Harchet Resume Morgan Stanley
Harchet Resume Morgan Stanley
Harchet Resume Morgan Stanley
Skills Summary
• Languages: C,C++,Python, JavaScript, SQL, Kotlin,HTML
• Soft Skills: Leadership, Event Management, Multitasking, Public Speaking, Time Management
Dr BR Ambedkar National Institute of technology Jalandhar Punjab, India
B.tech-Computer Science and Engineering; GPA: 8.09 Nov 2021 - June 2025
St Soldier Divine Public School , Tanda Punjab, India
Grade 12th; Percentage: 92 April 2019 - March 2020
St Soldier Divine Public School , Tanda Punjab, India
Grade 10th; Percentage: 80 April 2017 - March 2018
Microsoft Software Engineering Intern On-site
Summer Intern’24 June 2024 - July 2024
◦ Selected on Oncampus drive: Collaborated and worked on real life project to integrate tools to assist the developers.
Worked on tech stack such as Android,Java and Kotlin.
◦ Modularizing the tools: Modularized tools that are now live enabling its reuse across multiple future projects at
• ScanFusion : Integrated multiple imaging modalities such as MRI and CT scans scans to leverage complementary information
for improved diagnosis.Technologies used:Python,flask,CV
• Food Ordering website: Designed and implemented user-friendly interfaces using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap framework,
ensuring consistent branding and intuitive navigation across desktop and mobile devices.Technologies
• BB Calculator(Scientific Calculator): Built a comprehensive scientific calculator capable of performing a wide range of
complex calculations, from vector operations to advanced trigonometry and calculus.Technologies used: C.
• Rated as Specialist on CodeForces: Achieved a global rank 2694 in think-cell round1 (rated for all divisions) to achieve
the tag of Specialist.
• 350+ problems solved on leetcode: Possess deep knowledge of data structures and algorithms, with expertise in
optimizing code for efficiency.
• Rated as 3-star on CodeChef : Achieved a global rank of 325 in codechef starters 87(division 3) to achieve the 3-star profile
on codechef.