Analysis and Design of Inductive and Capacitive Hybrid Wireless Power Transfer System For Railway Application
Analysis and Design of Inductive and Capacitive Hybrid Wireless Power Transfer System For Railway Application
Analysis and Design of Inductive and Capacitive Hybrid Wireless Power Transfer System For Railway Application
3, MAY/JUNE 2020
Abstract—Inductive power transfer (IPT) and capacitive power contact network supply method and is a significant development
transfer (CPT) are mainly two effective ways to achieve wireless direction of railway power supply in the future [2], [3].
power transfer (WPT). IPT system needs capacitor to compensate At present, inductive power transfer (IPT) and capacitive
the system, while the CPT system requires inductor to tune the
system. Therefore, IPT coupler can be used to compensate the CPT power transfer (CPT) are mainly two methods to realize WPT
coupler and vice versa. In this article, an inductive and capacitive and both can achieve high-power and long-airgap transmission
hybrid wireless power transfer (HWPT) system is proposed to im- [4], [5]. IPT has been well researched in the previous study and
prove the system coupler antimisalignment ability. The couplers of is ready to be widely used in practical applications [6], [7]. Typ-
IPT and CPT are employed together to compensate each other and ically, an IPT system consists of a pair of loosely-coupled coils
transfer power together. Superposition theory is used to analyze
the system working principle in detail. With the analysis results, as transmitter and receiver. When currents are flowing through
a scaled-down system is built to validate the performance of the those coils, an alternative magnetic field will be generated and
proposed approach. Experimental results show that the proposed provides a wireless transfer channel for IPT system. IPT system
HWPT system can achieve 653 W output power with 87.7% dc–dc can be regarded as a separated transformer. The difference is that
efficiency at the well-aligned condition, and the maximum variation the coupling coefficient of the transformer is nearly one while it
of the output power is 8.3% with the coupler misalignment from
0 to 270 mm (halfwidth of the coupler), which agree well with the is usually lower than 0.3 of the IPT system [8], [9]. Therefore, the
analysis results. resonance technology is introduced to compensate the leakage
inductor [10], [11]. The commonly used topologies in the IPT
Index Terms—Capacitive power transfer (CPT), hybrid wireless
power transfer (HWPT), inductive power transfer (IPT), wireless
system are SS, SP, PS, PP, or double-sided LCC compensation
power transfer (WPT). topology [12].
Compared with the IPT system, the research of the CPT
system started relatively late. Because of the low cost, low
I. INTRODUCTION weight, and low eddy-current loss in nearby metals, the CPT
HE rapid development of power electronics, especially system is becoming a research hotspot in the WPT field [13].
T switching devices, is driving the advancement of wireless
power transfer (WPT) in recent years, which can realize the
CPT uses an electric field to transfer power. Therefore, only the
thin and cheap metal plates are used to build the transfer coupler.
transmission of electric power in a noncontact manner [1]. WPT Due to the small air dielectric coefficient, the equivalent coupling
technology used in the rail power supply system can avoid capacitance of the CPT system is usually at pF level when the
the wear and instability problems caused by the traditional transfer distance reaches several hundred mm [14]. Therefore,
both high plate voltages and working frequency are required to
achieve high-power transfer. The plate voltage is generally up to
Manuscript received August 5, 2019; revised November 22, 2019; accepted
February 4, 2020. Date of publication March 6, 2020; date of current version several kV, and the frequency is up to hundreds of kHz or MHz
April 24, 2020. Paper 2019-TSC-1049.R1, presented at the 2019 IEEE Applied levels [15]. To resonant the CPT system and provide high plate
Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, Anaheim, CA, USA, Mar. 17– voltages, different topologies such as double-sided LCLC, LCL,
21, and approved for publication in the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY
APPLICATIONS BY the Transportation Systems Committee of the IEEE Industry or double LC topology are adopted [16], [17].
Applications Society.This work was supported in part by the National Key As mentioned above, the IPT system exists a large amount of
Research and Development Program of China (2017YFB1201002), in part by inductive reactance. Therefore, the capacitive matching network
the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 51977184 and
51677155, and in part by the Applied Basic Research Programs of Science and is used to resonant IPT system. For the CPT system, inductive
Technology Commission Foundation of Sichuan Province (2018JY0586) and in compensation is required to cancel the capacitive reactance
part by China Scholarship Council. (Corresponding author: Ruikun Mai.) introduced by the CPT coupler. The CPT system is the duality
The authors are with the School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest
Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 611756, China (e-mail: lb2010@my. of the IPT system [17]. Considering those characters of IPT;;; 513249908@qq. and CPT system, it is meaningful to construct the IPT and
com;; CPT hybrid wireless power transfer (HWPT) system to achieve
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article are available online
at power transfer through IPT and CPT channel simultaneously.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2020.2979110 The IPT coupler and CPT coupler can be used to compensate
0093-9994 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
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Fig. 3. Five capacitor model of CPT coupler. Fig. 6. Excited by input voltage UO .
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ω(C1 C2 + C1 CM + C2 CM )
= UIN UO (9)
|ω 2 M (C1 C2 + C1 CM + C2 CM ) − CM |
where UIN and UO are root mean square (RMS) values of UIN
and UO separately.
When C1 is equal to C2 and equal to CE , the transfer power
can be simplified as
P = (10)
|A − B|
where A and B are defined as
ω(2CE + CE
2 /C )
B = ωM.
Fig. 7. Structure of the HWPT system coupler. (a) Three dimensional (3-D)
A and B determine the system transfer capability through the view. (b) View from YZ-plane. (c) View from XY-plane.
CPT and IPT channel, respectively. When the misalignment of
the hybrid coupler increases, system parameters CM , M will de-
crease, which results in the decline of A and B together. However,
of the HWPT system is fixed at 1 MHz. Transmitter plate P2
the difference between A and B can maintain nearly constant
and receiving plate P3 are made of square aluminum plates
by choosing proper compensation parameters. Therefore, the
with the same size of 500 × 500 mm. Two larger aluminum
output of the proposed system can keep roughly constant so that
plates with 600 × 600 mm are used to simulate the vehicle
the coupler antimisalignment performance can be improved.
P1 and ground P4 . The thickness of all plates is 1 mm. The
inner diameter of the coupling coils is 510 mm. The designed
III. EXAMPLE OF SYSTEM DESIGN system result will determine the outer diameter of the coupling
To validate the proposed system, a scaled-down system is coils. Litz wire is used to model the wheels that connect P1
designed. The structure of the developed system coupler is and P4 directly. The external capacitors Cex1 and Cex2 are both
shown in Fig. 7, and the dimensions of the HWPT system 183 pF. Since the opposing area between coils and plates is small
coupler are given in Table I. The transmitter side of the coupler and the separated distance d2 between them is 20 mm, parasitic
is designed to be symmetric to the receiving side to simplify capacitances between those are neglected.
the system design process. Usually, the working frequency of As shown in (9), the output power of the HWPT system is
the IPT channel is several tens of kHz. While considering the determined by |A − B| when the input and output voltages are
small mutual capacitor when transfer airgap is up to the hundred specified. Therefore, two cases (A > B and A < B) should be
mm level, the switching frequency is traditionally set to several considered to design the HWPT system. As shown in (9), the
hundred kHz to MHz to achieve enough transfer power for the transfer capability through CPT is more significant than that
CPT channel. Therefore, in this article, the operating frequency through the IPT channel when A > B and vice versa. Both two
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Fig. 11. Normalized values of A-B under misalignment with different coil
turns N.
Fig. 9. Simulated capacitor values.
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Fig. 14. Experimental prototype of the HWPT system. (a) Scaled-down ex-
perimental prototype of an HWPT system. (b) Coupler of the HWPT system.
system can achieve a unity power factor. The input and output
voltage are both 200 V, and the current RMS of inverter and
Fig. 12. Variations of A and B under misalignment. rectifier are both 3.89 A. Therefore, the simulated output power
can be derived as 700 W, which is consistent with the calculated
With the designed parameter in Table II, a downsized proto-
type of the inductive and capacitive HWPT system is constructed
and shown in Fig. 14. Since the skin deep of copper wire is 66 μm
when the switching frequency is 1 MHz, the 1500-stand AWG 46
Litz wire with 50 μm diameter is used to make IPT coupling coils
and this kind of Litz wire is wounded on the polyvinyl chloride
cube to form the air-core compensation inductor L1 and L2 to
reduce the inductance loss. The compensation capacitors are
formed by high-frequency and high-power thin-film capacitors
Fig. 13. Simulated input and output waveforms.
from KEMET. The dissipation factor is nearly 0.2% at 1 MHz,
which can be used to estimate the power loss of the compensation
capacitor, and the digital controller TMS28335 is used to set
decrease from 16.04 to 4.84 and the variation rate is 69.8%. How- the switching frequency. Since the high frequency working
ever, the value of A-B increases from 46.22 to 49.58 and then property, wide bandgap devices silicon carbide (SiC) MOSFETs
decrease to 41.85 when misalignment ranges from 0–270 mm. C2M0080120D from CREE are used to construct the inverter on
The maximum rate is about 9.5%. Therefore, the inductive the transmitter side, and the on-state resistance is 128 mΩ. The
and capacitive HWPT system achieves high antimisalignment SiC diodes from Global Power are adopted to make the rectifier
performance. in the receiver side, and the forward voltage drop of the rectifier
MATLAB/Simulink is used to simulate the system working diode is 2 V.
performance with the designed HWPT system parameters in
Table II. And the input and output waveforms of simulated
A. Well-Aligned Experiment Results
results are shown in Fig. 13.
Fig. 13 shows that the input and output voltage is in phase When the transmitter and receiver are well aligned, the ex-
with the currents, respectively. Therefore, the proposed HWPT perimental results are shown in Fig. 15. Fig. 15(a) indicates that
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Fig. 15. Experimental results. (a) Waveforms of input and output. (b) Mea-
sured output power and efficiency.
VIN and I1 are almost in phase with each other, which consists
of the simulation results in Fig. 13. Fig. 15(a) also shows that
the input voltage VIN leads the output voltage VO nearly by 90°,
which also matches the analysis in (8).
With the power analyzer HIOKI PW6001, the voltages, cur-
rents, input–output power and dc–dc efficiency at the designed Fig. 17. Measured output power and efficiency under misalignment.
transfer power are all measured and shown in Fig. 15(b). The
results show that the experimental system can achieve 653 W
output power and 745 W input power with nearly 200 V input Fig. 17 shows the measured and theoretical output power of
voltage and 200 V output voltage. The dc–dc efficiency is the HWPT system against the coupler misalignment with a range
87.70% in the nominal condition. of 0–270 mm. The variation trend of output power in the exper-
The contribution of the experimental system power loss is imental system is similar to the calculated results. Experiment
estimated at the nominal working point with the method in [27]. results show that the output power decreases from 653 to 598 W
Since the system can achieve a unity power factor, the power and then increases to 707 W when the misalignment ranges from
loss of inverter can be calculated by the on-state resistance. The 0 to 270 mm, which is nearly halfwidth of the coupler. The
power dismissed on the rectifier can be estimated by the forward maximum variation of output power is 8.3% in our designed
voltage. The power loss in compensation capacitor, inductor, system. There is a little deviation between the calculation and
and transfer coils can be derived from their inner resistances, experiment results. The main reason is the component parasitic
which can be got from the datasheet and measurement and resistance and tolerance.
the remaining losses can be assumed in the coupling plates. When the misalignment is 270 mm, the input and output
The estimated results are shown in Fig. 16. Nearly 22% of the waveforms are shown in Fig. 18(a), there is no noticeable change
power loss is consumed in the inductor on the transmitter side. compared with Fig. 17(a). Since the system resonance condition
Therefore, it is meaningful to optimize the system parameter to does not change in this experiment, system efficiency can be kept
improve system efficiency in the future. which is 88.29% shown in Fig. 18(b).
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An inductive and capacitive HWPT system is proposed in this
Fig. 18. Measured waveforms and system parameters when misalignment is article. The coupler of IPT and CPT channel can be adopted to
270 mm. (a) Waveforms of input and output. (b) Measured output power and
efficiency. compensate each other. The interaction of two transfer channels
of the proposed HWPT system ensures the output power ap-
proximately constant in the case of the coupler misalignment.
can be derived as
With the superposition theory, the proposed system is analyzed
UIN UO in detail. Then, a scaled system is designed. To verify the
PIPT = . (11)
ωM performance of the proposed HWPT system, an experiment is
When CPT works only, transfer coils are removed, and only set up. Experiment results show that the proposed HWPT system
CPT coupler is used, and the output power is shown as can achieve 653 W output power with 87.7% dc–dc efficiency
at the well-aligned condition. When the coupler misalignment
ω(C1 C2 + C1 CM + C2 CM ) is 0–270 mm, the variation of the experimental system is only
PCPT = UIN UO . (12)
CM 8.3%, the variation trend of the measured result agrees well with
Since C1 CM and C2 CM , (12) can be further simpli- the analysis. At the same misalignment condition, only IPT and
fied as CPT coupled systems are also tested, and experimental results
show that the maximum variation of the output power of the
C1 C2
PCPT ≈ ω UIN UO . (13) single-coupled IPT or CPT is 232% and 33%, separately. There-
CM fore, the proposed HWPT system owes high antimisalignment
Therefore, the output power of a single IPT or CPT system performance. In the future, the HWPT system parameters will
will both decrease because of the decline of M and CM when be optimized to improve system efficiency.
misalignment happens.
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