Masters in Adult Education
Masters in Adult Education
Masters in Adult Education
Admission Requirements:
The normal minimum entry requirements for admission into the M. Ed programme in
Adult and Distance Education shall be:
B. Ed degree in Adult Education with at least a second class (lower division) from this
University or any other university recognized by NUL Senate;
Relevant degree in any discipline from this university or any other university
recognised by NUL Senate with at least a second-class lower division;
In exceptional cases, a holder of a pass degree in any field with a three year post
graduation work experience may be accepted. However, candidates who fall into this
category will be required to take and pass satisfactorily an entrance examination, which
shall be organized by the Institute of Extra-Mural Studies, for admission purpose.
Admission procedures:
The admission procedures will be
i) Applications may be obtained from 1st January and be submitted by 30th March of
the same calendar year in which the study is to commence.
ii) The Processing of applications by the Department of Adult Education of IEMS will be
undertaken in the month of April of the year in which the study is to commence.
iii) Processing of applications by the Board of Postgraduate Studies will be from the end
of April to the end of May of the year in which the study is to commence.
iv) Applicants shall be notified of the status of their admission to the M. Ed Adult
Education programme in May/June of the year in which the study is to commence.
v) Commencement of studies shall normally be the same as that of undergraduate
studies, that is, during the month of August.
Programme Structure:
The M. Ed programme in the Department of Adult Education of Institute of Extra-Mural
Studies (IEMS) shall be on part-time basis. The programme shall run a mixed distance
education delivery mode as deemed appropriate and suitable for the adult learners.
This may include occasional face-to-face and short residential sessions including the use
of printed study modules.
Course Workload
For any student to graduate, he/she must have taken the following courses:
5 courses with a total of 30 credit hours in the first year. These are the core courses for
all students irrespective of area of specialization in the M. Ed Adult Education
programme. They are ADE 600, 601, 602, 603 and 604 which will be divided adequately
into the two semesters of the first year, to avoid overloading the part-time learners.
5 courses with a total of 30 credit hours in the second year under the students chosen
specialization area. Students are allowed also to even take any course as elective
outside of their specialization areas for enrichment purposes.
Dissertation with a total of 12 credit hours in the third and the last year, making an
overall total of 72 credit hours over the three years of study.
Areas of Specialisation:
1. Adult Education and Community development
2. Open and Distance Learning
3. Adult Education and Management of HIV/AIDS programmes.
Programme Duration:
The M. Ed degree programme in adult education is designed to normally last for a
period of 3 years on part-time basis.
However, the maximum duration for any student to remain on the programme before
completion shall be 6 years.
Students enrolled in the M. Ed programme can carry forward at least two failed courses
to the next year in both semesters of that year. Students can however be allowed to
spend a maximum of 2 years in each year level. The following marks will be used for the
type of progression at the end of each year‚s course evaluation, that is, (course work +
written examination):
Proceed with distinction 80 and above;
Proceed with merit70 – 79
Proceed 50 ‚ 69
Course Assessment:
i)Students in the part-time M. Ed Adult Education Programme shall be examined by
continuous assessment and written examinations at the end of each semester of the
ii)Students shall be mandated to participate in postgraduate seminars through
presentation of papers, which shall be a form of training for academic writing process.
Seminar presentation shall be graded accordingly as part of continuous assessment.
iii)Each course successfully taken by passing course work, shall count as 40% of the
final mark while examination shall count for 60%. Examination shall be by a three-hour
paper at the end of each period in which courses are taught.
i)Any postgraduate student shall be allowed to supplement a maximum of 3 courses in
which he/she has obtained a minimum grade of E that is between 45 and 49 marks.
ii)The maximum mark obtainable by any postgraduate student in a supplementary
examination shall be 60%.
Supplementary Examination Fee:
i)Any postgraduate student, who shall supplement examinations, shall be charged a
supplementary fee to be determined by office of the Registrar.
Fail and Repeat:
Any post-graduate student who fails a course shall proceed and carry forward the failed
course. Any post-graduate student who fails more than one course shall not proceed,
but repeat failed course (s). Students can be allowed to repeat a class only two times
provided the student can still finish his/her programme within the stipulated period of
SIX years.
Fail and Discontinue:
Any postgraduate student who fails up to four courses at the end of any academic year
shall be discontinued from the programme and NUL. He/she can re-apply after a period
of 2 years.
Results Calculation:
Compulsory and required specialization area courses in the M. Ed Programme shall be
used in calculating the overall results, for the award of the M. Ed degree; and all courses
must be passed at 50% or above.
All relevant courses from the first and second years of the M. Ed programme, including
dissertation at the third year, shall be used in calculating the final results.
Award of Degree:
i)A total of TEN (10) courses, in addition to the M. Ed dissertation offered during the 3
years of part-time studies in the M. Ed programme, making a total of 72 credit hours,
will be used to determine the final classification of the degree.
ii)The final grade for the award of an M. Ed in Adult Education shall be calculated on
pass level of 50 OWM and above. The average shall be converted into letter grades as
80 – 100 A Outstanding
70 – 79 B Very Good
60 – 69 C Good
50 – 59 D Pass
45 – 49 E Supplementable
Below 45 F Fail and Repeat/Discontinue
ADE 600-6: Foundations of Adult Education: A/B
This course reviews the historical development theory and practice of adult education
and examines the fundamental disciplines in which adult education as a professional
practice and an academic field is rooted. These include philosophy, sociology, history,
economics, language, psychology and politics. The course therefore, exemplifies how
each of these different disciplines can be interpreted in the context of the meaning,
purpose and scope of adult education practice worldwide.
ADE 601-6: Education and National Policy Development: A/B
In this course, students will be exposed to the principles, processes and paradigms of
National policy development in any field and particularly for all levels of education. The
course will examine the practical implementation procedures for the formulation of
national policies and highlights the socio-political factors underpinning the production
process of any policy. The course will also review the purpose, dimensions and
implications of policy production in the context of national development framework.
Students will be expected to engage in constructive preparation of mock policy
documents as a process of academic growth.
ADE 602-6: Resource Management for Adult Education: A/B
This course is designed to improve the efficient and effective performance of the
employees at workplace through the organization of training and retraining
programmes. The course will review extensively the theories of human resource
development against the organisational training policy. It will analyse some concepts of
industrial relations management including conflict management and collective
bargaining at work. The course will further examine different models of training and the
strategies for managing human resources for optimum organizational utilization.
ADE 603-6: Advanced Research Methods in Adult Education: AB
This course examines research paradigms from many ramifications of educational
practice. It introduces students to high level of both qualitative and quantitative
research designs in finding solutions to societal problems. It adopts systematic
approaches in analysing social phenomena for pragmatic implementation, using
modern and relevant research techniques in the data collection process and
interpretation up to making appropriately implementable recommendations.
ADE 604-6: Social Psychology: A/B
This course exposes postgraduate students to behaviour in social settings and analyses
various social factors affecting and related to group dynamics. The behaviour
characteristics and patterns to be studied will cover the adults‚ life span in relation to
infectious diseases. (HIV/AIDS, etc,.) it will also cover three major agencies in social
behaviour, that is the school setting as well as the interacting processes in the
environment in which people live.
ADE 605-12: M. Ed Dissertation: AB
Each student, irrespective of his/her specialization area, will be expected to engage in a
practical research activity, under the guidance of a supervisor, leading to the production
of a dissertation, which shall follow the Institute‚s guidelines and procedures. The topic
of such dissertation must have direct relationship to the chosen area of specialization of
the student. The dissertation, which will be produced during the third and last year of
study and having a minimum of 150 pages, appropriately bound to the specifications of
the Institute and/or the Board of Postgraduate Studies, will have to be orally defended.
The oral defence, which will be before a panel of examining committee to be composed
by the Dean of the Institute will be done after such dissertation has been positively
assessed by the External Examiner to the Institute.