Basic Biochemistry
Basic Biochemistry
Basic Biochemistry
• Element
– is a substance that can not be broken down into simpler
substances. Example: oxygen (O), hydrogen (H), carbon
• Molecules
– Are the smallest units of a compound that still have the
properties of that compound. (in H2O, the ratio of H and O
is 2:1, so the formula is H2O)
• Ions
– Electrically charged (+/-) molecules are called IONS
Review: Basic Chemistry
• Acids and Bases
– Two common groups of compounds that react
in water are ACIDS and BASES
– Diffusion : movement of a
molecule/substance from a
higher to a lower
– Osmosis : movement of
water molecules through a
semi-permeable membrane
from a higher to a lower
water concentration
What is Biochemistry?
• Biochemistry is the study of the chemical
interactions of living things.
Polarity of Water
• In a water molecule two hydrogen atoms form
single polar covalent bonds with an oxygen
atom. Gives water more structure than other
– Because oxygen is more electronegative, the region
around oxygen has a partial negative charge.
– The region near the two hydrogen atoms has a
partial positive charge.
• A water molecule is a polar molecule with
opposite ends of the molecule with opposite
• Water has a variety of unusual properties
because of attractions between these polar
– The slightly negative regions of one molecule are
attracted to the slightly positive regions of nearby
molecules, forming a hydrogen bond.
– Each water molecule
can form hydrogen
bonds with up to
four neighbors.
Some Biologically Important H-bonds
Importance of Hydrogen Bonds
Water as a Solvent
Approximate Bond Distance,
Strength, kJ/mole nm
12-30 0.3
20 0.25
<40 -
Evaporative Cooling
• The cooling of a
surface occurs when
the liquid evaporates
• This is responsible for:
– Moderating earth’s
– Stabilizes
temperature in
aquatic ecosystems
– Preventing organisms
from overheating
Density of Water
• Most dense at 4oC
• Contracts until 4oC
• Expands from 4oC to
Fig. 3.5
Solvent for Life
• Solution
– Solute
– solvent
• Aqueous solution
• Hydrophilic
– Ionic compounds
dissolve in water
– Polar molecules
(generally) are water
• Hydrophobic
– Nonpolar compounds
Concentration of a Solution
The concentration of a material in solution is called its molarity.
A one molar solution has one mole of a substance dissolved in one liter of
solvent, typically water.
Dissociation of Water Molecules
• Occasionally, a hydrogen atom shared by two
water molecules shifts from one molecule to the
– The hydrogen atom leaves its electron behind and is
transferred as a single proton - a hydrogen ion (H+).
– The water molecule that lost a proton is now a
hydroxide ion (OH-).
– The water
molecule with
the extra proton
is a hydronium
ion (H3O+).
• A simpler way to view this process is that a water
molecule dissociates into a hydrogen ion and a
hydroxide ion:
– H2O <=> H+ + OH-
• This reaction is reversible.
• At equilibrium the concentration of water
molecules greatly exceeds that of H+ and OH-.
• In pure water only one water molecule in every
554 million is dissociated.
– At equilibrium, the concentration of H+ or OH- is
10-7M (25°C) .
Acids and Bases
• An acid is a substance that
increases the hydrogen ion
concentration in a solution.
• Any substance that reduces the
hydrogen ion concentration in a
solution is a base.
– Some bases reduce H+ directly by
accepting hydrogen ions.
pH Scale
• The pH scale in any aqueous solution :
– [ H+ ] [OH-] = 10-14
• Measures the degree of acidity (0 – 14)
• Most biologic fluids are in the pH range
from 6 – 8
• Each pH unit represents a tenfold
difference (scale is logarithmic)
– A small change in pH actually indicates a
substantial change in H+ and OH-
How much greater is the [ H+ ] in a solution
with pH 2 than in a solution with pH 6?
pH of 2 = [ H+ ] of 1.0 x 10-2 = 1/100 M
pH of 6 = [ H+ ] of 1.0 x 10-6 = 1/1,000,000 M
10,000 times greater
• A substance that eliminates large sudden changes
in pH.
• Buffers help organisms maintain the pH of body
fluids within the narrow range necessary for life.
– Are combinations of H+ acceptors and donors
forms in a solution of weak acids or bases
– Work by accepting H+ from solutions when they
are in excess and by donating H+ when they
have been depleted.
Acid Precipitation
• Rain, snow or fog with more strongly acidic than pH
of 5.6
• West Virginia has recorded 1.5
• East Tennessee reported 4.2 in 2000
• Occurs when sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides react
with water in the atmosphere
– Lowers pH of soil which affects mineral solubility
– decline of forests
– Lower pH of lakes and ponds – In the Western
Adirondack Mountains, there are lakes with a pH
<5 that have no fish.
Water as a Reactant
Where Chemistry & Biology Meet
• Living things require millions of
chemical reactions just to survive.
• Metabolism = all the chemical reactions
occurring in the body.
• Organic molecules:
– usually associated with living things.
– always contain CARBON.
– are “large” molecules, with many atoms
– always have covalent bonds (share electrons)
What is Biochemistry
• Biochemistry is the application of chemistry to the
study of biological processes at the cellular and
molecular level.
Plasma Membrane
A lipid/protein/carbohydrate complex, providing a barrier and
containing transport and signaling systems.
Double membrane surrounding the chromosomes and the nucleolus.
Pores allow specific communication with the cytoplasm. The
nucleolus is a site for synthesis of RNA making up the ribosome
Surrounded by a double membrane with a series of folds
called cristae. Functions in energy production through metabolism.
Contains its own DNA, and is believed to have originated as a
captured bacterium.
Chloroplasts (plastids)
Surrounded by a double membrane, containing stacked thylakoid
membranes. Responsible for photosynthesis, the trapping of light
energy for the synthesis of sugars. Contains DNA, and like
mitochondria is believed to have originated as a captured
Golgi apparatus
A series of stacked membranes. Vesicles (small membrane
surrounded bags) carry materials from the RER to the Golgi
apparatus. Vesicles move between the stacks while the proteins are
"processed" to a mature form. Vesicles then carry newly formed
membrane and secreted proteins to their final destinations including
secretion or membrane localization.
A membrane bound organelle that is responsible for degrading
proteins and membranes in the cell, and also helps degrade materials
ingested by the cell.
Membrane surrounded "bags" that contain water and storage
materials in plants.
Peroxisomes or Microbodies
Produce and degrade hydrogen peroxide, a toxic
compound that can be produced during metabolism.
Cell wall
Plants have a rigid cell wall in addition to their cell membranes
enclosed by the plasma membrane, liquid portion called cytosol
and it houses the membranous organelles.
Arrays of protein filaments in the cytosol. Gives the cell its
shape and provides basis for movement.
E.g. microtubules and microfilaments.
• Store energy in the form of starch (photosynthesis in
plants) or glycogen (in animals and humans).
• Provide energy through metabolism pathways and cycles.
• Supply carbon for synthesis of other compounds.
• Form structural components in cells and tissues.
• Intercellular communications
Fatty acids
• Storage of energy in the form of fat
• Membrane structures
• Insulation (thermal blanket)
• Synthesis of hormones
Biochemical Reactions
• Metabolism: total sum of the chemical reaction happening in a
living organism (highly coordinated and purposeful activity)
a. Anabolism- energy requiring biosynthetic pathways
b. Catabolism- degradation of fuel molecules and the production of
energy for cellular function
2. Elimination Reactions
• Double bond is formed when atoms in a molecule is removed
3. Addition Reactions:
• Two molecules combine to form a single product.
• A. Hydration Reactions
• Water added to alkene > alcohol (common addition rxn)
4. Isomerization Reactions.
• Involve intramolecular shift of atoms or groups
6. Hydrolysis reactions
• Cleavage of double bond by water.
Energy for Cells
1. Synthesis of bio-molecules
3. Cell Movement
- Organised movement- most obvious characteristics of living
cells. The intricate and coordinated activities required to
sustain life require the movement of cell components.
4. Waste Removal
- Animal cells convert food molecules into CO2, H20 & NH3. If
these not disposed properly can be toxic.
Macromolecules of Cells
• Macro = large
• 4 types of macromolecules
1. Carbohydrates
2. Lipids
3. Proteins
4. Nucleic Acids
Macromolecule #1: Carbohydrates
• Polysaccharide Examples:
–Glycogen— stored for future energy
needs. Found in liver, muscle & sperm.
–Cellulose— used to form fibers for plant
structures. Humans can’t digest (fiber).
Most abundant organic molecule.
–Chitin— exoskeletons of some crustaceans
& insects.
Macromolecule #2: Lipids
• Insoluble in water (think oil & water)
4 types:
– 1-triglycerides (fats & oils)
• (long-term energy storage, insulation)
– 2-phospholipids (cell membranes)
– 3-steroids (cell signaling)
• cholesterol molecules modified to form sex hormones.
(e.g. testosterone, estrogen, etc.)
– 4-waxes (protection, prevents water loss)
• Used mainly by plants, but also bees, some furry
animals and humans.
Macromolecule #3: Proteins
• Most complicated of all biological molecules.
• Serve the most varied purposes, including:
Support structural proteins (e.g., keratin, collagen)