Understanding Food Systems
Understanding Food Systems
Understanding Food Systems
Understanding Food Systems: Agriculture, Food Science, and Nutrition in the United States
Ruth MacDonald and Cheryll Reitmeier
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Agriculture, Food Science, and
Nutrition in the United States
Ruth MacDonald
Professor and Chair, Food Science and Human Nutrition,
Iowa State University, Aimes, IA, United States
Cheryll Reitmeier
Professor Emeritus, Food Science and Human Nutrition,
Iowa State University, Aimes, IA, United States
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This book was a result of the many interac- Many colleagues were called upon to review
tions and discussions I have had with my coau- text and provide information for this book, and
thor Cheryll Reitmeier over the past decade. for their willing assistance I am very grateful.
I deeply respect her perspectives about food Dr. Paul Lasley, Dr. Dana Dinnes, Dr. Cornelia
science and agriculture and her high standards Flora, Mr. Doug Svendsen, Dr. Stephanie Clark,
for teaching quality. She continually inspires Dr. Pamela Riney-Kehrberg, and Dr. Gary
me to be a better teacher and to encourage stu- Munkvold each provided critical assessment of
dents to think creatively and independently. sections or made themselves available to me to
The material in this book also reflects the input discuss aspects of the text. In addition, all of
of the many students that have provided their my colleagues in the department of Food
candid feedback and suggestions. Science and Human Nutrition and other
Much thanks to Jeni Maiers, graphic designer departments at ISU have provided me both
for the Iowa State University (ISU) Center for directly and indirectly with information about
Crops Utilization Research, for her valuable food systems that has contributed to my under-
assistance with all of the graphic design and standing and perspectives while preparing
photos used in the text. She was always avail- this book.
able to provide assistance with questions about I wish to express special gratitude to my
images and provided her technical talents husband, Dr. Ted MacDonald, for his patience
throughout the development of the book. The and support throughout the writing of this
illustrations in the text were created by Reannon book. He spent many hours reviewing text and
Overbey, an ISU student majoring in graphic assisting me with research on a wide range of
design. I greatly appreciate her talent and hard topics. My two sons, Neal and Scott, also
work to meet the publication deadlines and her deserve thanks for their encouragement and
willingness to do many revisions and changes. support as I undertook this significant project.
Acknowledgments by Cheryll Reitmeier
I am thankful to the students in the food much appreciated. Farmers Don Andringa,
systems course at Iowa State University who, Paul Reitmeier, and Doug Svendsen helped
over the past 6 years, have asked intelligent interpret technical information about agricul-
questions, listened respectfully, struggled with tural methods, government programs, and eco-
ethical dilemmas, and developed their scien- nomics; any mistakes in translation of their
tific thinking skills. Their concerns and inter- explanations are mine alone. Their honesty,
ests provided the basis for this book. I am integrity, and investments in sustainable prac-
hopeful for the future because of these stu- tices, and that of many farmers like them, con-
dents’ thoughtful and creative solutions to pro- firm my confidence in the US food system.
blems of the food system. I also thank helpful librarians at the Detroit
I am personally grateful to Linda Svendsen Lakes Public Library (Lake Agassiz Regional
for listening to me every week and providing Library), Iowa State University, North Dakota
valuable feedback about topics in this book. State University, and especially, the National
Reviews of Chapter 6, Food Processing, by Agricultural Library, US Department of
Dr. Julie Goldman and Dr. Pat Murphy were Agriculture.
Introduction to Understanding Food
Systems: Agriculture, Food Science,
and Nutrition in the United States
Throughout the day we engage in activities contained. Rarely do students engage in dis-
associated with food. We start the day with cussions or expand their coursework to learn
breakfast, maybe pack a lunch, meet friends about the interconnectedness of these areas.
for dinner, and grab a midnight snack. Trips to Within our students we saw a lack of knowl-
the local pizzeria, grocery store, or farmer’s edge about how food is grown and produced,
market are regular social outings for many misunderstandings about food processing
people. We know that food is necessary for technology, and a mistrust of nutrition and
life, but we also recognize that what and how diet recommendations. Furthermore, the public
much we eat affects our health. The choices we discussions about food and health or the role
make about food are determined by our social of agriculture are politically and socially polar-
and cultural backgrounds, preferences, and ized. This has led to a unique social environ-
experiences. Where and how food is produced ment in which decisions about food and the
may not be the first thing on people’s minds, food system are made with diminishing regard
but increasingly the term “food system” has for facts or evidence.
become integrated into everyday conversa- To provide a structure for students to learn
tions. Understanding of the complex intercon- about food systems, we created an undergrad-
nections that comprise the US food system uate course that brought together scientifically
requires a broad perspective of agriculture, based information about agriculture, food sci-
food science, human nutrition, and the envi- ence, human nutrition, and the environment.
ronment, which are the topics of this textbook. This textbook was built from the content we
We have spent many years teaching food developed for the course along with input
science and human nutrition, at a land-grant from many students and colleagues. Our goal
institution (Iowa State University), in a state is to facilitate understanding of how the US
(Iowa) where agriculture is a dominant eco- food system evolved and to raise awareness
nomic and social component. This has given among students of the imperative to make
us a broad awareness of the interactions sound, scientifically based decisions about
among these disciplines. The curricula offered food.
to students in agriculture, food science, and We begin our course and this textbook with
human nutrition at most academic institutions a discussion about ethics. Ethical perspectives
have developed over time to become self- are an essential component of the food system
at all levels. Any topic raised within a food information provided for instructors, we recom-
system discussion will have an ethical compo- mend discussion topics and assignments that
nent. Our application of ethical principles is by allow students to engage in personal reflections
necessity superficial, and we strongly encour- and debate controversial issues. We strongly
age further study of these principles. Only encourage that this textbook be used as a frame-
with a deep appreciation for ethics can we work from which further discussion takes place.
hope to address the complexities of a sustain- There is clear evidence that US food produc-
able and equitable food system for the United tion has been highly effective and efficient and
States and the world. that Americans enjoy safe, abundant, and low-
We also reintroduce the concepts of scien- cost food. We have applied technology to our
tific thinking. While most students are taught food production and processing systems that
scientific thinking in grade school, we find that have enhanced the quality, safety, and nutri-
a reminder of the process of the scientific tional value of foods. Yet chronic illnesses
method and providing a framework to apply associated with diet and lifestyle choices
these methods are helpful to learn about the including obesity, cardiovascular disease, and
food system. The ready access to information type 2 diabetes are significant public health
on the Internet and expanding number of self- concerns. Concurrently, a significant number
identified experts have blurred the distinctions of Americans, including children, are food
about factual information. We encourage insecure. The balance of creating a food system
thoughtful assessment of sources of informa- that ensures the right nutritional needs for
tion and provide standards to gauge the reli- everyone is a challenge.
ability of those sources. On a global scale, concerns about rising
The main chapters of the textbook address world population, climate change, environ-
the historical perspectives and current status of mental damage, and water scarcity have a
agriculture in the United States, animal food direct impact on the US food system. While
production, human labor in agriculture, food our focus in this textbook is on the US food
processing and technology, human nutrition, system, we fully recognize that food is global.
and the connection between food and the envi- The world situation has and always will influ-
ronment. By providing the background of his- ence the US food system. The last chapter cov-
torical events, we aim to develop an ers some of these topics and provides context
understanding of how political, economic, and from which the US food system will need to
social situations have influenced the food sys- function as part of the global food system. We
tem. We created a table, provided in the have provided the background from which
Appendix, that outlines important historical the concept of a sustainable food system may
events that have impacted the US food system. be defined. Sustainability is complex and mul-
Students are encouraged to refer to this tifaceted and will require integration of many
table frequently to gain a solid perspective of the agricultural practices, food production sys-
ways social, political, economic, and cultural tems, and consumer behaviors. It will be criti-
events have impacted the food system. It is cal that scientific thinking and ethics are well
essential that students, who will be future lea- applied as we attempt to address the future of
ders and decision makers, have this comprehen- food production.
sive perspective. Throughout these chapters, we Throughout the textbook, we encourage stu-
attempt to present factual information and dents to reflect and consider their personal
refrain from personal perspective or judgment food choices and perspectives about food.
about topics or issues. In the supplemental Consumers have a significant voice in the food
system, which needs to be used wisely. enjoyment as well as nourishment and is an
Applying scientific thinking and considering integral part of our daily lives. By working
ethical principles are as important at the indi- together across the disciplines of agriculture,
vidual level as at the global level. Making food science, nutrition, and environmental sci-
demands on the food system that are not ence we can ensure a sustainable, safe, abun-
based on scientific evidence may do more dant, nutritious, and enjoyable food supply
harm than good in the long run. Food provides today and into the future.
Ethics and Scientific Thinking
1.1 INTRODUCTION TO THE resulted from famines due to crop failures, such
FOOD SYSTEM as the Irish potato blight in the 1800s, when nearly
one million people fled Ireland and came to the
Human survival depends on an adequate United States. Adequately feeding military per-
intake of foods that provide essential nutrients sonnel led to either success or failure of conquests
and energy. That simple statement belies the throughout history. Napoleon Bonaparte is cred-
much wider and diverse influence of food on ited with saying, “An army marches on its stom-
human lives. Food defines the history, culture, ach.” French scientists found a way to preserve
religion, and identity of populations. We readily food by canning, which allowed Bonaparte’s
recognize the Chinese culture of food as being army to be successful. Also, English sailors sur-
distinct from the Italian culture of food. Special vived long sea voyages to reach distant lands
foods are linked to celebrations and events. What because they drank a citrus concoction containing
would Thanksgiving in the United States be with- vitamin C that prevented them from succumbing
out turkey or Christmas in the United Kingdom to scurvy, earning them the nickname “limeys.”
without mince pies? If you love gumbo, you are The history of human civilization is defined
probably from Louisiana and if you think lutefisk by food. Early humans were hunter-gatherers
is great, you may be from Minnesota. and their survival depended on securing food
Food brings comfort, enhances celebrations, every day. Over time, humans learned how to
and connects us to each other. Sharing food cultivate crops and raise animals to produce a
and meals are integral components of social more consistent and reliable source of food.
networks. Potluck suppers are the foundations A higher-quality food supply may have contrib-
of many church events and neighborhood uted to advances in human brain development
gatherings. We celebrate birthdays with cake and certainly allowed more time for other activi-
and ice cream and the 4th of July with hot ties and intellectual pursuits. Food production
dogs and hamburgers. Research has shown technology has advanced significantly leading
that families that eat dinner together most to better quality and higher yields. But commer-
nights of the week have stronger connections cial food production has environmental impacts
and children perform better in school. and consumes natural resources. The capacity to
Wars have been waged over food and access to feed a growing population, expected to reach
land to grow food. Population migrations have nine billion people by 2050, will depend on
making the right choices in how we produce population (Fig. 1.1). “From field to fork” is a
food and use our natural resources. popular phrase that describes the food system.
The production, processing, distribution, mar-
keting, and consumption of foods constitute the
1.1.1 Definition of the Food System food system and within each aspect are multiple
A food system encompasses all the compo- layers of complexity. Production encompasses
nents involved in providing food to a the interaction between food crops and animals
FIGURE 1.1 A food system is a complex network that starts with the producers of food, processors that preserve and
modify the food, transportation and distribution systems, and markets that make food available to consumers. Influences
from the realm of economics, ethics, politics, environment, and society are part of the food system and must be consid-
ered. Source: Illustration by Reannon Overbey.
political influence. Discussions about food, how challenges will be addressed in Chapter 8,
it is produced, and how it affects health likely Sustainability of the Food System. Throughout,
arise daily in your life. Controversies in the we encourage the use of scientific thinking and
food system are abundant, complicated, and the consideration of ethical principles in each
often draw strong emotional responses. Many area of discussion. We will describe policies
of these will be highlighted in the following that affect food, outline the connection of these
chapters. Providing a solid reference, based on complex issues, and suggest the impacts on
the available scientific evidence, for framing the overall food system. Readers are encour-
decisions about food is the intent of this book. aged to challenge their beliefs and understand-
Our primary goal is to provide an overview ing of food within their own lives and to
of the US food system within the context of consider how their political views, cultural,
societal influences. From an historical perspec- ethical, and religious beliefs and personal
tive to present day, we explore how the US choices impact the overall food system.
food system developed. There are increasing Because all aspects of the food system are
complexities within our food production sys- interconnected, a change in one aspect may
tems that influence how much food and what have broad, even global, repercussions. For
types of food we produce; how food is grown, example, the grain quinoa (pronounced keen-
processed, marketed, and consumed; and how wah) became a trendy food in the United States
food affects human health. We begin in because of its high nutrient value and per-
Chapter 2, History of US Agriculture and Food ceived health benefits. Quinoa is a staple food
Production, with defining agricultural history of native South Americans living in the high
and the evolution to our modern farming plains of the Andes Mountains, primarily in
systems. In Chapter 3, Innovations in US Bolivia and Peru, and these countries account
Agriculture, innovations in farming practices for over 90% of the world’s production.
are discussed including advances in technol- Traditionally, quinoa has been produced by
ogy and biotechnology in agriculture. The pro- small-scale farmers for their own consumption.
duction of food from animal sources is Increasing the global demand for quinoa raises
covered in Chapter 4, Animals in the Food concerns as to whether commercial production
System including discussion of animal rights. for export will squeeze out these farmers and
The role of human agricultural workers and alter the economic and environmental balance
the political, ethical, and economic factors sur- of the region. There is evidence that, as the
rounding labor are covered in Chapter 5, local price of quinoa increased, indigenous
Human Resources in the Food System, In populations were unable to afford quinoa and
Chapter 6, Food Processing, the role of food forced to consume less nutritionally balanced
science in the current food system will include foods. Debates have arisen between govern-
information about techniques for food preser- ments as to who owns the right to the quinoa
vation, additives, nutrients, safety, labeling, germplasm. Many countries want to develop
waste, and health and economic benefits, as quinoa production but Bolivia controls much
well as concerns regarding the food supply. of the quinoa seed and has set treaty limits on
The integration of food with human health what it will share, concerned that the country
and disease and the complexity of food secu- will suffer economically if quinoa production
rity are discussed in Chapter 7, Nutrition and becomes widespread elsewhere. The social-
Food Access. Finally, the sustainability of food cultural and political issues around this one
production, processing, and accessibility and food item are very complex and most consu-
current environmental and climate change mers may be unaware of the implications of
FIGURE 1.3 Decisions consumers make about food are influenced more by their family and friends, social networks,
and the media than by healthcare professionals, government resources, and educators. Source: Illustration by Reannon
companies, as businesses seeking profits, The fact that all parts of the world participate
respond to these demands by marketing foods in the global food system should be continually
that consumers will buy. When low-fat foods kept in mind while considering the contents of
were demanded, thousands of new products this book.
appeared on the market seemingly overnight.
Similar trends were seen in the marketplace
with food products labeled organic, gluten- 1.2 ETHICAL THEORIES AND
free, non-GMO, natural, sustainably raised, PRINCIPLES IN FOOD SYSTEMS
local, or other appealing descriptors. In many
cases, consumer trends outpaced government Meatless Mondays! Locally grown food!
regulations. For example, consumers were Organic food! No GMOs! Confinement crates!
demanding these products long before regula- Pesticides! Chemical additives! Migrant
tors had formulated a means of appropriately workers! SNAP benefits! No CAFO in my
labeling them. Without standards for labeling neighborhood! School lunch! Processed foods!
products as natural, sustainably raised, or These terms highlight some of the many com-
local, consumers were left on their own to plex, emotional, and often contentious, contro-
determine the accuracy of these messages. versies within the US food system.
The US food system is highly integrated It is difficult to know how to resolve such
with the global food system and influenced by conflicts around these issues. Ethical theories
social, economic, and political factors in other and principles can provide a framework to
countries as well as trade agreements, environ- decide how to behave and resolve controver-
mental treaties, and business decisions between sies. Even though food decisions and behaviors
US and foreign entities. Energy policy, gas and are greatly influenced by emotion, culture,
oil production, transportation, weather, and habits, social conventions, family traditions,
other global factors have significant effects on and religion, discussions about ethics can help
US food policy and trade. Although the US determine common values and lead to resolu-
food system is the focus of this book, the US tion of problems by encouraging the exchange
food system does not function in isolation but of opinions, sharing ideas and experiences, and
both influences and interacts with global forces. recognizing the ultimate purpose and goal.
1.2.1 Definition of Ethics There are many factors that influence per-
sonal decisions about food (Fig. 1.4). The major-
Ethics is a moral operating system to ity of people in the world are constrained in the
determine right and wrong. It is a branch of availability of food by their life situation (subsis-
philosophy that involves the study of argu- tence farmers or poverty). Obtaining enough
ments and theories about what actions are food is the primary goal rather than being selec-
right or wrong, moral intuitions, and rules of tive about how the food was grown or pro-
moral reasoning, but transcends differences cessed. Economically secure people living in
in religion, law, and customs. Laws may be stable environments are free to engage in broad-
based on ethics but do not define an ethical er issues about their food choices. Consideration
position. In some people’s view, some things of lifestyles, preferences, and ability above eco-
are legal but may not be ethical (abortion); nomics and access arise in affluent societies.
others may be ethical but not legal (assisted This generates debate about how food choices
suicide). It is common to assume ethics is the made by privileged societies impact food access
same as religious belief or doctrine, but these of underprivileged societies: “Food choices
tenets do not comprise an ethical argument. become ethical when they intersect with com-
Decisions about right and wrong require seri- plex economic supply chains in ways that cause
ous thinking and hard work and are not better or worse outcomes for other people, for
based on opinion, religious conviction, or nonhuman animals, or for the environment”
“gut feelings.” (Thompson, 2015, p. 5). Local and personal deci-
Ethics should inform, seek facts, and pro- sions about how and what food is produced,
pose norms for behavior. The intent behind processed, distributed, and consumed have
actions and the surrounding environment global impacts and must be made with full
that influences behavior must also be consid- understanding of these outcomes.
ered: “Ethics is a discipline for asking better A dilemma is an argument or situation
questions about societal dilemmas and cer- necessitating a choice between equally unfa-
tainly should be applied to food” (Thompson, vorable alternatives. Ethical dilemmas are con-
2015, p. 7). flicting issues or situations that are not easily
resolved. Many food system decisions are ethi- Society for Nutritional Sciences, and others) as
cal dilemmas. The decision about whether or well as in codes of behavior for veterinary,
not to eat meat poses an ethical dilemma. Meat medical, and healthcare professionals.
provides essential nutrients that are important Beneficence is the principle involved when
for health and meat is an enjoyable food. providing food to the needy and hungry or
Large-scale meat production systems require when teaching nutrition to school children.
substantial amounts of grain and water and Food companies who assure that preserved
can have negative effects on the environment. food is safe to consume are practicing the prin-
Should the nutritional benefits outweigh the ciple of nonmaleficence. Allowing consumers
environmental damage? This discussion has to choose the types of food they prefer is an
many other layers that further add to the ethi- example of autonomy and providing farm
cal dilemma, such as animal rights, antibiotic workers an equitable wage is an example of
resistance, and greenhouse gases in contrast to the ethical principle of justice. Parents who
right to livelihoods for cattlemen, production select wholesome and nutritious foods for their
of manure for fertilizer, and efficient use of children are practicing paternalism.
pasture land. Applying ethical principles can The interrelationship among components
help address such ethical dilemmas. of the food system and the occurrence of obe-
sity is one example of an ethical dilemma
that requires the application of ethical princi-
1.2.2 Ethical Principles ples. From the position of autonomy, some
A principle is a standard for behavior or will argue that individuals should be able
general rule of conduct. Principles explain to make their own decisions about what,
approved practices for everyday situations as when, and how they consume food and there
well as for difficult problems. For example, should be no oversight to direct their food
children are taught to tell the truth in spite of choices. From the position of nonmaleficence,
the consequences. This ethical principle, truth- others argue that the harm to individuals’
fulness, is generally seen as a positive behavior health and costs of obesity to society are
and rule of conduct. Beneficence, nonmalefi- significant, and oversight of the types,
cence, autonomy, justice, and paternalism are portion sizes, or times/locations for availabil-
the primary ethical principles involved in dis- ity of certain foods is needed to reduce
cussions about food system issues. There are calorie consumption and benefit the majority.
other ethical principles, no less important, The position of paternalism may be more
such as charity, mercy, peace, fidelity, com- acceptable when children are the target of the
passion, integrity, honesty, courage, honor, obesity issue but not the adult population.
respect, and responsibility that may also be Whether or not snacks and soft drinks
considered. should be sold in school vending machines is
Beneficence is doing good, nonmaleficence an ethical dilemma between the autonomy of
is doing no harm or avoiding harm, autonomy students to select their own foods and the
is allowing people self-determination, justice is paternalistic responsibility of administrators
treating people fairly, and paternalism is and parents to provide the most nutritious and
deciding for others when necessary. These eth- appropriate foods for students. It was pro-
ical principles figure importantly in the codes posed that individuals in New York City as
of ethics for food science and nutrition profes- well as the whole community would benefit
sionals (Institute of Food Technologists, (with an improved quality of life and reduced
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, American healthcare costs) if residents reduced their
to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, strengths and weaknesses will lead to
disability, widowhood, old age or other lack of live- informed decisions about ethical dilemmas.
lihood in circumstances beyond personal control.
Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special
Some believe that no ethical theory fits all
care and assistance. All children, whether born in or situations and that each situation depends
out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social on the context, culture, or time. Certainly
protection. ethical decisions about food made during
United Nations Universal Declaration of war or famine will differ from those made
Human Rights (http://www.un.org/en/universal-
during peace or abundance. This is referred
to as “relativism.” Often, in discussions of
A right to food does not mean free food for food system issues, many variables will
all but rather it is an “opportunity right” or a influence the outcome. However, even if one
claim that a just society owes its citizens the theory does not provide succinct answers,
opportunity to nourish themselves. A just soci- knowledge of ethical theories and the argu-
ety would also support providing food to the ments used to support them will provide
poor and needy to prevent starvation and guidance for analysis of the food system, a
human suffering. basis for discussion of complex issues and
Issues of world hunger, obesity, malnutri- valid reasons for decisions that need to be
tion, food safety, and environmental well- made.
being require serious consideration by people, A brief overview of four ethical theories is
communities, and nations. In order to have presented here for the beginning student of
rational and reasoned discussions about com- food systems. For more detailed discussion,
plex issues, an understanding of the morals readers are encouraged to read Comstock
and values that are important to the people (2002) and Thompson (2015). Ethical theories
involved is necessary. A civil society, by defi- for human behavior have been debated and
nition, solves problems peacefully, using per- analyzed for centuries and have formed the
suasion rather than coercion, as well as sound basis of many civilizations. Rights, utilitarian-
reasoning and factual information developed ism, virtue and environmental theories, or
through the scientific process. parts of these ethical theories, will likely be
Ethical theories provide a framework the most useful in discussions of the food
for making ethically based decisions. An system (Table 1.1). Several other ethical theo-
understanding of each ethical theory with its ries exist (deontology, egalitarianism, and
Environmental Callicott, Norton Nature, species, and the ecosystem have rights and are intrinsically valuable.
Virtue theory asserts that ethical decisions system issues because moral character is hard
will be made if a person is kind, fair, wise, to uncover and separate from other motiva-
courageous, and of good moral character. tions. But increasingly, consumers are
Character matters above all else and good demanding truthfulness and integrity within
character will lead to ethical behavior. Living the food system and stakeholders are taking
an ethical life, or acting rightly, requires devel- heed. Being recognized as virtuous is essen-
oping and demonstrating the virtues of cour- tial to gaining consumer trust.
age, compassion, wisdom, and temperance. It Environmental ethics extends ethical consid-
also requires the avoidance of vices like greed, eration to the nonhuman world and nature.
jealousy, and selfishness. A person’s morals, It is a relatively new area of philosophy
reputation, and motivation are evaluated when that grew out of the environmental movement
rating ethical behavior. The Greeks considered in the 1970s. There are different ethical
gluttony (eating for pleasure rather than approaches to environmental ethics. Aldo
nourishment) a mortal sin and certainly not Leopold described “The Land Ethic” in A Sand
virtuous. County Almanac (1949) and considered the nat-
The Greek philosopher Plato is credited ural world, including farms, as an ethical
with saying that if you “know good, you will entity. Frances Moore Lappé advocated vege-
do good” and that there were objective and tarianism in Diet for a Small Planet (1975) in a
universal truths. Another Greek philosopher, utilitarian argument that stressed efficient use
Aristotle, thought that good character was of natural resources and offered the greatest
developed through practice and that excel- benefits to the most people. Lappé’s reasoning
lence and personal perfection were desirable now includes the impact of livestock produc-
while pleasures and emotions should be tem- tion on climate change and illustrates a shift
pered. Aristotle believed ethics could not be in thinking about the environment itself as
calculated like math theorems (as did Plato) worthy of ethical consideration.
but depended on judgments and the context Examples of ethical dilemmas related to
of the situation. Self and the relationship with food and nutrition with the ethical theories
others are of primary importance rather than that support each are summarized in Table 1.2.
following rules. Be a good person, have good There is little argument against providing food
character, be generous, affectionate, and cou- for the hungry. How food should be provided
rageous; this behavior leads to happiness. In to those in need, and who should pay for it,
this view, some people are more moral than are different but related ethical arguments.
others. Thomas Jefferson’s view of agrarian When it comes to the ethics of consuming
democracy, based on farmers and rural com- meat and genetically modified foods, well-
munities, is compatible with virtue ethics. established ethical theories provide support
Farmers were virtuous in their goals and for each contrasting position. Some theories
intentions because they provided food and provide support for both sides of the issue,
nourishment to others, albeit tarnished by depending on reasoning, the methods used to
the unjust and immoral practice of slavery. tabulate the costs or harms and benefits, and
The presentation of the family farm as a vir- the constituents to be considered. This exami-
tuous enterprise continues to be prominent in nation of ethical positions illustrates the com-
advertisements for seed and herbicides and plexity of food system issues and the necessity
promotional messages about agriculture. This of discussing values before resolution of food
theory may be difficult to apply to food dilemmas can occur.
Should society provide food/ We have a duty to help the less fortunate
money to feed poor children? (rights, virtue).
Kevin, a vegetarian and Eagle Scout from being wasteful is beneficial for the community.
New York City, was paired with Nancy, a for- Nancy says that raising animals for food uti-
mer County Pork Queen and 4-H participant lizes land that is not suitable for crop produc-
from Denison, Iowa, for a project in their nutri- tion and is a beneficial use of resources. Kevin
tion class. The objective of the project was to provided statistics that support the idea that a
evaluate the nutritional adequacy of each of vegetarian diet uses fewer resources than a
their diets. In their discussion about their eating meat-based diet, and that a meat-based diet is
habits, Kevin and Nancy began to argue about not sustainable. They agree that they should
whether or not it was ethical to eat meat. Kevin investigate the validity of these statistics about
said eating meat was barbaric while Nancy utilization of resources (discussed in Chapter 8:
claimed eating meat was natural. Their teacher Sustainability of the Food System).
intervened and suggested they first determine Kevin and Nancy wonder which type of diet
the “goodness” of their diets. They reviewed would work for everyone on Earth, that is,
the ethical principles they had previously what kind of diet would treat everyone fairly
learned and tried to determine if eating had an (justice). They could send aid for those who
ethical dimension. From their research and dis- have less food than they do, but does it matter
cussion they made several observations. what they themselves eat every day? Nancy
Four ethical principles are beneficence, non- knows that Heifer International helps farmers
maleficence, justice, and autonomy. Autonomy in less developed countries obtain animals for
means that I can make decisions for myself, as food production. Kevin mentions that every
long as I don’t interfere with the autonomy of culture has different types of food and there
others. Kevin said killing animals for food are many economic and political factors that
interferes with the autonomy of animals, which affect the availability of food. The students
are sentient beings and have a right to life. agree that they are fortunate to be able to afford
Nancy replied that animals used for food are and choose the food that they eat.
treated humanely during their lives and Utilitarianism and rights are philosophical
respectfully at slaughter. They had a lively dis- theories that can be used to sort out ethical
cussion about methods of animal production decisions. Utilitarians would contend that
but Nancy contended that animals have a good Kevin and Nancy should weigh the risks and
life on her parents’ farm and people who benefits of specific dietary habits. Consuming
choose to eat meat should be free to do so. meat provides important nutrients and sup-
Beneficence is the principle of doing good ports the livelihood of producers and proces-
for others. Kevin and Nancy both agree that sors, yet does present some environmental
their eating habits are healthful and, by staying concerns. How serious is the environmental
fit, they can do the most good for others. As impact and do some people benefit more than
students preparing to be registered dietitians, others?
they are very aware of the types of food they Those who support animal rights believe
eat and want to help others eat well too. Not that animals feel pain, can suffer harms, and
consuming more than one’s share and not “have a life,” which make them morally
significant. The degree to which all types of and determining diets for an entire society
animals have moral status may vary among would be a complicated matter. They also agree
philosophers. Animal rights proponents oppose that they should learn more about ethical phi-
animal agriculture and the use of animals for losophy; find more facts about agriculture,
scientific experiments and favor vegetarian food, and nutrition; and be open to new ideas
diets. Animal rights theories are generally in and ask more questions.
conflict with animal welfare ideas, which are
based on utilitarian views. Suggested reading: Life Science Ethics (Comstock, 2002).
FIGURE 1.5 The scientific method is a defined series of steps that provide a means for testing a hypothesis. Scientific
inquiry is iterative and never completed because new questions or ways to measure outcomes are always developing.
Source: Illustration by Reannon Overbey.
scientists “got it wrong,” but rather that the sci- essential for science to progress so that data
entific process worked by allowing new ideas can be used and interpreted by others. Within
and information to refine the conclusions. the scientific community, the process of peer
review is a core component of the reporting
process. Scientists submit their findings, typi-
cally to a scientific journal or to a professional
1.3.1 Peer Review meeting, and other scientists who have exper-
Of great importance is the understanding tise in a similar area evaluate the quality of
that science occurs in a community. Reporting the work and the appropriateness of the inter-
and communicating experimental outcomes is pretation. The peer reviewers’ identity is not
various other social media postings allow peo- base their expert interpretation and assessment.
ple to share their thoughts and ideas freely. Food and nutrition websites by the Mayo
These avenues are clearly important for society Clinic, USDA, food and nutrition departments
and allow a wide range of information to be at universities, the Academy of Nutrition
quickly and broadly disseminated. However, and Dietetics, and the Institute of Food
without the process of peer assessment, Technologists have websites with reliable infor-
the integrity of the information may be ques- mation. Dietary information does change so
tionable. Finding ways to use and interpret using current data is recommended.
information is critically important when con- These same criteria can be used to evaluate
sidering these sources of information. Some popular magazines, movies, television programs,
factors to consider when assessing information and books. Many books are written by journal-
on the web include: ists whose intent is to make the public aware of
a particular issue, and to sell books. Some
1. Who has generated the website—an
explain valid criticisms of the US food system
individual, a group/organization, a
but may rely on emotion or anecdotal evidence,
government agency?
or only tell one side of the story. We recommend
2. How is the website funded?
when reading books such as The Omnivore’s
3. Does the website provide contact
Dilemma (2007) by Michael Pollan, Fast Food
Nation (2001) by Eric Schlosser, Salt Sugar Fat
4. When was the website updated?
(2013) by Michael Moss, Pandora’s Lunchbox
5. Does the website provide links to references
(2013) by Melanie Warner, or A Bone to Pick
or sources of information? Are these linked
(2015) by Mark Bittman, that critical evaluation
to the original website authors?
and scientific thinking are used to keep the pre-
It is essential that websites list a reference sented information in context with the complex
and include authors and date of publication if relationships that make up the food system.
they are to be considered credible (Table 1.3).
A credible reference is defined by their educa-
tion and work experience from which they
1.3.3 Conflicting Studies
Scientific findings from research studies
TABLE 1.3 Characteristics of a Credible Reference are being generated at an increasing rate and
Person gained expertise by education or relevant recommendations about supplements, diets,
experience and components of food and their role in
health are constantly evolving. Consumers
Person is recognized as an expert by others
are often frustrated with conflicting food and
Person or organization has gained reputation as a nutrition information in the news and con-
knowledgeable source
fused about lifestyle changes they should
Person has current or recent publications in peer-reviewed make. Research has shown that confused con-
journals sumers tend to ignore all health recommen-
Person or organization relies on tested information, not dations because they lose confidence in the
opinion only scientific method.
Person or organization has no conflict of interest It is within the nature of scientific inquiry for
studies to generate conflicting results. When an
Person or organization cites original sources and uses
experiment is designed, the researcher must
valid evidence
make important decisions about which variables
Grynbaum, M. (September 13, 2012). Health panel approves Ogien, R. (2015). Human kindness and the smell of warm crois-
restriction on sale of large sugary drinks. New York Times. sants: An introduction to ethics (p. 230). New York, NY:
Horowitz, D. (2011). We need a “moral operating system”. Columbia University Press.
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and health survey, food decision 2016: The impact of a grow- rights. Available from ,http://www.un.org/en/
ing national food dialogue. Washington, DC. Available universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html..
from ,http://www.foodinsight.org/articles/2016-food- Wiersema, J. A., Licklider, B., Thompson, J. R., Hendrich,
and-health-survey-food-decision-2016-impact-growing- S., Haynes, C., & Thompson, K. (2015). Mindset about
national-food-dialogue.. intelligence and meaningful and mindful effort: It’s not
Korthals, M. (2008). Ethics and politics of food: Toward a my hardest class any more!. Learning Communities
deliberative perspective. Journal of Social Philosophy, 39 Research and Practice, 3(2). Article 3. Available from
(3), 445 463. ,http://washingtoncenter.evergreen.edu/lcrpjournal/
Mepha, B. (Ed.), (1996). Food ethics London, UK: Routledge. vol3/iss2/3..
History of US Agriculture
and Food Production
FIGURE 2.1 Early civilizations used selective breeding to transform the native grass called teosinte into maize. The
corn we recognize today is very different from the native plant, illustrated here, which had many stalks and very small
seeds. Source: Photo from Dr. Sherry Flint-Garcia, University of Missouri-Columbia.
Gregor Mendel, who carefully cataloged how they hoped to get rich, and spent more time
traits were passed from parent to offspring in looking for gold and other precious metals
his famous sweet pea experiments, but under- than growing food. But colonists in the north-
standing the genetic code did not occur until ern regions of New England eventually
the mid-1950s with the pioneering work of learned to fish, hunt, and grow crops with the
Watson, Crick, and Franklin, who described help of Native Americans. Because of the poor
the structure of DNA. soil and harsh growing conditions, farming
emerged as a subsistence lifestyle in the New
England colonies. Crops included maize, sweet
2.2 COLONIAL ERA potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, gourds, squash,
watermelons, beans, grapes, berries, pecans,
Europeans arriving in North America in the black walnuts, peanuts, and maple sugar. As
1600s settled along the East Coast and estab- more European settlers, many of whom were
lished colonies that were largely self-sufficient, farmers, became drawn to the colonies, they
although food shortages were common in the brought domesticated animals including pigs,
early years. Sir Thomas Dale established the chickens, cattle, and sheep. In the late 1700s,
Bermuda Hundred settlement (“hundred” is a Merino sheep were imported to New England
colonial term for a tract of land that could sup- and as demand for wool sharply increased,
port 100 households) in Virginia in 1613 as the this led to one of the first specialized agricul-
first system of free farming and private land tural markets in the United States.
ownership in the New World. This idea of pri- In the southern colonies, the production of
vate, rather than communal, land ownership tobacco, which was being grown by Native
became the basis for agricultural development Americans, and a process to cure it were estab-
and expansion throughout US history. lished soon after settlers arrived. When the first
Most of the early settlers did not come to African slaves were brought to Virginia to work
America seeking to become farmers. Rather the fields in 1619, tobacco production rapidly
cheese. And the fertile land and access to slave labor-saving types of farm machinery had been
labor created a positive environment for south- developed but were not widely used. As the
ern agriculture to produce cotton, tobacco, war progressed, many farmers and young men
sugar cane, and rice (Fig. 2.3). left their land to join either the Confederate or
Union armies, leaving fewer people to manage
the farms. Turning to mechanization allowed
2.4 CIVIL WAR ERA farmers to maintain, or even increase, their pro-
duction despite the loss of laborers. The value
The Civil War (1861 65) is generally consid- of farm machinery on Iowa farms nearly dou-
ered to have been a catalyst for advancing the bled between 1860 and 1865 and Wisconsin was
mechanization of agriculture in the United able to increase wheat production mainly
States. In the years preceding the war, several because of the mechanical reaper. In the South,
FIGURE 2.4 Prior to 1846 the western region of the United States was held by Mexico, and Russia controlled Alaska.
Thereafter these regions were ceded to the United States. Source: Illustration from User: Golbez CC BY 2.5 (http://creativecom-
mons.org/licenses/by/2.5), via Wikimedia Commons.
however, mechanization of cotton was delayed for pioneers to obtain tracts of unappropriated
due to laws that allowed land owners to con- public land (160 acres initially, then raised to
tinue using African slave laborers. During the 320 and 640 acres) to settle on and farm. It is
secession of the South, Congress was able to estimated that 270 million acres or 10% of the
pass key laws that enhanced the pace of agri- United States was claimed and settled as a
culture advancement, including establishing the result of this act. The Homestead Act was in
United States Department of Agriculture, the effect until it was repealed in 1976, but a provi-
Homestead Act, and the Morrill Act. They also sion for homesteading in Alaska continued
were successful in supporting the construction until 1986. The Guadalupe Hidalgo treaty
of the transcontinental railroad. These measures drew an end to the Mexican American War
were resisted by Southern states because they (1846 48) and ceded the land that is now
considered them as taking power away from California, New Mexico, Arizona, and parts of
individual states. Utah, Nevada, and Colorado to the United
The Homestead Act, signed into law by States (Fig. 2.4). Mexico also released all claims
Abraham Lincoln in 1862, created opportunities on Texas and the Rio Grande river became the
southern boundary of the United States. Settlers representative from Vermont, introduced a bill
were encouraged to head westward into this to allocate public land within each state to be
new territory, taking over many farms and used for an agricultural college. The Morrill
ranches that had been owned by Mexicans. By Act was passed by Congress in 1859 but
1912, there were 48 states making up the conti- vetoed by President James Buchanan. In 1861,
nental United States (Alaska and Hawaii gained Morrill resubmitted the act with the amend-
statehood in 1959). ment that the institutions would teach military
In the mid-1800s, a political movement tactics as well as engineering and agriculture
arose with the goal to create academic institu- and it was signed into law by President
tions to promote education in agriculture. It Abraham Lincoln in July 1862. However, the
was apparent that the problems of farming federal government, in the midst of war, had
were primarily the need to understand nature no funds to build colleges. The Morrill Act
and this required scientific knowledge. made each state eligible to receive a total of
Michigan governor Kinsley S. Bingham was 30,000 acres of federal land credit to establish
the first to approve such an institution by an educational institution and these schools
establishing the Agricultural College of the became known as “land-grant” institutions.
State of Michigan in 1855 making Michigan Today, many land-grant colleges have a
State University the first college of agriculture Morrill Hall to commemorate this legislation
in the United States. Soon after, other states (Fig. 2.5).
recognized the need for such an institution to By this time, the Civil War was well under-
provide education and research about agricul- way and a provision of the Morrill Act was that
ture. In 1853, Justin Smith Morrill, the state “no state while in a condition of rebellion or
FIGURE 2.5 Morrill Hall on the Iowa State University campus honors the creation of the land-grant college system,
and is named for Justin Smith Morrill, who introduced the bill to provide public land for agricultural colleges. Source:
Photo from Iowa State University Relations.
FIGURE 2.7 Advances in US agriculture developed rapidly after construction of the railroads by providing fast and
efficient transport of goods from rural areas to urban centers. The expansion of railroads from the Midwest to the West
Coast, as shown in this map, had been completed by 1906. Source: From Albert Bushnell Hart, L.L.D. (1919). The Amercian
Nation (Vol. 25). New York, NY: Harper and Brothers. Downloaded from Maps ETC, on the web at http://etc.usf.edu/maps (map
#02803). Illustration from the University of South Florida Center for Instructional Technology, www.etc.usf.edu/maps/pages/2800/
uncertainty, low prices for commodities, high were less self-sufficient because they accrued
fees charged by railroads, and shortage of debt from purchasing machinery, which made
credit. The situation was exacerbated by a them dependent on creditors, merchants, and
series of droughts that occurred between 1870 the railroads. Many farms were foreclosed
and 1900 throughout the northern prairie and when debts could not be paid. The unrest of
Midwest, grasshopper plagues in 1874 76 in this period led farmers to form alliances to
the West, and blizzards in the Great Plains in promote legislation that would improve their
1886. Changes in the organization of farming situation. One such group was effective in
had occurred during the war as well. Farmers several midwestern states, mainly Minnesota,
Dairy cattle
y cat
Fruits &
FIGURE 2.8 During the 1900s regional agriculture concentrations began to develop across the United States depending
on access to land, transportation routes, and markets. Source: Illustration by Reannon Overbey. USDA Economic Research
Service, Census of Agriculture, www.usda.ers.gov.
Iowa, Wisconsin, and Illinois, in passing the research stations. Some refer to this period as
Granger laws to control prices charged by rail- the “golden age,” with a change from self-
road and grain elevator companies to make sufficiency to one-crop agriculture, the adoption
them more favorable for farmers. These laws of new practices, and use of equipment for
were challenged and eventually overturned profitability. With these changes, regionaliza-
and replaced by the Interstate Commerce Act tion of agricultural production across the
of 1887, which gave oversight of railroads to United States began to develop (Fig. 2.8). In the
the federal government rather than individual Midwest, farming remained largely done by
states. manual labor on small family-based farms.
Advances in agriculture were occurring rap- Cotton, tobacco, and rice were the primary
idly during this period. Improved equipment crops of the South, grown on small farms
was being developed such as gang plows and (,50 acres) by sharecroppers or tenant farmers,
steam tractors, silos, and the horse-drawn com- some of whom were African American. In the
bine to harvest wheat. The simple invention of Northeast, farmers were leaving for employ-
barbed wire in 1870 transformed cattle ranching ment in urban communities and agriculture
by defining land ownership, and by keeping shifted to sheep, dairy, eggs, poultry, and
animals fenced in, eliminating the need for vegetables. Agriculture in the Pacific West was
cowboys to round them up. Many of the state specialized to grow citrus and vegetables on
land-grant colleges were starting to carry out large-scale commercial farms. The West Coast
experimental research on agricultural problems provided fertile lands, cheap labor (Mexican,
with federal funding provided through the Mexican American, and Filipino) and plenty of
Hatch Act (Section 3.2.1) to support agricultural water. Western growers relied on the railroad
to transport crops to the East and developed raising and feeding of working animals, allow-
cooperative exchanges such as Sunkist to mar- ing these acres to be used for food production.
ket fruits and vegetables. Tractors were a profitable investment because
the new models could do soil preparation, dril-
ling, and cultivation for small grains and were
2.5 WORLD WAR I ERA needed because of the post-WWI shortages of
men and horses for farm work. By 1930, 1.2
At the turn of the 19th century industrializa- million tractors were in use nationwide, and in
tion was rapidly changing all aspects of life Illinois and Iowa 30% of famers owned a trac-
in the United States, including agriculture. tor. Midwestern farms had an average of
A farmer in the Midwest in 1900 did most 130 acres, large enough to justify investment in
work by hand, burned wood for heat, used this new technology.
kerosene lamps for light, and pumped water Developments in plant breeding were
with windmills. Farmers were fully engaged beginning to enter US agriculture in the mid-
in agriculture and did not hold jobs off 1930s (discussed in Chapter 3: Innovations in
the farm. Commodity farming was often not US Agriculture). Farmers had always engaged
profitable so there was a continued migration in plant breeding, but not in a systematic or
to better employment in cities. Most eastern scientific manner. By the early 1900s experi-
and midwestern farmers felt that schooling mentation with corn breeding was beginning
meant escape from the farm and encouraged to show promise for increased vigor and high-
their children to get an education and pursue a er yields. Corn was the dominant crop of the
life in town that was viewed as better than life United States at the time, but yields had been
on the farm. The farm family was sustained by stagnant. Research efforts in land-grant univer-
the food they produced or that could be traded sities focused on corn hybridization, the process
with neighbors. In 1900, 41% of the US popula- in which controlled cross-pollination of plants
tion was employed in agriculture but over the to selectively define the genetic makeup of the
next 30 years that number was cut in half. seeds, was being refined, leading to crops with
Industrialization was being developed that higher yield and more uniformity (Fig. 2.9).
allowed more work to be done by fewer peo- Between 1935 and 1960 the percentage of acres
ple. The first production tractor (“traction planted with hybrid corn varieties rose from
machine”) was manufactured by Hart-Parr in 0 to near 100%.
1902. International Harvester sold its first trac- Electricity had been provided to urban areas
tor in 1906 and built 1000 by 1910 but they of the United States by the early 1930s but
were too heavy and too expensive except for rural areas lagged behind. The challenge of
plowing, threshing, and pulling combines. In stringing electric lines across wide areas was
1917, Ford mass produced a lightweight, low- considered too expensive and risky for private
cost, 2-plow tractor, making it more affordable, electric companies. President Franklin
and the tractor soon became essential farm Roosevelt believed it was necessary for rural
equipment. Between 1920 and 1950, the num- areas to have electricity and he pushed for the
ber of farm animals used for draft work government to step up and provide service
dropped from 25 million to about 7 million across the United States. These were estab-
while the number of tractors rose from 1 mil- lished as local cooperatives rather than govern-
lion to 3.5 million. This decrease in farm- ment agencies or private companies. The Rural
working animals released nearly 70 million Electric Administration (REA) began bringing
acres of cropland that had been needed for the electricity to rural areas in 1935, which created
FIGURE 2.9 Hybridization is the process through which desired traits are developed in plants. Hybrid corn was very
successful because it made the crop uniform and more efficient to grow, and generated higher yield. Source: Illustration by
Reannon Overbey.
opportunities for more modern farming sys- fewer workers per farm and larger farm sizes.
tems. Rural electric cooperatives were estab- In 1900, 10.9 million farmers produced food
lished by the REA, which encouraged private for 76 million people but, by 1950, 7.5 million
utility companies to also build infrastructure. farmers produced food for 151 million people.
The Electric Home and Farm Authority pro- That represents an increased efficiency of 1
vided loans to farmers that allowed them to farmer supporting 7 people to 1 farmer sup-
purchase appliances through their local power porting 27 people within a 50-year period.
companies and electric cooperatives with low- Today that ratio is roughly estimated to be 1
interest loans. By 1950, more than 75% of farmer supporting 155 people (Fig. 2.10).
farms had electricity. Electricity on the farm Between 1900 and 1950, the average farm
made farmers more efficient and aided their size increased from around 146 to over
conversion away from manual labor. Rural 215 acres. The number of farms decreased
electric cooperatives still operate today in mainly in the North and East, the size of farms
many communities across the United States. increased in the Midwest, and more land was
The move to mechanical power profoundly brought into farming in the South and West.
changed the efficiency of farming, leading to A net increase in land used for agriculture
occurred during this time with the most signif- rapid advancement in US agriculture by dis-
icant increase occurring in the Great Plains, seminating new technologies and farming
where wheat, cotton, and sorghum farms practices between the land-grant institutions
expanded, and in the Midwest, where drain- and farmers (Fig. 2.11). Extension provided
age of wetlands added highly productive land. education to women about a wide range of
Irrigation also began to be widely used in the topics including food preparation and preser-
South and West, which further expanded land vation, use of new appliances (electric stoves,
capacity. Along with on-farm mechanization, washing machines, pressure cookers, and
changes in infrastructure such as hard-paved microwave ovens), domestic skills, and child
roads developed during this time, allowing care. And for many children, extension was
farmers greater access to markets and materi- introduced to them at a young age through 4-
als. Rural road paving exploded between 1900 H (head, heart, hands, and health) programs
and 1950 from around 387,000 to over 1.65 mil- that taught self-reliance, life skills, and leader-
lion miles (discussed in Chapter 3: Innovations ship. Cooperative Extension continues to
in US Agriculture). operate and is an agreement between the land-
Between 1900 and 1920, the total value of grant institutions and the United States
farm land rose dramatically from around $20 Department of Agriculture (USDA) to provide
to $65 billion. Government policy during this the public with new information about agricul-
time was to encourage farmers to increase pro- ture and home economics. Land-grant colleges
duction. One of the ways this was supported are provided with federal funding, based on a
was with the passing of the Smith-Lever Act formula that considers the proportion of the
Capacity Grant (1914), which established the population that is rural and engaged in farm-
Cooperative Extension Service. The extension ing within the state, and the states provide
system was intended to engage land-grant matching funds. With this new approach,
institutions in sharing practical knowledge extension educators were able to take research
with citizens of their state. Each state created findings and new agricultural approaches to
county extension offices that employed exten- the farmers directly and thereby disseminate
sion agents who provided hands-on education better practices very efficiently.
programs to farmers, homemakers, and youth. The years 1910 14 were known as the
Extension has been credited with assisting the “golden age” of agriculture because prices for
wheat, livestock feed, and cotton were high. the farm sector was a large percentage of
But as WWI came to an end in 1918, farmers the population and farmers were struggling
were left with too much product and shrinking economically, politicians felt the need to act to
markets. Many were in economic trouble hav- prevent unrest but there were other problems
ing incurred debt from high land prices and arising at this time.
investment in equipment. Then in 1920, farm
prices collapsed. With low prices for their pro-
ducts, farmers cultivated more and more acres 2.6 GREAT DEPRESSION ERA
so they could produce enough product to
make a living. There was a perceived need for From the early 1900s increased access to new
the federal government to regulate production lands, and access to mechanical farming equip-
and marketing to control surpluses and ment, allowed production to expand to areas of
increase prices but President Calvin Coolidge the United States that had not previously been
vetoed such legislation in 1927 and 1928. farmed. Large sections of the south-central
President Herbert Hoover approved the United States, including the panhandle of
Agricultural Marketing Act in 1929 but it had Oklahoma and Texas and regions of Kansas,
little effect. That year the stock market crashed Colorado, and New Mexico, attracted home-
resulting in foreclosures, riots, strikes, and steaders who moved in and started farming.
farm auctions. In 1932, cotton sold for 3b per Settlers plowed up the native grasses to plant
pound (down from 6.8b in 1929), wheat for wheat. When WWI began, the increased
38b a bushel (down from $1), and cattle were demand for wheat, the introduction of tractors,
$4 per 100 pounds (down from $12). Because and recent good harvests incentivized
cultivating more land. Additionally, the United grasses, was swept up in the winds creating the
States needed corn and wheat to feed troops Dust Bowl. Over 300,000 square miles of prairie
during WWI so prices were high. Driven by the land in parts of Kansas, Texas, Oklahoma,
promise of a high demand for wheat and the Colorado, and New Mexico were the focal point
access to land, and facilitated by modern farm- of the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl has been
ing equipment, thousands of acres of prairie described as the worst manmade environmental
were rapidly tilled and planted. But conversion disaster in US history. So much soil was pulled
of these native prairies to cultivated fields, into the air during the dust storms that it was
without consideration of the historic climate of impossible to plant a crop. People and animals
this region, turned out to be disastrous. The were unable to be outside and dirt buried
Great Plains produced a bumper crop of wheat houses and roads. The continual exposure to
in 1931, which was met with low prices due to dirt in the air led to lung damage and thou-
lack of demand, pushing farmers into debt. sands of people suffered breathing problems,
Then a period of severe drought developed leading to many deaths. The combination of
(1934 37) and the exposed topsoil, which was exposed soil, extreme heat, lack of rain, and
no longer held in place by the native prairie strong winds created intense dust storms over
FIGURE 2.12 The Dust Bowl was an economic and environmental disaster caused by aggressive farming combined
with severe drought. The center of the Dust Bowl occurred in the southwestern United States around the panhandle of
Oklahoma. Clouds of dust periodically engulfed the region, affecting the lives and livelihoods of thousands of people.
Source: Photo from the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, www.htpps://photogallery.sc.egov.usda.gov.
The causes of the Dust Bowl were evident conservation methods were successful and by
to scientists and to President Franklin D. 1938 the dust was under control.
Roosevelt (FDR) . Changes were needed to The lessons of the Dust Bowl are a continual
ensure agriculture was in balance with con- reminder of the consequences of ignoring the
servation of land and natural resources. FDR environmental impact of agriculture. It created a
created the Soil Erosion Service, which partnership between farmers and government
showed farmers improved techniques such as agencies to work together to develop better agri-
terracing and strip crops, contour plowing, culture technology and environmental conserva-
crop rotations, and mulch farming and tion. Today, the Farm Bill retains key elements
encouraged planting drought-tolerant crops. that were first implemented during the Dust
The concept of shelter and wind-breaks of Bowl years, including the Grassland Reserve
trees was introduced by the Forest Service Program and the Conservation Stewardship
and miles of trees were planted from Program. The Soil Conservation Service was
Bismarck, South Dakota to Amarillo, Texas. renamed the Natural Resources Conservation
Additional trees covering over 18,000 miles Service in 1994 with an expanded mission to mon-
were planted in shelterbelts across the plains itor water and air quality, wildlife habitat, and
as part of the Prairie States Forestry Project, energy production. Droughts have returned to the
which lasted through 1942. Farmers were plains several times since the 1930s, including a
paid by the government to reduce the severe drought in the 1950s and again in 2012, but
amount of their land that was cultivated to another Dust Bowl has not occurred (Fig. 2.13).
provide windbreaks and reduce soil erosion Hence, the practices that were adopted by farmers
through the Agriculture Adjustment to reduce soil erosion have been successful. But
Administration. In addition, a land-purchase soil erosion continues to be a major problem in
program was initiated to buy the most agriculture and will be discussed further in
severely eroded land from farmers to remove Chapter 8, Sustainability of the Food System.
it from cultivation. These regions today The struggle between agriculture and the
are national grasslands such as Cimarron environment has not ended. Current areas of
National Grassland in Kansas and Kiowa concern include nitrogen run-off into streams
National Grassland in New Mexico. The and rivers, airborne particulates and odors
FIGURE 2.13 The regions affected by the Dust Bowl continue to be affected by drought, as shown in high-
light, but better land management and government oversight has prevented another disaster. Source: National
Climatic Data Center, www.climate.gov.
from confinement operations, soil erosion, and Suggested video: The Dust Bowl, A film by Ken Burns
(PBS, 2012).
pesticide drift. These challenges are not as Suggested reading: The Dust Bowl: An agricultural and social
acute as the Dust Bowl was, but are just as history (Hurt, 1981).
important for the future of food production.
FIGURE 2.14 The Grand Coulee Dam was built during the Depression and opened new areas of the United States for
agricultural production by providing controlled access to water. This photo was taken in 1942 soon after the main dam’s
11 floodgates were completed. Source: Photo from the US Bureau of Reclamation, www.usbr.gov/grandcoulee/history/construction/
criticized because it helped large-scale farmers risk of nationwide malnutrition was high.
more than marginal farmers. These programs This led the federal government to pass the
provided some security and stability, but did Commodity Credit Corporation Charter Act in
not end rural poverty. 1933, which gave loans to farmers and allowed
Ironically, during the Depression years, farm- them to store their nonperishable commodities
ers found themselves with surpluses of food pro- when prices were very low. Commodities is a
ducts because of the widespread unemployment term used by the USDA that refers to agricultural
causing drop in demand. To compensate for low products of economic value, such as corn, soy-
prices, farmers planted more acres leading to beans, rice, cotton, eggs, cheese, or milk. Because
excess supply. Farmers were destroying their of the dire economic situation, some farmers
crops and livestock because they could not sell were unable to repay their loans and were forced
them or afford to maintain them, while people to turn over their commodities to the govern-
were going hungry. Children could not pay for ment. The government then had to find ways
their lunches at schools and families had inade- to distribute these products. To mitigate this
quate resources to provide food at home, so the discrepancy between product availability and
provided industrial jobs for farmers not needed oils from other countries. But during the war,
on the land. WWII ended the problems with sur- access to these products was disrupted.
plus production, low prices, and overpopulation Ramping up of soybean production began dur-
in agriculture and provided the stimulus for ing the war years to provide a domestic source
mechanization and less manual labor. of oil as well as glycerin, which was needed for
The war was also primarily responsible for explosives. Soybean is also an excellent source
creating new agricultural products in the United of high-quality protein and was used as a meat
States. Soybean cultivars had been developed by extender in the United States during the ration-
USDA scientists during the 1920s with germ- ing periods of WWII and for food aid to Europe
plasm collected from China, Japan, and Korea, following the war. The nutritional value of
where the plants are native. While small soybeans was studied by Cornell Extension
amounts of soybeans had been grown in the scientists and recipes were disseminated to
United States, they were used mainly for animal encourage consumption of soybeans (Fig. 2.16).
feed through the 1940s. Prior to WWII, the Soybean production continued to expand
United States imported 40% of edible fats and across the Midwest states in particular where
FIGURE 2.17 The number of acres of soybeans planted in the United States increased significantly during WWII to
meet the needs for cooking oil, glycerin, and animal feed. The production of soybeans continued to increase after the war,
and today soybeans are a major crop for US agriculture. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov; Ash and
others (2006).
the soil and climate were most suitable, partic- industrialization and technology replaced
ularly Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Indiana, Ohio, them. Between 1940 and 1945, net farm
Missouri, and Nebraska. Along with corn, soy- income increased and prices rose, yet per
beans are used primarily as a source of edible capita farm income was still 57% less than
vegetable oil and for animal feed, and increas- nonfarm income. Acreage increased 5% but
ingly as a source of biofuel and biolubricants. productivity increased 11% due to use of
The overall growth in oilseed crop production hybrid seeds, pesticides, insecticides, fertil-
in the United States, mainly corn and soybean, izer, and mechanization.
increased nearly sevenfold between 1948 and
2008, which was much higher growth than any
other food crop (Fig. 2.17). 2.8 POSTWAR ERA
Sugar beet cultivation was also encouraged
during WWII to provide a domestic source of After World War II ended in 1945, the
sugar when tropical sources of sugar cane United States experienced a boom in domes-
were blocked. Farmers were encouraged to tic life. Consumers became a powerful voice
plant sugar beets to support the war effort in food access and demand. The US econ-
(Fig. 2.18) and California was one of the first omy expanded, the gross national product
states to grow sugar beets in high quantity. more than doubled, and government spend-
Today, sugar beet production and processing ing to build schools, public buildings, and
occurs in Midwest and Northwest states, interstate highways created jobs that fueled
accounting for 55% of total domestic sugar the creation of the middle class. Soldiers
production. The majority of sugar cane is returning from World War II received subsi-
grown in Florida and Louisiana. dized education (the GI Bill) that expanded
Five million people left farms during enrollments at colleges and universities and
WWII for the military or jobs in cities. But subsidized mortgages for new housing
encouraging farmers to plant “fence row to recovered from the decline of population that
fence row” and “to get big or get out.” Butz occurred during this time.
was a proactive secretary of agriculture who
fostered a belief in US farmers that they
should produce as much as possible and sell 2.10 PROGRESS IN US
their surplus globally. His focus was on indus- AGRICULTURE
trialization of agriculture with little regard for
long-term environmental impacts. To accom- Since the 1980s agricultural technology has
plish this, farmers increased their debt load to made significant advances. These are discussed
ramp up their production. The farm policies of in more detail in Chapter 3, Innovations in US
the time included subsidies and other practices Agriculture. Many factors have influenced the
that also encouraged larger operations. But the progression of agriculture in the United States
US economic situation during the mid-1970s and created the system we have today. Key his-
became increasingly unstable. President Jimmy torical events including war and economic and
Carter imposed an embargo on soybean environmental disasters were instrumental in
exports to the USSR to protest their invasion of deciding how and where food is produced
Afghanistan, which led to a dramatic fall in (Table 2.1). Understanding how US agriculture
prices. In addition, the Federal Reserve Board developed is important to inform future deci-
raised interest rates to stem inflation. Prices for sions about the food system.
farm products remained stagnant and many Within the roughly 500 years since the coloni-
farmers found themselves with debt loads that zation of the United States, agriculture has
were unsustainable. This led to the farm crisis evolved and changed dramatically. The abun-
of the 1980s, when many farmers went bank- dant land and natural resources created oppor-
rupt and lost their farms. In addition, banks tunities for food production that were initially
that were holding farm notes failed because of thought to be unlimited. Industrialization
the high number of defaults. allowed more land to be farmed in less time and
The 1980s rivaled the Great Depression increased the amount of food that could be pro-
for the number of farmers who were unable duced per acre, making US farmers the most
to keep their farms. The Midwest was the productive in the world. Infrastructure including
hardest hit, leading to unrest and increased railroads, highways, electricity, and dams and
activism. Farmers drove their tractors to irrigation further advanced agriculture produc-
Washington DC to raise awareness of their tion. Research and education played essential
plight. Country music artist Willie Nelson led roles to facilitate and disseminate technological
Farm Aid concerts around the country to raise advances for agriculture. Farming and politics
money for farm families. Congress eventually have been closely integrated throughout US his-
took action in the late 1980s but by then, sig- tory, and regulations, laws, and government
nificant damage had occurred in rural towns policies greatly influenced the formation of our
where businesses had closed because people current food system (Table 2.2).
left agriculture for jobs elsewhere. The loss of The evolution of agriculture within the
population led to consolidations of school dis- states has been influenced by social, economic,
tricts and local governments. Impacts were and political factors. Each of the 50 states has a
felt by farm machinery suppliers and other history of agriculture production that is inter-
agriculture-related industries as well. Rural woven with the culture and people of that
communities in the Midwest have not yet state. A comparison of two states, Iowa and
First colonial settlements in Virginia 1607 Individual land ownership and start of agriculture system in the
United States
North Carolina, illustrates the differing pro- by humans. Other environmental impacts of
gression of agriculture in states of similar land agriculture are discussed in Chapter 8,
size. Sustainability of the Food System. Agriculture
We have learned from our history that natu- will continue to evolve into the 20th century as
ral resources are not unlimited and agriculture new tools and approaches are developed and
can have dramatic negative impacts on the care must be taken to ensure these are used
environment. The Dust Bowl was one horrific thoughtfully with ethical and scientific think-
example of an environmental disaster caused ing approaches.
Over the history of the United States, agri- The first Europeans settled in North
culture has been in a constant state of change. Carolina around 1653. In 1850, there were
Most dramatically, the percentage of the labor 869,000 residents in North Carolina with most
force represented by farmers has steadily settled on small farms producing tobacco, cot-
declined from 69% in 1840 to 18% in 1940 and ton, hogs, and cattle. By 1950 there were 4 mil-
is less than 2% today (Fig. 2.19). Mechanization, lion people and 288,000 farms. Today, North
enhanced understanding of genetics, plant and Carolina has 25,000 farmers and about 8 million
animal breeding, and use of fertilizers, pesti- acres of farmland, which is about 27% of the
cides, and animal medications have led to total state acreage. The average farm size is
increased productivity without an overall about 168 acres with 3% of farms greater than
expansion in the amount of land used in agri- 1000 acres. North Carolina continues to produce
culture. However, how and where we farm has about 50% of the nation’s tobacco, and is a
changed across the United States. A compari- major contributor to animal food production
son of the history of agriculture in two states (Fig. 2.21).
tells the story of farming in the United States. Settlement in Iowa by European Americans
Iowa and North Carolina are similar in size. began in the early 1800s. In 1850 there were
Iowa is 36 million and North Carolina is 31 mil- 192,000 residents in Iowa with most settled into
lion acres, but the states differ greatly in popu- diversified farms of small grains, corn, hogs,
lation; Iowa has 3.1 million and North Carolina and cattle. By 1950 there were 2.6 million peo-
has 9.8 million people. During the peak of agri- ple and 203,000 farms. Today, Iowa has 50,000
culture expansion of the 1940 60s these states farmers and over 30 million acres are in farm-
had about the same amount of farmland land, which is about 86% of the total state acre-
(Fig. 2.20). The decline in agricultural land in age. The average farm size is 345 acres with 9%
North Carolina after 1965 was much more sig- of farms greater than 1000 acres. Iowa produces
nificant compared to Iowa in large part due to about 35% of the nation’s hogs and a significant
the pressure of population growth. proportion of seed crops.
FIGURE 2.19 The percentage of the US population that is engaged in farming has declined significantly
since 1900 due to mechanization and consolidation of farming operations. Source: The 20th century transformation
of US agricultural and farm policy, USDA Economic Information Bulletin Number 3, June 2005.
EXPANSION BOX 2.2 (cont’d)
The per capita gross domestic product societal and economic influences have shaped
(GDP) of the two states is similar, $36,773 in agricultural production in the United States
Iowa and $35,719 in North Carolina, but North throughout history. All states continually face
Carolina has a much higher state GDP com- pressure to convert agricultural land to com-
pared to Iowa (North Carolina $439,672 million mercial and housing uses as the population
vs Iowa $150,512 million). Both states generate expands, which requires citizens and local and
agricultural products, but total revenue from state legislatures to make difficult decisions.
agriculture in Iowa is much greater ($35 billion) Ensuring adequate agriculture production in
than in North Carolina ($15 billion). This com- the United States depends on a well-educated
parison provides an example of how the and informed citizenry.
FIGURE 2.20 Iowa and North Carolina have roughly the same amount of total land area. Iowa has main-
tained the majority of its land for agricultural use whereas North Carolina has become more diversified. Source:
USDA, National Agricultural Statistics, 2007 Census of Agriculture, US Census Bureau 2012, www.agcensus.usda.gov.
FIGURE 2.21 Both Iowa and North Carolina generate income from agricultural products. Iowa produces mainly
row crops of corn and soybeans, which support production of hogs, eggs, and cattle. North Carolina farmers produce
about half of the tobacco produced in the United States and contribute to animal food production. Source: USDA,
National Agricultural Statistics, 2007 Census of Agriculture, US Census Bureau 2012, www.agcensus.usda.gov.
Innovations in US Agriculture
were generated using less land (25% less since agriculture value of production (Fig. 3.2).
1948) and significantly less labor (78% less Among the large family farm operations, over
since 1948). The US farm structure today is 3800 farms have sales of at least $5 million
reflective of fewer farms of larger size with and another 42,400 farms have sales of at least
substantially higher productivity. $1 million. The major agriculture production
Family-run businesses are the main type of in the United States is by a small percentage
agriculture production in the United States. of farmers with large operations. Farms with
Most rely primarily on family members to more than $1 million in sales produced 59% of
provide the labor for these operations, but US agricultural production in 2012, up from
may contract with other businesses for needed 47% in 2002, indicating increased concentra-
additional resources. The USDA-ERS esti- tion of farming operations. Large farms are
mates that 97.6% of all US farms and 85% of more common when producing row crops
farm production come from family-operated such as corn, soybeans, and cotton and in
farms. About 90% of all farms in the United dairy operations, while poultry, beef, and hog
States are small family farms and they hold operations are dominated by small and mid-
52% of the agriculture land. However, the size producers.
majority of production occurs on midsize and Nonfamily farm operations account for only
large farms, combining to generate 60% of 2.7% of all farms in the United States and 15%
of farm production. These operations may be who are actively farming nearby and lease
owned by corporations, trusts, or partnerships. additional land to increase their profits, or to
Corporations that operate farms usually are acquire more pasture to graze their livestock.
small groups of tightly held partnerships, often Other renters may be financially unable to
related persons, and usually less than 10 share- own land, but have a longstanding relation-
holders, who have incorporated for tax bene- ship with the landlord to live on and farm the
fits and management efficiency. Therefore, land. Some landlords are not farmers, may live
agriculture remains predominantly family- far from the land they own, and may not have
based in the United States. any working knowledge of farm practices or
Sharecropping and tenant farming have management. A common occurrence is for par-
always been part of US agriculture. According ents to retire from farming and give the farm
to the 2014 USDA Census of Agriculture, to their children, but the children have other
about 39% of all the agricultural land in the career plans and choose to rent or lease the
United States was rented, and the majority of land. Farm management companies provide
the landlords, 87%, were not operating the oversight of rented land to work with both the
farm. About 44% of the land held by landlords renters and the owners to ensure the farm is
was purchased from nonrelatives, 35% was well managed. Some have raised concern that
inherited, 16% purchased from a relative, and renters of farm or pasture land may trade
4% purchased at auction. Landlord-owned short-term profits for long-term good in their
property was estimated to be worth $1.1 tril- farming practices leading to environmental
lion, and landlords also generate income from damage. There is however limited empirical
leasing a variety of rights including mineral, data to justify this concern.
gas and oil, recreational, water, and wind Contract farms are those that have a legal
rights. About 63% of rented land is in crop agreement between a farm operator and another
production and 34% in pasture. The renters person or firm to produce a specific type, quan-
of farmland may be land owners themselves tity, or quality of agricultural commodity. The
USDA defines these as either marketing con- including no-till, cover crops, crop rotations,
tracts or production contracts. For marketing precision application of chemicals, and buffer
contracts, the farmer retains ownership of the zones to reduce water runoff. Organic farming
crop or livestock and provides all the inputs, came to prominence in 1990 and is described
and the contractor agrees to purchase the prod- in Chapter 8, Sustainability of the Food
uct at a preset price. In production contracts the System. Organic farmers follow specific guide-
contractor owns the commodity, provides lines defined by the USDA to raise crops and
needed services and inputs, and pays the farmer livestock in a manner that will limit the use of
a fee for managing the operation. The benefits of synthetic substances, develop soil using natu-
contracts to the farmer include having a secure ral materials, foster cycling of resources and
market outlet for their products at a set ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity.
price, but there may be costs if the crop or The public ideal is that family farms are
livestock do not meet the standards of the owner-operator, entrepreneurial, dispersed,
contractor. Contractors benefit by having a diversified, family-centered, technologically
predictable source of product and the ability to progressive, in harmony with nature, resource-
set standards for quality and quantity. Contract conserving, intergenerational, and with equal
farming has increased significantly and repre- advantage in an open market. Agribusiness,
sented 40% of agricultural production in 2011. on the other hand, is viewed as industrially orga-
Poultry production has a high rate of contracts, nized, financed from growth, management-
especially among small farms. centered, capital intensive, standardized produc-
In 2013, average farm expenses included tion practices, and resource-consumptive, with
tractors and equipment $230,000, diesel fuel an advantage in controlled markets. With the
$3 per gallon, seed $100 per acre, fertilizer majority of Americans not directly involved with
$100 per acre, herbicides and pesticides $50 per farming, a great disconnect has occurred between
acre, labor $11.60 per hour. The average land how farming is actually done and how the public
value in Iowa was $8300 per acre and land rent thinks it should be done. Large farm operations,
was over $200 per acre. This demonstrates the although still family owned, can be viewed as
high financial infrastructure needed for farming industrial with corporate management driving
and the barrier it poses to enter farming. the business. Today, the expectation is that farms
provide not only food and fiber but also biofuels,
energy, and ecosystem services (high-quality air
3.1.1 Agriculture Systems and water, carbon sequestration, and wildlife
Farmers, ranchers, and other agricultural habitat) while staying true to the ideals of small,
workers run operations that produce crops, self-sufficient operations. Farmers today have an
fruits, vegetables, livestock, eggs, and dairy increased need to respond to consumer inquiries
products. This type of farming is considered about how they operate and raise food. This is a
conventional farming. Conventional farmers use fairly new position for farmers who by reputation
a range of inputs to ensure a high-quality crop tend to be independent, private people and don’t
and healthy animals. Inputs may include crave being scrutinized as to how they conduct
USDA- and EPA-approved pesticides and her- their farming operations.
bicides, and bioengineered seeds. Animals
may be treated with antibiotics or growth pro-
3.1.2 Specialized Food Production
motants to enhance growth rate and reduce ill-
ness. Conventional farmers use different Over the years, farming in the United States
approaches to limit environmental impacts has become increasingly specialized. In the
FIGURE 3.3 Where food is produced in the United States is defined by the type and quantity of land, weather, and
climate features; access to water and transportation; and market and economic demands. Regional food production has
developed to take advantage of efficiencies of scale. Source: Illustration by Reannon Overbey. USDA Economic Research Service
Farm Resource Regions, www.usda.ers.gov.
early 1900s, most farms had chickens, dairy climate is most suitable for a particular crop
cows, and hogs and grew corn to provide feed and labor and transportation is most efficient.
for the animals. Farming has evolved to be The distribution of agricultural products by
focused on a few commodities, 1 2 for small region of the United States is diverse (Table 3.2).
farms and 3 4 for larger farms. Farming has The primary US crops are corn, wheat, and soy-
also become more regional across the United beans. These commodities are grown in areas of
States based on climate, markets, and infra- the country with fertile soil and reliable rainfall.
structure. The climate, soils, and terrain of the In 2007, the top-ranking states for number of
United States allow for multiple types of agri- acres in cropland were Iowa, Illinois, North
culture and regions of high productivity for Dakota, Indiana, and Kansas. The states of Iowa,
specific crops and animals (Fig. 3.3). The USDA Illinois, Minnesota, Kansas, and Nebraska pro-
annually monitors agricultural production by duce the majority of corn and soybeans, whereas
county to assess quantity produced, income wheat is predominantly grown in North Dakota,
generated inputs, and other measures. From Montana, Washington, Kansas, and Oklahoma.
these assessments, a picture of the range of The majority of rice is grown in Arkansas, which
agriculture across the United States arises. produces long, medium, and short grain rice.
Nationwide, 408 million acres were designated California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and
for crop production while grassland and pas- Texas also contribute to US rice production.
ture averaged 614 million acres. There has been Sugar beets are another major crop in the
intensification of production in areas where the United States, with Minnesota the leading
TABLE 3.2 Agricultural Production in the United States Varies by Region and State
Regions and states Major agriculture products
state in production followed by Idaho, Montana, and North Carolina, California, and Mississippi
and Nebraska. are major producers of sweet potatoes.
Vegetable production is classified as either California and Florida produce the largest
fresh market or processing. Vegetables grown variety and quantity of fresh market vegetables.
for processing may be canned, frozen, or dehy- The overall production of vegetables has been
drated, and are usually varieties that can be increasing in recent years due to higher con-
mechanically harvested. States in the Upper sumer demand. The use of precision farming
Midwest (Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan) techniques such as drip irrigation, plastic
and the Pacific states (California, Washington, mulches, row covers, and high tunnels (Fig. 3.4),
and Oregon) produce the majority of processed along with other advances in farming practice,
vegetables. North Dakota, Idaho, Washington, have made these crops more cost effective to
and Oregon supply the majority of potatoes, produce. Also, more support for specialty crops
FIGURE 3.4 A current trend in farming is to use high tunnel structures that extend the growing season by keeping
crops partially covered allowing control of temperature and water. Source: Photo from Linda Naeve, Iowa State University
Extension and Outreach.
and financial support programs for farmers in Animal agriculture is also concentrated in
the recent Farm Bills have likely contributed to regions. Although Wisconsin is known as the
the growth in vegetable production. Fruit pro- dairy state, California is the largest producer of
duction occurs across the United States and is milk, followed by Wisconsin, Texas, New York,
highly dependent upon weather conditions. and Idaho. Hog production is highest in the
Because of its suitable climate, California pro- states of Iowa, Minnesota, Illinois, Indiana,
duces over 50% of the fruits and 25% of the Ohio, and North Carolina. The top states for
vegetables grown in the United States. Growers grassland and pasture grazing for raising beef
in Washington produce 60% of the apples, cattle are Texas, New Mexico, Nevada,
Florida growers produce 75% of the oranges, Montana, and Wyoming. Turkeys are raised
and most of the strawberries are produced in throughout the Midwest especially Missouri
California and Florida. Cherries, blueberries, and Minnesota, and chickens are predominately
and blackberries are produced in Michigan, produced in the Broiler Belt states of Georgia,
Oregon, and Washington; peaches in Georgia; Arkansas, Alabama, and South Carolina. Top
and cranberries in Massachusetts and Oregon. egg-producing states include Iowa and Ohio.
FIGURE 3.5 Placing drainage tiles allowed farmers in the Midwest to utilize swamp and wet areas for farming.
A trenching tool such as this inserts porous tubing that moves water from the fields into drainage ditches. From the 1960s
to 1985 large amounts of land in many states had been drained to enhance agriculture production. Source: USDA Economic
Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov; Photo from the AgLeader, Ames, IA.
California and Texas are the states with highest water to convert wetlands to farmland and to
total farm income, followed by Iowa and North reduce flooding. Within the Midwest, the major-
Carolina. Florida ranks fifth in total farm income ity of land was modified for drainage (Fig. 3.5).
followed by Minnesota, Nebraska, Georgia, While the theory at the time was that these
Kansas, and Kentucky. approaches would improve agriculture produc-
Access to transportation routes, processing tion and reduce flooding risk, it has since been
facilities, markets, and labor defines the distri- found that enhancing the drainage of such a
bution of agriculture production in the United large area may have increased the risk of major
States. Grain from the Midwest is economically floods. Within the past 25 years, periods of high
transported by barge down the Mississippi rain and snowfall have occurred leading to sig-
River for global export via the Gulf of Mexico nificant flooding in areas of the Midwest, espe-
and moved by railroad to cattle-finishing opera- cially in 1993 and 2008. In addition, draining of
tions in Texas and New Mexico. Processing agricultural land concentrates nutrients and che-
plants for fruits and vegetables near production micals into waterways, leading to algal blooms
sites in California or Florida ensure is efficiently and damage to aquatic plants and animals.
and economically preserved. Migrant workers Another example was the diversion of water
who pick fruits and vegetables travel defined for irrigation into the Pacific Northwest. The
routes to assist with the harvest. Yakima River Basin Project, which began in
Human intervention has also played a key 1905, created dams on the Yakima River to
role in defining where agriculture production trap water from the Cascade Mountains. And
occurs. Two examples of this are the installation the Columbia Basin Project began in 1951 after
of drainage ditches and tiles across the the construction of the Grand Coulee Dam.
Midwestern states that redirected streams and These two projects provided irrigation that
converted wetlands and swamplands to high- allowed extensive expansion of agriculture
yielding crop land. This practice was encour- such that by 2008 the annual value of crops
aged by the federal government with the from these areas was $1 billion. While these
Swamp Land Acts of 1850 and 1860 and the adaptations of the land and water created
Flood Control Act of 1944. These laws encour- opportunities for food production, they and
aged draining, tiling, ditching, and channelizing other projects have been criticized for their
of US Agriculture and Food Production, agri- land-grant institutions made agriculture a pri-
culture and government have had a close mary focus of US educational systems. The
interrelationship throughout history. The sec- USDA has worked and continues to work closely
retary of agriculture is a cabinet level officer, with land-grant institutions to advance research
appointed by the President and confirmed by the and education on agricultural issues.
Senate, reports directly to the President and is The success of the land-grant institutions
ninth in the Presidential line of succession. As was significant and led to two additional fund-
discussed in Chapter 4, Animals in the Food ing programs. The first was the Hatch Act of
System, agriculture lobbying groups have been 1887, named for William Hatch, who chaired
instrumental in defining funding and support the House Committee on Agriculture. This act
programs for farmers. Some would argue that gave each land-grant institution the amount of
these strong lobbying groups protect farmers $15,000 to be used by “agricultural experiment
from regulations that are needed to protect the stations.” The concept of agricultural experi-
environment, give breaks to big farm operations, ment stations developed over several years
and do nothing to support small farmers. In through discussions and debates by scientists
some cases, technology may be adopted by farm- involved in agricultural research, university
ers before ecological impacts can be known. The presidents, and legislators. Among these was
Dust Bowl, discussed in Chapter 2, History of US Wilbur Atwater, who became the first Director
Agriculture and Food Production, is an example of the Office of Experiment Stations. The vision
of such a situation. Regulations to manage farm- of these leaders was that agricultural research
ing practices were eventually implemented fol- needed to be shared among researchers and
lowing that disaster. The pattern of government made available to farmers, and that consistent
responding with regulations after a problem has funding was needed to ensure the work could
occurred, or in response to public demand, has be accomplished. A close relationship between
been repeated many times in history. fundamental investigation of new science and
solutions to practical problems was a unique
feature of agriculture and created some intense
3.2.1 US Department of Agriculture debate as to who determined what research
President Lincoln recognized the value of would be done—scientists, farmers, or govern-
agriculture to the United States and the need to ment. Through these discussions came the pro-
promote education and best practices to farmers. cess that continues today, where scientists
This led him to request that Congress pass an act working at land-grant institutions are indepen-
to establish a US Department of Agriculture dent, but report to the USDA the results of their
(USDA) in 1862. The act defined the role of the work and these findings are made publicly
USDA to “acquire and to diffuse among the peo- available at no cost. In addition, several agricul-
ple of the United States useful information on tural experiment stations were created outside
subjects connected with agriculture. . .to procure, of land-grant institutions that employ full-time
propagate, and distribute among the people new researchers who report directly to the Secretary
and valuable seeds and plants.” A Commissioner of the USDA and carry out research in specific
of Agriculture was to be appointed by the areas. An example of an agricultural experi-
President and was tasked with obtaining and ment station is the USDA Beltsville Agricultural
preserving information about agriculture, includ- Center, in Beltsville, Maryland, where much
ing “by practical and scientific experiments” to research on agriculture, food, and nutrition has
test new and valuable seeds and plants. The con- been and continues to be conducted. The fund-
current passage of the Morrill Act that created ing for agricultural experiment stations was
amended in 1955 to a formula based on factors the USDA is a great resource for farmers,
of each state’s rural and farm population to researchers, and the public. In addition to the
allocate the federal appropriations. The revision federal USDA, each state has a department of
also required states to contribute at least equiv- agriculture with an appointed or elected secre-
alent matching funds. tary of agriculture. These offices work in collab-
Today, the USDA plays an essential role in oration with the USDA to monitor and assess
agriculture. As shown in Table 3.4, there are agriculture issues across the nation and to pro-
seven mission areas of the USDA, touching all vide training and regulation at the state level.
aspects of agriculture, natural resources, food
and human health. Some of these functions of
the USDA will be described in Chapter 7,
3.2.2 Environmental Protection Agency
Nutrition and Food Access. One of the man- The Environmental Protection Agency
dates of the USDA has been to collect data (EPA) was established on December 2, 1970 to
about agriculture and to make these data consolidate into one agency a variety of federal
available to the public. The data generated by research, monitoring, standard-setting, and
TABLE 3.5 Pesticide Regulations Issued by the EPA and Their Impact on Agriculture
EPA legislative acts Impact on agriculture
enforcement activities to protect human health EPA regulations have sought to mitigate
by safeguarding the environment. The EPA impacts of agriculture on the environment
was formed in an era of increased awareness and protect human health. Based on scientific
of environmental issues. The first Earth Day evidence, some chemicals that were used in
was April 22, 1970. The EPA has sought to pre- agriculture have been banned and legislation
vent environmental disasters such as those has been passed to address specific environ-
that occurred at the Cuyahoga River, Ohio in mental issues (Table 3.5). Establishment of air
1969; Love Canal, New York in 1978; Times quality standards and guidelines for reduc-
Beach, Missouri in 1982; and the Exxon Valdez tion in emissions from leaded gasoline and
oil spill in Prince William Sound, Alaska in sulfur oxides of diesel fuel affected what fuels
1989. The Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act could be used for agricultural equipment.
are among the significant legislative authorities Manufacturers, farmers, and consumers have
for the EPA. adjusted to tighter restrictions and all have
Regulations for air, water, soils, and land benefited from cleaner air and less pollution.
use, including drainage, pesticides, fertilizers, Farm workers benefit from EPA guidelines
and their impact on wildlife, are under the pur- for safety regulations and pesticide exposure
view of the EPA. Farmers must comply with in farm operations, which ensure fair and
EPA regulations and licensing for pesticide equitable working standards with safety train-
spraying, fertilizer applications, windbreak ing and protections for workers and no pesti-
plantings, field drainage, and invasive species cide handling by children under 18 years of age.
management. In cooperation with the USDA,
EPA regulations are communicated to farmers
3.2.3 Animal Plant Health
via county National Resource Conservation
Inspection Service
Service (NRCS) and Farm Service Agency (FSA)
offices. The FSA also interprets federal legisla- The Animal and Plant Health Inspection
tion for farmers and manages commodity pro- Service (APHIS) is responsible for protecting
grams described in the Farm Bill. and promoting US agricultural health, which
TABLE 3.6 Types of Agricultural Subsidies types of insurance to protect their economic
investments, and government subsidies have
Direct payments Crop insurance
also been part of that safety net (Table 3.6).
Marketing loans Disaster aid A farm subsidy is an amount of money provided
Price guarantees Export subsidies by the government intended to protect the
farmer from financial loss due to fluctuations in
Conservation Agricultural research and
subsidies statistics market prices. Strong farm lobby groups, espe-
cially in agriculture-intensive states, have been
successful in getting subsidies and other farmer-
Similarly, too much or not enough water at friendly legislation passed. Once introduced,
key growing times will impact yields. When assistance and subsidy programs became politi-
corn and soybean prices are low, cattle, hog, cally and socially integrated and hard to repeal.
and egg producers benefit with lower feed Frequently, the Farm Bill approval is delayed
costs, but the corn and soybean farmers suffer for months or years due to political controversy
economic loss. Farmers have relied on various about such federal programs.
T H E 2 0 1 4 FA R M B I L L
The Agriculture Act of 2014 (known as the the first such legislation), the majority of peo-
Farm Bill) was signed by President Barack Obama ple were farmers and farm programs were
and covers a 5-year period through 2018. A total seen as a means to ensure that the United
of $956 billion (3% of the US federal budget) was States had continued access to abundant, safe,
allocated for programs (titles) listed in the bill. The and affordable food. Supporting commodity
majority of funding, 80%, supports nutrition pro- prices and environmental programs and fund-
grams including the Supplementary Nutrition ing nutrition programs, especially after the
Assistance Program (SNAP), Emergency Food tumultuous Great Depression and Dust Bowl
Assistance Program, and food and nutrition pro- era, were considered important and necessary.
grams for senior citizens, children, and low- Today, farmers in the United States represent
income families and American Indians. The less than 2% of the population and 0.05% of
remaining 20% of funding supports the agricul- employed Americans. Farmers are not diverse
tural component including crop insurance (8% of by gender, race, or ethnicity. Most Americans
funding), commodity support (5%), conservation are very removed from, and have little under-
(6%), and 1% for trade, credit, rural development, standing of, agricultural problems. Farm Bill
research, forestry, energy, horticulture, and discussions now include state organizations;
organic agriculture. The complexity of the Farm national farm groups; commodity associations;
Bill was noted by President Obama, who said conservation, recreation, and rural development
“[i]t’s like a Swiss Army knife” because of the organizations; faith-based groups; and other
wide range of programs that are connected to the interest groups. Even though the number of
Farm Bill (Fig. 3.6). farmers is small, the number of conflicting
In the early years of passing Farm Bills interests is large and these constituents have
(the Agricultural Adjustment Act of 1933 was differing opinions.
FIGURE 3.6 President Barack Obama referred to the 2014 Farm Bill as a Swiss Army knife because of the
many features and components of the bill. Source: Illustration from www.usda.gov.
Over the years, legislators from farm- foreign trade, all of which support President
intensive states realized that they had less sway Obama’s reference to the Swiss Army knife.
regarding these policies than their urban collea- Calls to reduce Farm Bill funding come from
gues in states with higher populations. It became both sides: those concerned that agriculture
more difficult to garner continued support for subsidies are excessive and unjust, and those
farm subsidy programs and other agricultural concerned that food assistance funding is exces-
support. However, those urban states had more sive and unjust. Those who oppose aspects of
people interested in food assistance programs. the agricultural component of the legislation
As a means of satisfying both constituencies, say that too much money is allocated to farmers
rural and urban, agriculture and food assistance at taxpayer and consumer expense, that fund-
programs were combined under the Farm Bill. ing benefits the large, wealthy farmers and is
Nutrition support programs were first incorpo- unfair to small farmers. Some question the
rated into the Farm Bill in 1977 when Food effectiveness of the programs and contend that
Stamps and commodity distributions programs the Farm Bill does not provide enough environ-
were brought into the legislation. This has mental protection. Opponents to federal sup-
created complicated political environments each port of nutrition funding argue that the support
time the bill is considered for renewal. makes people less interested in working,
The Farm Bill is comprehensive legislation encourages fraud, and promotes a culture of
that involves varied interests among producers dependency. Others consider farm policy to be
of different commodities and those with differ- incompatible with current national economic
ent priorities for farm support, conservation, objectives, global trading rules, and federal
nutrition, rural development, research, and budgetary or regulatory policies. In fact, in the
2014 Farm Bill, funding for SNAP (formerly the (GATT) and World Trade Organization (WTO)
Food Stamps Program) was significantly Agreement on Agriculture. The United States is
reduced for the first time in years (discussed in one of the world’s largest agricultural produ-
Chapter 7: Nutrition and Food Access), and sig- cers and exporters and thus, US farm policy
nificant changes in farm subsidies were also has a significant effect on farm sectors around
implemented. the world. The Farm Bill of 1996, the Federal
In recent times, the Farm Bill has taken on Agricultural Improvement and Reform Act
specific challenges. The Farm Bill of 1985 was (FAIR), was referred to as the Freedom to Farm
called the “environmental act” when fun- bill and removed the safety net for farmers.
ding for conservation programs was added. The former production-based payments were
Conservation programs focused on reduction of replaced with production flexibility contract
soil erosion, protecting water quality and quan- payments and farmers received direct payment
tity by retirement of farmland, as well as red- for crop losses via emergency market loss pay-
uction of off-farm impacts of agricultural ments. Energy programs to promote biofuels
activities. In the 1990s, farmers were freer but and cellulosic ethanol production and farm and
less secure. US farm policy was greatly influ- community renewable energy systems were
enced by world trade agreements such as the added to the Farm Bill in 2002. In 2008, farm
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade prices were high, there was a global food crisis,
FIGURE 3.7 For the past several decades the majority of funding in the Farm Bill has been allocated for
nutrition assistance programs. For example, in the 2014 Farm Bill almost 80% of the funding was for nutrition
and food programs while less than 10% was provided as agricultural subsidies. Source: USDA Economic Research
Service, www.usda.ers.gov; Cost Estimates for the Agricultural Act of 2014, January 2014.
TABLE 3.7 Comparison of Major Differences Between the 2008 and 2014 Farm Bills
2008 Farm bill 2014 Farm bill
Direct payments to farmers for major Eliminates direct payments to farmers, replaced with crop
commodity crops (grains, oilseeds, cotton) insurance program
Conservation opportunities for farmers and Conservation compliance linked with crop insurance payments
New funding for crop insurance and
disaster assistance
New funding for livestock and poultry Did not repeal protections for poultry farmers with processing
Established Beginning Farmers and Increased funding for Beginning Farmers and Ranchers
Ranchers Development Program Development Program and support during first 5 years of
New funding for fruits, vegetables, Doubles funding for specialty crop research initiative and
specialty crops, and organic agriculture provided new resources for organic farmers
Tripled funding to farmers market and local food promotion
program and new funding for local and regional food systems
and food prices were increasing in the United A comparison of the 2008 and 2014 Farm Bills
States so the Farm Bill attempted to balance is shown in Table 3.7. The 2014 bill provided
payments to farmers with taxpayer demands additional SNAP funding for enhanced
for lower funding. employment and training activities, increased
Passing the 2014 Farm Bill was fraught with healthy food options, and expanded antifraud
significant controversy. The economic slump efforts. Other changes addressed concerns
that started in 2007 drove a more conservative about subsidies for farmers, especially when
climate in Congress. Big spending legislation, commodity crops were experiencing record
such as the Farm Bill, was hotly debated and high prices. Direct crop payments (subsidies) to
calls for severe reductions were strong. farmers, which were unpopular with taxpayers,
Eventually, a bill was passed that made some were replaced with an insurance program. The
important changes. Nutrition support is the bill also provided expanded programs for spe-
largest part of the Farm Bill (Fig. 3.7) and the cialty crops, organic farmers, bioenergy, rural
decision was made to cut funding for SNAP by development, and beginning farmers and ran-
$8 billion (a 4% cut over 10 years). SNAP’s chers, in response to calls for increased oppor-
basic eligibility guidelines were maintained, tunities for small, local farmers.
but an income deduction that boosted benefits
for some households was made more stringent. Suggested reading: Orden and Zulauf (2015) and
Owens (2008).
3.3 ENERGY FOR AGRICULTURE TABLE 3.8 Increased Use of Gasoline, Nitrogen, and
Chemical Pesticides in Corn Production Over Time
Farm work was primarily fueled by human Inputs in corn production 1945 1954 1964 1970
and animal power until the 1900s. Wind and
Gasoline (gallons/acre) 15 19 21 22
water were used in early farming in the United
States to drive pumps and grind grain. Major Nitrogen (pounds/acre) 7 27 58 112
changes in farm work occurred when steam Herbicides 1 pesticides 0 0.4 1.38 2.0
engines followed by diesel and gasoline engines (pounds/acre)
and then electricity entered the picture. These
allowed farm work to be mechanized, essentially
replacing the need for animals to work the land, The changes that have occurred over time in
and lessening the workload for humans. Use of accessibility and prices of fossil fuels have
energy in agriculture comes at a cost. Coal and impacted and continue to impact agriculture pro-
gasoline are fossil fuels that must be obtained duction. Perhaps the most dramatic period of his-
from the earth, refined, processed, and trans- tory when fuel prices and availability impacted
ported. When they are used to generate power, agriculture was during the oil crises of the 1970s.
they release greenhouse gases that linger in the In 1973, a global spike in oil prices resulted when
atmosphere and contribute to climate change. the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
Countries (OPEC) imposed an embargo on oil in
response to US involvement in the Yom Kippur
War. The availability of gasoline in the United
3.3.1 Mechanization and Fossil Fuels States reached a crisis level and gas rationing
The first gasoline-powered tractor was intro- was implemented. Energy-saving programs
duced by the Waterloo Gasoline Traction including a nationwide speed limit of 55 mph
Engine Company in 1893, which eventually and changes in automobile designs were man-
became the John Deere Tractor Works. Henry dated. At that time, interest in developing alter-
Ford also entered this industry with his low- native fuels, including ethanol from corn,
cost tractor in 1917, which soon accounted for developed. In 1978, a federal tax credit program
75% of the gasoline-powered tractor market. was started that awarded 51b per gallon of etha-
Advances in other power equipment followed nol used. However, over the next two decades,
rapidly with the Massey-Harris corn picker in the price of crude oil stabilized and gas became
1946 and the combine (that picked and shelled more available, making ethanol production
corn) in 1954. Mechanical hay balers were intro- uneconomical. Since 2008, renewable fuels and
duced in the 1930s and a mechanized irrigation natural gas have increased as a percent of total
system was developed in the 1940s. The intro- energy consumption in the United States while
duction of mechanized equipment made farm- coal and petroleum have declined (Fig. 3.8). The
ing less labor intensive and more productive. balance between the cost of crude oil and the
These machines and implements ran largely on costs of ethanol production, has continued and
gasoline and diesel, which were cheap and will continue to be the primary determinant for
abundant. Additionally, these fossil fuels were which type of fuel will be used and produced.
the source of many farm chemicals including
fertilizers and pesticides. The amount of inputs,
3.3.2 Biofuels
especially nitrogen and herbicides/pesticides,
ramped up rapidly between 1945 and 1970 In the early 2000s, a renewed interest in
(Table 3.8). ethanol production occurred due to three
FIGURE 3.8 The use of fossil fuel sources of energy, including coal and petroleum, have decreased within the past
decade, while natural gas and renewable fuels have increased. The inset shows the types of renewable fuels and their rela-
tive contribution. Source: US Department of Energy, www.energy.gov.
factors: crude oil prices surged; a commonly yeast and bacteria to generate ethanol. But as the
used ingredient in gasoline, methyl tertiary demand for ethanol increased, so did the price
butyl ether (MTBE), was restricted or banned by of corn, limiting the economic return for ethanol
many states and was replaced with ethanol; and producers. This led to pursuit of other feed-
the Energy Policy Act of 2005 and the stocks, particularly those of low cost. The plant
Renewable Fuel Standard specified using renew- material remaining after corn is harvested is
able fuels (such as ethanol) in gasoline for auto- called stover or biomass and is comprised of com-
mobiles. In addition, the Energy Independence plex carbohydrates, mainly cellulose (Fig. 3.9).
and Security Act of 2007 mandated increasing This material is often left on the field to contrib-
US use of biofuels to 36 billion gallons by 2022. ute to soil composition as it decays and also to
These factors created a favorable economic envi- reduce soil erosion, and it is used somewhat for
ronment for ethanol and the industry responded animal feed. Stover is essentially free, except for
quickly. The production of ethanol in the United the cost of recovering it from the field, drying,
States increased from 1.8 to 15 billion gallons and transportation. The conversion of cellulosic
between 2000 and 2014. Corn provides a good material to ethanol is more complicated than the
feedstock for ethanol production because of its conversion of corn starch, but technologies using
high starch content. Starch can be fermented by enzymes and fermentation have been developed
FIGURE 3.9 Stover is the residual plant material left after harvesting corn or other crops. Stover can be converted to
ethanol through a process of cellulosic fermentation. Bales of stover are collected after crops are harvested and transported
to processing facilities. Source: Photo from USDA image gallery, www.ars.usda.gov.
to make it possible and profitable. There is some profits from growing crops, and competition
risk that removal of too much stover from fields between crops for food versus fuel. It is unlikely
has the potential to increase soil erosion, deplete that any one biofuel process or feedstock will be
soil organic matter, and increase water contami- sufficient or sustainable enough to completely
nation. Other sources of feedstock including replace fossil fuels but these alternative energy
perennial grasses such as switchgrass and mis- sources allow less fossil fuel to be used.
canthus are also being explored as more
environmentally sustainable options. Cellulosic
ethanol is one of the next generation biofuels
that also includes biochemical, thermochemical,
3.3.3 Wind and Solar Energy
especially pyrolysis, and other technologies to Two other natural sources of energy have
produce ethanol and petroleum equivalents become increasingly available for agriculture:
from renewable sources. Environmental con- wind and solar. The primary limitations to
cerns associated with biofuel production include both solar and wind power have been access
higher economic pressure to grow corn over to low-cost collecting materials and infrastruc-
other crops, reduced incentive to retain buffer ture systems to deliver and store energy to
zones around waterways in lieu of greater maintain a constant supply. These challenges
FIGURE 3.10 Wind turbines have been installed across many states to generate electricity. Fields of wind turbines dot the
landscape across the Midwest and Plains states. Source: Photo from Department of Energy image gallery, www.energy.gov/photos.
better means to move products across the developers that allowed all earth, stone, lum-
country and there was general public support ber, or other material within the granted land
for the concept. But the Civil War was drain- to be used for construction purposes. Any land
ing the government resources, and financial that was not used by the railroad could be
means to fund such a project were unavailable. sold and the profits returned to the railroad
To overcome this, the Curtis Bill, proposed by company. The first passage of the bill was par-
Iowa Congressman S.R. Curtis, designated the tially successful, but an amendment made in
creation of a Board of Commissioners to over- 1864 expanded the amount of land granted to
see the construction and the selling of capital the railroads and modified the path of the
stock of the company ($1000 per share) to raise railroad, which launched the project. Two
the funds. This established the railroads as companies were created, the Union Pacific
public private partnerships. The US govern- Railroad and the Central Pacific Railroad, as
ment granted land rights to the railroad public private partnerships. The history of the
FIGURE 3.11 Innovations in railcars increased the distribution range for many foods during the 1930s. Watermelons
grown in Laurel, Delaware are being loaded into traincars for distribution around the United States in 1905. Source: Photo
from the Library of Congress, www.loc.gov/pictures.
became available. The construction of roads The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1944 approved
suitable for these new modes of transportation a 64,000-km National System of Interstate
became critical for getting supplies to farms, Highways and established a federal-aid second-
and transport of farm commodities to markets. ary system of principal secondary and feeder
In some states, most notably Texas, Missouri, roads. The construction of the interstate high-
Iowa, North Carolina, Michigan, and Tennessee, way system began in earnest during the 1950s
farm roads were built during the 1920s and with the implementation of a series of east
1930s, but the majority of states developed rural west and north south highways. A plan that
road systems only after WWII. The Office of was projected to take 12 years required 35 years
Road Inquiry was established within the USDA to complete. Access to an interstate network of
in 1893. The fact that the federal road office roads created opportunities for delivery of agri-
resided in the USDA emphasizes the impor- cultural products by trucks in a more efficient
tance of roads to the US farm economy. The manner than trains. Trucks could deliver
American Association of State Highway and directly from door to door whereas train deliv-
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) was formed ery required secondary transport. Railroad own-
in 1914 and worked with federal agencies to ers realized the threat to their industry and
develop highway legislation, policy, and stan- lobbied the government to impose stiff highway
dards for the US transportation network. The user taxes on truckers. This was eventually
importance of a national system of highways sorted out with legislation that created a tax
was driven by concerns for national defense system to fund the highways. The overall
and the ability to move soldiers and materials. impact of the interstate highway system was to
FIGURE 3.12 Anhydrous ammonia has been used as a fertilizer in the United States since WWII. Tanks containing
anhydrous ammonia are connected to a distribution system that inserts the nitrogen into the soil. Source: Photo provided by
the AgLeader, Ames, IA.
quickly destroy a crop or reduce its value. In the United States prior to 1940, chemicals
Pesticides, which include chemicals used to such as sodium chlorate, sulfuric acid, and
kill insects, microorganisms, fungi, rodents, arsenic, and those derived from coal such as
and weeds, are integral components of farm- creosote, naphthalene, and petroleum oils,
ing. Early agricultural practices to ward off were used to control insects, molds, and mil-
insects or kill plant diseases involved burning dews. These chemicals were applied in large
various materials to create smoke. Plant amounts, lacked specificity, were damaging to
extracts, tree tar, salt, copper, sulfate, and lime crops, and were highly toxic to humans and
were also applied to plants to control disease. other animals. During the 1940s synthetic pesti-
One plant extract, pyrethrum derived from the cide production increased and a wide range of
plant Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium, has been chemicals, including DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-
in use for over 2000 years and is still an effec- trichlorethane), parathion, and chlordane were
tive pesticide today. Weed management was developed. These chemicals targeted specific
mainly mechanical through the 1900s, using insects or diseases and were designed to be
hoes and harrows or manually pulling weeds. less toxic to plants, humans, and animals.
Burning of weeds was also used through the Among these, DDT became very popular for
1940s especially for row crops. agricultural as well as community and home
Defense Fund was one of the earliest such state level and states are allowed to implement
groups that took on the campaign against pesticide regulations that are more stringent
DDT. DDT was widely used as a pesticide, than federal laws.
not only in agriculture but to control mosqui-
tos in the environment, and insects in build-
ings and homes. A tipping point came when a 3.6 PRECISION AGRICULTURE
connection was made between DDT and bald
eagles. Eagles eat small animals that were At the turn of the 21st century, other
exposed to DDT in the fields. DDT from these advances in agriculture technology have
food sources accumulates in the body tissues enhanced the ability of farmers to monitor
of the birds over time, alters their calcium their fields and crops and more accurately
metabolism, and causes their eggs to be frag- use fertilizers, pesticides, and soil amend-
ile and break in the nest. The result was a ments. Modern farm equipment employs a
decrease in the population of bald eagles, combination of global positioning systems
nearly to the point of extinction. Bald eagles, (GPS) with geographic information systems
of course, are a symbol of the United States (GIS), along with monitoring technologies, to
and so saving this species became a public record in real-time and space crop yields,
demand. Concerns about this and other envi- plant tissue nitrogen status, soil moisture and
ronmental and human health effects brought temperature, and weed pressure to guide
to light by activists and scientists led to the application of fertilizers, irrigation water, and
banning of DDT in the United States in 1972. herbicides on a site-specific basis (Fig. 3.13)
DDT continues to be used in several countries These tools require substantial technical
primarily to prevent malaria. expertise and generate large amounts of data,
The Federal Environmental Pesticide thereby requiring sophisticated computer
Control Act (FEPCA) was enacted in 1972 giv- skills and applications. Because of the com-
ing the EPA expanded authority to regulate plexity of these technologies, they have not
pesticide sales and use and to certify pesticide yet been widely implemented, but hold great
applicators. This placed the EPA, rather than potential. Tools are being developed that
the USDA, in the role of regulators of pesticide connect with cell phones and computer
use in agriculture. The regulation and over- tablets that allow farmers to make better
sight of pesticide use is the responsibility of decisions in real time on their farms. We are
the EPA under authority of the FIFRA and the currently in the era of “Big Data,” where
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act finding ways to meaningfully interpret and
(FFDCA). The Food Quality and Protection Act apply information to enhance agricultural
of 1996 amended both FIFRA and FFDCA to outputs is of urgent need. It also has gener-
require the EPA to ensure that pesticides pose ated new issues in agriculture around the
“reasonable certainty of no harm” before they legal ownership of this information, as more
can be registered for use in food or feed. private companies are developing and selling
Under the law, the EPA must review pesti- their data-collecting technology to farmers.
cides at least once every 15 years to determine The concerns are that having access to data
if they continue to meet the standards of safety about farm operations, yields, and costs
for humans, animals, and the environment. could be used to define markets or give
The EPA also restricts the use of some high- advantage to others. Regulations and policies
risk pesticides to certified pesticide applicators. about agricultural data ownership are just
The certification process is managed at the beginning to be considered.
FIGURE 3.13 Advances in technology have improved agriculture production in the United States. Farming equipment
with computer-assisted planting and harvesting technology increases the efficiency and accuracy of farm operations.
Source: Image Provided As Courtesy of John Deere.
3.6.1 Integrated Pest Management effects on the environment are reduced. Some
examples of unique tools of IPM include
Integrated pest management (IPM) pro- releasing sterile male fruit flies to mate with
grams use a wide range of approaches to wild fertile females causing the population to
manage pests and diseases on crops to antici- die out, or using natural plant compounds
pate and prevent infestations, rather than laced with small amounts of insecticide as
respond after they have become a problem. bait to selectively attract corn root beetles.
Components of IPM include selecting crop
varieties that are not susceptible to pests;
using competitive crops, insects, or even
viruses to combat pests; applying thoughtful 3.7 PLANT BREEDING
crop rotations; and reducing the environmen-
tal habitat for pests. A principle of IPM is to The great majority of plant foods that we
evaluate crop conditions and to use economic consume today are the result of plant breed-
thresholds to guide use of pesticides. The aim ing. Breeding and selection techniques allow
is to minimize the incidence of unnecessary desirable traits, such as color, size, shape, or
application of pesticides to the environment tolerance to growing conditions to be devel-
while maintaining economic return for the oped in a plant. The wide variety of apples in
farmer. By using a wide range of approaches the produce aisle of the grocery store, includ-
throughout the year, pests are less likely to ing those that are red, yellow, pink, or green,
develop resistance to treatments and negative were derived from plant breeding. Broccoli
polygalacturonase, that dissolves pectin in the and animals do not use these enzymes and so
plant cell wall. The FDA approved the safety glyphosate was considered a safe herbicide.
of the Flavr-Savr tomato and it was marketed Scientists had found that Agrobacterium tumefa-
in Davis, California and Chicago, Illinois, ciens, a naturally occurring bacterium, pro-
where it sold well. In 1996, the product was duced an EPSP enzyme that was not affected
introduced as a canned tomato paste in the by glyphosate. Monsanto scientists success-
United Kingdom, where it was clearly marked fully inserted the A. tumefaciens gene into soy-
as being derived from GE tomatoes and sales beans using genetic modification techniques,
were strong through 1999. However, public resulting in the production of Roundup Ready
fear of the product arose following a British soybeans in 1996. Because the soybeans were
broadcast in 1998 featuring a local physician tolerant of glyphosate, fields could be treated
who claimed that feeding rats genetically mod- with the herbicide after the soybean plants
ified potatoes resulted in biological effects in emerged from the ground. The weeds would
the rats caused by the process of genetic engi- be killed but not the crop. Varieties of
neering. As word of that report spread, sales Roundup Ready corn, cotton, spring canola,
of the GMO tomato paste fell and the company alfalfa, sugar beets, and winter canola were
eventually withdrew the product. The physi- also developed. By using herbicide-tolerant
cian who first raised the concern later retracted seeds, farmers could spray their fields at key
his study, which was never peer reviewed or times to reduce weeds that compete with
published, and independent scientists found young seedlings resulting in more efficient
no risk of the technology. crop management. Farmers could thereby use
During the 1990s the papaya crop in Hawaii less herbicide and spray fields less frequently,
was being devastated by the papaya ring- allowing them to have higher yields and lower
spot virus epidemic, which was not being input costs compared with other varieties of
controlled using conventional pesticide soybean. This technology also meant less phys-
approaches. Researchers at the University of ical cultivation to remove weeds, resulting in
Hawaii and Cornell University developed vari- less soil erosion and fuel consumption.
eties of papaya using genetic engineering that As the use of these herbicide-tolerant crop
were resistant to the virus. These were varieties increased, glyphosate use expanded
approved by the FDA in 1998 and by 1999 rapidly. The USDA estimated that glyphosate
GMO papaya represented over 30% of the accounted for about 15% of all herbicides used
crop in Hawaii. Today about 75% of papaya in 1996 and 89% in 2006. The most troubling
grown in Hawaii is the GMO variety. aspect of such widespread use is the develop-
The power of genetic engineering to address ment of resistant weeds. When resistance
pest management was recognized by seed develops, farmers must use more chemicals
companies and early research was focused on or switch to other types of herbicides.
commercially important crops of cotton, corn, Glyphosate-resistant weeds have become a sig-
and soybean. Approvals for crops with nificant problem, especially for corn, cotton,
herbicide-tolerant or insect-resistant traits and soybean farmers. Recently, the USDA
began in 1996. In 1974 the Monsanto Company approved new varieties of GM corn and soy-
released the herbicide glyphosate, commer- beans that are resistant to 2,4-D, which will
cially known as Roundup. Glyphosate acts by replace some of the Roundup Ready varieties,
inhibiting an enzyme pathway that is specific as a means to address resistance to glyphosate.
for plants (the EPSP enzyme in the shikimate A successful trait that was developed for
pathway), which causes plant death. Humans insect resistance was the Bt variety (e.g.,
FIGURE 3.14 US farmers began to grow genetically modified crops after their introduction in the mid-1990s. By 2014
nearly all of the corn, cotton, and soybeans grown in the United States contained an herbicide-tolerant (HT) trait or the
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) pesticide. Source: Fernandez-Cornejo, J and McBride W.D. (2002) Adoption of bioengineered crops.
Agricultural Economic Report no. 810, US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
Bt corn, Bt cotton, Bt soybeans). Bacillus thurin- plant meant that pests were immediately con-
giensis (Bt) is a common soil bacterium that trolled even before evidence of their infestation
had been known for decades to produce a spe- was noticed by the farmer. The economic bene-
cific protein (cry protein) that was lethal to cer- fit of GMO seed to farmers was quickly recog-
tain types of insects. Bt toxin was widely used nized and the number of acres of row crops
in the early 1800s in Europe to prevent insect planted with GMO traits expanded from
infestations in flour and other products and it almost none in 1996 to 80% 90% by 2014
has been an approved insecticide in the United (Fig. 3.14).
States since the 1960s. Bt toxin is currently an Since the mid-1990s GMO foods and food
approved pesticide for organic farming. ingredients have been part of the US food sys-
Several different Bt proteins are produced by tem. These include corn products such as corn
variants of B. thuringiensis that are specific for oil, corn starch, corn meal, and high-fructose
different types of insects. A Bt toxin was found corn syrup, and soybean products such as soy-
that was highly effective against the corn bean oil, textured soy protein, and soy flour,
borer. The corn borer was a significant pest as well as many food-grade chemicals that are
causing financial loss to farmers. The toxin produced from corn and soybeans. Canola oil,
produced by Bt is active only in insects and sugar from sugar beets, squash, and papaya
has no effect on humans because of the specific are approved GMO products as is alfalfa for
way it interacts with receptors in the insect’s animal feed. The FDA approved a GMO ani-
intestine. Insertion of the Bt toxin gene into mal, a salmon that reaches maturity in half the
plants eliminated the need to spray fields with time of wild salmon. Salmon is an excellent
pesticides because the insects would ingest the source of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary
toxin directly when they consumed parts of guidelines recommend increased consumption
the plant. The presence of the Bt toxin in the of salmon. The ability to produce more salmon
should allow more people access to this the combining of different genes into one
healthful food. A GMO apple is approved that plant, became possible, allowing crops to have
does not turn brown when sliced. This will several beneficial features. Farmers had more
increase the shelf-life of sliced apples allowing choices for seed that best fit their farm’s grow-
them to be used more in commercial and ing conditions and potential pests.
home meals.
GMO technology is being applied to
enhance key nutrients in staple crops that are
3.7.3 Concerns About Genetic
lacking in the diets of people especially in
developing countries. Vitamin A deficiency is
Engineering in Agriculture
the leading cause of blindness in developing Application of GMO technology in agricul-
countries, and increases the risk of infectious ture has been criticized for a variety of rea-
diseases. Beta carotene is a naturally occurring sons. These include concerns over the safety of
form of vitamin A that is converted to the vita- the technology to human and animal health
min during digestion. Using GMO technology, (potential for long-term damage), environmen-
foods that are normally consumed such as rice, tal risks (including genetic drift into non-GMO
bananas, and cassava can be modified to pro- crops, overuse of pesticides, and resistant
duce beta carotene. These foods are useful to weeds and pests), economic pressures (high
prevent the devastating effects of vitamin A cost of seeds and related chemicals, patent
deficiency in children and young women. As rights regarding seed ownership and favoring
more crops are genotyped and biochemical large operations over small producers), and
pathways understood, GMO applications have ethical concerns (changing nature, creating
the potential to improve the nutritional and superspecies, and putting profits ahead of
organoleptic qualities of food and to reduce safety). Critics of GMO technology have raised
food spoilage and waste. With climate change, concerns about the impact of this technology
alterations in temperatures and rainfall are in the following ways.
occurring around the world. Crops that are Weed resistance: GMO technology has been
more suitable for drought, soil salinity (caused criticized by environmental groups because of
by higher sea levels), temperature extremes, the risk of developing resistant weeds and
and pest resistance (changes in climate directly pests. Resistance is a feature that most invasive
alter the types and distribution of pests) will weeds and pests (and microorganisms)
be needed to sustain food production. GMO develop over time with repeated exposure to
technology has the potential to address these the same chemicals. The rise of resistance
challenges in a more efficient manner than occurs through natural selection pressure and
conventional plant and animal breeding. processes. The genes for resistance may
Some of the economic advantages for farm- already exist within a small percentage of the
ers and the environment from using GMO population. As the same pressures (exposure
seeds include reduced amounts of herbicides to a pesticide) are applied over time, the sus-
and insecticides (less cost for chemicals, less ceptible weeds and insects will be eliminated
fossil fuel to run sprayers), higher yields (crops while those that are resistant will become
are healthier without pests and weeds, more dominant. Weeds and pests have become resis-
yield on less land), and less need to till the soil tant to all types of pesticides and herbicides,
between growing seasons (less use of fossil including glyphosate and Bt toxin. Resistance
fuels, less topsoil loss, less soil compaction). is not unique to GMO crops and the history of
As the technology advanced, stacking traits, or agriculture includes many situations of having
reviewed the scientific evidence and have con- legislation to require GMO labeling within their
cluded that there is no risk to human health own borders. Such state-by-state labeling regu-
from consuming GMO foods. These include lations would be nearly impossible for food
the American Medical Association, the manufacturers to comply with and they mobi-
American Academy of Pediatrics, the Center lized to defeat the bills. While most of the state
for Science in the Public Interest, the bills failed, Vermont approved a GMO labeling
European Commission, and the World Health law that went into effect in July 2016. Under
Organization. The National Academies of pressure from the food industry and concerns
Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine com- from the FDA that state-based food labeling
pleted an extensive review of GE crops and laws would undermine a national uniformity of
released a report in 2016 that concluded GMO labeling, Congress proposed a compromise bill
foods were safe for humans and animals and that would require manufacturers to provide
the technology provided important benefits information on food packages about GMO
for agriculture and the environment. ingredients using one of three routes: direct
GMO labeling of food: Many consumers wording or symbols on the package, informa-
remain confused and concerned about the use tion provided via a QR code, or a website link.
of GMO technology in foods. For some, there The bill was signed into law by President
may be uncertainty about long-term impacts of Obama in the summer of 2016. Several argu-
consuming products with selected genetic traits, ments against mandatory GMO labeling of
or for others the concern may be with the wider foods include the potential increase in food
use of a few chemicals such as glyphosate. This costs that would result from tracking, verifying,
inspired a movement to mandate labeling of and monitoring the wide range of ingredients
GMO ingredients on food packages. Since 1992, used in foods; the need for more FDA inspec-
the FDA policy on bioengineered foods has tors and monitoring tools (some consider the
been that there is “. . .no basis for concluding FDA to have insufficient time and resources to
that bioengineered foods differ from other foods deal with the current food security issues); and
in any meaningful or uniform way, or that, as a potential confusion for consumers about GMO
class, foods developed by the new techniques safety (labeling infers some risk). As is com-
present any different or greater safety concern monly observed, some food manufacturers have
than foods developed by traditional plant recognized the consumer interest in non-GMO
breeding.” Therefore, the FDA has not required foods and see a marketing opportunity. As a
GMO foods or ingredients to be listed on the result, foods that never did contain GMO ingre-
package label. A voluntary provision that food dients, such as oatmeal or wheat flour, are being
manufacturers may label their products as marketed with non-GMO labels.
either not containing ingredients produced Regulatory oversight: In 1986, the government
using bioengineering or that they do contain created the Coordinated Framework for the
such ingredients has been in place since 1992. A Regulation of Biotechnology to oversee the intro-
movement to mandate GMO labeling on all duction of GMO crops. Three agencies were
foods gained national attention in the mid- tasked with providing the regulatory process:
2000s. The effort has been well funded and the USDA APHIS, the EPA, and the Department
effective in using social media to raise aware- of Health and Human Services Food and Drug
ness about their cause. However, many consu- Administration (DHHS-FDA). The focus of reg-
mers are not able to accurately express what ulation is to ensure that new GMO products
GMO is or why they might be concerned about would not negatively impact the environment
GMO in foods. Several states tried to pass (EPA) or existing agriculture (APHIS) and that
GMO and non-GMO foods probably agree with Recognition of various viewpoints, each based
this view. Equal access to and distribution of on sound and rational ethical values and princi-
resources, and doing no harm, are important ples, should aid discussion of complex dilemmas,
ethical principles of beneficence. such as the use of GMO technology in the food
The ethical view of environmentalists has system. The policies and programs that stake-
become more prominent in recent decades as holders support are based on their individual and
Americans have gone from taming the wilder- collective philosophies. Difficult problems can be
ness to appreciating the natural world for its resolved when there is respect, scientific thinking,
own value. This group views the use of GMO civil discourse, debate, and compromise.
crops, and maybe all agricultural monocultures,
as a threat to the diversity of the ecosystem. Suggested reading: Comstock (2008) and Thompson (2007).
Suggested websites: www.GMOAnswers.com and www.
This ethic is also linked to building strong GeneticLiteracyProject.org
moral character or virtue of individuals.
Van Eenennaam, A. L., & Young, A. E. (2014). Prevalence White, T. K., & Hoppe, R. A. (2012). Changing farm structure
and impacts of genetically engineered feedstuffs on and the distribution of farm payments and federal crop insur-
livestock populations. Journal of Animal Science, 92(10), ance. ERS Economic Information Bulletin No. 91.
4255 4278. Washington, DC: Economic Research Service, U.S.
Weingroff, R.F. (2015). Moving the goods: As the interstate era Department of Agriculture.
begins. Highway History, Federal Highway Zobeck, T. M., & Schillinger, W. F. (Eds.), (2010). Soil and
Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation water conservation advances in the United States. Soil
(updated November 18, 2015; cited 2015). Available from Science Society of America Special Publication 60 Madison,
,http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/infrastructure/freight.cfm.. WI: Soil Science Society of America, Inc.
Animals in the Food System
Angus and Angus crosses may account for as this ruminating process. In a mature cow the
much as 60% of the American commercial cat- capacity of the reticulum and rumen is about
tle population. 40 gallons. As breakdown of the cud occurs,
Cattle are ruminants, meaning they have a liquid and small particles pass into the third
four-compartment gastrointestinal system that compartment, the omasum. The fourth com-
allows the breakdown of grasses and plants partment, the abomasum, is referred to as the
that are not digestible by humans or nonrumi- “true stomach.” In the abomasum acids, buf-
nant animals (Fig. 4.1). This physiology allows fers and enzymes are secreted to fully digest
ruminants to survive on foodstuffs with low the remnants of the cud. The digested material
nutrient content. Ruminants graze on forage is released into the small intestine where
(grass, hay, or plant material), which is mixed digestion continues and nutrients are absorbed
with saliva that contains sodium, potassium, into the body. Ruminants are able to thrive on
phosphate, bicarbonate, and urea. The mixture, forages because of the chemical factory within
or cud, is passed via the esophagus into the their digestive system. The reticulum and
first stomach compartment, the rumen. The rumen are populated by a variety of microor-
cud cycles back and forth between the rumen ganisms including bacteria, protozoa, and
and the second stomach compartment, the fungi that work in the anaerobic (without
reticulum. The muscles lining the reticulum oxygen) environment to break down plant
contract and cause the cud to be regurgitated cell walls and synthesize a wide range of
back into the mouth to be further chewed. This compounds. Cellulose and other complex car-
is referred to as “chewing the cud” and rumi- bohydrates are broken down to simple carbo-
nants spend about one-third of their time in hydrates, protein is synthesized from nitrogen
Omasum Reticulum
FIGURE 4.1 Cows are ruminants and have a four-compartment stomach that allows them to digest cellulosic material
such as hay and grasses. Source: Illustration by Reannon Overbey.
regulation to prevent the spread of diseases in quality. In 1967 state inspection programs
livestock. This prompted passage of the were approved for meat processors selling
Bureau of Animal Industry Act and formation only within that state, but products sold across
of the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI) under state lines or for export continue to require
the USDA in 1884. BAI’s primary responsibil- federal inspection.
ity was to prevent diseased animals from Since 1981 the Food Safety and Inspection
being used in food, and to inspect and certify Service (FSIS) within the USDA has had the
live animals for export markets. BAI’s inspec- responsibility for the safety of meat, poultry,
tion authority did not extend into meat pack- and egg products. FSIS operates primarily
ing plants. This changed when Upton Sinclair under the authorities provided by the
published his novel, The Jungle (1906), about Federal Meat Inspection Act (1906), the
the lives of immigrants working in the meat Poultry Products Inspection Act (1957) and
packing industry in Chicago. Sinclair intended the Egg Products Inspection Act (EPIA) (1970;
to bring to light the deplorable working condi- Table 4.1). FSIS inspectors are responsible for
tions for immigrants in meat packing plants. the inspection of all poultry and livestock
But his descriptions of filthy plants, spoiled throughout harvest and processing. This
and diseased meat, and overall unsanitary includes all beef, pork, chicken, turkey, lamb,
practices raised the public’s concerns about and veal as well as some wild game, and all
their food. President Roosevelt commissioned liquid, frozen, and dried egg products. Foods
a team of inspectors to investigate these such as ham, sausages, stews, soups, pizzas,
reports, believing at first that Sinclair was and frozen dinners that contain 2% or more
merely pushing his Socialist agenda. The cooked poultry or 3% raw meat also require
inspectors largely confirmed the ugly practices FSIS inspection. The main goals of FSIS are to
that Sinclair had written about, which led define and ensure food safety standards
Congress to pass the Federal Meat Inspection throughout the processing, handling, and
Act (FMIA) in 1906 (Table 4.1). This law was packaging of meat and egg products; to ana-
passed on the same day as the Pure Food and lyze products for microbial or chemical adul-
Drug Act, which are two milestones for food terates; and to provide public education to
safety regulations in the United States. FMIA improve food-handling practices.
had four sanitary requirements for the meat In 1993 ground beef sold in the Pacific
industry: (1) mandatory inspection of all live- Northwest was the source of a major food-
stock before slaughter; (2) mandatory postmor- borne illness that caused 400 illnesses and 4
tem inspection; (3) explicit sanitary standards deaths. The bacteria that caused the outbreak
for slaughterhouses; and (4) USDA authority was Escherichia coli 0157:H7, which is a particu-
to inspect and monitor slaughter and proces- larly dangerous pathogen because it can cause
sing operations. The quality and safety of meat permanent kidney and liver damage (hemo-
produced in the United States was signifi- lytic uremia). The public became alarmed by
cantly improved following the implementation this outbreak and demanded improved food
of these federal regulations and inspection pro- safety oversight by the government. Until this
grams. Within the first year of the law being time, FSIS inspectors relied on sight, touch,
passed the USDA had hired 2200 meat inspec- and smell to detect adulteration of products,
tors. A meat research center was opened in which was recognized as being inadequate
1910 at the USDA experiment research station after this incident. To correct this, the
in Beltsville, Maryland to develop methods Pathogen Reduction/Hazard Analysis Critical
to test and evaluate meat for safety and Control Points (HACCP) Systems approach
1906 Pass the Federal Meat Inspection Act (FMIA) Prohibited sale of adulterated meat, standards for sanitation
in meat processing facilities, USDA inspection
1917 Pass the Farm Products Inspection Act Provided for voluntary inspection and grading of eggs
1926 Establish the USDA Federal Poultry Inspection Provided for voluntary inspection and grading of poultry
Service processors
1946 Pass the Agricultural Marketing Act Replaced Farm Products Inspection Act and gave authority to
USDA to define quality standards of eggs
1957 Pass the Poultry Products Inspection Act Defined standards for sanitation in poultry processing
facilities and gave USDA oversight of inspection of poultry
1958 Pass the Humane Methods of Slaughter Act Standardized humane slaughter protocol
1967 Pass the Wholesome Meat Act Required state inspection of meat and poultry processors to
be equivalent to federal standards
1968 Pass the Wholesome Poultry Act
1970 Pass the Egg Products Inspection Act (EPIA) Set standards for sanitation of liquid, frozen, and dried egg
production facilities
1971 Establish the Animal and Plant Health Service Transferred all meat and poultry inspection to APHIS
1981 Establish the Food Safety and Inspection Service Transferred all meat and poultry inspection to FSIS
1995 Define egg inspection oversight Gave FSIS responsibility for liquid, frozen and dried egg
products and USDA and FDA responsibility for shell eggs
1996 Pass Pathogen Reduction/HACCP Systems Rule Defined measurable checkpoints for monitoring sanitation
and food processing
2002 Pass the Animal Health Protection Act Gave APHIS authority to monitor and address infectious
diseases of livestock
2010 Passed Food Safety and Modernization Act Enhanced regulations for food safety, stronger recall
(FSMA) authority for FDA, sanitation standards for farms and small
2012 Implement FDA defined “Egg Rule” Provided regulations for egg producers to prevent food-borne
was developed and became a rule in 1996. This specifically defined that processors needed to
process moved responsibility to ensure the implement practices to reduce Salmonella con-
safety of food products from the government to tamination and to test for E. coli. By 2000, all
the manufacturer. HACCP plans require food food manufacturers, not just meat and egg pro-
manufacturers to define specific steps in their ducers, were required to have HACCP plans in
processing facility that would be monitored place. The Food Safety and Modernization Act
and evaluated for contamination, temperature (FSMA) was passed in 2010, which increased
control, or other measures and to retain the range of HACCP programs, strengthened
these records for inspection. The regulation the FDA’s recall authority, enhanced
traceability systems for food products, defined to closely monitor the animals’ health and
sanitation standards for farms, and redesigned growth, and to ensure the quality of the meat.
assessment of safety of imported foods. HACCP The diet fed to the animals in the feedyards is
and FSMA are discussed in more detail in a mixture of forage and nutrient-dense ingredi-
Chapter 6, Food Processing. ents including corn, soybeans, and other
grains. Because cattle are ruminants, these
higher nutrient feeds can cause problems with
4.2.2 The Cattle Industry Today their digestive system and must be balanced
The cattle industry in the United States with the right mix of cellulosic material (hay
involves several specialized types of opera- or straw). If the feed is not balanced well,
tions. Cow-calf ranchers maintain a breeding microbial overgrowth can occur in the rumen,
herd and oversee the birth of calves. In some which causes metabolic problems for the ani-
facilities animals are bred using artificial mal. These problems, such as acidosis, which
insemination procedures wherein sperm from is a lowering of the pH of the blood, will
a commercial source is used to impregnate inhibit animal growth and can be fatal. Animal
females. This allows breeders to be very spe- nutritionists are typically part of the manage-
cific in maintaining the genotype of their herds ment team at commercial feedlots to ensure
and enhances the efficiency of the operation. the diets are well designed and to prevent
Calves spend several months, about 7 on aver- such problems.
age, suckling with their mothers and grazing Cattle raised for meat are usually given
on grass in pastures. Between 6 and 10 months steroid hormones to increase the amount of lean
of age the calves are weaned and continue to muscle. These act similarly to endogenous
be grass-fed in pastures, or provided hay or hormones produced by the animal, and
silage. Silage is defined by the USDA as “any are dissipated before the animal is processed for
crop that is harvested green and preserved in meat. A further discussion of growth-promoting
a succulent condition by partial fermentation hormones in beef cattle is provided in
in a more-or-less airtight container such as a Section 4.9. When the cattle reach market weight,
silo” (USDA National Agricultural Library). typically around 1200 1400 pounds or 18 22
Silage is higher in nutrients than hay and it is months of age, they are sent to a processing facil-
used with hay to enrich rations, especially in ity where they are slaughtered and butchered.
the winter. Cattle are sold at livestock auction Some producers do not send their cattle to
markets when they reach maturity and are feedyards, but allow them to continue grazing
transferred to feedyards. Feedyards are also in pastures until they reach market weight.
referred to as animal feeding operations There is an increasing market for grass-fed
(AFOs), which are defined by the EPA as facil- meat as consumers have become more con-
ities that confine animals for at least 45 days/ cerned about hormones in meat, the use of
year with no grass or other vegetation in the CAFOs, or they prefer the taste of grass-fed
confinement area. If the number of animals in meat. Some research has shown that grass-fed
an AFO exceeds 1000 the facility would be meat has a better balance of fatty acids, partic-
classified as a concentrated animal feeding ularly more omega-3 fats, than meat from ani-
operation (CAFO). Cattle spend about 6 mals raised in feedyards. The amount of
months being fed a balanced diet under the omega-3 fats varies widely and the overall
supervision of veterinarians in the feedyards. nutritional benefit to humans is very small due
The purpose of the feedyard is to increase the to the low total amount of these fatty acids
growth rate by feeding a more nutritious diet, present in meat. Grass-fed animals require
FIGURE 4.2 Americans decreased their consumption of beef and pork between 1960 and 2010, and increased their
consumption of chicken. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
beef also held the dominant place in type of nickname Porkopolis. Large packing plants for
beef consumed away from home and in restau- both hogs and cattle were developing around
rants, mainly in the form of hamburgers. railroad terminals in cities such as Chicago,
Illinois; Kansas City, Kansas; St. Joseph,
Missouri; and Sioux City, Iowa.
management of their breeding programs. The the total US inventory was owned by opera-
gestational period for a sow is about 16 weeks, tions of more than 50,000 hogs. Iowa has held
which allows about 2, and the average litter the spot of number 1 in hog production for
size is 8 10 piglets. It is important that piglets many years, in part due to ready access to
suckle on the sow to obtain immunity and corn and soybeans for feed (Fig. 4.4). Recently,
nutrients for the first 2 3 weeks of life. growth of hog production has occurred in
Thereafter they are separated from the sow North Carolina, which is now the second larg-
and weaned onto specialized diets to enhance est producer of hogs. Several factors contrib-
growth. These feeder pigs are continued on uted to the rapid growth in hog production in
balanced diets until they reach market weight North Carolina, including development of
of about 240 270 pounds. genetic breeds that were more efficient in feed
There has been a decrease in the number of utilization and by utilizing housing systems
operations that manage hog production from that reduced disease and improved growth.
farrow to finish over the past decade and an Political and economic policies that support
increase in specialized operations. Focusing on and encourage larger hog operations have also
a limited period of hog production allows contributed to the expansion of this industry
facilities to be more efficient in their opera- in North Carolina.
tions, utilize advances in production technol- A major contributor to the growth in North
ogy, and increase in size to optimize economic Carolina and in other states has been the appli-
value. Specialization has led to concentration cation of production contract agreements in
of hog production to fewer and larger opera- which the hog owner (or contractor) engages a
tions. Since 1992 the number of farms raising producer (a grower) to care for the pigs in the
hogs declined by 70% while inventory producer’s facility. The producer is paid a fee
remained stable. The number of hog opera- for the service of raising the pigs, and the con-
tions in 1992 was 240,000, dropping to about tractors provide inputs (feed and medications),
60,000 in 2004. Operations with more than technical assistance and market options. In
5000 head represented only about 25% of total some cases, meat packers act as contractors.
operations in 1992 and about 90% in 2014. And For example, Smithfield Foods was the
the USDA estimates that in 2002 nearly half of largest hog contractor in 2004 with over 800,000
FIGURE 4.4 Iowa produces more hogs than all other states. North Carolina has increased hog production in recent
years. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov; Key and McBride (2007).
sows. Production contract operations reduce the producers have used selective breeding and
economic variability and risk of raising hogs, dietary management to develop hogs that are
but take away some autonomy from farmers. 75% leaner than in the 1950s.
Pigs are raised in confinement barns, hoop
barns, or open pastures. Confinement housing
operations are often large, with thousands of
4.3.2 Hog Housing Systems hogs per unit, and are the predominant way
Pigs are nonruminant animals and have a hogs are housed in the United States.
digestive tract that is quite similar to humans. Confinement barns provide group or individual
They are able to consume an omnivorous diet spaces for animals with a grated floor construc-
and were often fed scraps and garbage by tion that allows manure to fall through to be
farmers in the early years of US agriculture. collected and removed. Confinement barns
But progress in understanding swine nutrition have heat and humidity controls to reduce
has led to more efficient growth and higher stress on the animals and can be cleaned thor-
meat quality. Pig feeding systems have oughly to prevent disease. In confinements, hog
been well researched and defined to optimize producers and workers are able to monitor ani-
growth and animal well-being. At birth piglets mal behavior, feeding, and health efficiently
suckle from the sow to obtain colostrum and safely. The downsides of large confinement
that provides immune factors. They are then facilities are that when many animals are
weaned to diets that are balanced for each housed in one location, the large amount of
stage of growth. The main ingredients include manure must be managed to prevent environ-
corn, barley, milo, oats, and wheat, along with mental and water contamination and strong
soybean meal, vitamins, and minerals. With a odors from the facility can reduce quality of life
focus on reducing the amount of fat in pork, for people living or working nearby.
and there is increased risk of disease with coproducts. According to the Pork Producers
exposure to the elements and closer contact Association, over 20 drugs and pharmaceuti-
with manure (removed with the bedding by cals are derived from hogs including blood
tractor or shoveling). Pasture-raised pigs roam compounds (albumen, plasma, fibrin), hor-
in open fields and root and forage more natu- mones (cortisone, estrogens, insulin, oxytocin,
rally. This is a low-cost system, but pigs are thyroxin), and enzymes (trypsin, lipase, pep-
exposed to the weather, predators, and higher sin). Heart valves obtained from hogs are
risk of parasites and infections and take more suitable for replacement use in humans
time to manage. Generally, fewer pigs can be because of the similarity in anatomy.
managed when using hoop barns or pasture Currently, research is being conducted to
raising compared to confinement housing sys- develop strains of pigs that can provide tissues
tems, which results in higher costs for the for human implants without generating an
farmer and consumer. immune response that would cause rejection.
Hogs are a source of many other products used
in adhesives, glass, lubricants, cosmetics, cray-
ons, insulation, upholstery, and leather goods.
4.3.3 Pork Products and Consumption What is another name for a football? The pig-
The consumption of pork has remained fairly skin, of course!
constant in the United States since 1970, around
52 pounds/capita (Fig. 4.2). Pigs provide a good
source of meat, as well as a wide range of other 4.4 HISTORY OF THE
products. Lard, fat obtained from the pig, was EGG INDUSTRY
widely used in cooking through WWII, but has
fallen out of common use. Pig fatback is the Bird eggs have been consumed by humans
layer of subcutaneous fat under the skin on the throughout history. Domesticated poultry or
back. Fatback may be rendered (heated) to fowl were recorded in India and Asia from
make lard, made into salt pork, or used in sau- around 6000 BC and in Europe from 600 BC.
sage. Pork belly cuts are cured using salt and Historical records indicate that early civiliza-
smoked to make bacon. Salting and smoking tions including the Romans and Asians had a
were means of extending the shelf-life of meat variety of poultry breeds. It is likely that
prior to refrigeration but continue to be used to Columbus brought some varieties of poultry to
make specialized meat products. Ham is made the US colonies in the late 1400s. And
from pork legs by coating it with salt then European colonists transported varieties com-
exposing to smoke, or curing with sugar and mon in their native countries. Poultry were
salt. The hams are allowed to age for several often carried on sea voyages to provide eggs
months or even years during which time enzy- and meat for the crew. This allowed wide dis-
matic and chemical changes occur in the meat semination of poultry to many parts of the
giving it a distinct flavor and color. Unique pro- world. The British enjoyed developing exotic
cesses for making ham are treasured by many breeds of poultry, and formed the Poultry
cultures. Ham, lunchmeat, sausage, and bacon Club of Great Britain in 1877 to record, show,
are the most commonly consumed types of and protect these animals. Hundreds of varie-
pork in the United States, followed by fresh ties of poultry were developed with differing
pork, including pork chops, ribs, and roasts. size, coloring, and feather types.
In addition to providing human food, hogs In the colonial period and as America was
are a source of pharmaceutical and industrial being settled, chickens were raised on most
FIGURE 4.6 Mrs. George W. Ferguson feeding chickens in Ida County, Iowa. This photo was most likely taken in
1934. Source: Photo taken by A.M. Pete Wettach, used with permission from Iowa Public Television.
where they are fed and monitored for 18 • Capon: castrated male chicken marketed for
weeks. Pullets are then moved to a layer meat at less than 16 weeks of age
house, provided a diet high in calcium, and
Housing systems for laying hens have been
exposed to 14 16 hours of light per day to
a topic of public debate within the past few
stimulate egg production. The hens produce
years. To promote efficiency, and provide better
unfertilized eggs because they are not exposed
access for workers to monitor animals, battery
to roosters. After about 60 65 weeks, the hens
cage systems with several rows of cages each
are rested (molted) and egg production halted.
holding several hens have been used (Fig. 4.8).
This allows the birds to rebuild their body
These systems include conveyer belts to collect
reserves. Hens are returned to production for
the eggs and to remove manure, which reduce
typically three laying cycles. At each cycle the
labor costs. Feed and water are distributed
number of eggs is reduced and quality
automatically and measured for each cage.
becomes poorer.
Using these systems has allowed very large
Terms used in poultry production include:
facilities, with many thousand hens, to operate.
• Hen: adult female chicken, turkey, or duck Recent large-scale food-borne illnesses associ-
• Rooster or cock: adult male chicken ated with eggs that were produced in such
• Pullet: female chicken that has not laid an egg facilities raised consumer concerns about the
• Chick: newborn chicken use of battery housing systems. Animal rights
• Layer: female chicken actively laying eggs groups have also called for discontinuing the
• Rock Cornish game hen or Cornish game use of battery cages on the premise that hens
hen: chicken marketed for meat at less than are unable to move freely when confined in
5 weeks of age cages. This has led to increased consumer
• Broiler or fryer: chicken marketed for meat demand for eggs produced from cage-free
at less than 10 weeks of age housing. The social, political, and ethical
• Roaster: chicken marketed for meat at 8 12 aspects of laying hen housing is discussed in
weeks of age more detail in Section 4.12.
FIGURE 4.8 Battery cages for laying hens allow eggs to be captured on a conveyer belt to reduce contact with manure.
Food and water are delivered to and monitored for each cage automatically. Source: Photo provided by the American Egg Board.
4.4.2 The Egg Industry Today produced the egg; there are no significant dif-
ferences in nutritional quality or taste.
By the 1960s large-scale egg production had Voluntary egg grading was established in the
become profitable and flock size increased. 1917 Farm Products Inspection Act (Table 4.1),
There are about 340 million laying hens in the and has continued under the auspices of the
United States today, each producing on aver- Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS). Eggs
age 274 eggs/year, totaling over 80 billion are classified by grade and weight. Grades
eggs. The top egg-producing state is Iowa, AA, Grade A, and Grade B are defined based
which generates twice as many eggs (15 bil- on the condition of the egg white, yolk, and
lion) as the next highest state, Ohio (8 billion). shells. Grades AA and A are the highest qual-
Consolidation of egg production has been ity eggs and sold in retail stores. Grade B are
rapid, with the American Egg Board estimat- used to make egg products. Egg weights are
ing there were 59 egg-producing companies based on net weight per dozen eggs:
that had over 1 million hens and 16 companies
with over 5 million hens in 2013. • Jumbo 5 30 ounces
Eggs produced for direct consumption are • Extra large 5 27 ounces
called shell eggs. In the United States most • Large 5 24 ounces
eggs are white shelled, but brown shell eggs • Medium 5 21 ounces
are also produced. The difference between • Small 5 18 ounces
white and brown eggs is the breed of bird that • Peewee 5 15 ounces
FIGURE 4.9 The consumption of eggs in the United States increased between 1940 and 1950 but decreased thereafter.
Recommendations to reduce cholesterol intake in the Dietary Guidelines were likely responsible for consumers eating
fewer eggs. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
facilities were not common. An outbreak of raised. Two additional USDA agencies have
avian influenza in New York City in 1920 authority for other aspects of the egg industry.
caused some local governments to implement The AMS conducts grading of eggs and pro-
their own inspections of poultry farms but no vides audits of egg-laying barns to determine if
federal oversight was required. At this time, a industry standards are met. The Animal and
few states were using limited regulations to Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) pro-
monitor eggs based on their appearance to pre- vides voluntary testing for bacterial contamina-
vent sales of cracked or damaged eggs. During tion in hens and eggs. This complex regulatory
WWII, the US military required eggs and poul- environment, with no clear reporting lines, led
try to be purchased only from processors that to lax oversight of the egg industry.
were USDA inspected. After the war this stan- A primary bacterial pathogen that occurs in
dard led to passing the Poultry Products laying hens is Salmonella enteritidis (SE). SE can
Inspection Act in 1957, which gave USDA the cause serious and possibly fatal infections in
authority to monitor and inspect poultry but very young children, the elderly, or persons
did not specifically identify egg regulations with compromised immunity. In healthy peo-
(Table 4.1). It wasn’t until 1970 that Congress ple, SE causes diarrhea, fever, and abdominal
passed the EPIA (as an amendment to the pain. The bacteria spreads from the hen to
Poultry Products Inspection Act). The EPIA cre- eggs via fecal contamination so cleaning the
ated two distinct categories of eggs: shell eggs shells was considered to be an adequate miti-
and egg products. Under the EPIA, the Poultry gation protocol. SE can also be transferred
Division of the USDA’s AMS was given the internally from the hen directly into the eggs.
authority to inspect egg products for safety. With the bacteria inside the eggs, decontami-
FDA retained responsibility for eggs for human nating the shells is ineffective and SE detection
consumption, which was largely interpreted as requires continual monitoring of the hens for
shell egg safety. The wording of the EPIA was infection. In 2010 a major outbreak of SE from
ambiguous as to the strict reporting and over- contaminated eggs occurred in the United
sight authority for egg producers and regula- States with over 1900 illness in 11 states. This
tion of the egg industry became complicated led to a massive recall of over 500 million shell
and confusing. The rapid growth in egg- eggs nationwide. In reviewing the causes of
producing facilities during the 1990s and the this contamination, the USDA and FDA dis-
apparent lack of systematic inspection raised covered that the regulatory process to oversee
concerns about food-borne illness associated shell egg safety was dysfunctional. To address
with egg products. In 1995, an attempt was the problem, the USDA, including FSIS, AMS,
made to clarify responsibilities for regulating and APHIS, and the FDA conducted an audit
the egg industry. USDA-FSIS was given author- of the contamination outbreak, including the
ity to inspect egg products and egg-producing actions taken (or not taken) by each agency.
facilities, and FDA retained authority for the From this assessment, plans were developed to
inspection and safety of shell eggs, egg substi- better define and integrate the responsibilities
tutes, and imitation eggs. These government of each agency. The resulting agreement made
agencies function differently, in that USDA- FSIS the lead food safety agency with the
FSIS conducts continuous daily inspections of responsibility to coordinate with FDA, AMS,
food processing facilities for which they have and APHIS to ensure the safety of the entire
regulatory authority (meat, poultry, and egg egg production process. This new structure
products), whereas the FDA tends to inspect to oversee the egg industry went into effect
facilities randomly or when a safety concern is in 2012.
4.6 THE HISTORY OF THE DAIRY (genetic engineering involving bacterial pro-
INDUSTRY duction) and not collected from animals.
The importance of dairy cattle to human
Milk was likely being consumed and “pro- nutrition is prominent throughout history.
cessed” by humans as early as 9000 years ago Cow’s milk contains about 88% water, 3.4%
based on archeological evidence of milk pro- protein, 4.8% carbohydrate, and 3.5% fat. The
teins found in pottery fragments, historical proteins, mainly caseins, are of high quality,
texts, and cave drawings. Processing of milk meaning they provide essential amino acids
included fermentation with bacteria, and coagu- needed by humans. Milk provides adequate
lation by enzymes to produce cheeses, even amounts of eight essential vitamins and miner-
though the chemistry of these foods was not als (especially calcium and potassium needed
understood. Fermentation, in which bacteria for bone development). Milk can be obtained
multiply in the food product and generate by- fresh daily with access to a cow, sheep, or goat
products such as acids, alcohol, enzymes, and (or water buffalo, camels, or horses in some
flavor compounds, produces changes in the parts of the world) and therefore is a safe and
original food. Milk fermentation includes coag- consistent source of nutrition. Ruminant ani-
ulation of milk proteins (solids) and separation mals can thrive on low-nutrient grasses and
of the whey (liquid), as well as flavor and color forages that are not useful for human nutrition
changes. Many ancient cultures have some form and therefore do not compete for resources.
of traditional fermented milk products such as Domestication of these milk-producing animals
dahi, kefir, yogurt, and cheese. Depending on was therefore an advantage for human develop-
the type of milk (cow, sheep, goat, or horse) ment. Historical records and genetic mapping
and the type and mixture of fermenting bacte- support a wide distribution of animal herding
ria, a wide range of dairy foods with many fla- practices coinciding with human civilizations.
vors and textures can be produced. Dairy cattle were not native to the United
An historical, but unproven legend to States and are thought to have been brought to
explain the origins of cheese making suggests the continent with the earliest explorers begin-
that an Arabian merchant put sheep or goat ning with the Spanish Conquistadors. The
milk into a pouch he had fashioned from a Europeans are credited with fostering dairy
young sheep or goat stomach to carry on his farming in the colonies in the 1600s, and by
journey. The pouch contained an enzyme the 1700s cattle were plentiful along the East
(called rennet) naturally present in the stom- Coast. Traditions of dairy farming were well
ach of young ruminant animals to help them established by the Dutch, Scandinavian,
digest milk. On the journey the milk was German, and Scottish immigrants who brought
warmed by the sun and exposed to the rennet, these skills to the United States.
leading to coagulation of the milk proteins. Consumption of milk and production of
When the merchant opened the pouch he butter and cheese for home use was the main
found the milk had become solid. Rennet, type of dairy farming through the mid-1800s,
which is recognized today as the enzyme chy- but enough excess was produced that exter-
motrypsinogen (or chymosin), is found in the nal butter and cheese markets were needed.
stomach of young ruminant animals and A complex web of exporting and importing
causes the coagulation of milk proteins. Most regulations between the colonies and Europe,
of the rennet used in cheese production today which eventually led to the Revolutionary
is produced using recombinant technology War, kept butter and cheese from being
traded with England. But the Caribbean by lactic acid bacteria (cultured), which metabo-
Islands and British West Indies were open lizes the lactose and releases lactic acid.
markets and dairy food exports became a Clarified butter is made by heating and then
source of income for the colonists. Butter and cooling to drive off the water and separating the
cheese were also traded locally and some proteins, leaving the pure butterfat. Butter has
farmers became well known for their quality been made and consumed throughout history
products. By the mid-1800s New England, because of its ability to be transported and
New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey stored. In the United States, most families made
were producing the majority of dairy pro- their own butter using wooden churns through
ducts. The distribution of these products was the 1900s. Some of the butter was consumed by
facilitated by the opening of canals that con- the family and some used for trade.
nected the Great Lakes (Eric Canal in 1825) By the early 1830s dairy farmers were using
and the Midwest (Ohio Canal in 1832) to cooperatives to pool their cream and milk to
meet the demand from the growing city ensure adequate butter and cheese production.
populations. But within 50 years, the north Eventually, this led to the development of fac-
central regions of the United States including tories to make these products and specializa-
Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota had over- tion of the industry into producers and
taken the eastern states and became the dom- processors. Cheese factories were not immedi-
inant dairying states. This change was in part ately embraced by everyone because there
facilitated by the railroad system granting a were many hurdles. Delivery of milk or cream
fast and economical way to deliver product, to the factory was challenging as refrigeration
but also because of the ability to grow corn was not yet available, how farmers were paid
in the Midwest. Having a local source of for their milk was not uniform, and there were
corn made hog production economical, and those that feared loss of the art and individual-
the skim milk leftover from butter production ism of butter and cheese making. These latter
was a good food source for hogs. This diver- arguments are heard today as there is a desire
sification of farming, allowing the flexibility to return to artisan types of dairy foods. But
to switch between corn, hogs, butter, and cheese factories were financially successful
cheese production depending on the markets and led to advances in technology for produc-
and weather proved to be a very successful tion that enhanced the quality and quantity of
model. product. By 1900 factories were producing
almost all of the cheese consumed in the United
States. Factory-produced butter trailed by about
30 years, however, mainly because butter as a
4.6.1 Butter and Cheese more perishable product was not as easy to
Butter is produced when cream or unhomog- store and ship, and there was insufficient tech-
enized whole-fat milk is churned so that the fat nology to assist in large-scale separation of the
particles (butterfat) separate from the liquid cream. The invention of the mechanical centri-
(buttermilk). By law, butter must contain 80% fuge separator and the Babcock device (named
butterfat. There is actually a fair amount of for the inventor Dr. Stephen M. Babcock, a pro-
water in butter (about 16% by weight) and a fessor at the University of Wisconsin) for mea-
trace amount of protein and lactose. Lactose is a suring butterfat changed that dynamic and led
type of sugar (disaccharide) and is one reason to development of creameries where butter and
for the term “sweet cream” butter. Cultured but- skim milk cheeses were produced concurrently
ter is made from cream that has been fermented (Fig. 4.10).
FIGURE 4.10 The University of Wisconsin offered courses in dairy science from the early 1900s. In this photo, dairy
students are working with cream separators at the University of Wisconsin Dairy School sometime between 1900 and
1910. Source: Photo provided by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Archives.
Animal fats, including butter, tallow (beef fat), margarine from animal fat and vegetable oils.
and lard (pig fat), are comprised predominately Margarine became popular due to its lower cost,
of saturated fats whereas vegetable oils contain and thereby created a problem for the dairy
polyunsaturated fats (Fig. 4.11). For this reason, industry, which became concerned about loss of
vegetable oils are liquid and animal fats are solid profits and competition. Following years of lob-
at room temperature. In the late 1860s, in bying and state-based regulations, the first act
response to a competition offered by the French of Congress specifically related to a food, the
government to create a substitute for butter to Federal Margarine Act of 1886, was passed.
address shortages, the chemist Hippolyte Mège- The act imposed a tax of 2b per pound on marga-
Mouriès invented a product by mixing beef fat rine and enforced an annual license fee on marga-
with vegetable oils, which he called oleomarga- rine producers. This had a devastating effect on
rine. And in the United States Henry Bradley in the margarine industry and many went bankrupt.
New York filed a patent in 1871 to create But a small loophole in the law was discovered
that saved the industry. In 1894 the Supreme Great Depression when animal fat was in short
Court ruled that uncolored margarine could be supply. Acceptance of margarine by consumers
easily distinguished from butter and therefore grew during this time and through WWII.
would not confuse consumers. The court allowed By the late 1940s as production of corn and soy-
the margarine to be sold uncolored, and the man- bean oil was increasing and available for the
ufacturers included packets of yellow coloring margarine market, lobbying efforts began to
that consumers mixed in at home. The dairy free margarine from the restrictions of the 1886
industry reacted by adding the natural color act. In 1950 President Harry Truman signed the
annatto to make its butter even more yellow and new Margarine Act into law and by 1955 every
pushed for state laws that required margarine to state except Minnesota and Wisconsin had
be dyed pink, black, or red. repealed their antimargarine laws. These states
Another invention in the 1890s, by the eventually also relented, but not for nearly 10
American chemist James Boyce, led to the pro- more years—Minnesota in 1963 and Wisconsin
cess of hydrogenation, in which hydrogen is in 1967. Since the 1990s consumption of marga-
mixed with oils in the presence of a nickel cata- rine has decreased as consumers began avoid-
lyst to create more solid or “hydrogenated ing fat in their diet and health concerns about
vegetable oils.” This process became the domi- trans fat become known (trans fats are discussed
nant way margarine was produced during the in Chapter 7: Nutrition and Food Access).
FIGURE 4.11 The amount of saturated fatty acids is higher in animal sources of fat, such as butter and lard,
compared to plant sources of fat, such as corn oil. Plant oils are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids. This differ-
ence in fatty acid composition makes animal fats solid and plant fats liquid at room temperature. Source: USDA
Food Composition Database, www.ndb.nal.usda.gov.
4.6.2 Sanitation and Safety of Milk scientific and practical essay on milk as an article
of human sustenance by Robert Milham Hartley
Fluid milk was a much more difficult com- (1842). Hartley was a staunch prohibitionist
modity to market than either butter or cheese. with a primary intent to close down the distill-
In the years before pasteurization and refriger- eries. But his description of the deplorable
ation, milk could be held for only a few days conditions of the distillery cows and the dan-
before spoiling. Up until the 1800s dairy farm- gerously contaminated swill milk eventually
ers were close enough to populations to pro- led the New York Academy of Medicine to
vide fresh milk daily, which reduced the investigate the situation. They concluded that
potential for spoilage. But as cities expanded, there was sufficient concern about the safety of
such as New York and Boston, farmland was swill milk for children. The City of New York
taken over for other industries and housing. eventually passed an ordinance in 1862 to dis-
Widespread milk adulteration was common courage the practice (Table 4.2) but it contin-
during this period, mainly by adding water or ued until railroads became available to allow
taking out fat to use in other products, to milk to be delivered from the countryside into
increase profits. Milk was carried in open bulk the cities in sufficient quantity and at low cost
containers, delivered door to door where it to drive the distillery dairies out of business.
was poured into containers with no concern A lack of understanding of sanitary practices
for sanitation. on the farm, transporting milk in open contain-
During this time, distilleries began operat- ers, and lack of refrigeration increased the
ing in the cities to make alcoholic beverages. potential for milk contamination. Milton
The by-product of this process was a low- Rosenau was an early pioneer in public health
quality grain slop. Distillery owners discov- and a promoter of milk pasteurization. Louis
ered that they could increase their profits by Pasteur, a French chemist, had determined that
feeding cows on the slop and selling the milk. heat treatment prevented spoilage of wines
This feed source was poor quality for the around 1862 and his pasteurization process
cows, and their milk, called “swill milk” was was widely used in Europe. The practice of
of very low nutritional quality. Poor families heat treating milk was being done in the United
living in the cities, who could not afford States in the early 1900s, but the resulting
fresh farm milk, turned to this source of milk cooked flavor made the product unpopular.
instead. To make matters worse, because swill Rosenau developed a low-temperature process
milk was often not as thick and white in color (140 F for 20 minutes) that was effective in pre-
as farm milk, producers added starch, flour, serving milk without the negative effects on fla-
chalk, eggs, and colorants such as annatto to vor. Advocates of pasteurized milk were
make the milk look better. The sanitary condi- numerous in the late 1800s as an understanding
tions of these city dairies were very poor and of bacteriology and disease transmission was
diseased cows were common, posing addi- evolving. But misplaced fears that heated milk
tional health risks for consumers of their milk. was unsafe for infants kept pasteurized milk
Outbreaks of illness from contaminated milk from being widely accepted. Infant mortality
including cholera, tuberculosis, and scarlet rates were very high during this time, mainly
fever were common, especially in children. from infectious diseases including those spread
Regulations for milk quality and sanitation through milk.
were largely only within states or cities Pasteurizing milk to reduce infant mortality
(Table 4.2). These issues were brought to the became a life calling for Nathan Straus, who
public’s attention in a book called An historical, was the head of R.H. Macy’s department store
in New York. He opened infant milk depots in Hatch Act research on dairy products began in
1893, which consisted of a milk pasteurizing earnest. As was the land-grant mission, the
and bottling plant with a tent pavilion. research was done in close collaboration with
Mothers would bring their children to the the dairy farmers and industry. During the
depots to listen to lectures about child care early 1900s USDA scientists also began to col-
and feeding given by physicians, and purchase lect data on dairy herd milk production and
pasteurized milk. These depots became popu- developed management plans to improve
lar and had a positive impact on reducing breeding quality. This led to a significant
infant mortality in New York. This gave Straus increase in yearly milk production, making
the motivation to invite mayors of other cities milk less expensive and more available.
to open similar depots to reduce infant deaths Technologies to evaluate dairy composition,
and illness and by the early 1900s there were bacterial load, flavors, and color were devel-
milk depots operating in most of the big cities oped. Systems to rapidly heat and cool milk,
along the East Coast, as well as in Cleveland, allowing pasteurization without producing
Chicago, and St. Louis. cooked flavor, and mechanical bottling lines
Pasteurization was found to be effective in were created. Glass milk bottles, first produced
making milk safe, but advances in technology by a beer bottle manufacturer, were introduced
were needed before it could be implemented in 1879 and opened a new era in milk delivery,
on the commercial scale. Land-grant colleges, processing, and sanitation. Resistance to man-
mainly Cornell, Wisconsin, and Michigan datory pasteurization was slowly being over-
State, began offering courses in dairy produc- come, but the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act
tion soon after they opened. The first dairy created a legal argument for pasteurization.
program was started by the University of Because bacteria were considered contami-
Wisconsin in 1891, and with funding from the nants, milk that had more than 50 million
particles (homogenization) so that it does not fat which, is 12% of the Daily Value (65 g) for
separate and rise to the top of the container. fat. To meet the definition of “high” the serv-
Milk is then packaged into containers and ing would need to provide 20% or more of the
shipped to the market. Four milk products of Daily Value.
differing fat content are commonly available: The USDA found that people are less likely
to consume milk with lunch and dinner today
• Whole milk 5 7.93 g fat per cup
than they were 60 years ago. The consumption
(3.5% milkfat)
of milk by children has decreased from about
• 2% milk 5 4.83 g fat per cup (2% milkfat)
1.7 cups/day in 1977 to 1.2 cups/day in 2007.
• 1% milk 5 2.37 g fat per cup (1% milkfat)
The recommended intake is 2 cups/day for
• Skim or nonfat milk 5 0.20 g fat per cup
children 2 3 years, 2.5 cups for children 4 8
(no cream is added)
years, and 3 cups for children older than 8.
Since the 1970s, consumers have decreased Intakes of milk below the recommended levels
their overall intake of fluid milk but increased is a concern for growing children because milk
cheese and yogurt (Fig. 4.12). Consumption of is an excellent source of both calcium and vita-
whole milk has declined and skim milk min D, which support bone development.
increased, perhaps because of recommenda- Further discussion of food sources of nutrients
tions in the Dietary Guidelines to reduce satu- can be found in Chapter 7, Nutrition and Food
rated fat intake. Ironically, whole milk does Access.
not meet the standard for a high-fat food. Milk, cheese, and butter are the primary
A serving of whole milk provides about 8 g of dairy foods consumed in the United States.
FIGURE 4.12 Americans decreased their consumption of fluid milk between 1975 and 2015 and increased their
consumption of yogurt and cheese. Butter consumption decreased slightly after 1985, and then increased in 2015.
Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
would increase the risk of heart disease and cholesterol, and in fact many have fat
became ingrained in public thinking. In res- profiles similar to chicken (Fig. 4.13). This lean
ponse, consumers largely reduced red meat, as beef and pork provide a healthy balance of
well as whole milk, butter, and egg con- protein and are a good source of iron and
sumption over the next two decades, switching other minerals.
to more chicken, skim milk, and margarine. Science continues to evolve regarding the
With further study, researchers found that role of dietary factors and heart disease.
the cholesterol from foods was only a minor Recent studies have suggested that the types
contributor to cholesterol levels in the body of saturated fats in whole milk may actually
in most people, and that high blood choles- be protective of heart disease. And it has been
terol was more commonly due to endo- suggested that consuming butter and whole-
genous overproduction or improper clearance. fat dairy foods, including cheese, may be
Cholesterol-lowering drugs became widely beneficial to overall health. While diet
available to treat patients with metabolic remains an important factor in reducing risk
derangements in cholesterol. Simultaneously, of heart disease, the recommendations have
in response to the concerns about fat in red moved toward maintaining a balance in the
meat, the beef and pork industry focused on types of fats (e.g., saturated and unsaturated,
raising leaner animals with less marbling. omega-6, and omega-3), and reducing overall
These selective breeding approaches resulted intake of fat and simple carbohydrates, espe-
in some beef and pork cuts in grocery stores cially sugar. Lifestyle factors such as lack of
that meet the USDA recommendations for lean physical activity, smoking, and obesity are
meat relative to calories, total fat, saturated fat, major contributors to heart disease risk.
FIGURE 4.13 Selected cuts of beef and pork have similar fat content as skinless chicken breast. Selective breeding and
advances in animal feeding practices have been effective in producing leaner beef cattle and hogs to meet consumer
demand for lower fat foods. Source: USDA Food Composition Database, www.ndb.nal.usda.gov.
During WWI, there were campaigns for are presented in blogs, magazines, websites, and
Meatless Tuesday and Wheatless Wednesday to newspapers by chefs, journalists, nutritionists,
remind US citizens to reduce their consumption and celebrities. The journalist Michael Pollan
of foods in limited supply and to conserve food stated on The Oprah Winfrey Show in 2009 that if
for the war effort. Meatless days were also everybody in America participated in a Meatless
encouraged during WWII when meat, sugar, Monday, it would have the equivalent effect on
and other foods were rationed. These cam- the environment of taking 20 million midsize
paigns were effective in bringing US citizens sedans off the road. This statistic is difficult to
together and sharing sacrifices for the war verify but is easy to remember and repeat. Paul
effort. During the 1960s when new nutrition McCartney, a vegetarian, and his daughters
research linked certain foods with diseases, started a Meat Free Monday nonprofit organiza-
such as red meat and dietary fat with heart dis- tion with the aim of “. . .raising awareness of the
ease, public campaigns to reduce the intake of detrimental environmental impact of eating
these foods were common. A new approach in meat, and to encourage people to help slow cli-
public campaigning to influence food consump- mate change, preserve precious natural resources
tion was launched in 2003. Sid Lerner, an and improve their health by having at least one
advertising agent, in collaboration with faculty meat free day each week” (www.meatfreemon-
at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public days.com).
Health’s Center for a Livable Future, created The meat industry and some nutrition profes-
the Meatless Monday campaign. The campaign sionals question the strength of the scientific evi-
was initially part of a Healthy Monday initia- dence that participating in Meatless Mondays
tive to encourage people to give up bad habits has any impact on improving health. The
from the weekend and start healthier habits at Meatless Monday campaign combines all types
the beginning of the week. The Meatless of meat together and does not distinguish red
Monday component of that initiative grabbed a meat from poultry. The majority of medical
great deal of attention. The platform of the research relating meat intake to health has con-
Meatless Monday campaign is that Americans sidered red meats (mainly beef and pork) to be
consume too much meat and not eating meat most associated with chronic disease (discussed
one day a week will improve health. Reducing in Chapter 7: Nutrition and Food Access). Red
the impact of meat production on the environ- meat production is most associated with nega-
ment also became part of the platform. tive impacts on the environment. Perhaps in
The Meatless Monday campaign gained sub- response to the recommendations from the
stantial support from celebrities and is now a Dietary Guidelines, and promotion of reduced
global movement. The Meatless Monday website saturated fat and cholesterol intakes, Americans
(www.meatlessmonday.com) includes articles have been decreasing their intake of red meat
and promotional material to encourage groups since the 1960s (Fig. 4.2). In contrast, poultry
to create Meatless Monday movements in their intake increased significantly in that timeframe.
communities, schools, and workplaces. Recipes, The meat industry contends that Americans con-
diet ideas, and suggestions for meatless meals sume meat in the proper quantity relative to
their nutritional needs and that meat contains Virtue ethicists state that individuals will
beneficial nutrients, such as iron and zinc know what food choices are ethical because of
that are difficult to obtain from other food the norms, practices, traditions, and institutions
sources. In comparison, Americans undercon- valued by a community. Vices such as over-
sume vegetables and overconsume added fats eating, unhealthful diets, and environmental
and sugars. The North American Meat Institute damage are avoided if the culture does not sup-
opposes Meatless Monday campaigns in public port them. Some city governments have
schools because they claim meat is a good source adopted Meatless Mondays in an attempt to
of nutrition and children should have a choice of improve the health of the citizens (for their own
the types of food to consume every day. They feel good) and the environment (for everyone’s
that meat is portrayed negatively by the cam- good) but this action may be considered pater-
paign, and promotion of vegetables and grains nalistic and in violation of autonomy and rights.
would be a better strategy for healthful eating. The rights of people to have access to food and
The production and consumption of meat be well-nourished are not the same as the right
raises a wide range of ethical, cultural, social, to choose the specific foods they eat. This is an
and environmental issues, some of which are important consideration for debate as US consu-
discussed in this chapter. From an ethical per- mers become more forceful in demanding
spective, utilitarian thinking would evaluate changes to the food system. Implementation of
Meatless Monday based on the behaviors that any type of group or community food plan
produce the most benefits or limit the most should offer some choice (including vegetarian,
harm. The personal benefits of reducing meat meat, gluten-free, dairy-free), or at the very
consumption, and increasing vegetable con- least provide the option to participate or not.
sumption, may be a lower calorie diet and School lunch options that are not voluntary
increased bioactive compounds from eating should involve discussions with parents and
more vegetables. A person might save money students about meal choices, costs, and nutri-
by substituting beans for beef, pork, or poultry. tion. The Meatless Monday campaign provides
Some farmers may have higher income from the opportunity to debate and discuss many
increases in vegetable and bean sales. On the issues of the food system.
detrimental side of the equation some people
may not obtain sufficient protein, iron, or calo- Suggested websites: http://www.meatlessmonday.com/ and
ries if they do not consume meat and people day-a-week.html
involved in meat production, processing, and
sales would have a reduced income.
invade the brain and spinal cord of animals, operations in Iowa ($1.2 billion) and
causing damage. The origin of BSE has been Minnesota ($309.9 million). This situation cre-
tentatively linked to cattle that were fed meat ated environmental concerns associated with
and bone-meal by-products from sheep that disposal of the large number of infected ani-
were suffering from scrapie, which is a prion- mals without further spreading the disease or
related disease. The disease was then spread contaminating ground or water resources.
by feeding infected bovine meat and bone- Consumers were impacted as well, with lower
meal to young calves. BSE is not contagious, production the price of eggs and poultry
but rather spread by ingesting brain or spinal increased, costing consumers $3.3 billion. And
cord tissue containing prions. Between 1993 and many countries, including China, Russia, and
2010 over 184,500 cases of BSE in cattle occurred South Korea, which were the top three impor-
in the United Kingdom. BSE caused great con- ters of US poultry, imposed trade bans that
cern because a rare human prion-dependent dis- further cut profits. HPAI outbreaks have
ease, called Creutzfeldt Jakob disease, arose occurred previously in the United States but
about 10 years after BSE was found in cattle. It is were less widespread. A major problem in
not clear if the cases of Creutzfeldt Jakob dis- controlling this disease is that it is thought to
ease resulted from eating contaminated meat be spread by wild birds, especially migratory
but the similarities in illness between animals birds that cross the United States in the spring
and humans made this seem possible. To mini- and fall. Finding solutions to prevent or reduce
mize the potential of human ingestion of tissue infections such as HPAI are challenging.
from potentially infected animals, strict rules APHIS has responded to this crisis by develop-
were implemented by the FDA in 1997 to pro- ing standards for facility biosecurity, and
hibit inclusion of mammalian protein in feed for working to find an effective vaccine.
cattle, and further requirements were implemen- The economic impact of such large out-
ted in 2009 to prohibit high-risk tissue (brain, breaks brings to the forefront the significant
spinal cords) from use in all animal feeds. threats to the US food supply that animal dis-
Animal products that enter the human food sup- eases can have, and also illustrates the ability
ply must also be kept separated from brain or of the system to recover and respond. Diseases
spinal tissue during processing. BSE has will continue to arise and animal producers
occurred in only a few animals in the United will need to be vigilant in monitoring and pro-
States and strict monitoring and reporting tecting their operations.
requirements are in place to avoid an outbreak. Researchers in the USDA as well as in aca-
During the spring of 2015 a major outbreak demic institutions are engaged in ongoing
of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) studies to find and manage disease outbreaks.
occurred among US poultry and egg produ- Since 1954 the Office of National Laboratory
cers. Nationally, more than 50 million chick- Plum Island Animal Disease Center located off
ens, turkeys, and other poultry had to be the coast of New York has carried out research
destroyed due to the disease. The economic to study animal diseases and to develop new
impacts included the loss of product revenue, vaccines and diagnostic tests to prevent and
costs of disposing of infected animals, deconta- monitor outbreaks. The Plum Island facility is
minating facilities and equipment and then the only location in the United States where
restocking the flocks. And thousands of work- research on some of the most highly conta-
ers were laid off when facilities were shut gious animal diseases may be conducted.
down. The greatest economic losses were to The Office of Homeland Security oversees the
FIGURE 4.14 The National Animal Disease Center, located in Ames, Iowa, has been at the forefront of research to
understand and prevent infectious diseases of livestock. Source: Photo from the USDA, www.usda.gov.
over 30 growth-promoting products approved herds. Milk produced by cows treated with
by the FDA for use in beef cattle in the rbST was shown to be nutritionally identical to
United States. No steroid hormone implants milk from untreated cows, and levels of rbST
are approved as promotants of growth for in milk were undetectable compared to the
dairy cows, veal calves, pigs, or poultry. These naturally occurring levels of somatotropin pro-
treatments are administered as pellets or duced by the animals. For these reasons, the
implants placed under the skin of the ear that FDA deemed that milk from rbST-treated cows
release the hormone slowly over time. The ears was safe and wholesome for consumers. The
of treated animals do not enter the food sup- USDA reported in 2000 about 17% of dairy
ply. The USDA requires that these treatments farmers were using rbST and for several years
are given well before the animals are slaugh- rbST milk was marketed and consumed in the
tered so that there is sufficient time for them to United States. Around that time, concerns
be metabolized and cleared. The FMIA requires about the use of rbST began to arise in the
the FSIS to routinely test meat for residues of public forum. In animals, somatotropin works
growth-promoting products at the time of har- in synergy with another hormone, insulin-like
vest. Hence, consuming meat from animals growth factor I (IGF-1). IGF-1 activates cellular
that have been properly treated with growth events associated with growth and maturation.
promotants does not pose a risk to human Research being done in the human cancer field
health. Yet concerns have been raised that the was finding that higher levels of IGF-1 were
use of these hormones in animal husbandry associated with some types of cancer. The
contributes to problems such as obesity and assumption was made that rbST-treated cows
early puberty in girls. The scientific evidence would generate more IGF-1 and both hor-
has not shown any connection between the mones would end up in the milk. These pieces
consumption of meat and animal foods with of information became intertwined leading to
human growth or reproductive health. a connection between consumption of rbST-
A hormonal treatment developed to treated milk with precocious puberty, obesity,
increase milk production by dairy cows was and cancer. Several scientific facts were
approved by the FDA in 1993. Growth hor- ignored by these correlations including that
mone, or somatotropin, is naturally produced the levels of rbST and IGF-1 in milk from trea-
by lactating dairy cows to regulate the ani- ted cows are not significantly higher than from
mal’s metabolism to support milk production. untreated cows, humans produce both somato-
Somatotropin is a protein and the genes that tropin and IGF-1 at levels higher than those
encode its structure were identified by the present in treated milk, and both rbST and
Genentech company. Using the tools of molec- IGF-1 are proteins that are digested when they
ular biology, Monsanto and several pharma- are consumed orally (so do not become active
ceutical companies developed a process to hormones). Most medical organizations con-
insert the genes into E. coli, which then pro- cluded that rbST did not pose a risk to health,
duced recombinant bovine somatotropin but some consumers remained concerned. In
(rbST). Monsanto was the first company to addition to the human health risks, reports
obtain FDA approval and marketed the rbST were published that suggested rbST-treated
under the name Posilac. rbST is identical to the cows had higher rates of mastitis (infection of
native somatotropin produced by cows and the mammary glands) and had to be treated
has the same biological effects. With FDA with more antibiotics, therefore milk from
approval, rbST was marketed to dairy farmers these cows was suspected to contain high
as a means to prolong milk production in their levels of antibiotics. As noted previously, the
Aminopenicillins Amoxicillin X X
Phosphoglycolipids Bambermycin X X
Polypeptides Bacitracin X X X
Quinoxalines Carbadox X
Macrolides Erythromycin X X X
Amphenicols Florfenicol X
Aminoglycosides Neomycin X X X
Ionophores Lasalocid X
Lincosamides Lincomycin X X
Beta-lactams Penicillin X X X
Arsenicals Roxarsone X X
Tetracyclines Tetracycline X X X
Streptogramins Virginiamycin X X
From Marshall, B. M., & Levy, S. B. (2011). Food animals and antimicrobials: Impacts on human health. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 24(4),
718 733 (Marshall & Levy, 2011).
spread of MRSA outside of hospitals has Three main types of food-related antibiotic-
become more common. Outbreaks of MRSA resistant bacteria that have been linked to food
have occurred in populations that have close include Salmonella, Campylobacter, and
interpersonal contact, such as wrestling and Staphylococcus. Since 1996, the FDA’s National
football teams, or through nail salons with Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System
insufficient sanitation practices. MRSA has for Enteric Bacteria (NARMS) program collects
been found in agricultural animals, including and evaluates the risk of antibiotic-resistant
swine, and has been shown to be prevalent in bacteria in humans, retail meat, and food ani-
farm workers and meat processing employees. mals. Data from the NARMS has found that
The potential of MRSA entering the food sup- the percent of microbial samples collected
ply via meat products was confirmed when a from chickens, turkeys, cattle, and swine that
small percentage of retail pork products were have no resistance to 17 different antibiotics
found to contain MRSA. This leads to further decreased slightly (meaning that more samples
concern about spread of antibiotic-resistant did show resistance) between 1999 and 2010.
bacteria through the food supply, which could The USDA has also collected data about the
have much more far-reaching distribution than use of antibiotics in livestock for many years.
would human human or human animal con- From a survey conducted in 2009, they found
tact. Note that thoroughly cooking meat does that the majority of nursery pigs did not
kill the bacteria, so proper food preparation is receive nontherapeutic (growth-promoting)
a way to control spread of MRSA, as it is for antibiotics although most were treated with
most food-borne pathogens. antibiotics to prevent disease (Fig. 4.16). For
FIGURE 4.16 A USDA survey in 2009 found that the nontherapeutic use of antibiotics was common in both nursery
pigs and finishing hogs. Producers responded that over 50% of nursery pigs and 60% of finishing hogs had or may have
received antibiotics for growth promotion. Therapeutic use of antibiotics was higher for both nursery pigs and finishing
hogs. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov, Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS), 2009.
hogs, antibiotics were used in about 40% of which antibiotic resistance can occur. It may not
operations for growth promotion, and about be possible to target where a resistance might
51% used antibiotics to prevent disease. From originate. The large amounts of antibiotics used
other studies, the USDA found that about half in agriculture would suggest that reduction and
of broiler producers add antibiotics to feed to more judicious use would be beneficial to reduce
promote growth. In beef production, less than the potential to develop antibiotic resistance. In
16% used antibiotics to promote growth in 2013 the FDA CVM issued a set of guidelines,
young animals, but the majority of animals in The Judicious Use of Medically Important
feedlots received antibiotics, especially those Antimicrobial Drugs in Food-Producing Animals.
in large production facilities, to prevent dis- The document provided two main principles:
ease. About half of dairy cattle producers used the use of medically important antimicrobial
antibiotics in feed to prevent disease and pro- drugs in food-producing animals should be lim-
mote growth. The collection of this data, which ited to those uses that are considered necessary
included the types and routes of administra- for assuring animal health, and the use of medi-
tion, was used to inform policies and guidelines cally important antimicrobial drugs in food-
to reduce the threat of antimicrobial resistance producing animals should be limited to those
from the use of antibiotics in livestock. uses that include veterinary oversight or consul-
There is a lack of scientific evidence to directly tation. The FDA recommended that animal phar-
correlate the development of antibiotic-resistant maceutical companies voluntarily remove
bacteria with agricultural use of antibiotics. growth enhancement and feed efficiency uses
Overuse and improper administration of antibio- from their antibiotic products, eliminate over-
tics in human medicine is also a route through the-counter distribution, and require veterinary
FIGURE 4.17 Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) include feedyards where beef cattle are fed high-
nutrient diets to reach market weight. A CAFO is defined by the USDA as a site where more than 1000 animal units are
held for more than 6 months with no grass or vegetation. Source: Photo provided by the National Beef Council.
relative to the environmental impacts of AFOs the quality of life for citizens. Acute and chronic
managed by the EPA. The Clean Water Act’s health effects caused by air particulates and
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination gases produced in these operations are also of
System Program for Concentrated Animal concern. Although it is rare, farm workers
Feeding Operations mandates how CAFOs man- have become asphyxiated while cleaning
age their wastes to protect water systems. The manure pits due to these gases, and there is
Clean Air Act (CAA) enforces regulations on the some evidence that children living near CAFOs
amount of ammonia released from animal pro- are at higher risk for developing asthma. There
duction. In 2002 that amounted to 2.4 billion are three laws that address CAFO air emissions:
tons of ammonia. the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
A variety of air contaminants, including Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA, also
ammonia, nitrous oxide, methane, volatile known as the Superfund Act), the Emergency
organic compounds (which produce odors), Planning and Community Right to Know Act
hydrogen sulfide, and particulate matter, pro- (EPCRA), and the CAA. There has been criticism
duced from animal production can have nega- of the EPA for not strongly enforcing the emis-
tive environmental and human health effects. sion standards in these acts and allowing exemp-
CAFOs that are near houses or towns may be tions for CAFOs. As populations expand and
criticized for producing foul odors, and reducing people begin to move into areas were CAFOs
FIGURE 4.18 Farmers spread manure from animal operations on their fields to provide fertilizer for their crops.
Manure spreaders distribute dry manure onto the fields, as shown. The amount and timing of manure spreading must be
controlled to prevent contamination of water systems. Source: Image Provided As Courtesy of John Deere.
have been operating, conflicts arise between the with human food, whereas pork and chicken
producers and the homeowners about air qual- rations include grains that are suitable for
ity. Researchers are working on strategies that humans. Hence, cattle production using marginal
can mitigate both the production of these com- land that is not suitable for producing human
pounds by the animals (using modified feed sys- foods alters the lifecycle assessment.
tems) and their release into the environment (air There is debate about the amount of meth-
filtration and strategic planting of trees and ane gas that is produced from ruminant ani-
bushes). mals (dairy cows and beef cattle, mainly) and
A review of lifecycle analyses of animal pro- the contribution of livestock-generated meth-
duction in developing countries (Table 4.4) found ane to greenhouse gas (GHG) accumulation
that beef production was more land-intensive and resultant global warming. GHGs are dis-
than pork or chicken, and generated more CO2 cussed in more detail in Chapter 8,
equivalents that contribute to climate change. Sustainability of the Food System. An estimate
However, these authors noted that this type of by the Food and Agriculture Organization is
assessment does not take into consideration that livestock may contribute as much as 18%
important nuances of animal production. For of GHG emission worldwide. That estimation
example, ruminant animals consume feed ingre- takes into consideration the emission of carbon
dients (hay and grasses) that do not compete dioxide from fossil fuel use in the production
TABLE 4.4 Land Use and Carbon Dioxide Generation by Animal Food Production
Land use (m2/kg) Land use (m2/kg Protein) CO2 equivalents/kg CO2 equivalents/kg protein
From deVries, M., & de Boer, I. J. M. (2010). Comparing environmental impacts for livestock products: A review of life cycle assessments. Livestock
Science, 128, 1 11 (de Vries & de Boer, 2010).
system, deforestation for grazing, methane pounds represents the carcass, of which about
generation from manure and rumination, and 600 pounds is edible meat. The remaining parts
nitrous oxide released from fertilizers used in of the body are used for hundreds of materials
grain production. Livestock are not the only including dyes, adhesives, plastics, medicines,
source of methane production in the food sys- insulation, cosmetics, glass, lubricants, and
tem. Rice production is a major source of leather to name a few. These secondary markets
methane in China and global landfill waste benefit from the cattle industry with a renewable
including food materials, generates substantial source of materials that would be difficult replace
amounts of methane. The overall impact of from other sources.
ruminant generation of methane is less than The nutritional value of animal products for
these sources, but is a contributing source. human health is not readily replaced by plant
Another way animals impact the environment foods. Iron and zinc from beef, calcium from
is that animals consume a large amount of grain, milk, and choline from eggs are some examples
which requires land, water, and chemical inputs of key nutrients that are best provided by ani-
to produce. There have been estimates that it mal foods. The protein quality of animal foods
requires 6 20 pounds of grain to make 1 pound is also matched to the amino acid requirements
of beef. However, there are several caveats to this of humans making them high-quality protein
estimate to be considered. For cattle, both beef foods. Determining the optimum diet for
and dairy, the majority of their diet is forage humans that balances nutritional value, eco-
material that has no human nutritional value. nomics, and the environment will be critically
Actually, most of the cattle raised in the United important as the global population increases.
States, and even more globally, consume only Animal scientists are actively researching
small amounts of grain as part of their diet over new ways to raise animals to reduce the envi-
their lifespan. Grain is included mainly during ronmental impact. Studies have found that
the finishing period in feedyards. Increasingly, careful selection of feed ingredients may
the use of by-products from the grain industry reduce the amount of nutrients (nitrogen,
such as corn gluten or distiller’s grains, as part of phosphates, and other metals) excreted by ani-
the finishing diet, are fed to cattle rather than mals in manure. This would increase produc-
ending up in landfills. Another aspect of the ani- tion efficiency and reduce environmental
mal industry is that cattle generate many pro- damage. Also, specific feeding techniques may
ducts in addition to beef for human decrease methane production and eliminate
consumption. For a 1250-pound steer, about 790 the odors associated with animal facilities.
views on animal rights in a popular book enti- An organization that promotes the complete
tled Animal Liberation. His primary theme was discontinuation of the use of animals for food,
that while there are differences between human research, clothing, or entertainment is PETA.
and nonhuman animals, all have the capacity to This organization began to recruit members
suffer and therefore should be treated the same. soon after Singer’s publication and organized
He argued that although most humans are intel- the first World Day for Laboratory Animals
lectually superior to animals, some humans such protest in 1980. This has grown to become a
as infants or those with disabilities may not be, very large movement and carries out protests
yet there is no suggestion that these people against companies that use animals. PETA has
should be placed in cages or used for food. In his been reported to embed undercover agents in
view, when humans use animals for food or animal facilities to capture pictures and video-
experimentation this is “speciesism,” a prejudice tapes of animal abuse. PETA uses disturbing
of the dominant group over the others. He con- images on its website and in publications to
tended that “. . .to avoid speciesism we must promote its message against the use of animals.
allow that beings which are similar in all rele- Celebrity spokespersons for PETA such as Paul
vant respects have a similar right to life—and McCartney and Emmylou Harris bring people
mere membership in our own biological species to this organization and encourage fundraising.
cannot be a morally relevant criterion for this The ALF is an organization with the mission
right” (Singer, 1976, p. 21). Singer’s ideas are “[t]o effectively allocate resources (time and
credited with starting the animal rights move- money) to end the ‘property’ status of nonhu-
ment in the United States and led people to think man animals” with the objective of the mission
about animal treatment in all aspects of society. “[t]o abolish institutionalized animal exploi-
As a result of growing concern for animal tation because it assumes that animals
rights, there were calls for important changes. are property” (www.animalliberationfront.
The Animal Welfare Act (AWA) of 1966 pro- com). The ALF has been responsible for break-
vided acceptable standards for animal treatment ing into research laboratories on university
and care, but the law did not cover birds, rats, campuses to destroy equipment and set ani-
mice, farm animals, or cold-blooded animals. In mals free. They recruit and promote activism
1970, the AWA was amended to include all and civil disobedience to achieve their goals.
warm-blooded animals used for experimental PETA and ALF define animal rights as equal to
research or testing and required humane han- those of people and disallow any dominance of
dling, housing, sanitation, and veterinary care. human needs over those of animals. The HSUS
In 1985, the AWA was further amended to also promotes animal rights and sponsors cam-
define minimum standards for handling, hous- paigns to protect animals. HSUS gathers local
ing, and feeding animals and minimizing pain. support and visibility through animal shelters,
Another requirement was that all research using mainly for cats and dogs, and rescue programs
animal models was required to be supervised by for abused animals. But they are also very
a board comprised of both scientists and non- active in monitoring, and speaking out against,
scientists (Institutional Animal Care and Use the housing and treatment of farm animals.
Committee) to ensure that experimental animals More moderate perspectives on animal
are cared for and treated humanely, according rights contend that caring for and treating
to the regulations. The APHIS within the USDA animals humanely and with compassion is
is responsible for overseeing the AWA. Farm essential, and humans have an obligation to
animals used for food or fiber are not covered reduce or prevent suffering. When this is
by the AWA, however. done, using animals for human benefit is
FIGURE 4.19 Dr. Temple Grandin is an animal behavior scientist at Colorado State University and a leading expert
on designing corrals and housing facilities to minimize animal stress. She encourages the use of curved fencing and gates
to keep animals calm during transitions. Source: Photo from the American Society of Animal Science image gallery.
If they are housed in cages, this behavior is Beef Association, US Poultry and Egg
reduced so all have equal access to food and Association, National Dairy Council and
freedom from being pecked. Confinement of others, producers and processors are begin-
animals allows careful monitoring of their ning to engage with consumers about their
food intake, growth rates, and overall health. industries to inform and educate about pro-
If done with care and humane treatment, duction practices. Increasingly, consumers ask
some would argue that this is the best way to for information about animal husbandry
treat and manage farm animals. Other people approaches and demand transparency.
believe animals should not be housed together There is currently no FDA-approved stan-
in large groups but rather should be outside dard for labeling foods regarding animal hous-
in fields to enjoy the sunshine and green grass ing practices. For example, “cage-free” or
and given the freedom to behave naturally. “humanely raised” labels may be found on
Animals in the food system will continue some meat products in stores. There are no
to generate controversy and ethical debate. government or industry standards to define
The majority of farmers that raise food animals these labels, nor guarantees that they are accu-
are committed to providing a safe and rate. The USDA Organic Standard does define
nutritious product in a humane and environ- the types of feed and medical treatments
mentally sound manner. Through national that animals may receive and certain housing
organizations, such as the National Pork criteria and this is described in Chapter 8,
Producers Association, National Cattlemen’s Sustainability of the Food System.
4.13 CONSUMER INFLUENCE ON confidence. But even if the food industry has
ANIMAL FOOD PRODUCTION done nothing wrong, consumer confidence can
be shattered by public input. A prime example
Consumers tend to fall into one of several of this is the “pink slime” situation, which is
groups when issues about food are discussed. described in Expansion Box 4.3.
The Center for Food Integrity (CFI) has con- In a 2015 CFI survey consumers were asked
ducted surveys of consumers for the past several if they agreed with the statement “US meat is
years (www.foodintegrity.org) to understand derived from humanely treated animals” and
how consumers view the food system and the about 82% responded with moderate or strong
factors that motivate their food choices. CFI has agreement. About 95% agreed with the state-
found that a group of consumers they identified ment “If farm animals are treated decently and
as “early adopters” seem to be most engaged humanely, I have no problem consuming meat,
with food-related issues. These early adopters milk, and eggs.” This suggests that the majority
tend to be well-educated and financially stable, of consumers have confidence that livestock
they are information seekers, and have large farmers are treating their animals humanely
interpersonal networks. They use social media and that this is an important consideration for
and other communication outlets well, which them. Consumers are ready and willing to take
allows them to gather and disseminate ideas away their trust, and their purchases, from a
quickly. Some of these early adopters utilize food producer if they believe they are not being
food-related blogs, YouTube videos, and other truthful about their practices.
social media to engage with other consumers. In Farmers who raise livestock are finding
some cases, having a web presence can become themselves in a unique position of having to
a full-time job by gathering financial backing defend and justify their approach for all
and sponsors. Very effective social media aspects of their operations. The burden of
celebrities have arisen who have huge follow- communication and trust is placed on the
ings to whom they can share their views and farmer to demonstrate that they are operating
opinions. in ways that are acceptable to consumers.
CFI found that of greatest importance to Breeding and care practices, types and ways
consumers is that food producers share their of feeding, antibiotics, growth promoting hor-
values and demonstrate that they are trustwor- mones, housing systems, waste removal and
thy. When trust is broken, for example if one management, animal health monitoring, air
egg producer was found to have mismanaged and water quality, transportation systems, and
their operation and caused a food-borne illness marketing have been questioned by consu-
outbreak, consumers extend their mistrust to mers. Some argue that as Americans have
the entire industry. When the HPAI outbreak become more removed from the farm there is
occurred and a massive egg recall was needed, a lack of understanding of farm practices,
consumers responded with mistrust and were especially related to livestock. To mitigate this
captured on news reports saying they were lack of understanding, communication about
only going to buy eggs from small, local farm- food production has now become a major
ers because they could not trust large egg pro- focus for farm producers and processors.
ducing facilities. Even though millions of safe Agriculture organizations and associations
and uninfected eggs had been and were still such as the Farm Bureau, Beef Industry
being produced by large egg producers, that Council, and National Dairy Council engage
segment of the industry lost consumer in public communications about their
industries to increase transparency. Farmers caring for the environment. In contrast, other
have opened their operations to visitors and documentaries have been produced such as
promote farm tours. The number of people Forks Over Knives (2011), which encourages
who participate in such events may be small, consumers to avoid animal foods for health,
especially considering the population distribu- animal rights, and environmental reasons, and
tion of the United States. Most farming opera- Meat the Truth (2008), which links food animal
tions are located in rural areas away from production to climate change and global
large population centers so reaching urban warming. Negative images of livestock pro-
consumers is challenging. To extend their duction are abundant on the Internet and on
reach, the US Farmers and Ranchers Alliance animal rights organizations’ websites. Animal
provided funding for a movie documentary food production is arguably the most chal-
about farming developed by James Moll. lenging aspect of our food system because of
Farmland (2014) follows the lives and opera- the social, political, ethical, cultural, economic,
tions of several livestock producers in differ- and environmental complexities. Balancing
ent parts of the United States to illustrate the the goals of providing safe, healthful, and sus-
challenges and rewards they encounter. Moll tainable animal foods with the rights of ani-
was given full independence to tell the story mals, protection of the environment, and
of these farmers with the intent of demonstrat- utilizing natural resources wisely is a chal-
ing their commitment to animal welfare and lenge for today and into the future.
Late Night talk show host David Letterman The fat, or beef tallow, is used in food products.
used to have his audience play a game called The lean meat is treated with small amounts of
“Know Your Cuts of Meat.” Audience partici- either ammonium hydroxide gas (process pat-
pants were asked to identify cuts of meat from ented by Beef Products Inc. (BPI); called lean
pictures, and most were unable to do so. finely textured beef or LFTB) (Fig. 4.20) or citric
Butchers working in beef processing facilities acid (process patented by Cargill; called finely
trim meat from the carcass according to defined textured beef or FTB) to reduce risk of patho-
“cuts” or recognizable pieces. Prime rib, sirloin, genic bacteria. Ammonium hydroxide and citric
tenderloin, and rump roast are cuts of beef, for acid are both approved by the FDA and are
example. In the process of making meat cuts, used in many other food products. They raise
trimmings remain that are too small to sell indi- the pH slightly to make an environment
vidually. Some of these trimmings are used to unsuitable for microorganisms to grow. The beef
make ground beef but a significant amount of product is then flash frozen, chipped into smal-
meat remains associated with the remnants. ler pieces, and packaged for distribution. LFTB
Over 30 years ago, processes using heat and and FTB are mixed with ground beef to increase
spinning to collect meat from these trimmings the lean component, or used in prepared and
were developed to produce a lean beef product. packaged meals containing beef. LFTB and FTB
The trimmings are cut into small pieces and allowed recovery of substantial amounts of con-
warmed to about 100 F to allow fat to be sepa- sumable meat that would otherwise be wasted,
rated from the meat by a centrifugation process. up to 25 pounds/cow, and produced a product
that was high in protein and low in fat. Adding connective tissue and not muscle. Their criticism
LFTB reduced costs and therefore was adopted of the product was based on its composition of
by many large food chains and products, includ- the product, and not its safety. The USDA, based
ing those prepared for school lunch programs. on their own research and that of other scientists,
BPI has been producing LFTB since 1993 found that LFTB was a safe and nutritious prod-
and by 2010 had four facilities in the Midwest. uct and overruled the Zirnstein Custer report.
As it does for all meat processing, the USDA In 2009 investigative journalist Michael Moss
inspected and approved the BPI facilities where obtained documents from the FDA, via the
LFTB was produced. LFTB was approved by Freedom of Information Act, and wrote an arti-
the FDA to be added at up to 10% by weight to cle for the New York Times questioning the use
ground beef products. Because LFTB is made of LFTB in which he quoted Zirnstein’s use of
with meat, it is not considered to be an addi- the term “pink slime.” The article described the
tive, and therefore not required to be included process for making LFTB and raised concerns
in a product ingredient label. about its use in fast food and school lunches,
In 2002 an FSIS microbiologist Gerald but noted that there had been no health risks or
Zirnstein, questioned the appropriateness of food-borne illnesses associated with the prod-
LFTB as a beef product. Zirnstein used the term uct. On April 12, 2011 celebrity chef Jamie
“pink slime” to refer to LFTB in an internal email Oliver and host of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution,
conversation about the product. Zirnstein and demonized the process and the product on his
another FSIS colleague, Carl Custer, wrote an television show. He put pieces of scrap meat
internal FSIS report questioning whether the and fat into a washing machine, poured in bot-
product met the standards to be called beef tles of liquid ammonia and then showed
because they considered it to be mostly the audience the sticky product. This was a far
FIGURE 4.20 Lean finely textured beef (LFTB) is produced by Beef Products Inc. using a USDA and FDA
approved process. LFTB is used to increase the nutritional value of products containing beef. Source: Photo pro-
vided by Beef Products Incorporated.
stretch from the way LFTB is actually made. processing industry, but to no avail. “Pink
Liquid ammonia is not used; rather a small slime” had been smeared. The misrepresentation
amount of ammonium hydroxide gas is bub- of LFTB as an unhealthy food led BPI to file a
bled into the product. Oliver also inferred that lawsuit against ABC News, and their parent
the meat trimmings used to make LFTB were company Disney, for defamation, claiming $1.2
unfit for human consumption, which was also billion in damages. Despite the intense negative
inaccurate. The media followed this with a coverage, LFTB has survived. Today, the term
series of news stories aired by ABC News in “contains lean finely textured beef” can be seen
March 2012 in which LFTB was called a cheap on ground beef packages, ensuring consumers
meat filler made from the most contaminated know that it is being used. BPI re-opened one of
parts of the cow once used only for dog food its previously closed plants to process LFTB in
and cooking oil. This quickly led to public out- 2014 and LFTB is slowly regaining markets.
cry against “pink slime,” the manufacturer BPI, The “pink slime” story illustrates the power
the beef industry, and the government. of the media to influence consumer perceptions
The rate at which the public response to of foods and processes by which foods are
LFTB occurred was unprecedented in the food made. It shows the willingness of consumers to
industry. Through social media and YouTube follow celebrity recommendations for fashion,
videos the public demand to get LFTB out of health, exercise, and food. The contrast between
the food system was overwhelming. There was a process that reduces waste, lowers food costs,
never any recall of ground beef with LFTB and increases nutritional value and public per-
and no illnesses from the product were ever ception of collecting meat from leftover trim-
reported. Yet, in response to the fierce public mings is part of this discussion. Scientific
objection, it was renounced by fast-food restau- evidence of safety and quality may not be as
rants, particularly McDonald’s, several food important as the ideal of how people perceive
companies, and countless supermarkets. Parents food should be made. This requires scientific
were outraged and public schools stopped serv- thinking. The comeback of LFTB shows that
ing ground beef with LFTB in school cafeterias. media frenzies are usually short-lived and that
As a result of the negative publicity, sales of economics and sound science generally over-
LFTB plummeted. Production of LFTB decreased comes hype and misinformation. But in the pro-
from 5 million pounds a week to less than 1 mil- cess, companies suffered financial disaster,
lion pounds per week. BPI closed three of its people lost their jobs, food was wasted, and
four beef processing plants, lost over $400 mil- consumers were misled. Consumer behavior in
lion in sales, and was forced to lay off almost the marketplace has great influence and market-
1400 employees. ers are wise to follow the trends, but consumers
Dr. Elisabeth Hagen (USDA Under Secretary have responsibility to seek factual information
for Food Safety), The American Meat Institute, before making decisions about food.
BPI, several university meat scientists and the
governors of Iowa, Nebraska, Texas, and South Suggested websites: www.beefisbeef.com, http://www.abcnews.
go.com/WNT/video/pink-slime-15873068, and http://www.
Dakota responded with evidence for the safety nytimes.com/2009/12/31/us/31meat.html?
of LFTB and support for the jobs in the meat _r52&pagewanted5all
KY: Department of Animal and Food Sciences, College U.S. Department of Agriculture (2012). Controls over shell
of Agriculture, Food and Environment, University of egg inspections. Audit Report 50601-0001-23. Washington,
Kentucky. Available from ,http://www2.ca.uky.edu/ DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture.
agcomm/pubs/4AJ/4AJ05PO/4AJ05PO.pdf.. U.S. Department of Agriculture (2014). Antimicrobial resis-
Salque, M., Bogucki, P. I., Pyzel, J., Sobkowiak-Tabaka, I., tance action plan. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of
Grygiel, R., Szmyt, M., & Evershed, R. P. (2013). Agriculture. Available from ,http://www.usda.gov/
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nium BC in northern Europe. Nature, 493, 522 525. pdf..
Sawyer, G. (1971). The agribusiness poultry industry: A his- U.S. Department of Agriculture (2015). Overview of the
tory of its development. New York, NY: Exposition Press, United States hog industry. Washington, DC: National
231 p. Agricultural Statistics Service, Agriculture Statistics
Schlesinger, S., Lieb, W., Koch, M., Fedirko, V., Kahm, Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
C. C., Pischon, T., & Aleksandrova, K. (2015). Body U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2009).
weight gain and risk of colorectal cancer: A systematic Grade “A” pasteurized milk ordinance, 2009 revision.
review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Washington, DC: Public Health Service and Food and
Obesity Review, 16, 607 619. Drug Administration.
Selitzer, R. (1976). The dairy industry in America. New York, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2001). Emissions
NY: Dairy and Ice Cream Field and Books for Industry, from animal feeding operations. Washington, DC: U.S.
502 p. Environmental Protection Agency.
Skaggs, J. M. (1986). Prime cut, livestock raising and meatpack- Von Keyserlingk, M. A. G., Martin, N. P., Kebreab, E.,
ing in the United States 1607 1983. College Station, TX: Knowlton, K. F., Grant, R. J., Stephenson, M., & Smith,
Texas A&M Press, 263 p. S. I. (2013). Invited review: Sustainability of the U.S.
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Number 200. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of tory. Environmental History, 16(1), 94 120.
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years. Journal of Agricultural Food Chemistry, 57, tion of genetics and archeology. Trends in Genetics, 22
8093 8097. (3), 139 155.
Human Resources in the Food System
created the profitable agricultural system of the jobs. This tension increased in the latter part of
Southern plantations and farms along the the 1880s as people flooded into California
Atlantic seaboard. In Florida where large cot- from other areas of the United States seeking
ton and tobacco farms were established, the work. Under pressure to make jobs available to
total population in 1860 was 140,000 and nearly American settlers, the Geary Act of 1892, which
62,000 were African slaves. The estimates of blocked Chinese immigration and imposed
total slave populations are poorly documented, deportation of all Chinese illegally present in
but possibly as many as 4 million Africans the United States, was passed. This led to wide-
were working in the United States at this time. spread skirmishes across California and thou-
Not all areas of the United States engaged sands of Chinese workers were threatened,
slaves in agriculture labor. Settlers in Northern killed, or forced to leave the state. In 1902,
colonies and those moving into the Midwest Congress extended the exclusion of Chinese
preferred small farms that could be managed immigration indefinitely and denied naturali-
by a single family unit. In these families, zation to Chinese immigrants.
which were often multigenerational, everyone, Following the Civil War and passage of the
including children, was expected to work and Thirteenth Amendment in 1865, which abol-
contribute to the farm operations. The concept ished slavery, working conditions for African
of the landowner who himself toiled on the Americans (terms used to define African
land was very different from the Southern Americans have included Negros and blacks)
plantation owner who never touched a plow. did not improve. Southern states implemented
For the most part, the Northern states laws that imposed segregation of blacks from
denounced slavery and abolitionists provided whites in all aspects of society. The so-called
refuge for escaped slaves. During the 1830s the “Black Codes” and “Jim Crow” laws pre-
Underground Railroad, which was a network vented blacks from owning property, partici-
of safe houses and routes leading from the pating in local governance, and attending
Southern to Northern states, assisted slaves in public schools. Day-laborers, sharecropping,
escaping from their owners. This stark contrast and lease tenant arrangements were used
between Southern and Northern philosophies to keep black workers on the farm, but
about the acceptance of slavery and the without allowing them access to ownership.
approach to agriculture created a deep philo- Sharecropping was the process by which plan-
sophical divide in the country that eventually tation owners continued to own the land and
led to the Civil War. provide the inputs of seeds and tools, while
During and after the Civil War, the building the sharecroppers provided the labor to pro-
of the railroad system brought immigrants duce the crop. Part of the profit was shared
from China into the Midwest and West, many with the sharecroppers. This system allowed
of whom settled in California. From about 1860 more freedom for the sharecroppers, but in
to 1900, Chinese farm workers contributed sig- reality most sharecroppers remained in debt to
nificantly to converting the swamplands of the the landowners and thereby tied to them for
San Francisco Bay region and the years. Tenant relationships were often similar
Sacramento San Joaquin River delta regions to sharecropping because the options for rental
into fertile farmland. Chinese farm laborers payments could be defined by the landowner.
adapted to the needs of fruit and Not all sharecroppers and tenant farmers were
vegetable farming by arriving when crops former slaves; many white farmers who had
needed to be harvested. The Chinese labor lost their farms and income during the war
force was largely not welcomed by the white also were forced to rely on these arrangements
working class who viewed them as taking their to make a living.
FIGURE 5.1 The number of black farmers in the United States was high in the 1900s but has decreased to less than
34,000 today. As shown in the inset, about 1 in 4 farmers in southern states through the 1950s were black. Source: Banks, V. J.
(1986). Black farmers and their farms. ERS Agriculture and Rural Economics Division Research Report No. 59. Washington,
DC: Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture (Banks, 1986); Cohen, R. L., & Horton, C. (Eds.). (2012). Black
farmers in America: Historical perspective, cooperatives and the Pigford cases. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
(Cohen & Horton, 2012).
Workers of the World (IWW, or Wobblies) the needs of the war, not enough workers
union. At that time, unions were not recog- were available for agriculture, mining, rail-
nized by the government as legal entities and roads, and construction projects. Prior to 1917,
employers could fire employees that started or Mexican workers had entered the United
joined a union. The IWW engaged workers States freely, but a bill passed that year imple-
from several manufacturing sectors, including mented a literacy requirement and $8 tax for
agriculture. In California, the IWW sponsored anyone over 16 years of age in order to enter
many strikes with agricultural workers to pro- the US. This severely limited the number of
test labor conditions and wages. But that came Mexicans who were either allowed to or could
to an abrupt end when the United States afford to enter the United States. With the
entered WWI. The federal government arrested increased demand for workers to support the
thousands of IWW members and accused war efforts, the industrial and agricultural sec-
them of obstructing the war activities of the tors put pressure on the government to change
government. As the United States prepared for this policy and it responded. In an abrupt
National Farmers Organization (NFO) based in workers remained low and their working con-
Corning, Iowa to negotiate with food market- ditions largely unregulated.
ers. Their approach was to withhold product The entry of the United States into WWII
from the markets until the buyers agreed to created new pressures on agricultural labor.
the prices they demanded. This was ultimately As well-paying jobs in cities became available
a flawed and ineffective strategy. Because to address wartime industrial needs, agricul-
farmers were not able to withhold their perish- ture labor became scarce. In response, the
able products indefinitely, the buyers simply United States government negotiated with the
waited them out. When the farmers could hold government of Mexico to establish the Bracero
out no longer and flooded the market with agreement of 1942. This was an executive
their products, wholesale prices fell and farm- order approving the temporary migration of
ers lost money. The NFO sometimes used tac- Mexican agricultural workers to the United
tics such as physically blocking farmers from States. The agreement, called the Mexican
taking their commodities to markets, killing Farm Labor Program, was negotiated by the
cattle rather than selling them, and dumping Mexican government with the hope of improv-
milk and grain in roadside ditches to bring ing working conditions for its citizens.
attention to their cause. These actions did not According to the agreement workers were to
gain them widespread support from either the be guaranteed payment of a wage comparable
agricultural community or the public, and the to domestic workers (30b/hour); adequate,
NFO changed their tactics. Today the NFO is a sanitary, and free housing; adequate meals at
nonprofit organization that serves to enhance reasonable prices; occupational insurance paid
communications between agriculture produ- by employers; and transportation back to
cers and the government. Other union groups Mexico at the end of the contract. In practice,
representing a wide range of agriculture and most of these regulations were not enforced
industry groups rose and fell during the early and labor wages dropped across the country.
1900s while the wages paid to agricultural Between 1942 and 1950 over 500,000 Mexicans
FIGURE 5.2 The Mexican Farm Labor Agreement of 1942, also known as the Bracero program, allowed agricultural
workers from Mexico to work in the United States. Mexican workers are shown going through a customs inspection at a
Bracero center in Texas in 1957. Source: Photo from the Department of Labor.
entered through Bracero contract centers the first year of the program and sent them
(Fig. 5.2). Originally intended to be in place back to Mexico. This process continued
only during the war, the Bracero agreement through 1962. The derogatory term wetback
became Public Law 78 in 1951, due to lobbying was given to Mexicans who crossed the Rio
from large farm owners who benefited from Grande to enter the United States and the term
the program, and was reapproved biennially became linked to any Mexican laborer.
until 1964. Throughout this period, despite the govern-
It is estimated that in California, Braceros ment deportation program, illegal migrant
were the main source of farm labor during this farm workers continued to enter the United
time, essentially displacing domestic workers. States and were hired by employers, resulting
In addition, illegal immigration outside of the in no real change in the population of undocu-
Bracero program was widespread. Outcry mented workers. Operation Wetback did not
from domestic workers about Braceros remain- end Mexican migrant labor in the United
ing in the United States after their contracts States, but it resulted in increased border con-
ended and the increased illegal immigration trol between the United States and Mexico and
from Mexico prompted the Immigration and highlights the ongoing struggle to find a bal-
Naturalization Service to implement Operation ance between the need for farm labor and
Wetback in 1954. Teams of Border Patrol access to legal work in the United States.
agents rounded up over 1 million Mexicans in Immigration policy concerning Mexican
workers remains a controversial issue in US 1962, which became the United Farm Workers
politics to this day. (UFW) union. Using nonviolent protests,
In an effort to address the issues of undocu- including strikes and marches, Chavez worked
mented farm laborers, Cesar Chavez founded to gain better working conditions and pay for
the National Farm Workers Association in agricultural workers (Fig. 5.3). To raise
FIGURE 5.3 Cesar Chavez founded the United Farm Workers of America union and led efforts to improve agricul-
tural workers rights in California. Through protests and strikes, workers sought better working conditions and fair labor
standards. This poster was printed around 1970 during a nationwide movement to boycott grapes in an effort to bring
attention to farm labor concerns. Source: Photo from the National Museum of American History.
Millers International Union (BCTGM) employ- the union employees a contract that included a
ees from American Crystal Sugar Company modest increase in wages, higher worker con-
plants in August 2011 is one example. tributions to health insurance, fewer seniority
The Red River Valley Sugarbeet Growers rights, and allowed ACSC the right to contract
Association (RRVSGA) was formed in 1926 to out union jobs. Workers were unhappy with
represent the farmers who produced sugar the contract, concerned that it would replace
beets for the American Beet Sugar Company. union workers with non-union workers, dis-
RRVSGA is a farmer cooperative corporation mantle seniority, and cut healthcare benefits, so
with 2800 grower-shareholders, managed by a they refused to accept the offer. When the nego-
CEO and board of directors. The farmers in this tiations broke down between ACSC and
corporation produce 15% of the sugar sold in BCTGM, ACSC locked out the union workers
the United States. The American Beet Sugar and hired temporary replacement workers
Company, which later became the American (Fig. 5.4).
Crystal Sugar Company (ACSC), is a publicly What had been a cordial and productive
held New Jersey corporation in operation since relationship for decades between the farmers
1899. ACSC built the first sugar beet processing and processing plant workers became a bitter
factory in East Grand Forks, Minnesota in 1926. and contentious battle. Communities that relied
Four other factories were built by ACS in sub- on both full-time and seasonal employment
sequent years: Moorhead, Minnesota (1948); in the “beet plant,” usually the town’s largest
Crookston, Minnesota (1954); Drayton, North employer, were torn apart. Management and
Dakota (1965); and Hillsboro, North Dakota employees in supervisory positions worked
(1974). overtime to keep plant operations going as
In 1973, RRVSGA acquired the business and workers picketed outside. Inexperienced replace-
assets of ACSC. The intent of the merger was to ment workers were not trained on the proces-
have close collaboration between growers and sing operations and several significant injuries
processors so that production acreage, quantity, were reported. Neighbors, relatives, and friends
and quality of sugar could be optimized to allow who found themselves on opposite sides of the
farmers to better manage market fluctuations. lockout stopped speaking to each other. The
The production and processing of sugar beets AFL-CIO and other unions boycotted ACSC pro-
has contributed significantly to the economic ducts in solidarity with the BCTGM union.
viability of local communities in the Red River ACSC production and profits decreased about
Valley region of northwestern Minnesota and 30%, from $811 to $555 million, affecting not
northeastern North Dakota. In 2011, the industry only the workers but the small towns that relied
represented an economic impact of $1.7 billion, on workers to spend money in their shops and
employed 2273 full-time workers and 18,830 sec- restaurants.
ondary jobs, generated tax collections of $105 As the lockout wore on, workers had to live
million, and contributed $15.4 million in prop- on unemployment insurance, odd jobs, or public
erty taxes. assistance. About 660 of the original workers
Employees working in the ACSC belonged decided to retire or find other work. After 20
to the BCTGM union. In 2011, ACSC offered months, in April 2013, 55% of the remaining
FIGURE 5.4 Members of the Bakery, Confectioners, Tobacco and Grain Millers Union were locked out by
the American Crystal Sugar Company during a labor dispute. American Crystal Sugar workers from Moorhead,
East Grand Forks, Crookston, and Chaska, Minnesota; Hillsboro and Drayton, North Dakota; and Mason City,
Iowa protest management on August 11, 2011. Source: Photo provided by BCTGM International Union.
union members ratified the original offer, which employer employee disputes, yet the process
was enough to end the lockout. The damage was divisive and frustrating, and took almost 2
done to the company was significant in terms of years to settle. These types of conflicts illustrate
both financial and personal relationships. The the interwoven relationships of the components
farmers had formed a cooperative for collective of the US food system that involve farmers,
bargaining power and the workers formed a workers, food processing industries, and the
union for the same reason. During the lockout complex interactions between economic, social,
sugar beet growers feared that their livelihoods and political factors.
were at risk because of the union workers’
demands, and union workers feared their jobs Suggested websites: www.nlrb.gov/resources/national-labor-
relations-act and http://www.mprnews.org/story/2011/12/14/
were being marginalized by the corporation. american-crystal-sugar-lockout-hillsboro
There were legal guidelines for resolving
In 1960 Edward R. Murrow, Fred Friendly, interviewed suggested something needed to be
and David Lowe produced the CBS documen- done, but pointed out the costs, challenges, and
tary Harvest of Shame, which aired on national political nature of addressing the problem. A
television the day after Thanksgiving. The representative of the American Farm Bureau
awful plight of migrant workers was brought Federation, interviewed in the documentary,
to the public’s attention dramatically with this rejected the idea that government policies were
CBS News report. Their intent was to focus needed, instead implying that farmers should
public attention on the impoverished world of be able to manage their workers as they saw fit.
migrant farm workers, juxtaposed with the The impact of Harvest of Shame was signifi-
bountiful food supply enjoyed by Americans. cant because of the timing, and the connection
The producers spent 9 months traveling from Murrow had with the public. He was a well-
Florida to New Jersey interviewing migrant respected journalist and he used his position to
workers, elected officials, and leaders of farm advocate for change. His closing words in the
organizations. The film showed the desperate documentary were “The people you have seen
situation of both white and black workers and have the strength to harvest your fruit and
their children as they picked the seasonal crops. vegetables. They do not have the strength to
Families lived in shacks with inadequate sanita- influence legislation. Maybe we do.” Clearly
tion, and children were often left alone while this was a call to action. Some groups tried to
parents worked the fields. The amount of discredit the documentary, saying it was one-
money they earned, even when they had work, sided and inaccurate. A Time magazine edito-
was not enough to provide enough food or to rial considered it an “exaggerated portrait.” It
improve their living conditions. When weather is likely that the documentary was influential
damaged the crops, there was no work and no in moving Congress to pass legislation that was
pay and the workers were dependent on hand- already pending to fund health services for
outs from the community to survive. Children migrant workers and education for migrant
attended school infrequently when it was avail- children.
able but few were able to graduate from high In the over 50 years since Harvest of Shame
school. The government officials that were aired, migrant workers have been the focus
of other news stories and documentaries. be taken to the fields. Wages remained below
Journalists from NBC in 1990, CBS in 1995, and the poverty line, education of children was
CBS in 2010 interviewed workers in the same erratic, and most of the workers had no savings
locations that were visited in the 1960 docu- or hope for a better future. The role of migrant
mentary and found very similar situations. A workers in US agriculture is complicated and
change in the demographics of workers had politically charged. Paying a living wage to
occurred, with fewer blacks and more workers workers would raise the cost of food, but to not
from Mexico and Central America. Workers do so may be ethically and morally corrupt.
still lined up in the early morning hours to be
hired for work and were loaded onto buses to Suggested video: Harvest of Shame (1960).
must be fed, watered and cared for throughout sizes have increased and farm operations are
the day, and everyday. The unpredictability of more specialized than they were a century ago.
weather and market prices are a source of stress A consequence of these changes has been a
for those relying on crops for an income, regard- decrease in the percent of US workers involved
less of the size of their operation. Farmers, ran- in agricultural production to less than 2% of the
chers, and other agricultural managers today population. Concurrently with the decrease in
must interpret and follow governmental regula- the number of farmers, rural populations have
tions and requirements, manage finances and decreased from 60% to 20% of the total popula-
markets, keep up to date with new scientific tion in this time period. The percent of the gross
developments, participate in interest groups, domestic product (GDP) generated by agricul-
co-ops and unions, and stay abreast of political ture also decreased during this time.
changes that will affect their operations. Farmers The 2011 USDA Agricultural Resource
must enjoy working outside, doing physical Management Survey found there were 2.1 mil-
work, working with plants and animals, and lion farms operated by 3.2 million principal
operating and maintaining machinery. The farmers (Table 5.3). Principal farmers are those
entrepreneurial nature of farming is attractive to persons responsible for the day-to-day opera-
those who thrive on managing their own busi- tions of the farm. The majority of farmers were
nesses and are driven to innovate and apply new white (96%) and male (86%) with an average
ideas and technologies. Many farm operations
are intergenerational so the cultural and family
ties associated with farming are also important. TABLE 5.2 US Workforce in Agriculture and Value to
At the turn of the 20th century, 41% of
US workers were engaged in agriculture 1900 1930 1945 1970 2000
(Table 5.2). Since the 1900s mechanization and Percent of US workforce in 41 21.5 16 4 1.9
other innovations have decreased the need for agriculture
some types of farm labor, such as planting and
Agriculture percent of US — 7.7 6.8 2.3 0.7
harvesting of cotton, corn, wheat, and soybeans, GDP
or milking of dairy cows. As described in
Chapter 3, Innovations in US Agriculture, farm USDA Economic Research Service.
age of 58 years. A higher percentage of farmers operated farms with sales of $1 million or
had completed high school (42%) than the more. Nearly half of farms operated by women
United States general population (29%) and specialized in grazing livestock, including rais-
nearly 25% of farmers had completed college. ing beef cattle (23%), horses and other equines
(17%), or sheep and goats (6%). Texas has the
most women farmers, but Arizona has the
highest percentage of women farmers (45% of
5.4.1 Women and Minorities
all farmers in the state).
in Agriculture The number of black farmers decreased
About 288,000 women are principal farm significantly after 1920 such that by 1960 they
operators and 1 million women are spouses of represented only 7% of farmers in the United
principal operators (Table 5.3). The average States (Fig. 5.1). There were many reasons
hours of farm work are substantial for women for this decline, including limited access to
principal operators (1097 hours/person/year) financial resources. Racial and economic dis-
and secondary operator spouses (895 hours/ crimination compounded the challenges
person/year). There are also nearly 1 million faced by black farmers. In 1997 and 1998 the
nonoperator spouses (spouses of farmers who National Black Farmers Association filed two
do not make management decisions), who also class-action lawsuits against the USDA claim-
contribute significant time (818 hours/person/ ing there had been systematic racial discrimi-
year) to farm operations. nation against African American farmers in
USDA statistics show that the share of US approving farms loans for decades. These
farms operated by women nearly tripled over two cases, Pigford v. Glickman and Brewington
the past three decades, from 5% in 1978 to 14% v. Glickman, charged that Secretary of
in 2007. The majority of women-operated Agriculture Dan Glickman, as the representa-
farms, roughly 75%, have annual sales of less tive of the USDA, had allowed racial discrim-
than $10,000 and overall accounted for only ination in the awarding of federal farm
16% of US agricultural sales. At the other end credit. The lawsuits were eventually settled
of the spectrum, 5% of women-operated farms with the federal government agreeing to add
had sales of $100,000 or more in 2007. Most of $100 million to the 2008 Farm Bill plus allo-
these farms specialized in grains and oilseeds, cating an additional $1.15 billion in 2010 to
specialty crops, poultry and eggs, beef cattle, compensate farmers who had been wrong-
or dairy. The poultry and egg specialization fully denied farm loans, loan servicing, or
alone accounted for roughly half of women- other benefits. These lawsuits brought public
attention to the discrimination that was wide- Occupational groups with higher suicide
spread among government agents in approv- rates might be at risk for a number of reasons,
ing funding for black farmers. The USDA has including job-related isolation and demands,
made changes in its approach to diversity stressful work environments, and work home
since these lawsuits were filed. It has put imbalance, as well as socioeconomic inequities,
more focus on assisting minorities to enter including lower income, lower education level,
and be successful in farming and to allocate and lack of access to health services. Previous
funding for minority and low-resource farm- research suggests that farmers’ chronic expo-
ers. The 2014 Farm Bill included funding for sure to pesticides might affect the neurological
the Outreach and Assistance for Socially system and contribute to depressive symp-
Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers and toms. Other factors that might contribute to
Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program, also suicide among farmers include social isolation,
known as the 2501 Program. These funds potential for financial losses, barriers to and
were to be distributed as grants to academic unwillingness to seek mental health services
and other institutions that work with farmers (which might be limited in rural areas), and
from underrepresented groups. access to lethal means.
The number of minority farmers remains
low, but upward trends are evident. In 2007
about 1.4% of all principal farm operators 5.5 ECONOMICS OF FARMING
were black and this had increased to 1.6% by
2012. Black farmers are still more common in The USDA Economic Research Service
Southern states. Texas has the highest num- (ERS) gathers and analyzes an extensive range
ber of black farmers, but they make up of agricultural economic data. The information
only 3% of the total farmers in that state. The spans from the types and amount of crops
state with the highest percentage of black planted to export trade markets. The ERS gen-
farmers is Mississippi, where 12% of farmers erates reports and summaries of these data
are black. Other underrepresented groups that are freely available for public use on their
engaged in agriculture include Hispanic and website (www.ers.usda.gov). Farmers and
Asian farmers (Table 5.3). The number of agriculture-related industries utilize this infor-
Hispanic farmers has increased 21% since mation and the reports generated by the ERS
2007, and the state with the highest percent- staff to make decisions about their operations.
age of Hispanic farmers is New Mexico with Government agencies rely on the data for
36%. Asian farmers represent 38% of all farm- assessing trends in the agricultural sector that
ers in Hawaii, and the majority of Asian inform policies and set market conditions.
farmers specialize in fruits, nuts, vegetables, The economic balance of a farming opera-
and greenhouse crops. tion can be tenuous due to the volatility in
Farming can be a stressful occupation. markets and the unpredictability of weather,
Analysis of 2012 National Violent Death among other variables. Farmers must make
Reporting System statistics from the CDC decisions about what to plant or how many
found in 17 states workers in the farming, fish- livestock to raise before they know what the
ing, and forestry occupational group had the markets will bear or the prices they will
highest rate of suicide (84.5/100,000 people), receive. The amount of capital investment in
followed by workers in construction and large farm operations can be significant,
extraction (53.3/100,000), and installation, including the costs for land, machinery, labor,
maintenance, and repair (47.9/100,000). chemical inputs (fertilizer and pesticides),
FIGURE 5.6 Total agricultural output in the United States has increased over 2.5-fold since the 1940s while inputs
have remained fairly constant. US farmers have benefited from mechanization, high-quality seeds and animal breeds, and
scientific advances that have contributed to high productivity. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
40% for some crops and animal operations. In commitments. In some states, agricultural work-
2012, there were over 1 million hired farm ers are allowed to be hired at less than the fed-
workers in the United States. About half of eral minimum wage (currently $7.25/hour). The
these were employed for the full year, one- Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker
fourth worked part time (worked ,150 days Protection Act, which was passed in 1983, pro-
in a year), and one-fourth were agricultural vides workers with legal protection from being
service workers (brought to the farm by con- mistreated by employers. The enforcement of
tractors). Hired farm workers were predomi- these regulations is not uniformly guaranteed
nantly male (82%), white (92%), US citizens and in cases where workers do not have legal
(64%), and married (53%). Only about 25% had documentation abuse can occur.
attended college and 27% had less than a ninth
grade education. About 42% were foreign-
born, and 45% defined their ethnicity as 5.7 US IMMIGRATION POLICIES
Hispanic and spoke Spanish as their native
language. Hispanic is defined as persons from A major issue regarding migrant and sea-
Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South or Central sonal farm workers is the high percentage of
America, or another Spanish culture. The workers who do not have proper documenta-
Hispanic population in the United States has tion to work in the United States. Immigration
risen significantly over the past 30 years from laws in the United States are defined in the
around 15 to 51 million people. In some Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA).
regions, particularly the Southwestern states of This provides for a total of 675,000 new perma-
Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, and nent immigrants per year. The main goals of
Colorado, Hispanics make up more than 10% the INA are (1) reunification of families; (2)
of the local population. After 1970, part-time admitting immigrants with valuable skills of
wage workers, usually Hispanic, represented economic importance; (3) protecting refugees;
30% 35% of employees on farms. and (4) promoting diversity. Most farm work-
Farm work is physically demanding, requires ers would not fall into one of these categories.
standing and bending to pick crops and carry Family-based immigration is granted to a
buckets or trays, and must be done regardless of maximum of 480,000 people per year, for
the weather conditions. Laborers can be exposed spouses of US citizens or legal residents, their
to hazardous conditions in the fields from chem- children, and siblings. Employment-based
ical treatments, insects, and machinery. The immigration provides temporary visas (in 20
hours are long and inconsistent. Workers are types) and permanent immigration to those
typically paid by the amount of product picked with desirable skills and training (about
or hours worked. In 2011, wages paid to farm 150,000/year). Employment immigration has a
workers ranged from $8.99 per hour for farm cap that prevents immigrants from any one
workers and laborers to $20.48 per hour for first- country to exceed 7% of the total immigrants
line supervisors. In 2012, the average hourly in a given year. The president and Congress
earnings reported for farm laborers were $10.22 define the annual limit for refugees who are
per hour. This may seem like a reasonable seeking safety from threats in their home coun-
hourly pay rate, but farm workers are rarely try. In fiscal year 2013 the cap was 70,000,
able to find 40 hours of work per week every raised by President Obama to 100,000 for fiscal
week of the year. When the harvest is bad, the year 2017, but then decreased to 50,000 by
workers earn less, which can leave them without executive order of President Trump. Political
sufficient income to meet their financial asylum may be granted by the president
without limit. Individuals granted refugee or the fact that undocumented laborers could
asylum status may request visas after 1 year. find work in agriculture, manufacturing, con-
The diversity visa was started in 1990 and struction, and service jobs, there has been a
allows entry of 55,000 immigrants per year steady increase in the number of undocu-
from countries with a low US immigration mented persons entering the United States. In
rate. These are awarded on a lottery basis. 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the
The route to citizenship in the United States Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA;
begins with securing a US Permanent Resident Table 5.1) in order to control and deter illegal
Card (“green card”), which provides for perma- immigration to the United States. The IRCA
nent residency. Green cards may be obtained included provision to enact the H2-A visa for
through family, job, or refugee/asylum status. temporary workers who perform agricultural
The process of securing a green card can be labor or services. It also allowed permanent
challenging, costly, and may take several years. residency status to individuals who had
A limited number of green cards are issued lived in the United States continuously since
each year. Once a green card is held for 5 years, January 1, 1986; had performed agricultural
application for US citizenship may be initiated. labor in the United States for at least 90 days
To be eligible, the individual must be 18 years in the year ending May 1, 1986; or had per-
of age or older, able to demonstrate continuous formed agricultural labor in each of the 3 years
residency in the United States, and be of good prior to 1986. It is estimated that about 2.7 mil-
moral character. They must pass an English lan- lion people took advantage of this law and
guage and US history and civics exam and pay became legal residents. The number of H-2A
an application fee. It may take several years to visas issued by the United States has increased
work through the citizenship process. from about 56,000 in 2010 to 108,000 in 2015
In part because of the limits and obstacles (Fig. 5.7) although not all of these would be for
associated with these immigration laws and agricultural workers.
FIGURE 5.7 The number of H2-A visas issued in the United States increased between 2010 and 2015. H2-A visas are
issued for temporary workers, including agricultural workers. Source: U.S. Department of State, www.state.gov.
FIGURE 5.8 The number of hired farm workers who are not authorized to work in the United States increased
between 1991 and 2009. Overall the number of unauthorized farm workers has been fairly constant since 2000. Source:
USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov; National Agricultural Workers Survey.
weaker, and crime, drugs, and civil war have were charged with identity theft, given expe-
increased the flow of immigrants. Working dited hearings with judges over the next 3 days,
through the United States legal immigration sentenced to 5 months in prison and then
process is difficult, expensive, and takes years. deported when they were released. The effects
Desperate to find work and better living condi- on the community were devastating. Families
tions than in their own country, many thou- were torn apart, in some cases both parents
sands attempt to enter the United States were arrested and their children were left to be
illegally across the southern border with cared for by neighbors with no source of
Mexico. Those that are not caught by Border income. Because of the size of the raid, Postville
Patrol agents stay with relatives or friends, was in the national news and the issues of ille-
obtain fake identification, and find work doing gal workers’ rights and treatment were publicly
manual labor. Immigration and Customs debated. Some believed the government was
Enforcement (ICE) officials estimate that there right to enforce the law and arrest those in the
may be more than 10 million individuals in the country illegally; others thought the workers
United States illegally but are provided with an were being targeted unjustly when the owners
annual appropriation from Congress that should be held accountable. The owners were
allows only a limited number to be appre- held accountable and in the following months,
hended. This has led ICE to focus on three criminal charges were filed against many of the
main priorities: those that have broken criminal administrative staff for harboring illegal per-
laws, have repeatedly violated immigration law sons, use of child labor, nonpayment of over-
or are fugitives from immigration court. In time, and denial of medical attention for
2011, ICE removed more than 396,000 indivi- workplace injuries. Agriprocessors folded in
duals who fit those criteria. bankruptcy soon after the trials resulting in a
The federal government has been largely brief national shortage of kosher meat. Within 2
unable to prevent the use of illegal immigrants years the meat packing facility was reopened
in agriculture. In some sectors, particularly the under new ownership and the town of Postville
meat packing industry, unions have been tried to rebuild.
pushed out to reduce the costs of doing busi- President Barack Obama attempted to tackle
ness. Jobs that once paid a reasonable salary are the issue of immigration during the last 2
increasingly being done by nonunion, immi- years of his presidency. He took executive
grant workers who accept minimum wage or action on immigration in 2014 that included
less. Raids on these facilities to round up illegal proposals to streamline visa processing for for-
workers are frequently in the news. One of the eign entrepreneurs; retain graduates in science,
most extensive such raids occurred in the small technology, and engineering fields from
town of Postville, Iowa in 2008. The US universities; decrease the barriers that keep
Agriprocessors plant was one of the largest families apart; and enhance travel and tourism
kosher meat packing facilities in the United flexibility. But these executive actions were
States, employed more than 800 people, and blocked by the Supreme Court. There are con-
had been in Postville for 20 years. The entire cerns that border security should be the prior-
population of Postville was less than 2500 peo- ity and that opening more routes for foreigners
ple and the packing plant was the main to enter the United States will excessively
employer. On the morning of May 12, helicop- burden social programs and reduce opportu-
ters, buses, and vans carrying hundreds of fed- nities for Americans. There is agreement that
eral agents descended on the plant and arrested immigration reform is needed, but the path to
almost 400 employees. Most of the workers achieve that will be rocky.
A concern often voiced about undocu- increased from about 25,000 to 120,000 between
mented persons living in the United States is 2000 and 2010 as jobs in agriculture, meat packing,
that they are utilizing community services and and construction came available. Concern for the
sending their children to school without paying high number of undocumented workers led the
taxes, thereby burdening these systems. Some state legislature to pass an immigration law in
believe that undocumented people are taking 2011, House Bill 56 (HB56), which allowed law
jobs away from US citizens. Others worry that enforcement officers to request anyone at any
criminals or persons with severe contagious time to produce their paperwork demonstrating
diseases may be coming into the United States. they were legally in the United States. The law
Many political debates have been waged over also required farmers to use the E-Verify system
immigration issues, but finding a working solu- to track the status of all workers before they were
tion has been challenging. hired. The law made it a felony for a farmer to
Some states, particularly those near the provide transportation, housing, or meals to an
Mexican border, are frustrated with a lack of fed- undocumented worker. Soon after the law was
eral laws controlling undocumented workers and passed, the great majority of farm workers, even
have decided to take action at the state level. In those with legal work permits, left the state over
Alabama, the number of undocumented workers concerns that they would be arrested and
deported. Rural communities were vacated, The Alabama example demonstrates the com-
leaving store owners and businesses without plexity of issues regarding illegal immigrants and
customers. migrant farm workers. Producers are increasingly
The Governor of Alabama, Robert Bentley, developing mechanization of crop production
launched a campaign called Work Alabama, and harvesting to avoid the regulations and
which attempted to connect workers with the problems associated with seasonal workers.
jobs left open by the migrant workers. Many of Mechanization can reduce the need for human
the jobs were in the agricultural sector and labor but will also affect the types and quality of
required manual labor. Despite a high unem- food that reach the marketplace. Intensely culti-
ployment rate in the state, few people applied vated horticultural crops, that include the healthy
for such work and those that did lasted only a fruits and vegetables consumers are increasingly
few days before quitting. Unintended conse- demanding, require substantial human labor to
quences, such as having to arrest an executive produce. More fresh fruits and vegetables are
of the Mercedes-Benz Corporation when he being imported from other countries, in part to
was stopped while driving in Alabama with meet the increased consumer demand, but
only a German ID card, hit the national news. also because of the labor challenges of production
Churches and clergy risked criminalization for in the United States. As found in Alabama,
providing soup kitchens or Spanish-language American workers may not be willing to accept
services to potentially undocumented persons. the low-paying, manual labor jobs required to
The effect of this law was reduced crop and produce these crops. Workers from outside the
livestock productivity leading to economic loss United States find it difficult to obtain authoriza-
to the state and negative national press. As a tion to work in the United States and employers
result, the law began to unravel. Lawsuits struggle to determine which workers do have
against the state, claiming discrimination and legal permits. Finding a way to balance these
unconstitutionality, were filed that effectively issues in an economically, politically, and socio-
blocked enactment of the law. By 2013 the state logically acceptable manner is challenging.
had agreed to pay $350,000 to settle various
suits and the tenets of HB56 were proven to be Suggested website: Alabama HB 56, http://www.ago.state.al.
unconstitutional, unmanageable, and politically
unviable. Within a few years, most of the law
was rescinded.
services. Additional related industries include of producers (farmers, ranchers, and growers).
finance, insurance, equipment manufacturer In 2014, over 1.4 million people worked in food-
and sales, marketing and sales (including coop- related manufacturing based on the US Bureau
eratives), transportation, land and real estate of Labor Statistics data (Table 5.5). This number
management, technical consultants and a wide is probably an overestimate of the people
range of input suppliers. The number of directly engaged in food production as it
workers associated with agriculture and food includes all aspects of the manufacturing sector,
production is far greater than the actual number but clearly demonstrates the significant impact
No MW Less than federal MW Federal MW Less than $9.00 Less than $10.00 $10.00 or more
WI—$7.25 HI—$8.50
there is great variation in the size and distribu- would need to work a total of 203 eight-hour
tion of tips within the restaurant sector. As of days per year and a family would need to work
September 1, 2016, fourteen states followed the 418 days per year, assuming no withholdings
federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour and taxes. The poverty threshold does not
(Table 5.6). The majority of states had rates above address differences in cost of living within
the federal level, ranging from $7.50 to $11.50 per regions of the United States including housing,
hour. Five states have no minimum wage transportation, and taxes, which can vary dra-
requirement (Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, matically. Controversy around the minimum
South Carolina, and Tennessee) and two states wage versus a living wage is ongoing. Some
have rates below the federal minimum (Georgia argue that raising the minimum wage will
and Wyoming). The poverty threshold as defined increase the costs of goods and services for con-
by the US government is $11,770 per year for a sumers. Others argue that workers making less
single person and $24,250 for a family of four. To than a living wage receive government subsidies
achieve this minimum level of income while in the form of food or housing assistance, which
making minimum wage, the single worker is essentially allowing employers to make more
PepsiCo 38,224 Pepsi beverages, Frito-Lay snacks, Quaker Oats cereals, Tropicana juices, Lipton
Incorporated tea, Aquafina water
Tyson Foods 36,077 Tyson, Jimmy Dean, Ball Park, Hillshire Farms meats and meat products
Nestle 27,978 Nestle and Gerber baby foods, Nescafe coffee, CoffeeMate, Lean Cuisine and
Hot Pockets, Carnation milk, Nesquik and Nestea, Dreyer’s, Edy’s, and Haagen
Dazs ice cream
JBS USA 24,000 Beef, pork, chicken, and lamb
Coca-Cola 21,462 Coke beverages, Dasani water, Minute Maid, Powerade and Odwalla drinks,
Company Bacardi mixers
Anheuser-Busch 16,093 Budweiser, Michelob, Rolling Rock, Stella Artois, and Beck’s beer
ConAgra Foods 15,832 Banquet meals, Act II, Orville Redenbacher’s and Jiffy Pop popcorn, Blue
Incorporated Bonnet and Fleischmann’s margarine, Libby’s foods, Marie Callender’s
products, Peter Pan peanut butter, Slim Jim, Swiss Miss cocoa, SnackPack
pudding, Wesson oil
Kraft Heinz 14,343 Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, Oscar Mayer meats, Planters snacks, Jell-O, Velveeta,
Company Kool-Aid, Heinz condiments, Cool Whip
Smithfield Foods 13,426 Farmland, John Morrell, Nathan’s, Cook’s meats
General Mills 12,502 Cereals (Cheerios, Lucky Charms, Trix, Fiber One), Annie’s products, Green
Incorporated Giant frozen vegetables, Gold Medal and Pillsbury flour, Cascadian Farm
cereals and granola bars
profits by paying employees less. In response to ingredient; and everything in between. Food
these concerns, several states have committed scientists make up a small percent of the total
recently to a stepwise increase over a period of employees in the food industry, but play
years to raise their minimum wage levels, but no important roles in product development, safety
change in the federal level has been approved. and quality control, marketing, and new tech-
Another major employer in the food sector nology development.
is the food industry. Food processing and The organization that represents food scien-
manufacture is described in more detail in tists, the Institute of Food Technologists, found
Chapter 6, Food Processing. The types of jobs from an employment survey of members in
in the food industry are broad including pro- 2013 that the level of education was fairly
duction and manufacturing, quality control, evenly divided across employees with 38%
research and development, packaging, sales having completed BS degrees, 34% MS, and
and marketing, and regulatory compliance. 24% PhD degrees. The mean salary for
The food industry includes large multinational employees was $75,000 for those with a BS,
corporations (Table 5.7); small, focused opera- $90,000 for those with MS, and $95,000 per
tions that produce a single product or year for those with PhD degrees. Most major
food companies employ a wide range of per- and consultation services, as well. Increasingly,
sonnel, with degrees in business and market- co-ops are engaging in market analysis and
ing, human resources, communication, law, predictions to assist farmers with financial
engineering, statistics, and basic sciences (biol- decisions and the use of technology for
ogy, chemistry, and math). improving efficiency and productivity. Growth
For many farmers, the local cooperative, or in farmers’ co-ops is also occurring in local
co-op, provides many services. Co-ops are food systems with small operators in niche
defined as owned and controlled by their pro- markets working together to deliver and mar-
ducer members. Rapid growth in co-op size ket their products.
and operations has occurred recently. In 2014 Expansion of technology in agriculture has
the USDA reported that there were over created growth in several agribusiness sectors.
135,000 co-op employees, which had increased Large agribusinesses include those engaged in
from 7000 in 2012. Examples of top agricul- animal breeding and care, inspection and grad-
tural cooperatives are listed in Table 5.8. In ing, plant and seed development, commodity
grain producing areas, co-ops serve as brokers processing, chemical input manufacturing, and
for crops by buying them from farmers, stor- equipment operations and manufacturing. The
ing them in elevators (silos); processing them types of work defined by the US Bureau of Labor
into secondary products, animal feed, or ingre- Statistics in these areas are shown in Table 5.9.
dients; and marketing the grain and products. Corporations associated with agriculture
Co-ops may also provide farmers with fertili- include seed and chemical companies, brokers
zers, which are often purchased in bulk from and processors, farm implement manufac-
international markets. Animal producers utilize turers, insurance and finance, and farm and
co-ops to supply feed, medications, and breed- data management. Some examples are shown
ing services, as well as slaughtering and pro- in Table 5.10. Companies such as Monsanto,
cessing of animals. Some farmer co-ops DuPont Dow, and BASF began their
provide transportation, financial, insurance,
TABLE 5.9 Agriculture-Related Professions
TABLE 5.8 Top Agricultural Cooperatives in 2014 Annual
US Bureau of Labor Number of mean wage
Cooperative Location Products Statistics category employees ($)
CHS Inc. St. Paul, MN Energy, farm supply, Animal scientists 2350 72,590
food and grain
Pesticide, fertilizer, and other 35,870 54,250
Land O’Lakes St. Paul, MN Dairy and food agricultural chemical
Inc. manufacturing
Dairy Farmers Kansas City, Dairy Soil and plant scientists 15,150 64,680
of America MO
Agriculture and food science 20,640 37,330
GROWMARK Bloomington, Farm supply technicians
Inc. IL
Agricultural inspectors 13,800 43,630
Ag Processing Omaha, NE Farm supply and grain
Inc. Animal breeders 1110 43,470
Cargill Minneapolis, MN Commodity trading and processing; animal feed and nutrition; meat,
food, and beverage ingredients; energy
Archer Daniels Midland Chicago, IL Oilseed processing, corn processing, agriculture services, ingredients
Bunge North America St. Louis, MO Commodity trading and processing, food ingredients, animal feed and
Hertz Farm Management Nevada, IA Farm management, real estate, and appraisals
Farmers National Omaha, NE Farm management, real estate, appraisals, insurance, and commodity
Company marketing
Northwestern Farm Marshall, MN Farm management, real estate, and appraisals
Management Company
Fluid Milk Board are appointed by the American Crystal Sugar Company. (2016). History.
Secretary of Agriculture and represent 15 geo- Available from ,https://www.crystalsugar.com/..
Anonymous. (2014). Republicans for immigration reform.
graphic regions of the United States. This Available from ,http://www.republicansforimmigra
organization has sponsored familiar ad cam- tionreform.org/..
paigns to promote milk such as the got milk? Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco, and Grain Millers
campaign with the celebrity milk mustaches. International Union. (2016). History and purpose.
The AMS oversees more than 20 checkoff pro- Available from ,http://www.bctgm.org/..
Bangsund, D. A., Hodur, N. M., & Leistritz, F. L. (2012).
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including not only the main agricultural com- Minnesota and North Dakota. AAE Report No. 668.
modities of eggs, beef, pork, soybeans, cotton, Fargo, ND: Department of Agribusiness & Applied
and potatoes, but also smaller crops such as Economics, North Dakota State University.
mango, watermelon, avocado, mushroom, Barboza, D. (December 21, 2001). Meatpackers’ profits
hinge on pool of immigrant labor. New York Times.
popcorn, and honey. Each of these organiza- Available from ,http://www.nytimes.com/2001/12/
tions employs staff to develop and implement 21/us/meatpackers-profits-hinge-on-pool-of-immigrant-
promotional activities, organize meetings, and labor.html..
oversee research, and to work on legislative Bloom, S. G. (2000). Postville: A clash of cultures in heartland
issues that are part of the agriculture-related America. New York, NY: Harcourt, Inc, 362 p.
Boggess, B., & Bogue, H. O. (2016). The health of U.S. agri-
workforce. cultural worker families: A description study of over
The agricultural workforce is diverse and 790,000 migratory and seasonal agricultural workers
integrated across the US economy. Farmers, and dependents. Journal of Health Care Poor Underserved,
growers, and animal producers are the basis of 27, 778 792.
agriculture, but the food system comprises Bureau of Labor Statistics (2015). Agricultural and food scientists.
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Labor. Available
many more types of workers. Technology has from ,http://www.bls.gov/ooh/life-physical-and-
become a significant component of agriculture social-science/agricultural-and-food-scientists.htm..
and food production with increasing demand Census of Agriculture (2016). 2012 census publications.
for workers with these skills. Ensuring the con- Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture.
tinued progress of food production will Available from ,https://www.agcensus.usda.gov/
require advanced educational opportunities Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (July 1, 2016).
and training for future workers. CDC suicide rates by occupational group—17 states,
2012. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 65(25),
641 645. Available from ,http://www.cdc.gov/
References mmwr/volumes/65/wr/mm6525a1.htm..
Citizenship and Immigration Services (2011). Green card.
Banks, V. J. (1986). Black farmers and their farms. ERS Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Homeland
Agriculture and Rural Economics Division Research Report Security. Available from ,http://www.uscis.gov/..
No. 59. Washington, DC: Economic Research Service, Daniel, C. E. (1981). Bitter harvest: A history of California
U.S. Department of Agriculture. farmworkers, 1870-1941. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University
Cohen, R. L., & Horton, C. (Eds.), (2012). Black farmers in Press, 348 p.
America: Historical perspective, cooperatives and the Pigford Economic Research Service (2016). Farm labor. Washington,
cases New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Available from
Harvest of Shame. (1960). Television documentary. CBS. ,http://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-economy/
Directed by Fred W. Friendly. Available from ,https:// farm-labor/background.aspx..
www.youtube.com/watch?v5yJTVF_dya7E.. Employment and Training Administration (2015). The
National Agricultural Workers Survey. Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Labor. Available from ,https://
Further Reading www.doleta.gov/agworker/naws.cfm..
Eversull, E., Ali, S., & Chesnick, D. (2014). Top 100 Ag Co-
AFL-CIO. (2016). Learn about unions. Available from ops. Rural Cooperatives. Rural Cooperatives Magazine, 81(5),
,http://www.aflcio.org/.. 8 17. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Agriculture
Food Processing
reduced. This results in a more sustainable food packaged, such as heads of lettuce and fresh
production system. Prevention of food-borne broccoli, washed and precut lettuce, peeled
pathogens is a goal of processing and involves carrots, shredded cheese, roasted and ground
using heat or other physical measures to reduce coffee, and chopped walnuts. “Ready-to-eat”
microbial contaminants, or adding preservative foods such as breakfast cereals, cookies, and
agents. Foods are processed to enhance their luncheon meats, are processed by extrusion or
convenience and accessibility, which reduces toasting, emulsification and heating, and bak-
the amount of time needed to prepare meals. ing, respectively, need minimal or no prepara-
Processing may involve the addition of ingredi- tion and add to the types of convenient food
ents or approved additives to the food, such as items enjoyed by US consumers.
colors and flavors, or texture enhancers that Other “convenience foods,” such as frozen
make the food more palatable, enjoyable, or meats and meals, are fully prepared, then pack-
fun, and allows creation of new food products. aged and preserved for use later. The ingredi-
Some additives increase the nutritional value of ents are combined, baked and frozen as in
the foods, for example essential nutrients, desserts, pot pies and pizza. These preprepared
which contribute to reducing risk of nutritional foods reduce food preparation time and require
deficiencies. little skill in cooking. There has been a trend for
Processing of foods, including the addition spending less time in meal preparation over the
of ingredients, may reduce, increase, or leave past decade. The average home-prepared meal
unaffected the physical and nutritional charac- for US families is assembled in less than
teristics of raw agricultural commodities. For 30 minutes, and many recipes are designed to
example, wheat berries (intact seeds with the be prepared in less than 20 minutes. Canned
bran, germ, and endosperm) are a raw agricul- tuna, beans and tomatoes, frozen fruits and
tural commodity. Whole wheat flour is ground vegetables, and jarred pureed baby food are
wheat containing the bran, germ, and endo- foods processed to help preserve and enhance
sperm. Wheat cereals can be whole grain (such nutrients and freshness of foods at their peak.
as “Ralston”) or only endosperm (mainly Some processed foods combine ingredients and
starch and protein) that is milled (“Cream of preservatives to improve the safety, flavor, and
Wheat” and farina), puffed (“Puffed Wheat”), visual appeal such as cake mixes, instant pota-
or extruded (“Wheaties” and “Shredded toes, tomato sauce, salad dressings, and sauces.
Wheat”). Cakes, bread, and cookies are made The food processing industry has provided con-
with cake, bread, or all-purpose wheat flours sumers with thousands of new food products
of ground endosperm with different protein for convenient and easy preparation.
amounts for the specific characteristics of each
type of baked product. Chocolate chip cookies
from the bakery and “Twinkies” from a pack- 6.2 HISTORY OF FOOD
age represent examples of convenience foods PRESERVATION AND PROCESSING
made from refined wheat flour (white flour
from wheat endosperm). From the beginning of civilization, humans
have processed foods to improve digestibility.
Cooking was the earliest form of food proces-
sing. Raw grains, roots, and tubers are not
6.1.1 Degrees of Food Processing
well digested, and although raw meat can be
Different degrees of processing are used for tender, cooked meat is a wiser choice from a
different types of foods. “Minimally pro- food safety standpoint. Cooked or smoked
cessed” foods are those that are washed and meat will not spoil as fast as raw meat. People
TABLE 6.1 Commercial Developments in Types and Marketing of Processed Foods During the 20th Century and
Their Impacts on US Food Habits
1900 Double-crimped can Reduced costs for processors and assured an air-tight
container for improved food safety
1901 A&P grocery incorporates with 200 stores Food production begins to move out of individual homes
1913 refrigerators for home use invented; 1923 Frigidaire Increased shelf-life of foods and reduced food-borne illness
introduced first self-contained refrigerator
1916 Piggly Wiggly grocery opens first self-service food Increased variety of prepackaged foods available
1935 First canned beer; 1960 first aluminum cans; 1963 first New foods available; lighter containers reduced
pull-tab cans (beer) transportation costs
1940 Home freezers available; 1950 Swanson’s frozen Frozen foods and convenience foods common
chicken pot pie; 1952 Birdseye frozen peas, Mrs. Paul’s
frozen fish sticks
1941 Controlled atmosphere storage Access to fruits and vegetables year round due to reduced
1945 Raytheon made first microwave for airlines; 1955 first Homemakers learned to cook frozen foods; convenience
microwave for home use by Tappan ($1300); 1967 Raytheon foods more available; new foods developed; by 1997, 90% of
(Amana) produced countertop microwave oven for less US households had microwave oven
than $500
1948 McDonald’s hamburger restaurants established Availability of high-quality fast foods, indicative of less
home cooking
1954 60s bulk aseptic packaging, storage, and New types of containers for shipping opened global food
transportation trade
1959 Soy protein isolate made by Central Soya Co. Protein available as functional food ingredient
1960 aluminum can; 1963 foil-laminate fiber can (for frozen Innovative packaging for more economical processing and
OJ); 1966 plastic milk containers transportation
1963 Mechanically deboned chicken; McDonald’s Fabricated meat product and popular fast food. By 1992,
introduced Chicken McNuggets in 1980 Americans ate more chicken than beef
1990s quick freezing, modified atmosphere packaging, Novel methods of food preservation
freeze-drying, irradiation
Prescott (who graduated from the Societal changes are reflected in the types of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology) con- foods available, notably convenience foods,
ducted research to determine the optimum ethnic foods, snacks and microwave products.
time and temperature exposures for canned Various types of processed foods have been
meats, vegetables, and seafood in 1895 and are marketed over the years and have become
credited with beginning the food technology favorites in US households (Table 6.2). It may
profession. be surprising that many of these products
6.2.2 Processing of Single Ingredients evaporation of tomato sauce (for tomato paste),
and supercritical fluid extraction of caffeine
The extraction of single ingredients, such as from coffee beans and tea leaves (for caffeine-
fat, sugar, protein, vitamins, minerals, or starch, free coffee and tea) are additional methods to
from raw agricultural commodities was an extract a variety of molecules, resulting in new
important innovation in food processing. types of foods. Membrane technology is rap-
Soybeans provide a useful example of how one idly being implemented for separation of food
food source can provide many ingredients. Oil components because it requires low capital
can be extracted from soybeans, and the investment in equipment as well as less water
remaining material processed into flour contain- and energy consumption than other methods.
ing 50% protein, soy protein concentrate Extracted and purified ingredients are more
containing 70% protein, and soy protein isolate stable biochemically and less susceptible to
containing 90% protein. Soy oil is used for fry- spoilage microorganisms. “De-constructed”
ing and salad dressings and can be made into grains, oil seeds, and animal products allow
shortening, margarine, and spreads. Soy protein new formulations to be developed, such as
products can be texturized or extruded into fibers low-calorie snacks, cholesterol-lowering
for use as meat analogs, meat extenders, and spreads, and high-protein drinks.
other vegetarian foods. Similarly, cow’s milk is
separated into the protein components casein
and whey, lactose, milkfat, and minerals. Whey
6.2.3 Current Food Processing and
protein was once a waste product discarded into
rivers as a by-product of cheese manufacture, but
is now used as an additive in breads, crackers, As described in Chapter 5, Human
cookies, nutrition bars, and sports drinks. Resources in the Food System, the food system
Although the majority of “dent” corn (the type of involves many types of businesses and work-
field corn grown in the Midwest) is used for ers. As a rough estimate, there are 300,000
animal feed and ethanol production, it is also individual companies in the US food system.
processed for corn oil, corn meal, and flour for The food processing or food manufacturing
tortillas and snack chips, starch used as a thicken- segment of the food system is comprised of
ing agent, corn syrup (100% glucose), and high 30,000 individual food and beverage plants
fructose corn syrup (HFCS). The type of corn we owned by 24,500 companies, representing 14%
consume as corn-on-the-cob and canned and fro- of US manufacturing. The food industry con-
zen corn is “sweet” corn, a different variety of tributes 8% 10% of the gross domestic prod-
corn that is grown on a very much smaller scale uct and employs about 15% of the US
than dent corn. “Value-added” processing of workforce. Thirty-two percent of food industry
crops and animal foods for human food produc- workers are in meat processing, 17% in baker-
tion has opened new markets and expanded the ies, and 11% in fruit and vegetable processing.
food industry. California has the highest number of food
Screening, centrifugation, and filtration are processing plants (4510), followed by New
physical or mechanical methods used to sepa- York (2186) and Texas (1774). Large facilities
rate food components in applications such as (with over 100 workers) are 12% of the total
juice extraction, sucrose crystallization, and number of plants but they produce 77% of the
recovery of proteins from whey. Distillation of total value of food shipments. There are many
oils and flavors (for beverages), solvent extrac- more small plants (,20 workers) but they pro-
tion of oils (for refined vegetable oils), duce only 4% of the value of shipments. Just
A survey conducted by the IFIC in 2016 found form of precut vegetables, prepared salads,
that taste was the number one factor in food- portioned meats, frozen soups and sauces and
buying decisions for consumers, followed by desserts provide savings in labor, storage, and
price, healthfulness, convenience, and sustain- purchase of special equipment as well as con-
ability. Convenience was the primary reason sistent quality and less inedible waste.
consumers purchased packaged foods. Recent
food industry initiatives to increase dietary fiber,
reduce fat, reduce carbohydrates (sugar), and
reduce sodium have created a wide variety of
products touting these features based on con-
sumer demand. For example, when nutritionists
The history of food processing in the United
claimed dietary fiber could reduce cancer risk, a
States parallels advances in science and technol-
plethora of high-fiber foods appeared on the
ogy. Machinery built to produce food and food
store shelves. When fat was determined to be a
ingredients was first powered by water, then
cause of heart disease, low-fat products domi-
steam, and eventually electricity. Innovations in
nated the markets. Today, there are foods made
home appliances led to novel types of food pro-
without HFCS, gluten, GMOs, or artificial colors
ducts. Following WWII, innovations in technol-
and flavors because these are issues in the fore-
ogy were applied to food processing.
front of consumers’ minds.
Refrigeration and freezing, microwave ovens,
The food industry is constantly searching for
irradiation, extrusion, and other approaches
ways to attract consumers and provide foods
were used to create new products to entice con-
they will buy. There are over 20,000 new food
sumers. Science and technology in food was
product introductions each year. Candy, gum,
viewed positively. During the space race of the
and snacks; beverages; condiments; and pro-
1960s, the powdered orange juice drink Tang
cessed meat are the food categories with the
became widely popular because it was used by
most new product introductions. However,
the astronauts. TV dinners, Jiffy Pop popcorn
from 2006 to 2010, introductions of candy,
(made on the stove in a pop-up foil wrapper),
gum, and snack products have declined while
colorful breakfast cereals with cartoon charac-
new fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and
ters, and many other innovations were market
cereals have increased. New advertising cate-
successes. Developments in chemistry created
gories, such as “natural,” “sustainable,” “single
new food additives, flavors, and colors, and pro-
serving,” and “fresh,” are among the health-
ducts to increase the shelf-life of foods.
and convenience-related attributes that account
Convenient packages were developed including
for one-third of all new product claims.
the pop-top can and plastic milk bottles. More
Processed foods are used in restaurants,
people owned cars and did their shopping in
schools, hospitals, airlines, military, food ser-
grocery stores, and drive-in restaurants were
vice institutions, vending machines, and con-
everywhere. This environment allowed the food
cessions. Forty-seven percent of the US
industry to prosper and expand.
consumer’s food dollar is spent in over 1 mil-
lion US restaurants, representing expenditures
of $1.8 billion every day. The restaurant indus-
6.3.1 Processing Cereal Grains by
try projected sales of $709 billion for 2015, 4%
of the US GDP. Many food companies manu-
facture food products in retail versions for con- In the early years of grain processing, local
sumers and larger sizes for restaurants and mills served farming communities throughout
food service operations. Processed foods in the the country but, with the building of railroads
FIGURE 6.2 The city of Minneapolis was a hub for grain milling in the early 1900s because of its location on the
Mississippi River and proximity to wheat growing regions. The Washburn-Crosby Milling Complex in Minneapolis later
became General Mills, which marketed Gold Medal Flour. Source: Photo from the Library of Congress image library.
In addition to producing flours with different kill the most heat-resistant vegetative patho-
compositions, modern milling techniques can gens (disease-causing microorganisms) and
separate flour particles of different sizes to undesirable enzymes. Pasteurization improves
produce flours with exact protein contents the safety of milk, cheeses, and fruit juices and
for cakes, cookies, doughnuts, and breads. extends the shelf-life of the food. For milk, pas-
Different types of wheat are also processed for teurization is described by the Grade “A”
pastas, cereals, and additives for a wide vari- Pasteurized Milk Ordinance as a specific tem-
ety of foods. Processing of grains can create perature for a defined time such as 161 F for
more convenient food products. For example, 15 seconds for fluid milk. This scheme is the
whole brown rice requires about 50 minutes of minimum processing needed to kill Coxiella
cooking to become softened enough to eat. burnettii, the organism that causes Q fever in
Polishing the grain to remove the hull allows humans, which is the most heat-resistant path-
the white rice to be cooked and ready to eat in ogen currently recognized in milk. By using
about 20 minutes. Fully cooked and dried rice the length of time required to kill the most
(instant rice) can be cooked (rehydrated) in a resistant organism it is inferred that all of the
minute. Reduced cooking times provide conve- other, less heat-tolerant organisms will also be
nience and saves time and energy. destroyed. At the turn of the 20th century, the
Before industrial breadmaking was wide- milk-borne illnesses of typhoid fever, scarlet
spread, bread was made at home using whole fever, tuberculosis, septic sore throat, diphthe-
grain flours. At that time, commercially made ria, and diarrheal diseases were common.
white bread, made from bleached white flour, These illnesses were virtually eliminated with
was considered a modern food and was more the commercial implementation of pasteuriza-
expensive than whole wheat breads. The addi- tion, in combination with improved manage-
tion of B vitamins and iron replaced the nutri- ment practices on dairy farms. In 1938, milk
ents lost in milling (enriched flour). White products were the source of 25% of all food-
bread was favored by those who could afford borne illnesses, but now account for less than
it and being able to serve white bread was a 1% of all food-borne illnesses.
bit of a status symbol. In the 1920s the white Pasteurization is not a sterilization tech-
bread product “Wonder Bread” was marketed nique (milk sterilization requires 285 F for
as “helping build strong bodies 12 ways” due 15 seconds) so foods must be refrigerated to
to the addition of 12 vitamins and minerals prevent other bacterial growth. Orange and
and was heavily advertised as a healthy food other juices, liquid eggs, carbonated bev-
for children. With further understanding of the erages, and beer are pasteurized at a range of
nutritional value of whole wheat, white bread temperatures (140 212 F for ,1 minute).
has become less favored. Today, whole wheat Ultrahigh temperature (UHT) pasteurization
bread is more expensive than white, refined uses higher temperatures than pasteurization
bread, illustrating the changing dynamic of (but not as high as sterilization) resulting in
food technology and nutrition science on food longer shelf-life for the products. UHT can
choices. generate off-flavors but is popular in Europe,
Canada, and Asia. Products treated with
UHT, such as milk, can be held at room tem-
perature until opened.
6.3.2 Processing Food by Pasteurization The current interest in “raw” or unpasteur-
Pasteurization (thermal pasteurization) is a ized milk and milk products presents a food
mild heat treatment (140 212 F) designed to safety problem. The CDC reported that
was promoted during WWI and WWII for eco- Before mechanical refrigeration, blocks of ice
nomic reasons. Home canning has experienced cut from rivers and lakes were delivered to
a resurgence in popularity recently as more food processing facilities and household ice
people are returning to home gardening and boxes to provide cooling of foods. Problems
are interested in processing their own fruits with ice availability and sanitation, especially in
and vegetables. It is essential that proper can- the meat, dairy, and brewing industries, made
ning techniques and equipment are used to the development of mechanical ice-making and
avoid food-borne illness when doing home refrigeration a necessity. Mechanical refrigera-
canning. Methods such as heating jars of food tion revolutionized food processing, transporta-
in the oven or even a dishwasher are unsafe tion, and storage, and, with the adoption of
and very risky. household refrigerators (by 1950, more than
The heating used to process canned foods 80% of farm homes and over 90% of urban
does change the color, texture, and flavor of homes had one), changed the way Americans
foods. Also, salt may be added to canned ate. Instead of relying on daily shopping for
vegetables or sugar to fruits to retain color and fresh foods or relying on preserved foods, con-
texture. Many consumers prefer the firmer tex- sumers could store perishable food in home
ture and more intense flavors of frozen or refrigerators and freezers. New foods such as
fresh foods over canned foods, and may want ice cream and frozen dinners were possible.
to avoid added salt or sugar. New technologies Today, foods are sourced from around the
to reduce the amount of heat used to preserve world, and transported by refrigerated air,
food, such as aseptic heating, are being devel- train, and truck to be available in supermarkets
oped. Beverages, dairy products, wine, sauces, all year long.
and soups can be rapidly heated in thin films
or as highly agitated fluids at pasteurization or
sterilization temperatures, then aseptically
(sterilely) packaged in foil laminate packages
6.3.5 Processing Food by Freezing
or pouches. Ohmic heating and microwave- Freezing kills some microorganisms, but not
assisted heating also are used to eliminate all. Some bacteria continue to grow, albeit at a
pathogenic bacteria and reduce the amount of slower rate, during freezing. Enzymes that
heat damage to retain the quality of the food. cause deterioration are also slowed by freezing.
In commercial freezing technology,
vegetables and some fruits are blanched by a
short heat treatment (,212 F for 2 3 minutes)
6.3.4 Processing Food by Refrigeration before freezing. Blanching inhibits enzymes that
Fruits and vegetables are living plants and cause the color, texture, and flavor of the food
contain enzymes that cause softening of their to deteriorate during storage and kills surface
texture, the conversion of starch to sugar, or bacteria. This is typically done in home freezing
sugar to starch as ripening occurs. With time, as well. The major difference between home
these enzymes also cause deterioration and and commercial freezing is that commercial
spoilage. By chilling food to temperatures of processors use blast freezers that generate very
32 40 F, spoilage processes are slowed or low temperatures (240 F) to freeze the water in
reduced. Enzymes, the catalysts for biochemi- the food very quickly. This rapid freezing pre-
cal reactions found naturally in plants, are less vents the breakdown of the cellular structure
active at low temperatures and less able to that occurs with the slower freezing process in
break down cell walls and cause spoilage. a home freezer. Commercial freezers use cold
or sorbitol. Sugar and salt also decrease water prevent the growth of C. botulinum, which is a
activity and may be added to foods to enhance significant concern due to the anaerobic envi-
their shelf-life for this reason. ronment of these cured meats. Celery powder,
which is naturally high in nitrate, acts similarly
to nitrite as a curing agent and has been pro-
6.3.7 Processing Foods by Fermentation moted as a ’natural’ curing method. But the
levels of nitrite in celery are variable. Current
Fermented foods are preserved by the pro-
regulations require that meats cured with celery
duction of citric, lactic, or acetic acids by benefi-
powder be labeled “uncured” to distinguish
cial bacteria such as Lactobacillus, Streptococcus,
them from conventionally preserved meats due
Bacillus, and Pseudomonas, yeasts, and fungi that
to this lack of control in the amount of nitrite. If
use the food as a substrate for their growth and
the statement “no nitrates or nitrites added” is
metabolism. Most bacteria grow best between
used, it must also say “other than those which
pH 5.5 and 7.0 and do not thrive in acidic
naturally occur in celery powder.”
environments (below pH 4.5). This type of food
Some meat products, as well as cheeses and
preservation has been used for centuries and
fish, are smoked for additional flavor and
provides unique flavors and textures to foods.
improved palatability. In modern facilities, the
Commonly consumed fermented foods include
temperature of smoke generation is controlled
sausages, sauerkraut, pickles, yogurt, cheeses,
to reduce the formation of carcinogenic com-
soy sauce, and balsamic vinegar. The fermenta-
pounds. Old-fashioned smoking procedures
tion process generates new flavors and textures
with hardwood fires preserved meat because
to foods and keeps them from spoiling. The
the surface was sterilized by heat, there was a
addition of salt and heat during canning can
reduction in moisture content, and the salt
prolong the storage time of fermented foods
concentration was high enough to limit micro-
even longer.
bial growth. Smoked foods today are generally
Beer, wine, and hard apple cider are exam-
preserved using lower temperatures with
ples of beverages in which alcohol and acid
added preservatives.
are by-products of fermentation. The alcohol is
produced by yeasts, such as Saccharomyces,
from the naturally occurring sugars in the
beverages. 6.3.9 Processing Foods by Irradiation
In 1958, the Food Additives Amendment to
the Federal Food Drug, and Cosmetic Act
6.3.8 Processing Foods by Curing
approved food irradiation as a means of pre-
(Salting or Brining) and Smoking
serving foods. Unlike all previous types of
Salt (sodium chloride) preserves meats and food processing, irradiation is considered an
fish, dairy foods (butter and cheese), and additive and foods processed with irradiation
vegetables (cabbage/sauerkraut, olives, cucum- must be labeled with the Radura symbol and
bers) by removing moisture and suppressing the words “treated with radiation” or “treated
undesirable microorganisms. Mixtures of salt, by irradiation” (Fig. 6.3).
sugar, sodium nitrate, and sodium nitrite are The reasons for this response likely reflect
used to pickle and cure meats. Ham, bacon, the world situation at the time the legislation
corned beef, frankfurters, and many sausages was passed. The United States had ended
are cured using these ingredients. The nitrites WWII by dropping two atomic bombs on Japan
preserve the red color of meat (myoglobin) and and radiation was widely feared as a weapon.
The first space food was “cubes and tubes” irradiated. In NASA terms these are referred to
and not very palatable. These astronauts spent as natural form, rehydratable, thermostabilized,
only a few days in space, and food was intended and irradiated. Foods are packaged in single-
to just keep them healthy for that short time. service, disposable containers to eliminate the
When people began to spend months in space, need for a dishwasher (Fig. 6.4).
tasty food that was similar to their diets on Electrical power for ISS is generated from
Earth became more important. Today, astronauts solar panels so no extra water is generated from
to the International Space Station (ISS) have a fuel cells, as it was on the Shuttle vehicles. Water
wide variety of tasty, nutritious, and safe foods. is recycled from cabin air but there is not enough
Foods are similar to foods prepared on Earth for use in foods so the amount of
and many are available commercially. rehydratable foods was decreased and thermo-
Astronauts select their own menus, and diets stabilized food increased compared to the
are designed to supply each astronaut with Shuttle foods. All food is precooked or
100% of the daily value of vitamins and minerals processed, requires no refrigeration and is ready-
they need, as determined by food scientists and to-eat or prepared by addition of water or heat-
dietitians at the Johnson Space Center in ing. Fresh fruits and vegetables must be eaten
Houston, Texas. within the first few days of arrival or spoilage
Astronauts need the same number of calories will occur. Natural form foods such as nuts, gra-
and most of the vitamins and minerals in space nola bars, and cookies are ready-to-eat, packaged
as they would on Earth. Astronauts have fewer in flexible pouches, and require no preparation.
red blood cells while in space so the require- Rehydratable foods include soups, casseroles
ment for iron is less. To retain bone mass, which (such as Macaroni & Cheese), shrimp cocktail
is reduced while in zero gravity, sodium is lim- appetizer, scrambled eggs, and cereals.
ited and vitamin D is supplemented. Rehydratable food packages are flexible to aid in
On ISS, there is an 8-day menu cycle of three trash compaction. Beverages are in powdered
meals per day plus snacks. Half the food sys- form and include coffee, tea, apple cider, orange
tem is from the United States and the other half juice, and lemonade. The beverage package is a
from Russia, with other foods added if the foil laminate, similar to commercial juice boxes
crew includes Japanese and Canadian mem- with straws, with maximum barrier properties
bers. Crew members usually eat breakfast and for longer shelf life. There is a septum that fits
dinner together. Food is prepared in the with the water dispenser and a straw is inserted
Russian Zvezda service module. Russian cans for consumption. Only ambient, warm, and hot
and packages are heated in a specially designed water is available on the ISS.
warmer and US foods are heated in a food Thermostabilized foods are heat-treated for
warmer “suitcase.” safety and are preserved in cans, plastic cups,
The types of food processing required of or flexible retort pouches. These foods include
foods for space travel are similar to the types of fruits, tuna, salmon, puddings, and entrées
food processing technologies available on such as beef and mushrooms, tomatoes and
Earth, i.e., fresh, freeze-dried, canned, and eggplant, Chicken à la King, and ham. Pouches
FIGURE 6.4 Food scientists have created a variety of food items and meals for astronauts. The challenges for
space food development include the need for a long shelf-life without refrigeration, extreme sanitation, and mini-
mal water or preparation. Food packaging innovations, such as the retort pouch, were developed for NASA but
have become part of terrestrial food products (juice boxes for example). Shown here is an example food tray with
typical packaging systems used on the International Space Station (ISS). Source: Photo from the Iowa State University
NASA Food Technology Commercial Space Center.
are heated, cut open, and eaten directly from the similar to a vegetarian diet. Sweet and white
container. Irradiated foods in flexible pouches, potatoes, soybeans, wheat, peanuts, dried
such as meats and main dishes, are also ready to beans, lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, herbs, carrots,
eat and only require warming before consumption. radishes, cabbage, and rice are crops that could
Future space travel to the moon or Mars be grown. Produce would be processed into
would require food with a shelf life of 3 5 edible ingredients for immediate consumption
years. In transit, foods similar to those for ISS or stored. Issues related to water and energy
could be used, but once residence on a plane- conservation, nutrient retention, microbial
tary surface is established, food could be grown safety, packaging, and waste reduction would
in climate-controlled, hydroponic laboratories be of utmost importance, similar to the con-
(not unlike the 2015 movie The Martian). It is cerns of food processors on Earth.
proposed that this food system would be
Suggested reading: Bourland, Kloeris, Rice, and Vodovotz (1999).
6.4 NEWER FOOD PRESERVATION size or shape. Sausages and pasta have been
AND PROCESSING made by extrusion for over 100 years. Many
TECHNOLOGIES types of breads, cereals, snacks, cookies, crack-
ers, candies, doughs, textured vegetable and
Recent technologies in food processing soy proteins, meats, and pet foods are now
include extrusion, controlled atmosphere (CA) made by this process. Single- and double-
storage, modified atmosphere packaging screw mechanisms inside a barrel control the
(MAP), microwave heating, pulsed electric pressure, rate of movement, amount of mois-
field (PEF), and high-pressure processing ture, temperature, and mixing of components
(HPP) (Table 6.3). The combination of two or through the barrel. The size and length of the
more methods to produce safe and more fresh- barrel and the shape of screws and dies can be
like foods is the current trend in food proces- varied for different applications. Extrusion can
sing. Nonthermal preservation methods and be a noncooking process or heat can be gener-
reduced use of preservatives will likely ated during extrusion. Cooking is done inside
become more popular techniques to produce the barrel where the product creates its own
“minimally processed” products. heat and friction generated by the pressure
exerted by the screw(s) inside the barrel. The
heat of extrusion can denature proteins and
6.4.1 Extrusion gelatinize starch. Many products with high
Extrusion is a process in which a mixture of starch content expand or puff as they exit the
ingredients is forced through an opening in a extruder, creating the unique characteristics of
perforated plate (or die), then cut to a specific corn curls and puffed cereals.
Extrusion Temperature, pressure, and shear HTST treatment, changes shape Pasta, cereals, snack foods
by screw press and texture
Controlled Reduced oxygen and increased Slow ripening of fruits by Apples, bananas, tomatoes,
atmosphere carbon dioxide in storage inhibiting enzymes melons
Modified Selective packaging to limit, Reduce deterioration during Meats, salad greens
atmosphere maintain, or remove gases refrigeration
Microwave Sterilization by heat; Aseptic packaging in flexible Sweet potato puree
sterilization pasteurization; dehydration pouches for military and space
Pulsed electric Very high voltage for Pasteurization treatment, speed Fruit juices and peeled fruits
fielda microseconds drying and vegetables
High-pressure Very high pressure without Destruction of microbes by Guacamole, raw oysters,
processing temperature increase pressure, little alteration of food meats, juices, baby food
Infrared heating Electromagnetic vibrations Destruction of microbes without Baked goods, roasting,
long heating peeling
Process not approved by FDA.
6.4.2 Controlled Atmosphere Storage permeability are used to create defined oxygen
and nitrogen levels around the food.
To prolong the shelf-life of fruits and vege- Elimination of all oxygen would result in pick-
tables, it is possible to reduce the respiration led products due to anaerobic respiration so
rate in these foods by lowering the levels of the packaging must allow gases to escape and
oxygen, increasing carbon dioxide and adding oxygen to enter. Each plant has a different rate
nitrogen around them. This controlled atmo- of metabolism so finding the correct conditions
sphere (CA) storage is effective in delaying is necessary. Newer technologies in plastics
ripening of “climacteric” fruits and vegetables. have also provided materials that change per-
Apples, tomatoes, bananas, melons, kiwi, meability based on temperature, which allows
plums, avocados, peaches, pears, and apricots additional levels of control.
are climacteric foods that can be harvested MAP is used along with measured levels of
before the onset of ripening and stored in CA carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen, nitrogen, and/
conditions. They continue to ripen after being or carbon monoxide (CO) in packaging fresh
harvested. Some of these fruits and meats. Beef and pork will undergo a loss of
vegetables naturally produce ethylene gas dur- red color during storage, causing it to look
ing the ripening period, and this can be either brown and unappealing. Consumers confuse
removed or added to delay or hasten ripening. this lack of red color with spoilage, even
Hastening the ripening of tomatoes by placing though it is not. The loss of red color is from
them in a paper bag works because the ethyl- the release of oxygen from myoglobin (the
ene produced by the fruit is concentrated muscle form of hemoglobin). CO binds to
inside the bag. A banana added to the bag con- myoglobin more tightly than oxygen and
tributes more ethylene and speeds ripening. keeps the red meat color. CO2 is used to limit
Commercial management of ethylene gas microorganism growth and nitrogen is used as
allows fruits and vegetables to stay fresh lon- a carrier gas to allow other gases to be mixed
ger so that food waste is reduced. in the correct percentage. The most common
CA storage also slows the spread of micro- modified atmospheres used for red meat con-
bial diseases such as fungal diseases in cab- sist of 80% oxygen and 20% carbon dioxide, or
bage and reduces the incidence of some 0.4% carbon monoxide, 30% carbon dioxide,
physiological disorders such as browning of and 69.6% nitrogen.
cabbage, pitting of oranges, sprouting of pota-
toes, and development of bitter flavor in car-
rots. CA storage can be used in conjunction
with vacuum conditions during transport of 6.4.4 Microwave Sterilization
tropical fruits such as bananas, mangoes, Microwave ovens use nonionizing radiation
papayas, and guavas to keep them from spoil- in the electromagnetic spectrum (2450 and
ing before reaching the market. 915 MHz with heating capacities between 10
and 200 kW) to excite polar molecules, such as
water, in food. This results in the generation of
6.4.3 Modified Atmosphere Packaging heat. Commercial microwave ovens are used
Similar to CA, modified atmosphere pack- in food processing facilities for precooking
aging (MAP) is used to slow down respiration bacon, tempering frozen meats, and precook-
and prolong the storage life of fruits, vegeta- ing other foods. Microwave processing
bles, and salad greens. Selective packaging requires less heating time, uses less energy,
films and materials with specific gas and retains more nutrients in foods than other
consider these complicated decisions is essential specifications. Annatto extract, beet powder,
to avoid emotional reactions based on sodium copper chlorophyllin, grape extract, car-
misinformation. rot oil, paprika, titanium dioxide, iron oxide,
and many other “natural colors” are example of
colors exempt from certification.
6.5.3 Flavorings and Spices Concerns about the potential health effects of
synthetic food colors have been in the public
Natural flavoring, artificial flavor, spices,
arena for several years. In the 1970s, pediatrician
and monosodium glutamate (MSG) improve
Dr. Benjamin Feingold raised the hypothesis
the palatability of foods. Natural and artificial
that hyperactivity in children was caused by
flavors are found in a number of products like
additives in food. Around this time, changes in
granola bars and flavored juices and bev-
how attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
erages. MSG, a common additive in soup, bar-
(ADHD) and autism were diagnosed and man-
becue sauce, and seasoning mixtures, gives
aged were being made by mental health profes-
food enhanced flavor, similar to adding soy
sionals, and more children were being
protein, mushrooms, or other savory ingredi-
diagnosed with these conditions. The Feingold
ents. There has been some concern among con-
Diet, which required avoidance of all food col-
sumers that MSG causes allergic-type
ors and other food additives, became popular
reactions. There is little scientific evidence to
with parents as a means of addressing behaviors
support that concern and the FDA considers
in their children. Debate as to whether there was
MSG to be a safe food additive. Some people
any scientific rigor to the claims that synthetic
may experience a mild reaction to MSG, but
food colors affected behavior continued for the
these are usually short-term and do not
next decade. In 1982, the National Institutes of
require medical treatment.
Health conducted a broad review of the litera-
ture and concluded that for a small percentage
of children with ADHD and confirmed food
6.5.4 Color Additives in Processed
allergy, dietary modification may produce some
Foods improvement in behavior. This conclusion was
Color additives are used in foods and bev- made despite the lack of scientific evidence to
erages to enhance and correct colors already predict which children would benefit from a
present, provide color identity to colorless dietary restriction, or strong evidence that food
foods, and account for color loss during storage. colors were responsible for the changes in
Any dye, pigment, or substance made or behavior. In 1997 another scientific review con-
obtained from a vegetable, animal, mineral, or cluded that there was minimal evidence of effec-
other source capable of coloring a food is a tiveness of dietary restriction of food colors on
color additive, according to the FDA. Synthetic behavior in children and noted the extreme dif-
or artificial colors are derived from petroleum ficulty of getting children and adolescents to
or coal and identified with FD&C numbers, comply with restricted diets.
such as FD&C Blue No. 1. Natural color addi- In 2007, synthetic certified color additives
tives are derived from plants, animals, or again came under scrutiny following publica-
minerals. Both types of color additives are regu- tion of a study commissioned by the UK Food
lated by the FDA. Synthetic colors must be cer- Standards Agency to investigate whether cer-
tified for identity and purity by the FDA, while tain color additives cause hyperactivity in
natural color additives do not require certifica- children. Both the US Food and Drug
tion but must meet identity standards and Administration and the European Food Safety
Microwavable Macaroni & Cheese with 17 all ingredients (all additives are GRAS) in Kraft
options of sizes and flavors, and the Deluxe Macaroni & Cheese and the organic versions
line with 9 options. also offer consumers a choice of ingredients.
Kraft Macaroni & Cheese is a popular food What are the functions for the “chemicals”
with children and families because it is inex- in Macaroni & Cheese? Niacin, iron, vitamins
pensive, easy and quick to prepare, nutritious, B1 and B2, and folic acid are nutrients added to
and tasty, and the packaged product has a long refined wheat flour for enrichment. The cheese
shelf life. The two basic ingredients of Kraft sauce mix is composed of cheese components
Macaroni & Cheese are: that, as dry ingredients, can maintain high
quality and safety for a long time. Whey and
• Enriched macaroni, which contains
milk protein concentrate are proteins from milk
• wheat flour
(whey fraction and cheese curd, respectively)
• durum flour
and are added to the cheese mixture for nutri-
• vitamins and minerals (niacin, ferrous
tion and thickness. Sodium tripolyphosphate is
sulfate (iron), thiamin mononitrate
an emulsifier to help bind fat and water
(vitamin B1), riboflavin (vitamin B2), and
together and make the sauce creamy. Citric
folic acid)
acid, lactic acid, sodium phosphate, calcium
• Cheese sauce mix, which contains
phosphate, enzymes, and cheese culture are by-
• whey
products of the cheese-making process and con-
• milkfat
tribute to flavor. Citric and lactic acids also act
• milk protein concentrate
as preservatives. Chymosin is the primary
• salt
enzyme in rennet, used to coagulate casein
• sodium tripolyphosphate
curds from milk. Lactobacillus and Streptococcus
• less than 2% citric acid, lactic acid,
are the bacterial cultures used to make many
sodium phosphate, and calcium
These ingredients have all been approved
• spices paprika and turmeric
for use by the FDA and have a specific function
• annatto added for color
that gives Kraft Macaroni & Cheese its charac-
• enzymes
teristic taste and look. Consumers have become
• cheese culture
interested in foods that are “clean” meaning
Consumers have criticized Kraft for using they do not contain “unnecessary” ingredients
artificial colors and preservatives. In March or chemicals or have only a few ingredients.
2016, Kraft responded by changing the Products such as Kraft Macaroni & Cheese may
Macaroni & Cheese recipe. Calories and fat seem like they have a lot of ingredients with
were decreased 12% and 14%, respectively, complicated names. An understanding of what
sodium was decreased slightly, protein and these ingredients are and why they are present
fiber amounts were increased and artificial col- in the foods can alleviate some of the hesitation
ors (Yellow 5 and Yellow 6) were replaced with consumers may have about consuming pro-
annatto, paprika, and turmeric. The label lists cessed foods.
FIGURE 6.5 According to the Centers for Disease Waste reduced Packaged meat, bagged salad greens,
Control and Prevention (CDC) norovirus and bacteria are frozen broccoli
the main causes of food-borne illnesses in the United Safety Pasteurized milk, canned vegetables,
States. Norovirus is a highly contagious virus that is read- improved cured meats
ily spread from person to person or through contaminated
foods. Hand washing, and proper handling and storage of Packaging Refrigerated doughs, fresh meat, snack-
foods at home, are effective ways to avoid food-borne ill- protection size crackers
ness. Source: CDC, www.cdc.gov.
Variety Instant oatmeal, pastas, frozen waffles
intestines contaminate the meat product. Nutrition added Enriched bread, fortified milk, cereals
Salmonella and E. coli are, as are most bacteria, with folate
destroyed by heat, so proper cooking of eggs Flavor Potato chips, low-fat ice cream, pudding
and meat will reduce the risk of food-borne ill- improved with aspartame
ness. Fresh produce can be contaminated with
Convenience Breakfast cereals, frozen pizza, reduced
Listeria or Shigella that are present in water or provided calorie frozen meals
soil, or by E. coli from contact with animal or
human fecal material.
Spoilage microorganisms, molds, yeasts, and The food industry uses strategies such as
bacteria reduce the quality and palatability of risk-based prevention controls, monitoring
foods but do not cause illness. Molds can cause procedures, verification, and record-keeping to
spoilage in fairly low-moisture foods (about reduce the risk of food-borne illness. The
12% or water activity aw 0.80) such as jams and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
jellies, especially when exposed to oxygen. (HACCP) system, a method of monitoring
Yeasts require higher moisture conditions to food safety by anticipation and prevention of
grow (about 30% or 0.88 aw) and can thrive in problems, is required for all facilities that
both aerobic and anaerobic environments. “manufacture, process, pack or hold food and
Bacteria require the most moisture (about 30% that are required to register with the FDA”
or 0.91 aw), can be aerobic or anaerobic, and can (Section 415 of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic
grow in a range of temperatures: thermophiles, Act). Food processors develop a HACCP plan
above 113 F, mesophiles about 68 113 F, and by assessing all possible hazards during the
psychrophiles below 50 F (refrigeration temper- production process, eliminate avoidable
ature or less). Food preservation techniques are hazards, and set limits for hazards that are dif-
designed to limit or destroy both pathogenic ficult or impossible to eliminate. Processing
and spoilage organisms that are likely to occur facilities are required to have food safety per-
in a particular type of food. sonnel trained in the HACCP process, as well
FIGURE 6.6 Foods are packaged in paper, glass, aluminum, plastic, and combinations of these materials for safety
and convenience. The type of food will determine how it should be packaged and processed to ensure quality and safety
are retained. Source: Photo by authors.
food, loss of package integrity, or loss of food is derived from petroleum, so the price of oil
quality. Flavors and aromas may move directly influences the economic value of
between the food and the packaging materials recycled plastics. When oil is cheap, it is more
and some food components, such as fats or cost effective to make new plastic than to recy-
acids, may affect the integrity of the package. cle used plastic. The increased use of plastics
Low molecular weight substances such as plas- in food packaging, notably water and drink
ticizers, stabilizers, antioxidants, and mono- bottles, have generated problems for landfills.
mers and oligomers from plastic materials Recently, some cities have been forced to ban
may migrate into foods. the sale of beverages in plastic bottles because
Glass, aluminum, paper, plastic, and metals the capacity of the landfills are being
are reusable and recyclable types of packaging exceeded. As an alternative to petroleum-
materials. Americans express the desire to use based plastics, biopolymers from starch, cellu-
environmentally friendly packaging yet recycle lose, proteins, and polylactic acid produced by
only 40% of all packaging materials. Recycling bacteria can be formulated into packaging that
any material involves costs for collecting, is biodegradable. There are challenges to the
cleaning, and processing the material, all of economical production of food packaging with
which require water and energy. Paper and similar characteristics to conventional packag-
paperboard is the most recycled material, but ing from these materials, but research in this
use in foods is limited because of contaminants area has progressed. Coca-Cola recently
remaining in the paper and the weaker struc- announced that a 100% biosourced plastic bot-
ture of recycled paper. Glass and aluminum tle would replace their current plastic bottle of
retain their strength after recycling but con- polyethylene terephthalate.
taminants can remain in glass. Plastics are the Sausage casings and rice paper for candies
least recycled packaging materials (only 13%) are examples of edible film packaging that have
due to physical changes in the plastic, incom- been in use for many years. Edible films of poly-
patibility of plastic types, and difficulty of saccharides (cellulose, pectin, starches, gums),
cleaning and removal of contaminants. Plastic proteins (casein, whey, soy, corn zein, gelatin),
Listeria Soil, water, animal foods Wash fruits and vegetables; do 1600 illnesses, 260 deaths
monocytogenes not eat unpasteurized milk
Shiga toxin- Intestines of people and Wash hands and cooking areas; 265,000 infections
producing humans cook meats
Escherichia coli
agent used in baked goods. High sodium not easily achieved by other compounds.
intake is associated with increased blood pres- Sodium chloride adds not only salty taste to
sure (hypertension), which can lead to a wide food, but also enhances sweetness, and masks
range of cardiovascular disorders including bitter or off-flavors. Sodium chloride enhances
heart attack, stroke, and kidney failure. It has and stabilizes the texture and color and retains
been estimated that 1 in 3 people in the United moisture in foods.
States have hypertension (Chapter 7: Nutrition Food companies, recognizing that consumers
and Food Access). The FDA has recently estab- are aware of the high sodium content of pro-
lished voluntary sodium reduction goals for cessed foods, are introducing more reduced-salt
the food industry, which include recommenda- products. Frito Lay, for example, is working to
tions to reformulate food products over time reduce artificial ingredients, use 30% less salt,
to include less sodium. Removing sodium and keep the ingredient list short. Low-sodium,
from processed foods is a challenge for the reduced sodium, and no-salt meats, breads,
food industry, not only because of the flavor snack foods, desserts, and frozen entrees have
aspects of sodium-containing compounds, but been available for many years, but consumers
more importantly because of the functional have not responded favorably to low-sodium
and safety aspects these compounds contrib- products because it is difficult to replace the fla-
ute. As a curing agent, sodium nitrate is vor associated with salt. Ready-to-eat meals,
uniquely able to inhibit the growth of patho- sauces and seasonings, cereal products, snacks,
genic bacteria, especially C. botulinum, which is and soup with reduced salt and sodium have
Canning Flavors decreased Vitamin C reduced by heat High energy requirement for
heating but no energy for
Texture softened Fat-soluble vitamins stable
storage of canned food
Minerals unchanged
Freezing Minimal flavor and texture Slight vitamin C reduction by Low energy requirement for
changes during processing; blanching processing but high energy
depends on packaging and use during storage
Nutrient content most similar to raw
storage temperature
Food most similar to fresh
Dehydration Flavor and texture dramatically Vitamin C greatly reduced Energy required for heating
affected by removal of water and removal of moisture but
Some reduction of niacin and
during processing no energy required during
riboflavin due to prolonged heating storage
and exposure to oxygen
Irradiation Very little change in flavor at low Slight nutritional change, similar to Refrigeration required to slow
doses; slight softening of fruits thermal processing enzyme activity
Protein, lipid, carbohydrate unaffected
Amino acids cysteine and tryptophan
reduced; B vitamins increased due to
release of bound vitamin; thiamine
and vitamin C reduced at high doses
found limited success in the marketplace due to (NSRI) has been coordinated by the New York
technical difficulties as well as consumer resis- City Health Department. Several large compa-
tance. Food scientists will need to utilize new nies have joined the initiative including Kraft-
approaches to formulate foods that taste, look, Heinz, Mars Food US, Starbucks, Subway,
and feel the same without these forms of sodium. Unilever, McCain Foods, Hain Celestial, Boar’s
The goal of reducing sodium intake has Head, FreshDirect, Goya, Au Bon Pain,
been politicized. Recently, the New York City LiDestri, Red Gold, Uno Chicago Grill, and
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene White Rose. The initiative seeks to reduce salt
implemented a Sodium Warning Label Rule in packaged and restaurant food by 25% over
that would require food service operations in 5 years, which could reduce Americans’ salt
New York City with more than 15 locations to consumption by 20%.
provide a warning label on menu items that
contain more than 2300 mg of sodium. The
National Restaurant Association has filed suit 6.7.2 Sugar
against the labeling requirement stating that Sugar exists naturally in food, usually in the
the City of New York does not have the form of sucrose, but also as glucose, fructose,
authority to define food labeling. lactose, or maltose, and is added as an ingredi-
Taking a more balanced approach, the vol- ent from cane and beet sugar, maple syrup, corn
untary National Salt Reduction Initiative syrup, or honey. Refined sugar is added to
FIGURE 6.8 In the United States, consumption of caloric sweeteners was 130 pounds per person per year in 2012,
which is about 50 pounds more than in 1966. The use of high fructose corn syrup (corn sweetener or HFCS) increased
after 1970 while the use of refined sugar decreased. Nutritionists recommend reducing the consumption of added sugars
from all sources to prevent weight gain and risk of diabetes. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
calories to food and therefore should be con- contain a high amount of fat. Fat provides a
sumed in moderation. Replacing HFCS in food wide range of features to food. One of the most
products with sugar, honey, or agave nectar important functions of fat is to tenderize baked
does not make the food more healthful or products and limit the amount of structure
nutritious. developed by gluten in pastry, cookies, cakes,
In May 2016 the FDA announced that the and bread. Fat aids aeration of batters and
Nutrition Facts panel on food packages will doughs; contributes to the emulsion structure of
need to include the amount of added sugars mayonnaise, salad dressings, and baked pro-
by July 2018 (Chapter 7: Nutrition and Food ducts; limits crystallization of candies and fro-
Access). This change reflects the Dietary zen desserts; and contributes the foam structure
Guidelines for Americans recommendations to to whipped cream. Fat provides its own flavor
reduce the amount of added sugars consumed. (butter, bacon, olive oil) and also absorbs and
With this information available on food delivers other flavors in foods. Fat-soluble vita-
packages consumers will be more aware of the mins bind to fats and are absorbed more effi-
amounts and types of sugars in foods and ciently from foods when consumed with a
manufacturers will likely develop new formu- source of fat. For this reason, the nutrients in
lations that reduce the amounts of added salads are better absorbed when consumed
sugars in their products. with a fat-containing dressing compared to a
fat-free dressing. Fats and oils are excellent
media for frying and provide the brown color,
6.7.3 Fat crispy texture, and desirable flavors that make
Fat occurs naturally in meats, milk, and French-fried potatoes so popular.
cheese and is added to foods as vegetable oils, Fat is the most calorie-dense of the macronu-
lard, butter, margarine, or shortening. Salad trients, providing 9 kcal/g, so that foods that
dressings, mayonnaise, ice cream, cheese, choc- contain more fat are naturally higher in calories.
olate, and sour cream are food products that As discussed in more detail in Chapter 7,
Carbohydrate Sugars, starches, Cereals, beans, fruits, vegetables Starch gelatinized, softens Little change
Lipid (fat) Fatty acids Meat, dairy, nuts, seeds, fish Oxidation Little impact
Protein Amino acids Meat, dairy, fish, beans, cereals, Denatured by heat; some amino Little change
nuts acids affected by heat, acid,
Vitamin Aa Carotene, retinol Milkfat, liver, orange fruits, green Unstable in heat, acid, oxygen, Moderate
leafy vegetables UV light loss
Fat soluble
Vitamin D 7-Dehydro- Milk, egg yolk Stable in acid; destroyed in heat, Moderate
cholesterol light, oxygen, alkali loss
Fat soluble
Vitamin E Tocopherols Vegetable oils, nuts Stable to acid; light-sensitive Moderate
Fat soluble
Vitamin K Fat soluble Green leafy vegetables, eggs Stable to heat and oxygen; labile Minimal loss
to acid, alkali, light
Thiamin Vitamin B-1 Whole and enriched cereals, beans Stable to light and acid; Significant
degraded by heat, alkali, and loss
Water soluble oxygen
Riboflavin Vitamin B-2 Whole and enriched cereals, milk, Stable to acid, oxygen; degraded Significant
eggs, meat, green leafy vegetables by light, alkali, heat loss
Water soluble
Riboflavin Vitamin B-2 Whole and enriched cereals, milk, Stable to acid, oxygen; degraded Significant
eggs, meat, green leafy vegetables by light, alkali, heat loss
Water soluble
Niacin Water soluble Meat, fish, eggs, whole grains Stable Little loss
Vitamin B-6 Pyridoxine Meat, fish, eggs Stable to alkali, acid; degraded Little loss
by light and heat
Water soluble
Folacin Folic acid Green leafy vegetables, nuts, beans Sensitive to acid, alkali with Susceptible to
light, oxygen, heat high loss
Water soluble
Vitamin B-12 Cobalamin Meat, fish, dairy Stable to heat, acid, and alkali; Little loss
unstable in light and oxygen
Water soluble
Vitamin C Ascorbic acid Citrus fruits, some fruits and Stable in acid; readily destroyed Susceptible to
vegetables by light, heat, alkali, oxygen high loss
Water soluble
Minerals Calcium,a sodium, Dairy, cereals, meat, fish Stable Little loss
iron,a zinc, iodinea
Nutrient likely to be limited to US diets.
1906 Pure Food and Drug Act Prohibited food adulteration and misbranding
1906 Meat Inspection Act Required federal inspection of slaughterhouses
1907 First Certified Color Regulations Approved seven colors for use in food
1930 McNary-Mapes Amendment Authorized FDA to establish standards of quality and fill-of-
container for canned foods
1938 Food Drug and Cosmetic Act Established standards of quality and procedures for
1939 Food Standards First food standards for canned tomatoes, pureed and paste
1949 Procedures for the Appraisal of the Toxicity of Provided handbook for guidance of food industry
Chemicals in Food
1954 Miller Pesticide Amendment Required safety limits for pesticides on raw agricultural
1958 Food Additives Amendment with Delaney proviso Established safety regulations for new food additives
Banned food additives shown to induce cancer in laboratory
animals or humans
1960 Color Additive Amendment Required manufacturers to establish safety of color
1969 White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Review of all generally recognized as safe (GRAS)
Health substances
1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) Required all packaged foods to bear nutrition labeling
(Nutrition Facts panel) and allowed some health claims
1992 Nutrition Facts panel Ruling to list most important nutrients on Nutrition Facts
1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act Dietary supplements and dietary ingredients regulated as
1995 USDA Pathogen Reduction: Hazard Analysis and First major revision of USDA food safety regulations since
Critical Control Point (HAACP) System regulations revision 1906
1996 Food Quality Protection Act Amendment to eliminate Delaney proviso for pesticides
1997 Food and Drug Modernization Act Regulations for health claims established
2000 Rule on dietary supplements Structure/function claims described
2003 Trans fat included on labels First change in Nutrition Facts panel since 1993
2004 Food Allergy and Consumer Protection Act (FACP) Labeling for protein (milk, eggs, fish, crustacean shellfish,
tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, soybeans) allergy required
2011 Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Established food safety system and authority for
2014 Proposed updates to Nutrition Facts label Eliminated requirement for calories from fat; changed the
list of vitamins and minerals; increased the prominence of
calorie information; required manufacturers to state the
amount of added sugars; adjusted serving size requirements
according to package size
2015 Proposed updates to Nutrition Facts label Include %DV for added sugars
FSMA was signed into law by President food processors must have additional preven-
Obama on January 4, 2011. The primary intent of tive controls especially for fruits, vegetables,
the legislation is to ensure that the US food sup- and animal foods. FDA conducts inspections
ply is safe by shifting the focus of federal regula- and food companies are accountable for preven-
tors from responding to cases of microbial tion of contamination, and the FDA has manda-
contamination to prevention. FDA published the tory recall authority for all food products. Food
final rules for Preventive Controls for Human companies usually comply with FDA’s requests
and Animal Food in 2015 with the implementa- for voluntary recalls so FDA expects it will need
tion of these rules in subsequent years. Farms to invoke recalls infrequently, but this new
and businesses have between 1 and 6 years to authority is a critical improvement in the ability
comply, depending on the size of operation and of FDA to protect public health. FDA has addi-
type of food produced. tional authority for inspection of imported foods
FSMA has two main components. Part 1 and can block admission if a foreign country
applies to farms that grow, harvest, pack, or refuses FDA inspection.
hold raw produce (not including produce such FSMA directs FDA to improve training of
as sweet corn and pumpkins, which are not state, local, territorial, and tribal food safety
eaten raw). Safety guidelines for agricultural officials and authorizes grants for training of
water, biological soil amendments, health and personnel and other food safety activities.
hygiene of workers, domesticated and wild ani- Training of food industry personnel via
mals, and equipment, tools, and buildings are approved courses that meet regulations under
defined. The FDA will create standards for safe the Food Safety Preventive Control Alliance
production and harvesting of fruits and vegeta- (Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part
bles, once they leave the farm, to further mini- 117.155) are being implemented. FSMA also
mize the risk of food-borne illness. directed the CDC to enhance surveillance and
Part 2 of FSMA describes preventive controls improve identification of the causes of food-
for facilities that manufacture, process, pack, or borne illness and the foods involved. Public
hold human food. Managers of food processing health officials, FDA, and CDC must work
plants are required to evaluate the hazards in together to develop new methods for detection
their operation, implement and monitor effec- and policies for prevention of future outbreaks.
tive measures to prevent contamination, and
define a plan for corrective actions. In addition Suggested reading: U.S. Food and Drug Administration (2016).
to HACCP and critical control points (CCPs),
manufacturers to use more terms and descrip- Organic seal cannot be used anywhere on the
tors on their packages. package. Processed products that contain less
than 70% organic ingredients cannot use the
. . .Active and vocal consumers are establishing a term organic other than to identify the specific
trend that involves increasing the availability of ingredients that are organically produced in
healthy, all-natural food options with clean labels.
the ingredients list.
Their advocacy and purchasing power influence
how foods are labeled. As a consequence, besides Organic animal production means that the
ensuring that labels for packaged foods contain animals received 100% organic feed, the feed
mandatory nutrition information, food manufac- contained no GMOs and was grown without
turers are adding to food labels supplementary mes- synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, animals had
saging that appeals to consumers.
access to the outdoors and were never confined,
Tarver (2015)
and received no hormones or antibiotics. The
Simple, pure, safe, non-GMO, allergen-free, term “hormone-free” is not allowed in labeling
cage-free, cruelty-free, and made with whole grains because no animals or animal foods are without
are unregulated terms by the FDA but are hormones. The phrase “raised without supple-
marketing terms aimed to attract consumers mental hormones” or “no hormones adminis-
who believe foods with such labels are safer, tered during finishing” can be used and, if
healthier, or minimally processed. these hormone claims are made with poultry
Manufacturers have also responded to con- and pork, the label must include the sentence
sumer demand for additive-free products and “Federal regulations prohibit the use of hor-
there are many new offerings without artificial mones,” because all poultry and pork are pro-
colors, flavors, and preservatives. duced without hormone treatment.
Congress passed the National Organic
Program in 1990, which gave the USDA
authority to set national standards for organi-
cally raised crops and livestock. Farmers must
apply for and meet these standards in order to
be able to use the Organic label on their pro-
ducts. Products labeled “100% organic” must
contain only organically produced ingredients,
and products labeled “organic” must consist of
at least 95% organically produced ingredients.
Products meeting these standards may display
the USDA Organic seal (Fig. 6.9) on their label.
Processed products that contain at least 70%
organic ingredients may use the phrase “made
with organic ingredients” and list up to three
of the organic ingredients or food groups on
the principal display panel. For example, soup
made with at least 70% organic ingredients FIGURE 6.9 The Organic Food Production Act autho-
rized the USDA to create the Organic Standards and certi-
and only organic vegetables may be labeled fication program. The Organic seal is only allowed to be
either “made with organic peas, potatoes, and used on products that contain at least 95% organically pro-
carrots” or “made with organic vegetables.” duced ingredients. Source: USDA Agricultural Marketing
However, for these products, the USDA Service, www.ams.usda.gov.
consume. Food waste contributes to green- Americans have increased the proportion of
house gases in landfills, is wasteful of energy food they consume away from home from 18%
used to produce and process the food, and is in 1978 to 33% in 2010. From 2002 through
an overall economic loss. 2012, the share of household food expenditures
spent on “food away from home” increased
from 39% to 43% (Fig. 6.10). December 2014
6.9 CONSUMER ATTITUDES marked the first time that restaurant sales
ABOUT PROCESSED FOODS were higher than sales at grocery stores, which
coincided with low gas prices. Food prepared
Food technology evolved along with indus- away from home tends to be lower in nutrient
trialization of all other aspects of American quality, more expensive, and served in larger
life. New ways to process and preserve food, portions.
and conveniences in packaging and prepara- Every sector of the US economy has been
tion, have allowed people to spend less time industrialized and the food industry is no
preparing meals. During the past 50 years, exception. Processed foods are developed by
family structure, the role of women in the creative and innovative entrepreneurs and
home and workplace, and attitudes about food food scientists, and marketed because they are
have changed and will continue to change. profitable for manufacturers and readily
FIGURE 6.10 US consumers spent 43% of their total household expenditures on food purchased and consumed away
from home in 2012. The trend between 2000 and 2007 was for consumers to spend more money on food away from home.
That trend decreased during the recession years, but rebounded since 2009, indicating that people are doing less food
preparation at home. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
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Nutrition and Food Access
components for hormones and enzymes, and recommended for the average healthy adult
micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that today is 0.8 g/kg body weight, or about 56 g
are essential for metabolic functions. for a man and 46 for a woman, so the lower
The advent of the “chemical revolution” in protein level was proven to be correct.
France during the 1800s opened a new era in
discovery of the nature of human physiology.
Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist, was
among those first credited with exploration of
7.1.1 Nutrient Composition of Foods
human respiration and combustion of foods. The study of nutrient composition of foods
Lavoisier found that the amount of carbon in the United States began in the mid-1800s
dioxide in the breath of humans correlated with S.W. Johnson who had studied under
with physical activity and he created the first Liebig and became the first professor of bio-
calorimeter, a device to measure the amount of chemistry at Yale University. Johnson’s stu-
heat produced by an animal. Unfortunately, dent, Wilbur O. Atwater, received the first
Lavoisier was arrested as an enemy of the appropriation from Congress to conduct
Republic and guillotined during the Reign of research in human nutrition. Atwater eventu-
Terror in 1794 before he could complete his ally led the Agricultural Experiment Stations
research. Jean Baptiste Boussingault continued within the USDA and was intrigued with the
Lavoisier’s line of research and conducted the concept of the energy value of foods. One of
first balance (intake and output) studies. He Atwater’s accomplishments was the construc-
tracked the amount of carbon (an element in tion of a respiration calorimeter similar to that
carbohydrates and organic compounds) in cow developed in Germany. His work led to the
feed (intake) and urine, feces, and milk (out- understanding that dietary fats and carbohy-
put). The results showed that carbon intake drates, not only proteins, could be used for
balanced carbon output in healthy animals, mechanical work by the body. The Atwater
but input was greater than output in growing factors of 4 kcal/g of protein or carbohydrate,
animals (because carbon was retained to build 7 kcal/g of alcohol, and 9 kcal/g of fat are still
tissues). This led French chemists to determine used today to estimate the amount of energy
the function of carbon and nitrogen in the generated from foods. In 1896, Atwater created
human body. German scientists, including the first proximate analysis database (nitrogen,
Justus von Liebig, Carl Vogt, and Max Rubner fiber, ash, ether extract, moisture, and carbohy-
developed analytic methods for measuring drates) of foods to teach poor people how to
organic materials and constructed a calorime- obtain their protein requirements at the lowest
ter large enough to hold a person. With these cost. The USDA publication from his work
tools, they established the concepts of meta- was the first to define food within five catego-
bolic conversion of foods to produce body ries of macronutrients: protein, carbohydrate,
tissues and the understanding that macronutri- fat, energy, and water.
ents in food generated specific amounts of By 1950, the USDA had compiled a substan-
body heat. A focus of work during this period tial database on the composition of foods and
was placed on defining the amount of protein produced Agricultural Handbook No. 8,
needed to maintain growth and physical Composition of Foods—Raw, Processed, Prepared.
strength, as protein foods were considered to This document listed the proximate analysis
be of greatest importance. There was much (protein, carbohydrate, fat, and water), five
debate about the amount of protein needed vitamins (vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin, nia-
for health and productive work, with ranges cin, and vitamin C), and three minerals (cal-
of 40 125 g/day. The amount of protein cium, phosphorus, iron) of 750 foods. In 1963,
central nervous system and blood glucose support to the theory that the human organism
levels must be maintained within a very nar- is unable to synthesize the unsaturated fatty
row range to ensure these needs are met. If acids which have been found to be essential for
there is no dietary source of carbohydrate, pro- some animals” (Hansen & Burr, 1932). It wasn’t
teins can be utilized to make glucose (the car- until the 1960s when infant formulas became
bon structure of amino acids is used to make popular and large groups of infants were fed
glucose and the nitrogen is removed and formulas with different amounts and sources
excreted). The proteins come from body tis- of fat that the important role of linoleic acid
sues, mainly muscle. This explains why Munro became evident for humans. Additional work
found negative nitrogen balance in his subjects was required to understand that humans can
fed a diet without carbohydrates. When carbo- synthesize most fatty acids, but must have a
hydrates are restricted for a prolonged period dietary source of either linoleic acid (C18:2 w6)
of time, the body will utilize breakdown pro- or arachidonic acid (C20:4 w6) and that linoleic
ducts of fatty acids (ketones) as an energy acid (C18:2 w3) and eicosapentaenoic acid
source for the central nervous system, but will (C20:4 w3) are also essential for humans.
continue to utilize protein to generate the min- The role of the different types of dietary
imum glucose requirement. Humans are not lipids (saturated, unsaturated, and cholesterol)
able to convert fatty acids to glucose. Dietary and classes (omega-6 and omega-3) in human
forms of carbohydrates are either simple health has been a major focus of nutrition
(monosaccharides such as glucose, or disac- research for the past 60 years. The relationship
charides such as sucrose (glucose 1 fructose)) of dietary fat to disease began in earnest in the
or complex (polysaccharides such as starch 1950s and was brought to the public’s atten-
(chain of glucose)). Humans cannot store car- tion by the National Diet-Heart Study that
bohydrates, other than for a short while in the was published in 1963 (Baker et al., 1963).
form of liver and muscle glycogen, so a daily Ancel Keys was one of the scientists that
intake of carbohydrate is needed to prevent worked on the study, and he had been report-
muscle tissue breakdown. Consumed carbohy- ing that heart disease rates in different coun-
drates that are not needed for immediate use tries correlated with the amount and type of
or to replenish glycogen stores are converted fat that was consumed by that population.
to fat and stored in the body. From data collected from seven countries,
The most challenging macronutrient require- Keys et al. (1986) found populations that con-
ments to be defined were the essential fatty sumed more saturated fat and cholesterol had
acids. George and Mildred Burr, working in higher rates of cardiovascular death compared
the 1930s at the University of Minnesota, found to populations that consumed lower fat diets.
that rats fed diets without fat failed to grow Based on these connections between dietary
and developed scaly tails. The scientists could fat and cholesterol, and risk of cardiovascular
reverse these symptoms by adding only one disease nutritionists encouraged people to
polyunsaturated fatty acid, linoleic acid, to the limit fat and cholesterol intake. This eventu-
animals’ diet. But it was not clear at that time if ally led to the fat-free craze of the 1970s,
humans also required this fatty acid. Infants which may have initiated the obesity epidemic
fed very low-fat diets did develop skin pro- in the United States. Consumers avoided fat
blems, but a clear deficiency disease did not but failed to recognize that calories from car-
develop. George Burr and his collaborator, bohydrates would be converted to body fat
Arild Hansen, concluded in a paper published when consumed in excess of energy needs.
1932 that “[t]his finding, however, together Debate continues today as to the ideal
with various serum lipid studies, gives strong amount, type, and balance of lipids in the diet.
7.1.3 Nutrient Deficiency Diseases deficiency of a vital amine (derived from pro-
teins). This hypothesis turned out to be incor-
Diseases that are now known to be due to rect but the term vitamin was retained. In 1916,
nutrient deficiencies were common throughout research by Elmer V. McCollum and Marguerite
history. Table 7.1 lists diseases that were Davis at the University of Wisconsin led to
widely present from the 1800s to the 1930s, the finding of fat-soluble (Factor A) and water-
usually developing as outbreaks in popula- soluble (Factor B) compounds required for
tions experiencing some type of dietary restric- proper growth and development. To save
tion. Early nutrition scientists used a wide research time and costs, McCollum and Davis
range of experimental approaches to under- developed protocols using rats as experimental
stand dietary factors, including careful docu- models for dietary research, which opened a
mentation of food consumption and disease new era in nutrient discovery. Selected factors
incidence. With limited technology and crude could be removed from the diet of rats until
experimental protocols, researchers struggled symptoms developed and then systematically
to discern if the illnesses were caused by infec- returned to the diet to identify the active com-
tious agents or by toxins present in foods. As pound. By the end of the 1940s, the fat-soluble
the macronutrients became better understood vitamins (A, E, D, and K) and water-soluble
and purified diets could be used in animal vitamins (niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, pantothe-
models, it became clear that factors other than nic acid, folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and
protein, carbohydrate, and fat were necessary vitamin C) had been isolated and their functions
to maintain health. The classification and in human biochemistry began to be understood.
characterization of these accessory factors in Simultaneously, researchers were discovering
foods began in 1912 with Casimir Funk, who that selected minerals, such as iron, copper,
investigated the cause of beriberi and coined zinc, iodine and calcium, sodium, phosphorus,
the term “vitamines.” Funk believed beriberi, and magnesium were also necessary for animal
pellagra, scurvy, and rickets were caused by a and human health.
Dietary component
Disease Symptoms Afflicted population (nutrient)
Scurvy Bleeding from mucous membranes, Sailors, prisoners, potato Citrus juice (vitamin C)
weakness, death famine
Beriberi Weakness, loss of feeling in legs, heart Japanese navy and soldiers, Brown rice polishings
failure prisoners (thiamine)
Night Loss of vision in low light, corneal ulcers, Sailors, children in orphanages Cod-liver oil (vitamin A)
blindness blindness
Goiter Enlarged thyroid gland People from the upper Seaweed ash (iodine)
midwest US
Rickets Weak bones Children in industrialized Sunlight, cod-liver oil
cities (vitamin D)
Pellagra Diarrhea, dermatitis, and dementia Poor people in southern US Meat or dairy foods (niacin)
From Carpenter, K. J. (2003). A short history of nutritional science: Part 1 (1912 1944). Journal of Nutrition, 133, 3023 3032 (Carpenter, 2003).
diseases is possible. Conducting such studies approval all protocols before they are implemen-
using humans would be limited by the wide ted, inspect all research areas where animals are
range of disease expression in people, and the being used, and report any violations. IACUC
inability to measure responses or collect tissues. standards are strictly enforced and violations are
Since 1966 when the Animal Welfare Act was not tolerated. Treating research animals with
passed, all animals used in research must be care and respect is expected of all scientists. The
handled and treated humanely. The law requires use of animals in research has been essential for
that an Institutional Animal Care and Use providing the understanding of how nutrients
Committee (IACUC) be in place at any location function in humans.
where animals are being used. The IACUC must
include researchers, veterinarians, and members Suggested reading: USDA Animal Welfare Act: https://www.
of the public. IACUC members review and
7.1.4 Promoting Food for Health Other popular leaders of health foods of the
time were Will Keith Kellogg and his brother
As scientists were discovering the biochemi- Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, who ran a sanitarium
cal role of nutrients in foods in the United in Battle Creek, Michigan in the 1800s. The
States, public interest in food and health was Kellogg brothers held the theory that the ill-
also evolving. Just as Hippocrates had con- nesses they observed among patients in the san-
nected food with health, Americans were also itarium were largely caused by bad intestinal
searching for ways to improve their health flora. They experimented with putting patients
through food. In the early 1830s, Reverend on strict diets containing vegetables and nuts,
Sylvester Graham, a Presbyterian minister and developed a process to make flakes from
from New Jersey, advocated for vegetarianism wheat and corn, resulting in a light breakfast
as a means to achieve purity of life. He recom- cereal. With the concurrent introduction of pas-
mended a diet of fruit, vegetables, and whole teurized milk, the American breakfast cereal
wheat, with no meat or spices and only market took off. “Corn Flakes” launched the
sparing use of milk, egg, cheese, and butter. Kellogg Company in 1906, followed by “Bran
To encourage his followers, he created Dr. Flakes” and “All Bran” cereals in 1915 and 1916.
Graham’s Honey Biskets, made with a special The Kellogg brothers were ahead of their time
type of whole wheat flour (now called graham as scientists are just now starting to understand
flour). These graham crackers were a market the connections between the gut microflora and
success and, by 1900, the several bakeries that health.
were producing them joined together to form Candle maker William Procter and soap
the National Biscuit Company, which eventu- maker James Gamble in Cincinnati, Ohio,
ally became Nabisco. “Honey Grahams” along combined their trades to forge the Procter
with the popular “Teddy Grahams” continue and Gamble Company (now P&G) in 1837.
to be sold by Nabisco (part of Mondelez Both candles and soap were derived from the
International) today, although the recipe has animal processing industry, so adding cook-
been modified over the years. ing lard (beef or pork fat) to their product
line was a natural extension. In 1911, P&G Slight variations of these guides, including
introduced a new product called Crisco, food purchasing plans, were widely used by
which was the first all-vegetable solid fat the public. When the United States entered the
product made using the newly developed Great Depression in 1930, the USDA food
process of hydrogenation. By adding hydro- guides focused on economic food plans and
gen atoms to liquid vegetable oils, the fats recommended ways to meet nutritional needs at
became more solid at room temperature. different cost levels. The USDA has continually
P&G promoted Crisco as more digestible provided such recommendations (today called
and economical than lard and touted the the Thrifty Food Plan) to provide consumers with
cleanliness and purity of the product (it was guidance for meeting their nutritional needs
pure white) to homemakers. The company within their budget allowances.
hired home economists to lead Crisco cook- As nutrition research was uncovering that
ing schools across the country and eventually foods contained specific components neces-
on television to demonstrate how to use sary for growth, physical activity, and mainte-
the product. This new model of marketing nance of health, quantification of the amounts
food by demonstration (“home demonstration of these nutrients became possible. The first
agents” in the Cooperative Extension Service attempt to define nutrient requirements
were also effective educators for new innova- occurred in 1941 following the National
tions) was highly successful. The hydrogena- Nutrition Conference for Defense called by
tion process used to make Crisco shortening President Franklin Roosevelt. The demands of
and other solid vegetable fats, as will be providing food for the military during WWII,
discussed later, creates the unnatural trans combined with a loss of imports, strained the
form of unsaturated fatty acids, which have food supply. Rationing of some foods was
been linked to an increased risk of heart necessary and concerns about maintaining the
disease. health of the population became an issue of
national security. Three major goals were out-
lined by Vice President Henry Wallace during
7.2 DEFINING NUTRIENT the Conference: (1) eliminate deaths caused
REQUIREMENTS by dietary deficiencies; (2) reduce diseases
FOR THE POPULATION due to insufficient food; and (3) make sure
everyone in the United States had an ade-
One of the earliest roles assumed by the quate diet. The first Recommended Dietary
USDA was to provide dietary guidance to the Allowances (RDA) (developed over the previ-
American people. Based on the work of ous year by the Food and Nutrition Board of
Atwater, a Farmers’ Bulletin was published in the National Academy of Sciences) was
1894 that suggested the amounts of protein, released at the Conference. This first publica-
carbohydrate, fat, and mineral ash (vitamins tion of the RDA included recommendations
and minerals had not yet been discovered) for for calories and nine nutrients: protein, iron,
healthy men. In 1916, the first USDA food calcium, vitamins A and D, thiamine, ribofla-
guide, Food for Young Children, was developed vin, niacin, and vitamin C. Recommendations
by Caroline Hunt. By this time, foods were cat- were provided for different age groups,
egorized into five groups: milk and meat, cer- both genders, and pregnant and lactating
eals, vegetables and fruits, fats and fatty foods, women. The RDA was revised periodically
and sugars and sugary foods. The following and the number of nutrients included in the
year, Hunt and Atwater developed How to recommendations increased to 25 by 1989
Select Foods, a guide for the general public. when the 10th edition was completed.
EAR Estimated Average Average daily nutrient intake level estimated to meet the requirements of
Requirement 50% of healthy individuals within an age and gender group.
RDA Recommended Dietary Average daily dietary nutrient intake level sufficient to meet the nutrient
Allowance requirements of nearly all (97.5%) healthy individuals within an age and
gender group; set at 2 SD above the mean requirement (EAR).
AI Adequate Intake Average daily intake level by a group of apparently healthy people that is
assumed to be adequate; provided when an EAR and RDA cannot be
UL Upper Limit Highest average daily nutrient intake level likely to pose no risk of adverse
health effects to almost all individuals in the general population.
EER Estimated Energy Average energy intake predicted to maintain energy balance in a healthy
Requirement individual at a specific level of energy expenditure.
AMDR Adequate Macronutrient Range of intake of protein, fat, and carbohydrate that is associated with a
Distribution Range reduced risk of chronic disease, yet can provide adequate amounts of
essential nutrients.
From Murphy, S. P., Yates, A. A., Atkinson, S. A., Barr, S. I., & Dwyer, J. (2016). History of nutrition: The long road leading to the dietary reference
intakes for the United States and Canada. Advances in Nutrition, 7, 157 168 (Murphy, Yates, Atkinson, Barr, & Dwyer, 2016).
Defining nutrient requirements for the gen- Around the time that the 10th RDA was
eral population is a significant undertaking. completed, nutrition researchers were recog-
Responsibility for the RDA was assumed by nizing that the concept of the RDA, which was
the Food and Nutrition Board within the a single value of the defined amount of each
Institute of Medicine of the National nutrient required by a specific age, gender, or
Academies of Science. The process involves pregnancy/lactation, was not sufficient for the
convening a panel of experts, including scien- wide range of uses for nutrient requirement
tists and healthcare professionals, who review information. A new concept was proposed by
the body of evidence related to each nutrient. the Food and Nutrition Board, the Dietary
The panel must determine the quality and Reference Intakes (DRI). The development of
accuracy of each study, and interpret the the DRIs began in 1994 and was a joint collabo-
results. They take into consideration all of the ration between the United States and Canada.
variables within the studies, and draw a con- It took about 10 years for all of the nutrients
sensus from the evidence available at that time to be sufficiently reviewed and documented
for the appropriate requirement for each nutri- in the DRI framework. The RDA was replaced
ent for each age and gender category. This is a with the DRI, which is a group of values
challenge for the panel members, who volun- designed for specific uses, as shown in
teer their time for the work. Having a clear Table 7.2.
standard of nutrient intakes is of great value The DRIs have been effective in providing a
for many reasons including guidance for framework for dietary guidelines and recom-
school, military, or other congregate feeding mendations, monitoring the quality of dietary
programs; food fortification or enrichment; and intake in the population, advising standards
clinical assessment of adequate nutrient intake. for school feeding programs and the military,
and for nutrition labeling of foods. The DRIs 70% of children were afflicted with the condi-
provide a means to describe the potential for tion. During WWI, a Michigan physician noted
inadequate or toxic levels of a nutrient for the that many local young men were being disqua-
population. A graphic illustration of three of lified from military enlistment because of goiter.
the DRI values is shown in Fig. 7.1. Links between iodine and goiter had been made
by Jean Baptiste Boussingault in France in the
1800s. In 1917 David Marine, an Ohio physician,
experimented with giving iodine to schoolgirls,
7.2.1 Nutrient Deficiency
which reduced the incidence of goiter in the
and Public Health children. Over the next few years, research con-
Hunger and malnutrition were fairly com- firmed that iodine supplementation prevented
mon conditions during the settling of the goiter. This led the Michigan State Medical
United States. From 1800 to 1900, the average Society to launch the first food fortification cam-
life expectancy of white men was less than 50 paign to address a public health problem. Salt
years of age. The main causes of death were was identified as the best vehicle to widely
influenza, pneumonia, heart disease, and diar- administer iodine to the public because every-
rhea. Poor sanitation and a lack of antibiotics one used salt. Although the salt industry balked
and vaccines were the primary reasons these at first, stating that they were not in the busi-
diseases were so common. While not recog- ness of pharmaceuticals, the public health cam-
nized until much later, poor nutritional status paign soon overcame their resistance. The first
exacerbates the risk for, and also likely contrib- iodized salt was available in grocery stores in
uted to, the high incidence of infectious dis- 1924. No federal legislation was ever passed
eases. Nutritional deficiencies including goiter, requiring salt to be iodized, and the only cur-
rickets, pellagra, and anemia were widespread rent ruling is that any salt sold in the United
public health concerns as well, although the States must be labeled as “supplying” or “not
link to dietary components was not yet known. supplying” “iodide, a necessary nutrient.”
Goiter is characterized by enlargement of the The bone deformation condition known as
thyroid gland (thyromegaly), which results in a rickets was likely rare in early civilizations that
swelling around the neck. Before 1920, regions arose in regions with abundant sunlight. When
of the United States including the Great Lakes, industrialization began, people moved from
Appalachian Mountains, and Northwest were farms to crowded cities with high levels of air
known as the “goiter belt” because as many as pollution and children went to work in factories,
In recent years, nutrients and other com- and Drug Administration (FDA) (for nutrition
pounds, including caffeine and botanical labeling).
extracts, have been added to energy drinks and Policy makers involved in nutrition programs
shots (such as 5-hour ENERGY), which are espe- include those in county government, city gov-
cially popular among youth. The FDA does ernment, school districts, school boards, and
not define or regulate the levels of nonessential corporate managers. The legislative process fol-
compounds added to supplemented foods and lows discussions and revisions of the policy
beverages. Some nutritionists and health profes- agenda, as well as policy formulation, adoption,
sionals have raised concern that the widespread implementation, evaluation, and termination.
addition of nutrients, even those that are FDA The process involved in federal legislative
regulated, to so many foods may potentially cre- actions starts when a bill is developed and intro-
ate intakes that exceed the DRI upper limits for duced, then referred to a committee (Senate or
safety. The risk of excessive nutrient intakes House) for hearings and modifications. The
would be exacerbated by the use of vitamin and committee will take action (vote in favor or
other dietary supplements in combination with against), refer the bill to a conference committee,
consumption of enriched, fortified, or supple- then for a floor vote. When the bill has been
mented foods. As shown in Fig. 7.1, toxicity can approved by both chambers (House and Senate)
occur at doses of nutrients above a defined it is forwarded to the president for approval
threshold. There is increasing awareness that or rejection. A bill that makes it through to
high intakes of both essential nutrients and presidential action becomes a law. The law is
supplemented compounds (e.g., caffeine) may assigned to a federal program for administra-
become a problem for some segments of the tion, where policy is defined and published in
population, particularly children. the Federal Register (www.federalregister.gov).
Within the USDA, there are seven underse-
cretaries. Three secretaries oversee nutrition
7.2.2 Public Policy and Nutrition programs: Food Nutrition and Consumer
Programs Services (FNCS); Research, Education, and
Economics (REE); and Food Safety. Under the
A policy is “a course of action or principle
Food and Nutrition Service are 15 federal
adopted or proposed by a government, party,
nutrition assistance programs:
business, or individual.” There are two compo-
nents of policies: (1) statement or goal of what is • National School Lunch Program (NSLP)
to be accomplished and; (2) set of practical rules, • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
guidelines, or regulations to accomplish the goal (SNAP)
or program. The tenets of US nutrition policy are • Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for
to provide adequate food at affordable cost; Women, Infants & Children (WIC)
ensure quality, safety, and wholesomeness of the • School Breakfast Program (SBP)
food supply; ensure food access to people in • Child and Adult Care Food Program
need; provide information and education to sup- (CACFP)
port informed food choices; support science/ • Commodity Supplemental Food Program
research base in food and nutrition; and integrate (CSFP)
nutrition into preventative and medical care. • Food Assistance for Disaster Relief (FADR)
The primary federal agencies involved in • Food Distribution Program on Indian
administering nutrition policy include the USDA Reservations (FDPIR)
Food and Nutrition Service, Centers for Disease • Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP)
Control and Prevention (CDC), and the Food • Nutrition Assistance Block Grants (NABG)
FIGURE 7.2 The majority of funding provided in the 2014 Farm Bill for nutrition assistance is committed to the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). The National School Lunch Program (NSLP); Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC); and School Breakfast Program (SBP) receive smaller allot-
ments of funding. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
TABLE 7.3 Timeline of Major Events and Federal Food Assistance Programs
Major events Food assistance programs
1930 39 Great Depression and Dust Bowl 1933 Agricultural Adjustment Act
1935 Commodity Food Distribution
1939 43 Food Stamp Program
1938 Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
1962 Michael Harrington The Other America 1961 Food Stamp pilot program
1964 Food Stamp Act
1960 Presidential campaign Kennedy vs Nixon 1972 Special Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infants, and
1964 Lyndon Johnson War on Poverty 1972 Congregate Meals Program and Home Delivered Meals Program
(meals on wheels)
1968 CBS documentary Hunger in America
1969 March on Washington
1969 White House Conference on Food, 1977 Dietary Goals for the United States
Nutrition, and Health
1980 Nutrition and Your Health: Dietary Guidelines for Americans
1989 DRI introduced
1990 Nutrition Labeling and Education Act 1994 Nutrition Facts panel required
2000 Healthy People 2000 1994 FDA allows health claims on packages
2010 Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act 2008 USDA identifies food deserts
2013 AMA defines obesity as a disease 2008 Food Stamp Program renamed SNAP
FIGURE 7.3 The number of people that utilized food stamps or Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
benefits increased quickly through the 1980s. Changes in government-regulated eligibility created periods of decreased or
increased access through the 1990s. The economic downturn during the mid-2000s created high need for food support
among Americans. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
foods (that had been purchased from farmers Poverty. Growth in the use of the program
by the USDA). This first food stamp program was steady; by 1974 over 15 million people
lasted 4 years, but served 20 million people at were participating. During the 1970s, program
a cost of $262 million. The program was reforms included establishing national eligibil-
considered to be successful because it kept ity standards to replace the state-by-state regu-
farmers from bankruptcy and saved people lations. The Food Stamp Act of 1977 increased
from starvation. By 1943, the economy had access and established income eligibility based
recovered and the Food Stamp Program was on the poverty threshold and eliminated the
discontinued. requirement that participants had to purchase
President John Kennedy restarted the Food stamps to obtain free ones. These changes
Stamp Program in 1961 in response to the hun- increased participation significantly and over
ger and poverty he observed during his presi- 20 million people were accessing food stamps
dential campaign. This pilot program did not by 1980 (Fig. 7.3). Fiscal cutbacks in the 1980s,
require participants to purchase surplus com- in response to the national recession, caused
modities, but did require them to purchase reduction in funding and participation
some stamps to obtain free ones. The program remained fairly flat over the decade. There
reached over 380,000 people within 3 years. was a small surge in participation through the
Congress passed the Food Stamp Act of 1964, 1990s because Congress restored funding to
which made the program permanent, in sup- address hunger issues in the United States.
port of President Lyndon Johnson’s War on Then in 1996, President Bill Clinton promoted
the Personal Responsibility and Work Evidence from the program has found that the
Opportunities Reconciliation Act, also known majority of SNAP benefits are distributed to
as “Welfare to Work.” This program required families with children and about 4 in 10 SNAP
participants without dependents to work at recipients live in a household where at least
least 20 hours/week and implemented other one person works. Improvement in school per-
requirements that caused food stamp partici- formance and health of children are documen-
pation to decline steadily. The economic ted benefits of the program. The SNAP
downturn of 2000 created new demand for the program has an economic impact by increasing
program and generated resurgence in partici- food sales and creating jobs. Misuse of SNAP
pation. The 2008 Farm Bill changed the pro- benefits is monitored and the introduction of
gram name to SNAP and increased funding, the electronic benefit transfer (EBT) card
and the 2009 American Recovery and makes abuse more difficult and allows careful
Reinvestment Act provided an increase in the monitoring. SNAP benefits can be used to pur-
allotment per family. As shown in Fig. 7.3, the chase foods for the household to eat, such as
number of participants climbed from 20 mil- breads and cereals, fruits and vegetables,
lion in 2000 to 45 million in 2016. The 2014 meats, fish and poultry, dairy products, and
Farm Bill approved by President Barack seeds and plants that produce food. Soft
Obama cut SNAP funding by $800 million per drinks, candy, cookies, snack crackers, bakery
year for 10 years, which will likely reduce the cakes, and ice cream are food items and eligi-
number of SNAP recipients. ble purchases. Allowing SNAP benefits to be
Current eligibility requirements for SNAP used to purchase such items is controversial
benefits are less than $2250 in resources and considering the need to prevent obesity and
an income of less than $26,124 a year for a focus on healthier food choices. In some areas,
family of three. Able-bodied adults between restaurants can be authorized to accept SNAP
16 and 60 years of age, without dependent benefits from qualified homeless, elderly, or
children, can access benefits for only 3 disabled people in exchange for low-cost
months if they are not working. SNAP meals. SNAP benefits cannot be used to buy
benefits would be about $511 per month for a beer, wine, liquor, cigarettes or tobacco, or any
family of 3 or about $1.90 per person per nonfood items, such as pet foods, soaps, paper
meal. It is very difficult to meet nutrient products, household supplies, vitamins and
requirements on this amount of money and medicines, food that will be eaten in the store,
SNAP participants frequently access commu- or hot foods.
nity food pantries and other services to secure
sufficient food.
The Food Stamp/SNAP program has been
called “the cornerstone of the nation’s nutri-
7.2.4 National School Lunch Program
tion safety net.” Criticism of the SNAP pro- Massachusetts was the first state to enact a
gram includes concerns over the government compulsory education law in 1852 requiring
subsidizing food assistance and potential mis- all children to attend school. Other states soon
use of the funds by participants. Some argue followed, with the intent of ensuring all citi-
that participating in the program discourages zens had access to a basic education and to
individual work ethic and motivation. As with discourage children from being exploited to
any large government program, abuses occur, work in factories. Providing meals to school
but the great majority of people receiving children was the responsibility of parents, and
SNAP benefits use them appropriately. a disparity between rich and poor was
Funding for nutrition education and training vegetables every day of the week, substantially
was cut during difficult financial times. In increased offerings of whole grain rich foods
some communities, fast food restaurants (Fig. 7.4), allowed only fat-free or low-fat milk
opened near schools and students opted to varieties, limited calories based on the age of
buy lunch off-campus rather than eat the children being served to ensure proper portion
school lunch offerings. At the same time, pub- size, and increased the focus on reducing the
lic health experts were raising the alarm about amounts of saturated fat, trans fats, and
increasing rates of childhood obesity. The sodium.
release of Healthy People 2000 (1990) by the Today, the NSLP is operating in over
Department of Health and Human Services 100,000 US schools and 31 million children
(DHHS) called on school meal programs to receive low-cost or free meals daily. Children
meet the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are eligible for free meals if their family has an
(DGA) by 2000. The USDA responded by income at or below 130% of the poverty line
implementing new regulations for school and children are eligible for reduced-price
meals, including reducing the amount of fat meals (students charged no more than 40b) if
and adding more fruits, vegetables, and whole their family has an income between 130% and
grains. Further changes came with the Healthy 185% of the poverty level. A family of 4 with
Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, which was an income of $44,863 or less is eligible for
approved by President Barack Obama. This reduced-price meals and families with incomes
sweeping legislation required schools to less than $31,525 are eligible for free meals.
develop wellness policies, specifically defined Children whose families have an income above
nutrition standards for foods sold in schools 185% of the poverty level pay the full price,
(including vending machines), reinstated train- which is set by the local school food authori-
ing and education for school food service ties, but the meal service operation must run
directors, increased breakfast and after-school as a nonprofit program. The USDA provides
food service, and created the Farm-to-School schools with cash reimbursement for the free
program. New standards for meals ensured and reduced meals they serve. Free lunch
students were offered both fruits and rebates to schools equal $2.86 with a bonus of
The Format of the Dietary Guidelines Changed in 2005 to Focus on Eating Patterns
of saturated fats, trans fats, added sugars and manage disease on one hand and overseeing
sodium and moderate alcohol intake continue food labeling and safety on the other. The dis-
to be recommended. An outcome of the 2015 tinction between drugs and foods was clear in
DGA has been the recommendation to list the legislation but less clear in practice. During
“added sugars” on the Nutrition Facts panel of the 1930s as vitamins and minerals were being
food labels. The FDA announced this change in discovered and linked to disease, foods con-
2016; it will become required in 2018. taining these nutrients were advertised for
their preventative and curative effects. And
when scientists began linking diets high in fat
and cholesterol with heart disease in the 1950s,
7.2.8 Nutrition Labeling new challenges to connect disease with foods
Food marketers have always been interested arose. Throughout its history, the FDA strongly
in using nutrition and health claims to sell their discouraged advertising claims about the
products. The FDA is responsible for assessing health effects of foods and threatened to reclas-
the efficacy and safety of drugs to treat and sify foods as drugs if such claims were made.
By the mid-1970s, there was convincing evi- States. The purpose of the Nutrition Facts panel
dence from nutrition research that diets rich in was to provide consumers with the serving size;
fiber were associated with lower risks of colon the amount of calories, fat, and fiber in the serv-
cancer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI) ing; and a way to determine how well the prod-
began reviewing diet and cancer relationships uct met nutritional needs (Fig. 7.6). The latter
during that time and released recommenda- was not a simple task and the FDA struggled
tions in 1979 that included, among other with finding a clear and understandable way to
things, a generous intake of dietary fiber. In post information on a package about nutrient
this scenario, consumers were receiving infor- content. The decision was made to use the new
mation about foods and health from these reli- concept of % Daily Value (DV). As described
able sources, but were unable to connect that previously, the nutrient requirement (RDA) for
information directly with food products. The each of the vitamins and minerals is defined by
Kellogg Corporation saw the potential benefit age and gender. It would not be possible to list
of linking fiber to cancer prevention for their all of these possible recommended levels on a
“All-Bran” cereal and launched a marketing food label. As a compromise, a DV was selected
campaign in 1984 promoting the cereal as a for each essential nutrient to be used on the
way to reduce the risk of cancer. The NCI Nutrition Facts panel. A DV was defined for
actually cooperated with Kellogg’s on the cam- components that did not have an RDA value but
paign by reviewing the ads for accuracy and were required to be included on the Nutrition
providing a toll-free telephone number for Facts panel including total fat, saturated fat, cho-
consumers to contact the NCI for information lesterol, sodium, total carbohydrate, and dietary
about diet and cancer. The FDA had not fiber. The DV is designed to ensure adequate
approved the campaign, however, and voiced nutrient intake when consuming a diet of
its objection. With encouragement from the 2000 kcal/day. A food item with a %DV of less
NCI, the FDA eventually allowed the cam- than 5 is defined as a low source and a %DV of
paign to continue and announced a review of 20 as a high source for that particular nutrient.
its policy about health claims on foods. This Finding a more effective way to convey
opened the door for additional foods and nutrition information on the food package con-
claims and much public and legal debate tinues to be a challenge. For the past few years,
about the process. Finding the proper balance consumers, scientists, and government experts
between consumer protection and access to have been evaluating and debating the efficacy
information was a challenge and the FDA was of the Nutrition Facts panel. An outcome of
rapidly overwhelmed with trying to regulate these discussions was that in 2016 the FDA
and manage this new environment. announced changes to the Nutrition Facts
In 1990, in response to the challenges faced by panel for implementation by 2018 (Fig. 7.6).
the FDA and increasing pressure to provide con- Eight changes have been implemented for the
sumers with information about food composi- new Nutrition Facts panel including:
tion and its role in health, Congress passed an
1. Larger type for serving size
amendment to the Federal Food, Drug, and
2. Larger type for calories
Cosmetic Act. The Nutrition Labeling and
3. Updated serving sizes to match consumer
Education Act (NLEA) required that nutrition
expectations for the packaged food
information be included on the food package
4. Updated Daily Values
and defined the regulatory process for health
5. Change in the nutrients required to be on
claims. By 1994, the Nutrition Facts panel was
the panel (vitamin D, calcium, iron, and
developed and standardized by the FDA and
became required for all foods sold in the United
FIGURE 7.6 The Nutrition Facts panel has been required on food packages since 1994. The composition and required
information on the panel has remained the same since then and is shown on the left panel. Changes to the panel, as
shown on the right, have been approved to be implemented by 2018. The main changes are to increase the type of serving
size and calories, include added sugars, and to change the required nutrients from vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron to
vitamin D, calcium, iron, and potassium to better reflect the nutrients that consumers are not consuming adequately.
Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
6. Amounts of nutrients listed with the %DV FDA when the new panel goes into effect. This
7. Added sugars listed change was made because manufacturers were
8. Footnote to explain %DV tempted to reduce the serving size of their prod-
uct to keep the calorie value low. Consumers’
The Nutrition Facts panel provides informa-
perception of a serving size may not be in agree-
tion to consumers about the nutritional value of
ment with the label. A prime example is break-
the food in a variety of ways. The caloric value
fast cereals, which typically list a serving size as
of the food for a single serving, the serving size,
/4 cup. When consumers pour a bowl of cereal
and servings per container are listed. The serv-
the amount is closer to 1.5 2 cups of cereal.
ing size was defined by the manufacturer but
Making the consumer expectation for a serving
will be standardized for food categories by the
more in agreement with the Nutrition Facts
panel is a goal of the new regulations. The mid- posts the petition on its website to invite public
dle section of the Nutrition Facts panel includes comment. The scientific evidence for the claim is
information about nutrients of concern, fats, then assessed by the FDA and they determine if
cholesterol, sodium, sugars, and proteins listed it will be approved or rejected.
in gram quantity and %DV. Listing added Four years after NLEA was signed into law,
sugars will be required in the new regulation. the Dietary Supplement, Health, and Education
The bottom panel lists the amount and %DV of Act (DSHEA) was approved. The dietary supple-
selected micronutrients. The micronutrients ment industry was growing rapidly at this time
required by the FDA to be listed will change and had substantial lobbying influence. The 1994
with the 2018 regulations to include vitamin D, DSHEA amendment to the Food, Drug, and
calcium, iron, and potassium. These nutrients Cosmetic Act created a separate system for the
are considered to be the ones most commonly management of dietary supplements from the
consumed in inadequate amounts by the popu- established processes for either food or drugs. A
lation. Manufacturers may list other micronutri- dietary supplement is defined as a vitamin, min-
ents on the panel if they choose. The panel eral, herb or botanical, amino acid, or any sup-
includes the %DV measure to allow consumers plement to the diet that is not a conventional
a way to quickly estimate the nutritive value of food or sole item of a meal. The law allows man-
the food, but it is important to remember that ufacturers to market any products that were
the value is based on a 2000 calorie diet. already on the market before 1994 without FDA
NLEA gave FDA clear authority to define approval. New products entering the market
health claims on food labels. A health claim is after 1994 must receive FDA approval. The law
defined by the FDA as a statement that was quite liberal in allowing products to be mar-
“describe(s) a relationship between a food sub- keting without the rigorous testing that would
stance (a food, food component, or dietary be required for drugs. Under the law, the FDA
ingredient), and reduced risk of a disease or may restrict the sale of products only if they can
health-related condition.” NLEA required the show they are unsafe or ineffective. DSHEA
food industry to demonstrate scientific evidence requires the packages of all dietary supplements
for health claims and for the FDA to approve to include a Supplement Facts panel similar to
them before they could be used on a label or the Nutrition Facts panel, a list of ingredients,
advertising campaign. The basic premises of the and information about the source and manufac-
law are that claim statements must follow FDA turer. Unlike drugs, dietary supplements are not
guidelines and may not claim to directly cure or subject to purity or quality standards. If the label
treat disease. The FDA has approved a wide makes any claim about the health benefits of the
range of health claims and numerous “quali- product, it must include a disclaimer that “this
fied” health claims that have emerging but not statement has not been evaluated by the Food
definitive scientific evidence. An example of a and Drug Administration” but the FDA does not
health claim that is approved by the FDA would have to approve the claim.
be “a diet low in total fat may reduce the risk of
some cancers.” The FDA also approves struc-
ture/function claims that describe the role of a 7.3 ASSESSING AMERICANS’
nutrient or dietary ingredient that affects the NUTRITIONAL STATUS
normal structure or function of the body. An
example of an approved structure/function In response Hunger USA (1968), the US
claim would be “calcium builds strong bones.” Congress commissioned the Ten-State Nutrition
The FDA accepts petitions for health claims and Survey to measure the incidence and locations
FIGURE 7.7 An assessment of the nutritional status of the population conducted by the USDA in 1941 found that peo-
ple living on farms had better diets than those living in villages or cities. This survey was one of the first to assess the
diets of populations as a means of determining the health of Americans. Source: Illustration created by Reannon Overbey,
from Are we well fed? USDA Bureau of Home Economics Publication Number 430, 1941.
observation of high levels of lead in children, food with $298 of that food generated on their
which provided evidence to support the ban farm and $155 worth of food purchased. A
on lead-based gasoline and paints. In 1998 comparison of farm to city families in 1941
NHANES data showed a high incidence of found that more people living in cities had fair
low folate levels in women of child-bearing or poor diets compared to those living on
age. Previous research had correlated low farms (Fig. 7.7).
folate levels in pregnant women with The USDA data collected between 1942 and
increased risk of neural tube defects in their 1948 found that the consumption of iron, thia-
babies. Based on the NHANES findings, the mine, riboflavin, and niacin had improved due
FDA decided to add folate to the nutrients to the enrichment of flour with these nutrients,
added to enriched bread, cornmeal, rice and but also because of increased consumption of
other grains to improve the folate intake of the milk and dairy products. Income was then and
population. This has led to reduced incidence continues to be a significant determinant of
of neural tube defects in the US. nutritional adequacy. In 1955, 62% of families
with an annual income of $6000 had adequate
dietary intake compared to only 34% of fami-
lies with incomes less than $2000, with families
7.3.2 Food Consumption Surveys in the southern United States at higher risk
As the overseer of agriculture and farm pro- than those in northern states.
duction, the USDA assesses food production The USDA began conducted the Continuing
and markets. The Economic Research Service Survey of Food Intakes of Individuals (CSFII) in
(ERS) provides free access to this wide range 1985 to determine the food and nutrient content
of data on its website (www.ers.usda.gov). The of diets consumed by Americans. The first sur-
USDA has conducted surveys and collected veys consisted of personal interviews of women
data on food consumption since the 1930s. One to gather 1-day food and nutrient intakes for
of these early surveys reported that farm fami- themselves and their children. In 2001, the CSFII
lies in Pennsylvania and Ohio in 1940, com- was combined with dietary surveys
prised of a husband, wife, and two children, being collected in NHANES. The new platform
had on average an annual income of $1000 was renamed the What We Eat in America
$1249. On average, families had $435 worth of (WWEA) survey. WWEA is conducted annually,
FIGURE 7.8 During WWII, rationing of certain foods was needed because of shortages in production and disruption
of imports. Posters were used to encourage the public to plant gardens and conserve food so that adequate food could be
provided to the military and general population. Source: Images from the National Agricultural Library.
was activated to teach home canning courses lunch, and nutrition education programs, and
and to provide nutritional guidance to consu- creation of the Supplemental Food Program for
mers. These efforts were successful and mal- Women, Infants, and Children, and Congregate
nutrition was not a major problem during the Meals and Home Delivered Meals programs to
war years in the United States. address hunger among the elderly. These pro-
When the war ended and through the 1950s, grams, along with a strong economy during the
there was general economic growth and pros- 1970s, resulted in reduction of poverty rates to
perity, the Baby Boom generation began, and 11% by 1973.
funding for food assistance programs was
largely discontinued. But hunger and poverty
had not been eliminated. The tumultuous years 7.4.1 Food Insecurity in the US
of the 1960s, with racial unrest and increased
The concept of “hunger” proved hard to
inner city populations, created a new environ-
quantify from an economic or access perspec-
ment for poverty and food insecurity. The pov-
tive. A working group from the American
erty rate in 1959 was 22% and was three times
Institute of Nutrition (now the American
higher among blacks compared to Caucasians.
Society for Nutrition) introduced the terms
There was also a significant increase in the
“food security” and “food insecurity” in 1990.
number of poor people living in families
As a means of tracking information about food
headed by women, which was as high as 50%
security, the USDA and the National Center
in poor minority populations. The Civil Rights
for Health Statistics developed the Food
Movement was active in seeking political action
Security Scale (FSS) consisting of a set of 18
to improve economic and social equality for
questions that were included in the annual
minorities and, in 1963, organized the March on
Census Bureau Current Population Survey
Washington. Over 200,000 people participated
beginning in 1995. These questions provided
in the rally that included the “I Have a Dream”
quantitative measures, collected on an annual
speech given by Dr. Martin Luther King. As
basis, of the amount of food insecurity experi-
discussed in Chapter 2, History of US
enced by Americans. The USDA uses the FSS
Agriculture and Food Production, President
data as well as other information on food
John Kennedy restarted the food stamp pro-
access to define food security as follows:
gram and his successor Lyndon Johnson
Food Security:
launched his War on Poverty. The demands of
the Vietnam War left little time or money for • High food security—Households had no
domestic food assistance programs but by the problems, or anxiety about, consistently
end of his term, Johnson had made important accessing adequate food.
progress by passing the Food Stamp Act of • Marginal food security—Households had
1964 and expanding the National School Lunch problems at times, or anxiety about,
Program (NSLP). President Richard Nixon con- accessing adequate food, but the quality,
tinued efforts to address hunger and poverty variety, and quantity of their food intake
during his term. He called for the White House were not substantially reduced.
Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health,
Food Insecurity:
which brought together leaders in nutrition,
public health, food, and agriculture; federal, • Low food security—Households reduced
state, and local governments; and consumer the quality, variety, and desirability of their
groups for the first time to discuss food and diets, but the quantity of food intake and
nutrition issues. The outcomes of the conference normal eating patterns were not
were enhancement of the food stamp, school substantially disrupted.
FIGURE 7.9 Food insecurity in the United States population increased during the 2007 09 recession especially among
black and Hispanic households. The rate of food insecurity among all populations has not returned to the levels before
the recession. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
FIGURE 7.10 Food insecurity is strongly associated with poverty. Households with incomes that are at the poverty
level (1.00) or at 85% of the poverty level (1.85) have higher prevalence of food insecurity compared to those with incomes
above that level. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
their stores, and the vending machine supplier influence food purchasing behavior beyond
Sodexo has added healthier options. Walmart, simply having access to food markets. Food
which is the largest food marketer in the prices, knowledge about food preparation, eat-
United States (Walmart had 68 supercenters ing habits, and cultural preferences all play
with grocery stores in 1994 and 3288 in 2015), important roles in food buying decisions.
began opening smaller stores in urban and
rural food desert areas to provide more options
for local residents. Walgreens, which is primar-
7.4.4 Nongovernmental Food
ily a pharmacy, expanded its food offerings in
urban stores to make more foods available in
Assistance Programs
these areas. The USDA has funded grants to There is a great need for food assistance in
encourage increased farm-to-market programs the United States and this need is not fully met
that would expand food options in food desert by federal programs. Consequently, a wide
areas. Other initiatives have been introduced range of nonprofit volunteer organizations
by states and cities to address the food desert have stepped up to fill the gap. These organi-
issue including the Pennsylvania Fresh Food zations secure funding from a network of fed-
Initiative and the Stable Food Ordinance in eral, state, and local grants, seek donations
Minneapolis, which required retailers selling from individuals and corporations, and rely on
small amounts of food to offer more fruits, volunteers to carry out most of the activities.
vegetables, milk, and whole-grain products. An important legislative act that assisted the
There are also programs to support existing growth in nongovernmental food assistance
and new grocery stores in rural areas. programs was the Bill Emerson Good
When the concept of a food desert was intro- Samaritan Food Donation Act. This act was
duced, the types of foods available locally were signed into law by President Bill Clinton in
thought to be a significant factor in food pur- 1996, and protects donors from criminal liabil-
chasing decisions. This aspect of purchasing ity when donating food to a nonprofit organi-
may not be as important as was initially zation if the food should cause illness or harm.
thought. In 2016, the USDA completed a study It includes a provision that says providing
in which food purchases of consumers living in food close to the recommended date of sale is
food desert areas were tracked. When consu- not grounds for gross negligence.
mers living in low food access areas shopped John Arnold van Hengel started the first
locally, they purchased slightly less fruit, vege- food bank in Phoenix, Arizona in 1967.
tables, and milk products but more red meats Working as a volunteer in the Immaculate
and diet drinks than people not living in food Heart Church, he saw the great need of people
deserts. When the people from food desert coming to the soup kitchen for food. He also
areas traveled farther to a store, presumably to noticed the large amount of food being dis-
have better food choices, their food purchased carded by stores and restaurants and he began
changed only slightly compared to what they to collect and distribute these foods to homeless
purchased closer to home. Similarly, when a people. Van Hengel opened St. Mary’s Food
new grocery store was opened in a community, Bank with the support of St. Mary’s Catholic
only about 25% of residents changed their Church, which provided funding and a ware-
shopping habits to use the new store, and the house where he could store and distribute food.
impact on consumption of fruits and Van Hengel continued to expand his reach in
vegetables was very small. These findings illus- 1976 by launching America’s Second Harvest
trate that there may be multiple factors that (now Feeding America www.feedingamerica.
College campuses feed thousands of stu- was first implemented by students at the
dents every day. These large food service University of Maryland College Park. The
operations are run efficiently, but often over- Sodexo Foundation provided funding to grow
produce food that is not consumed. Food recov- the program and today there are 191 chapters
ery programs unite students at colleges and on college campuses around the United States.
universities to fight food waste by recovering A similar program, Campus Kitchens Project,
surplus perishable food that would otherwise began in 2001 to connect schools with commu-
be discarded from their campuses and donating nity groups to provide food assistance.
it to people in need. The Food Recovery Network Students work with the dining staff of their
institutions to collect and distribute the edible, they may not be able to afford food. To meet
unneeded food to food pantries and congregate these needs, many schools are providing
meal sites in their local communities. On some student-run food pantries on their campuses.
campuses, the students use the campus kitchens Students majoring in dietetics at Iowa State
in the summer, when the facilities would other- University were researching food insecurity for
wise not be operating, to prepare foods for the a class project and learned about the challenges
community. Part of the mission of these student some college students face with regard to food.
groups is to raise awareness among their fellow Their research found that students who are sin-
students about hunger and food insecurity and gle parents, or paying for their college tuition
to encourage them to not waste food. on their own, were having difficulty meeting
Gleaning is another method of obtaining their nutritional needs. To address the problem,
food for distribution to food-insecure people. the dietetic students created a food pantry,
Gleaning programs link farmers who have called the SHOP (Students Helping Our Peers).
crops that are edible, but not marketable, with Members of the SHOP come from many differ-
those who distribute food to the needy. These ent majors and contribute their skills to pro-
programs rely on volunteers, often college or mote the program. Students hold food
high school students, to pick and deliver the donation drives on campus and collect food
produce. The Stanford Gleaning Project is an donations from local farmers, merchants, and
example of a student-run program to harvest restaurants; advertise the SHOP on campus;
food that is given away to those in need. and organize and distribute the food. Other col-
Food insecurity is an increasing problem for lege campuses, and K 12 schools, have similar
college students. A study of students attending programs to provide food to students in need.
colleges in Illinois found that 35% of students
were food insecure. Higher costs of education, Suggested websites: www.foodrecoverynetwork.org, www.
campuskitchens.org, www.bewell.stanford.edu, www.theshop.
and the challenges of working while going to stuorg.iastate.edu
school, have put students in a situation where
7.5 DIET AND CHRONIC DISEASE in a short time but require life-long treatment
and management and have an impact on qual-
The role of nutrients in disease began with ity of life. Many chronic diseases are strongly
the identification of essential nutrients that linked to dietary habits and nutritional status.
when deficient in the diet caused illness. By Analysis of two types of chronic conditions,
the 1950s, vitamins and minerals, essential colon cancer and heart disease, began to direct
amino acids, and essential fatty acids were iso- nutrition science and chronic disease research.
lated, chemically characterized, and purified,
and standards of intake required to prevent
disease were defined. After these scientific 7.5.1 Colon Cancer
accomplishments, nutrition researchers began An observation made by Denis Burkitt, a
to determine the role of diet in chronic disease. British physician working in Africa, led to the
Chronic diseases are those that are not cured connection between colon cancer and diet.
used by the cells to make membranes and to digestive enzymes to convert the fats into their
synthesize many important compounds. Some basic components (glycerol and fatty acids)
of the cholesterol and fats may also be depos- that are absorbed from the intestine.
ited in arteries, forming plaque which can Emulsification is the process of forming a coat
eventually cause CVD. Eventually, most of the of nonpolar molecules around polar molecules.
fat and cholesterol is released from the lipo- In the intestine, bile acids are the nonpolar
protein leaving a smaller particle called a low- compounds that form a coat around the polar
density lipoprotein (LDL). These LDL particles lipids. This is the same principle used to make
are cleared from the blood by being taken up homogenized milk (proteins coat the lipids) or
the liver. Another type of particle, a high- salad dressings (proteins or carbohydrates coat
density lipoprotein or HDL, is made by and the vegetable oils). After the fat is digested,
released from the liver. HDLs begin as empty most of the bile acids are reabsorbed from the
vesicles and collect and transport excess cho- intestine and returned to the gallbladder. But a
lesterol and fats from tissues back to the liver. small amount of them are lost into the feces.
In this system, LDLs deliver cholesterol and This is the only route through which choles-
fats to tissues and HDLs take them away, so terol can be excreted from the body. Diets con-
having high LDL in the blood increases risk of taining more fiber are thought to increase the
CVD while having high HDL is protective. In amount of bile acids that are not reabsorbed
some people, cholesterol synthesis, production, and therefore reduce cholesterol levels in the
and/or clearance of LDL or production of body. Adding certain sterols to the diet and
HDL are not well regulated causing what is some medications also target this pathway to
known as dyslipidemia and increased risk of reduce serum cholesterol levels.
CVD. In these individuals, reducing dietary
cholesterol intake has no effect and medica-
tions are needed to correct blood lipid levels.
More recent research has found that dietary
7.5.3 Obesity
cholesterol intake in most people does not Colon cancer and CVD are illustrative of the
cause high cholesterol levels in the blood, complicated role that dietary factors play in
which is in stark contrast to the belief that die- chronic disease and the challenges of recom-
tary cholesterol was a primary cause of CVD mending dietary guidelines for the general
risk. With this newer understanding of choles- population. In recent years, the attention of
terol regulation, the 2015 DGA removed the the nutrition research community has turned
recommendation to limit the consumption of to the issue of obesity. Obesity is a chronic
eggs, which had been a recommendation in condition, although it has not typically been
previous DGAs to reduce cholesterol intake. classified as a disease.
Some people will need to reduce their dietary Early attempts to define healthy body com-
cholesterol intake, especially those taking med- position used height and weight charts as a
ications to control their blood lipids or if they standard comparison. The life insurance indus-
have CVD. try developed charts of ideal body weights
A major function of cholesterol in the body based on death rates of their clients. These
is as a precursor of bile acids. Cholesterol is charts, for males and females, were used for
converted to bile acids in the liver and stored years as guides for recommending a healthy
in the gallbladder. When dietary fats are con- body weight. They were limited in applicabil-
sumed, the gallbladder is signaled to release ity because they were based a small number
the bile acids into the small intestine. The bile of people, mainly Caucasians between 25
acids serve to emulsify dietary fat, allowing and 59 years of age (typical policy holders).
FIGURE 7.12 Life expectancy for men and women in the 1900s was less than 50 years. Due to improved
nutrition and healthcare, life expectancy has increased to around 76 years for men and 81 for women. Source:
CDC FastStats, www.cdc.gov.
FIGURE 7.13 The average body weight of men and women in 2010 was 24 pounds greater than in 1900.
Women weighed less between 1900 and 1950 possibly because they were more likely to be living in cities and
not on farms doing manual labor. Source: CDC, www.cdc.gov.
The incidence of obesity within the US pop- An increase in the percent of people with
ulation increased from 10% 15% in 1960 to extreme obesity, a BMI greater than 40, has
35% 40% in 2013 (Fig. 7.15). The fastest rate of increased steadily during this time as well.
increase occurred between 1976 and 1990.
FIGURE 7.14 The average body weight of men and women (top panel) has increased since 1960, whereas
the average height (bottom panel) has remained constant. The greater body weight is suggestive of a gain in
body fatness that is not beneficial to overall health. Source: CDC, www.cdc.gov.
The prevalence of obesity within states has obesity rate less than 10% and 23 states had
been tracked by the CDC since 1985 via rates of 20% 24%. By 2010 there were no states
NHANES data. In 1990, only 10 states had obe- reporting obesity prevalence less than 10%
sity rates as high as 10%. By 2000, no state had and 12 states with prevalence above 30%.
FIGURE 7.15 The incidence of obesity among men and women increased rapidly between 1976 and 2000
with over 35% of the adult population classified as obese. The incidence of extreme obesity (BMI . 40) has
increased, especially among women. Source: CDC, www.cdc.gov.
The causes for this rapid development of obe- prevalence is similar across all income levels,
sity are complex. It has been proposed that we but low income women are more likely to be
have created an obesogenic environment in obese than higher income women. The preva-
the United States that has facilitated the rapid lence of obesity has increased in adults across
expansion in the prevalence of obesity. all income and education levels.
According to CDC statistics, socioeconomic
Suggested video: The Weight of the Nation,
status plays a role but is not the primary
determinant of obesity risk. For men, obesity
Suggested website: www.cdc.org/obesity
FIGURE 7.16 Portion sizes of common foods have increased over the past 20 years leading to higher caloric intake.
These larger portion sizes may be contributing to the higher rates of obesity. Source: Illustration by Reannon Overbey.
180 cal/day, primarily from larger portion sizes home and demonstrated mostly calisthenic
and higher intakes of snack foods. Assuming types of exercises. Jane Fonda used the newer
that the amount of energy expenditure of chil- medium of video in the 1980s to provide work-
dren did not increase over this time period, this out routines that women could do in their
higher calorie intake would be expected to cause homes. Richard Simmons, having undergone a
increased body fat. significant personal weight loss, became a pop-
On the energy expenditure side, less physi- ular fitness and motivational celebrity during
cal activity in daily life, built environments the 1990s. Fitness became electronic and per-
that inhibit walking and playing outside, more sonal with the introduction of smart phones.
sedentary work and increased screen time Geospatial sensors that detect movement and
(computer, television, smart phones), less lei- global positioning systems (GPS) that track
sure time, air-conditioned homes and work- location created the opportunity to monitor
places, and more time spent in cars have all individual physical activity. The FitBit, a wear-
been linked to increased obesity risk. The able fitness tracker, launched in 2009 and was
move to suburbs during the 1950s meant that instantly popular. The Android Wear and
children rode buses to school and adults drove Apple Watch are similar systems that record
to work and shopping. The time students were heart rate, steps taken, distance traveled, sleep
allowed for recess in school decreased and patterns, and calories burned. These devices
children increasingly participated in scheduled can even send reminders to help achieve goals.
sports rather than free-play. These factors have The concept of a fitness center for the aver-
been proposed as having an impact on the rise age person may have evolved from the activi-
in obesity. ties of The Young Men’s Christian Association
Over the past decades, Americans changed (YMCA). The first YMCA building with a
their views of, and participation in, exercise. It gymnasium opened in 1869 and began offering
was fairly uncommon for adults to participate group fitness classes, swimming lessons, and
in daily exercise in the 1950s and going to a team sports. The game of basketball was
gym to exercise was rare. An early leader in invented by James Naismith at a YMCA in
popularizing fitness was Jack LaLanne, who Massachusetts. During the 1970s, people
hosted a popular television show from 1953 to became more interested in fitness and leisure
1985. LaLanne promoted exercising in the sports and venues were developed to offer
these opportunities. In 1977, there were 2700 TABLE 7.7 Definition of BMI-for-Age for Children
fitness clubs in the United States and by 2015,
Weight status Percentile of the CDC growth
there were over 34,000. The fitness industry category charts
has grown to be a major part of the US econ-
omy, generating over $24 billion in 2014. High- Underweight Less than the 5th percentile
tech equipment in sleek fitness centers are Normal or healthy 5th percentile to less than the 85th
commonly found in hotels, on college cam- weight percentile
puses, in nursing homes and retirement cen- Overweight 85th to less than the 95th percentile
ters, and in the workplace. The types of clubs
Obese 95th percentile or greater
and workout programs available are almost
unlimited including yoga, cycling, aerobics, From CDC, www.cdc.gov.
kickboxing, swimming, running, and weight
training. Group events such as marathons and specific percentile, is used as the guide. The
triathlons, bike treks, kayaking, and rock BMI-for-age growth charts allow comparison
climbing are widely available. This fitness to define children who might be at risk of
craze has occurred simultaneously with the overweight or obesity (Table 7.7).
rise in obesity rates, which suggests different Rates of obesity have increased steadily in
segments of the population are accessing these children over 6 years of age since 1963, but the
programs. rate slowed for children aged 2 5 since 2003
(Fig. 7.17). This may be reflective of a greater
awareness about childhood obesity among
7.5.5 Childhood Obesity mothers and pediatricians. Despite this posi-
tive trend, the overall prevalence of childhood
The large number of obese adults in the obesity is nearly 20%.
United States is a serious concern, but the high
prevalence of obesity in children is a greater
risk to the nation’s health. Obese children are
7.5.6 Consequences and Costs
more likely to continue to be obese into adult-
of Obesity
hood and obesity during development affects
physical, mental, and social well-being. Obese There has been significant debate as to
children have higher rates of school absences, whether obesity should be classified as a dis-
which affects their learning, and have a more ease, a lifestyle condition, or a risk factor for
difficult time fitting in socially leading to more other diseases. This distinction is of impor-
depression and social isolation than normal tance because medical care, treatments, and
weight children. Defining obesity in children is cost reimbursements are defined by the spe-
more complicated than in adults because chil- cific terminology of diagnosis. When obesity is
dren are growing. In addition, there may be not classified as a disease, treatment is focused
risk of stigmatization by labeling children as on the other diseases that occur in obese
obese or overweight at a certain period of patients rather than the root cause of those dis-
growth, as they may transition out of that eases. A significant change occurred in 2013
phase into a normal range. There is the need when the AMA adopted the policy that
for a clinical assessment tool to determine defined obesity as a disease. By defining obe-
when children may be at an unhealthy weight. sity as a disease and not a condition, medical
For children, a “BMI-for-age” measurement, treatments will be developed and covered by
which takes into account age- and gender- insurance. The AMA policy uses BMI to
FIGURE 7.17 The prevalence of obesity among children of all ages has increased since 1960. Increased awareness of
the problem and implementation of programs to address childhood obesity may be helping to keep the incidence from
continuing to increase in recent years. Source: CDC, www.cdc.gov.
diagnose obesity and provides guidelines Obese people have a higher rate of disability
for physicians and healthcare providers to and premature death than nonobese people.
treat and manage the disease. The guidelines The costs of obesity are both direct and indi-
include three main concepts: rect. Direct costs include those associated with
medical care such as office visits, laboratory
1. Healthcare providers should screen patients
tests, physical therapy, drug therapy, and hos-
annually and determine their BMI to
pitalizations. By some estimations, obesity-
identify those who would benefit from
related medical care may represent as much as
weight loss.
20% of total medical spending in the United
2. Patients should be enrolled in medically
States with increases every year. Hidden costs
supervised weight loss programs for at least
such as having to replace hospital beds, wheel-
6 months in order to learn how to manage
chairs, and toilets with larger versions and
their weight.
more sturdy construction, or reconfiguring
3. Weight loss surgery should be considered
ambulances to hold larger people must also be
for extremely obese patients who have one
considered. More gasoline and airplane fuel is
or more obesity-related health conditions.
used to transport heavier people than for
It has long been recognized that obesity transportation of lighter people.
increases the risk for many severe conditions, The indirect costs of obesity include the
called comorbidities, including hypertension, impact on the productivity of the individual.
dyslipidemia, type 2 diabetes, coronary heart Obese workers are more likely to miss work,
disease, stroke, gallbladder disease, osteoarthri- experience periods of short-term or long-term
tis, sleep apnea, respiratory problems, repro- disability, and may not work at full capacity.
ductive problems, and some types of cancer. Lower worker productivity is an indirect cost
to employers and society. Obesity creates soci- amino acids) are sensed by the hypothalamus,
etal costs that are hard to quantify monetarily. which produces orexigenic (food intake
For example, as many as one in four young stimulating) signals such as neuropeptide Y
adults are ineligible for military service (NPY) and agouti-related protein, or anorexi-
because of obesity. These costs are absorbed genic (food intake inhibiting) signals such as
into the economy in a variety of ways, but proopiomelanocortin (POMC). The gastrointes-
overall have a negative impact on society. tinal tract also monitors food intake using
stretch-sensing receptors and hormones that
are released in response to meal size and con-
7.6 REGULATION tents. Early researchers thought that defects in
OF FOOD INTAKE these pathways or signaling systems might be
the source of obesity, and they are in some
First and foremost, eating food is essential cases. Genetic mutations in NPY, leptin, and
for life. Eating also provides pleasure and other systems have been identified and dem-
enjoyment. Being hungry is a sensation that onstrated to cause obesity, and specific thera-
everyone has experienced, but how we man- pies targeting these defects have been
age and balance our food intake with actual effective. However, the hope of finding the
physiological needs is complicated. Definitions “obesity gene” has not materialized. The
of hunger include a feeling of discomfort with causes of dysfunctional eating and under-
a desire to eat. The English language includes standing the reasons some people are able to
a wide range of words to describe a desire to balance their food intake to maintain normal
eat including craving, famished, starving, raven- body weight over the lifespan while others
ous, yen, munchies, and appetite. What and cannot, has not yet been achieved.
when people eat depends on many factors. We The decision about when and what to eat
eat when we are happy and sad, bored and involves the cognitive, emotional, attention,
excited, and celebrating and mourning. The and reward systems within the brain as well as
tastes and texture of foods influence the sensory signals, such as the sight, smell, and
amount we consume, and these preferences taste of food. Current research using brain
vary widely between people and among cul- imaging technologies is just beginning to
tures. Defining how the body regulates food uncover how the brain reacts to these multiple
intake and energy stores (body fat) has been stimuli. Some early experiments using these
somewhat explained through research, but not tools generated public attention when it was
to the level where it can be manipulated on a reported that eating or even just looking at pic-
long-term basis. tures of sugary foods created a similar brain
It has been known from studies of patients response as occurs when using highly addic-
with head injuries that areas of the brain par- tive drugs. This led to the idea that some types
ticipate in food intake regulation. Damage to of foods are addictive and accusations that
some areas of the hypothalamus cause uncon- food companies made foods addictive in order
trolled eating (hyperphagia) whereas damage to to increase sales. There is little evidence that
other areas causes extreme anorexia (refusal to people become addicted to foods, although
eat). The hypothalamus serves as a central cravings and overconsumption of highly
receiving center for signals in the blood that palatable foods can be a problem for some peo-
monitor food intake and energy stores. ple. Preliminary evidence suggests that there
Circulating hormones (insulin, leptin, and may be complex changes that develop in the
ghrelin) and nutrients (glucose, fatty acids, brain of obese individuals that make them less
processed foods. The 2015 DGA has recom- carbohydrates for example. Other programs
mended limiting added sugars to no more provide meal substitutes or prescribe detailed
than 10% of energy intake. So that consumers menus for periods of time. Newer approaches
can monitor their intake, the FDA will require include fasting for 2 or 3 days/week. Such pro-
added sugars to be listed on the Nutrition grams that take away all choice from the dieter
Facts panel in 2018. One type of added sugar make them easier to follow. Unfortunately,
that has received a great deal of attention is once the dieter returns to their normal eating
HFCS. As described in Chapter 6, Food habits, the weight usually returns because they
Processing, HFCS is made from corn and is have not learned how to manage their intake
structurally similar to table sugar. The scien- over the long term. More effective programs
tific consensus is that HFCS is digested and engage in teaching the dieter how to assess
metabolized similarly to sugar and does not their calorie intake (keep a food diary), read
pose a unique risk to health. Currently, there and understand food labels, change the way
is substantial debate as to the direct effect of they prepare foods and develop strategies for
added sugar on risk of chronic disease. This is eating out. Weight Watchers (WW) started in
complicated by the fact that foods containing 1975 and has been effective in using these
added sugars tend to be high in calories and types of approaches. In addition, WW pro-
low in nutrients, so they create a calorie-to- vides personal support and encouragement
nutrient imbalance. There is no evidence that through group meetings or online advice,
added sugars directly affect chronic disease which are also key components of an effective
risk, but a diet pattern with high intakes of weight loss program. Mindful eating and train-
added sugars would likely provide excessive ing people to understand their motivations
calories and insufficient nutrients. with food are important strategies. Evidence
suggests that changing eating habits and regu-
lar exercise are the key elements required for
effective long-term weight loss.
7.6.1 Fad Diets and Weight Loss The search for medications that will induce
Obesity does not develop overnight and weight loss has been ongoing; however, no
cannot be corrected overnight, but Americans drug has yet been developed that effectively
tend to want quick solutions to losing weight. treats obesity. In the 1940s, amphetamines
We have a long history of fad diets that have were prescribed for weight loss, but the side
been interesting, but ineffective, and probably effects included sleeplessness, anxiety, and
have added to health risks. Dieting is a depression, and these drugs generated only
national pastime and, on any given day, more modest weight loss. During the 1990s, drugs
than half of Americans are trying to lose that targeted the appetite-regulating hormones
weight. Bookstore shelves are full of programs serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine were
and weight loss gimmicks that promise rapid approved for weight loss by the FDA. In 1996,
success, and consumers spend billions of dol- Redux, a combination of the drugs fenflur-
lars on them. The most effective short-term amine and phentermine (fen-phen), was
diet plans are those that take away all approved and given to millions of people.
decision-making by providing fixed meals or Unfortunately, pulmonary vascular damage
strict schedules. Some versions of these diets developed in many of the patients, causing the
make whole categories of foods off limits, such FDA to withdraw fen-phen from the market
as carbohydrates or fats. The Atkins Diet and the next year. A similar type of drug, sibutra-
South Beach Diets promote strict limitations on mine (Meridia), was approved soon after
seek medical help or for medical professionals based, comprehensive plan for promoting the
to offer words of advice rather than effective nutritional health of children. It involves
treatment. Given the enormity of this problem schools, parents, and the community in efforts
in the United States, more focus on medical to continuously improve school meals and to
and societal support is needed. promote the health and education of 50 million
school children in more than 96,000 schools
A major effort launched in 2010 by First
7.6.2 Obesity Prevention Programs Lady Michelle Obama was the Partnership for
The USDA, CDC, and most major medical a Healthier America (PHA). PHA brings
organizations have developed programs and together the private and public sectors to
messages to promote healthy dietary habits develop strategies to solve the childhood obe-
and encourage more physical activity. One sity problem. PHA corporate partners pledge
attempt to use a mass-marketing approach to to make a commitment to change some aspect
change eating behavior was the Five a Day of their business to reduce obesity risk.
Campaign for Better Health promoted by the Walmart was one of the first corporations to
NCI and the Produce for Better Health join PHA and, in 2011, made commitments to
Foundation, and then later, the CDC. The pro- modify product formulations, open stores in
gram, which ran from 1991 to 2006, was cre- food deserts, and market healthier food
ated by researchers based on behavior theory. options. With the wide reach that Walmart has
The simple message was to eat five fruits and in food sales, these changes should make an
vegetables a day. Signage in stores and impact.
schools, printed materials, and public adver- According to requirements of the 2010
tisements to deliver the message were used. In Affordable Care Act, large restaurant chains
2007, the message was changed to “Fruits & must provide nutrition information on their
Veggies—More Matters.” Promotion of fruits menus and vending machine suppliers must
and vegetables is also the goal of the FNV (an make calorie content visible before purchase.
acronym for fruits ’n vegetables) campaign, -Ready-to-eat foods in grocery and conve-
which is part of the Partnership for a Healthier nience stores are required to have nutrition
America. FNV has recruited top celebrities and information posted on the package or in the
sports figures to donate their names and image display case. The intent is to make it easy for
to promote the healthfulness of fruits and consumers to make healthy choices. It is not
vegetables. These programs logically contend fully clear yet if having more nutrition infor-
that healthful foods, such as fruits and vegeta- mation will have an impact on consumer
bles, do not benefit from the major advertising choices. A positive impact may be that restau-
campaigns that other foods such as breakfast rants and chefs will reduce portion sizes or
cereals, potato chips, and cookies receive from provide healthier options in response to the
the food industry. Marketing of foods is big required labeling.
business and it is nearly impossible for gov-
ernment agencies to compete with food indus-
try advertisements. 7.7 FOOD MARKETING
Many other programs aimed at prevention
of obesity have been implemented through the Marketing, which is a targeted, research-
public schools, especially through the NSLP. based strategy to promote a product, is
Team Nutrition is an integrated, behavior- effective in creating demand for products.
represent 80% of child-directed TV food adver- The scope and breadth of our Pledge to the
tising and food products that are consumed by CFBAI demonstrates General Mills’ continuing com-
mitment to high standards and to providing clear
children. CFBAI members developed uniform leadership on this important issue.
nutrition standards for child-targeted foods
and pledged to modify their advertisements Additional goals of the CFBAI are to modify
toward children in alignment with a set of core the formulations of foods within set calorie
principles. limits, reduce targeted nutrients (saturated fat,
General Mills made the following pledge to trans fat, sodium, sugars), and enhance health-
join CFBAI in 2007: ier food options. Some of these changes are
shown in Table 7.8.
General Mills is pleased to submit its Pledge to
According to the 2013 IOM report summary
The Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising
Initiative (the CFBAI). The CFBAI is a voluntary of the impact of CFBAI, over 100 food product
self-regulation program currently comprised of formulations to meet nutrition standards had
eleven of the largest food and beverage companies been made by the participating companies,
in the United States. By advancing and hastening a advertising of healthier options had occurred
shift in the mix of messaging to encourage healthier
and some products were no longer being
dietary choices and healthy lifestyles in advertising
to children under 12, the CFBAI represents a signifi- advertised to children. But marketing of
cant step forward. snacks, cookies, candies, and sodas continues
General Mills is proud to be a charter member of to reach children and youth. New venues in
the CFBAI and is fully supportive of its goals. As an social media such as Facebook, YouTube, and
industry leader, General Mills is committed to main-
Snapchat offer ways to market products that
taining the highest standards for responsible advertis-
ing to children. We have a long history of advocating have far-reaching impacts. For example, dur-
increased levels of physical activity and support of fit- ing the 100th anniversary of Oreo cookies, the
ness programs, particularly for children, in public Kraft Company launched a social media cam-
policy arenas and through various private sector paign to encourage people to share their
initiatives. Company initiatives, such as the General
experiences with Oreos and provided daily
Mills Foundation’s Champions for Healthy Kids pro-
gram, reflect our decades of continuing support for ads on their Facebook page. The number of
youth nutrition and fitness initiatives of many kinds, likes increased over 110% in two months and
further underscoring that commitment. likely increased sales. Most food companies
TABLE 7.8 Changes to Food Products as Part of the Children’s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative
Company Product Change
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Sustainability of the Food System
these pillars is the concept of producing enough With all these factors, defining a sustainable
food to feed all the people on Earth, producing food system is complicated. Table 8.1 lists a few
the right types of food to ensure the health of all of the concepts that might be considered neces-
people, and equitable distribution and access to sary elements for a sustainable food system.
food. Human health and the viability of life are Agriculture in the United States has evolved
necessary components of the food system and over the years of its existence as a nation. The
must be addressed within the realm of sustain- great majority of citizens do not grow their
ability. Hunger and starvation on the one hand, own food or rely on their farming neighbors to
and overconsumption leading to chronic dis- provide food for them. Today less than 2% of
eases on the other hand, suggest the amount the population produces foods for domestic
and types of foods being produced and con- and export markets. Technology and ingenuity
sumed are not sustaining human health. As dis- have led to higher production and lower costs
cussed in Chapter 7, Nutrition and Food Access, allowing Americans to spend less money
obesity and related chronic diseases have multi- on food (Fig. 8.1). Systems have been created
faceted etiologies that include sedentary life- to process, distribute, and market foods.
styles, lack of knowledge about food and Americans have come to expect grocery stores
nutrition, personal choices, poverty, and limited to be packed with thousands of food items
access to healthy foods. Some argue that enough that are consistently available year-round. The
food is being produced to feed the world’s pop- food industry has brought innovation, conve-
ulation, and that the causes of hunger and star- nience, and enjoyment to consumers. More
vation are due to social, political, and economic options are available about how and where
forces. Social justice is a core element of a sus- food is produced. Farmers’ markets are open
tainable food system, and solutions are needed in all parts of the country or consumers may
to address fair and equitable access to food. choose to buy food directly from farmers.
FIGURE 8.1 The percent of income Americans spend on food has decreased from about 25% in the 1920s to less than
10% today. The amount of money Americans spend on food is among the lowest in the world. Source: USDA Economic
Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
Organic and locally grown food options are events are occurring. These changes have
abundant and available, even from major retai- both long- and short-term impacts on food
lers such as Walmart. Choices and options are production. In 2012, the USDA Agricultural
plentiful in our food system, but there are con- Research Service compiled a summary report
sequences for these conveniences. The food on the impact of climate change on agricul-
system both depends on the environment and ture (Walthall et al., 2012) and provided these
affects the environment and these aspects will key messages:
be discussed in this chapter.
• Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide
(CO2), rising temperatures, and altered
precipitation patterns will affect agriculture
8.2 CLIMATE CHANGE AND productivity
THREATS TO THE FOOD SYSTEM • Livestock production systems are
vulnerable to temperature stresses
The EPA defines climate change as “any • Projections for crops and livestock
substantial change in measures of climate production systems reveal that climate
(such as temperature or precipitation) lasting change effects over the next 25 years will be
for an extended period (decades or longer)” mixed
(EPA, 2016). There is clear evidence that sig- • Climate change will exacerbate current
nificant changes in land and ocean tempera- biotic stresses on agricultural plants and
tures, rainfall patterns, and extreme weather animals
FIGURE 8.2 Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, expressed as CO2 equivalents, come primarily from electricity genera-
tion, transportation, and industrial production. Agriculture, commercial, and residential activities produce lesser amounts
of GHGs. Source: EPA, www.epa.gov.
tend to speed up the growth rate of plants, until that trap nearly 90% of the Earth’s heat.
the maximum is achieved and thereafter Consequently, ocean temperatures have been
growth becomes inhibited. The effect of climate steadily increasing since 1955, causing levels to
change on the global yield of crops over the rise (water expands in volume when heated),
time period of 1998 2002 was found to be posi- and providing energy for storms. Melting of
tive for rice (12.9%) and soybean (11.3%) but the glaciers and polar ice caps is well docu-
negative for maize (23.8%) and wheat (22.5%), mented within the past decade, adding to the
which demonstrates the complexity of predict- higher ocean levels. The EPA estimates that the
ing the impact of climate change on food pro- average sea level has increased at a rate of
duction. Invasive weed species are affected by 0.11 0.14 in./year between 1880 and 2013. The
climate change, so different approaches to combination of more powerful storms, warmer
weed management will be needed. air and water temperatures, and higher ocean
Reproduction and growth rates of livestock will levels has resulted in unprecedented damage
be reduced when temperatures exceed opti- to the US coastal areas such as New Orleans
mum ranges, as will milk and egg production. (Hurricane Katrina in 2005), North and South
It has been proposed that, based on the Carolina (Hurricane Irene in 2011), and New
increased amount of GHG, land temperatures York and New Jersey (Hurricane Sandy in
should have increased even more, but the ris- 2012). Severe winter storms have also occurred,
ing temperatures were buffered by the oceans including the two blizzards referred to as
“Snowmageddon,” which hit Washington DC water supplies, and fisheries. Over 400 insect
in 2010, and the most snowfall on record for pests and more than 70 fungal pathogens have
Boston during the winter of 2014 15. become resistant to one or more pesticides. Use
Noncoastal areas of the United States have of land for agriculture has removed wetlands
experienced extreme weather events as well and wildlife habitats and there is reduced
including severe flooding of the Mississippi genetic diversity due to reliance on uniform
and Missouri Rivers in 1993; an EF5 tornado crops and livestock breeds.
that hit Joplin, Missouri in 2011; and the Agriculture was necessary for, and perhaps
2012 13 drought across the southern and west- supportive of, population growth and the civi-
ern United States. The impact of storms on lizations that resulted. In the distant past, nat-
agriculture can be significant including short- ural resources were thought to be unlimited
term losses and damage to crops and livestock, and the impacts of agricultural practices on the
as well as long-term effects on the land and environment were considered inconsequential.
soil including erosion and contamination. Technology stayed one step ahead of the lim-
itations of nature to allow food production to
continually increase. But it is clearly evident
8.3 SUSTAINING NATURAL now that natural resources are limited and the
RESOURCES environmental impacts of agriculture are real.
In order to continue to provide sufficient, high
Agriculture is dependent upon access to quality, abundant, and affordable food, agri-
suitable and sufficient land, soil, and water. culture must adapt. Returning to a subsistence
Planting and harvesting crops and raising approach to agriculture is not possible, so
animals for food consumes these natural methods to advance food production sustain-
resources. Some types of agriculture may cre- ably are needed: “Today, any strategy to elimi-
ate damage to the environment through over- nate crop farming and domesticated livestock
use or contamination. Producing food while would have to include the means of eliminat-
protecting natural resources, biodiversity, and ing most humans now on earth, for only a
wildlife is the goal of sustainable agriculture. small remnant could live by hunting and gath-
Human activities, and specifically agricul- ering” (Conkin, 2008, p. 169).
ture, have changed the natural environment. The USDA Climate Change Program Office
The cultivation of crops has reduced wilder- tracks the impact of climate change on agricul-
ness, shifted the balance of plant and animal ture, forests, grazing lands, and rural commu-
species, and altered the hydrological cycle. A nities. A report that summarizes research on
decline in soil productivity and a loss of topsoil these was published in 2015 (U.S. Department
due to wind and water erosion occurs when of Agriculture, 2015a) and the main findings of
soil is not protected by plant cover. Overuse of the report are listed in Table 8.2.
surface and ground water for irrigation has
caused water scarcity and salinization of soils
in irrigated farming areas. Agricultural prac-
tices contribute to water pollutants such as
8.3.1 Land Use in Agriculture
sediments, salts, fertilizers (nitrates and phos- Only one-quarter of the total surface of
phorus), pesticides, and manures. Pesticides Earth is dry land; the other three-quarters are
are commonly found in groundwater beneath covered with water. Only 1/32 is arable land,
agricultural areas and reduced water quality meaning that all of the world’s food produc-
impacts agricultural production, drinking tion occurs on this very small percent of
Climate change is very likely to affect global, regional, and Increased food prices, variability in food production, higher
local food security by disrupting food availability, risk of food insecurity in low-resource populations.
decreasing access to food, and making utilization more
The potential of climate change to affect global food Changes in types and costs of imported foods to the United
security is important for food producers and consumers in States, increased demand for food assistance to other
the United States. countries, dissemination of US agricultural technology.
Climate change risks extend beyond agricultural production Greater risk of food-borne pathogens and food spoilage,
to other elements of global food systems that are critical for disruption in transportation routes, higher food costs.
food security, including the processing, storage,
transportation, and consumption of food.
Climate risks to food security increase as the magnitude Models that predict the effects of GHG on global food
and rate of climate change increase. Higher emissions and insecurity range from minimum change to significant
concentrations of greenhouse gases are much more likely to increases that depend on how high GHG emissions rise.
have damaging effects than lower emissions and
Effective adaptation can reduce food system vulnerability to Technological solutions will address some of the impacts of
climate change and reduce detrimental climate change climate change, but the capacity to implement these
effects on food security, but socioeconomic conditions can solutions will vary; continued research to develop solutions
impede the adoption of technically feasible adaptation is needed.
The complexity of the food system within the context of Applying current knowledge about climate change impacts
climate change allows for the identification of multiple food is needed to provide food security; continued investment in
security intervention points, which are relevant to decision research in advanced technologies for food storage and
makers at every level. packaging is needed.
Accurately projecting climate change risks to food security Ecosystems and land degradation, technological
requires consideration of other large-scale changes. development, population growth, and economic growth
must all be considered.
From U.S. Department of Agriculture. (2015). Climate change, global food security, and the U.S. food system. Washington, DC: U.S.
Department of Agriculture. ,www.usda.gov/oce/climate_change/FoodSecurity.htm..
Earth’s surface. The total land mass of the • 408 million acres in cropland
United States is nearly 2.3 billion acres and • 127 million acres in grazed forestland
agricultural production occurs on about 51% • 60 million acres in urban use
of the land. The amount of land used for agri- • 12 million acres in farmsteads and farm
culture has declined nearly 13% since 1949. roads
Gradual declines have occurred in crop, pas-
Cropland acreage increased by about 4 mil-
ture and range land, while grazed forestland
lion acres between 2007 and 2012 after a steady
has decreased more rapidly. The distribution
decline over the previous 25 years. Most of
of land use in the United States in 2007 was:
this gain came from cultivating land that had
• 671 million acres in forest been in the Conservation Reserve Program
• 614 million acres in pasture and range (USDA program that pays farmers to not use
certain areas of their land). The higher prices 45.7 acres every hour over those 10 years. An addi-
for commodity crops during this time period tional 266,000 acres (3 acres every hour) of unique
farmland (soil and climatic conditions suitable for
was a motivating factor to farm more land production of specific high-value food and fiber
because more money could be earned from the crops) was also lost to development. As prime farm-
crops than from the government funding. land is being developed, less stable non-prime farm-
The consequences of this loss of conservation land in arid regions is being added to the base,
land will likely include more soil erosion and leading to increased erosion rates and irrigation
reduced water quality and loss of wildlife Heller and Keolian (2000)
Nearly half of all US cropland is concen- As the population of the United States grows,
trated in the Midwest and the Northern Plains. cities and towns expand creating a demand for
Almost all cropland is privately owned, while more land to build houses, roads, malls, air-
62% of grassland pasture and range is privately ports, hospitals, power and water treatment
owned and 24% is owned and managed by plants, and other infrastructures. A survey con-
federal grazing programs. With a value of ducted by the USDA in the early 1980s found
$2.38 trillion, farm real estate (land and struc- that millions of acres of farmland were being
tures) accounted for 80% of the total value of converted to urban use. To counter this, the
US farm sector assets in 2014. Only 1.7% of pri- Farmland Protection Policy Act was passed and
vately owned land in farms or forest (22.8 mil- implemented in 1994. This legislation mainly
lion acres) was owned by foreigners in 2009. requires that the impact of irreversibly convert-
As the global demand for farmland and food ing agricultural land to nonagricultural uses is
production increases impacts are likely to affect considered and documented, but does not pro-
the future dynamics of farm ownership, land hibit such conversion. Individual cities and
prices, and agriculture in the United States. counties determine how land will be used. The
Land use is influenced by history, quality encroachment of urban and suburban areas into
and capacity, location, access to infrastructure, agricultural land prompted the passing of Right
price, planning and zoning regulations, and to Farm acts by all 50 states. These laws are
market demands for crops or development. meant to protect farmers and ranchers from
How land is used has important economic and lawsuits filed by people who move into agricul-
environmental implications for commodity tural areas and want to stop the existing farm-
production and trade, access to open space, ing operations. Concentrated animal feeding
soil and water conservation, air quality, and operations (CAFOs) are often the target of these
atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. lawsuits because of air quality and aesthetic
Population pressures are increasingly changing issues, but all types of farming operations have
agricultural land access and use. been impacted. The statutes of these laws differ
by state and many disputes end up being set-
The increasing mix of rural and urban land uses
tled in court.
creates added social conflict and environmental
impact. Farmers are faced with complaints about
odor, dust, or noise, and perhaps experience more
trespassing. Impermeable surfaces increase, direct- 8.3.2 Soil Erosion
ing rainwater to sewer drains rather than to the soil.
The USDA defines soil as “. . .a natural body
New chemicals—from road salt to lawn care pesti-
cides—are introduced into the environment. The comprised of solids (minerals and organic mat-
total U.S. conversion of prime farmland to urban or ter), liquid, and gases that occurs on the land
builtup land between 1982 and 1992 translates into surface” (USDA Natural Resources Conservation
FIGURE 8.3 Soil erosion caused by both wind and water has decreased in the United States since 1982 when farmers
were encouraged to implement conservation measures. Soil erosion continues to be a significant problem for agriculture.
Source: Natural Resources and Conservation Services, www.nrcs.gov.
Once soil is lost from the land it cannot be and rivers, and increased biodiversity by pro-
easily replaced. Depending on the climate and viding habitat for birds and animals. Newer
organisms in the soil, organic matter can be approaches to reduce soil erosion and enhance
regenerated within a few years. Replacement of organic matter include planting cover crops,
sand, silt, and clay takes much longer— such as alfalfa and clover, that can be planted
decades or more—because these are derived after the crop is harvested and then tilled into
from decomposition of rock. Since the Soil the soil before the next planting season.
Conservation Act was passed in 1935, the Dividing fields into alternating bands of row
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service crops and hay or small grains, planting perma-
(NRCS) has promoted ways to reduce soil ero- nent strips of grass, or building embankments
sion. Practices that were implemented included or structures across drainage areas are manage-
planting trees and shrubs as windbreaks, no- ment tools that prevent soil erosion. Limiting
till, contour and terrace plowing, planting grass agriculture, construction, and development on
buffer strips between fields and streams, highly erodible land, fragile lands, riverbanks,
mulching, and planting of perennial crops. As and coastal lands also prevents loss of soil.
a consequence of the farm crisis, the Food
Security Act passed in 1985 created the
Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which
8.3.3 Water Use in Agriculture
paid farmers to convert some of their cropland Water plays an essential and complex role in
to conservation areas. These areas provided agriculture. Rain supplies water for use directly
natural filtration systems to protect streams by crops, but water obtained from lakes, rivers,
FIGURE 8.4 Thermoelectric power uses the most water of any sector, although this water is not consumed in the pro-
cess. Surface and ground water used for irrigation of agricultural crops, golf courses, gardens, and lawns make up the
largest consumption of water among all of the sectors. Water used in raising livestock is a relatively small use compared
to public and industrial uses. Source: From Maupin, M., Kenny, J. F., Hutson, S. S., Lovelace, J. K., Barber, N. L., & Linsey, K. S.
(2014). Estimated use of water in the United States in 2010. In U.S. Geologic Survey Circular 1405 (p. 56). Available from
,http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/1405/pdf/circ1405. (Maupin et al., 2014).
irrigated acreage. The states with the highest Initiative to provide new approaches to reduce
total amount of water used for irrigation (in water use, improve conservation, and manage
thousand acre-feet per year) include: this valuable water resource. As the water in the
Ogallala aquifer becomes less available, farmers
• California—25,800 (surface water .
who depend on that water source will need to
reconsider the types of crops and methods of
• Idaho—15,700 (surface water .
production they are using, perhaps moving
away from water-intensive crops and livestock.
• Colorado—10,900 (surface water . ground
The intensity of water used in agriculture
can be compared by estimating how much
• Arkansas—9770 (groundwater . surface
water is used to generate profit from the prod-
uct. As shown in Fig. 8.5, grain farming utilizes
• Montana—8030 (surface water .
more water per dollar of product generated
than any other agricultural sector. Sugar pro-
• Texas—7660 (groundwater . surface water)
duction is also water-intensive, as is tree nut
• Nebraska—6340 (groundwater . surface
and fruit production. In this comparison, ani-
mal food production (poultry and egg produc-
Surface water (rivers and lakes) contributes tion, cattle ranching, and milk production) is
more than groundwater to irrigation in the least water intensive, when expressed rela-
California, Idaho, Colorado, and Montana. tive to the economic return for these products.
These sources are dependent on rainfall and Water scarcity may be the greatest threat to
snow melt, and are usually regularly renewed. US agriculture in the future. Methods to
In the Central Plains, surface water is largely reduce water use include improved irrigation
unavailable, and water deep underground is systems (such as sprinkler, drip, or microirri-
used for irrigation. The Ogallala aquifer, an gation instead of surface irrigation), conserva-
underground reservoir that spans from western tion agriculture (less tillage and use of cover
Texas to South Dakota, contains about 30% of crops), and more efficient water allocation
the total groundwater used for irrigation and systems. Improved management is needed to
supports about 20% of the US wheat, cotton, retain soil moisture, increase soil organic mat-
corn, and cattle production. The aquifer was cre- ter, and prevent erosion. The use of cover
ated millions of years ago and is a finite crops and appropriate crop rotation methods
resource. The water in the aquifer cannot be with nitrogen-fixing legumes, limiting fallow
quickly or easily replaced because of its geo- periods, and reducing cultivation can help
physical structure. Growing crops or raising cat- protect soil moisture. Remote sensing, local
tle on the dry, high plains that overlay the weather forecasting, drought-tolerant crops,
aquifer requires water, which is mainly obtained early warning information systems, and
from wells that tap into the aquifer. Between improved irrigation technologies (based on
1937 and 1971, more than 65,000 wells were plant needs through evapotranspiration) are
drilled in western Texas alone. The US potential techniques to reduce water use.
Geological Survey found that the amount of
water being removed from the aquifer was as
much as 6 ft/year while only one-half inch was
being replaced. Concerns over depletion of the
8.3.4 Precipitation and Climate Change
aquifer were recognized in the past decade and Measurable changes in the distribution of
the USDA established the Ogallala Aquifer precipitation across the United States have
FIGURE 8.5 When water use is expressed relative to the amount of money generated from a product, grain produc-
tion uses the most water per dollar of any agricultural system. Animal food production is at the low end of this scale
because of the higher dollar value of these products relative to the amount of water used. Source: From Maupin, M., Kenny,
J. F., Hutson, S. S., Lovelace, J. K., Barber, N. L., & Linsey, K. S. (2014). Estimated use of water in the United States in 2010. In
U.S. Geologic Survey Circular 1405 (p. 56). Available from ,http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/1405/pdf/circ1405..
occurred over the past 100 years. The northwest, Removal of these contaminants required sub-
central, and southern regions have received stantial cost and time, and the quality of the soil
increased precipitation whereas the Eastern will take years to recover.
Seaboard, Rocky Mountains, and Southwest Drought is a major concern to agriculture
have had decreased precipitation. All regions as are periods of high temperature. Between
have seen the intensity of precipitation events 2012 and 2014 the United States experienced
increase, associated with climate change. Larger the worst drought since the Dust Bowl. The
amounts of water in a short period, as would be lack of precipitation was exacerbated by pro-
experienced in high-intensity events, are not longed high temperatures causing 71% of the
conducive to agriculture. More erosion, runoff, country to be classified as exceptionally dry in
and crop damage occur during such events, and July 2012. California was significantly affected
the sediment and ground contamination that by this drought event, which lasted into 2016.
results can have long-term negative conse- California produces a large percentage of the
quences on farmland. For example, flooding in fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts consumed in
the Midwest that occurred in the 1990s left sig- the United States and therefore has a high
nificant amounts of silt and sand, as well as demand for water. Some 5.7 million acres of
metal, rubber, wood, and other debris in the land are irrigated in the state, including
fields. Additionally, top soil was washed away. nearly 100% of the orchard, berry, and
vegetable production. In addition, California eastern United States may see increases of 5%
is one of the most populous states with over to 15%. The impact of these changes in precipi-
30 million people who need water. tation will have effects on agriculture produc-
The history of water use and rights in tion, but these effects are hard to predict
California is complex and controversial. From because they depend on many variables. For
the 1940s, the California State Water Project example, if precipitation is low and tempera-
and the Central Valley Project have been man- tures are high, soil moisture is lost at a rapid
aging dams, pumping stations, canals, and rate and crops will be damaged, but if tem-
pipelines to distribute water. These systems peratures are more moderate soil moisture
direct water from a variety of rivers and may be retained adequately to support plant
streams to farmland and cities. California growth.
obtains about 30% of its water from snowfalls
in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and relies
heavily on the Colorado River, which obtains
most of its water from snowfalls in the Rocky
8.3.5 Water Footprint in Agriculture
Mountains. The Colorado River provides The concept of a water footprint for food
water to six other states and major cities production was introduced in 2007 by
including Las Vegas, Denver, Salt Lake City, researchers at the University of Twente in the
and Albuquerque. Arguments between states Netherlands (Hoekstra and Chapagain, 2007).
over access to the Colorado River have In this mathematical model, the amount of
occurred throughout history. California has water used in producing a crop (water foot-
tended to consume more than its share of the print) is estimated by the total volume of crop
water and, during times of shortage, this has produced and the water content of the crop.
led to significant conflicts. For animals, the model also includes the water
Lack of precipitation and low snowfalls content of feed and volume of water con-
over the past decade have exacerbated the sumed during the animals’ lifetime. From
drought in California with negative effects on these calculations, a country’s internal (water
agriculture. The state suffered a 22% decrease used for products generated by that country)
in agricultural revenue between 2014 and 2015, and external (water used for products
which represents a loss of about $9 billon. The imported into that country) water consump-
precarious dependency of the US food system tion can be determined. The water footprint
on California to produce the majority of fruits, for US agricultural goods was estimated to be
vegetables, and nuts, which is in turn depen- 1192 m3/capita per year for internal produc-
dent on availability of water, raises concerns tion and 267 for external production, and the
about sustainability. Climate change has global averages were internal 907 and external
increased the severity of weather events, and 160 m3/capita per year. Developed countries
made weather forecasting more challenging, tend to have higher water footprints than
putting additional stress on farmers who must developing countries. Some European coun-
determine the types and quantities of food tries, such as the United Kingdom and Italy,
products they will produce. have high external water footprints because
The USDA ARS predicts that over the next they rely heavily on imported foods.
30 40 years, regions of the northwest and To further define the ways water is used,
southern United States may see reductions of the Dutch researchers classified water use as
between 5% and 25% in summertime precipita- green, blue, or gray. Green water refers to rain-
tion while regions in the north central and water use, blue water to ground or surface
FIGURE 8.6 Beef and pork production have the highest green water footprint among animal food sources. Green
water refers to rainwater used to produce the grains consumed by the animals, blue water is surface and ground water
used in the animal’s care, and gray water is the amount of water pollution as a result of animal production. Source: From
Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2011).
FIGURE 8.7 Coffee and chocolate have the highest water footprint among plant foods. These might be considered lux-
ury foods that contribute little nutritional value, whereas dry beans, soybeans, and wheat, which have lower water foot-
prints, are a valuable source of nutrients. Source: From Mekonnen M.M. and Hoekstra A.Y., The green, blue and grey water
footprint of crops and derived crop products, Hydrologic Earth System Science 15, 2011, 1577 0600.
report, published in 1969, found that half of bacteria, and suspended sediment to ground
the public drinking supply systems in the and surface water. Nitrogen and phosphorus
United States did not meet safety standards. are considered nutrient pollutants when they
Also in June 1969, the Cuyahoga River in enter waterways in excessive amounts.
Cleveland, Ohio became notorious because of Consequences of these contaminants include
a story published in TIME magazine that eutrophication causing algal blooms that
showed fires burning on the river. Fires had reduce oxygen levels (hypoxia) in bodies of
occurred on the Cuyahoga and other US rivers water and rivers resulting in the death of fish
for several years previously, when oils and and aquatic animals. Some algae blooms pro-
industrial wastes on the surfaces of the water duce toxins that can cause human illness if
ignited. The TIME story brought public and people come in contact with the water or
political attention to major environmental consume tainted fish.
issues including water pollution. It became The streams and waterways of thirteen
evident that there was a lack of comprehensive states in the agriculturally intense Midwest
oversight of water quality legislation, which drain into the Mississippi River basin, which
led to the 1972 amendment to the FWPCA that empties into the Gulf of Mexico. Nutrients
consolidated authority for water pollution con- from farmland accumulate in the river and are
trol under the newly formed Environmental dispersed into the Gulf of Mexico. Fig. 8.8
Protection Agency (EPA). illustrates how nutrients, specifically nitrates,
Agriculture operations can contribute to accumulate in the Mississippi River from riv-
water contamination. The fertilizers and ani- ers and streams that drain the Midwest farm-
mal manure that are spread on farmland land. The EPA has identified 166 dead zones
leach phosphorus, nitrate, fecal coliform in US waterways, as a result of hypoxia, where
FIGURE 8.8 Rivers and streams throughout the Midwest drain into the Mississippi River and contribute nitrates from
agricultural lands. These nitrates from the Mississippi River empty into the Gulf of Mexico, creating hypoxia and a large
dead zone. Source: Illustration by Robertson D.M., Saad D.A., and Schwarz G.E., Spatial variability in nutrient transport by
HUC8, state and subbasin based on Mississippi/Atchafalaya river basin sparrow models, Journal of the American Water
Resources Association 50(4), 2014, 1 22.
no fish or aquatic life survive. The Gulf of amount of soil erosion has decreased in the
Mexico has the largest dead zone, at the mouth region by 15.1 million tons per year; nitrogen
of the Mississippi River, which was estimated levels have been reduced by 38% and phospho-
to be over 5800 square miles in 2013. About rus by 45%. The effort to clean up Chesapeake
40% of the US seafood supply ($82 million a Bay is projected to cost nearly $19 billion.
year) comes from the Gulf of Mexico, and is Pesticides and herbicides that enter the water
threatened by these polluted waters. system are a concern for wildlife and humans.
The Chesapeake Bay on the East Coast has The EPA regulates all pesticides that are used in
also experienced significant eutrophication and agriculture and has defined their proper use.
dead zones. The Chesapeake watershed covers But the Clean Water Act does not regulate agri-
six states (Delaware, Maryland, New York, cultural pollution directly. Pesticide users must
Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia) with follow Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and
over 84,000 small farms. Because of the topogra- Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) regulations and secure
phy of the land in this region and the types of the proper permits. Inspection and oversight of
farming, runoff into the water systems is a sig- most pesticide use is conducted by regional or
nificant problem. Eutrophication of these water- local NRCS staff. A wide range of agricultural
ways has negative effects on the ecosystem and chemicals, primarily herbicides and insecticides,
food production, and reduces the recreational are approved for use in the United States. Each
quality of these areas. The USDA Natural of these chemicals has a defined mode of action,
Resources Conservation Service has been optimum effective concentration, toxicity thresh-
focused on restoring and protecting the old, and degradation rate. The USGS National
Chesapeake Bay watershed for several years Water Quality Assessment Program (www.usgs.
with positive results. Between 2006 and 2011 the gov) tracks the amounts of each of these
chemicals in water and the environment and potentially removed from cultivation, causing
posts these data on their website. Monitoring profit loss for farmers. Additionally, the rule
the effects of these chemicals on aquatic animals, would enforce Clean Water Act regulations on
wildlife, and humans is an ongoing challenge. waters within private land, which would be a
Implementation of water quality standards broader interpretation of the act than had ever
for wetlands and drainage fields has occasionally been held. Several states filed lawsuits against
stirred controversy with farmers who contend the rule and the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals
that the EPA’s interpretation of clean water regu- granted a nationwide stay on the WOTUS rule
lations will have detrimental economic effects on in October 2015. The position of the EPA is that
agriculture. In 2015 the EPA and US Army mitigation of water contamination from all
Corps of Engineers finalized the Waters of the sources, including field runoff, is expensive and
United States (WOTUS) rule to clarify the defini- difficult to achieve, and a better strategy is to
tion of “waters of the United States.” WOTUS prevent the contamination at the source. Because
makes it clear that streams, tributaries, and wet- water seeps and runs through all land, it is nec-
lands—essentially any water that channels into essary to address contamination wherever it
larger bodies of water—fall under the Clean occurs. Opponents of the rule, especially private
Water Act. Critics of the rule argue that comply- land owners, argue that it gives the government
ing with Clean Water Act regulations for all of authority to define how they manage their land
these waters would require planting extensive and resources. Clearly, this is an ethical dilemma
buffer strips along waterways, including rural that pits individual rights against the utilitarian
drainage ditches, to reduce runoff from farm perspective of protecting the nation’s water sys-
fields. Some farmers raised concerns that this tems. A solution to this dilemma will require dis-
could result in millions of acres of farmland cussion and scientific thinking from both sides.
Nitrogen is essential for plant growth and Legumes, such as soybeans and alfalfa, have
reproduction. Nitrogen is used in photosynthe- a type of bacteria in their root nodules that con-
sis so plants deficient in nitrogen are yellowish verts nitrogen gas (N2) to usable forms (ammo-
while those with adequate nitrogen are dark nia or NH3) of nitrogen. These plants are
green. Plants take up simple inorganic nitrogen referred to as “nitrogen-fixing” plants.
compounds from soil as either ammonium Nonlegume crops such as wheat and corn do
(NH4) or nitrate (NO3). There are various forms not fix nitrogen and must rely on biologically
of nitrogen (nitrite NO2, nitrate NO3, nitrous available nitrogen in the soil or nitrogen
oxides NO, NO2 and HNO3, and ammonia applied from commercial fertilizer or manure.
NH3/ammonium NH4) in the soil and these The most common form of nitrogen fertilizer
forms change depending on conditions of pH, is anhydrous (without water) ammonia (NH3).
moisture, temperature, and oxygen. Utilization During WWII, anhydrous ammonia was pro-
of organic nitrogen by crops requires prior duced in large quantities to be used in muni-
transformation to inorganic ammonium or tions. When the war ended, it was recognized
nitrate by soil microbes. that it could be an effective and low-cost
fertilizer. About one-third of the nitrogen fertil- caused when infants, less than 6 months of
izer used in the United States is applied as age, consume high levels of nitrates. The
anhydrous ammonia. Other forms of nitrogen nitrates are converted to nitrites by bacteria in
fertilizer are ammonium nitrate, urea, and the infant’s stomach and are absorbed into the
ammonium phosphates. Anhydrous ammonia blood. Nitrites affect the oxygen-carrying
is a hazardous chemical and must be handled capacity of the blood causing a condition
with care during transport and application. called methemoglobinemia. The lack of oxy-
Applied to the field as a liquid, anhydrous gen causes the skin to look bluish. The condi-
ammonia is converted to ammonium (NH4) gas tion is readily reversible by sequestering the
when it reacts with water, which is then readily nitrites, but if untreated can be fatal. Older
absorbed by soil and plants. infants and children are not susceptible to
Manure (animal feces and/or urine mixed blue baby syndrome because they have devel-
with plant material or bedding) is organic mat- oped sufficient stomach acidity to prevent the
ter that contains large amounts of nitrogen. conversion of nitrates to nitrites. Nitrates in
Manure is composted for a period of time drinking water are not a significant direct
before being used as a fertilizer to allow any health concern for adults. The Safe Drinking
pathogenic microorganisms to decay. CAFOs Water Act requirements set a maximum
collect manure into holding lagoons, which nitrate level of 10 parts per million in commu-
allows manure slurries to be applied to fields nity drinking water supplies. Water systems
as liquid fertilizers. Dry manure is also col- that use rivers and streams that have come
lected and can be distributed onto fields with a through agricultural land often have higher
manure spreader. Manure provides a valuable levels of nitrates. These must be removed
source of organic matter, which improves soil using a special type of filter (ion exchange or
composition, increases the water-holding capac- reverse osmosis) that can be expensive to
ity of sandy soils, improves drainage in clay operate. Reducing nitrogen runoff from agri-
soils, provides a source of slow-release nutri- cultural land is a high priority to protect
ents, reduces wind and water erosion, and pro- water quality and avoid these problems. Soil
motes growth of beneficial soil organisms. management practices, such as using opti-
Nitrogen fertilizers such as anhydrous mum fertilization rates or applying forms of
ammonia and manure are relatively inexpen- nitrogen that are better retained in the soil,
sive and easy to apply. These factors have can be used to help optimize crop yields,
allowed farmers to apply nitrogen fertilizers nitrogen use efficiency, and water quality.
abundantly to their fields. In some parts of the Newer technologies that allow farmers to
US excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers has led measure nitrogen levels in the soil in real time
to high levels of nitrates in public drinking are being developed to make fertilizer applica-
water systems. High levels of nitrates in tion more precise.
drinking water can have mild health effects
on children and potentially severe effects on Suggested reading: Powlson et al. (2008).
8.3.7 Carbon Footprint estimates that forests offset only about 15% of
total GHG generated, and the amount of for-
There are over 10 million known carbon- ested land has declined from about 1023 million
containing compounds, and all living things acres in 1630 to 766 million acres in 2012 due to
are carbon-based. As the fourth most abundant urbanization. Periods of high insect infestation,
element on Earth, carbon circulates throughout such as the pine beetle outbreak in the mid-
the biosphere of land, water, air, plants, and 2010s that killed millions of trees in the western
animals. Carbon exists in the atmosphere pri- United States, reduce the capacity of forests to
marily as CO2 and CH4, the main greenhouse remove CO2. Further loss of trees from wide-
gases (GHGs). Carbon footprint is defined as spread forest fires was exacerbated by the
“The quantity of GHGs expressed in terms of drought conditions in the western states and
CO2-e, emitted into the atmosphere by an indi- the high number of dead trees from insect dam-
vidual, organization, process, product or event age. Forest fires are doubly damaging because
from within a specified boundary” (Pandey, they take away the carbon sequestration activity
Agrawal, & Pandey, 2011). CO2-e refers to CO2 of trees, and release massive amounts of CO2.
equivalents, which are a measure of the impact Loss of forest land is a significant global con-
of a GHG on climate change relative to the cern, especially the dramatic loss of rainforests
impact of CO2 (e.g., methane has a high CO2- that are being cut down to grow crops.
e). To conduct a carbon footprint analysis, a Agricultural crops consume CO2 from the
lifecycle assessment (LCA) must be generated atmosphere as they grow. A Michigan State
that includes measurements of CO2-e at each University study found that 1 acre of corn
step “from cradle to grave” for the product. absorbs about 36,000 pounds of CO2 during
For a food product, defining a carbon footprint the growing season. Most of this will be
takes into consideration CO2-e during produc- returned to the atmosphere through animal or
tion, harvesting, processing, packaging, distri- human consumption of the grain, conversion
bution, and consumption. LCA is a useful to and burning of ethanol, or degradation of
analytical method to evaluate resource con- the plant biomass, so in this way crops are
sumption and the burdens on the environment carbon-neutral. The processes involved in
associated with a product, a process, or an growing agricultural crops, however, are not
activity. carbon-neutral. Soil that contains organic mat-
The large amount of CO2 produced by ter is a sink for CO2 but CO2 is released when
human activities is a major contributor to cli- soils are tilled and the organic matter is
mate change. High CO2 levels cause the Earth’s exposed to air and water. Tilling releases
surface to retain heat, which affects weather methane from the soils, which is a significant
patterns, so reducing these levels is a priority. GHG. Tractors, powered by engines burning
The burning of fossil fuels produces 54% of the fossil fuels that generate CO2, are used to till,
total CO2 produced on the planet. When plant, spread fertilizers, and harvest crops.
burned, one gallon of gasoline produces 20 And fertilizers and chemicals used on the
pounds of CO2 and 10 pounds of coal generates fields generate CO2 and other GHGs. Overall,
29 pounds of CO2. In contrast, plants consume raising crops produces more GHG than are
CO2 in the process of photosynthesis and consumed, contributing about 9% to the total
sequester it in their biomass. It has been esti- GHG emissions in the United States.
mated that one tree can absorb 48 pounds of Livestock production generates GHGs,
CO2 in a year and, over a 40-year lifespan, mainly CO2, CH4 and nitrous oxide (N2O),
retain 1 ton of CO2. The US Forestry Service that are directly produced by the animals, and
TABLE 8.3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Estimates for methods to lower the environmental impact of
100 kcal Portions of Foods food production. Carbon footprint calculators
Food category GHG (kgCO2e) have been developed (https://www3.epa.gov/
carbon-footprint-calculator/) to help consumers
Meat from ruminants 857 evaluate their own personal behaviors regard-
Fish 517 ing energy use. Farmers also can use software
Mixed dishes 312
modeling to find ways to reduce the carbon
footprint of their operations (www.cometfarm.
Pork, poultry, eggs 308 nrel.colostate.edu).
Fruits and vegetables 290
Dairy foods 216
Snacks and sweets 91
8.3.8 Food Miles
Starches (cereals, grains, bread) 61 The carbon footprint for food miles is calcu-
lated by multiplying the distance the food
Food fats 55
(or each food ingredient) has traveled by
From Vieux, F., Soler, L.-G., Touazi, D., & Darmon, N. (2013). High the carbon emission of the transportation type,
nutritional quality is not associated with lowest greenhouse gas emissions airplane, truck, barge, or railroad. The distri-
in self-selected diets of French adults. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, 97(3), 569 583 (Vieux, Soler, Touazi, & Darmon, 2013).
bution patterns of food in the United States
have clearly changed since the days when 40%
FIGURE 8.10 The main sources of greenhouse gases generated during milk production are from feed production,
enteric methane release, and decaying of manure. Transportation of products by truck also generates significant green-
house gases. Source: From Thoma, G., Popp, J., Nutter, D., Shonnard, D., Ulrich, R., Matlock, M., . . . Adom, F. (2013).
Greenhouse gas emissions from milk production and consumption in the United States: A cradle-to-grave life cycle assessment circa
2008. International Dairy Journal, 31, S3 S14 (Thoma et al., 2013).
humidity conditions. Climate change is pre- impacted that region in September 2004, sug-
dicted to have significant effects on the envi- gesting that the fungus may have been trans-
ronmental conditions that define the survival ported from South America in the wind and
and proliferation of agricultural pests. In 1999, water of that storm. Soybean rust causes
President Bill Clinton signed Executive Order severe economic losses to soybean farmers and
13112, called the Invasive Species Act, which the presence of the disease in the United States
created an Invasive Species Council to oversee raised great concern. In response, the USDA
planning and implementation of approaches to implemented a coordinated soybean rust mon-
mitigate invasive species. Invasive species itoring and tracking program soon after the
refers to any seeds, eggs, spores, or other bio- disease was discovered that involves farmers,
logical material capable of propagating a spe- extension educators, agribusinesses, and
cies that is not native to the ecosystem. Palmer USDA-APHIS. Thus far, the spread of soybean
amaranth is an invasive weed that negatively rust has been contained to the Southeast and
impacts crop production across the lower half not spread into the Midwest soybean farming
of the United States. This plant is an example areas, mainly because the fungus is not able to
of a highly adaptable and invasive species that survive the freezing temperatures of the
evolves quickly to survive in varying environ- Midwest. Plant pathologists are concerned that
ments, and develops resistance to herbicides. as climate change causes winters in the
The plant produces tiny seeds that are trans- Midwest to become warmer, soybean rust may
ported by humans, equipment, or in animal spread into these areas.
feed. Controlling the spread of the seeds is There is evidence from agricultural research
difficult. It is thought that the spread of data in the United States that some insects
Palmer amaranth infestation into Indiana, have increased their geographical ranges and
Michigan, and Wisconsin may have started others are surviving through the winter as
when local beef and dairy cattle were fed grain temperatures have increased. Corn flea beetle
from amaranth-infested fields in the southern causes damage to young corn plants and trans-
United States. The seeds were disseminated mits a bacteria to the plant that causes
onto croplands when the manure from the ani- Stewart’s wilt. The beetle and the bacteria
mals was spread for fertilizer. Several other combine to cause significant damage to corn
invasive weeds have expanded their territory production. The corn flea beetle’s survival is
as they have adapted to new climate condi- dependent on the temperatures during
tions, requiring farmers to learn quickly how December, January, and February. When tem-
to manage these pests. peratures are warm during those months, as
Plant pathologists, who study crop diseases, has occurred in recent years, the pest survives
have found that wind and precipitation pat- and can cause damage to the spring crop.
terns, as well as seasonal temperature changes, Because of the large variety of agricultural
allow certain plant diseases to spread into new pests, and their close interactions with the
areas. The soybean rust fungus is such an environment and crops, tracking each species
example. Soybean rust was not present in the will be necessary to fully understand how they
western hemisphere until 2001 when it first are responding to climate changes.
appeared in South America. By 2004 soybean The spread of invasive weeds, insects, and
rust was reported in the United States, first in plant diseases will be continually influenced
Louisiana and thereafter in other southeastern by weather and agronomic practices. Climate
states. The locations of soybean rust followed change increases the chaos in predicting where
the path of Hurricane Ivan, which had and when these pests will spread. Regions of
keeps prices high and reduces development of sum, or about 1% of the GDP. Agriculture and
new products and adoption of new technolo- agriculture-related industry provide 9.2% of
gies. It reduces farmers’ access to diverse US employment or about 16.9 million full-time
genetic resources and often leads to the elimi- and part-time jobs. Americans consume more
nation of specialized varieties for local condi- than 37 million tons of meat annually, worth
tions, which will become more important to $100 billion, and US fisheries harvest 5 million
respond to climate changes. A criticism of metric tons of fish and shellfish, which contri-
genetic engineering is the control of the pro- butes more than $1.4 billion to the economy
cess by a few companies and economic bar- annually. Sustainability of this production sys-
riers to entering the market adding to reduced tem is essential for the economic viability of
genetic diversity in agriculture. the United States.
Agriculture affects biodiversity by reducing Traditional and diversified farms of the
wildlife habitat. Fragmentation of preserved 1930s and 1940s may be viewed as being ide-
areas, diversion of water for irrigation, and ally sustainable (if soil erosion was controlled).
destruction of prairie and woodlands have But these farms were inefficient, had demand-
negative effects on native plants, animals, and ing labor inputs, low production volume, and
insects. Drainage of wetlands for conversion generated low income for farmers with high
to cropland reduces wildlife population and food costs for everyone. Modern, conventional
diversity. Runoff and chemicals used in agri- farming, which is often referred to as “indus-
culture negatively affect water quality, which trial farming,” generates a negative image of
hinders aquatic wildlife. Mitigation of the destroying the environment to produce cheap,
impacts of agriculture on wildlife while unhealthy foods. Finding a sustainable food
increasing the amount and quality of food production system lies somewhere in the mid-
produced is a wicked problem to solve. In a dle of these extremes. Sustainable farming
global view, it may be most efficient, economi- means an integrated or mixed farm pattern
cal, and ethical to concentrate the growing of with a concern for the environment and mini-
crops or raising of animals in certain areas so mal external inputs. Consideration of where
that other lands may be preserved for parks, and how food is produced, with size and scale
forests, and wildlife reserves. Deciding where of operations interspersed with market
to produce food to optimize wildlife and natu- demands is needed. Any food production sys-
ral areas, as well as support the expanding tem “. . .must be efficient, which in most cases
human population, is and will continue to be will require that farming remain mechanized,
challenging. scientifically informed, and chemically sup-
ported. Only such an agriculture will be able
to feed 9 billion people by 2050” (Conkin,
FOOD SYSTEM Being able to clearly predict the impact of
climate change on weather patterns, the envi-
The economic impact of US agriculture is ronment, and ultimately agricultural produc-
significant. Agriculture and agriculture-related tion is unlikely given the wide range of factors
industries (forestry, fishing, food, beverage, that are involved. Vulnerability of agriculture
tobacco, textiles, apparel, leather, and foodser- to these changes will be dependent upon not
vice) contributed $789 billion to the US gross only the natural systems that arise, but on the
domestic product (GDP) in 2013. The output of ways humans respond to these changes. The
America’s farms generated $167 billion of this key drivers as defined by the USDA (Technical
TABLE 8.4 Proposed Adaption Strategies to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts on US Agriculture
Integrating adaptation into federal Agencies are taking steps to manage climate impacts to federal agency
government planning and activities missions, programs, and operations to ensure that resources are invested
wisely and federal services remain effective for the American people.
Agencies are developing climate adaptation plans to identify their
vulnerabilities and prioritize activities that reduce climate risk.
Building resilience to climate change in Recognizing that most adaptation occurs at the local level, Federal
communities agencies are working with diverse stakeholders in communities to prepare
for a range of extreme weather and climate impacts (e.g., flooding,
drought, and wildfire) that put people, property, local economies, and
ecosystems at risk.
Improving accessibility and coordination of To advance understanding and management of climate risks, the federal
science for decision making government is working to develop strong partnerships, enhance regional
coordination of climate science and services, and provide accessible
information and tools to help decision makers develop strategies to reduce
extreme weather impacts and climate risks.
Developing strategies to safeguard natural Recognizing that American communities depend on natural resources and
resources in a changing climate the valuable ecosystem services they provide, agencies are working with
key partners to create a coordinated set of national strategies to help
safeguard the nation’s valuable freshwater, ocean, fish, wildlife, and plant
resources in a changing climate.
Developing strategies to safeguard natural Recognizing that American communities depend on natural resources and
resources in a changing climate the valuable ecosystem services they provide, agencies are working with
key partners to create a coordinated set of national strategies to help
safeguard the nation’s valuable freshwater, ocean, fish, wildlife, and plant
resources in a changing climate.
Soil fertility: no sewage, use cover Living conditions: natural behavior; Organic ingredients: organic processors
crops, soil conservation practices access to outdoors; protection from must use 95% organic ingredients; no
extreme temperatures ingredients produced by GMO, from
sewage, sludge, or ionizing radiation
Seeds and planting stock: organic Grazing: ruminants access to pasture; Commingling and contact: no mixing
seeds; not GMO; not treated with not continuously confined organic with nonorganic ingredients;
prohibited chemicals clean and sanitize equipment between
Crop rotation: different crop each Animal health: vaccination and Managing pests: may use synthetic pest
season; wait years before planting prevention strategies; no antibiotics or management if needed, but cannot be
same crop growth hormones in contact with products
Pest management: prevention, Organic feed: feed, pastures, bedding
avoidance, monitoring, and must be certified organic; nonorganic
suppression; approved pesticides vitamins and minerals allowed
Identity and integrity of crops: Animal origin: raised organically from
separate organic production from last third of gestation; birds for poultry
conventional to prevent contamination; or egg production raised organically
wait 36 months after prohibited from second day of life
chemicals used
FIGURE 8.11 The amount of land under organic operation, and the number of organic farm operators, have both
increased since 1992. Sales of organic foods have increased more steeply than other food categories, creating high price
demands for organic products. Source: USDA Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
dominant sustainable food label and is the 8.4.2 Sustainable US Food Production
largest component of the global sustainable
food industry partly because of the high Food production in the United States will be
investment by governments and private sector impacted by climate changes but with regional
businesses. effects. Some areas near climate thresholds
For the past several years, most grocery stores vegetable is determined by the cultivar or geno-
and markets prominently feature organic pro- type, and the environment in which it is grown,
ducts. Fruits and vegetables are displayed in sep- including soil and climate. The degree to which
arate locations in the produce aisle labeled with the plant is stressed from temperatures, too
banners indicating that they are organically much or too little water, or pests affects how
grown. Packaged food products that contain 95% much and which nutrients are retained. The
organically produced ingredients display the length of the growing period, harvest time, stor-
USDA Organic Seal, and those that contain 70% age conditions, and length of storage deter-
organic ingredients are labeled as “made with mines which nutrients are available when the
organic ingredients.” Such separate and distinct food is consumed. Further complexity arises
labeling and marketing tends to generate a “bet- because of the large number of nutrients pro-
ter for you” perception in consumers. From sur- vided by fruits and vegetables, some of which
veys of consumers, most will respond that are essential (vitamins and minerals) and others
organic foods are healthier, safer, and taste bet- that are nonessential (bioactive compounds)
ter; help small farmers; and are better for the and have no defined human requirement.
environment than commercially grown foods. Research studies have reported a higher or
Foods that are grown using conventional agricul- lower content of one or more nutrients or bioac-
tural practices do not receive comparable market tive compounds in organically grown versus
attention. The rapid increase in sales of organic conventionally grown fruits and vegetables but
foods indicates consumers see a perceived bene- these differences have not been consistent from
fit. Compared to conventionally grown foods, season to season or year to year. The overall
organically produced foods are more labor- impact on a person’s health from small differ-
intensive, and tend to have lower yields. These ences in nutrient content of one food may be
factors, plus the consumer willingness to pay insignificant. For example, some grass-fed beef
more, has led to significantly higher prices for may have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids
organically produced foods than conventionally than conventionally raised beef, but the total
produced foods (Fig. 8.12). There is very little sci- amount of these fats in beef adds only a minor
entific evidence that organically grown foods are contribution to the overall diet.
safer, or have special nutritional value for consu- When a large number of studies that com-
mers compared to conventionally grown foods. pared nutrient content from organic and conven-
Research studies comparing methods for tionally grown foods were integrated using
growing plant foods are difficult to conduct statistical analyses (metaanalysis), vitamin C,
because of the many variables that must be con- phenolic compounds, magnesium, calcium,
trolled. The nutrient content of a fruit or potassium, zinc, and copper content were
FIGURE 8.12 The price of organically produced foods is generally much higher than conventionally grown
foods. Some consumers are willing to pay higher prices for these foods even though there is no scientific evi-
dence that they are safer or more nutritious than conventionally grown foods. Source: USDA Economic Research
Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
equally available from both types of food pro- Because there are a wide variety of flavonoid
duction. Bioactive compounds (such as phenolic compounds in foods, and their specific function
or flavonoid compounds that act as antioxi- in the body is not well-defined, there is no clear
dants) in organic compared to conventionally amount of flavonoid intake that correlates with
grown strawberries, plums, peaches, pears, and a health outcome. Most nutritionists agree that
cabbage were present in similar amounts. consuming more fruits and vegetables, regard-
Higher levels of some bioactive compounds less of how they are grown, provides beneficial
such as the flavonoids have been reported for nutrients to the diet.
organic compared to conventionally grown A majority of consumers (70%) base their
foods. Flavonoids include a large number of dif- decision to purchase organic foods on the belief
ferent chemicals that function to protect the that organic foods contain fewer pesticides and
plant from pests and sun-derived radiation chemicals than conventionally produced foods.
damage, and provide the color pigments respon- The fear of chemical exposure is a major con-
sible for attracting pollinators and seed disper- sideration that drives the purchasing of organic
sers. When plants are stressed the concentration foods. The USDA prohibits synthetic pesticides
of flavonoids tends to increase. Year-to-year var- from use in organic food production but does
iations in various flavonoids in apples, blueber- allow over 195 chemical compounds in the pro-
ries, tomatoes, and peppers have been duction, processing, and handling of organic
documented regardless of production method. foods. Conventional farming also follows
regulations regarding the types and amounts of had a higher rate of violations than domestic
pesticides that are allowed. The EPA reviews products. Most health professionals agree that
the scientific data on all pesticide products the risk to health from pesticide residues on
before they can be registered for use and estab- foods, both conventionally and organically
lishes a tolerance for use on food crops. The grown, is insignificant.
FDA enforces these tolerances on most foods By regulation, organically raised animals are
while the USDA enforces tolerances for meat, not exposed to antibiotics or growth hormones.
poultry, and certain egg products. The FDA This is frequently used as a marketing strategy
and USDA set enforcement guidelines for resi- to promote organically produced foods. Most
dues of pesticides that may remain in the envi- consumers are concerned that exposure to anti-
ronment and in the food. Based on scientific biotics or hormones in foods will have negative
evidence, an Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) is effects on their health and the health of their
defined for each pesticide that is set at 1/100 of children. As discussed in Chapter 4, Animals in
the exposure level that would cause toxicity in the Food System, when conventional farmers
lab animals. This tolerance level is intended to use these products they must be fully cleared
be several magnitudes below where any risk to from the animal before meat, milk, or eggs enter
human health would occur. The FDA provides the food system. The risk of exposure to antibio-
an annual report of the pesticide residues mea- tics or artificial hormones from conventionally
sured in food samples obtained from grocery raised animals is extremely low and essentially
stores (Table 8.6). In recent surveys, the great not different from organically raised products.
majority of foods contained no measurable resi- The decision to purchase organically pro-
dues, and those that did contain residues were duced foods is sometimes based on the consider-
below the safety threshold. Only a very small ation of taste and flavor. The assumption is that
percent of foods had levels of chemical residues organically produced foods have better flavor
that violated the standards. Imported foods, than conventionally grown foods. Flavor com-
particularly grains, vegetables, and fruits pounds in fruits and vegetables and animal foods
Percent of total
From Pesticide Monitoring Program Fiscal Year 2013 Pesticide Report, U.S. Food and Drug Administration. ,http://www.fda.gov/
are influenced many factors, and perception of grown products receive higher prices in the
desired flavor is defined by personal experience marketplace, which may benefit some small
and preference. Freshness is another factor that farmers. Consumer demand for organic foods
affects flavor. A tomato picked from the garden is strong and continues to increase, which will
and consumed immediately will have a different demand a new paradigm for organic food pro-
flavor profile than the same tomato eaten after duction. To meet demand, organic farmers will
being held for a few days on the grocer’s display need to increase the size of their operations, or
table. Organic farmers tend to grow different more farmers will need to enter the organic
varieties of fruits and vegetables than commercial production market. Another strategy will be for
growers. Some of these may be heirloom, or vari- conventional farming to adopt some of the
eties that have unique taste and texture profiles. organic approaches to better meet consumer
There will be inherent differences in taste and expectations. The latter approach has been pro-
texture in these products, not mainly derived posed by Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
from the organic production practices but more in the Enhancing Coexistence report. Coexistence
so because of the cultivar. When the same culti- is defined as “. . . the concurrent cultivation of
vars, grown under organic or conventional meth- conventional, organic, IP [identity preserved],
ods, are compared no consistent differences in and genetically engineered (GE) crops consis-
flavor preference have been found. Organically tent with underlying consumer preference
raised animals consume more plant material and and farmer choices” (Coexistence Report, 2012).
less grain than conventionally raised animals, Bringing together the best practices from
which affects the flavor profile of the meat, milk, organic and conventional farming, rather
and eggs. Some people will prefer the taste pro- than forming an “us versus them” mentality,
files of organic foods while others may not. will be better for consumers, farmers, and the
Organically and commercially grown fruits environment.
and vegetables and animal foods provide simi-
lar nutrient value, and neither pose a health Suggested reading: Economic Research Service. (2015).
Organic agriculture. Available from ,http://www.ers.usda.
risk from pesticide, antibiotic, or hormone resi- gov/topics/natural-resources-environment/organic-agriculture.
dues. Organic methods do support practices for aspx. and U.S. Department of Agriculture Advisory
improved soil quality and integrated methods Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture
of crop and animal production. Organically
such as wine-growing regions of California high temperatures during the growing season
and the grain-producing Great Plains are likely increase by as little as 2 degrees. Increased
to experience decreases in yield and quality stress from weeds and plant pests may miti-
while other areas with limited growing sea- gate increased crop yields as these also will
sons such as the Great Lakes region may bene- change in response to higher CO2 and tem-
fit by being able to grow more products. peratures. Crop yield directly impacts the eco-
Decreased yields of wheat, rice, corn, soybean, nomic balance of farming, with lower yields
barley, and sorghum occur when the average tending to generate lower profits. But there are
many other variables that affect that equation. pounds, which is a 44% increase from 2011. In
Overall crop availability and demand define the past, expanded populations were fed
crop prices, so a low crop yield with high because of the inputs of fossil fuels for fuel,
prices may net the same income as a high yield fertilizer, and pesticides, and water and crop
with low prices. Predicting how climate improvement technologies from the Green
change will drive yields and commodity costs Revolution. From 1930 to 2000, global agri-
requires development of models that consider cultural output of most commodities includ-
all of these variables. ing corn, soybeans, oats, rice, and wheat
More extreme weather events, such as increased. Looking toward the future, climate
floods, droughts, and hurricanes are projected variability is expected to decrease the global
to occur leading to economic losses for farmers production of these commodities, with the
and higher government subsidies for crop possible exception of wheat due to enhance
losses and damage. Some predictions indicate yield with higher CO2 (Fig. 8.13) As discussed
a 60% 90% decrease in snowfall in the Sierra in Section 8.3.9 climate change will impact
Nevada Mountains over the next decade, pests, plant, and animal diseases and soil
which could result in a lack of irrigation water quality, which threaten global food produc-
in California’s Central Valley and desertifica- tion. Globally, the cost of food is a higher per-
tion in some locations. The Central Valley pro- cent of personal income than it is in the
duces more than 25% of US fruits, vegetables, United States. Reduced food production will
and nuts. Apricots, almonds, artichokes, figs, increase prices and drive more people into
kiwis, olives, and walnuts require some chill- food insecurity. As was observed during the
ing temperature threshold for dormancy and Arab Spring of 2011, food scarcity and high
to set fruit. With increasing temperatures, a prices lead to civil unrest and war. Most mod-
30% 40% decrease in production of wine and els predict that agriculture production will
table grapes, almonds, oranges, walnuts, and decline in developing countries under climate
avocados could occur. Some predictions sug- change scenarios, likely increasing the risk of
gest Colorado will be drier resulting in less political and social turmoil.
grass for cattle grazing while Florida will see The US food system is closely intertwined
an increase in storms and hurricanes. There with the global food system. Agriculture
will be less rainfall throughout the Midwest. trade and food security will be affected as cli-
Building models to predict climate change mate change alters areas of production.
influences on agriculture economics is compli- Growth in US agricultural exports has
cated by the many factors that influence pro- exceeded the growth in imports, leading to a
duction, prices, and markets. positive trade balance. Rising global demand,
primarily in developing countries, along with
the dollar’s competitive exchange rate,
helped US exports grow faster than imports
8.4.3 Sustainable Global Production
during the past decade. As a result, the US
and Trade agricultural trade surplus widened to $38.8
Climate change and population growth are billion in 2014. Nearly 40% of the food and
the most serious concerns for future food pro- feed crops produced in the United States
duction. The world’s population increased to were exported in 1995. While the United
4.5 billion people in the last 100 years and is States is the second largest grain producer in
expected to reach 9.5 billion by 2050. By 2050, the world and holds the world’s largest grain
the world’s food needs will be 14.3 trillion surplus, grain exports from the United States
FIGURE 8.13 The effects of climate change on agriculture production are difficult to predict. Some projection models
suggest that staple crop production in 2020 and 2040 will be decreased as much as 10% as a result of climate change,
whereas some crops such as barley and wheat may be less affected. Source: Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gov.
amount to only about 5% of global produc- social, and sometimes the environmental,
tion and are primarily fed to animals in dimension of sustainability by guaranteeing
Europe and Japan. It has been predicted that a “fair” price for local producers. The
as the economic status of global populations price takes production costs and profit into
increase the demand for animal-derived account, rather than simply market demand
foods will also increase. This will put higher forces. Standards for wages are set for small
demand on corn, soybean, and alfalfa crops farmers (cooperatives) and workers on planta-
to provide feed for these animals. Debate tions and in processing factories (organized
around this scenario has arisen with concerns workers) and incorporated into the market
about the net environmental effects of raising price. Fair Trade labeling and certification is
crops in the United States that will be usually conducted by a network of indepen-
shipped to other countries to be fed to ani- dent, nonprofit organizations and the Fair
mals to provide food for the people of those Trade symbol is internationally recognized
countries. Consideration of the ethical, envi- and monitored by the Fair Trade Labeling
ronmental, and economic balance of these Organization International (FLO). Other orga-
choices will clearly be needed. nizations focused on sustainable production
An example of how global food sustainabil- include the Marine Stewardship Council, The
ity can be approached from the economic and Rainforest Alliance, and Food Alliance, which
human dimensions are the Fair Trade efforts. work in the local environment to prevent
Fair Trade is a partnership between producers environmental damage and worker abuse,
and consumers that creates greater equity in and connect consumers with products that
the global marketplace. Fair Trade targets the meet sustainable production standards.
8.4.4 Role of Government The 2014 Farm Bill addressed several aspects
in Sustainable Agriculture of sustainability including rural development,
conservation, renewable energy, next-
As noted in Chapter 1, Ethics and Scientific generation farmers and ranchers, local and
Thinking, a sustainable food system must regional food systems, and specialty crops and
include economic, environmental, and societal organic production. Specifically, funding was
acceptability. For most of US history, agricul- provided for water and wastewater infrastruc-
ture has been focused on applying new tech- ture, farmers markets and local food production
nologies to increase production. Consumers promotion, and local and regional food systems
benefited from low food prices, consistently grants. Specialty Crop Research Initiative
high quality products, year-round availability (SCRI) funding was increased to $80 million
and diversity in food choices. Environmental annually, subsidies for crop insurance pre-
impacts of agriculture were rarely considered. miums were linked to conservation practices
This changed somewhat in the 1970s when the for highly erodible lands and wetlands, $880
EPA was established, and water, air, and million was earmarked for energy programs,
ground pollution regulations were enforced. $100 million for the Beginning Farmers and
Farming regulations that protect the environ- Ranchers Development Program, and $72.5 mil-
ment have largely been implemented as volun- lion for specialty crop block grants. These pro-
tary or best practices, perhaps because of the grams will encourage new approaches to
strong farm lobby, which resists regulatory agriculture and provide funding for crops that
policies. Since the 1990s, following the intro- have not been well supported previously.
duction of the Organic Foods Production Act, The USDA, EPA, and related government
demand for changes in the way agriculture is agencies are well aware of the urgency to
done began to enter the public arena, and gov- address climate change and environmental
ernment responded to these concerns. impacts of agriculture. Several comprehensive
The USDA established the Low Impact documents have been developed by scientists in
Sustainable Agriculture (LISA) program in these agencies that outline the projected pro-
1985 to address research needs for alternative blems and proposed actions. Policy recommen-
agricultural methods. LISA was replaced by dations include reforestation, conservation of
the SARE program, which supports $19 mil- energy, decreased fossil fuel combustion, devel-
lion for agricultural systems research for long- opment of renewable fuels, increased energy
term, interdisciplinary study of components efficiency of farm implements, increased water
that influence food and farming outcomes. use efficiency, and decreased soil loss. Finding
Sustainable agriculture was defined by the right balance of agricultural policy that
Congress in the 1990 Farm Bill as: addresses environmental protection without
incurring high economic costs will be a chal-
an integrated system of plant and animal pro- lenge. Organic food production has promise to
duction practices having a site-specific application
that will, over the long term: satisfy human food
reduce chemical use and enhance soil and water
and fiber needs; enhance environmental quality and quality, but these approaches may not be fully
the natural resource base upon which the agricul- adaptable to all types of agriculture on the scale
tural economy depends; make the most efficient use necessary to generate food at reasonable costs.
of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources Conventional food production is moving more
and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological
cycles and controls; sustain the economic viability of
toward precision systems that accurately detect
farm operations; and enhance the quality of life for and deliver chemicals to the fields that will
farmers and society as a whole. lessen the environmental impact. It is essential
include 24% less manure, 43% less CH4, and carbon sequestration by applying no-till meth-
56% less NO2 generated per billion kilogram ods, planting drought- and weed-resistance
milk. The carbon footprint of milk produced in crops, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers
2007 was 37% less than an equivalent milk pro- and pesticides, conserving water, and improv-
duction in 1944. These advances were achieved ing the management of grasslands and live-
from better dairy cattle genetics and nutrition stock. GHG emissions can be reduced
leading to cows that are more efficient in con- with better manure management practices and
verting feed to milk, improved manure manage- biogas production systems. Integrated pest
ment strategies, and efficiencies of scale. management (IPM) also uses current and com-
Field crops have also become more produc- prehensive monitoring of the life cycles of
tive. According to USDA surveys, energy use pests to limit damage to crops by appropriate
per bushel of corn fell 43% between 1980 and application of pesticides and other physical
2011 due to farming methods that reduce control mechanisms. The expected occurrence
chemical, water, and diesel fuel use. Some of of insects and disease in a very localized area
these reductions were associated with the use can be weighed against the likely production
of GMO crops. Efficiencies have occurred in losses and cost of treatment. Use of computer-
overall crop production, including 30% less ized data, development of low-carbon fertili-
land, 67% less soil erosion, 53% less irrigation zers, genetic modification of crops for reduced
and 36% less GHG emissions. To be sustain- water and fertilizer needs, drip irrigation, use
able from an economic perspective, farmers of buffer strips, wetland restoration, and other
will continue to improve production efficiency developments in agricultural science will con-
while reducing resource use and mitigating tinue to help farmers decrease inputs while
adverse environmental impacts. increasing yields. Research will be needed to
Use of precision farming techniques, prac- define a whole systems analysis approach that
ticed since the 1980s, may be the solution to can be used to improve management deci-
some of the expected variations in precipita- sions, weigh costs and benefits, and evaluate
tion, day/night temperature differences, and productivity and environmental impacts.
summer and winter temperature averages
caused by climate change. As discussed in
Chapter 3, Innovations in US Agriculture, pre-
8.4.6 Role of Consumers
cision farming uses global positioning systems
(GPS) to make applications of nutrients pre-
in Sustainable Agriculture
cisely to locations throughout a field so little The chapters of this book describe the his-
or no excess fertilizer will be leached to tory and progression of the US food system
groundwater or washed to surface waters. over time and the ways food is produced, pro-
Inputs can be directly linked to soil conditions cessed, and consumed. In the United States,
and past production. The use of drones and the production of food shifted from self-
computer mapping systems allow real-time sufficiency to commercial in less than four
assessment of field conditions. Practices such generations. US farmers have been highly suc-
as no-till farming use less fuel and reduce soil cessful in providing nutritious, inexpensive,
erosion and water evaporation while seques- convenient, and plentiful food for consumers.
tering carbon. Only about 10% of US cropland The agricultural section has expanded the US
is in no-till production and 25% is tilled selec- economy with many people working in agri-
tively leaving room for improvement in tillage businesses, although only a few are involved
methods. Agriculture can contribute more to in direct food production. In contrast, the
food produced, about 2.9 trillion pounds per grain products are the top three food groups
year, is wasted. In developing countries, the in terms of food loss, while meat, poultry, fish,
majority of food waste occurs during produc- vegetables, and dairy products are the largest
tion and postharvest. Pest damage of crops, categories of loss in terms of value.
inadequate storage and refrigeration, and lack Reducing food waste would have a direct
of transportation are some of the reasons for immediate positive impact on the food system
food waste. In developed countries, where by reducing the amount of food that needs to
food production and storage are very efficient, be produced. Environmental impacts of
retail and consumers account for the majority reduced food waste include less GHG gener-
of food waste. In the United States, 30% 40% ated in producing food and from food waste
of food produced (133 billion pounds a year) is decaying in landfills. There are many ways
discarded. Almost all of this uneaten food food waste can be reduced at the level of food
ends up in landfills. About 25% of total munic- processing, retail and restaurants, and by con-
ipal solid waste (MSW) is organic material that sumers (Table 8.7). As discussed in Chapter 7,
generates a significant amount of GHG as it Nutrition and Food Access, efforts to provide
decays and ferments. Food is the single largest food to those in need can be combined with
component of MSW (21%) going to landfills. reducing food waste. Gleaning efforts and
Food scraps, which can be composted, repre- redistribution of edible foods from restaurants,
sent 11.9% of MSW by weight. schools and colleges, and retail outlets help con-
The USDA defines food loss as the edible nect food-insecure people with excess foods.
amount of food, postharvest, that is available Many people associate fresh foods with being
for human consumption but is not consumed more healthful, and perhaps more sustainable
for any reason. This includes cooking loss and because they have been less processed. As con-
shrinkage from moisture loss; damage by sumers’ demand for fresh foods increases, food
mold, pests, and inadequate storage; food dis- waste and negative impacts on the environment
carded by retailers; and plate waste by consu- increase. Fruit and vegetable waste accounts for
mers. The main sources of food loss include 38.4% of total food waste (Fig. 8.14). Fruits and
consumer food waste at restaurants and at vegetables have a limited shelf-life, so they must
home (21% of the food supply, or 90 billion be transported quickly and with refrigeration.
pounds) and convenience stores and other In order to maintain a year-round supply,
retail outlets (10% of the food supply or 43 bil- fruits and vegetables that are not in season
lion pounds). Dairy products, vegetables, and in the United States are imported from other
Food Grow and produce foods for Harvest and process foods close to the farm Store and transport foods
processing defined markets efficiently
Food Match food stocks with Limit size of fresh food displays Donate unused food to
retailers customer demand those in need
Restaurants Balance food production with Manage food handling and storage Reduce portion sizes, offer
customer demand limited menus
Consumers Buy only what you need Store and use food efficiently, read and Plan meals to use food
understand “best by” dates efficiently
FIGURE 8.14 Food waste in the United States occurs mainly at the consumer level. Fresh products including, meat,
poultry and fish, vegetables, and dairy products are the major food groups most commonly discarded. Source: USDA
Economic Research Service, www.usda.ers.gov.
countries. Consuming more fresh fruits and vitamin E, minerals, and fiber are generally sim-
vegetables imposes higher fuel use and contri- ilar in comparable fresh and processed pro-
butes to GHG production. Retail stores and res- ducts. The canning and freezing processes do
taurants throw out a great majority of fresh consume energy and require water, which both
fruits and vegetables each day because they have environmental impacts. Consumers would
spoil quickly, adding to landfill GHG. Fresh need to wash, cook and store fresh fruits and
fruits and vegetables are more expensive than vegetables as well, and commercial processing
canned or frozen versions (Table 8.8). is done more efficiently than individual con-
The nutrient content of frozen and canned sumer processing. Based on the high nutritional
fruits and vegetables are similar to fresh and value of processed fruits and vegetables, and
there is no unique health benefit to consuming the lower food waste incurred by processing
fruits and vegetables in the fresh state. While them at the peak of their freshness, consuming
canned foods are often regarded as less nutri- fresh fruits and vegetables is less sustainable
tious than fresh or frozen products, this is gen- and worse for the environment than consuming
erally not true. Canning does reduce the content processed fruits and vegetables.
of water-soluble and thermally labile nutrients
but the processing methods are set to ensure
these losses are minimal. The nutritional content
8.4.8 Sustainability of Animal Foods
of fresh fruits and vegetables prepared at home The nutritional benefits of meat, milk, and
may be reduced during storage and cooking eggs to human health, as well as the potential
and these losses are not controlled. Carotenoids, health risks of these foods, were presented in
Fresh in pods 3.99/lb 62 0.24 2.43
Frozen 2.97/28 oz 0 0.11 0.33
Frozen microwave pkg 1.25/10 oz 0 0.12 0.42
Canned 1.59/15 oz 10 0.10 0.43
Fresh 3.19/lb 12 0.59
Frozen 1.25/16 oz 0 0.08 0.21
Frozen, microwave pkg 1.25/12 oz 0 0.10 0.36
Canned 0.59/15 oz 10 0.04 0.02
Chapter 7, Nutrition and Food Access. The growing crops. In that manner, grazing cattle
production of animal foods has been discussed are highly sustainable. When cattle are fed
in Chapter 4, Animals in the Food System, grains, the equation is modified because grains
and the environmental issues associated require significant water, energy, and chemical
with animal production were presented in inputs. The amount of grain required to pro-
Section 8.3.7. Defining the sustainability of ani- duce 1 kg of animal product has been esti-
mal food production requires engagement of mated to be highest for beef cattle and lowest
all of these aspects of these food sources. From for dairy cattle (milk):
a sustainability perspective, ruminant animals
• Beef cattle 5 13 kg
can generate high-quality foods for humans
• Eggs 5 11 kg
(meat and milk) from grasses that are not food
• Swine 5 5.9 kg
sources for humans. They also generate
• Turkeys 5 3.8 kg
manure that is an effective fertilizer for
The production of animal foods is unlikely to Walmart and Ben & Jerry’s are two food
end in the United States or other countries, and processors known as leaders in corporate
in fact the demand for these foods is increasing sustainability initiatives. Walmart is the
especially in countries with rapidly growing world’s largest grocer and is able to estab-
populations with higher economic status. The lish policies and practices for other seg-
positive impact of animal foods to provide ments of the food system. Walmart works
important nutrients must be considered in the with farmers to optimize fertilizer and til-
overall assessment of a sustainable food system. ling practices for soy and corn, sourcing
Using environmentally sound approaches to goods from small- and medium-sized farm-
animal husbandry, and optimizing waste man- ers and sustainably sourcing palm oil, beef,
agement, will be necessary to ensure sustainabil- and seafood. The Walmart statement about
ity of these food sources. Balancing animal food sustainability reads:
intake with nutrient needs, especially by afflu-
ent societies may be recommended to limit cur- Walmart is committed to a sustainable food sup-
rent environmental effects. ply chain, which means offering customers choices
and transparency into how their food is grown and
raised, helping to further the humane treatment of
8.4.9 Sustainability in the Food animals, and always working to lessen the environ-
Processing Industry mental impact of our agricultural practices. We
believe that it is our responsibility to identify the
As discussed in Chapter 5, Human Resources challenges that impact our supply chain and our
customers, and be a part of the solution. We are
in the Food System, processed foods are an
working with our suppliers, government agencies,
essential component of a sustainable food sys- academics, NGOs, animal health companies and
tem. Food companies must be responsive to cus- veterinary experts. As part of this effort, Walmart U.
tomer requests for information and concerns S. and Sam’s Club U.S. announced new positions
about sustainability because their business around animal welfare and the responsible use of
antibiotics in farm animals in the U.S.
depends on customers who will purchase their
Walmart (www.corporate.walmart.com/global-
products. Most US businesses have statements responsibility/environment-sustainability/sustainable-
of responsibility that address sustainability and agriculture)
provide examples of sustainability practices.
Food companies address environmental sustain- Ben & Jerry’s issued a Social and
ability by sourcing ingredients from responsible Environmental Assessment Report and has
producers, reducing carbon emissions and initiatives to promote GMO labeling, a carbon
energy usage in processing and transportation, reduction program, a Fair Trade certified sup-
reducing landfill waste, using less packaging ply chain and a “Caring Dairy” program.
material, and conserving water. Similarly, res- Learning more about a food company’s posi-
taurants target sustainability goals by reducing tion on sustainability is helpful when compar-
energy and water use, using energy-efficient ing foods to purchase or companies to support.
equipment, developing strategic transportation,
establishing standards for products in order to
reduce waste, and implementing standards for
animal welfare. In contrast, some approaches, 8.5 PERSONAL DECISIONS
such as refusing to accept GMO technology, or AND CHOICES
the use of approved food additives, may reduce
sustainability potential of the food system by Responsible food behaviors for individuals
limiting productivity and increasing food waste. include learning about nutrition and food,
TABLE 8.9 Consumer Behaviors and Their Impacts on a Sustainable Food System
behavior Economic effect Societal effect Environmental effect
Buy organic foods High-income consumers can afford; higher Groups can influence Lower environmental
prices for some producers policy and availability in impact
Eat less meat Consumer saves money on food purchased, Some benefits for May reduce production of
meat producers may lose money, producers personal health grains, use of water, need
of other products may earn more money for manure disposal
Buy Fair Trade High-income consumers can afford; higher Strengthen connections Production of crops is
foods prices for some producers between US consumers more sustainable
and international market
Buy from farmers’ High-income consumers can afford; higher Strengthen relationship May increase GHG
markets or CSAs prices for some producers between consumer and emissions from
producer transportation to markets
Eat fresh (raw) High-income consumers can afford; higher Perceived as a healthier May generate more GHG
foods prices for some producers diet pattern emissions than some
processed foods, more
Reduce wasted Consumers, business, taxpayers save money Increased respect for food Reduced need for waste
food costs disposal, less GHG from
Buy directly from High-income consumers can afford, keeps Strengthen relationship May increase GHG
local producers small producers viable between consumer and emissions from
producer transportation to markets
8.5.1 Learning About Agriculture, agronomy, horticulture, animal science, food sci-
Food, and Nutrition ence, human nutrition, plant pathology, and
other areas of study related to food. There are
There are many ways to learn about food also colleges that offer work experience on farms
and the food system. Agricultural production such as School of the Ozarks and many universi-
information is available on the USDA, EPA, ties have student-run organic farms such as
FDA, and land-grant university websites. Fun those at Michigan State University, Clemson
events such as county fairs and festivals cele- University, University of California Santa
brate all kinds of food such as wild rice, water- Cruz, California Polytechnic State University,
melon, pork, bacon, apples, grapes, turkey, Berea College, Iowa State University, University
BBQ, chili, ribs, chocolate, wine, cheese, pump- of California Davis, and many others. There are
kins, and more. There are technical demonstra- international volunteer farm work programs.
tions of current farming practices at fairs and The Worldwide Opportunities on Organic
agricultural shows offered in most states. Farms (WWOOF) links volunteers with farmers
Historical agriculture festivals such as Steam around the world and in the United States.
Thresher’s Reunions (in Illinois, Ohio, Some offer room and board in exchange for
Minnesota, Iowa); ethnic events that showcase work on the farm; some offer apprenticeship
Polish, Indian, German, Asian, Latin, Greek, programs as well as volunteer opportunities.
and other cultures with their foods; agricul- There are agrotourism and food experiences
tural museums; and living history farms (see offered by travel agencies. Some food proces-
the Association for Living History Farms and sing plants offer tours and sampling of their
Museums) provide education and entertain- foods to the public. Celestial Seasonings in
ment around US foods. Boulder, Colorado; Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream in
There are many ways for individuals to Waterbury, Vermont; Cabot’s Cheese in Cabot,
become involved in food production through Vermont; Eli’s Cheesecake in Chicago, Illinois;
gardening themselves or in community garden- Hershey’s in Hershey, Pennsylvania; and
ing projects. Community gardens are collabora- Coca-Cola in Atlanta, Georgia are popular
tive projects on shared open spaces where tourist destinations. Visits to wineries, orch-
participants contribute to the maintenance of ards, cheese factories, candy stores, and even
the garden, and receive a portion of the pro- the local supermarket can provide insights
ducts. School gardens were encouraged by about food.
Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move campaign for Reliable nutrition information and instruc-
healthier lives through exercise and balanced tions for cooking healthful meals can be found
eating. Gardening offers many benefits in addi- on many websites, including WebMD Living
tion to the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Healthy (http://www.webmd.com/living-
Gardeners are engaged in physical activity, healthy), Food and Nutrition Information
learning new skills, and creating green space. Center (http://fnic.nal.usda.gov/), Academy
Gardeners also learn first-hand the trials and tri- for Nutrition and Dietetics (http://www.eat-
bulations of crop production and appreciate the right.org/), land-grant university extension
labor required to produce good food. programs such as http://www.extension.umn.
Of course, learning about agriculture, food edu/family/health-and-nutrition/, and Best
science, and human nutrition through course- Food Facts (http://www.bestfoodfacts.org).
work is a formal way to understand more about Consumer information about food is every-
the food system. For more in-depth study of where, including cooking shows on television,
agriculture, land-grant colleges offer majors in websites with food information, nutrition
FIGURE 8.15 Components of a sustainable food system must include economic, environmental, and social cultural
considerations. The goal to produce healthy, abundant, and affordable food that promotes health and well-being while
protecting the environment and natural resources will require the unified efforts of consumers, producers, and the gov-
ernment. Sustainability will be achieved by working together to address the challenges and problems of future food pro-
duction. Source: Illustration by Reannon Overbey.
first published 1931, latest edition 2006), and Environmental Protection Agency. (2016). Agriculture
any version of the Betty Crocker Cookbook, which and food supply. Available from ,http://www3.epa.
is particularly helpful for beginners. Heller, M. C., & Heolian, G. A. (2000). Life cycle based sus-
Development of a healthy and sustainable tainability indicators for assessment of the U.S. food system.
food system is a priority for the United Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Center for
States. Some of the key components of a sus- Sustainable Systems, School for Natural Resources and
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1607 Settlers arrived in US Europeans settled along 1862 USDA created Provided cabinet office
Colonies Atlantic coast for agriculture, granted
Homestead Act public land to settlers,
1775 83 Revolutionary War Freedom from British
Morrill Act granted public land for
rule opened new agricultural colleges
markets for agricultural (land-grant colleges)
1866 69 Completion of railroad Opened trade routes
1789 US adopts Constitution Current political from Omaha, NE to from West to Midwest
system initiated,
Ogden, UT
George Washington, a
farmer, elected 1876 Telephone created Enhanced
president communication for
business transactions
1803 Louisiana Purchase Added 828,000 square and reduced isolation
miles to US territory of rural communities
1804 06 Lewis and Clark Mapped the northwest 1879 Light bulb created Allowed work to occur
expedition passage from St. Louis,
after sunset, which
MO to the Pacific lengthened the
Ocean workday
1812 14 War of 1812 Freedom from British 1883 Harvey Wiley Campaigned for Pure
restrictions on trade appointed chief Food and Drug Act
1846 Oregon territory Northwestern border chemist at USDA
acquired defined at 49th parallel 1884 Bureau of Animal Prevented diseased
1848 Guadalupe Hidalgo Southwestern territory Inspections created animals from being
Treaty acquired used as food
1849 Gold rush to California Increased population of 1887 Hatch Act Funded Agricultural
California Experiment Stations at
land-grant colleges
1860 Abraham Lincoln Opposed slavery,
elected president supported agriculture Bureau of Agriculture
education became cabinet level
1861 65 Civil War North versus South, 1890 Second Morrill Act Funded 1890 colleges
ended slavery and for African American
reunited the US students
1892 General Electric Replacement of steam 1921 Hybrid corn Improved crop yields,
company founded power and manual introduced introduced scientific
labor with mechanized method to agriculture
1927 USDA Bureau of Increased regulation
1893 Office of Road Inquiry Built roads for Chemistry renamed and oversight of food
in USDA transport of Food, Drug, and safety
agricultural products Insecticide
Administration (FDIA)
1894 USDA released first Provided information
diet recommendations to consumers to 1929 42 Great Depression Banks failed and US
improve health through economy crumbled
food choices
1930 FDIA became Food Continuation of federal
1902 National Reclamation Funded major water and Drug oversight of food safety
Act projects to irrigate Administration and consumer
western states protection
1905 The Jungle by Upton Depicted poor 1933 Farm Credit Act Farm credit system
Sinclair published sanitation in Chicago established to support
meat packing industry all typed of agriculture
1906 Pure Food and Drug Prevented sale of
Act adulterated food and 1935 Rural Electrification Brought electricity to
drugs Act rural communities
Federal Meat Ensured sanitary 1934 37 Severe drought and Brought attention to the
Inspection Act conditions for meat poor farming practices need for oversight of
created the Dust Bowl farming practices and
1908 Model T introduced Opened possibility for environmental
rapid transportation
1912 Concept of “vitamins” Initiated discovery of 1936 Soil Conservation Act Implemented
proposed micronutrients in foods
regulations to reduce
1913 Haber Bosch process Created ammonia soil erosion
to fix nitrogen fertilizer, a less costly
1938 Federal Food, Drug, FDA given authority
form of plant nutrient and Cosmetic Act for food safety
1914 Smith Lever Act Funding created (FFDCA) standards
extension programs at Agriculture Subsidies paid to
land-grant colleges Adjustment Act farmers to reduce crop
1916 Federal Farm Loan Act Federal land banks acreage
established to provide
1939 Food Stamp Program USDA bought
long-term credit to
part of New Deal commodities from
farmers farmers and gave to
1917 19 US in World War I High demand for needy Americans
agriculture products 1940 FDA moved from Regulation of food
led to increased farm under USDA to safety became separate
Department of Health, from agency that
1920 Radio introduced Enhanced Education, and Welfare oversaw food
communication production
1941 45 US in World War II Great Depression 1961 64 Pilot Food Stamp Provided food
ended, industrialization Program began assistance to needy
expanded into Americans
agriculture, number of
farmers began to 1962 Silent Spring by Rachel Raised awareness of
decrease Carson published environmental damage
from chemical
1941 Food and Nutrition Defined nutrient pesticides; DDT banned
Board released requirements for in 1972
Recommended Dietary healthy people
1964 Food Stamp Act Made Food Stamp
Program permanent
1944 Federal-Aid Highway National system of
Act interstate highways 1969 Neil Armstrong Science and technology
created allowing food walked on moon advances by NASA
transportation by truck applied to consumer
1947 Federal Insecticide, Required registration of
Fungicide, and pesticides 1969 White House Raised awareness of
Conference on Food, food insecurity and role
Rodenticide Act
(FIFRA) Nutrition, and Health of nutrition in disease
1950 60 Green Revolution Improved crop traits 1970 Environmental Oversight of pesticides
and agronomic Protection Agency and land use
practices provide food created
for millions Egg Products ARS authorized to
1950 53 US in Korean War Reduced commodity Inspection Act inspect eggs
stockpiles, created 1972 Animal and Plant Consolidated activities
higher demand for Health Inspect Service to oversee plant and
food (APHIS) created within animal health within
1950 70 85 new pesticides Chemical management USDA one agency
introduced of agriculture increased 1973 Gasoline rationing and Raised awareness of
crop yields high prices due to energy production
1953 BAI and Bureau of More structured OAPEC oil embargo issues and began
alternative fuel research
Dairy became agricultural research
Agricultural Research programs 1974 Glyphosate introduced Roundup herbicide
Service (ARS) used for corn and
1953 Structure of DNA Field of biotechnology soybean production
discovered began, and applied to 1976 Apple computer Information technology
agriculture company started for business and
1958 Food Additive Safety of ingredients in personal use rapidly
Amendment to FFDCA processed foods
Humane Slaughter Act 1977 Dietary goals for the Provided dietary
passes Standards for animal
slaughter United States released recommendations to
reduce the risk of
1961 73 US in Vietnam War Increased discontent chronic diseases; DG
with government and are updated every 5
military, financial drain years
on US economy (Continued)
1978 Humane Slaughter Act Amendment included Food Quality and Required EPA to
regulating practices for Protection Act ensure safety of
slaughter of poultry pesticides
1980 90 Low commodity prices Many farmers went 2000 Golden rice developed GMO rice with
and high farmer debt bankrupt and rural enhanced beta carotene
created a farm crisis populations decreased, content to improve
consolidation of farm vitamin A nutrition
2001 11 US in Iraq War Enhanced food
1982 Recombinant insulin First drug produced production technology
approved by FDA using GM in military meals
biotechnology and
accepted by consumers 2005 Energy Policy Act Promoted development
and use of biofuels
Renewable Fuel
1986 Coordinated Authorized USDA,
Framework for the EPA, and FDA to Standard
Regulation of oversee genetically 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Revision to school
Biotechnology modified organisms Kids Act lunch nutrition
1988 Recombinant chymosin GMO enzyme for standards
approved cheese production 2010 Affordable Care Act Required nutrition
replaced chymosin information on
obtained from young restaurant and vending
calves machine foods
1990 Organic Foods Created standards for 2011 Food Safety Major reform to food
Production Act organic food Modernization Act safety laws with focus
production and passed on preventing food
marketing contamination
1992 USDA released the Graphic illustration of 2011 USDA released Replaced MyPyramid
Food Guide Pyramid food intake MyPlate as a visual diet
recommendations recommendation for
1994 Equity in Education Granted land-grant consumers
Land-Grant Status Act status to Native 2014 2014 Agriculture Act Reduced direct
American colleges and (Farm Bill) payments to farmers,
created an endowment increased funding for
for continued funding specialty and organic
1994 Flavr Savr tomato First GMO food crops and local foods,
entered market marketed to consumers reduced nutrition
support funding
1995 GM corn, cotton, Introduced herbicide-
canola, and soybeans tolerant traits to 2015 GMO salmon First animal with
approved bioengineered trait
approved agriculture, farmers
rapidly adopted the approved for human
technology food
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refer to figures and tables, respectively.
Fenfluramine and phentermine (fen- food deserts, 259 260 extrusion, 196
phen), 276 277 impact of food insecurity on food processing and manufacturing,
FEPCA. See Federal Environmental children, 258 259 184 186
Pesticide Control Act (FEPCA) nongovernmental food assistance gluten-free cake mix, 183f
Fermentation, 111 programs, 260 261 high-pressure processing, 198
fermented foods, 192 in US, 256 258, 257f infrared heating, 198
fermented milk products, 111 intake regulation, 274 278 MAP, 197
processing foods by, 192 fad diets and weight loss, microwave sterilization, 197 198
Fertilizer, 77 276 278 PEF, 198
FFDCA. See Federal Food, Drug, and obesity prevention programs, 278 processing of single ingredients, 184
Cosmetic Act (FFDCA) intake inhibiting signals, 274 Food processing, 171, 179 180.
Field crops, 324 marketing, 278 282, 280t See also Processed foods
FIFRA. See Federal Insecticide, in schools, 281 282, 281t by canning or thermal sterilization,
Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act miles, 308 309 189 190
(FIFRA) nutrients in, 216t, 227 234 cereal grains by milling, 186 188
Filipino workers, 149 preservatives, 199 by curing and smoking, 192
Filtration, 184 production, 290 degrees of, 180
Finely textured beef (FTB), 140 141 promotion for health, 233 234 by dehydration, 191 192
First colonial settlements in Virginia scientists, 171 by fermentation, 192
(1607), 47t security, 256 food in space, 194b
Flavorings and spices, 200 service industry, 169 food items and meals for
Flavr-Savr tomato, 83 84 in space, 194b astronauts, 195f
FLO. See Fair Trade Labeling stamps, 41f food products in US Marketplace,
Organization International technology, 222 183t
(FLO) wastes, 307 by freezing, 190 191
Floods, 320 management, 325 327, 326t, 327f grain milling, 187f
Florida, market Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, by irradiation, 192 195
vegetables production, 58 59 198 199, 207 methods, 186 195
Fluid milk, 115 Food additives, 198 199 by pasteurization, 188 189
Fluid Milk Board, 174 176 regulation for, 199 by refrigeration, 190
Fluid Milk Processors Promotion Food and Agriculture Organization, sustainability in food processing
Program, 174 176 193 industry, 330
FMIA. See Federal Meat Inspection Food and Drug Act, 95 96 Food Quality and Protection Act
Act (FMIA) Food animals, environmental issues (1996), 80
FMNP. See Farmers’ Market Nutrition of, 131 135 Food Safety and Inspection Service
Program (FMNP) CAFOs, 132f (FSIS), 96, 215
FNCS. See Food Nutrition and land use and carbon dioxide Food Safety and Inspection Service of
Consumer Services (FNCS) generation, 134t US Department of Agriculture
FNV. See Fruits ’n vegetables (FNV) spreading manure from animal (FSIS-USDA), 204 205
Folic acid, 231 operations, 133f Food Safety and Modernization Act
Food, 332 334 Food Assistance for Disaster Relief (FSMA), 96 98, 215, 218b
assistance programs on college (FADR), 238 Food Security Scale (FSS), 256
campuses, 261b Food contact substances (FCS), 207 Food Stamp Program, 41
benefits of food packaging, 207 209 Food Distribution Program on Indian Food system, 1 6, 2f. See also Human
chemically modified food starches, Reservations (FDPIR), 238 resources in food system
203 Food Nutrition and Consumer climate change and threats to,
consumption surveys, 254 255, 254f Services (FNCS), 238 239 289 292
deserts, 259 260 Food preservation and processing, consumer engagement with, 5 6, 6f
distribution, 73 180 186, 196 198, 206 economic impact of US agriculture,
government regulations for food advanced technologies for, 196t 312 330
labeling, 219 222 controlled atmosphere storage, 197 management of food waste,
industry, 227 development of new foods, 325 327, 326t, 327f
insecurity, 255 261 181 183 organic farming, 314 316
organically grown foods and water use in agriculture, 296 298, G
health, 316b, 317f 297f, 299f Galilei, Galileo, 19
pesticide residues in foods by Food-borne Gasoline, 70
FDA, 318t illnesses, 205 Gasoline-powered tractor, 70
role of consumers in sustainable pathogens, 211t Gastrointestinal tract, 274
agriculture, 324 325 toxins, 219 Gatorade mixture, 209
role of farmers in sustainable Foodborne Diseases Active GATT. See General Agreement on
agriculture, 323 324 Surveillance Network Tariffs and Trade (GATT)
role of government in sustainable (FoodNet), 205 GDP. See Gross domestic product
agriculture, 322 323 Ford, Henry, 70 (GDP)
sustainability in food processing Ford Model-T automobile, 75 77 GE foods. See Genetically engineered
industry, 330 Ford pickup truck, 75 77 foods (GE foods)
sustainability of animal foods, Former production-based payments, Geary Act (1892), 146
327 330 68 69 Gelatin, 203
sustainable global production and Fossil fuels, 70, 71f Gene editing, 83
trade, 320 321 use and animal agriculture, 307f General Agreement on Tariffs and
sustainable US food production, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), Trade (GATT), 68 69
316 320 38 39 General Mills, 280
ethical justification for food system “Free-range” label, 221 Generally recognized as safe (GRAS),
dilemmas, 13t Freed blacks, 147 199
ethical theories and principles in, Freedom to Farm bill, 68 69 Genetic diversity, 311
6 14 Freeze-drying, 191 Genetic engineering, 83 86
“from field to fork” phrase, 2 3 Freezing, processing food by, 190 191 Bt variety, 84 85
influences on, 3 5 Frozen foods, 191 concerns about, 86 89
personal decisions and choices, Frozen meats and meals, 180 economics, 87
330 334 Fructose, 213 ethics of GMO food, 89b, 90t
components of sustainable food Fruit production, 58 59 GMO labeling of food, 88
system, 333f Fruits ’n vegetables (FNV), 278 human and animal health, 87 88
consumer behaviors and impacts Fruits and vegetables, 190 regulatory oversight, 88 90
on sustainable food system, FSA. See Farm Service Agency (FSA) weed resistance, 86 87
331t FSIS. See Food Safety and Inspection corn products, 85 86
learning about agriculture, food, Service (FSIS) economic advantages, 86
and nutrition, 332 334 FSIS-USDA. See Food Safety and FDA, 83 84
sustainable food system, 5f, Inspection Service of US herbicide-tolerant crop varieties, 84
287 289, 288t Department of Agriculture papaya crop in Hawaii, 84
sustaining natural resources, (FSIS-USDA) Shikimate pathway, 84
292 312 FSMA. See Food Safety and tools, 83
biodiversity, 311 312 Modernization Act (FSMA) trait, 83
carbon footprint, 306 308 FSS. See Food Security Scale (FSS) US farmers, 85f
food miles, 308 309 FTB. See Finely textured beef (FTB) vitamin A deficiency, 86
fossil fuel use and animal Functional additives in processed Genetically engineered foods (GE
agriculture, 307f foods, 198 203 foods), 83
invasive weeds, insects, and color additives in, 200 202 Genetically modified organisms
disease, 309 311 fat replacers and stabilizers in, 203 (GMOs), 65
land use in agriculture, flavorings and spices, 200 apple, 85 86
292 294 Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, 201b labeling of food, 88
nitrogen fertilizer, 304b nonnutritive sweeteners in Genetically modified potatoes (GM
precipitation and climate change, processed foods, 203 potatoes), 83 84
298 300 preservatives in, 199 200 Geographic information systems
soil erosion, 294 296, 296f regulation for food additives, 199 (GIS), 80
water contamination, 301 305 thickeners and texturizers, 203 Gestational stalls, 103, 103f
water footprint in agriculture, FWPCA. See Federal Water Pollution GHGs. See Greenhouse gases
300 301, 301f, 302f Control Act (FWPCA) (GHGs)
GIS. See Geographic information HACCP. See Hazard Analysis Critical ACSC, 154
systems (GIS) Control Points (HACCP) agricultural cooperatives in 2014,
Glass, packaging of food, 208 Hatch, William, 62 63 172t
Gleaning, 262 Hatch Act (1887), 31 32, 62 63 Agriculture Labor Regulations, 150t
Global influence on US agriculture, 61 Hazard Analysis Critical Control agriculture-related workers and
Global positioning systems (GPS), 80, Points (HACCP), 96 98, wages, 169t
271, 324 206 207 commodity boards and checkoffs,
Glucose, 229 230, 275 HB56. See House Bill 56 (HB56) 174 176, 175t
Glycation, 275 HBCUs. See Historically black colleges demographics of farm owners, 159t
Glyphosate, 84 and universities (HBCUs) economics of farming, 160 161,
Glyphosate-resistant weeds, 84 HDL. See High-density lipoprotein 161t, 162f
GM potatoes. See Genetically modified (HDL) farm labor, 145 147, 148f
potatoes (GM potatoes) Health and Human Services (HHS), farm laborer unions, 147 155
GMOs. See Genetically modified 238 farm worker program in Alabama,
organisms (GMOs) Healthcare providers, 272 273 167b
Government farm policy, 65 69 Healthcare Safety Net Act, 156 farm workers today, 157 160
Government regulations for migrant Herbicide-tolerant crop varieties, 84 government regulations for migrant
farm workers, 156 157 HFCS. See High fructose corn syrup farm workers, 156 157
Government role in agriculture, (HFCS) harvest of shame, 157b
61 69. See also Energy for HHS. See Health and Human Services hired farm workers, 161 163
agriculture; Transportation in (HHS) IWW, 147 149
agriculture High fructose corn syrup (HFCS), 184, largest food and beverage
APHIS, 64 65 213 214, 275 276 companies, 171t
EPA, 63 64 High-density lipoprotein (HDL), members of BCTGM, 155f
government farm policy, 65 69 265 266 Mexican Farm Labor Agreement, 151f
in sustainable agriculture, 322 323 High-pressure processing (HPP), 196, MW, 170t
USDA, 62 63 196t, 198 nonfarm agriculture work, 167 174
GPS. See Global positioning systems Highly pathogenic avian influenza UCAPAWA union, 149
(GPS) (HPAI), 124 union worker strike and lockout,
“Graham bread”, 181 182 Hired farm workers, 161 163 153b
Graham flour, 233 Hispanic, 161 163 United Farm Workers of America
Grand Coulee Dam, 40f Historically black colleges and union, 152f
Grandin, Dr. Temple, 138f universities (HBCUs), 29 US immigration policies, 163 167,
GRAS. See Generally recognized as Hog housing systems, 102 104 164f, 165f
safe (GRAS) Hog industry, 100 104 US workforce, 158t
Grassland Reserve Program, 37 hog housing systems, 102 104 women and minorities in
Great Depression, 35 41, 46 hog production, 59 60 agriculture, 159 160
food stamps, 41f stages, 101f Human(s), 270 271
impact on agriculture, 38 41 pork products and consumption, civilization, 1 2
Great Depression (1929 41), 47t 104 health, 87 88
Green cards, 164 in states, 100 human diets, animal foods in, 93
Green Revolution, 45 Homestead Act, 27 28 intervention, 60
Greenhouse gases (GHGs), 133 134, Honey, 213 synthesize cholesterol, 265 266
290 292, 291f, 306, 308f, 308t Hormones, 125 127 Humane Society of the United States
Gross domestic product (GDP), 49, House Bill 56 (HB56), 167 168 (HSUS), 135
158, 184, 312 HPAI. See Highly pathogenic avian Hungry, 274
Growth hormone, 126 127 influenza (HPAI) Hurricanes, 320
Growth promotants, 125 127 HPP. See High-pressure processing Hybrid seed, 82 83
Gums, 203 (HPP) Hybridization, corn, 32, 33f
HSUS. See Humane Society of the Hydrogenation, 114, 265
United States (HSUS) Hyperglycemia, 275
H Human resources in food system. Hypoglycemia, 275
Haber-Bosch process, 77 See also Food system Hypothalamus, 274
I Intestinal tract, 232 Life expectancy, 267
IACUC. See Institutional Animal Care Invasive Species Act, 309 310 Lifecycle assessment (LCA), 306
and Use Committee (IACUC) Invasive weeds, insects, and disease, Lincoln, Abraham, 75
ICE. See Immigration and Customs 309 311 Line extensions, 183
Enforcement (ICE) IOM. See Institute of Medicine (IOM) Linoleic acid, 230
IFIC survey. See International Food Iowa and North Carolina agricultural Lipoproteins, 265 266
Information Council survey history comparison, 48b Liquid ammonia, 141 142
(IFIC survey) agricultural use, 49f Liraglutide, 276 277
IGF-1. See Insulin-like growth factor I income from agricultural products, LISA program. See Low Impact
(IGF-1) 49f Sustainable Agriculture
IM foods. See Intermediate moisture IPM. See Integrated pest management program (LISA program)
foods (IM foods) (IPM) “Local” food label, 221
Immigration IR heating. See Infrared heating (IR “Lockout”, 153b
laws, 163 heating) Lorcaserin, 276 277
policy, 151 152 IRCA. See Immigration Reform and Low Impact Sustainable Agriculture
Immigration Act, 147 149 Control Act (IRCA) program (LISA program), 322
Immigration and Customs Irradiation, processing foods by, Low-acid foods, 189
Enforcement (ICE), 165 166 192 195, 193f Low-density lipoprotein (LDL),
Immigration and Naturalization Act Irrigation, 297 298 265 266
(INA), 163 Isoflavones, 228 229
Immigration Reform and Control Act ISS. See International Space Station
(IRCA), 164 165 (ISS) M
INA. See Immigration and IWW. See Industrial Workers of World Ma huang, 277
Naturalization Act (INA) (IWW) Macronutrients, 227 228
Inbreeding hybridization programs, Mad cow disease, 123 124
82 83 Malaria, 78 79
J Malnutrition, 40 41
Income in food insecurity, 258
“Jim Crow” law, 146
“Industrial farming”, 312 MAP. See Modified atmosphere
Industrial Workers of World (IWW), packaging (MAP)
147 149 K Margarine, 113b
Industrialization period, 147 149 Kraft Foods Group Brands LLC, 201 Marketing, 207, 278 279
Infrared heating (IR heating), 196t, 198 Kraft Macaroni & Cheese, 201b in schools, 281 282, 281t
Institute of Food Technologists, MATS. See Microwave-assisted
171 172 thermal sterilization (MATS)
Institute of Medicine (IOM), 237, L McDonald’s, 142, 169
279 280 Lacto-ovo vegetarians, 119 Meals on Wheels America, 261
Institutional Animal Care and Use Lactobacillus, 192 Meat products, 192
Committee (IACUC), 233 Lactose, 112 Meat safety regulations, 95 98, 97t
Insulin, 275 Land use in agriculture, 292 294 Meatless Monday campaigns, 121,
Insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1), “Land-grant” institutions, 28 29, 32, 122b
126 127 34, 62 63 Mechanization, 48, 70, 168
Integrated pest management (IPM), Laws, 7 of farm operations, 161 163
81, 324 immigration, 163 Membrane technology, 184
Intermediate moisture foods (IM “Jim Crow”, 146 Meridia, 276 277
foods), 191 192 Laying hens and egg production, Metal organic framework (MOF), 209
International Atomic Energy Agency, 105 106 Metals, packaging of food, 208
193 battery cages for laying hens, 107f Methane (CH4), 290
International Food Information white leghorn chicken, 106f Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus
Council survey (IFIC survey), LCA. See Lifecycle assessment (LCA) aureus (MRSA), 128 129
5, 179 LDL. See Low-density lipoprotein Methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE),
International Space Station (ISS), 194 (LDL) 70 72
Interstate Commerce Act, 29 31 Lean finely textured beef (LFTB), Mexican Farm Labor Program,
Interstate road system, 75 77 140 141, 141f 150 151
Tertbutylhydroquinone (TBHQ), United Cannery, Agricultural, Packing sustainable global production and
199 200 and Allied Workers of America trade, 320 321
Texturizers in processed foods, 203 union (UCAPAWA union), 149 sustainable US food production,
The Emergency Food Assistance United Farm Workers union (UFW 316 320
Program (TEFAP), 239 union), 152 153 and food production
The Food Stamp Act (1977), United Nations Food and Agriculture advances in US agriculture, 30f
241 242 Organization, 329 Civil War era, 26 32
The Food Stamp Program, 239 242 United States (US) colonial era, 24 25
Therapeutic use of antibiotics, farm policy, 65 Dust Bowl on US agriculture
127 131 food insecurity in, 256 258, 257f policy, 37b
Thermal sterilization, processing food food production, 323 early civilizations, 24f
by, 189 190 food system, 6, 320 321 events in US history and impact
Thermostabilized foods, 194 195 immigration policies, 163 167, 164f, on agriculture, 47t
Thiamine, 228 229, 231 165f federal legislation, 47t
Thickeners in processed foods, 203 Permanent Resident Card, 164 Great Depression era, 35 41
Thrifty Food Plan, 234 United States Department of Iowa and North Carolina
Thyroid gland, 236 Agriculture (USDA), 34, 62 63, agricultural history
Thyromegaly. See Thyroid gland 159, 165, 215, 227, 246f, 278, comparison, 48b
Tobacco, 145 147 294 295, 326 mid-cold war era, 45 46
production, 24 25 Beltsville Agricultural Center, during 1900s regional agriculture,
Topiramate, 276 277 62 63 31f
“Traction machine”, 32 Climate Change Program Office, Postwar era, 43 45
Trait, 83 292 productivity of US farmers, 34f
Trans fats, 247 249, 265 Climate Change Report, 293t progress in US agriculture, 46 49
Trans fatty acids, 265 mission areas and agencies Revolutionary War era, 25 26
Transgenic modification, 83 implementing programs, 63t World War I era, 32 35
Transportation in agriculture, 73 77. NRCS, 296 World War II era, 41 43
See also Energy for agriculture; organic standards by, 314t health, 64 65
Government role in agriculture Renewable Energy Systems, 72 73 innovations
interstate road system, 75 77 United States Public Health Service agricultural chemicals, 77 80
railroads, 73 75 (USPHS), 117 energy for agriculture, 70 73
Tuskegee Institute, 29 Unpasteurized foods, 188 189 farm types and designations,
2014 Farm Bill, 64 65, 66b, 67f, 68f, Unsaturated fatty acids, 233 234, 53 61
69t, 159 160 264 265 government role in agriculture,
2501 Program, 159 160 US agriculture, 23 24 61 69
Type 2 diabetes, 275 economic impact, 312 330 plant breeding, 81 89
Typhus, 78 79 management of food waste, precision agriculture, 80 81
325 327, 326t, 327f transportation in agriculture,
organic farming, 314 316 73 77
U organically grown foods and US Food and Drug Administration
UCAPAWA union. See United health, 316b, 317f (FDA), 199 201, 215, 227, 238
Cannery, Agricultural, Packing pesticide residues in foods by USDA. See United States Department
and Allied Workers of America FDA, 318t of Agriculture (USDA)
union (UCAPAWA union) role of consumers in sustainable USDA Economic Research Service
UFW union. See United Farm Workers agriculture, 324 325 (USDA-ERS), 160, 167 169
union (UFW union) role of farmers in sustainable USPHS. See United States Public
Ultrahigh temperature (UHT), 188 agriculture, 323 324 Health Service (USPHS)
pasteurization, 117 118 role of government in sustainable Utilitarian theory, 11
Underground Railroad, 146 agriculture, 322 323 Utilitarianism, 11
Undocumented workers, 151 152, sustainability in food processing
165, 167 168 industry, 330 V
Union groups, 149 150 sustainability of animal foods, “Value-added” processing, 184
Union worker strike and lockout, 153b 327 330 Vegetable production, 58
Vegetarian diet, 195 “Welfare to Work”. See Personal World War (1914 18), 47t
Virtue theory, 12 Responsibility and Work World War I era, 32 35
Vitamin A deficiency, 86 Opportunities Reconciliation World War II (1941 45), 41 43, 47t,
“Vitamines”, 231 Act 186
Vitamins, 228 229, 231, 234, 237, Wetback, 151 152 Worldwide Opportunities on Organic
249 250 What We Eat in America survey Farms (WWOOF), 332
vitamin A, 228 229 (WWEA survey), 254 255 WOTUS. See Waters of the United
vitamin C, 210, 228 229 Wheat, 187 188 States (WOTUS)
water-soluble, 210 cereals, 180 WPA. See Work Projects
Volatile fatty acids, 94 95 White farmers, 147 Administration (WPA)
White flour, 187 188 WTO. See World Trade Organization
White table sugar, 213 (WTO)
W WHO-IARC. See World Health WW. See Weight Watchers (WW)
Walgreens, 259 260 Organization’s International WWEA survey. See What We Eat in
Wallace, Henry, 82 83 Agency for Research on Cancer America survey (WWEA
Walmart, 221, 259 260, 278, 288 289, (WHO-IARC) survey)
330 Whole wheat flour, 180, 187 188 WWOOF. See Worldwide
Washington, George, 29f WIC. See Women, infants, and Opportunities on Organic
Waste water treatment plants, 307 children (WIC) Farms (WWOOF)
Water, 228 Wind energy, 72 73
activity, 191 192 Wind turbines, 72 73, 74f
contamination, 301 305 Wobblies, 147 149 X
footprint in agriculture, 300 301, Women, infants, and children (WIC), Xenical. See Orlistat
301f, 302f 238, 245
scarcity, 298 “Wonder Bread”, 188
use in agriculture, 296 298, 297f, Work Alabama, 168 Y
299f Work Projects Administration (WPA), Yakima River Basin Project, 60 61
water-soluble vitamins, 210 39 Yale Rudd Center for Food Policy and
Waterloo Gasoline Traction Engine Workers’ rights, 149 150, 166 Obesity (2012), 279
Company, 70 World Health Organization, 193 Yeasts, 206
Waters of the United States (WOTUS), World Health Organization’s Yellow 5, 200 202
304 International Agency for Yellow 6, 200 202
Weed(s), 77 Research on Cancer (WHO- Yellow fever, 78 79
management, 77 78 IARC), 121 Yogurt, 119
resistance, 86 87 World trade agreements, 68 69 “Yogurt sundae”, 119
Weight loss, 276 278 World Trade Organization (WTO), Young Men’s Christian Association
Weight Watchers (WW), 276 68 69 (YMCA), 271 272