के नलए लहमत हं ।
•्नतभागी का याम:
•नरयां क सथाय
•याम याम:
•हसाति हसाति
सं शोधन अभासासासी सं मिी फॉम्
पकराले शीर्क: "म् तनपंडाडा आजािां मधे इम् योनोिोले रडा नयराय उपयुकतेचा अभाल किरे"
लिदाया् ले नाि: डॉ. लौिरीप प्राण नलल भारु िी, डॉकि ऑफ मेनडनलयचे नवदाथा पॅथॉलॉजी
्रवुकि लिदाया माग्रश् काले नाि: डॉ. न्यं का नयं बाळकि जाधव, पॅथॉलॉजीमधील लहयोगी ्ाधापक
मी पु्ी कितो की मी विील अभालालाठी मानहती पतक वाचले आनर लमजले आहे
मला मानहतीवि नवचाि किणाची, ्् नवचािणाची आनर तां या लमाधायकािक उतिे रे णाची लं धी नमळाली आहे .
मी लमजतो की माझा लहभाग ऐवैक आहे आनर मी कोरतेही कािर य रे ता माझे उपचाि कधीही मागे घेऊ
शकतो. माझी काळजी नकंवा कायरे शीि अनधकाि ्भानवत य किता मी ते मागे घेणाल मोकळे आहे .
मी लमजतो की माझा लहभाग ऐवैक आहे आनर मी कोरतेही कािर य रे ता माझे उपचाि कधीही मागे घेऊ
शकतो.माझी काळजी नकंवा कायरे शीि अनधकाि ्भानवत य किता मी ते मागे घेणाल मोकळे आहे .
नवदायाण चे याव
किाि ्र
नरयां क………………………(आवरती)………….्राय केलेला मानहती पतकाची लामगी मी काळजीप्वणक वाचली आहे /मला भाषा तपशीलवाि
लमजते मला ते लमजले मर्य ते मला लमजाव्य लां नगतले गेले आहे आनर मला लामगी प्रणपरे लमजली आहे . मी पु्ी कितो की मला
्् नवचािणाची लंधी नमळाली आहे .
•अभालाचे स्प आनर उनद्े आनर ताचे लंभाव धोके/फायरे आनर अभालाचा अपेनतत कालावधी आनर अभालाचे इति लंबंनधत
तपशील मला तपशीलवाि लमजाव्य लां नगतले आहे त. मी लमजतो की माझा लहभाग ऐवैक आहे आनर मी कोरते ही कािर य रे ता
माझे लरस् कधीही मागे घेऊ शकतो.माझा वैदकीय लेवा नकंवा कायरे शीि अनधकािां वि परिराम य किता मी माघाि घेणाल मोकळे
आहे .
• मला लमजते की या लंशोधयातील माझा लहभागादािे माझाबदल गोळा केलेली मानहती आनर माझा कोरताही वैदकीय योट् लचे
नवभाग जबाबराि वकींदािे पानहले जाऊ शकतात. मी या वकींया माझा िे कॉडण मधे ्वेश किणाची पिवायगी रे तो. मी विील
• लहभागीचे याव:
• हे ्मानरत किणालाठी आहे की विील लंमती माझा उपवसथतीत ्ार झाली आहे
• नठकार
•याम याव:
•सातिी सातिी
Mahatma Gandhi Mission
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
Ph: (022) 2 7433404, 27437992 Fax: (022) 27420320
E-mail:, Web:
Through Proper Channel
Institutional SAC/IEC
MGM Medical College, Kamothe/Kalamboli
Navi Mumbai
(Dr._____________________) (Dr. ______________________)
PG Guide Head of the Department
1. All Enclosures as per IEC (page I to 14)
2. Swayam portal registration for ICMR Research Methodology Course
Photograph of
the student
Name in full
Present residential address:- HOSTEL NO 409 KHARGHAR BOYS HOSTEL NAVI MUMBAI
Signature of Student:
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
Ph: (022) 27427900, 7423404, Fax: (022) 27420320
E-mail:, Web:
.MGM Medical College, Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Navi Mumbai
Format for Submission of Academic Research Protocol for IEC Review
IEC Form No 1
Name of the Co- Investigator:- ________________________________________
Signature :- ______________________________ Department :- _______________________
The WHO definition for a clinical trial ‘any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of human to one or more health-
related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcome.
Inclusion criteria
Exclusion Criteria
The patients having inadequate renal biopsies, solitary kidneys, bleeding diathesis, uncooperative
behavior and refused consent will be excluded from the study.
Pregnant Women
Mentally Challenged
Others :- ______________________________________________________________________
Permission from Drug Controller General of India (DCGI)
1. Required 2. Not Required
21 _________________________________________________________________________________
S. No Items Cost
1 Drugs/Plant Products
2 Chemicals/Reagents
3 Investigations
Any Other
4 Lab Equipment’s
5 Stationary
6 Travel
7 Miscellaneous
8 Total Cost
Certificate that Hindi & Marathi version are true translation of English version
(Enclose copy)
Certificate that Hindi & Marathi version are true translation of English version
Whether any work on this Protocol has started or not? (Mark if yes, X if No)
Yes No
Participant Information Sheet
Participant Informed Consent Form
Case Record form/Questionnaires
Permission for the use of copyrighted scale/Questionnaire
Permission of Medical Superintendent/Competent authority for retrospective study
In case of multicentre study, IEC clearance of other centres must be provided
Definite undertaking as to who will bear the expenditure of injury related to the Trail
(separate copy)
In case insurance cover is intended, Insurance certificate must be provided as per ICMR
In case of Clinical trials, proof of registration of Clinical trial with regulatory body to be
In case of Investigational New Drug DCGI approval letter and Investigators Brochure
Permission letter and MOU with Collaborating Institutes
MOU with Collaborating Institutes
Sanction/Invitation/Approval letter in case of sponsored/funded/collaborating Projects
Budget details in case of sponsored/funded/collaborating Projects
28 Are you applying for expedited review Yes No
We hereby declared the information given above is true and that we do not have any financial or
non-financial conflict of interest.
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
Ph: (022) 27427900, 7423404, Fax: (022) 27420320
E-mail:, Web:
IEC Form No 2
2. Researcher details
3. Name and address of the medical college, hospital or other facility where the clinical
Study/trial will be conducted:-
Pathology laboratory, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.
3. Name and address of all clinical laboratory facilities to be used in the study.
Pathology laboratory, MGM Medical College and Hospital, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai.
4. Name and address of the Ethical Committee that is responsible for approval and
continuing review of the study.
5. Name of the other members of the research team (Co-Investigators) who will be
Assisting the Investigator in the conduct of the investigation (s)
7. Commitments:
(i)I have reviewed the clinical protocol and agree that is contains all the necessary information to
conduct the study. I will not begin the study until all necessary Ethics Committee and
regulatory approvals have been obtained.
(ii) I agree to conduct the study in accordance with the current protocol. I will not implement any
decision from or changes of the protocol without agreement by the Sponsor and prior review
and documented approval from the Ethics Committee of the amendment, expect where
necessary to eliminate hazard(s) to the trial Subjects or when the chargers) involved are only
logistical or administrative in nature.
(iii) I agree to personally conduct and / or supervise the clinical trial at my site.
(iv) I agree to inform all subjects; that the drugs are being used for investigational purposes and I
will ensure that the requirements relating to obtaining informed consent and ethics
committee review and approval specified in Good Clinical practice (GCP) guidelines are
(v) I agree to report to the sponsor (in case of sponsored study) all adverse experiences that occur
in the course of study.
(vi) I have read and understood the information in the Investigator’s brochure, including the
potential risks and side effects of the drug.
(vii) I agree to ensure that all associates, colleagues and employees assisting in the conduct of the
study are suitable qualified and experienced and they have been informed about their
obligations in meeting their commitments in the trial/ study.
(viii) I agree to maintain adequate records and to make those records available for audit /
inspection by the Sponsor, Ethics Committee, Licensing Authority or their authorized
representatives, in accordance with regulatory and GCP provisions. I will fully cooperate
with any study related audit conducted by regulatory officials or authorized representatives
of the Sponsor.
(ix) I agree to promptly report to the Ethics Committee all changes in the clinical trial / study
activities and all unanticipated problems involving risk to human Subjects or other.
(x) I agree to inform all unexpected serious adverse events to the Sponsor/College as well as the
Ethics Committee and Pharmacovigilance Committee within seven days of their occurrence.
(xi) I will maintain confidentiality of the identification of all study data.
(xii) I agree to comply with all other requirements, guidelines and statutory obligations as
applicable to clinical Investigators participating in clinical trials / study.
(xiii) I agree to submit the study completion report to the Ethics Committee once the study is
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
Ph: (022) 27427900, 7423404, Fax: (022) 27420320
E-mail:, Web:
E-mail:, Web:
MGM Medical College, Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Navi Mumbai
IEC Form No 3
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
Ph: (022) 27427900, 7423404, Fax: (022) 27420320
E-mail:, Web:
MGM Medical College, Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Navi Mumbai
IEC Form No 4
ForUG/P G./PhD Research Projects
This Participant Information Sheet gives you important information about the study. It describes the
purpose of the study, and the risks and possible benefits of participating in the study.
If you have decided to take part in the study, you will be asked to sign the informed consent form which is
along with this Participant Information Sheet. Before you sign the informed consent form, be sure you
understand what the study is about, including the risks and possible benefits to you. You will be given a
copy of the Participant Information Sheet and signed informed consent form for your future reference.
9. Freedom of the individual to participate and/or withdraw from research at any time without penalty or
loss of benefits to which the participant would otherwise be entitled
10. The identity of the research team and contact persons with addresses and phone numbers (for example,
PI/Co PI for queries related to the research and IEC Office for appeal against violations of ethical
principles and human rights)
b. Method: The study includes patient who are clinically suspected with renal medical disease.
Methods :
The study includes patients who are diagnosed with renal medical disease. The patients attending
the Medicine OPD (Nephrology department) of MGM Hospital, Navi Mumbai will be subjected to
renal biopsies for histopathological study. The renal biopsy specimens fulfilling the inclusion
criteria of the study will be received at the Central laboratory, Department of Pathology, MGM
Hospital, Kamothe. All the renal biopsy specimens will be submitted for appropriate fixation
followed by processing as per the standard protocols. Haematoxylin and Eosin for staining the
tissue sections. Special staining with Periodic Acid Schiff’s (PAS), Mason’s trichrome,
Methenamine silver stain and Congo red (if required) will be performed on all the biopsies.
Expected duration of the study : 18 months ( 1st May 2024 - 30th November 2025)
Frequency of contact : None
Data collection method : Convenient sampling
Data selection method : Primary
Diagnosis with immunoflouroscence helps in improving patient outcomes and treatment strategies.
Extent to which confidentiality of records could be maintained, such as the limits towhich the researcher
would be able to safeguard confidentiality and the anticipated consequences of breach of confidentiality.
Patient’s medical records that are related to this study will be maintained in confidentiality.No identity of
any specific participant in this study will be disclosed in any public records. The authority has the right
upon proper judicial order to pertinent medical records and otherdata with your name identified. They are
required by law however, the information will be handled in confidential manner.
7. Payment/reimbursement for participation and incidental expenses depending on the type of study.
Not Applicable
8. Free treatment and/or compensation of participants for research-related injury and/ or harm.
Not Applicable.
9. Freedom of the individual to participate and/or withdraw from research at any time without
penalty or loss of benefits to which the participant would otherwise be entitled.
The participation in any study is entirely voluntary and therefore it is necessary that written consent is
mandatory from the participant before the start of the research study. The participant is asked to read the
instructions carefully. The participant will be given ample of time and opportunity to enquire about details
of study and to decide whether or not to participate in this study. The doctor/researcher will be able to
answer their queries. Reading the information or asking question does not imply any obligation on the
participant to take part in this study. It is completely up to him/her whether or not to participate. It will not
affect their treatment in the future. The participant may withdraw from the study at any time and for any
reason or no reason. Information that has been collected from them prior to their withdrawal will continue
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withdrawn from the study.
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ethical principles and human rights)
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IEC Office
MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai, Ethics Committee
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Time to contact- 10.00am to 2.00 pm
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Ph: (022) 27427900, 7423404, Fax: (022) 27420320
E-mail:, Web:
MGM Medical College, Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Navi Mumbai
जां चकताण
यह ्नतभागी ल्चया पतक आपको अधयय के बािे मे मह्प्रण जायकािी रे ता है । यह अधयय के उदे द औि
अधयय मे भाग लेये के जोवखमों औि लंभानवत लाभों का वरणय किता है ।
यनर आपये अधयय मे भाग लेये का नयरणय नलया है , तो आपले ल्नचत लहमनत ्पत पि हसाति किये के नलए कहा
जाएगा जो इल ्नतभागी ल्चया पतक के लाथ है । ल्नचत लहमनत फॉमण पि हसाति किये ले पहले, लुनयन्त किे नक
आप लमझते है नक अधयय नकल बािे मे है , नजलमे आपके नलए जोवखम औि लंभानवत लाभ भी शानमल है । आपको
आपके भनवष के लंरभण के नलए ्नतभागी ल्चया पतक औि हसातरित ल्नचत लहमनत ्पत की एक ्नत री जाएगी।
8. अयुलंधाय ले लंबंनधत चोट औि/या युकलाय के नलए ्नतभानगयों का मुफ इलाज औि/या मुआवजा
9. ववक को नकली भी लमय नबया नकली रं ड या लाभ की हानय के अयुलंधाय मे भाग लेये औि/या वापल लेये की
सतं तता, नजलके नलए ्नतभागी अनथा हकराि होगा
10. अयुलंधाय रल औि लंपकण ववकयों की पहचाय, पते औि फोय यंबि (उराहिर के नलए, अयुलंधाय ले लंबंनधत
््ों के नलए पीआई/लीओ पीआई औि यैनतक नलदां तों औि मायवानधकािों के उलंघय के वखलाफ अपील के नलए
आईईली कायाण लय)
अयुलंधाय का उदे द औि तिीके: गुर् की नचनकता लंबंधी बीमारियों मे इम्योनोिोलेल की यैरानयक उपयोनगता का
अधयय किया।
तिीके :
अधयय मे उय िोनगयों को शानमल नकया गया है नजयमे गुर् की नचनकतीय बीमािी का नयराय नकया गया है । एमजीएम
असताल, यवी मुंबई के मेनडनलय ओपीडी (येफोलॉजी नवभाग) मे आये वाले मिीजों को नहसोपैथोलॉनजकल अधयय
के नलए गुर् की बायोपी के अधीय नकया जाएगा। अधयय के लमावेशय मायरं डों को प्िा किये वाले गुर् की बायोपी
यम्ये केंीय ्योगशाला, पैथोलॉजी नवभाग, एमजीएम असताल, कामोठे मे ्ार नकए जाएं गे। लभी गुर् की बायोपी
यम्यों को मायक ्ोटोकॉल के अयुलाि ्लंसिर के बार उनचत नयधाण िर के नलए ्सुत नकया जाएगा। ऊतक वग्
को धुंधला किये के नलए हे मेटोव्नलय औि ईओनलय। लभी बायोपी पि पीरियोनडक एनलड नशफ (पीएएल), मेलय
ट् ाइकोम, मेथेयमाइय नललि से य औि कां गो िे ड (यनर आवदक हो) के लाथ नवशेष धुंधलापय नकया जाएगा।
3. भागीरािी की अपेनतत अवनध औि यामां नकत ्नतभानगयों की अयुमानयत लंखा के लाथ लंपकण की आवरनत, डे टा
लंगह के ्काि औि तिीके।
इम्योनोिोलेल के लाथ नयराय िोगी के परिरामों औि उपचाि िरयीनतयों को बेहति बयाये मे मरर किता है ।
5. अधयय मे भाग लेये के परिरामस्प ्नतभागी को होये वाला कोई भी लंभानवत जोवखम, पिे शायी या अलुनवधा
इल अधयय का नहसा बयये ले मिीज को कोई खतिा यहीं है ।
नकल लीमा तक अनभलेखों की गोपयीयता बयाए िखी जा लकती है , जैले नक शोधकताण नकल लीमा तक गोपयीयता की
िता किये मे लतम होगा औि गोपयीयता के उलंघय के अपेनतत परिराम।
इल अधयय ले लंबंनधत िोगी के मेनडकल रिकॉडण को गोपयीयता मे िखा जाएगा। इल अधयय मे नकली भी नवनश्
भागीराि की कोई भी पहचाय नकली भी लावणजनयक रिकॉडण मे ्कट यहीं की जाएगी। ्ानधकािी को उनचत नानयक
आरे श पि आपके पहचाये गए याम के लाथ ्ालंनगक मेनडकल रिकॉडण औि अन डे टा ्ार किये का अनधकाि है ।
हालाँ नक, ये काय्य दािा आवदक है , जायकािी को गोपयीय तिीके ले लंभाला जाएगा।
8. अयुलंधाय ले लंबंनधत चोट औि/ के नलए ्नतभानगयों का नयःशुल उपचाि औि/या मुआवजा
या हानय.
लाग् यहीं।
9. ववक को नकली भी लमय अयुलंधाय मे भाग लेये औि/या उलले हटये की सतं तता
नबया नकली जुमाण ये या लाभ की हानय के, नजलका ्नतभागी अनथा हकराि होगा।
अधयय के बािे मे अनधक जायकािी ्ार किये के नलए करपया यीचे ल्चीबद शोधकताण ओं ले लंपकण किे
अधयय ्नकयाओं या उपचाि के बािे मे ्् प्छे
इलके अनतरिक, यनर एक शोध भागीराि के ्प मे आपके अनधकािों के बािे मे आपके कोई ्् या नचंताएं है या
अधयय के बािे मे कोई नचंता है , तो करपया बेनझझक यैनतकता कायाण लय के माधम ले यैनतकता लनमनत को लंबोनधत
किे । (
आईईली कायाण लय
एमजीएम मेनडकल कॉलेज, यवी मुंबई, आचाि लनमनत
र् िभाष लंखा: लीधा- 022-27437888
लंपकण किये का लमय- लुबह 10.00 बजे ले रोपहि 2.00 बजे तक
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
Ph: (022) 27427900, 7423404, Fax: (022) 27420320
E-mail:, Web:
MGM Medical College, Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Navi Mumbai
पकराले शीर्क: म्तनपंडाडा आजािां मधे इम्योनोिोलेरडा नयराय उपयुकतेचा अभाल किरे
हे लहभागी मानहती पतक तुमाला अभालानवषयी महताची मानहती रे ते. हे अभालाचा उदे श आनर अभालात लहभागी
होणाचे धोके आनर लंभाव फायरे यांचे वरणय किते.
तुमी अभालात लहभागी होणाचे ठिनवलाल, तुमाला या लहभागी मानहती पतकालह ल्नचत लंमती फॉमणवि सातिी
किणाल लांनगतले जाईल. तुमी ल्नचत लंमती फॉमणवि सातिी किणाप्वा, तुमडालाठी जोखीम आनर लंभाव फायदांलह,
अभाल कशाबदल आहे हे तुमाला लमजले आहे याची खाती किा. तुमाला तुमडा भनवषातील लंरभाणलाठी लहभागी
मानहती पतकाची एक ्त आनर सातिी केलेला ल्नचत लंमती फॉमण नरला जाईल.
3. लहभागाचा अपेनतत कालावधी आनर योंररी केलेला लहभागी ंची अंराजे लंखा, ्काि आनर डे टा लंकलयाडा
पदती ंलह लंपकाणची वािं वािता
6. िे कॉडण ची गोपयीयता नकती ्मारात िाखली जाऊ शकते, जले की लंशोधक गोपयीयतेचे लंितर किणाल लतम अलेल
आनर गोपयीयतेडा उलंघयाचे अपेनतत परिराम.
8. लंशोधय-लंबंनधत रु खापती आनर/नकंवा युकलायीलाठी लहभागी ंया मोफत उपचाि आनर/नकंवा भिपाई
9. वकीला कोरताही वेळी लंशोधयात भाग घेणाचे सातंत आनर/नकंवा रं ड नकंवा फायदांचे युकलाय य किता जाचा
लहभागी अनथा पात अलेल
10. लंशोधय कायणलंघ आनर लंपकण वकी ंची ओळख, पते आनर फोय यंबि (उराहिराथण, लंशोधय-लंबंनधत ््ांलाठी
PI/CO PI आनर यैनतक तते आनर मायवी हक उलंघयांनवरद अपील किणालाठी IEC कायाणलय)
माझा ्बंधाचा नवषय पॅथॉलॉजी नवभाग, एमजीएम मेनडकल कॉलेज, यवी मुंबई येथे केलेला लंशोधय अभाल आहे .
ए. लंशोधयाचे उनद्: नकडयीडा आजािामधे इमुयोनोिे लेरडा नयराय उपयुकतेचा अभाल किरे .
बी. पदती: अभालात अशा रुांचा लमावेश होता जांया नकडयीचा आजाि अललाची वैदकीयीयदा शंका होती.
लंशोधयाचे उनद् आनर पदती: म्तनपंडाडा वैदकीय िोगांमधे इमुयोनोिे लेरडा नयराय उपयुकतेचा अभाल किरे.
या अभालात वैदकीय नकडयीडा आजािाचे नयराय झालेला रुांचा लमावेश होता. एमजीएम हॉवसटल, यवी मुंबईडा
मेनडनलय ओपीडी (येफोलॉजी नवभाग) मधे येराऱया रुांची नहसोपॅथॉलॉनजकल अभालालाठी नकडयी बायोपी केली
जाईल. अभालाडा लमावेशाचे नयकष प्रण किरािे िे यल बायोपी यमुये केंीय ्योगशाळा, पॅथॉलॉजी नवभाग, एमजीएम
हॉवसटल, कामोठे येथे नमळतील. लवण िे यल बायोपी यमुये ्मानरत ्ोटोकॉलयुलाि ्नकया केलायंति योग नयधाणिरालाठी
लबनमट केले जातील. हे मॅटोव्नलय आनर इओनलय नटश् नवभागांया डाग रे णालाठी. लवण बायोपीवि पीरियनडक अॅनलड
नशफ (पीएएल), मॅलय ट् ायकोम, मेथेयामाइय नलल्ि से य आनर काँगो िे ड (आवदक अललाल) लह सेशल से नयंग केले
3. लहभागाचा अपेनतत कालावधी आनर योंररी केलेला लहभागी ंची अपेनतत लंखा, लंपकण वािं वािता, ्काि आनर डे टा
लंकलयाडा पदती.
इमुयोनोिे लेरचे नयराय रुाचे परिराम आनर उपचाि धोिरे लुधािणाल मरत किते.
5. अभालात भाग घेतलामुळे लहभागी ंया होरािे कोरतेही लंभाव धोके, अससथता नकंवा गैिलोय
िे कॉडण ची गोपयीयता नकती ्मारात िाखली जाऊ शकते, जले की लंशोधक गोपयीयतेचे लंितर किणाल लतम अलेल
आनर गोपयीयतेडा उलंघयाचे अपेनतत परिराम.
या अभालाशी लंबंनधत रुाडा वैदकीय योंरी गोपयीय ठे वला जातील. या अभालातील कोरताही नवनश् लहभागीची
कोरतीही ओळख कोरताही लावणजनयक िे कॉडण मधे उघड केली जाराि याही. योग नानयक आरे शायुलाि तुमडा
ओळखला गेलेला यावालह लंबंनधत वैदकीय योंरी आनर इति डे टा नमळवणाचा अनधकाि ्ानधकिराला आहे . कायदाये
आवदक अलले तिी, मानहती गोपयीयपरे हाताळली जाईल.
अभालाचा ्काि.
लाग् याही
नकंवा युकलाय.
लाग् याही.
9. कोरताही वेळी लंशोधयात लहभागी होणाचे आनर/नकंवा मागे घेणाचे वकीचे सातंत
कोरताही रं डानशवाय नकंवा फायदांचे युकलाय य किता जाचा लहभागी अनथा पात अलेल.
कोरताही अभालात भाग घेरे प्रणपरे ऐवैक अलते आनर तामुळे तेथे नलवखत अलरे आवदक आहे
लंशोधय अभाल लु् होणाप्वा लहभागी ंची लंमती अनयवायण आहे . लहभागीला ल्चया काळजीप्वणक वाचणाल लांनगतले
जाते. लहभागी ंया पुिेला वेळ नरला जाईल
अभालाडा तपनशलांची चौकशी किणाची आनर तात भाग घायचा की याही हे ठिवणाची लंधी.
भाग घायचा की याही हे लवणसी ताडावि अवलंब्य आहे . तामुळे तांडा उपचािांवि परिराम होराि याही
भनवष. लहभागी कधीही आनर कोरताही कािरासव अभालात्य माघाि घेऊ शकतो
कािर. पित येणाप्वा तांडाकड्य गोळा केलेली मानहती लु्च िाहराि आहे
डे टा नवशेषरात वापिले जाईल. यायंति कोरतीही यवीय मानहती लंकनलत नकंवा वापिली जाराि याही
10. लंशोधय कायणलंघ आनर लंपकण वकी ंची ओळख, पते आनर फोयलह
कमांक (उराहिराथण, PI/CO लाठी PI आनर IEC कायाणलय लंशोधय लंबंनधत ््ांलाठी
अभालाबदल अनधक जार्य घेणालाठी, करपया खाली ल्चीबद केलेला लंशोधकां शी लंपकण लाधा
अभाल ्नकया नकंवा उपचािां बदल ्् नवचािा
यावनतरिक, जि तु माला लंशोधय लहभागी मर्य नकंवा अभालानवषयी तु मडा अनधकािां बदल काही ्् नकंवा
नचंता अलतील ति करपया यीनतशास कायाण लयादािे यीनतशास लनमतीला मोकळा मयाये लंबोनधत किा. ,
IEC कायाण लय
एमजीएम मेनडकल कॉलेज, यवी मुंबई, आचाि लनमती
र् िधयी कमां क: थेट- ०२२-२७४३७८८८
लंपकण वेळ- लकाळी 10.00 ते रु पािी 2.00
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
MGM Medical College, Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Navi Mumbai
IEC Form No 5
Department: PATHOLOGY
2. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time,
without giving reasons, without my medical care or legal rights being affected
3. I understand that the sponsor of the clinical trial, others working on the sponsors’ behalf, the
Ethics Committee, Legal and the Regulatory authorities will not need my permission to look at
my health records both in respect of the current study and further research that may be
conducted in relation to it, even if I withdraw from the trial. I agree to this access. However, I
understand that my identity will not be revealed in any information released to third parties or
4. I agree not to restrict the use any data or results that arise from this study provided such a
use is only for scientific purpose (s)
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
MGM Medical College, Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Navi Mumbai
नवभाग: पैथोलॉजी
्् प्छये का अवलि.
गवाह का याम
Sector-1, Kamothe, Navi Mumbai - 410 209, India
MGM Medical College, Institutional Ethics Committee (IEC), Navi Mumbai
फॉम् कमांक 5
नवभाग: पॅथॉलॉजी
्् नवचािणाची लंधी.
लातीरािाचे याव