What is Management?
Management is essential for an organized life and necessary to run all types of management.
Good management is the backbone of successful organizations. Managing life means getting
things done to achieve life’s objectives and managing an organization means getting things done
with and through other people to achieve its objectives.
1. Planning
Planning is looking ahead. According to Henri Fayol, drawing up a good plan of action is the
hardest of the five functions of management. This requires an active participation of the entire
organization. With respect to time and implementation, planning must be linked to and
coordinated on different levels. Planning must take the organization’s available resources and
flexibility of personnel into consideration as this will guarantee continuity.
2. Organizing
An organization can only function well if it is well-organized. This means that there must be
sufficient capital, staff and raw materials so that the organization can run smoothly and that it
can build a good working structure. The organizational structure with a good division of
functions and tasks is of crucial importance. When the number of functions increases, the
organization will expand both horizontally and vertically. This requires a different type of
leadership. Organizing is an important function of the five functions of management.
3. Commanding
When given orders and clear working instructions, employees will know exactly what is required
of them. Return from all employees will be optimized if they are given concrete instructions with
respect to the activities that must be carried out by them. Successful managers have integrity,
communicate clearly and base their decisions on regular audits. They are capable of motivating a
team and encouraging employees to take initiative.
4. Coordinating
When all activities are harmonized, the organization will function better. Positive influencing of
employees behaviour is important in this. Coordination therefore aims at stimulating motivation
and discipline within the group dynamics. This requires clear communication and good
leadership. Only through positive employee behaviour management can the intended objectives
be achieved.
5. Controlling
By verifying whether everything is going according to plan, the organization knows exactly
whether the activities are carried out in conformity with the plan.
SWOT Analysis
SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities
and Threats, and a SWOT analysis examines these
factors for a given business, project, or personal
objective. The idea is to define a goal and then use the
analysis to determine what internal and external factors
may support or hinder that objective. Strengths and
weaknesses represent the internal factors affecting an
individual or organization, while opportunities and
threats constitute external, environmental factors. A
SWOT analysis helps to measure risks and rewards while
also identifying the key factors related to accomplishing
the stated objective. If done effectively, a SWOT analysis
should lead to a strategy for dealing with negative
factors while maximizing strengths and opportunities.
The more precise your SWOT analysis, the easier it will
be to create an action plan for accomplishing your goals.
Strengths Weaknesses
What advantages does What are people in your
your organization have? market likely to see as
Unique marketing skill weaknesses?
Lower cost of resources Poor marketing skill
Strong leadership style High cost of resources
Competent and Poor leadership style
qualified staff Incompetent and
More sources of finance unqualified staff
High quality products Limited sources of
Compliance to finance
environmental laws Low quality products
Non-compliance to
environmental laws
No Safety measures
Opportunities Threats
What good opportunities What obstacles do you
can you spot? face?
Introduction of Bad debt or cash-flow
automated machines problems
Exporting your product Introduction of
or entering into new alternative product by
market. Competitors
Employment of New environmental
competent and laws
qualified staff New government
Changes in government Policies
policy related to your Technological changes
field. Trade Union
Will adopt Safety