Nivel IIImedio - Ingles - Rubrica - G.caceres - 2024
Nivel IIImedio - Ingles - Rubrica - G.caceres - 2024
Nivel IIImedio - Ingles - Rubrica - G.caceres - 2024
clear. There is in length and some details incomplete details
not are clear. Exist that were
grammatical almost 5 incomplete
errors, redaction grammatical
and the pictures errors or bad
are according to redaction.
the topic
Design and The ppt are The ppt are The ppt may be The ppt are
presentation visually mostly visually visually visually
appealing, with appealing, with unappealing, unappealing, with
an appropriate an appropriate with an a poor use of
use of color, use of color, inconsistent use color, typography,
typography, and typography, of color, and layout. The
layout. The and layout. typography, and design does not
design The design layout. The enhance the
effectively mostly design may not content or
enhances the enhances the effectively communicate the
content and content and enhance the message clearly.
communicates communicates content or
the message the message communicate
clearly. clearly. the message
Formal -The contents - The contents The contents is The contents are
aspects are coherent are good using confused and insufficient. This
and complete appropriated need more works need more
information. The grammar. You information. You information. It has
presentation you lost one of lost two of the many mistakes.
contains: cover, the contents contents.
(what is about),
linkography and
a last sheet
presenting the innovative in conventional in information
information presenting the presenting the related to
related to information information linguistic topics.
linguistic topics. related to related to The ppt do not
The ppt stand linguistic linguistic topics. catch the viewer's
out and capture topics. The ppt The ppt may not attention.
the viewer's may catch the catch the
attention. viewer's viewer's
attention. attention.
Fluency the student has the student has the student has the student has a
a good fluency a good fluency a bad fluency bad fluency
when presenting when when presenting when presenting
and the voice presenting and and the voice and you could not
inflections were the voice inflections were hear clearly
well- rehearsed inflections well- rehearsed
and you could were not well- but you could
hear clearly rehearsed but hear clearly
you could hear
Eye contact student looked student looked student looked student looked at
at the audience at his notes at his notes his notes most of
most of the time some of time, some of time, time and never
and rarely but mostly and sometimes looked at the
looked at his made eye made eye audience
notes contact with contact with the
the audience audience
Paraverbal You have a You have a You have a bad You have a bad
language good posture, good posture, posture (look posture (look the
your hands your hands the whiteboard whiteboard shows
helps your helps your some times and your back to the
presentation and presentation shows your audience), your
it is not in your and it is in your back to the hands are in your
pockets pockets some audience), your pockets some
times hands are in times
your pockets
some times
“Don’t watch the clock; do what it does. Keep studying.” – Sam Levenson