Web RFP Template
Web RFP Template
Web RFP Template
a. Provide a budget range so your solutions providers can scale their proposal accurately.
b. Indicate whether you organization is ready to start work, or you have to raise money to
begin the project. If you do need to raise money, vendors may help you describe the
project in order to maximize your chances of receiving funding.
a. Organization must own, have full access to and have the right to customize site code.
b. Terms for proposal:
SOURCE: http://www.emeraldstrategies.net
a. Tell vendors about your organization. Provide links to information on your existing
Web site, if applicable.
a. Define the audience that will be using the site. Do you have a defined group of users or
"stakeholders" who will be regularly using the site and have different needs?
b. Will the entire site be accessible to the general public?
c. Do you need the capability for staff or members to "log in" to access special
a. Essential components: are there certain features that are essential to any proposal you
will consider?
b. Non-essential components: Are there other features of your site that you would like
but are not essential to submitted proposals?
a. If the site is database driven, what types of information will you regularly need to
draw from it?
a. Design parameters
b. Accessibility/Usability
SOURCE: http://www.emeraldstrategies.net
i. Who certified section 508 compliance? Which factors and how deep?
ii. Usability testing mid-stream will validate navigation choices
c. Platform, if applicable
d. eCommerce
a. Do you have existing pages of Web content that you expect your Web developer to
add to the new site? (Provide a map of your current site indicating how many pages will
need to be transferred)
b. Do you have existing databases that will need to be imported or connected to the new
c. Do you have existing e-Commerce systems, web forums or other tools that the new
site should be connected to?
SOURCE: http://www.emeraldstrategies.net
ix. Initial meetings
x. Quarantine begins (no new concepts/functionality added)
xi. Beta site
xii. Proposed site launch
1. Executive Summary
2. Technical Volume
a. Web development process: explain the process you will follow to build the Web site,
including major milestones and evaluation
b. Address usability standards and testing
c. Address any important technology information and specifications used in your solution
(languages, platform, etc.)
3. Management Volume
4. Budget Volume
a. Break down cost by production hours, tools and functionalities (See section #6)
b. Maintenance and support: ID any costs that should be assumed as part of the site and
ongoing costs for maintenance and support we need in the future.
c. License fees: ID the costs we will need to pay to develop or host the site.
d. Hosting: ID whether we must or are highly encouraged to host with your company. If
hosting is provided as an option or requirement, provide pricing options.
e. Training and Style Guide: ID costs to train our staff to use site tools and provide a style
f. Other charge areas: Please ID whether there will be other expenses, consulting fees,
future work, etc. to complete this project.
5. Attachments
SOURCE: http://www.emeraldstrategies.net