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8 Dac

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What is a DAC?

• A digital to analog converter (DAC) converts a digital

signal to an analog voltage or current output.

Types of DACs
• Many types of DACs available.
• Usually switches, resistors, and op-amps used
to implement conversion
• Two Types:
– Binary Weighted Resistor
– R-2R Ladder
Binary Weighted Resistor
Voltages V1 through Vn are either Vref
if corresponding bit is high or ground V1
if corresponding bit is low R
V2 2R I Rf
V1 is most significant bit
V3 4R
Vn is least significant bit - Vout
Vn 2n-1R


 V1 V2 V3 Vn 
Vout   IRf   Rf      n -1 
 R 2R 4R 2 R
Binary Weighted Resistor

If Rf=R/2
 V1 V2 V3 Vn 
Vout   IRf       n 
2 4 8 2 
For example, a 4-Bit converter yields

 1 1 1 1
Vout  Vref  b3  b2  b1  b0 
 2 4 8 16 
Where b3 corresponds to Bit-3, b2 to Bit-2, etc.
Binary-weighted-input DAC

In a binary-weighted-input DAC, the input current in each resistor is

proportional to the column weight in the binary numbering system. It requires
very accurate resistors and identical HIGH level voltages.

D0 Rf
The MSB is represented by the + –
4R If
largest current, so it has the D1
smallest resistor. To simplify I1 – Vout
analysis, assume all current D2 I=0
+ Analog
goes through Rf and none into R
the op-amp. D3

Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 10th ed © 2009 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved
Binary-weighted-input DAC

A certain binary-weighted-input DAC has a binary input of

1101. If a HIGH = +3.0 V and a LOW = 0 V, what is Vout?
120 kW
+3.0 V Rf

60 kW 10 kW
30 kW

+3.0 V Vout
15 kW
+3.0 V

I out  ( I 0  I1  I 2  I 3 )
 3.0 V 3.0 V 3.0 V 
  0 V    0.325 mA
 120 kW 30 kW 15 kW 
Vout = Iout Rf = (−0.325 mA)(10 kW) = −3.25 V

Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 10th ed © 2009 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved
R-2R Ladder
Each bit corresponds
Vref to a switch:

If the bit is high,

the corresponding
switch is connected to
the inverting input of
the op-amp.

If the bit is low, the

corresponding switch
Bit: 0 0 0 0
Vout is connected to ground.
4-Bit Converter
R-2R Ladder
Vref V1 V2 V3
Ideal Op-amp

2R 2R

Req 
2 R 2 R 
2 R  2 R 
R-2R Ladder

Vref V1 V2 V3 V2 V3


 R  1
V3   V2  V2
 RR 2
V2  V1
Vout 2
V1  Vref
Vout   IR
R-2R Ladder
Vref V1 V2 V3 1 1 1
V3  Vref , V2  Vref , V1  Vref
8 4 2

 Vref Vref Vref Vref 

Vout   R b3  b2  b1  b0 
 2R 4R 8R 16R 

Where b3 corresponds to bit 3,

b2 to bit 2, etc.
If bit n is set, bn=1

If bit n is clear, bn=0

R-2R Ladder
For a 4-Bit R-2R Ladder

 1 1 1 1
Vout  Vref  b3  b2  b1  b0 
 2 4 8 16 
For general n-Bit R-2R Ladder or Binary Weighted Resister DAC

Vout  Vref  bni i
i 1 2
R/R2 Ladder DAC

An R-2R ladder DAC has a binary input of 1011. If a

HIGH = +5.0 V and a LOW = 0 V, what is Vout?
D0 D1 D2 D3
+5.0 V +5.0 V 0V +5.0 V

R1 R3 R5 R7 Rf = 50 kW
50 kW 50 kW 50 kW 50 kW
R2 R4 R6 R8

50 kW 25 kW 25 kW 25 kW Vout

Apply to all HIGH inputs, then sum the results.

Applying superposition, Vout = −6.875 V

Floyd, Digital Fundamentals, 10th ed © 2009 Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All Rights Reserved
R-2R Ladder
• Advantages
– Only two resistor values (R and 2R)
– Does not require high precision resistors
• Disadvantage
– Lower conversion speed than binary weighted

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