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The Analysis of English Course Requirements in Preparing Student’s Develop

ment Economics in Professional Career

fulfilling of english a field study assignment on english subject in semester 2

Restu Ramadhan (231100040)
Dinda Nur’syabani (231100038)
Fahri Rizky Maulana (231100094)
Hanaya Rosdinana Abdullah (231100028)



In the name of Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
We would like to express our gratitude for the abundance of His grace and
guidance, so that completion of this field study report can run smoothly. We hope
that this report can become a reference source for those who are interested. , and
review the questions that will be asked of the brothers and sisters. We realize that
there are still many shortcomings in the preparation of this report. We apologize if
there are any wording errors, so we are open and accept criticism and suggestions
for all interested people. We also express our thanks to all parties who have
contributed to the completion of this report. Finally, we would like to convey that
we hope this report can be useful and become a reference for all interested people.

Karawang,19 maret 2024


PRELIMINARY..................................................................................................................... ii
TABLE OF CONTENT....................................................................................................... iii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background Of The Study.......................................................................................... 2
1.2 Significant Of The Study............................................................................................ 3
1.3.Study objectives...................................................................................4
CHAPTER 2 DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS................................................................. 5
2.1 know about English courses....................................................................................... 6
2.2 . The influence in the daily life of English language subjects................................7
2.3 How important is English that Mr. Gilang gave to your older brother?................8
2.4. Do you like English courses?.......................... ..... ............................................. ........9
CHAPTER 3 INSTRUMENT OF THE STUDY.......................................................... 10
3.1 Research Approach................................................................................................ 11
3.2 Research Locations.................................................................................................... 12
3.3 Data Type.................................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Data Collection Technique....................................................................................... 14
3.5 Research Instrument................................................................................................. 15
CHAPTER 4 FINDING AND DISCUSSION.................................................................. 16
4.1 invations...................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 discussion..................................................................................................................... 18
4.3 Opinion....................................................................................................................... 19
4.4 Research Finding....................................................................................................... 20
CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION...................................................... 21
5.1 Conclusion................................................................................................................... 22
5.2 Suggestions.................................................................................................................. 23
REFERECES........................................................................................................................ 24
LIST OF APPENDICES..................................................................................................... 25

1.1 background of study

On March 4 2024 we carried out an English assignment field study to interview 4th semester
students named Kak Grace and Kak Anisa. English is the language used by every user with
foreigners. Apart from that, English can also be useful when we are abroad. English also
summarizes several types of reading, namely spelling and direct reading. According to experts, a
foreign language is a language that is not a mother tongue in a particular country and is not used
as a learning medium in schools and is not widely used as a communication medium in
With English language skills, you will easily adapt when faced with any situation or even move
to any company. This is the reason why it is important to master English in the world of work.
You don't need to worry about drastic environmental changes.
By mastering business English, you can communicate easily and effectively with colleagues,
clients and business leaders from various countries. This opens up opportunities to expand your
professional network, create new connections, and expand your circle of influence in the world
of work.
The role of English communication skills in the Indonesian economy to improve the national
economy is very important. English language skills are very strategic in capturing a wider
market, individuals or corporations who prioritize this ability will find it easier to compete.
Research shows there is a direct correlation between a population's English language skills and
that country's economic performance. Indicators such as gross national income (GNI) and GDP

1.2. Research purposes

Meanwhile, the aim of learning English is so that students can communicate in English orally and in
writing fluently and in accordance with the social context (Depdiknas, 2003: 15). Students' English
language competency includes the skills: listening, reading, speaking and writing

The role of English communication skills in the Indonesian economy to improve the national economy is
very important. English language skills are very strategic in capturing a wider market, individuals or
corporations who prioritize this ability will find it easier to compete.

The aim of the interview is to obtain accurate information from a trusted source. The interview is carried
out by conveying a number of questions from the interviewer to the source.
The formulation of study
Do the English courses implemented by the study program in each semester play an important role in
supporting scientific achievement in the Development Economics study program courses?(Please make
the sub questions based on the aim)

Do TOEFL test score results play an important role in preparing graduates (STIE, Development
Economics Study Program) to face the world of work?
(Please make the sub questions based on the aim)

What is the role and involvement of lecturers in supporting students in improving their English skills in
the context of the Development Economics course?

Do students feel that applying English courses provides direct benefits in achieving their career goals?

How can practical experiences or projects in English courses help students face real challenges in the
future workplace?

How important are the English course learning activities that have been presented in supporting the
achievement of the expected TOEFL score test results?

1.3 Im of the study

To find out students' English learning needs that can support scientific achievements in Development
Economics study program subjects
To find out the results of implementing English language learning courses to prepare for the world of

1.4 The Significance of This Study

Discussion of research in English in the field of economics theoretically and practically is a process that
aims to explore the influence of English in the economic context. This research can be carried out through
literature studies which involve collecting data from books, journals and other sources relevant to the
topic being studied. English has an important role in the era of globalization, where the use of English
allows researchers and economic professionals to communicate and publish research results widely,
especially to international audiences. In addition, English also plays a special role in the business field as
English for specific purposes (ESP), which helps in business development and economic leadership in the
modern era. Source: UNUD
Literature of the teori
2.1 Students need in English subject in the economics
The importance of speaking English for students is that English can open a world window to enter a new,
wider world, improve careers, facilitate communication, increase knowledge and insight regarding
information about the international world,

2.2 Benefits of Learning English for Economics Students

For students of the Faculty of Economics, English is also very important because English is a guide to
meeting requirements in the world of work. If undergraduates from the Faculty of Economics have good
English language skills, it will be an added value for the graduate.

2.3 Benefits of TOEFL in Preparing Graduates Who Are Ready to Work

You can be sure that the company where you will work will recognize and accept this score as proof of
your English fluency. For this reason, this TOEFL certificate will be useful for you in the future.
3.1. Research Approach
This research is included in the qualitative approach and the method used is descriptive qualitative, where
this research aims to ask and describe a question about English courses. Qualitative research is research
that is descriptive and tends to use analysis. Process and meaning are more emphasized in qualitative
This research is research that aims to determine the influence of English on economics. The method used
is literature study. The research was conducted with collect data through interviews related to the problem
being studied. From A review of the literature shows that English has an influence in the field of

3.2.research locations and participant

Research regarding interviews focused on the city of Karawang with several considerations. Location at
Stie Budi Pertiwi Karawang Jalan Kondang Jaya No. 25 RT 04 RW 09
Budi Pertiwi Foundation through Deed of Notary Ida Rosida, SH No. 11 dated January 24 2021 in
Karawang. Organized based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 188/D/O/2002 dated 4 September 2002 concerning the granting of permission to
organize the Study Program and Establishment of this High School. When operational on July 1 2002, the
Budi Pertiwi Foundation occupied the campus on Jl. Surotokunto No.2, Rawa Gabus, Karawang, West
Java. On May 10 2015 Operations in the new building (own) Budi Pertiwi Foundation School on Jl.
Tanjungpura-Klari Circle, Kondang Jaya Village, East Karawang.
Stie Budi Pertiwi has practicum room facilities, projector, full AC classroom, large parking area, very
easy road access, prayer facilities and library.
We chose Ka Anggun and Ka Anisa for the interview because they have extensive knowledge in Englisyh
and have skills in passive English and have been trusted by the lecturer that they are capable and able to
be interviewed in terms of their academics.

3.3 Documentation techniques

According to Sugiyono (2014:486) documentation is a method used to obtain data and information in the
form of books, archives, documents, written numbers and images in the form of reports and information
that can support reInstrumen of the study
According to Patton, 1950 (in Lexy J. Moleong 2006: 103) explains that data analysis is the process of
arranging data sequences, organizing them into patterns, categories and basic units of description.
- The data analysis process begins by reviewing all data that has been obtained from various sources.
Then data reduction is carried out by creating abstractions.
3.4 Instrumen of the study
According to Patton, 1950 (in Lexy J. Moleong 2006: 103) explains that data analysis is the process of
arranging data sequences, organizing them into patterns, categories and basic units of description.
- The data analysis process begins by reviewing all data that has been obtained from various sources.
Then data reduction is carried out by creating abstractions. used by researchers is to collect data through
photos and videos when conducting research on the object under study
- The next step is to arrange the data in units. Units are then categorized in the next step. Categorization
is done when coding.
- The final stage is to check the validity of the data. After this stage is complete, data interpretation is
carried out (Moleong, 1980)
. - So the stages in qualitative data analysis include: data unit processing, data reduction, data
categorization including checking the validity of the data, and data interpretation.

(Table of Comparative and Superlative Form)


Vocabulary Form
Sentences Form Vocabularies Description
No Highlight C S

1 Do the English courses  very important because we

implemented by the study
study semester 1 to semester 7
program in each semester
play an important role in will be passive in English which
achieving scientific is good for learning English
achievements in the
Development Economics
study program?

2 - Do TOEFL test score  Of course, because the TOEFL

results play an important
test results are really taken into
role in preparing
graduates (STIE, account, English is very
Development Economics important because it will be a
Study Program) to face the
benchmark in the world of
world of work?
work and job placement

3 What is the role and  Currently, the role of lecturers

involvement of lecturers in
is very much felt in teaching in
supporting students in
improving their English development economics study
skills in the context of the programs, for example, direct
Development Economics
interviews with foreigners
provide capital and confidence
for us to speak English.

4 .How can practical  Previously, English was an

experiences or projects in international language in many
English courses help companies and in Budi Pertiwi,
students face real
there were English language
challenges in the future
workplace? courses from semester 1 to
semester 7. Apart from theory,
there was practice, which really
supported English language skills
for students

5 Do students feel that applying influence on career  Very important and very useful,
English courses provides
because currently many companies
direct benefits in achieving
career goals? require you to be able to speak

6 .How do you deal with the overcome the course  .The way to overcome this is when
English courses given to you
you have an assignment, you can
by your lecturer?.
do it in installments so it doesn't
pile up too much and you don't
have a deadline, and when you
want to learn you can look for it
from references.

C : Comparative

S : Superlative

(Table of Regular and Irregular Verb)



Base Form Past

No Past Participl Meaning
(VI) (V2) e(V3)

1 Study Studied Studying Belajar

2 Work Worked Worked Kerja

3 Interview Interviewed Interviewed Wawancara

4 Help Helped Helping Membantu

5 Course Coursed Coursed Kursus

6 Study Studied Studying Belajar


1 study - - Belajar

2 Work wrought wrought Bekerja

3 Interview - - wawancara

4 Help - - membantu

5 Course - - Kursus


4.1. Invention
Finding a word that we cannot explain and is difficult to understand

Discussing English courses which are really liked by several people who like them

4.3 opinion
an idea or thought to explain certain preferences or tendencies towards ideologies and perspectives that
are not objective.



The English course is a personality development course that focuses on students' E

nglish language skills. In this case, what is meant by English language skills is goo
d and correct language skills both written and verbal which can be appreciated in e
veryday life. Basically, English material has not changed since then. For example,
from the past until now, the past tense still functions to express past events, and co
nversely the future tense expresses events that will take place. However, it is the le
arning methods that continue to develop over time. Learning English can not only
be done face to face, but can also be done using the internet. Social media online a
nd offline. English, almost certainly has the same goal, namely to be able to speak
English. Hopefully, through this bold learning, students can explore their potential
and increase their knowledge and abilities in learning English.


practice the ability to read and understand English academic texts as well as re-exp
ress the contents of the reading as well as verbally or in writing.

Participant’s Name : ka anggun Place : STIE Budi Pertiwi, Semester 6

Pseudonim : an Date : 08 Maret 2024

Verbatim Highlight Free Coding Coding Context

H: How do you When you have Membantu cara efektivitas Superlative form
deal with the a task, you can dalam pembelajaran
English courses do it straight menyelesaikan
given to you by away so it tugas
your lecturer? doesn't pile up
The way to
overcome this is
when you have an
assignment, you
can do it in
installments so it
doesn't pile up too
much and you
don't have a
deadline, and when
you want to learn
you can look for it
from references.

A; Do the English
implemented by
the study program
in each semester
play an important
role in supporting
achievement in
the Development
Economics study

very important
because we study
semester 1 to very important Semangat dalam Semangat belajar Superlative form
semester 7 will be because we belajar
passive in English study semester
which is good for 1 to semester 7
learning English

B; Do students feel
that applying
English courses
provides direct
benefits in
achieving their
career goals?

I think it's very

useful, even
though my English Kegiatan Superlative form
very important Kegianatan pembelajran
isn't good yet, so
because we pembelajaran
this English course
study semester
in semester 4 is
1 to semester 7
certainly very
useful, especially
for achieving
career goals.

C: How can
experiences or
projects in English
courses help
students face real
challenges in the
future workplace?

Previously, English
was an
language in many
companies and in Praktik
Budi Pertiwi, there Apart from meningkatkan Superlative form
were English theory, there is kemampuan
also practice
language courses which greatly bahasa inggris
from semester 1 improves
to semester 7. students'
Apart from theory, English language
there was practice, skills
which really
supported English
language skills for

Participant’s Name : ka annisa Place : STIE Budi Pertiwi, Semester 6

Pseudonim : an Date : 08 Maret 2024

Verbatim Highlight Free Coding Coding Context

-f: Do TOEFL test

score results play
an important role
in preparing
graduates (STIE,
Economics Study
Program) to face
the world of work?

Of course, because
the TOEFL test Peran dosen
because TOEFL test Peran dosen Correla form
results are really
results are very
taken into account,
English is very
important because
it will be a
benchmark in the
world of work and
job placement

F: What is the role

and involvement of
lecturers in
students in
improving their
English skills in the
context of the
Economics course?

Currently, the role

of lecturers is very
much felt in
teaching in
economics study Tolak ukur corelatife
programs, for Tolak ukur
example, direct Currently, the role bahasa inggris
interviews with of lecturers is very dalam dunian
foreigners provide visible in teaching kerja
capital and in the
confidence for us to development
speak English. economics study


Catatan lapangan ( catatan lapangan )

Tema observasi : observasi wawancara semester 4

Lokasi observasi : STIE Budi Pertiwi Karawang

Tanggal/selasi. : 7 Maret 2024 / 11.00 - 13.00 wib

Observasi. : Wawancara

Catatan :

Pada hari kamis tanggal 7 Maret 2024, kelompok 4 melakukan observasi wawancara semester 4
di kampus STIE Budi Pertiwi Karawang, kami menemui orang yang akan kami wawancarai
bernama Teh Nisa dan Teh anggun. Disana saya memulai wawancara dan saya mulai
menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan kepada Teh Nisa dan Teh anggun, mengenai metode
pembelajaran di STIE BUDI PERTIWI, saya dan anggota mulai melakukan wawancara satu per
satu dengan Teh Nisa dan Teh anggun menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan tentang metode
pembelajaran bahasa inggris yang di terapkan di STIE BUDI PERTIWI, kemudian setelah itu kami
menanyakan tentang seberapa penting hasil test toefl untuk dunia kerja, dan setelah kami
menanyakan beberapa pertanyaan tidak lupa kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Teh Nisa
dan Teh anggun yang telah memberikan waktu untuk kelompok 4 mengerjakan tugas Bahasa
Inggris 2. Mohon maaf jika ada kekurangan dalam pembuatan laporan lapangan ini. Sekian dari
kelompok 4 waaikumsalam wr.wb

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