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This materia medica writing is from an old text attached here for ease of viewing.
Materia Medica by John Henry Clarke



H. macrophylla. H. dioica. H. virginica. Witch-hazel. N. O. Hamamelidaceae.

(A shrub growing in all parts of U.S., in damp woods or along streams;
flowers in autumn, flowers yellow, the seeds ripen the year following).
Tincture of fresh bark of twigs and root. A resinoid, Hamamelin, is also

Clinical.-Abortion, threatened. Ankles, weak. Black-eye. Bruises. Burns.

Cancer. Chilblains. Consumption. Enteric fever. Gastric ulcer. Haematemesis.
Haematuria. Haemorrhages. Haemorrhagic diathesis. Haemorrhoids.
Leucorrhoea. Melaena. Menstruation, disorders of; vicarious. Nipples, sore.
Noises in the head. Nose, bleeding from. Ovaries, affections of. Pelvic
haematocele. Phimosis. Phlegmasia alba dolens. Purpura. Rheumatism.
Scapula, rheumatism of. Scurvy. Small-pox. Testicles, inflamed. Ulcers.
Uterus, affections of. Vagina, spasm of. Varicocele. Veins, varicose. Wounds.

Characteristics.-The deep red colour of the tincture of Hamamelis may be

taken as the signature of its therapeutic action. No remedy has a wider
sphere of usefulness in cases of haemorrhage and disordered blood-vessels.
It has also a decided relation to the effects of mechanical injuries including
burns of the first degree, and as a local application it takes rank with Arnica
and Calendula in the homoeopathic amamentarium. Hering, who learned its
properties from Mr. Pond, of "Pond's Extract" fame (Pond was a patient of
Hering's), made the first provings and introduced the remedy into
homoeopathy. He defines its position as being between Acon. and Arn.
"Pond's Extract" is an aqueous distillate prepared from the leaves. A number
of interesting superstitions are associated with the shrub; and shoots of it are

Hamamelis 1
used as "divining rods" for discovering water and metals. Hale has given a
very full account of the remedy. Phlebitis; varicosis; haemorrhoids; venous
haemorrhages-these are the conditions likely to require Hamam. The local
application of Hamam. to a sprained knee has been known to set up
inflammation in the veins of the part, and the provers who had varicose veins
experienced in them increased sensitiveness and unusual sensations, and a
number were cured. In congestion, inflammation, and bleeding of
haemorrhoidal vessels, Ham. has a great range of action; and like that other
great pile remedy, Æsculus h., it has also a marked action in the throat. Ham.
is called for in cases of "varicose angina," where the veins of the pharynx are
large and blue. The haemorrhages in which Ham. is indicated are mostly dark.
They may occur from any orifice. Metrorrhagia, menorrhagia, vicarious
menstruation and haemorrhages between the periods are met by it. In this
connection a case recorded by Dr. Ward (Pacif. Coast J. of H., November,
1899) is noteworthy. He cured a case of intermenstrual pain. Allen mentions
in the provings an intermenstrual flow, and Dr. Ward acutely observes that if
his patient has had the flow, the soreness so distinctly felt might not have
been realised. "Intense soreness" is one of the notes of Hamamelis. The part
from which the flow of blood proceeds feels sore and bruised. This
distinguishes it from Chi. in passive haemorrhages. It is a leading indication
for it in cases of orchitis and ovarian affections; and also in phlebitis and
varicose veins. In piles there is much bleeding and marked soreness of the
part; the back feels as if it would break (Æsc. h. has little or no bleeding).
There is taste of blood in the mouth. The headache of Ham. is chiefly in the
temples, throbbing, hammering; especially over left eye. Hughes gave Ham.
Ø to a young lady suffering from daily epistaxis and throbbing headache. The
first dose was followed by a flushing of the face and most distressing
throbbing-aching and sense of fulness in the head. The second dose brought
back all the symptoms in the head, and a feeling as if it would burst. Some
days later the 3x was given, and again the dilatation of the cerebral vessels
occurred, though the symptoms were not so severe. The haemorrhage of
Ham. causes great exhaustion (out of proportion to the amount of loss), but
there is also a tired, aching feeling in the back and lower limbs, independently
of haemorrhages. Many rheumatic symptoms occur, and with them always
the characteristic soreness. A woman, thirty-five, to whom I gave Ham. 1 for
varicosis with great advantage, developed marked loss of appetite and these
additional symptoms: "Pain all round lower abdomen, dreadful aching,
rheumatic pain at top of left shoulder and under right shoulder-blade, also
right side of chest under arm. Pains < during the day and when at rest,

Hamamelis 2
entirely absent during the night. Stupid feeling in head." This scapular pain
bears on the experience of Dr. Koech, who cured with Ham. many cases of
scapular rheumatism. He regards it as a specific in affections of the last five
cervical nerves. There is a good deal of thirst in the Ham. pathogenesis, and
Bree says (H. P., xii. 61) it will relieve the excessive thirst that most patients
with heart troubles complain of. Motion and exertion in general by pressing
them with the fingers, but < a few moments afterwards.-Sore pain in eyes;
eyes painful under slight pressure.-Swelling of eyeballs and lids, with
bloodshot appearance of r. eye.-Eyes inflamed; vessels greatly injected;
caused by a foreign substance, as melted sugar; after operations; intense

4. Ears.-Deafness in r. ear, passes off by noon.-Bleeding at r. ear, also nose-

bleed, which clears her head, relieving her.-Buzzing, ringing in ears.

5. Nose.-Over-sensitive smell.-Bad smell from the nose.-Sneezing spells,

watery, excoriating, burning discharge.-Nose feels stopped up.-Epistaxis, flow
passive, non-coagulable.-Epistaxis, with a feeling of tightness of the bridge of
the nose, and crowding pressure in forehead between the eyes.-The nose-
bleed clears her head and affords great relief.-Profuse epistaxis; flow venous;
idiopathic or vicarious.

6. Face.-Burning in r. cheek.-Occasional shooting pains along r. superior

maxillary to malar bone.-Muscles feel sore and stiff.-Lips: dry; sore; cracked.

7. Teeth.-Sharp, lancinating along the molar teeth, extending to the malar

bone; also in temporal region.-Teeth ache, can scarcely sleep, yet not
decayed.-Pains < in warm room.-Gums sore, painful, swollen; bleed easily;
dark fluid.-Passive venous haemorrhage after extraction of teeth.

8. Mouth.-Metallic taste; tongue coated white.-Scalding sensation on tongue.-

Blisters on sides of tongue; canker spots near the tip.

9. Throat.-Severe stinging in uvula, as if it would break, when he coughs.-

Dryness of the lips and fauces; tonsils and fauces congested, veins enlarged,
varicose; must drink large quantities of water to assist deglutition.-Sore throat
< r. side, r. tonsil more swollen; reddened.-Sore throat in those predisposed
to fulness of the veins, < in warm, moist air.-Hawks considerably.

Hamamelis 3
10. Appetite.-No appetite for breakfast; considerable thirst, > by small
quantities of water.-Appetite good.-Very thirsty; in afternoon and evening;
throat dry.-Averse to water, makes him sick to think of it.-Pork nauseates.

11. Stomach.-After eating: nausea, must keep quiet; eructations; hiccough.-

Eructations after a meal, taste of the food.-Nausea, eructations and violent
hiccough after pork, followed by burning in stomach and oesophagus; later,
cramp pains in stomach and chest.-Nausea, vertigo, must lie still to prevent
vomiting.-Nausea, headache in frontal bone on awaking.-Nausea and
inclination to vomit after a meal.-Haematemesis, blood black; sensation of
trembling in stomach, or fulness and gurgling in abdomen; feverish by spells;
weak, cold, quick pulse, profuse sweat.-Heaviness at back of stomach; pain
back of stomach, along the spinal column.-Violent throbbing in stomach.-
Cramp in stomach after eating.

12. Abdomen.-Cramps in stomach and transverse colon two hours after a

hearty dinner.-Flatulence.-Burning in the epigastrium and umbilicus.-Pain all
round lower abdomen.

13. Stool and Anus.-Stools: costive; hard, coated with mucus.-Dysentery

when the amount of blood is unusually large; dark, small clots, or patches
through the mucus.-Large quantities of a tar-like blood (typhoid).-Piles:
bleeding profusely; with burning soreness, fulness and weight; back as if it
would break; urging to stool.-Itching at the anus.

14. Urinary Organs.-Increased desire to urinate.-Urine clear copious.-Scanty

high-coloured urine.-Haematuria; passive congestion of the kidneys; dull pain
in renal region.-Irritation of the urethra, followed by a discharge and ardor

15. Male Sexual Organs.-Emissions at night, without being aware of it;

headache, depression of mind.-Erections; great desire for an embrace.-Severe
neuralgic pains in testicles suddenly shifting to bowels, causing nausea and
faintness.-Pain running down the spermatic cords into the testes.-Profuse cold
sweat on scrotum; capillary stasis.-Orchitis, intense soreness and swelling.-

16. Female Sexual Organs.-Dysmenorrhoea, with severe pains through the

lumbar and hypogastric region and down the legs; fulness of the brain and
bowels, with severe pain through the whole head, causing stupor, deep sleep;

Hamamelis 4
varicose veins.-Active uterine haemorrhage blood bright red.-Metrorrhagia,
passive flow, venous blood; anaemia.-Amenorrhoea, vicarious bleeding from
nose or stomach; costive; varices on legs.-Leucorrhoea, great tenderness of
vagina; flow bloody.-Vaginismus, intense soreness; prurigo of vulva.-Ovaritis
after a blow; diffused agonised soreness over the whole abdomen; menses
irregular; < at time of menses; retention of urine.-Phlegmasia alba dolens.-
Sore nipples.

17. Respiratory Organs.-Hoarse on arising; awoke hoarse.-When lying, felt a

smothering sensation.-Tickling cough, taste of blood on awaking.-Dry cough,
severe stinging in the uvula, as if it would break.-Expectoration thick,
yellowish or greenish grey, tasting putrid.

18. Chest.-Haemoptysis, tickling cough, with taste of blood, or of sulphur; dull

frontal headache; tightness of the chest; cannot lie down, because of difficult
breathing from congestion; fulness in the head; mind calm.-Stitches in lower
part of lungs.-Sensation of constriction across chest < by a long or deep
breath.-Dull aching pain constantly in muscles of l. chest, < using arms,
afternoon and evening.

19. Heart and Pulse.-Palpitation.-Pricking pain in region of heart and

superficial veins of both arms.

20. Neck and Back.-Sore pain down the cervical vertebrae.-Dull pain,
constantly under angle of l. scapula.-(Rheumatism of scapula.).-Tearing pains
across small of back. with fulness of joints of legs.-Small of back feels as if it
would break.

21. Limbs.-Tired feeling in arms and legs.-Great lassitude and weariness of

the limbs and elsewhere.-Rheumatism, with great soreness of the muscles.

22. Upper Limbs.-Bruised feeling in upper arms and shoulder, < from motion.-
Dreadful aching rheumatic pain at top of l. shoulder, and under r. scapula and
r. side of chest under arms; < during day and at rest; entirely absent during
night.-Stiffness in arms and shoulders.-Tenderness of r. biceps, < by
pressure.-Stiffness of elbow-joint.-Rheumatic pain, constant aching in l. arm.-
Lancinating in l. wrist-joint.-Violent pain in back of r. hand to shoulder-joint.-
Hands chapped.-Thumb nail becomes sore, pus discharges after a slight

Hamamelis 5
23. Lower Limbs.-Sore pain in r. femur, muscles of thighs sore, as if bruised.-
Soreness in femoral vessels to middle of thigh.-Weakness of knees,
afternoon.-Forcing feeling in the varices; veins sensitive, dilated.

24. Generalities.-Takes cold easily from every exposure; but esp. to warm,
moist air; subject to varicose veins.-Venous constitutions.-Prickling stinging: in
veins, muscles, skin.-Phlebitis; prickling pains.

25. Skin and Tissues.-Chilblains always bluish.-Varicose veins and ulcers, with
stinging or pricking.-Bruised soreness.-Purpura.

26. Sleep.-Restlessness at night.-Uneasy, restless morning sleep.-Emissions of

semen during sleep.

27. Fever.-Chilly on going to bed; dreaded an attack of fever.-Cold creeps in

the open air, chills run up the legs, head stopped up, dull pain over orbit.-
Chilliness over back and hips, extending down the extremities.-Fever at night;
hands hot, burning in the eyelids on closing them.-Sweats freely at night,
after lying down.-Pulse accelerated; full.

Hamamelis 6

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