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The voltage on Cp1 is also the voltage on the capacitor C1 . Equation (10) indicates that the output current (−I2 ) leads
So the voltage on C2 can be expressed as the input voltage V1 by 90°. In the H-bridge diode rectifier, the
1/C2 1/C2 −Cf 1 output current (−I2 ) and the output voltage V2 are in phase.
Vc2 = · VC 1 = · · V1 . Therefore, the output voltage V2 is leading the input voltage V1
1/Cs + 1/C2 1/Cs + 1/C2 Cp1
(4) by 90°.
Considering the expression (1), the voltage on C2 can be Second, Fig. 2(c) is used to calculate the input current and
further simplified as input power. It needs to be emphasized again that the input
current only depends on the output voltage as shown in Fig. 2(c).
−Cs · Cf 1 Similarly to the previous analysis, the input current I1 can be
Vc2 = · V1 . (5)
C1 Cs + C2 Cs + C1 C2 expressed as
Since L1 and L2 are magnetically coupled and there is current −VC f 1 −jωCs · Cf 1 Cf 2 · V2 −jM12 V2
flow through L1 , there is also a voltage difference between the I1 = = + . (13)
jωLf 1 C1 Cs + C2 Cs + C1 C2 ωLf 1 Lf 2
two terminals of L2 . The dot end connection in Fig 2(b) deter-
mines the direction of this voltage. So the voltage on L2 can be This equation shows that the output voltage V2 is leading the
expressed as input current I1 by 90°. Since the previous analysis proves that
M12 the output voltage V2 is also leading the input voltage V1 by
VL 2 = · VL 1 = ω 2 M12 Cf 1 V1 . (6) 90°, the input voltage V1 and current I1 are in phase with each
other. Therefore, the input power can be expressed as
M12 is the mutual inductance, which is written as
Pin = |V1 | · |I1 | · cos(ϕV 1 − ϕI 1 ) = |V1 | · |I1 | . (14)
M12 = k L1 · L2 (7)
Expression (15) shows that unity power factor is realized
where k is the coupling coefficient. With the expression of (5)
at the input side and there is no reactive power injected into
and (6), the voltage on Cf 2 can be expressed as
the resonant tank. Therefore, there is no extra conduction loss
−Cs · Cf 1 · V1 induced by the circulating reactive current, and the efficiency of
VCf2 = VC 2 − VL 2 = − ω 2 M12 Cf 1 V1 .
C1 Cs + C2 Cs + C1 C2 the resonant circuit can be very high.
(8) Combining (13) and (14), the input power is further expressed
Equation (8) indicates that the polarity connection of L2 has as
to be the same as shown in Fig. 2(b). Otherwise, the voltage VC 2
ωCs · Cf 1 Cf 2 · |V1 | |V2 | M12 · |V1 | |V2 |
and VL 2 will be canceled, and the output power is, therefore, Pin = |V1 | · |I1 | = + .
reduced. C1 Cs + C2 Cs + C1 C2 ωLf 1 Lf 2
The voltage on Cf 2 is the same as the voltage on Lf 2 , so the
Comparing (11) and (15), it shows that the input power is the
output side current I2 can be expressed as
same as the output power, which is consistent with the previous
−VC f 2 Cs · Cf 1 · V1 /(jωLf 2 ) ω 2 M12 Cf 1 V1 assumption that the losses in all the components are neglected.
I2 = = + .
jωLf 2 C1 Cs + C2 Cs + C1 C2 jωLf 2 According to Dai and D.C. Ludois [30], the relationship between
(9) C1 , C2 , and Cs satisfies C1 Cs and C2 Cs . So (11) and
Considering the parallel resonance between Lf 2 and Cf 2 and (15) can be further simplified as
the expression (1), (9) can be simplified as √
Cf 1 Cf 2 k L1 L2
−jωCs · Cf 1 Cf 2 · V1 −jM12 · V1 Pin = Pout ≈ ωCs · · |V1 | |V2 | + · |V1 | |V2 | .
I2 = + . (10) C1 C2 ωLf 1 Lf 2
C1 Cs + C2 Cs + C1 C2 ωLf 1 Lf 2 (16)
As an H-bridge diode rectifier is used in Fig. 1 at the output
side, the fundamental output current (−I2 ) and output voltage III. INDUCTIVE AND CAPACITIVE COUPLER DESIGN
V2 are in phase with each other. Therefore, the output power can
A. Inductive Coupler Design
be expressed as
The switching frequency needs to be specified at the begin-
ωCs · Cf 1 Cf 2 |V1 | |V2 |
Pout = |V2 | · |(−I2 )| = ning of the coupler design. From (12), PCPT is proportional
C1 Cs + C2 Cs + C1 C2 to the coupling capacitor Cs , which is usually in the picofarad
M12 |V1 | |V2 | range, so the switching frequency has to be increased to the MHz
+ . (11)
ωLf 1 Lf 2 level to achieve the desired power transfer by the capacitors.
Since the inductive couplers (coils) share the same frequency as
In expression (11), the first term is determined by the capac-
the capacitive couplers (plates), the switching frequency should
itive power transfer, and the second term is determined by the
be limited to reduce the skin effect. As a result, the frequency is
⎧ set to 1 MHz.
⎪ ωCs · Cf 1 Cf 2 · |V1 | · |V2 |
⎨ PCPT = C C + C C + C C
The contribution of this paper mainly lies in the validation
1 s 2 s 1 2
. (12) of the IPT-CPT combined system. For simplicity, shielding of
⎪ M · |V | · |V | the leakage magnetic field is not considered in the coil design.
⎩ PIPT = 12 1 2
ωLf 1 Lf 2 According to a previous study, the ferrite and aluminum plate
Fig. 3. Dimension of the coils. (a) 3-D view of the coils. (b) Front view of the Fig. 4. Maxwell simulation of the coupling coefficient and self-inductance.
coils. (a) Coupling coefficient at different dimensions. (b) Self-inductance at different
can be used together to shield the leakage field and they will The circuit model of the plate is shown in Fig. 6. To simplify
incur 1%–3% extra loss, depending on the structure [33]. the design process, the coupler is symmetric with respect to
The dimension of the coil is shown in Fig. 3(a) and (b), where the primary and secondary sides. All six mutual capacitances
d1 is the outer length of the coil, d2 is the inner length, d is the between each two plates are illustrated in Fig. 6. Because of
air gap, and w is the coil width. The width ratio is defined as the symmetry, C12 = C34 and C14 = C23 . In the equivalent
rw = w/d1 . The coil has a square shape, and the air-gap distance circuit, C1 = C2 . It needs to be emphasized that C13 and C24
is 150 mm. The coil thickness has a little effect on the coupling do not have to be equal; the same for Cs1 and Cs2 . The nodal
coefficient, and is determined by the Litz-wire diameter. In this voltage method can be used to derive the relationship between
case, the thickness is 3.2 mm. the original model and the equivalent model. The equivalent
The coupling coefficient k and self-inductance Ls of the model is used in Section II-B.
coils are simulated in Maxwell, and shown in Fig. 4(a) and For the plates, there are three parameters that need to be
(b). Fig. 4(a) indicates that the coupling coefficient k is mostly determined: l1 , l2 , and dc . In this design, the outer plate length
determined by the coil outer length d1 . When d1 is between 300 is set to be 610 mm due to the space limitation. The other two
to 450 mm, k is in the range of 0.1 to 0.25. Fig. 4(b) shows that parameters, l2 and dc , are varied to find the best dimensions.
the self-inductance Ls can be regulated by varying the width All the mutual capacitances can be obtained from Maxwell
ratio rw without affecting coupling coefficient. and converted to equivalent parameters. The plate ratio rp is
In the IPT-CPT combined system, the coils resonate with the defined as rp = l2 /l1 . The capacitances Cs = Cs1 Cs2 /(Cs1 +
metal plates. Therefore, the coil size cannot be decided with- Cs2 ) and C1,2 are shown in Fig. 7. This figure indicates that Cs
out considering the dimension of the plates. The balancing of is not highly sensitive to the plate distance dc .
the output power of the IPT and CPT system is also an im- The plate ratio is set to 0.75 to maximize the coupling capac-
portant specification. The coil dimensions will be determined in itance. The parameter dc is, therefore, the only parameter that
Section IV, where a specific 3.0-kW design example is provided. needs to be determined. It is used to determine the capacitances
C1,2 , and, hence, the resonance with the inductive coils. In Sec-
tion IV, the distance dc will be determined in a 3.0-kW design
B. Capacitive Coupler Design example.
Four metal plates are used to form capacitors to transfer power
through electric fields, and they are separated into two pairs IV. 3.0-KW EXAMPLE FOR EV CHARGING
at the primary and secondary. The structure of the capacitive
coupler is shown in Fig. 5, where l1 is the length of the outer A. Power Ratio of the IPT and CPT System
plate, l2 is the length of the inner plate, dc is the distance between This system utilizes both inductive and capacitive coupling
the inner and outer plate, and d is the air-gap distance same as to transfer power. It is important to determine the power ratio of
the inductive coupler. The plate thickness is set to be 2 mm. each part, which is the percentage of their contributions. Since
Fig. 5. Dimension of the plates. (a) 3-D view of the plates. (b) Front view of
the Plates.
In Fig. 14, the red curve is the square wave input voltage V1
provided by the inverter, and the pink curve is the sinusoidal
current I1 injected into the resonant tank. The green curve is
the output square wave voltage V2 to the rectifier, and the blue
curve is the driver signal to one of the MOSFETs. It shows
that the input voltage and current are almost in phase, so the
system achieves unity power factor. There is little reactive power
injected into the circuit, and the efficiency is maintained. The
output voltage V2 is 90° leading the input V1 , which agrees
with the analysis in Section II-C. Although there is noise in the
driver signal, its magnitude is within 3 V, which is lower than
the threshold voltage of MOSFETs. Therefore, it is safe to use
Fig. 15. Measured output power and efficiency for IPT and CPT system.
this signal as driver. (a) IPT + CPT system. (b) Only IPT system. (c). Only CPT system.
Fig. 15(a) shows the relationship between the output power
and efficiency of the IPT and CPT combined system. In the
increases to 20 cm, the capacitive coupler can maintain 80.2%
well-aligned case, the output power reaches a maximum of
of the well-aligned power, and the inductive coupler can only
2.84 kW with an efficiency of 94.45%. When both the inductive
maintain 38.5% of the original power. Therefore, the import
and capacitive couplers have 20-cm misalignment, the output
of the capacitive coupler to the IPT system can improve the
power drops to 1.35 kW, and the efficiency drops to 91.49%.
misalignment ability of the system.
Fig. 15(b) shows the output power and efficiency of the IPT
system. In this case, the two pairs of plates are separated far
C. Comparison of Modeled and Experimental Performance
away to eliminate the capacitive coupling. Only the coils are
used to transfer power. When the coils are well aligned, the max- The experimental performance of the IPT and CPT combined
imum output power is 1.95 kW with an efficiency of 94.89%. system is compared to the modeled and simulated system in
When the coils have 20-cm misalignment, the output power is Section IV. The comparisons include the input voltage and cur-
0.75 kW, and the efficiency drops to 91.68%. rent waveforms and the system power and power distribution at
Fig. 15(c) shows the output power and efficiency of the CPT different misalignment conditions.
system. In this case, the two coils are separated to eliminate the Fig. 16 shows the comparison of the input voltage and current
inductive coupling. Only the metal plates are used to transfer waveforms between the simulated and experimental results, and
power. When the plates are well aligned, the maximum output they agree well with each other. The dashed blue curve is the
power is 0.86 kW with the efficiency of 93.04%. When the plates simulated input voltage, which is a square wave to accelerate
have 20-cm misalignment, the output power is 0.69 kW, and the calculation speed. The solid red curve is the experimental input
efficiency drops to 91.18%. voltage, which has a pulse at the switching transient. This is
The output power in Fig. 15(a) is the sum of the output power because there is voltage stress on the MOSFETs at the turn-on
in Fig. 15(b) and (c), which shows that both the inductive and transient, which can induce some switching losses. However,
capacitive coupler can transfer power in the combined system. the magnitude of the pulse is lower than 50 V, so the induced
The capacitive coupler has better misalignment ability when power loss can be neglected. The dashed green curve and solid
compared to the inductive coupler. When the misalignment pink curve are the simulated and experimental input current,
This paper proposes a wireless power transfer system that
combines inductive and capacitive power transfer. The innova-
tion is that the inductive coupler and capacitive coupler resonate
together, using the compensation components to transfer power.
An LC compensation topology is required at both the primary
and secondary sides. The working principle of the IPT + CPT
system is analyzed to derive the expression of the output power
and the system design process. The inductive and capacitive
couplers are designed using 3-D simulations in Maxwell. A
3.0-kW prototype is constructed to verify the proposed con-
cept. The output power of the combined system is the sum of
the IPT and CPT systems. The high voltage between the metal
plates is an important safety concern in application. In the fu-
Fig. 17. Comparison of experiment and calculation results. (a) Output power ture, the system will be optimized to reduce the voltage and the
of IPT and CPT combined system. (b) Power ratio between IPT and CPT system.
corresponding radiated EMI. Also, the inductive and capacitive
coupler can be constructed together to make the system more
respectively. The cut off currents of the switching transient are compact.
the same.
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Heath Hofmann (M’89–SM’15) received the B.S. Chunting Chris Mi (S’00–M’01–SM’03–F’12) re-
degree in electrical engineering from The University ceived the B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees in electrical
of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA, in 1992, and the engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical Uni-
M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering and versity, Xi’an, China, and the Ph.D. degree in elec-
computer science from the University of California, trical engineering from the University of Toronto,
Berkeley, CA, USA, in 1997 and 1998, respectively. Toronto, ON, Canada, in 1985, 1988, and 2001,
He is currently an Associate Professor with the respectively.
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. His He was with University of Michigan, Dearborn,
research interests include the design, analysis, and MI, USA, from 2001 to 2015. He was the President
control of electromechanical systems, and power and Chief Technical Officer of 1 Power Solutions,
electronics. Inc., from 2008 to 2011. He is the Cofounder of Gan-
non Motors and Controls LLC and Mia Motors, Inc. He is currently a Professor
and Chair of electrical and computer engineering and the Director of the Depart-
ment of Energy—funded Graduate Automotive Technology Education Center
for Electric Drive Transportation, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA,
He has conducted extensive research and has published more than 100 jour-
nal papers. He has taught tutorials and seminars on the subject of HEVs/PHEVs
for the Society of Automotive Engineers, the IEEE, workshops sponsored by
the National Science Foundation, and the National Society of Professional En-
gineers. He has delivered courses to major automotive OEMs and suppliers,
including GM, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Hyundai, Tyco Electronics, A&D Tech-
nology, Johnson Controls, Quantum Technology, Delphi, and the European
Ph.D. School. He has offered tutorials in many countries, including the U.S.,
China, Korea, Singapore, Italy, France, and Mexico. He has published more than
100 articles and delivered 30 invited talks and keynote speeches. He has also
served as a Panelist in major IEEE and SAE conferences. His research interests
include electric drives, power electronics, electric machines, renewable-energy
systems, and electrical and hybrid vehicles.
Dr. Mi received the “Distinguished Teaching Award” and the “Distinguished
Research Award” of the University of Michigan Dearborn. He also received the
2007 IEEE Region 4 “Outstanding Engineer Award,” the “IEEE Southeastern
Michigan Section Outstanding Professional Award,” and the “SAE Environ-
mental Excellence in Transportation.”