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Ivana Nasywa Rafafie

Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember


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Ivana Nasywa Rafafie


Department of Business Management

Faculty of Creative Design and Digital Business
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
Surabaya, Indonesia

Language is a means for us as humans to interact with each other. Learning a
language is an obligation that must be done by every human being. Besides learning
the mother tongue, learning a foreign language is also something important,
especially learning English. English has become a global language used in various
aspects of our lives, especially in the business aspect. Business always develops
following the times and in every development of business has used English in their
every element. English in the business world is very important to establish
cooperation and communication between entrepreneurs on an international scale.
Therefore, in a company, it is necessary to have a supporting element in the form
of human resources who understand and are fluent in using English. The human
resources are business management students. Business management students must
be able and fluent in using English to be part of an international company or also
to be able to build their own business on an international stage. Several ways can
be done to support the English language skills of business management students,
such as by increasing vocabulary, watching English films, and listening to English
songs. All that can be done to support business success in a global scope.
Key-words: English, Business, Business Management Student, Company, Global

Language is a means for humans to communicate with other human beings. Language is a
human ability to communicate with another using a sign, such as words, gestures, or tools to
interact and communicate (Sari & Lestari, 2019). Language is a very important component in
our lives as humans. Without language, humans will not be able to interact with each other and
life will not be able to run well.
Learning a language is not only limited to our language, which is Indonesian. But, there are
many foreign languages in this world that we can learn further so we can still communicate
with many people from all over the world. The importance of learning and mastering a foreign
language is supported by the statement of a German philosopher named Johan Wolfgang Von,
he said that a person who does not know anything about a foreign language is a person who
does not know anything about their own language (Handayani, 2016). The statement explains
that learning a foreign language is a necessary thing in our life.
One of the most important foreign languages to learn is English. English is a language that has
been designated as an international language. English is a global language that plays an
important role in global interaction and communication along with the progress and
competition of globalization. The era of globalization as it is today requires each individual to
continue to prepare reliable resources, especially in the communication aspect. The growing
era of mastery of communication technology and direct interaction requires an active mastery
of both spoken and written English as an international language.
It doesn't stop there, today understanding and mastering English is very important because
English has developed into a key that holds all aspects of life from politics, society, culture,
and to the most important thing which is business. English is the key to a person's career in the
business world. Where English has been established as a communication bridge in various
activities in it. Then, how important is understanding and mastery of English in the business


In the business world that continues to evolve with the times, English has become a very
important aspect. English is a must for business people who want to be able to continue to grow
in various fields of the world economy. This is because in the global market, a business will
face very tight competition where they must survive with all their might, various supports, and
advantages, one of which is English.
Almost all major companies in the world prioritize the use of technology whose operations are
carried out using English. Therefore, understanding and mastery of English is the main
consideration if someone wants to work in large companies, both multinational and
international to get a job in the business world.
Companies that want to take steps and part in the international business world must have a high
capability. There is a separate strategy that has been recommended in the 2015 AEC Blueprint
pillar which states that a country must reconstruct its main elements into a fundamental and
definite sector to face the era of globalization with very strong competitiveness in various
sectors, especially human resources (Handayani, 2016). The absorption of human resources by
companies must prioritize the existence of great abilities, especially in understanding and
mastering English to realize their goals to take part in the international business world.
English and the business world have a very close relationship and influence each other. If a
company is supported by human resources who have a good understanding and mastery of
English, certainly, the company can easily enter a higher level at the international business
level because they can automatically connect through direct communication with other
international companies. Meanwhile, if a company is not supported by human resources who
understand English well, the company will automatically find it difficult to enter the world of
international business and establish cooperation with international companies.
Seeing the importance of English in the business world, of course, will greatly affect the
importance of understanding and mastering English for students majoring in business
management. They are required to be fluent in English so that later they can work in large
companies or can build their own business and take part in the international level.
English is easy if we learn it gradually, slowly but surely it will produce something impressive.
Learning English can be started by building motivation, reasons, and also a sense of comfort
in ourselves so that our enthusiasm can arise to start learning English (Rintaningrum, 2016).
Apart from that, there are also some easy ways to learn English.
1. Increase vocabulary
Like a baby who has learned his mother tongue, we can start by increasing the
vocabulary we have. The vocabulary will increase and in the end, will give us an
introduction and mastery to help smooth the conversation. We can increase our
vocabulary by reading books, articles, fairy tales, newspapers, and everything in
2. Watch English movies
Watching movies is an activity that should not be missed because it can provide
refreshment for us from tiring activities. From this activity, we can use it as a medium
for learning English. From this activity, we can recognize both standard and non-
standard expressions and sentences in the dialogue contained in it. Watching movies in
English can familiarize us with English words and sentences and can also improve our
3. Listening to English Songs
Some media are quite effective so that we can master English quickly. The medium is
an English song. By listening to songs in English we will gradually sing along and
memorize the song. Until finally we will get used to hearing words and sentences in
English and our English skills will increase.

English is a very important basic capital in the business world. A business that wants to be able
to continue to grow and succeed in the international level must have communication skills in
English because English has become a bridge in business around the world. Therefore, in
business, human resources are needed who can understand and master English actively both in
writing and speaking. These human resources come from students majoring in business
management. They are required to be able to speak English as well as possible. Seeing the
importance of English in the business world, business management students can start learning
English by motivating themselves and moving to learn it in various ways. If it is done so that
we as students of business management do not lose out in global competition and can build a
business on the international level.
Handayani, S. (2016). Pentingnya Kemampuan Berbahasa Inggris Sebagai Dalam
Menyongsong Asean. Ikatan Sarjana Pendidikan Indonesia (ISPI) Jawa Tengah, 3(1),
102–106. http://ispijateng.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/PENTINGNYA-
Rintaningrum, R. (2016). I Find It Easy To Learn English When ………: Lecturers’
Rintaningrum, R. (2014). Peranan Bahasa Inggris (Global) Dalam Dunia Teknologi
Entrepreneur Di Era Asean Economic Community. In Seminar Nasional Dinamika dan
Tantangan Technopreneurship.
Sari, L., & Lestari, Z. (2019). Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Bahasa Inggris Siswa
dalam Menghadapi Era Revolusi. Seminar Nasional Pendidikan, 12(1), 443–453.

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