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I thank Dr Larry Steinrauf for suggesting the prob-
lem and providing the material, the Indiana Univer- V. T. t~ OVCHINNIKOV,YU. A. (1970). Khim. Prir. Soedin.
sity Medical Centre for support over the period during 5, 616-622.
which the crystals were grown, the Leeds University PRINCE, R.. C., CROFTS, A. R. • STEINRAUF, L. K. (1974).
C o m p u t i n g Laboratory for facilities, Dr Bernard Shel- Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 59, 697-703.
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this w o r k is to study the g e o m e t r y o f i n t r a m o l e c u l a r and isotropic ones for the H atoms. The weighting
h y d r o g e n b o n d i n g in o-nitrophenols, especially those scheme a d o p t e d was w = 1.0 for 0 < IFol <- 5-0, and w =
having low acidity (pK,) values (Andersen & Andersen, (5.0/lFo[) 2 for IFol > 5.0. The final R value was 0.076 for
1975), a n d the molecular stacking a n d overlapping in 768 non-zero reflexions.*
the crystals. The a t o m i c scattering factors were t a k e n f r o m
International Tables .for X-ray Crystallography (1962).
The c o m p u t a t i o n was carried out on an N E A C 2200-
2, 4-D in itr o p h en o l crystallizes f r o m an ethanol solution 500 c o m p u t e r at the O k a y a m a University C o m p u t e r
as yellow plates parallel to (010), elongated along [100] Center. The p r o g r a m s used were H B L S - 5 and D A P H
a n d b o u n d e d by {100} a n d {001}. (Ashida, 1973).
Crystal data
2,4-Dinitrophenol, C6HaNzOs, M . W . 184"1; m.p. * A list of structure factors has been deposited with the
1 1 2 - 1 1 3 ° C ; o r t h o r h o m b i c , a = 6 . 1 0 6 (6), b = 2 3 - 2 4 (2), British Library Lending Division as Supplementary Publica-
tion No. SUP 31888 (4 pp.). Copies may be obtained through
c = 5 . 1 6 8 (5).~,, V = 7 3 3 ( 1 ) A 3, D x = 1 " 6 6 7 for Z = 4 , The Executive Secretary, International Union of Crystallog-
D,, = 1.67 g c m - 3 (by flotation in a q u e o u s K I solution); raphy, 13 White Friars, Chester CH1 1NZ, England.
/~(Cu Ks) = 8.1 c m - 1, F(000) = 376; systematic absences
h00, h = o d d ; OkO, k = o d d ; 00/, l = o d d ; space g r o u p
Crystals with dimensions 0.6 × 0.2 z 0.5 and 0.3 ×
0.2 x 0.3 m m in glass capillaries were used to obtain
Weissenberg p h o t o g r a p h s for the layers Okl to 4kl and
hkO to hk4 respectively. Intensities were visually
estimated a n d corrected for Lorentz a n d polarization
factors a n d for spot shape. A total of 768 independent
reflexions ( 7 5 . 4 % of the total accessible in the Cu 2"926
sphere) were placed on an absolute scale by m e a n s of
a Wilson plot ( B = 5.1 A-').
...zL...~ ~~--z---or
S t r u c t u r e d e t e r m i n a t i o n and r e f i n e m e n t
Table 3. The 0 . . . 0 contact (/~,), torsion angles z (°) and bond angles (o)
characteristic of the intramolecular hydrogen bonding of o-nitrophenols
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f)
O(1)... 0(2) 2.546 2.557 2-558 2.587 2-593 2.599
T[H(1)-O(1)-C(1)-C(2)] 1.9 -4-2 13.6 -5-3 -13.5 -5.7
r[O(I)-C(1)-C(2)-N(1)] -2-3 0.9 - 1-7 -0.1 -0.4 0.2
r[C(1)-C(2)-N(1)-O(2)] 3.6 - 0.8 - 4.6 - 0.2 3.2 - 8.6
C(2)-C(I)-O(1) 125.0 123.8 124.8 125-5 124.9 125.5
N(1)-C(2)-C(I) 119-7 120-9 120.1 120.6 121.8 120.7
References: (a) n-Molecular compound anthracene-picric acid (Herbstein & Kaftory, 1976). (b) 2,6-Dinitrophenol (Iwasaki,
Sato & Aihara, 1976). (c) 2-Chloro-4,6-dinitrophenol (Andersen & Andersen, 1975). (d) 2-Nitro-4-chlorophenol (Kawai,
Kashino & Haisa, 1976). (e) 2,4-Dinitrophenol (this work). (f) 2-Bromo-4,6-dinitrophenol (Neustadt & Cagle, 1975).
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Na3AsS3 crystallizes in the cubic system with a = 8.566 ,~, space group P213. The structure was solved
and refined to a final R value of 0.032 for 320 independent single-crystal reflexions. The coordination
number of Na is six. The position of the unbound electron pair of As m is found at about 1.25 ,~ from
the As atom.