Adc Anddac
Adc Anddac
Adc Anddac
Data conversion Systems
• Both data about the physical world and control
signals sent to interact with the physical world are
typically "analog" or continuously varying quantities.
3 bit DACoutput waveform
Digital-to-Analog Conversion
• 2 BasicApproaches
– Weighted SummingAmplifier
– R-2R Network Approach
Weighted Resistor DAC
• For a simple inverting summer circuit, all resistors mustbe
of equal value.
• If any of the input resistors were different, the input
voltages would have different degrees of effect on the
output, and the output voltage would not be a true sum.
• Suppose, input resistor values at multiple powers oftwo:
R, 2R, and 4R, instead of all the same value R:
Binary Weighted Resistor DAC
Voltages V1 through Vn are
Vref if corresponding bit ishigh V1
or R
ground if corresponding bit islow V2 2R I Rf
V3 4R
V1 is most significant bit
- Vout
Vn is least significantbit +
Vn 2n-1R
Vout IR f LSB
V1 V 2 V 3 Vn
Vout R f ( n1 )
1 2 4 2
3 bit binary-weighted DAC
Binary Weighted Resistor
IfR f
Vout IR f
V1 V 2 V 3 Vn
Vout ( n )
2 4 8 2
0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 1 -V/8
2 0 1 0 -V/4 or -2V/8
3 0 1 1 -3V/8
4 1 0 0 -V/2 or -4V/8
5 1 0 1 -5V/8
6 1 1 0 -3V/4 or -6V/8
7 1 1 1 -7V/8
3 bit DACoutputwaveform
With Vref negative (-10V) and Rf=R/2
Input Discrete
States output
Voltage (V)
000 0.0
001 1.25
010 2.50
011 3.75
100 5.00
101 6.25
110 7.50
Vout = - Vref (b3/2+ b2/4+ b1/8) 111 8.75
Weighted Resistor D/A Converter
• Uses a parallel network of binary-weighted
resistors to feed the op-amp.
• Seldom used since a wide range of resistor
values is required for a large number of bits.
• Difficult to achieve accuracy for a highnumber
of bits.
Weighted Resistor D/A Converter
• Advantages
– Simple Construction/Analysis
– Fast Conversion
– Cost is low
• Disadvantages
– Requires large range of resistors (2000:1 for 12-bitDAC)
with necessary high precision for lowresistors
– Expensive. Therefore, usually limited to 8-bitresolution.
– Supply voltage has to be constant
R-2R Ladder DAC
• Produces an analog current that is the sumof
binary-weighted currents.
• Uses only two values of resistors.
• Easily modified to add additional bits – each
new bit requires 2 resistors, values Rand2R.
R-2R Ladder
• Advantages
– Only two resistor values (R and 2R)
– Does not require high precision resistors
– Accuracy better than weighted resistor
• Disadvantage
– Lower conversion speed than binary weighted
– More number of resistors to be used compared
to weighted resistor
R-2R Ladder DAC
R-2R Ladder DAC
R-2R Ladder DAC
n 1
Vout Vref b n i
Important Specifications of DACs
• Resolution
• Speed
• Linearity
• Smallest analog increment corresponding to 1
• An N-bit resolution can resolve 2N distinct
analog levels
• Common DAChas a 8-16 bit resolution
Resolution V LSB N
where N number of bits
• Rate of conversion of a single digital input to
its analog equivalent
• Conversion rate depends on
– clock speed of input signal
– settling time of converter
• When the input changes rapidly, the DAC
conversion speed must be high.