jwtForPrintPresention 022022
jwtForPrintPresention 022022
jwtForPrintPresention 022022
Signature: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I the undersigned do hereby certify that this is a true report for the project undertaken
by the above-named students under my supervision and that it has been submitted to
1. CHAPTER ONE.......................................................................................................................5
1.1. INTODUCTION............................................................................................................5
2. CHAPTER TWO....................................................................................................................11
1.1.1. Overview........................................................................................................11
1.1.6. Summary........................................................................................................15
3. CHAPTER THREE..................................................................................................................15
1.0. METHODOLOGY........................................................................................................15
1.1. Overview..................................................................................................................15
1.2. Research Design.......................................................................................................15
1.9. Summary..................................................................................................................18
APPENDED FACTS.....................................................................................................20
Appendix 4: Budget........................................................................................................21
Secure authentication procedures are essential for protecting sensitive data and
past, procedures like username-password pairs were used for authentication. The
development of information and communication technology (ICT) has opened the era
of the Internet of Things (IoT), in which many devices can connect to the Internet to
and smart farms, have emerged based on IoT, and there is also the smart home, which
is the fastest growing market. The smart home is where devices installed for various
purposes connect to each other through the Internet so that users can use the service
anytime and anywhere. However, while the smart home provides convenience to
users, recently the smart home has been exposed to various security threats, such as
Hong,2017). One of the obstacles still preventing the wide-spread use of JSON Web
The existing system has a lot of shortcomings hence cannot facilitate a free, fair and
security, duplication of data entry among others. To make this right, we found it fit to
eliminate the need for server-side session management. Implement secure token
To enhance the security, efficiency, and user experience of authentication within web-
Tokens (JWTs). This project aims to eliminate the drawbacks associated with
The JWT (JSON Web Token) project holds paramount significance by addressing
authentication using JWTs. By eliminating the need for servers to intricately handle
individual user sessions, the project significantly enhances server performance and
gain from improved security and efficiency, justifying the allocation of resources for
The significance of this study on JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication lies in its
pivotal role in fortifying online security measures. By offering a robust framework for
secure data transmission, this research advances cybersecurity practices, ensuring the
experiences, and fostering trust among users and entities. Additionally, this study
for efficient JWT implementation. Ultimately, the study's findings not only elevate
user satisfaction and trust in online platforms but also contribute significantly to the
The project assumes the utilization of standardized JSON Web Token (JWT)
Vulnerability to hacking
Susceptibility to fraud
Lack of accuracy in capturing voters' intent
1.1.1. Overview
In this section; functions, components, features and challenges of the json web token
Wang, Yan, and Zhang (2021) discussed various types of attacks and corresponding
various attacks while both system security and usability are expected to be satisfied.
recognition, and speech patterns, to confirm a person's identity. They offer advantages
and the potential for false positives or negatives(Basare, Bhojak, & Solanki, 2023).
proposed to provide compact storage, noise tolerance, and fast query processing for
privacy were also touted as features of the HBF, it was not thoroughly evaluated.
Compared to the classical BFs, the HBF uses a threshold parameter to make robust
authentication decisions when the HBF encounters noise in the biometric input which
1.1.3. Components of the existing JWT system.
The proposed stateless authentication system integrates JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) as
session states.
According to Jánoky, Ekler, and Levendovszky (2021), "JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
provide a scalable, distributed way of user access control for modern web-based
JWTs that serve as digital passports for accessing protected resources. APIs facilitate
risks if not handled carefully, such as the potential for token interception,
tampering, or forgery.
Token Expiry and Renewal: Managing token expiration and renewal can be
Token Storage and Revocation: Securely storing and efficiently revoking JWTs
distributed systems.
Scope and Granularity: Balancing the scope and granularity of JWTs to provide
security vulnerabilities.
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect have been extensively integrated into mobile
applications during recent years to manage access delegation and reduce password
fatigue via a single sign-on experience. To provide a precise specification for mobile
application developers on how to secure their implementations, the OAuth Working
Group has published a set of best current practices called 'OAuth 2.0 for Native Apps'
(Sharif et al., 2022). Nevertheless, many available mobile applications still suffer
Sharif (2020) offline signature verification system used a novel technique that
The objective was to assess the impact of SSO implementation on reducing clinician
login time for various clinical software programs and to achieve financial savings by
migrating to a thin client, enabling the replacement of traditional hard drive computer
According to Jánoky, Ekler, and Levendovszky (2021), JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
based systems.
Pandey and Nisha (2021) acknowledged the challenges in implementing Single Sign-
On (SSO). The enterprise faces complexities as it not only needs to integrate user
network logon with a local application but also with software-as-a-service (SaaS)
1.1.6. Summary
This chapter represented functions, components and challenges of the Json we token
1.1. Overview
This chapter deals with research design methodology used in the research on the json
collection and the analysis of the data as well as the conclusions drawn and the ethical
According to Abbott (2013), Research design is a plan that provides the underlying
structure to integrate all elements of a quantitative study so that the results are
credible, free from bias and maximally generalizable. Research design provides the
glue that holds the research together. The research design determines how the
participants were selected, what variables were included and how they are
manipulated, how data was collected and analyzed, and how extraneous variability
was controlled so that the overall research problem can be addressed. Regardless of
inappropriate research design was used. This study utilized a quantitative approach, in
this approach the researcher’s focuses on quantifying the data into numerical values
Study population is that population from which it was used to generalize the results of
the study.
According to Hamed (2016), Sampling is a technique of choosing a sub-group from a
in such a way that the individuals selected represent the entire population from which
it was selected from. Probability sampling was used in this study. This technique was
best suited for this study since it was easy to carry out and included all respondents
There several methods of data collection .For this research, questionnaires were used
In order to process data that was obtained from the questionnaires, the questionnaires
Responses from the questionnaires were then analyzed and comparison was made
between responses from different people. It was noted that some mobile applications
authenticate their users every time and others one time. From the above findings, it
was discovered that customers were more comfortable with applications which did
The researchers obtained an informed consent from the relevant authorities in order to
The data collected will only be used for purposes none other than for research and
research only.
1.9. Summary
The above chapter discussed; data collection, data processing and analysis. The SDLC
viable; social feasibility was used to show how Json web tokens was socially
accepted, economic feasibility to show the cost of the project. Feasibility report was
such as data flow diagrams is also covered. Requirements necessary for gathering
information then helps researchers whether or not to proceed with the project. The
feasibility study results can also be used to create a realistic project plan and budget.
While conducting the feasibility study, it was found out that technically most
smartphone had capabilities to handle token authorization. The current system will
take four and a half months to develop. Legally the current system meets all the legal
and contractual laws of the country. It was also discovered that the proposed system
meets the economic feasibility since the cost that would be incurred to develop the
an account, they enters their email, username and password. These details are used to
generate two tokens which are access token and refresh token. The access token is
used when a user wants to access services from the server. The refresh token will be
used to refresh the access token when it expires as long as the users has not less than
30days without using the system a period in which the refresh token also expires.
Users have to log in every time they want to access the system. If the user takes more
than 30 days without login in to the system, both the access and refresh token expires
and they have to log in again. The user enters their email and password the access and
refresh token are generated by their id number, email and user name. The overall the
dataflow diagram and activity diagram are detailed in the sections below.
user system
Access Token
Refresh Token
describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes, their attributes,
operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects. It is important for
translating the models into programming code. Figure 4.2 shows the use class diagram
the processes involved and the sequence of messages exchanged between the
Figure 4.3 shows the sequence diagram for the current authentication system.
User System
3. Issue receipt
4. Log out
5. Log in
7. Maintain session
system. ("data flow diagram,"1990). Figure 4.4 shows the Data flow diagram for the
Authentication system
user Authentication Generate Jwt
workflows of stepwise activities and actions with support for choice, iteration and
concurrency. Figure 4.5 shows the activity diagram for the current banking system.
Generate JWT
Provide JWT
what your projects need to achieve and what needs to be created to make that happen. Register
To create an account the user is required to enter the name, email, and password. The
system saves the information and generates access tokens for the next login.
A monthly report showing tall orders and attempts to access the system.
A monthly report of newly registered customers. Verification.
The system verifies the token before allowing access to ensure it’s valid. If expired
the system will request for the refresh token and if the user is blocked they are not
specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than
restrictions to the bank signature verification system across the different backlogs.
The non-functional requirements will also ensure effectiveness and usability of the
entire system. In usability, it ensures the system functions the way it is supposed to,
while effectiveness ensures the system gives correct output when given some input
values. Security
Security is the protection from or resilience against potential harm caused by others by
restricting the freedom of others to act (Buzan,1998). The system verifies the token before
allowing access to ensure it’s valid. If expired the system will request for the refresh
token and if the user is blocked they are not allowed into the syste
4.4 Summary.
This chapter entails feasibility study and how it affected the current system, the overall
description of the current authentication system. It also covers use-case diagram, class
diagram, sequence diagram, dataflow diagram and activity diagram. It also entails
requirement gathering.
Hong, N., Kim, M., Jun, M.-S., & Kang, J. (2017). A Study on a JWT-Based
User Authentication and API Assessment Scheme Using IMEI in a Smart Home
Wang, NetworksX., Yan, Z., & Zhang, P. (2021). Attacks and defenses in user
Basare, A., Bhojak, D., & Solanki, R. (2023). Biometric Authentication System.
Shomaji, S., Ghosh, P., & Forte, D. (2021). An Analysis of Enrollment and Query
Sharif, A., Carbone, R., ... Ranise, S. (2022). Best current practices for
Gellert, G. A., Crouch, J. F., ... Gillean, J. A. (2017). Clinical impact and value of
Jánoky, L. V., Ekler, P., & Levendovszky, J. (2021). Evaluating the Performance
Barry Buzan, Ole Waever, and Jaap de Wilde,Security: A new Framework for
4) if no, How long do you take before you have to log in again?
internet bundles
code research
code IDE
TOTAL 9900
Theschedule was presentent in the form reaserch of Gantt chart.
The Gant chart shaws all the tasks carried out during the course of the project life