Block 5
Block 5
Block 5
3 VAR: Forecasting
2k 2k 0
AIC = log(σ̂ 2 ) + MAIC = log |Σ̂| +
k k0
SBIC = log(σ̂ 2 ) + ln T MSBIC = log |Σ̂| + log(T )
where: where:
σ̂ 2 - residual variance Σ̂ - covariance matrix of the residuals
T - sample size T - number of observations
k - number of parameters k0 - total number of regressors
in all equations
VAR: Model setup and testing
lim An
1 = 0m
z is a scalar (number)
Im – identity matrix, where m is
the number of variables in a VAR,
0m – (m × m) zero matrix.
Graphical representation of the stability
Note: Any VAR(p) model may be condition (example): If the moduli of the
re-written as VAR(1) . . . eigenvalues of A1 are less than one, then
the VAR(p)-process is stable.
VAR: Model setup and testing
yt = Φ0 ut + Φ1 ut−1 + Φ2 ut−2 . . . ,
where Φs = j=1 Φs−j Aj for s = 1, 2, . . . ; Aj = 0 for j > p
Φ0 = Im (m × m) Identity matrix.
Iterative forecasting
VAR(p) model is estimated using observations t = 1, 2, . . . , T :
yt = Â1 yt−1 + Â2 yt−2 + · · · + Âp yt−p + ût
and for t = T :
yT = Â1 yT −1 + Â2 yT −2 + · · · + Âp yT −p + ûT .
Arbitrarily long forecasts (t = T + 1, T + 2, . . . , T + h) can be
iteratively produced using the estimated A-matrices and the observed
(t = 1, 2, . . . , T ) and predicted (t = T +1, T +2, . . . , T +h) values of yt :
As we move through the
ŷT +1 = Â1 yT + Â2 yT −1 + · · · + Âp yT −p+1 prediction time period,
predicted values are used
ŷT +2 = Â1 ŷT +1 + Â2 yT + · · · + Âp yT −p+2 as regressors for subsequent
periods & predictions . . .
Σu = cov (ut ) is the Forecast from a VAR(5): example
white noise covariance (confidence levels included)
(Σu ⊗Ih ) is a Kroneker
Ih is h × h,
Φi are the coefficient
matrices of the Wold
moving average repre-
sentation of a stable
VAR: Impulse-response functions (IRFs)
The [i, j]-th elements of the matrices Φs are (interpreted as) the
expected response of variable y(i,t+s) to a unit change in variable yj,t .
IRFs are used for policy analysis: for individual shocks (shocks in
different model equations), we can study the dynamic effects on all
variables in the model.
" #
1 0 0
Φ0 = A01 = 0 1 0 ,
0 0 1
" #
0.500 0 0
Φ1 = A 1 = 0.100 0.100 0.300 ,
0 0.200 0.300
0.250 0 0
0.060 0.070 0.120
Φ2 = A21 = ,
[3,1]-th elements of Φs = As1
0.020 0.080 0.150
[VAR(1) model . . . ] matrices mea-
sure the response of variable y3,t+s
0.125 0 0
to a unit change in variable y1,t
0.037 0.031 0.057 (a unit u1,t disturbance occurs at
Φ3 = A31 = ,
t = 0).
0.018 0.038 0.069
Φs : “Impulses/shocks in
columns and responses in rows”
VAR: Impulse-response functions (IRFs)
IRF example contd.
Ps IRFs may be easily produced and plotted using
Cs = l=1 Φl :
IRF (CPI → GDP) Cumulative IRF (CPI → GDP)
IRF critique
If “important” variables are dropped from a VAR model,
IRFs may be significantly distorted.
In most practical cases (yet, not generally) predictions from
such “reduced” VARs might remain largely unaffected.
VAR: Final remarks
For a bivariate VAR, only one cointegrating vector β = (1, −β2 )0 can exist
/normalized/. The VECM(0) model – no (Γp−j ∆yt−p+j ) terms – is defined
as follows:
∆yt = Πyt−1 + εt ,
where Π = (A1 − I2 ) is a 2 × 2 matrix with rank:
r = 1.
α1 α1 −α1 β2
Π may be decomposed as follows: Π = (1, −β2 ) =
α2 α2 −α2 β2
To understand the decomposition, we may re-write the VECM:
∆y1t = α1 (y1,t−1 − β2 y2,t−1 ) + ε1t
1st equation relates changes in y1t to disequilibrium error (y1,t−1 −β2 y2,t−1 )
∆y2t = α2 (y1,t−1 − β2 y2,t−1 ) + ε2t
2nd equation relates changes in y2t to disequilibrium error (y1,t−1 −β2 y2,t−1 )
VECM: Johansen’s methodology
1 rank (Π) = 0 ⇒ Π = 0
yt is not cointegrated and the VECM is a VAR on 1st diffs.
3 . . . rank(Π) = m ⇐⇒ yt ∼ I(0)
full rank of Π means that yt is in fact stationary.
VECM: Johansen’s methodology
H0 (r) : r = r0
H1 (r0 ) : r > r0
(where r0 is the # of nonzero eigenvalues under H0 .)
1 H0 : r = 0 vs. H1 : 0 < r ≤ m
2 H0 : r = 1 vs. H1 : 1 < r ≤ m
3 H0 : r = 2 vs. H1 : 2 < r ≤ m
··· ··· ···
m H0 : r = m − 1 vs. H1 : r = m
H0 (r0 ) : r = r0
H1 (r0 ) : r = r0 + 1