Btech Syllabus
Btech Syllabus
Btech Syllabus
Common for Civil, ME, AE, ME (M), MME, Mining & Petroleum Engg. (Old Branches) &
Automation & Robotics, Textile Engineering (Tentative) is from AY 2021-22.
S. No. Course Title L T P Credits
1 MA101BS Mathematics - I 3 1 0 4
2 PH102BS Engineering Physics 3 1 0 4
3 CS103ES Programming for Problem Solving 3 1 0 4
4 ME104ES Engineering Graphics 1 0 4 3
5 PH105BS Engineering Physics Lab 0 0 3 1.5
6 CS106ES Programming for Problem Solving Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 *MC109ES Environmental Science 3 0 0 0
Induction Programme
Total Credits 13 3 10 18
S. No. Course Title L T P Credits
1 MA201BS Mathematics - II 3 1 0 4
2 CH202BS Chemistry 3 1 0 4
3 ME203ES Engineering Mechanics 3 1 0 4
4 ME205ES Engineering Workshop 1 0 3 2.5
5 EN205HS English 2 0 0 2
6 CH206BS Engineering Chemistry Lab 0 0 3 1.5
7 EN207HS English Language and Communication Skills Lab 0 0 2 1
Total Credits 12 3 8 19
*MC – Satisfied/Unsatisfied
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
B.Tech. I Year I Sem. L T P C
3 1 0 4
Course Outcomes: After learning the contents of this paper the student must be able to
Write the matrix representation of a set of linear equations and to analyse the solution of the
system of equations
Find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors
Reduce the quadratic form to canonical form using orthogonal transformations.
Analyse the nature of sequence and series.
Solve the applications on the mean value theorems.
Evaluate the improper integrals using Beta and Gamma functions
Find the extreme values of functions of two variables with/ without constraints.
UNIT-I: Matrices
Matrices: Types of Matrices, Symmetric; Hermitian; Skew-symmetric; Skew-Hermitian; orthogonal
matrices; Unitary Matrices; rank of a matrix by Echelon form and Normal form, Inverse of Non-singular
matrices by Gauss-Jordan method; System of linear equations; solving system of Homogeneous and
Non-Homogeneous equations. Gauss elimination method; Gauss Seidel Iteration Method.
UNIT-IV: Calculus
Mean value theorems: Rolle’s theorem, Lagrange’s Mean value theorem with their Geometrical
Interpretation and applications, Cauchy’s Mean value Theorem. Taylor’s Series.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of revolutions of curves (Only
in Cartesian coordinates), Definition of Improper Integral: Beta and Gamma functions and their
1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition, 2010
2. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
3. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, 9thEdition,Pearson, Reprint, 2002.
1. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications, Reprint,
2. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 11thReprint, 2010.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Course Objectives:
The course aims at making students to understand the basic concepts of Principles of Physics in
a broader sense with a view to lay foundation for the various engineering courses.
Students will be able to demonstrate competency and understanding of the concepts found in
Mechanics, Harmonic Oscillations, Waves in one dimension, wave Optics, Lasers, Fiber Optics
and a broad base of knowledge in physics.
The main purpose of this course is to equip engineering undergraduates with an understanding
of the scientific method, so that they may use the training beneficially in their higher pursuits.
Today the need is to stress principles rather than specific procedures, to select areas of
contemporary interest rather than of past interest, and to condition the student to the atmosphere
of change he will encounter during his carrier.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
1. Engineering Mechanics, 2nd ed.- MK Harbola, Cengage Learning
2. I. G. Main, “Vibrations and waves in physics’, 3rd Edn, Cambridge University Press, 2018.
3. Ajoy Ghatak, “ Optics”, McGraw Hill Education, 2012
1. H. J. Pain, “The physics of vibrations and waves”, Wiley, 2006
2. O. Svelto, “Principles of Lasers”
3. “Introduction to Mechanics”, M.K.Verma, Universities Press
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
1. Byron Gottfried, Schaum’s Outline of Programming with C, McGraw-Hill
2. B.A. Forouzan and R.F. Gilberg C Programming and Data Structures, Cengage Learning, (3rd
1. Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Ritchie, The C Programming Language, Prentice
2. Hall of India
3. R.G. Dromey, How to solve it by Computer, Pearson (16th Impression)
4. Programming in C, Stephen G. Kochan, Fourth Edition, Pearson Education.
5. Herbert Schildt, C: The Complete Reference, Mc Graw Hill, 4th Edition
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Pre-requisites: Nil
Course objectives:
To provide basic concepts in engineering drawing.
To impart knowledge about standard principles of orthographic projection of objects.
To draw sectional views and pictorial views of solids.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Preparing working drawings to communicate the ideas and information.
Read, understand and interpret engineering drawings.
Introduction to Engineering Drawing: Principles of Engineering Graphics and their Significance,
Conic Sections including the Rectangular Hyperbola – General method only. Cycloid, Epicycloid and
Hypocycloid, Scales – Plain & Diagonal.
Orthographic Projections: Principles of Orthographic Projections – Conventions – Projections of
Points and Lines, Projections of Plane regular geometric figures.—Auxiliary Planes.
Projections of Regular Solids – Auxiliary Views - Sections or Sectional views of Right Regular Solids –
Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid, Cone – Auxiliary views – Sections of Sphere
Development of Surfaces of Right Regular Solids – Prism, Cylinder, Pyramid and Cone,
Intersection of Solids: Intersection of – Prism vs Prism- Cylinder Vs Cylinder
Isometric Projections: Principles of Isometric Projection – Isometric Scale – Isometric Views –
Conventions – Isometric Views of Lines, Plane Figures, Simple and Compound Solids – Isometric
Projection of objects having non- isometric lines. Isometric Projection of Spherical Parts. Conversion of
Isometric Views to Orthographic Views and Vice-versa –Conventions
1. Engineering Drawing / Basant Agrawal and McAgrawal/ McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Drawing/ M. B. Shah, B.C. Rane / Pearson.
3. Computer Aided Engineering Drawing – K Balaveera Reddy et al – CBS Publishers
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
List of Experiments:
1. Melde’s experiment:
To determine the frequency of a vibrating bar or turning fork using Melde’s arrangement.
2. Torsional pendulum:
To determine the rigidity modulus of the material of the given wire using torsional pendulum.
3. Newton’s rings:
To determine the radius of curvature of the lens by forming Newton’s rings.
4. Diffraction grating:
To determine the number of lines per inch of the grating.
5. Dispersive power:
To determine the dispersive power of prism by using spectrometer.
6. Coupled Oscillator:
To determine the spring constant by single coupled oscillator.
7. LCR Circuit:
To determine quality factor and resonant frequency of LCR circuit.
To study the characteristics of LASER sources.
9. Optical fibre:
To determine the bending losses of Optical fibres.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
[Note:The programs may be executed using any available Open Source/ Freely available IDE
Some of the Tools available are:
DevCpp :
This list is not exhaustive and is NOT in any order of preference]
Practice sessions:
a. Write a simple program that prints the results of all the operators available in C (including pre/
post increment , bitwise and/or/not , etc.). Read required operand values from standard input.
b. Write a simple program that converts one given data type to another using auto conversion and
casting. Take the values form standard input.
Expression Evaluation:
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
a. A building has 10 floors with a floor height of 3 meters each. A ball is dropped from the top of
the building. Find the time taken by the ball to reach each floor. (Use the formula s = ut+(1/2)at^2
where u and a are the initial velocity in m/sec (= 0) and acceleration in m/sec^2 (= 9.8 m/s^2)).
b. Write a C program, which takes two integer operands and one operator from the user, performs
the operation and then prints the result. (Consider the operators +,-,*, /, % and use Switch
c. Write a program that finds if a given number is a prime number
d. Write a C program to find the sum of individual digits of a positive integer and test given number
is palindrome.
e. A Fibonacci sequence is defined as follows: the first and second terms in the sequence are 0
and 1. Subsequent terms are found by adding the preceding two terms in the sequence. Write
a C program to generate the first n terms of the sequence.
f. Write a C program to generate all the prime numbers between 1 and n, where n is a value
supplied by the user.
g. Write a C program to find the roots of a Quadratic equation.
h. Write a C program to calculate the following, where x is a fractional value.
i. 1-x/2 +x^2/4-x^3/6
j. Write a C program to read in two numbers, x and n, and then compute the sum of this geometric
progression: 1+x+x^2+x^3+………….+x^n. For example: if n is 3 and x is 5, then the program
computes 1+5+25+125.
a. Write a C program to display the contents of a file to standard output device.
b. Write a C program which copies one file to another, replacing all lowercase characters with their
uppercase equivalents.
c. Write a C program to count the number of times a character occurs in a text file. The file name
and the character are supplied as command line arguments.
d. Write a C program that does the following:
It should first create a binary file and store 10 integers, where the file name and 10 values are
given in the command line. (hint: convert the strings using atoi function)
Now the program asks for an index and a value from the user and the value at that index should
be changed to the new value in the file. (hint: use fseek function)
The program should then read all 10 values and print them back.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
e. Write a C program to merge two files into a third file (i.e., the contents of the firs t file followed
by those of the second are put in the third file).
a. Write a C program to convert a Roman numeral ranging from I to L to its decimal equivalent.
b. Write a C program that converts a number ranging from 1 to 50 to Roman equivalent
c. Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:
d. To insert a sub-string in to a given main string from a given position.
e. ii. To delete n Characters from a given position in a given string.
f. Write a C program to determine if the given string is a palindrome or not (Spelled same in both
directions with or without a meaning like madam, civic, noon, abcba, etc.)
g. Write a C program that displays the position of a character ch in the string S or – 1 if S doesn‘t
contain ch.
h. Write a C program to count the lines, words and characters in a given text.
a. Write a menu driven C program that allows a user to enter n numbers and then choose between
finding the smallest, largest, sum, or average. The menu and all the choices are to be functions.
Use a switch statement to determine what action to take. Display an error message if an invalid
choice is entered.
b. Write a C program to construct a pyramid of numbers as follows:
1 * 1 1 *
12 ** 23 22 **
123 *** 456 333 ***
4444 **
Sorting and Searching:
a. Write a C program that uses non recursive function to search for a Key value in a given
b. list of integers using linear search method.
c. Write a C program that uses non recursive function to search for a Key value in a given
d. sorted list of integers using binary search method.
e. Write a C program that implements the Bubble sort method to sort a given list of
f. integers in ascending order.
g. Write a C program that sorts the given array of integers using selection sort in descending order
h. Write a C program that sorts the given array of integers using insertion sort in ascending order
i. Write a C program that sorts a given array of names
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Course Outcomes:
Based on this course, the Engineering graduate will understand /evaluate / develop
technologies on the basis of ecological principles and environmental regulations which in turn
helps in sustainable development
Ecosystems: Definition, Scope, and Importance of ecosystem. Classification, structure, and function
of an ecosystem, Food chains, food webs, and ecological pyramids. Flow of energy, Biogeochemical
cycles, Bioaccumulation, Biomagnification, ecosystem value, services and carrying capacity, Field
Natural Resources: Classification of Resources: Living and Non-Living resources, water
resources: use and over utilization of surface and ground water, floods and droughts, Dams: benefits
and problems. Mineral resources: use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using
mineral resources, Land resources: Forest resources, Energy resources: growing energy needs,
renewable and non renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy source, case studies.
Biodiversity And Biotic Resources: Introduction, Definition, genetic, species and ecosystem
diversity. Value of biodiversity; consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and optional
values. India as a mega diversity nation, Hot spots of biodiversity. Field visit. Threats to biodiversity:
habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts; conservation of biodiversity: In-Situ and Ex-situ
conservation. National Biodiversity act.
Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies: Environmental Pollution: Classification of
pollution, Air Pollution: Primary and secondary pollutants, Automobile and Industrial pollution, Ambient
air quality standards. Water pollution: Sources and types of pollution, drinking water quality standards.
Soil Pollution: Sources and types, Impacts of modern agriculture, degradation of soil. Noise Pollution:
Sources and Health hazards, standards, Solid waste: Municipal Solid Waste management,
composition and characteristics of e-Waste and its management. Pollution control technologies:
Wastewater Treatment methods: Primary, secondary and Tertiary.
Overview of air pollution control technologies, Concepts of bioremediation. Global Environmental
Issues and Global Efforts: Climate change and impacts on human environment. Ozone depletion and
Ozone depleting substances (ODS). Deforestation and desertification. International conventions /
Protocols: Earth summit, Kyoto protocol, and Montréal Protocol. NAPCC-GoI Initiatives.
Environmental Policy, Legislation & EIA: Environmental Protection act, Legal aspects Air Act- 1981,
Water Act, Forest Act, Wild life Act, Municipal solid waste management and handling rules, biomedical
waste management and handling rules, hazardous waste management and handling rules. EIA: EIA
structure, methods of baseline data acquisition. Overview on Impacts of air, water, biological and Socio-
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
economical aspects. Strategies for risk assessment, Concepts of Environmental Management Plan
(EMP). Towards Sustainable Future: Concept of Sustainable Development Goals, Population and its
explosion, Crazy Consumerism, Environmental Education, Urban Sprawl, Human health,
Environmental Ethics, Concept of Green Building, Ecological Foot Print, Life Cycle assessment (LCA),
Low carbon life style.
1 Textbook of Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses by Erach Bharucha for
University Grants Commission.
2 Environmental Studies by R. Rajagopalan, Oxford University Press.
1. Environmental Science: towards a sustainable future by Richard T. Wright. 2008 PHL Learning
Private Ltd. New Delhi.
2. Environmental Engineering and science by Gilbert M. Masters and Wendell P. Ela. 2008 PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. Environmental Science by Daniel B. Botkin & Edward A. Keller, Wiley INDIA edition.
4. Environmental Studies by Anubha Kaushik, 4th Edition, New age international publishers.
5. Text book of Environmental Science and Technology - Dr. M. Anji Reddy 2007, BS Publications.
6. Introduction to Environmental Science by Y. Anjaneyulu, BS.Publications.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Course Outcomes: After learning the contents of this paper the student must be able to
Identify whether the given differential equation of first order is exact or not
Solve higher differential equation and apply the concept of differential equation to real world
Evaluate the multiple integrals and apply the concept to find areas, volumes, centre of mass and
Gravity for cubes, sphere and rectangular parallelopiped
Evaluate the line, surface and volume integrals and converting them from one to another
1. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition, 2010
2. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,2006
3. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, 9thEdition,Pearson, Reprint, 2002.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Course Outcomes: The basic concepts included in this course will help the student to gain:
The knowledge of atomic, molecular and electronic changes, band theory related to conductivity.
The required principles and concepts of electrochemistry, corrosion and in understanding the
problem of water and its treatments.
The required skills to get clear concepts on basic spectroscopy and application to medical and
other fields.
The knowledge of configurational and conformational analysis of molecules and reaction
Molecular structure and Theories of Bonding: Atomic and Molecular orbitals. Linear Combination of
Atomic Orbitals (LCAO), molecular orbitals of diatomic molecules, molecular orbital energy level
diagrams of N2, O2 and F2 molecules. π molecular orbitals of butadiene and benzene.
Crystal Field Theory (CFT): Salient Features of CFT – Crystal Field Splitting of transition metal ion d-
orbitals in Tetrahedral, Octahedral and square planar geometries. Band structure of solids and effect of
doping on conductance.
Water and its treatment: Introduction – hardness of water – Causes of hardness - Types of hardness:
temporary and permanent – expression and units of hardness – Estimation of hardness of water by
complexometric method. Potable water and its specifications. Steps involved in treatment of water –
Disinfection of water by chlorination and ozonization. Boiler feed water and its treatment – Calgon
conditioning, Phosphate conditioning and Colloidal conditioning. External treatment of water – Ion
exchange process. Desalination of water – Reverse osmosis. Numerical problems.
Electrochemistry and corrosion: Electro chemical cells – electrode potential, standard electrode
potential, types of electrodes – calomel, Quinhydrone and glass electrode. Nernst equation
Determination of pH of a solution by using quinhydrone and glass electrode. Electrochemical series and
its applications. Numerical problems. Potentiometric titrations. Batteries – Primary (Lithium cell) and
secondary batteries (Lead – acid storage battery and Lithium ion battery).
Causes and effects of corrosion – theories of chemical and electrochemical corrosion – mechanism of
electrochemical corrosion, Types of corrosion: Galvanic, water-line and pitting corrosion. Factors
affecting rate of corrosion, Corrosion control methods- Cathodic protection – Sacrificial anode and
impressed current cathodic methods. Surface coatings – metallic coatings – methods of application.
Electroless plating of Nickel.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Spectroscopic techniques and applications: Principles of spectroscopy, selection rules and
applications of electronic spectroscopy. vibrational and rotational spectroscopy. Basic concepts of
Nuclear magnetic resonance Spectroscopy, chemical shift. Introduction to Magnetic resonance
1. Physical Chemistry, by P.W. Atkins
2. Engineering Chemistry by P.C.Jain & M.Jain; Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., New
3. Fundamentals of Molecular Spectroscopy, by C.N. Banwell
4. Organic Chemistry: Structure and Function by K.P.C. Volhardt and N.E.Schore, 5th Edition.
5. University Chemistry, by B.M. Mahan, Pearson IV Edition.
6. Engineering Chemistry (NPTEL Web-book), by B.L. Tembe, Kamaluddin and M.S. Krishnan
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Introduction to Engineering Mechanics - Force Systems :Basic concepts, Particle equilibrium in 2-D &
3-D; Rigid Body equilibrium; System of Forces, Coplanar Concurrent Forces, Components in Space –
Resultant- Moment of Forces and its Application; Couples and Resultant of Force System, Equilibrium
of System of Forces, Free body diagrams, Equations of Equilibrium of Coplanar Systems and Spatial
Systems; Static Indeterminacy
Friction: Types of friction, Limiting friction, Laws of Friction, Static and Dynamic Friction; Motion of
Bodies, wedge friction, screw jack & differential screw jack;
Centroid and Centre of Gravity -Centroid of Lines, Areas and Volumes from first principle, centroid of
composite sections; Centre of Gravity and its implications. – Theorem of Pappus
Area moment of inertia- Definition, Moment of inertia of plane sections from first principles, Theorems
of moment of inertia, Moment of inertia of standard sections and composite sections; Product of Inertia,
Parallel Axis Theorem, Perpendicular Axis Theorem
Mass Moment of Inertia : Moment of Inertia of Masses - Transfer Formula for Mass Moments of Inertia
– Mass moment of inertia of composite bodies.
Review of particle dynamics- Rectilinear motion; Plane curvilinear motion (rectangular, path, and polar
coordinates). 3-D curvilinear motion; Relative and constrained motion; Newton’s 2nd law (rectangular,
path, and polar coordinates). Work-kinetic energy, power, potential energy. Impulse-momentum (linear,
angular); Impact (Direct and oblique).
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Kinetics of Rigid Bodies -Basic terms, general principles in dynamics; Types of motion, Instantaneous
centre of rotation in plane motion and simple problems; D’Alembert’s principle and its applications in
plane motion and connected bodies; Work Energy principle and its application in plane motion of
connected bodies; Kinetics of rigid body rotation
1. Shames and Rao (2006) , Engineering Mechanics, Pearson Education
2. Reddy Vijay Kumar K. and J. Suresh Kumar (2010), Singer’s Engineering Mechanics – Statics
& Dynamics
1. Timoshenko S.P and Young D.H., “Engineering Mechanics”, McGraw Hill International Edition,
2. Andrew Pytel, Jaan Kiusalaas, “Engineering Mechanics”, Cengage Learning, 2014.
3. Beer F.P & Johnston E.R Jr. Vector, “Mechanics for Engineers”, TMH, 2004.
4. Hibbeler R.C & Ashok Gupta, “Engineering Mechanics”, Pearson Education, 2010.
5. Tayal A.K., “Engineering Mechanics – Statics & Dynamics”, Umesh Publications, 2011.
6. Basudeb Bhattacharyya, “Engineering Mechanics”, Oxford University Press, 2008.
7. Meriam. J. L., “Engineering Mechanics”, Volume-II Dynamics, John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Course Objectives:
To Study of different hand operated power tools, uses and their demonstration.
To gain a good basic working knowledge required for the production of various engineering
To provide hands on experience about use of different engineering materials, tools,
equipments and processes those are common in the engineering field.
To develop a right attitude, team working, precision and safety at work place.
It explains the construction, function, use and application of different working tools, equipment
and machines.
To study commonly used carpentry joints.
To have practical exposure to various welding and joining processes.
Identify and use marking out tools, hand tools, measuring equipment and to work to
prescribed tolerances.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
Study and practice on machine tools and their operations
Practice on manufacturing of components using workshop trades including pluming, fitting,
carpentry, foundry, house wiring and welding.
Identify and apply suitable tools for different trades of Engineering processes including
drilling, material removing, measuring, chiseling.
Apply basic electrical engineering knowledge for house wiring practice.
1. Workshop Practice /B. L. Juneja / Cengage
2. Workshop Manual / K. Venugopal / Anuradha.
1. Work shop Manual - P. Kannaiah/ K. L. Narayana/ SciTech
2. Workshop Manual / Venkat Reddy/ BSP
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
In view of the growing importance of English as a tool for global communication and the consequent
emphasis on training students to acquire language skills, the syllabus of English has been designed to
develop linguistic, communicative and critical thinking competencies of Engineering students.
In English classes, the focus should be on the skills development in the areas of vocabulary, grammar,
reading and writing. For this, the teachers should use the prescribed text for detailed study. The
students should be encouraged to read the texts leading to reading comprehension and different
passages may be given for practice in the class. The time should be utilized for working out the
exercises given after each excerpt, and also for supplementing the exercises with authentic materials
of a similar kind, for example, newspaper articles, advertisements, promotional material etc. The focus
in this syllabus is on skill development, fostering ideas and practice of language skills in various contexts
and cultures.
‘The Raman Effect’ from the prescribed textbook ‘English for Engineers’ published by
Cambridge University Press.
Vocabulary Building: The Concept of Word Formation --The Use of Prefixes and Suffixes.
Grammar: Identifying Common Errors in Writing with Reference to Articles and Prepositions.
Reading: Reading and Its Importance- Techniques for Effective Reading.
Basic Writing Skills: Sentence Structures -Use of Phrases and Clauses in Sentences- Importance of
Proper Punctuation- Techniques for writing precisely – Paragraph writing – Types, Structures and
Features of a Paragraph - Creating Coherence-Organizing Principles of Paragraphs in Documents.
‘Ancient Architecture in India’ from the prescribed textbook ‘English for Engineers’ published
by Cambridge University Press.
Vocabulary: Synonyms and Antonyms.
Grammar: Identifying Common Errors in Writing with Reference to Noun-pronoun Agreement and
Subject-verb Agreement.
Reading: Improving Comprehension Skills – Techniques for Good Comprehension
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Writing: Format of a Formal Letter-Writing Formal Letters E.g.., Letter of Complaint, Letter of
Requisition, Job Application with Resume.
‘Blue Jeans’ from the prescribed textbook ‘English for Engineers’ published by Cambridge
University Press.
Vocabulary: Acquaintance with Prefixes and Suffixes from Foreign Languages in English to form
Derivatives-Words from Foreign Languages and their Use in English.
Grammar: Identifying Common Errors in Writing with Reference to Misplaced Modifiers and Tenses.
Reading: Sub-skills of Reading- Skimming and Scanning
Writing: Nature and Style of Sensible Writing- Defining- Describing Objects, Places and Events –
Classifying- Providing Examples or Evidence
‘What Should You Be Eating’ from the prescribed textbook ‘English for Engineers’ published by
Cambridge University Press.
Vocabulary: Standard Abbreviations in English
Grammar: Redundancies and Clichés in Oral and Written Communication.
Reading: Comprehension- Intensive Reading and Extensive Reading
Writing: Writing Practices--Writing Introduction and Conclusion - Essay Writing-Précis Writing.
‘How a Chinese Billionaire Built Her Fortune’ from the prescribed textbook ‘English for
Engineers’ published by Cambridge University Press.
Vocabulary: Technical Vocabulary and their usage
Grammar: Common Errors in English
Reading: Reading Comprehension-Exercises for Practice
Writing: Technical Reports- Introduction – Characteristics of a Report – Categories of
Formats- Structure of Reports (Manuscript Format) -Types of Reports - Writing aReport.
Prescribed Textbook:
1. Sudarshana, N.P. and Savitha, C. (2018). English for Engineers. Cambridge University Press.
1. Swan, M. (2016). Practical English Usage. Oxford University Press.
2. Kumar, S and Lata, P.(2018). Communication Skills. Oxford University Press.
3. Wood, F.T. (2007).Remedial English Grammar. Macmillan.
4. Zinsser, William. (2001). On Writing Well. Harper Resource Book.
5. Hamp-Lyons, L. (2006).Study Writing. Cambridge University Press.
6. Exercises in Spoken English. Parts I –III. CIEFL, Hyderabad. Oxford University Press.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
Course Objectives: The course consists of experiments related to the principles of chemistry required
for engineering student. The student will learn:
Estimation of hardness and chloride content in water to check its suitability for drinking purpose.
To determine the rate constant of reactions from concentrations as an function of time.
The measurement of physical properties like adsorption and viscosity.
To synthesize the drug molecules and check the purity of organic molecules by thin layer
chromatographic (TLC) technique.
Course Outcomes: The experiments will make the student gain skills on:
Determination of parameters like hardness and chloride content in water.
Estimation of rate constant of a reaction from concentration – time relationships.
Determination of physical properties like adsorption and viscosity.
Calculation of Rf values of some organic molecules by TLC technique.
List of Experiments:
1. Determination of total hardness of water by complexometric method using EDTA
2. Determination of chloride content of water by Argentometry
3. Estimation of an HCl by Conductometric titrations
4. Estimation of Acetic acid by Conductometric titrations
5. Estimation of HCl by Potentiometric titrations
6. Estimation of Fe2+ by Potentiometry using KMnO4
7. Determination of rate constant of acid catalysed hydrolysis of methyl acetate
8. Synthesis of Aspirin and Paracetamol
9. Thin layer chromatography calculation of Rf values. eg ortho and para nitro phenols
10. Determination of acid value of coconut oil
11. Verification of freundlich adsorption isotherm-adsorption of acetic acid on charcoal
12. Determination of viscosity of castor oil and ground nut oil by using Ostwald’s viscometer.
13. Determination of partition coefficient of acetic acid between n-butanol and water.
14. Determination of surface tension of a give liquid using stalagmometer.
1. Senior practical physical chemistry, B.D. Khosla, A. Gulati and V. Garg (R. Chand & Co., Delhi)
2. An introduction to practical chemistry, K.K. Sharma and D. S. Sharma (Vikas publishing, N. Delhi)
3. Vogel’s text book of practical organic chemistry 5th edition
4. Text book on Experiments and calculations in Engineering chemistry – S.S. Dara
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
The Language Lab focuses on the production and practice of sounds of language and familiarizes the
students with the use of English in everyday situations both in formal and informal contexts.
Course Objectives:
To facilitate computer-assisted multi-media instruction enabling individualized and
independent language learning
To sensitize students to the nuances of English speech sounds, word accent, intonation
and rhythm
To bring about a consistent accent and intelligibility in students’ pronunciation of
English by providing an opportunity for practice in speaking
To improve the fluency of students in spoken English and neutralize their mother
tongue influence
To train students to use language appropriately for public speaking and interviews
Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to attain
Better understanding of nuances of English language through audio- visual experience and
group activities
Neutralization of accent for intelligibility
Speaking skills with clarity and confidence which in turn enhances their employability
English Language and Communication Skills Lab (ELCS) shall have two parts:
a. Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Lab
b. Interactive Communication Skills (ICS) Lab
Listening Skills
1. To enable students develop their listening skills so that they may appreciate its role in the LSRW
skills approach to language and improve their pronunciation
2. To equip students with necessary training in listening so that they can comprehend the speech
of people of different backgrounds and regions
Students should be given practice in listening to the sounds of the language, to be able to recognize
them and find the distinction between different sounds, to be able to mark stress and recognize and
use the right intonation in sentences.
• Listening for general content
• Listening to fill up information
• Intensive listening
• Listening for specific information
Speaking Skills
1. To involve students in speaking activities in various contexts
2. To enable students express themselves fluently and appropriately in social and professional
• Oral practice: Just A Minute (JAM) Sessions
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD
• Describing objects/situations/people
• Role play – Individual/Group activities
The following course content is prescribed for the English Language and Communication Skills
Lab based on Unit-6 of AICTE Model Curriculum 2018 for B.Tech First English. As the syllabus is
very limited, it is required to prepare teaching/learning materials by the teachers collectively in
the form of handouts based on the needs of the students in their respective colleges for effective
teaching/learning and timesaving in the Lab)
Exercise – I
Understand: Listening Skill- Its importance – Purpose- Process- Types- Barriers of Listening.
Practice: Introduction to Phonetics – Speech Sounds – Vowels and Consonants.
ICS Lab:
Understand: Communication at Work Place- Spoken vs. Written language.
Practice: Ice-Breaking Activity and JAM Session- Situational Dialogues – Greetings – Taking Leave –
Introducing Oneself and Others.
Exercise – II
Understand: Structure of Syllables – Word Stress and Rhythm– Weak Forms and Strong Forms in
Practice: Basic Rules of Word Accent - Stress Shift - Weak Forms and Strong Forms in Context.
ICS Lab:
Understand: Features of Good Conversation – Non-verbal Communication.
Practice: Situational Dialogues – Role-Play- Expressions in Various Situations –Making Requests and
Seeking Permissions - Telephone Etiquette.
Exercise - III
Understand: Intonation-Errors in Pronunciation-the Influence of Mother Tongue (MTI).
Practice: Common Indian Variants in Pronunciation – Differences in British and American
ICS Lab:
Understand: How to make Formal Presentations.
Practice: Formal Presentations.
Exercise – IV
Understand: Listening for General Details.
Practice: Listening Comprehension Tests.
ICS Lab:
Understand: Public Speaking – Exposure to Structured Talks.
Practice: Making a Short Speech – Extempore.
Exercise – V
Understand: Listening for Specific Details.
Practice: Listening Comprehension Tests.
ICS Lab:
Understand: Interview Skills.
Practice: Mock Interviews.
B.Tech. I Year Syllabus JNTU HYDERABAD