Journal Electronics 1
Journal Electronics 1
Journal Electronics 1
3 BEARS, NUS Campus, University Town, Singapore 138602, Singapore
4 Ingenium Research Group, Universidad Castilla La Mancha, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain;
* Correspondence:
Abstract: This article presents the control of a three phase three wire (3P 3W) dual stage grid tied
PV battery storage system using a multi objective grass hopper optimization (MOGHO) algorithm.
The voltage source converter (VSC) control of the presented system is implemented with adaptive
kernel width sixth order maximum correntropy criteria (AKWSOMCC) and maximum power point
tracking (MPPT) control is accomplished using the variable step size incremental conductance (VSS
InC) technique. The proposed VSC control offers lower mean square error and better accuracy, con
Citation: Chankaya, M.; Hussain, I.; vergence rate and speed as compared to peer adaptive algorithms, i.e., least mean square (LMS),
Ahmad, A.; Malik, H.; Garcia least mean fourth (LMF), maximum correntropy criteria (MCC), etc. The adaptive Gaussian kernel
Márquez, F.P. Multi Objective width is a function of the error signal, which changes to accommodate and filter Gaussian and non
Grasshopper Optimization Based
Gaussian noise signals in each iteration. The VSS InC based MPPT is provided with a MOGHO
MPPT and VSC Control of Grid Tied
based modulation factor for better and faster tracking of the maximum power point during chang
PV Battery System. Electronics 2021,
ing solar irradiation. Similarly, an optimized gain conventional PI controller regulates the DC bus
10, 2770.
to improve the power quality, and DC link stability during dynamic conditions. The optimized DC
link generates an accurate loss component of current, which further improves the VSC capability of
Academic Editors: Hamid Reza fundamental load current component extraction. The VSC is designed to perform multi functional
Karimi, Valeri Mladenov, Kalyana C. operations, i.e., harmonics elimination, reactive power compensation, load balancing and power
Veluvolu, Len Gelman, Jun Yang, balancing at point of common coupling during diverse dynamic conditions. The MOSHO based
Cecilio Angulo, Cheng Siong Chin VSS InC, and DC bus performance is compared to particle swarm optimization (PSO) and genetic
and Davide Astolfi algorithm (GA). The proposed system operates satisfactorily as per IEEE519 standards in the
MATLAB simulation environment.
Received: 18 September 2021
Accepted: 9 November 2021 Keywords: adaptive control; battery storage; MPPT; power electronics; power quality; photovoltaic;
Published: 12 November 2021
along with ANN based variable step size MPPT is also proposed. The perturb and ob
serve (P&O) and incremental conductance (InC) based MPPTs are among the widely im
plemented techniques due to their ease of implementation, reduced computational bur
den and adequate efficiency. In conventional InC and P&O techniques, the step size or
duty cycle perturbation D remains fixed, where the trade off has to be made between
faster response and oscillations across the maximum power point (MPP). During steady
state smaller D is desirable, which reduces the operating point oscillations across MPP
and eventually PV power P oscillations. Whereas, during a dynamic state larger D
contributes to the faster dynamics and helps in the quick attainment of the MPP [8].
The variable step size P&O/InC MPPT offers the extra advantage of easy implemen
tation and lower computational burden, can be implemented by various methods, where
most of the algorithms are very similar, i.e., D changed according to the multiplication
of modulation or scaling factor and derivative of power to current P⁄ I [9], or
to voltage P⁄ V [10] or to step change in duty cycle P⁄ D [11]. In [9] vari
able step size InC (VSS InC) MPPT is implemented for the boost control, which shows
good dynamic response but suffers from high overshoot due to fixed . In [10] according
to the experimental observation, VSS InC/P&O MPPT controls the boost converter, where
is kept between 1 to 2.5% of the inverse of PV current I . In [11] is autotuned for
the robust performance of buck converter control by VSS P&O MPPT at the cost of the
computational burden. In [12], load current based adaptive step size MPPT is suggested,
D is made a function of derivative of current to change in duty cycle I⁄ D where is
kept constant. In [13], for the VSS InC method, = 0.001 is chosen at the design stage and
D is made a function of the power derivative on the difference of voltage and current
derivatives P⁄ V I . The selection of is crucial for the MPPT performance
and bad selection may introduce steady state oscillations and slow down the tracking
speed. In [14] the D ⁄|dP/dV| is suggested to improve the performance of VSS
InC MPPT. In [15], a modified P&O method utilizes a direct duty ratio control for achiev
ing drift free MPPT operation at the first step change in duty cycle during rapidly chang
ing irradiation levels. The InC—with self adaptive and immanent decision making capa
bility—is presented in [16], where three consecutive points on the power voltage curve
accurately detect the steady and dynamic conditions. In the presented work, the has
been optimized for the VSS InC MPPT as the first objective of the implemented multi
objective grasshopper optimization (MOGHO) algorithm [17]. The designing of is per
formed on an offline basis, it does not affect the computational complexity of the VSS InC,
improves the MPP tracking speed and accuracy.
The DC bus is of utmost importance for the stability of the system. The DC link volt
age V is regulated by the conventional PI controller. Meta heuristic optimization tech
niques (MOT) have been frequently used for PI controller gain optimization, which re
duces the V transients during a steady and dynamic state and increase the DC link sta
bility [18]. In [19] the Jaya algorithm is employed to increase the power quality by opti
mizing the PI controller gains and filter parameters. The Jaya algorithm is a specific pa
rameter less technique that is robust but less efficient. In [20,21], the DC link optimization
with the salp swarm optimization (SSO) technique and generalized normal distributed
algorithm (GNDO) are presented. The SSO technique delivers a poor convergence rate on
higher dimensional problems and GNDO is inspired by the Gaussian distribution and
require no special controlling parameters. In [22], the comparative analysis of regulated
V with whale optimization algorithm (WOA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) is
performed. Both WOA and PSO suffers from slow convergence, low accuracy, and local
minima stagnation. Many potent deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based optimization
techniques, i.e., soft actor critic (SAC) [23], deep deterministic policy gradient (DDPG)
[24], expert assistant DDPG (EADDPG) techniques [25], etc. can further be utilized for the
performance enhancement of grid tied PV systems. In the presented work, MOGHO is
utilized for the V regulation by PI controller gains optimization as the second objective
of multi objective optimization techniques. The MOGHO offers a better convergence rate
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 3 of 26
and balance between the exploration and exploitation phase which ensures to reduce the
chances of local minima stagnation [17].
Numerous VSC control algorithms of various domains such as time domain, fre
quency domain, adaptive controls etc. for the grid tied PV system have been investigated
and implemented by the researchers. The synchronous reference frame (SRF), power bal
ance theory (PBT), and many more [26] are among the widely used time domain tech
niques, which are easy to implement and have less computational burden but produce
more steady state error. In [27], active reactive power control of instantaneous and aver
age nature (IARC and AARC), balanced positive sequence compensation (BPSC), positive
negative sequence compensation (PNSC), etc. based on VSC controls have been proposed.
The frequency domain controls, i.e., Kalman filter based controls (KFC) [28], Stockwell
transformation (ST), etc. [29] have higher computational complexity and slow conver
gence speed. On the other hand, adaptive controls have a moderate computational burden
and deliver reduced steady state error with a faster convergence speed. Adaptive algo
rithms such as least mean square (LMS) [30], least mean fourth (LMF) [31], maximum
correntropy criteria (MCC) [32] deliver faster convergence and robustness. The LMS con
trol due to the fixed step size, produce a relatively higher steady state error as compared
to the LMF, which acts as a higher order filter for the error signal. The MCC utilizes the
Gaussian kernel which is effective against both Gaussian and non Gaussian noise signals.
Many advanced versions of LMS, LMF and MCC, i.e., hyperbolic cosine LMS (HCLMS)
[33], hyperbolic tangent function (HTF) [34], LMS LMF [35], adaptive neuro fuzzy LMS
(ANF LMS) [36], zero attracting normalized LMF (ZAN LMF) [37], normalized MCC
(NMCC) [38], fixed forward prediction (FFP) [39], adaptive kernel width sixth order MCC
(AKWSOMCC) [40], etc. The HC LMS offers minimal dynamic oscillations, HTF acts as a
higher order filter, which offers reduced mean square error (MSE), combined LMS LMF
reduces the shortcomings of LMS control by switching between second and fourth order
filter, but the performance of both controls reduces during heavily tailed Gaussian noises
due to fixed step size. The ANF LMS delivers neuro fuzzy tuned step size for enhanced
performance but increases the computational complexity. The ZAN LMF, NMCC and
FPP vouch for faster convergence rate and speed but have a high steady state error due
to fixed step size. The AKWSOMCC can handle Gaussian and non Gaussian noises effi
ciently, while acting as a higher order filter and delivering a better fundamental load cur
rent component. The function approximation and noise cancellation offered by AKW
SOMCC are better than its peer adaptive controls due to adaptive kernel width, which
also improves the convergence speed despite computational complexity. The proposed
AKWSOMCC algorithms parameters are carefully tuned depending on their application
ensuring the desired performance during the diverse dynamic condition. The optimized
MPPT and DC bus further enhance the capability of the proposed control.
In the presented work, the MOGHO algorithm fulfils two objectives by providing the
optimum for VSS InC MPPT and PI controller gains (k , k ) for the V control, in a
three phase three wire (3P 3W) grid tied dual stage PV battery storage system. The VSC
is controlled by the AKWSOMCC algorithm. During steady state and dynamic states, the
VSC control performs harmonics suppression, reactive power compensation, load balanc
ing and active power balancing at the point of common coupling (PCC). The battery stor
age system maintains the power balance during dynamic conditions. The optimized DC
bus generates an accurate loss current component, which further enhances the system’s
performance. The main attributes of the proposed work are as follows:
a. MOGHO based scaling factor ( ) optimization for VSS InC MPPT to achieve faster
tracking and reduced power oscillations at MPP.
b. MOGHO based PI controller gains (k , k ) optimization for the V control and gen
eration of an accurate loss current component .
c. AKWSOMCC based VSC control for fundamental load current component extrac
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 4 of 26
2. System Description
The proposed topology is presented in Figure 1. A dual stage PV system of 33 kW
along with battery storage is integrated with the 3P 3W grid. The PV array and battery
design parameters are provided in Appendix A. The MOGHO algorithm optimizes the
of VSS InC based MPPT and PI controller gains k &k for V regulation. The boost
converter is controlled by the gating signal delivered by the MPPT to stabilize the V .
The battery current control during the charging and discharging phase is aided by the bi
directional buck boost converter. The coupling capacitor at the DC link connects the DC
and AC systems. The 3P 3W converter is attached to the PCC through interfacing induc
tors and ripple filters. The non linear load of 16.5 kW and distribution grid of 415 V at 50
Hz are also attached to PCC.
Obj– 1 P P P (1)
Obj– 2 V V V (2)
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 6 of 26
The social interaction of grasshoppers is highly dependent on their social force and
the distance between them. The social force ( is calculated as per (5), where is the
attraction intensity and is the attractive length scale. The governs the social attrac
tion and repulsion (or exploitation and exploration) of the grasshoppers. If and vary
in the interval [0, 2.079] repulsion will occur and if and vary in the interval [2.079, 4]
attraction will happen in grasshoppers. The grasshopper will be in its comfort zone when
and remain exactly at 2.079. The is the distance between and grasshop
per and is a unit vector showing the direction of the grasshopper movement.
; (6)
The depending on gravitational constant ( ) and unit vector towards the cen
tre of the earth. The term is a function of a constant u and unit vector in wind di
rection. The grasshopper swarm behaviour of reaching and staying in the comfort zone
can lead the iterative process towards local minima stagnation. For better chances of con
vergence, the modified equation of MOGHO is utilized as per (7).
The comfort zone coefficient calculated as per (8) will have the same
value but a different impact on the fitness function calculation as per (7). The is similar
to the inertial weight in PSO, which reduces the search area as the iterations increases to
balance the exploration and exploitation phase. The term reduces the repulsion, com
fort, and repulsion zone (or the search area around global optima) between grasshoppers
linearly to increase the chances of convergence and reduce the local minima stagnation.
and are chosen as 1 and 0.000001 for the current problem. At the end of the
iterative process, the MOGHO delivers the optimized and k , k gains. The presented
system is aided with the four dedicated controls, i.e., optimized VSS InC based MPPT
control, bi directional converter control, optimized V control and AKWSOMCC based
VSC control.
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 7 of 26
At MPP (10)
The upper and lower bounds for optimization are selected based on experimental
data presented in [7], which is 1–2.5% of I and likewise the D is also selected. The
optimization is performed offline to reduce the computational burden of MPPT and
optimized VSS InC MPPT offers better efficiency, faster MPP tracking and reduced
steady state oscillations as compared to conventional InC MPPT algorithm. The variable
and fixed step size MPPT operation are described in Figure 5. With a larger fixed step size,
the MPP tracking will be very fast but chances of oscillations across MPP will be very high
during steady state, which gets reflected in higher P oscillations. The smaller fixed step
size increases the efficiency and reduces the steady state oscillations, but the tracking
speed reduces. The variable step size uses a larger step size during irradiation change to
reach quickly near the MPP and gradually reduces the step size near MPP to avoid the
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 8 of 26
MPP at A
Fixed Step–size Optimized
variable step size
Load line
; x = (a,b,c) (11)
µ ; x = (a,b,c) (12)
The weight signals of each phase W 1 , W 1 and W 1 are gen
erated as per (13).
The is the step size, , , are the unit templates or the in phase compo
nents of source voltage generated as ⁄V (where x=a,b,c), where V is the volt
age magnitude and will be the phase to ground source voltage. The W is the av
erage weight signal calculated as per (14). The feed forward term W is introduced in
the VSC control for the power balancing is calculated as per (15), where V and I are
the PV voltage and current signal.
W 1 (14)
The W will be the overall weight generated as per (16), which is further utilized for
the current reference generation ; where x=a,b,c) as per (17). During specified power
mode, the W will replace the W as per (18) and generate the reference currents
as per (19).
W W W (16)
µ ; where x a, b, c (17)
2 P
3 V
µ ; where x a, b, c (19)
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 11 of 26
650 VPV without optimization VPV with MOGHO VPV with PSO VPV with GA VPV reference 60
V during Steady-state
600 50
55 57
40 56
550 I during Steady-state 55
V during during irradiation 0.2520.2540.2520.2540.252
50 58 30
0.25 0.255
level at 600W/m
500 I during Irradiation change
V P V (V )
from600W/m to 1000W/m
I P V (A )
580 45
450 35 IPV with MOGHO
560 580 54
0.1 0.105 0.11
34 IPV without
400 0.105 0.11 0.115 560
33 optimization
0.195 0.2 0.205 32 IPV with PSO
600 50 34 0.2 0.205
IPV with GA
350 600 40
I during Irradiation level at 600W/m
IPV reference
400 32
500 V during 35
300 0.15 0.155 0.16
400 Irradiation change 0.15 0.155
I during Irradiation change
V during Irradiation change from 600W/m to
0.25 0.255 0.26 1000W/m from1000W/m to 600W/m
250 from1000W/m to 600W/m 30
0.1 0.2 0.3
0.1 0.2 0.3
Time(s) Time(s)
(a) (b)
P during Steady-state 0.25 D without Optimization D with GA D with MOGHO D with PSO Duty Cycle during Irradiation
P during Irradiation
35 Duty Cycle during Steady-state Duty Cycle during Irradiation change from 600W/m 2 to 1000W/m2
level at 600W/m change from 1000W/m 2 to 600W/m2
0.18 0.18
0.16 0.16 0.14
30 34 0.14 0.14
33 0.2 0.12 0.12 0.12
10 0.11 0.115 0.15 0.154 0.25 0.254
D u ty C y c le
P P V (k W )
25 32 PPV without
0.2 0.205 0.21 Optimization
0.1 0.105 0.11 PPV with PSO
20 PPV with GA
20 30 15 PPV with MOGHO
10 0.15
PPV reference
15 30
0.15 0.155 20 P during Irradiation change
The I comparison with MOGHO, PSO, GA optimized VSS InC MPPT is compared
with non optimized VSS InC MPPT in Figure 8b. During steady state, MOGHO tuned
MPPT maintains the I close to its reference value, while performing better than PSO
and GA tuned MPPT. Even during irradiation variations, the I variations with
MOGHO tuned MPPT remain minimum, which dies out more quickly due to faster and
accurate tracking of MPP.
The P also performs better with MOGHO tuned VSS InC MPPT in comparison
with PSO and GA techniques as shown in Figure 8c. The P with adequate step size
closely tracks P and deliver more average power, hence improving the MPPT effi
ciency. During irradiation variations, P variations are significantly reduced due to the
accurate MPP tracking with MOGHO tuned VSS InC MPPT.
The duty cycle (D) generated by the MOGHO tuned VSS InC MPPT kept around the
desired value, i.e., D = 0.137 as shown in Figure 8d. The D with MOGHO algorithm accu
rately tracks the MPP and takes very small steps to avoid the chances of oscillations
around MPP. During dynamic state, the steps size increases to operate on a new load line
and quickly track the shifted MPP for maximum power extraction. The D generated by
MOGHO tuned MPPT during changing irradiations reduces the power oscillations to a
greater extent and enhances the boost converter efficiency. Table 1 shows the comparative
analysis of V , I settling time and boost converter efficiency with MOGHO, GA, PSO
tuned MPPT and non optimized VSS InC MPPT with fixed . The VSC efficiency with
MOGHO, GA, PSO tuned DC bus and non optimized DC bus along with total dual stage
PV losses are also presented in Table 1.
Table 1. MPPT, boost converter and VSC performance analysis during sudden irradiation level
V (V)
V dc during
V dc during
Unbalanced Load
680 Fixed Power mode
iLoss during
Unbalanced Load iLoss during Abnormal
Fixed Power mode
Grid voltage
-20 iLoss during
Irradiation Variations
Decision Variables MOGHO PSO GA
1.22 0.94 0.82 1
0.89 0.71 0.38 0
0.00071 0.00049 0.00036 0.0001
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 10. (a–d) THD analysis of , , and .
reactive power exchange from the grid as shown in Figure 11a. The PV voltage ( ), cur
rent ( ) and power ( ) are also found following the reference PV voltage V , current
I and power P . The settles down to 600 V after some variations with a boost
converter, while and change accordingly with a reduced irradiation level. The
battery voltage ( ) and current ( ) depict the battery’s charging and discharging rate.
The follows its reference signal I . The is maintained at the desired level of
700 V and keep matching with its reference DC link voltage V is also shown in Figure
i S a b c (A ) v S a b c (V )
-40 i
Sc i* i* i*
Sa Sb Sc
i C a (A )
i L a (A )
Q g (kV A R ) P g (kW )
Pg *
5 Q Q
g g
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 16 of 26
V PV (V) 600
400 V *PV V PV
V dc (V) I (A) V B at(V) P (kW) I (A)
40 I PV I*PV
20 I Bat I*Bat
800 V*dc Vdc
0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3
Figure 11. Irradiation variation analysis of (a) , , , , & (b) V , I ,P ,V , I , &V .
v S a b c (V )
i S a b c (A )
i Sa i Sb i Sc i* i* i*
Sa Sb Sc
i C a (A )
i L a (A )
Q g (kV A R ) P g (kW )
-25 Pg P*
5 Qg *
0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
V PV (V)
V B at (V) P (kW ) I (A)
IBat I*Bat
I B at (A)
800 V *dc V dc
V dc (V)
0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5
Figure 12. Load unbalancing analysis of (a) , , , , & (b) V , I ,P ,V , I , &V .
handling the peak demand. The varies along with as per the pre decided grid
demand. The keep following its reference signals while maintaining the UPF
in phase opposition to . The and maintain the in phase relation. The is
also held around zero while following its reference as shown in Figure 13a. The ,
and shows no variation as the irradiation level is kept at 1000 W/m2. The
and change according to load requirement or charging/discharging phase. The PV
and battery are collectively managing the peak demand occurring on the grid. The is
also maintained at 700 V, as , as shown in Figure 13b.
v S a b c (V )
i S ab c (A )
-50 * * *
i Sa i Sb i Sc i i i
Sa Sb Sc
i C a (A )
i L a (A )
P *
Q g (kV A R ) P g (kW )
5 Q Q*
g g
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 19 of 26
V P V (V )
400 V*PV VPV
V d c (V ) I (A ) V B at (V ) P (kW ) I (A )
IBat I*Bat
B at
800 V *dc V dc
0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7
Figure 13. Specific power mode analysis of (a) , , , , & (b) V , I ,P ,V , I , &V .
-50 * * *
i Sa i Sb i Sc i Sa i Sb i Sc
P *
-15 Pg
Qg(kVAR) Pg(kW)
5 Q Q*
g g
0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
(A) VPV(V)
(kW) I
(A) VBat(V) P
20 IBat I*Bat
V (V) I
800 V *dc V dc
0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9
Figure 14. Abnormal grid voltage variation analysis of (a) , , , , & (b) V , I ,P ,V , I , &V .
ditions. The AKWSOMCC control delivers W with the minimum steady state and dy
namic state error. The convergence speed of the proposed control is also comparable with
LMS and LMF controls. As the W is having reduced ripples with the proposed control,
which offers better VSC performance and reduced overall losses in the system.
u pa 0
i *sa (A)
W avg
W sp
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Internal signals during Internal signals during
Time(s) Internal signals during Internal signals during
Irradiation variations Load Unbalancing specified power mode abnormal grid voltage
W during
Abnormal Grid Voltage
W during
8. Conclusions
In the 3P 3W grid tied dual stage PV battery storage system, a nature inspired meta
heuristic technique named MOGHO algorithm has been implemented for optimization of
modulation factor for VSS InC MPPT algorithm and PI controller gains for DC bus regu
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 22 of 26
lation. The VSS InC with the optimized modulation factor offers faster and accurate max
imum power point (MPP) tracking with reduced oscillations across MPP. With optimiza
tion implemented, the settling time of PV voltage and current have been greatly reduced
from 13.2 ms to 2.1 ms just after sudden irradiation change along with oscillations. The
boost converter efficiency has also swollen from 98.82% to 99.82% with optimized VSS
InC MPPT. The MOGHO tuned DC bus optimization offers enhanced system’s stability
during dynamic conditions and produces an accurate loss component of current. The ac
curate loss component of current further improves the AKWSOMCC based VSC control
capability by extracting a precise fundamental component of current. The rise time
and settling time have been lessened to 0.8 ms and 3 ms with MOGHO in comparison
with PSO, GA and non optimized DC bus. Moreover, with MOGHO the steady state and
dynamic state error of are obtained as low as 0.061% and 0.2% respectively. Due to
the combined effect of optimized MPPT and DC bus, the VSC efficiency is grown from
98.47% to 99.23% and collective conduction losses of the boost converter and VSC have
also been reduced from 875 W to 308 W. The parameter optimization is carried out on an
offline basis, considering diverse dynamic conditions, to obtain the desired system’s per
formance during online operation without slowing down the convergence speed of the
system. The AKWSOMCC based VSC control, with adaptive kernel width, acts as a
higher order filter against both Gaussian and non Gaussian noises, without affecting the
convergence speed. The AKWSOMCC control performs multi functional operations, i.e.,
harmonics elimination, load balancing, reactive power compensation and active power
balancing during dynamic conditions. The presented system operates satisfactorily as per
IEEE 519 standards.
Author Contributions: The presented work was developed by the following contributions: concep
tualization, methodology: M.C. and H.M.; software, formal analysis, research, writing—original
draft preparation: I.H. and A.A.; writing—review and editing, and supervising: H.M.; writing—
review and editing, and supervising: F.P.G.M. All authors have read and agreed to the published
version of the manuscript.
Funding: The work reported herewith has been supported by Intelligent Prognostic Private Limited,
Delhi India (Project Number: XX 02), and J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council, Depart
ment of Science and Technology, Jammu & Kashmir (JKST&IC/75/2020).
Acknowledgments: The work reported herewith has been supported by Intelligent Prognostic Pri
vate Limited, Delhi India and J&K Science Technology and Innovation Council, Department of Sci
ence and Technology, Jammu & Kashmir (JKST&IC/75/2020).
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
D Duty cycle
Duty cycle perturbation
Scaling factor
, PI controller gains
Loss component of current (A)
Voltage magnitude (V)
PV voltage (V)
Reference PV voltage (V)
PV current (A)
Reference PV current (A)
PV power (kW)
Reference PV power (kW)
DC bus voltage (V)
Reference DC bus voltage (V)
Fitness function
Social interaction term
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 23 of 26
Social force
Gravity term
g Gravitational constant
Wind advection term
Unit vector in wind direction
Unit vector towards earth’s centre
Comfort zone coefficient
Maximum iteration
, , Random numbers between [1, 0]
f Attraction intensity
l Attraction length scale
Distance between and grasshopper
I Battery current (A)
I Reference battery current (A)
I Maximum battery current (A)
V Battery voltage (V)
Adaptive kernel width
Fixed kernel width
x a, b, c Error signals
x a, b, c In phase components
W x a, b, c Weight signals
W Average weight signals
W Feed forward term
W Overall weight
W during fixed power mode
Source voltage (V)
Source current (A)
, , Reference source current (A)
, , Fixed power mode reference currents (A)
Source voltage phase ‘a’ (V)
Source current phase ‘a’ (A)
Load voltage phase ‘a’ (V)
Load current phase ‘a’ (A)
Power delivered to grid (W)
Reactive power delivered to grid (W)
, Upper and lower bound
No. of search agents
3P 3W Three phase three wire
ANN Artificial neural network
MOSHO Multi objective grasshopper optimization
VSC Voltage source converter
AKWSOMCC Adaptive kernel width sixth order maximum correntropy criteria
InC Incremental conductance
VSS InC Variable step size InC
PI Proportional integral
ISE 1 Integral Square Error 1
ISE 2 Integral Square Error 2
Obj 1 First objective function
Obj 2 Second objective function
SI Swarm intelligence
GA Genetic algorithm
PSO Particle swarm optimization
PV Photovoltaic
P&O Perturb and observe
VSS P&O Variable step size P&O
Electronics 2021, 10, 2770 24 of 26
Appendix A
PV array: Kyocera GT200 module, 23 and 7 panels connected in series and parallel,
V = 604.9 V, I = 53.32 A &P = 32.3 kW; buck boost converters parameters, =4
mH; boost converter parameters, = 3.11 mH; optimized PI gains and : with GA,
= 0.82, = 0.38, = 0.00036; with PSO, = 0.94, = 0.71, = 0.000049; with MO
SHO, =1.22, = 0.89, = 0.00071; initial values = 1, = 0 and = 0.0001;
pre decided kernel width, = 10; battery parameters, = 400, I = 14 Ah, battery
capacity = 5.6 kWh; MOSHO parameters, = 1 and = 0.000001, = 50, pop
ulation size = 50, lower and upper bounds for = [0, 3], = [0, 3] and = [0, 0.1];
sampling time, T = 10 s.
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