Last time. Introduced partial derivatives like
of scalar-valued functions Rn → R, also called
scalar fields on Rn .
Thus, whereas f was a scaler field, its gradient ∇f
is a vector field.
defined by the partial derivatives is a good approx- In summary, for scalar-valued functions f :
imation of f at (a, b) in the sense that Rn → R, the gradient
f (x, y) − h(x, y)
∂f ∂f ∂f
lim = 0. ∇f = (fx1 , fx2 , . . . , fxn ) = , ,...,
(x,y)→(a,b) k(x, y) − (a, b)k ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂xn
Then, when a function is differentiable, we’ll take
is the derivative.
the gradient, ∇f , which is the vector of partial
derivatives, to be the derivative. Math 131 Home Page at
Most common functions are differentiable.
Partial derivatives are easy to compute, so it’s easy
to show the first condition of differentiability is sat-
isfied just by exhibiting the derivatives. We expect
the second condition to usually hold, and it does. A
useful theorem (which we won’t prove), says that
if the partial derivatives are continuous, then the
second condition holds, so the function is differen-
tiable. That means, in practice, that the partial
derivatives are enough.